Arkivji Tag: Cory Devela



LAS VEGAS (Frar 3, 2016) -World Serje ta 'Fighting ( announced today the addition of three main card matchups, including a heavyweight co-main event contest between Josh “Cuddly Bear” Copeland(11-3) u Mike “300” Hayes (19-10-2), to its highly anticipated WSOF29: Gaethje vs. Foster world lightweight (155 liri) championship event at the Bank of Colorado Arena in Greeley, Lap. fuq IS-SIBT, Marzu 12, jgħixu fuq NBCSN fil 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT.

In other action on the four-bout live telecast that will be headlined by the lightweight championship showdown between reigning, undefeated kingpin Justin "Il-Highlight" Gaethje (15-0) and number one contender Brian Foster (25-9), middleweight (185 liri) standouts Cory "Il-One" Devela (15-6) u Louis "Handgunz" Taylor (11-3) will collide in their respective World Series of Fighting debuts.

Kicking off the live, four-fight telecast will be a welterweight (170 liri) scrap pitting Josh Cavan (11-6) kontra Kris Hocum (7-4).

Pprezzati minn $39.99, tickets for WSOF29: Gaethje vs. Foster, are on sale at and the University of Northern Colorado’s online ticketing platform.

Josh Copeland vs. Mike Hayes

The 6-foot-1 Copeland of Denver, Lap. is a former number one ranked heavyweight in his home state, and a four-time title holder since turning professional in 2010.

The 33-year-old, former Youth Ministry student at Dallas Baptist College, kiseb 8 ta 'dmirijietu 11 career victories as a professional by way of (T)KO jew is-sottomissjoni, ma 5 of those wins coming in less than 2 minuti.

A teammate of Gaethje’s at Grudge Training Center, Copeland will look to rebound from a second round (2:50) sottomissjoni (Kimura) defeat at the hands ofVitaly Minakov fuq Diċembru 11, a result that snapped a two-fight win streak for Copeland.

During his professional career spanning eight-plus years, the 6-foot-4, 35-year-old Hayes of Redmond, Aħsel. has faced off with elite level competition, including former world champion Andrei Arlovski and superstar Ruslan Magomedov, both of whom he fought to a decision.

Fuq Novembru 2, 2013, Hayes notched his most impressive victory to date, skorja devastanti, tielet rawnd (3:11) KO on decorated MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and wrestling champion Jeff “The Snowman” Monson with a head kick.

In his last start on June 4, 2015, Hayes produced another impressive result, fighting former South African national wrestling champion and four-time MMA titlistTrevor Prangley, to a draw.

Cory Devela vs. Louis Taylor

Il 6-marda ta '2, 31-year-old Devela of Bonney Lake, Ħasla., will enter the decagon cage in the midst of a four-fight win streak that includes a unanimous decision victory over superstar Nick “The Promise” Ring dwar Ġunju 26, 2015.

A longtime protégé of MMA superstar and submission expert Dennis "Superman" Hallman, Juri, who has notched 11 ta 'dmirijietu 16 karriera jirbaħ permezz ta ' (T)KO jew is-sottomissjoni, burst into the national spotlight at a Strikeforce promoted event in Tacoma, Aħsel. on February 23, 2008, skorja l-ewwel rawnd (1:22) TKO on heralded superstar Joe "Diżil" Riggs with a thunderous slam that rendered Riggs unable to continue fighting.

Devela’s recent ascendance that has him knocking on the door of becoming a world championship contender again, comes after he took an extended, three-year hiatus from competition to care for a sick loved one between 2010 u 2013.

Also looking to earn his fifth consecutive win, l 5--marda ta 11, 36-year-old Taylor of Chicago, Morda. is the number one ranked middleweight in his home state, according to the latest ratings.

A prolific striker who has finished 10 ta 'dmirijietu 11 opponents to date by way of (T)KO jew is-sottomissjoni, Taylor’s last four victories all came inside of the first round of battle.

Prior to becoming a mixed martial artist, Taylor was a wrestling standout for the NCAA Division I program at Eastern Illinois University where he benefited from training with fellow, former team member turned assistant coach Matt Hughes, who went on to become a two-time UFC champion and Hall of Fame member.

Josh Cavan vs. Kris Hocum

Fighting out of Denver, Cavan is a 5-foot-10, 32-il sena qodma, lifelong athlete who competed at the minor league level of professional hockey before turning his attention to MMA. A winner of 9 ta 'dmirijietu 11 professional career fights by way of (T)KO jew is-sottomissjoni, Cavan will look to bounce back from a second round (1:28) WHO (puntelli) defeat at the hands of Joe Eichelberger ta 'Novembru 6.

The 5-foot-11, 30-year-old Hocum of Fort Collins, Lap. made his professional debut on October 27, 2012 as a participant in a one-night, eight-man tournament, defeating multiple opponents to emerge the victor of the grueling affair. He will look to regain momentum after back-to-back losses in his last two appearances.

The WSOF29 preliminary bout card will be announced soon.


LAS VEGAS (Settembru 10, 2015) -World Serje ta 'Fighting ( ħabbret illum li tkun bil-linka ieħor par ta 'stilel rikonoxxuti - ħfief (155 liri) Caros "Il-Futur" Fodor u middleweight (185 liri) Cory "Il-One" Devela - Biex esklussiv, ftehimiet multi-sena. Each athlete’s promotional debut will be announced soon.

Fodor (10-4) tal Kirkland, Aħsel. tissieħeb ħuh, star jogħlew u ġellied kriminalità costumed Phoenix Jones aka Ben Fodor, fuq ir-roster Fighting World Series.

"Caros u Cory huma żewġ stilel imħawwar u jitwettqu fil-klassijiet ta 'piż rispettivi tagħhom, għalhekk huwa ta 'pjaċir li jilqgħu għalihom abbord,"Qal World Series tal-ġlieda kontra President Chiefs missier.

"Bil roster tagħna ta 'stilel,"Kapijiet Said, "U l-iskeda tagħna ta 'avvenimenti ħajjin u programmi televiżivi kollha li qed jikber malajr, dan huwa żmien aktar eċċitanti minn qatt qabel għall-World Series tal Fighting, u aħna kuntenti li jkunu kapaċi li jkollhom aktar u aktar stabbiliti talent bħal Caros u Cory tkun parti ta 'dak li aħna qed jibnu. "

Il Fodor 31-il sena, a protégé ta trainer famed Matt Hume, has won three of his last four bouts that took place over the course of a two-year stint competing in Asia. Fodor put himself on the map in 2010 wara l-iffirmar ma 'Strikeforce u tkebbib off ħames rebħiet konsekuttivi fuq it-televiżjoni nazzjonali filwaqt li jikkompetu għall-issa defunct, ex numru tnejn promozzjoni fid-dinja.

Fodor tiftaħar 70 rata finitura mija, wara li qala 5 ta 'dmirijietu 10 karriera jirbaħ permezz ta 'sottomissjoni u 2 jirbaħ billi (T)KO. Since he began his career as an amateur 10 snin ilu, huwa ma sofra eliminatorja.

Wkoll 31 snin qodma, Juri (15-6) tal Bonney Lag, Aħsel. huwa iggwidati mill guru lotta u MMA ass sottomissjoni Dennis "Superman" Hallman. Like Fodor, huwa stabbilit ismu ta 'età żgħira billi jikkompetu kontra l-kompetizzjoni ta' livell għoli fuq stadju maġġuri.

Juri, li se tfittex raba rebħa konsekuttiva tiegħu wara li jaqla 'deċiżjoni unanima fuq superstar Nick Ring fuq Ġunju 26, prodotta wieħed mill-mumenti memorabbli fl-istorja Strikeforce meta hu waqaf Joe "Diżil" Riggs ma 'korp slam vizzjuż fl-ewwel rawnd (1:22) tal matchup tagħhom fuq Frar 23, 2008.

Live World Series ta 'azzjoni Fighting jirritorna NBCSN fuq Il-ġimgħa, Seba. 18 fi 10 p.m. U/7 p.m. PT mal-tant mistenni "WSOF 23: Gaethje vs. Palomino II "avveniment doubleheader kampjonat mondjali li se jkunu headlined minn rematch kampjonat ħfief dinja bejn renjanti kingpin Justin "Il-Highlight" Gaethje(14-0) u hard-laqtu rivali Luis "babwini" Palomino (23-10).

Dwar World Series tal Fighting (WSOF)
“World Series tal Fighting” ( hija dinja kollha premier Arts Imħallat Martial professjonali (MMA) ġlieda promozzjoni ddedikati għall-għoti l-azzjoni ppakkjati ġlied aħjar għall-fannijiet ġlieda billi jipproduċu l-aħjar possibbli jaqblu-ups bejn ġellieda elite minn madwar id-dinja. Għal aktar informazzjoni jekk jogħġbok żur Segwi “World Series tal Fighting” fuq Twitter MMAWorldSeries u “World Series tal Fighting” President Ray Sefo SugarRaySefo.