Lossis Archives: Ceresso Fort

An Open Letter From Cerresso Fort


Please Join Me In Paying It Forward


To the talent and executives in the sports, media, and entertainment industries:

My name is Cerresso Fort and I am a current professional boxer residing in St. Paul, Minnesota. I am writing this letter because as a professional athlete I see an important opportunity that I feel is largely ignored, and to continue to look the other way in this situation would simply be wrong.

As celebrities we have a special platform that makes it very easy to make a difference in our communities. It only takes a willingness to reach out and make an effort, and the hardest part is initiating the process and making the decision that now is the right time. It’s a decision that when you make it, I promise it will be life changing.

For me personally, I recently began working with Minneapolis and St. Paul’s Children’s Hospital, and the experience has been simply fantastic. Although we can’t cure every sickness that’s out there, we can do our part to improve quality of life. To put a smile on the face and brighten the day of a child that feels hopeless is priceless.

This is the direction that I chose to go, but certainly visiting sick children is not the perfect option for everybody. There are so many people, of all ages, and different situations that need our help. Please, find a cause that you’re passionate about and get out there and make a difference! I challenge other talent as well as executives in the sports, media, and entertainment industries, as well as anybody else interested in making a difference to get out there and pay it forward. You won’t be sorry.

I’d like to invite all readers to check out our newPaying It Forward Communitypage on Facebook at: https://www.Facebook.com/payingitforwardcommunity. This page is set up with several different goals in mind. Our main objective is to encourage other members of the sports, media, and entertainment industries to get out and pay it forward in their communities and beyond. This page will be a place where all can come and relay their experiences in paying it forward, a place where those who appreciate what they do can encourage them and others to continue to strive to be the best they can be, and a place where members of ourcommunity can find help getting involved if help is needed. It’s a fantastic platform to let people know what you are doing without sounding self-indulgent. If you are interested in getting involved in your community now and prefer help in getting started, you can email my partner in this project Nicholas Sampson at: payingitforwardcommunity@hotmail.com. He will be happy to work with you and your team.

There are a couple more points that I’d like to make sure to make. First of all there are several individuals in our industries that are already out in the community and paying it forward. I don’t want to mention names because I don’t know what everybody involved is doing, and I don’t want to miss and disrespect anybody here. To those that have already been paying it forward I thank you and our communities thank you. Please continue what you are doing. I would sincerely enjoy working some projects with all of you at some point. You are also welcome to join the Paying It Forward Community on Facebook, and let everybody know how your giving back has effected your lives and those you have been involved with.

The last point that I’d like to make is actually addressing the one main objection that we’ve heard so far in what the Paying It Forward Community is asking. Many people prefer to do their community work anonymously, and although we believe that intention is good and honest we want to make sure and bring up a flaw with that logic. We are doing this to encourage others to get out in their communities and pay it forward with us. There is no better way to encourage others than to show how what you are doing has benefited you and the recipients of your actions. Living yourlife and showing how you and others prosper from your actions is a fantastic way to lead. There are several other important and positive results of letting people know what you are doing in the community including:

  • It shows the positive going on in your specific industry. So much negative is heard, while the positive happenings seem to often times take a back seat. It shouldn’t be that way. We need to learn to embrace the positive news.
  • It gives visibility to the cause or the foundation that you have been working with. To keep what you are doing in the community silent has the unintended effect of the cause you are working with losing the opportunity for valuable exposure.
  • It gives businesses in your local community something to tie into. Businesses are going to sponsor different community related events as well as potentially find people to endorse their products and services. When they are looking for opportunities they love to tie into what is going on in their communities and they benefit from doing so, as will you if you are the recipient of their sponsorship and endorsement opportunities. Everybody wins.
  • It brings the opportunity of reaching out to a whole new fan base for your industry. Those that have a special connection to the cause you are working with will be encouraged to support your career which casts a wider net for potential fans, ticket sales, and memorabilia sales.
  • Others have the opportunity to see the results of your actions and are also encouraged to get involved as you have.

The fact is that when this synergy is formed it is a positive for all involved.Our world is only as great as we make it. The time is now to make a difference.

We’re looking forward to working with each of you. Stay blessed.


SirCerresso Fort