标记档案: Damon Holman

Wilder/Duhaupas group Throwdown Fantasy Game Co-winners announced

纽约 (十月 5, 2015) – For the third consecutive week, 该 $2000 Throwdown Fantasy Boxing Game produced first-time winners, Damon HolmanEsiah Camarena, who shared the $300.00 first-place prize for the most recent Wilder/Duhaupas group. The remaining $700 was won by the top 34 players. Usually between 20-30% 球员谁进入任何给定的比赛将赢得奖金. 该 $250 幻想自由辊游戏充满了一个多星期提前.
霍尔曼, 谁是一个长期的Throwdown幻想玩家, 喜欢的undercard因为, “它给我一个理由,现在看其中的一些非冠军卡在电视上。”
卡马雷纳是一个相当新的球员谁觉得Throwdown幻想, “增加了更多的打架这并不意味着尽可能多. 有在打一只狗, 可以这么说, 增加了更多的结果。”
有因伤缺阵的关键战斗的变化, which made playing even more challenging than normal. 事实上, 霍尔曼觉得他有正确的选秀权,但, 只剩 12 在受伤后,池战士, 他决定通过输入两次,以保护他的选择. 下面来看看原始字段:
弗雷德猫 VS. 罗伯特·Breazeale 是晚替换 贾马尔·琼斯 VS. 胡安·卡洛斯·Abreau. Players are advised to check for changes because they are allowed to change picks prior to games beginning. Below is a breakdown of the winners’ 精选.
The number of players continue to dramatically increase with each grouping. The quality of players has improved because none of the top six finishers from last week were listed among the All-Time, 顶 15 获奖者’ 名单.
Throwdown幻想拳击是在网上 www.ThrowdownFantasy.com 和拳击的备份拼预测最新的方法是简单的角色. 事实上, 它是一样简单 1-2-3: 1. 使用 $25,000 工资帽, 选择从游戏组五级斗士; 2. 得分可以实时跟踪, 赚取点,胜, 敲除等 Compubox 统计, 3. 得分最高分胜. 大多数游戏持续一个星期,每个有多个赢家. Click on the above link to watch a short video to learn how easy is to play:
战士接收基于对他们的表现如何分, 奖励拳每个款式 (见下图). Compubox 战斗的统计数据可用于研究在做出选择帮助 www.ThrowdownFantasy.com.
新的球员谁签署了现在就可以免费获得进入Throwdown幻想拳击的月 自由滚动 游戏, 其中Throwdown幻想提供了一个 $250 自由滚动,玩家可以进入使用Throwdown点 (3 注册后免费整) 和 $25.00 免费游戏. 报名和玩是免费的. People may register to play for free and then move onto paid games.
The next $1000 Throwdown Fantasy Boxing game is scheduled for Sept. 15-26, featuring heavyweight favorite Deontay怀尔德 VS. 弱旅 Johan Duhaupas in their world title fight, in one of nine fights to select fighters from in that group.
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Instagram的: @throwdownfantasyboxing