بایگانی برچسب: CBS

KEITH THURMAN Outpointts SHOWN PORTER در مبارزات یکشنبه هفته کاندیدای اصلی در زمان اولیه در CBS

جارت هرد در افتتاحیه بوکسینگ SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP ناک اوت اسکار مولینا® در CBS, ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس, از مرکز بارکلیز در بروکلین

کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از استر لین / تام کازینو / SHOWTIME

کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از رایان گرین / قهرمانان برتر بوکس

کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس های از اد Diller / DiBella سرگرمی


BROOKLYN (ژوئن 26, 2016) - مبارزه با جایزه به CBS بازگشت در روز شنبه با نامزد یک مبارزه از سال به عنوان قهرمان جهان در وزن سبک وزن بدون شکست کیت تورمن قهرمان سابق جهان لبه دار شاون پورتر در یک تصمیم نزدیک اما به اتفاق آرا 115-113 توسط هر سه قاضی حلقه ای.


The 12,718 طرفداران حاضر در مرکز بارکلیز در بروکلین و بینندگان سراسر ایالات متحده. تماشای اولین مسابقه بوکس پریمایتر در CBS از زمان محمد علی-لئون اسپینکس در 1978 بین دو تا از درخشان ترین ستاره های بخش جذاب بوکس به یک تنبل برخورد کردند.


تورمن (27-0, 22 کوس) و باربر (26-2-1, 16 کوس) ترکیبی برای پرتاب کردن 1200 مشت در مسابقات قهرمانی SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP در رویداد CBS, ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس. مسابقه خیمه شب بازی یک داستان درمورد دقت و صحت بود. فعالیت, همانطور که تورمان فرود آمد 50 درصد از عکس های قدرت خود را, در مقایسه با 38 درصد برای پورتر, و 44 درصد مشت های کل او در مقایسه با فقط 36 درصد برای رقیب. در حالی که تورمان با درصد بیشتری به زمین نشست, پورتر مبارز شلوغ تری بود, پرتاب کردن 100 مشت های بیشتر در سراسر 12 دور.


"یک بار" و "شو تایم" به صورت تبلیغ شده تحویل داده می شوند, با شلیک کننده پرتاب قدرتمند Porter چندین بار, در حالی که پرتغال پر از هجوم و خسته کننده ، به جلو هول داد تا تورمن را در طناب اذیت کند. و در حالی که هیچ knockdown وجود ندارد, این فیلم موفق هرگز فاقد اقدام بود و با تشویق ایستادن در دومین مسابقه بوکس با حضور در بالاترین حد در تاریخ مرکز بارکلیز به اوج خود رسید..


“من می خواهم از شاون پورتر برای یک مبارزه فوق العاده تشکر کنم. او یک جنگجوی بزرگ است,”گفت تورمان. "دفاع کلید پیروزی است. او مشتهای خود را زیاد اذیت می کند و گل زدن را برای داوران دشوار می کند. من توانستم او را واضح تکان دهم, ضربات م effectiveثر و من معتقدم که این تفاوت امروز بود.


"من به او بازی برگشت خواهم داد. جنگ عالی بود. او حریف بزرگی بود. همه می گفتند آیا او سر سخت ترین حریف من تا به امروز است. من نتوانستم او را زمین بیندازم اما چند بار او را به هم زدم. "

قهرمان سابق جهان پورتر, یک نجیب زاده چند ساله اما کامل, از این که در پایان باخت دومین تصمیم نزدیک خود در یک عنوان قهرمانی شکایت نکرد.


"ما سخت کار کردیم, کیت یک قهرمان بزرگ است,"پورتر گفت. پدرم می گوید سرت را بالا نگه دار. من فکر می کنم من برنده مبارزه, اما من راضی هستم زیرا رقیب ظاهر شد امشب.


“ما به آن بازی برگشت نیاز داریم. می دانم هواداران آن بازی برگشت را می خواهند. اگر فرصت دیگری به من بدهد, من قصد دارم در رینگ سخت کار کنم و با عنوان او بروم.”


در دوره آغازین پخش تلویزیونی CBS ، یک مسابقه از وزنه برداران فوق العاده بدون شکست وجود داشت جارت هرد فارغ التحصیل از چشم انداز به یک رقیب قانونی در کلاس انباشته 154 پوند با یک سلطه 10هفتم دور TKO اسکار مولینا.


هرد (18-0, 12 کوس) زود کار کردم, برای اولین بار در کار حرفه ای خود در دور ابتدایی مولینا را با یک ضد ضربه قدرتمند به سمت راست درست کنید. هارد بزرگتر و بلندتر از همان ابتدا مبارز فعال تری بود, از بین بردن المپیک مکزیکی شکست ناپذیر با یک بازی کاملاً م insideثر در داخل. هورد تقریبا پرتاب کرد 750 مشت زدن 10 دور, در مقایسه با تنها 376 برای مولینا, اتصال در 220 تقریباً عکسهای قدرت 40 کلیپ درصد.


هرد مهره ای بر عملکرد خود در دور آخر گذاشت, بستن نمایش با فرود آمدن مولینا 33-7 در دور آخر. در حالی که مولینا در دقیقه آخر دور آخر یک ضرب و شتم وحشیانه انجام داد و به ظاهر بی دفاع بود, ریکی گونزالس وارد عمل شد تا مسابقه را متوقف کند 2:02.


“این قطعاً یک پیروزی بزرگ برای حرفه من است,"هرد گفت. "او عکسهای زیادی می گرفت, اما او می دانست چگونه زنده بماند. این یک قطعه بزرگ بود که او را در دور اول به زمین انداخت. مردم از آخرین مبارزه من می دانند که من بزرگترین قسمت برتر را دارم. او چند بار آسیب دید. فکر نمی کنم توقف بدی باشد. مولینا پسر بسیار سر سختی است که فقط مدام از راه می رسد.


“این مبارزه در اینجا من را با رقیبان برتر این بخش مقابله می کند. احساس می کردم می توانم سه چهار دور دیگر بروم. من هرچه دعوا بیشتر می شد ، قوت می گرفتم. ما در حال بازگشت به سالن بدنسازی هستیم تا بتوانیم دوباره وارد آنجا شویم.”


مولینا (13-1-1, 10 کوس) اعتراض کرد, اما با یک ناک اوت خیره کننده فقط چند ثانیه با متحمل شدن اولین ضرر در زندگی حرفه ای خود با تصمیم یکپارچه فاصله داشت.


“احساس کردم هورد مشت های زیادی را در دور دهم پرتاب می کند اما آنها واقعاً به من آسیب نمی رسانند,"مولینا گفت. "او مشغول کار بود اما واقعاً هرگز به من صدمه نمی زد.


"پایین رفتم و سرم را پایین انداختم و او در دور اول من را با آن اپراکت گرفت. او با شلیکی که انتظار نداشتم مرا به دست آورد اما قطعاً یک ضربه ناگهانی بود. صدمه ای ندیدم.


“قرار بود خیلی بیشتر از کارهای پا استفاده کنم اما در نهایت عکسهایم را خفه کردم. او یک دفاع ناجور داشت و خیلی خم می شد و من نمی توانستم وارد ریتم شوم.


“این یک فرصت بزرگ برای من بود و احساس می کردم که یک مبارزه خوب انجام داده ام. من قویتر برمیگردم. ما می خواهیم روی بسیاری از چیزها کار کنیم و دوباره به آنجا بازگردیم.”


SHOWTIME مسابقات قهرمانی بوکس در CBS, ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس, توسط سرگرمی DiBella تبلیغ شد.


اوایل شب در SHOWTIME, احساس سنگین وزن بدون شکست آنتونی جوشوا برای اولین بار با ناک اوت راند هفتم از دومینیک برازاله آمریکایی که قبلاً شکست ناپذیر بود در O2 لندن با موفقیت از قهرمانی IBF در مسابقات سنگین وزن جهان دفاع کرد. VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/28VGgsa


در زیر به نقل از جوشوا بعد از روز شنبه در SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL برنده شوید:


بسیاری فکر می کردند که دومنیک بریزیل قادر به مقاومت در برابر قدرت و سرعت شما نخواهد بود, اما آیا از فرصتی که می توانستید کمی بیشتر از مهارت های بوکس خود را داشته باشید سپاسگزار بودید؟?

"خوب, سخت است زیرا شما می توانید ببینید که آنها با هر ضربه آسیب دیده اند – خوب نه هر شلیک – اما وقتی شروع به گرفتار شدن آنها می کنید, آنها می توانند با این دستکش ده اونسی عکسها را احساس کنند. پس, این فقط به زمان بستگی داره, اما در طی این روند ، من نمی خواستم در راه بازگشت از هیچ سازنده مویی پذیرایی کنم.


"سخت بود که من پس از آخرین مبارزه دو هفته مرخصی داشتم, و مستقیماً به ورزشگاه برگشت بنابراین سخت بود. یک بار استراحت خوب کردم و سپس می توانم با باتری های شارژ شده برگردم.”


می دانیم که دونتای وایلدر در حال تماشای این مبارزه بود. آیا برای او پیامی دریافت کرده اید؟, قهرمان WBC?

“فردی الهام بخش باورنکردنی. او صبور بود, 30-دعواهای عجیب و غریب [و] دست های خود را در WBC گرفت [کمربند]. من از این الگو پیروی می کنم. من دارم وارد ایالات متحده می شوم. با SHOWTIME نیز از من پشتیبانی می کند. پس, او آن را تماشا کرد.


“او می تواند هر آنچه را که می خواهد از آن برداشت کند, اما وقتی با هم در رینگ هستید خیلی متفاوت است. بنابراین یک روز ما می توانیم آنچه در مورد یکدیگر هستند را تجربه کنیم.”


می خواهید بعد با چه کسی بجنگید?

“خوب من فکر می کنم که باید مثل اینها باشد [یوسف] پارکر. من واقعاً داشتم به فیوری نگاه می کردم ... امیدوارم که او زودتر بهتر شود. متاسفانه او از ناحیه مچ پا آسیب دید, که آن را به تعویق انداخته است زیرا من امیدوار بودم که اگر همه چیز خوب پیش برود مدتی زمستان را بدست آورم 9 جولای مانند آنامشب, اما در حال حاضر باید برنامه ریزی مجدد کنیم, ما می توانیم به سایر مخالفان مانند پارکر نگاه کنیم, اگر او خالی باشد, یا هر کس دیگری که مردم می خواهند.”


فکر می کنید هنوز باید روی چه چیزی کار کنید?

"باقی مانده. به استراحت نیاز دارم. خسته ام, من سخت کار می کنم و همانطور که گفتم, اکنون می توانم دریافت کنم


برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports و www.premierboxingchampions.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدSHOSports, ShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxingKeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter وSwanson_Comm یا در Facebookat طرفدار شوید www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment و www.facebook.com/BarclaysCenter.

کیت تورمن, شاون پورتر, جارت هرد & Oscar Molina Final Press Conference Quotes & عکس

(عکس های اعتباری: استر لین / SHOWTIME)
There are real stakes on the line روز شنبه شب.
Our careers are on the line.” — KeithThurman
I’ve never been more excited to fight in my life.” – شاون پورتر
کلیک کنید اینجا for Photos from Ryan Greene/Premier Boxing Champions,
اد دیلر / DiBella سرگرمی
کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از استر لین / SHOWTIME®
BROOKLYN, N.Y.. (ژوئن 23, 2016) – کیت تورمن و شاون پورتر رفت چهره به چهره پنج شنبه at the final press conference before their eagerly anticipated welterweight world title showdown this Saturday, ژوئن 25 in primetime as SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس® در CBS, ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس, comes to Barclays Center in Brooklyn.
Live televised coverage begins at 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT and features undefeated super welterweights جارت هرد و اسکار مولینا in a 10-round rumble of rising contenders.
بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط DiBella سرگرمی ترویج, شروع در $49 و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. بلیط را می توان با مراجعه به خریداری آنلاین www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com و یا با تماس 1-800-745-3000. بلیط نیز در دفتر جعبه امریکن اکسپرس در مرکز بارکلیز در دسترس هستند. تخفیف گروه از طریق تماس با 844-BKLYN-GP در دسترس هستند.
The press conference took place at the Dream Hotel PHD Rooftop in downtown Manhattan. اینجا چیزی است که شرکت کنندگان به حال برای گفتن پنج شنبه:
کیث تورمن
It’s an honor to be on this platform. I’m excited to be back at Barclays Center. My last fight at Barclays Center was the first time I felt the fans give me love and I felt like I made it.
I’m excited to feel the energy in the arena. We’re recovered and we’re ready. We did what we needed to so that we’re ready forروز شنبه شب.
As I think about this fight, these are dreams coming true for me. Sometimes I feel like I’m living a dream. I think about how I was raised by Ben Getty to this moment. Ben used to say that my moment was ‘right around the corner,’ and now it’s here. He was a wise man and he knew what he was talking about.
This is a great fight. This is what the boxing fans want to see. I truly believe you are looking at two of the best welterweights in the world.
I’m here as an entertainer. I’m here for the love of the sport. The fans want to see these kinds of fights. It’s obvious in the welterweight division that we are the two most exciting and devastating fighters in the division.
Everybody kept talking about the sparring video, so I just decided to put it out. Sparring is sparring and fighting is fighting. This fight will be judged and this time I’ll have eight-ounce gloves on.
It’s always been my dream to be the undisputed champion of the world.
I’m looking forward to a great performance. I’m excited to a great challenge from Shawn Porter. There is a burning desire within myself to have a knockout victory. It’s hard to make world-class fighters quit. The fans ultimately want to see that knockout victory.
There are real stakes are on the line این شنبه شب. Our careers are on the line. My title is on the line. My undefeated record is on the line. It’s a great fight and a great matchup.
I do believe that with each and every fight, you step up, you step up and you step up. پس, thus the stakes are always higher and there are those times where you get a decent fight. ولی همونطور که گفتم, this is a great fight at a great moment of both athletes’ مشاغل. We are both in our prime. I’m 27-years-old, Shawn is 28-years-old, we’ve both accomplished many great things and a victory در روز شنبه night is just going to be another thing to add to the resume.
This really is the best fight of the best. We’re trying to satisfy the fans and we’re trying to challenge ourselves, push ourselves, and see where we fit in and how great we really are. I’m going to show you روز شنبه night how great Keith “سر وقت” Thurman really is.
Just like Ali said, روز شنبه شب, I’m going to show you how great I am.
شاون پورتر
“اینجاست. It’s been long anticipated and it’s here. I have never been more excited to fight in my life. آن را یک موهبت است. Along this journey I’ve been able to learn the basics and excel in the basics and I found myself in a position where I’ve been able to be very successful.
My hometown Cleveland Cavaliers winning the NBA title is definitely a motivation. It motivates me to be a winner. I want to bring this belt back to Ohio.
I’m looking forward to this kind of moment to shine. That’s how you gain notoriety and become bigger. هیچ فشار وجود دارد, just excitement.
I’m just looking forward to getting in there and getting that energetic feeling. I want to feel the excitement of getting into the ring and all the adrenaline that rushes through.
This is the fight I wanted. I wanted to have fun training for a fight like this. Keith has made it possible. He’s so good it pushes me to be better.
This isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last time that two friends fight. I’m done talking about us being friends because it’s time for us to start punching each other. My plan is to have great defense, avoid getting hit and win the fight.
I didn’t take much time off after the postponement. We tried to train and stay ready through the cancellation. You never know when the phone is going to ring. We just wanted to stay in shape, get better and be ready for anything.
I feel like if Floyd Mayweather comes back, he should fight the winner of this matchup. I believe that will be me.
I’m not going to go in there looking for a knockout and throw my hands wildly. I’m going to keep up the pace that I normally keep up. I’m a great boxer. People consider me a boxer, but I may surprise you.
جارت HURD
“من از این فرصت ممنونم. This is a great shot for me right now. In my last fight I had an opportunity similar to this. I was a fill-in for television and I did what I was supposed to do.
Success is accomplished when preparation meets opportunity. I know things like this can happen. It doesn’t change anything. We’re going to go out and do what we trained for.
You always get butterflies before getting in the ring but that’s normal. Molina is very experienced and has good hand speed but I know what I can do. We’re ready for this.
I’m happy to be on this stage. This could be the biggest fight of the year and I’m extremely blessed to open it up.
I’m going to go out there and put on another terrific performance. مولینا, he’s an Olympian and he has a lot of experience. He’s a crafty fighter and we’re going to do what we have to do to get the victory.
We’re ready to do what we’re going to do. این رفتن به یک مبارزه بزرگ در روز شنبه شب.”
“من آماده برای این هستم. I’m more than ready for this. These type of fights are what gets me up to train.
This guy I’m fighting is young, undefeated and a prospect like myself. I know he’s going to be ready and it’s going to be a tough fight but I’m ready for him.
This is a huge deal for me. I was already excited to be on this huge undercard. When they told me that I was moving up to CBS I knew how big of an opportunity it is for me and my career.
Hurd is a tall and lanky fighter. I saw his last fight and I see that he does well with guys who are flat footed. My boxing skills and my footwork are something he’s never seen before. Frank Galarza was tailor-made for Hurd and I think I’m going to be able to give him different looks.
I’m a boxer-puncher and I can adapt to different styles. I also have power for big knockouts but my boxing skills are most important.
Fighting in the Olympics taught me to adapt to different styles. I have a fan-friendly style and I’m excited to put on a show.
DAN BIRMINGHAM, Thurman’s Trainer
We’re ready for this fight. Keith trains hard every day and we know Shawn and Kenny well. I’ve brought them to my gym and these two guys have gone a lot of rounds together.
I think Keith Thurman is the most gifted guy in boxing. He does everything right. روز شنبه night we’re looking for a great fight and I know in my heart that we will be victorious.
KEN PORTER, پدر پورتر & ترینر
“این فوق العاده است به اینجا. It’s great to be on this stage with Shawn. This isn’t something we just started getting ready for, this is something he’s been getting ready for since birth. I always had a mindset to put Shawn in a position to excel in life. He has not disappointed.
I know these guys are going to give it everything they have. It will be 100 percent for as long as it lasts. We’re prepared to take the championship. These are great guys here to the right, اما در روز شنبه we’re bringing everything to the table.
We’re coming to deliver a great show. Enjoy yourselves در روز شنبه شب.”
لو DIBELLA, رئيس جمهور از DiBella سرگرمی
“این چیزی است که در مورد آن است. این شنبه شب, the best is fighting the best. It’s right here in Brooklyn on CBS. It’s the first fight on CBS in primetime since Muhammad Ali fought over 30 سالها پیش.
“این کارت فوق العاده از بالا به پایین است. There is a tremendous undercard, a great co-feature and a main event that boxing fans have been waiting for a long time.
This is an undercard chock full of talent. You will want to get there early as there are evenly matched bouts all night.
SHOWTIME has highlighted the 154-pound division in recent shows, so it makes sense that there will be another significant matchup in that division on CBS روز شنبه night with Jarrett Hurd and Oscar Molina.
We’re not going to talk about friendship and respect anymore with these two guys, that’s in the past and the future. These guys know their future is dependent on beating up the other guy and a fight of this magnitude makes the stakes even higher.
The best want to fight the best and it starts روز شنبه شب. The winner of this fight wants to be the best in the world. Both men want to be an undisputed welterweight champion.
استفن اسپینوزا, معاون اجرایی رئیس جمهور & مدیر کل, SHOWTIME ورزشی
ژوئن 25 is a very special day and night for us at CBS. It begins with the heavyweight world title being contested between Anthony Joshua and Dominic Breazeale and then the return of boxing to primetime CBS for the first time in almost 40 سال.
This was an easy fight to make. Shawn and Keith, neither one hesitated for a second in taking this fight. All credit goes to them for taking this fight. It’s a difficult fight for both on a big stage.
Boxing takes criticism for not making the right fights at the right time. One of the bad habits we have is that we spend time thinking about fights that might get made. But now we have the right fight, at the right time and at the right venue. It’s a disservice to not recognize that what is going در روز شنبه is very special and very exciting.
برت YORMARK, مدیرعامل بروکلین اسپرت & سرگرمی
It’s an exciting week at Barclays Center. امشب we host the NBA Draft, the weigh-in فردا and our big event روز شنبهشب. The momentum is building for this fight and we are on pace for the biggest crowd for a boxing event since we opened.
We are excited about bringing a great night of fights to Brooklyn. We welcome Keith Thurman and Shawn Porter back to Brooklyn as they have both fought there once before.
It’s become tradition to have both of you fight in our ring and we know how popular you are with our fans and we love to have you back.
This will be the first primetime fight on CBS since the first Muhammad Ali-Leon Spinks fight in 1978 and it’s a big moment for the boxing community for sure. We look forward to hosting everyone در روز شنبه شب.”
برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports و بهww.premierboxingchampions.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدSHOSports, PremierBoxingKeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter وSwanson_Comm یا در Facebookat طرفدار شوید www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment و WWW.facebook.com/BarclaysCenter.


این روز شنبه, ژوئن 25, Live in Primetime at 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT در CBS
کلیک کنید اینجا For PBC Fighter Prediction Video
نیویورک (ژوئن 22, 2016) – Their peers in the welterweight division – قهرمان جهان, former champions, contenders and top prospectscan’t pick a definitive winner between defending WBA 147-pound king کیت “سر وقت” تورمن (26-0, 22 کوس) و قهرمان سابق جهان “پی اس” شاون پورتر (26-1-1, 16 کوس).
The majority of the fighters polledsome of whom are potential opponents down the line for the winnerlean toward Thurman, but most all concede that روز شنبه eagerly awaited main event of a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® on CBS event, ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس (9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT) at Barclays Center is going to be an intense, مهیج, tight fight from start to finish that could go either way.
Here’s how the boxers see “تورمن در مقابل. پوشیدن”:
دنی گارسیا (WBC سبک وزن قهرمان): “I think this is a great matchup. Thurman has the boxing ability and the movement while Shawn Porter is the aggressor and he’s going to bring the heat. To be honest with you it’s a 50-50 جنگ, but I would give the edge to Keith Thurman by a very close decision.
Kell بروک (IBF قهرمان سبک وزن):”This is a great fight, one I can’t wait to watch. If Shawn can stick to his boxing I think he can become world champion again on points, but Keith is heavy-handed and he could walk Shawn onto oneit’s really a pick ’em fight for me.
Errol اسپنس جونیور. (شکست نخورده سبک وزن مدعی): “I think this is a great fight between young fighters with good skill. Shawn throws a lot of punches while Thurman is a boxer who can punch too. I know Shawn will be aggressive and it should make for a great fight. If Keith can box and keep Shawn Porter on the outside I see Keith Thurman winning. If Shawn stays on the inside and stays in the chest of Keith, I see him winning.
دیگر برتو (Former Welterweight Champion): “Shawn is going to come, but I think Keith will be on his toes and box but also drop hard shots as well when Shawn comes in. Keith can be very versatile in there and has a lot of great skills, while Shawn is more like a bull. Keith will hurt or knock Shawn down but will keep coming all night.
Sammy Vazquez (شکست نخورده سبک وزن مدعی): “Shawn is a pressure fighter and Thurman used to be a pressure fighter but now he boxes. It’s really hard for me to decide who is going to come out on top. Thurman has good power. It all depends on how Shawn is able to take Thurman’s punches. I think Thurman because of the power but Shawn will bring it for 12 rounds.
رابرت گررو (Former Welterweight Champion): This is a fight the fans are going to love watching. Both Thurman and Porter bring exciting styles to the ring. I think if Porter can keep the fight on the inside he’ll have a better chance to come out victorious. But Keith Thurman is a very smart and powerful fighter and will make the right adjustments. I just think Thurman is going to outbox Porter. I’m picking Thurman to win by decision in a very tough fight.
لوئیس Collazo (Former Welterweight Champion): “I’m not sure who the favorite is, but I’m going with Porter. I like his style and I think it’s going to be interesting to see how Thurman holds up with the pressure Porter is going to bring.
دوان الکساندر (Former Welterweight Champion): “این یک مبارزه بسیار هیجان انگیز است. Both fighters are come forward type fighters and they swing for the fences when they throw. I don’t know who will come out on top because they have similar styles. Shawn Porter has decent power, but out of the two Keith has the more power. خواهیم دید. This is boxing.
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The live CBS telecast with open with a 10-round matchup between undefeated super welterweight prospects جارت هرد واسکار مولینا
بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط DiBella سرگرمی ترویج, شروع در $49 و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. بلیط را می توان با مراجعه به خریداری آنلاین www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com و یا با تماس 1-800-745-3000. بلیط نیز در دفتر جعبه امریکن اکسپرس در مرکز بارکلیز در دسترس هستند. تخفیف گروه از طریق تماس با 844-BKLYN-GP در دسترس هستند. پلت فرم های برنامه نویسی بروکلین بوکس ™ بارکلیز مرکز است که توسط AARP ارائه. PBC است توسط تاج حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports و بهww.premierboxingchampions.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدSHOSports, PremierBoxingKeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter وSwanson_Comm یا در Facebookat طرفدار شوید www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment و www.facebook.com/BarclaysCenter.

کیت تورمن در مقابل. Shawn Porter Undercard Complete

Unbeaten Polish Heavyweight Adam Kownacki Faces MassachusettsJesse Barboza While Undefeated Rising Star Heather Hardy Battles Colorado’s Kirstie Simmonsروز شنبه در مرکز بارکلیز در بروکلین
بیش! Puerto Rican Prospect Nicklaus Flaz Added to Stacked Undercard
BROOKLYN (ژوئن 21, 2016) – The stacked undercard for the highly anticipated کیت تورمن در مقابل. شاون پورتر welterweight showdown is complete and will feature a pair of popular Brooklyn fighters as heavyweight آدم Kownacki (13-0, 10 کوس) جنگ سخت ضربه Jesse Barboza (11-1-1, 7 کوس) in an eight-round bout while crowd-pleasing featherweight خلنگ زار “گرما” دلیر (16-0, 4 کوس) takes on Colorado’s Kirstie Simmons (8-1, 2 کوس) in an eight-round contest on روز شنبه, ژوئن 25از مرکز بارکلیز.
The ژوئن 25 SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس® on CBS event, ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس, is headlined by the world title fight between defending world champion کیت تورمن و قهرمان سابق شاون پورتر. پوشش تلویزیونی در آغاز می شود 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT. The live telecast will open with an exciting battle between undefeated super welterweight prospects جارت هرد و اسکار مولینا.
Additional undercard action features unbeaten prospect جاناتان آلونسو taking on Los Angeles native برایان جونز in a junior welterweight match, Bronx native Josue Vargas opposing Oklahoma’s دیوید نلسون in a four-round welterweight bout and a recent addition to the card, پورتوریکو در نیکلاس فلاز, in a four-round junior middleweight battle against Brooklyn’s مک باب، مونتانا.
Completed matchups that were previously announced include fast-rising prospect دیوید بناویدز (14-0, 13 کوس) مصرف در Francy Ntetu (16-0, 3 کوس) in an eight-round light heavyweight bout and unbeaten junior welterweight رجیس Prograis (17-0, 14 کوس) در مقابل لوئیز ادواردو فلورس (21-3, 17 کوس) در یک جلسه 10-دور.
بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط DiBella سرگرمی ترویج, شروع در $49 و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. بلیط را می توان با مراجعه به خریداری آنلاین www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com و یا با تماس 1-800-745-3000. بلیط نیز در دفتر جعبه امریکن اکسپرس در مرکز بارکلیز در دسترس هستند. تخفیف گروه از طریق تماس با 844-BKLYN-GP در دسترس هستند.
جنگنده بروکلین محبوب که در مسابقه بوکس زنان اولین و حرفه ای بارکلیز مرکز رقابت, هاردی تبدیل به یک جزء اصلی در عرصه از. بر ژوئن 25, she will be making her seventh appearance at Barclays Center. کمی بیش از دو سال پس از اولین طرفدار خود را, هاردی کمربند عنوان بین المللی در بخش خروس وزن فوق العاده در ماه اکتبر به دست آورد 2014. به 2015, she defeated Noemi Bosques and Renata Domsodi twice. In her lone 2016 جنگ, she stopped Anna Donatella Hultin in the fourth round. She will be opposed by Aurora, Colorado’s Simmons who has won nine fights in a row after losing her pro debut.
دو بار نیویورک طلایی قهرمان دستکش, Kownacki had a big 2015, notching four victories including knockouts of Maurenzo Smith and Randy Easton. Born in Lomza, لهستان, the 26-year-old now calls Brooklyn home. خود 2016 campaign began in January at Barclays Center when he defeated Danny Kelly in front of a raucous Polish crowd. He will take on Barboza out of Hyannis, ماساچوست. The 29-year-old Barboza was a three-time New England Heavyweight Golden Gloves champion.
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پلت فرم های برنامه نویسی بروکلین بوکس ™ بارکلیز مرکز است که توسط AARP ارائه. PBC است توسط تاج حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports و بهww.premierboxingchampions.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدSHOSports, PremierBoxingKeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter وSwanson_Comm و یا تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment و WWW.facebook.com/BarclaysCenter.


Matchup Of 154-Pound Rising Stars Replaces Cuellar vs. Mares Fight As Opener Of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, ارائه شده توسط
برتر قهرمانان بوکس
این روز شنبه, ژوئن 25, زندگی در 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT در CBS
BROOKLYN (ژوئن 20, 2016) – An intriguing matchup between undefeated super welterweights Jarrett Hurd and Oscar Molina will open این روز شنبه Primetime CBS broadcast from Barclays Center in Brooklyn. The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS broadcast, ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس, airs live at 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT and is headlined by a welterweight blockbuster between undefeated champion Keith Thurman and once-beaten former titlist Shawn Porter.
The 10-round showdown between the 25-year-old Hurd (17-0, 11 کوس) and 26-year-old Molina (13-0-10 کوس) is a rare matchup between young undefeated prospects in one of boxing’s hottest divisions. The winner graduates to contender status in the stacked 154-pound class, a division featuring Erislandy Lara, Jermall and Jermell Charlo, Demetrius Andrade and Julian Williams.
Hurd vs. Molina represents the toughest professional fight for either man.
The dictionary definition of ‘Swiftis to happen quickly or promptly,” سعید هرد. “So just like my ring name, that’s exactly what you’ll see در روز شنبه شب. I’m so grateful that this fight was made and that the whole world will be able to see my boxing skills on this highly anticipated card.
I’m excited for this fight and I’m grateful that it’s even bigger now that it’s on CBS,” سعید مولینا. “I’ve seen Hurd fight. I know what he does well and what his weaknesses are and I’ll be looking to capitalize on them. It’s important for me to defeat the top guys and this is someone I have to beat to become a world champion one day. I’m excited about fighting in Brooklyn on the big stage, but my focus will be on my trainer’s game plan and coming out victorious.
هرد, از اکوکیک، مریلند, دکتر., just south of Washington, دی سی, has an unblemished record since turning professional in 2012. He is coming off a career-best performance last November with a six-round destruction of previously undefeated Frank Galarza on ShoBox: نسل جدید. هرد, who has never been down or cut as a professional, will be facing his third consecutive unbeaten opponent.
مولینا, از نورواک, کالیفرنیا., just east of Los Angeles, بود 2012 مکزیک المپیک. He tore through his opposition after turning professional in 2013, registering knockouts in 10 از خود 14 دعوا. مولینا, who has also never been down, is coming off a 10-round draw with fellow unbeaten highly regarded prospect Dominque Dolton last September. He returns to the ring این شنبه against another undefeated opponent as he looks to make a statement in the 154-pound division.
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بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط DiBella سرگرمی ترویج, شروع در $49 و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. بلیط را می توان با مراجعه به خریداری آنلاین www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com و یا با تماس 1-800-745-3000. بلیط نیز در دفتر جعبه امریکن اکسپرس در مرکز بارکلیز در دسترس هستند. تخفیف گروه از طریق تماس با 844-BKLYN-GP در دسترس هستند. پلت فرم های برنامه نویسی بروکلین بوکس ™ بارکلیز مرکز است که توسط AARP ارائه. PBC است توسط تاج حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports و بهww.premierboxingchampions.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدSHOSports, PremierBoxingKeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter وSwanson_Comm یا در Facebookat طرفدار شوید www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment و WWW.facebook.com/BarclaysCenter.

شکر ری لئونارد & توماس Hearns, Two Hall of Fame Welterweight Champions, Weigh-In on the Keith Thurman-Shawn Porter 147-Pound Championship Battle at Barclays Center on Saturday, ژوئن 25 زندگی در CBS

The winner of Thurman-Porter will immediately move into the
welterweight penthouse.لئونارد
I know that Porter and Thurman both have the ability to get each other out of there. It’s going to be a matter of who gets to who first.Hearns
نیویورک (ژوئن 20, 2016) – شکر ری لئونارد و توماس “هیتمن” Hearns might be uniquely qualified to talk about what WBA welterweight champion کیت “سر وقت” تورمن و “پی اس” شاون پورتر are thinking and feeling heading into their battle that pits two men against each other who are in their primes in a highly charged battle for supremacy in the talent-laden welterweight division.
The highly anticipated showdown headlines SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس® بر CBS ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس (PBC) with televised coverage starting at 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT.
Leonard had a record of 30-1 با 21 KOs and held the WBC welterweight title when he took on Hearns, کی بود 32-0 با 30 KOs and held the WBA title, in a 15-round title unification match in Las Vegas on September 16, 1981. The match was billed asThe Showdownand had a worldwide television audience of 300 میلیون.
The fight was a pitched back-and-forth battle, but Hearns appeared to be in control having won rounds nine through 12 در هر سه قضات’ ارزیابی متوازن. It was between rounds 12 و 13 that Leonard’s trainer, the late Angelo Dundee, famously screamed at Leonard: “You’re blowing it now, فرزند پسر! You’re blowing it!”
لئونارد, with his left eye badly swollen, turned the tide in the 14هفتم round by staggering Hearns with an overhand right and then pinning Hearns on the ropes and unleashing a barrage of punches, which prompted referee Davey Pearl to stop the fight, giving Leonard the victory and making him the undisputed welterweight champion and king of the division. At the time of the stoppage Hearns was leading on all three scorecards – 124-122, 125-122 و 125-121.
It was the toughest fight of my life. It took every ounce of will and strength to beat Tommy Hearns. I couldn’t have taken that many of those in my career,” Leonard said. “The Tommy Hearns fight was the one that propelled me to the penthouse.
Leonard felt like the victory over Hearns launched him into superstardom. He believes the same thing awaits the winner of Thurman-Porter.
Hearns on the fight: “I wanted to show my world my boxing ability. They knew I could knock people out, but they didn’t know that I could box very well.
Both Leonard and Hearns said they are anxiously awaiting the match between Thurman and Porter because they believe it will hold just as much drama as their match 35 سالها پیش.
“آره, you can make the comparison,” Leonard said. “Both guys are at the top of the welterweight division. The only thing that’s different is that me and Tommy were so well known by sports fans. We were on TV a lot, and that’s what built our names and gave people the chance to see us so much. And that’s what they’re doing now with the PBC and the shows being on network TV. This could be a fight like ours. چه کسی می داند? But I do know that the fans are waiting on this fight.
HEARNS: “It’s always hard to get prepared for someone like that because you think about what the outcome is going to be and what are your chances of winning the fight. I never thought about losing, but I thought about what my chances were.
I knew if I went out and boxed the way I knew I could box, I would beat Ray. Just the thought of fighting Ray brought a lot of questions to my mind. Some I had answers to and some I didn’t have. Most other guys I knew I could go out there and knock them out.
LEONARD:Just the heart of Keith and Shawn. Both of these guys have heart and both have that will. That composure. You can’t teach composure. It’s something that you either have or you don’t. You can’t learn that. That deep, deep composure when your left eye is closed and your liver is busted and you got to get up on the canvas.
HEARNS:I know Thurman and Porter have the ability to get each other out of there. It’s going to be a matter of who gets to who first. I’m definitely watching. I hope to be there in person.
HEARNS: I know what it’s like to go against somebody that people don’t think you can beat. You have to prepare for that. It’s a mental stage that you go through, how you prepare your mind. If you can control your mind and tell your body what you’re going to do, then you can do it. You can’t worry about how good the other guy can punch. Just stay out of the way. Keep on laying that stick on him and he won’t be able to punch you.
HEARNS:I didn’t come to go 12 یا 15 دور. I came to whip your butt and go home. I had no desire to go 15 دور. I trained for it, but I was never going 15 rounds.
LEONARD:I felt that I could beat anyone. My brother Roger didn’t think I could beat Tommy. He didn’t tell me that until it was over. In training camp I used to box Roger and he would land a lot of right hands. He figured if Tommy’s right hand landed on me it would be over. My brother didn’t have much confidence in me.
بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط DiBella سرگرمی ترویج, شروع در $49 و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. بلیط را می توان با مراجعه به خریداری آنلاین www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com و یا با تماس 1-800-745-3000. بلیط نیز در دفتر جعبه امریکن اکسپرس در مرکز بارکلیز در دسترس هستند. تخفیف گروه از طریق تماس با 844-BKLYN-GP در دسترس هستند.


"دسترسی کامل: تورمن در مقابل. پوشیدن,” Part 1 of a Four-Part Short Feature Series is Available Now On SHOWTIME ®سیستم عامل های دیجیتال; All Consumers Can Experience The Buildup To The Live CBS Primetime Boxing Special On روز شنبه, ژوئن 25


Click On The Link To Watch, سهم & Embed Part 1: http://s.sho.com/1Ua64Vq


SHOWTIME ورزشی launched an online exclusive installment of digital short features inspired by the three-time Emmy® Award-winning series “ALL ACCESS” در روز دوشنبه. The first of the four-part series titled "دسترسی کامل: تورمن در مقابل. Porter” is now available on the SHO ورزشی یوتیوب کانال, SHO.com/sports, and on the CBSSports.com boxing page. Subsequent installments will also debut online on فردا, ژوئن 15, جمعه, ژوئن 17 and Monday, ژوئن 20, in anticipation of the first primetime boxing event on CBS since Muhammad Ali vs. Leon Spinks I in 1978.


بر روز شنبه, ژوئن 25, SHOWTIME Sports will produce the welterweight world championship boxing event featuring undefeated champion کیت تورمن and once-beaten former champ شاون پورتر, live on CBS (9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT) از مرکز بارکلیز در بروکلین, N.Y..


"دسترسی کامل: تورمن در مقابل. Porter” immerses viewers in camp with two elite prizefighters in the prime of their careers as they prepare to square off for the top spot in boxing’s glamour division.


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Tickets for the live event at Barclays Center, است که توسط DiBella سرگرمی ترویج, شروع در $49 و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. بلیط را می توان با مراجعه به خریداری آنلاین www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com و یا با تماس 1-800-745-3000. بلیط نیز در دفتر جعبه امریکن اکسپرس در مرکز بارکلیز در دسترس هستند. تخفیف گروه از طریق تماس با 844-BKLYN-GP در دسترس هستند.


برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports و www.premierboxingchampions.com, follow on Twitter @SHOSports and @ShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxingKeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, @AbnerMares, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter وSwanson_Comm و یا تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainmentو www.facebook.com/BarclaysCenter


Primetime World Title Showdown Against Keith Thurman
روز شنبه, ژوئن 25 زندگی در CBS® از مرکز بارکلیز در بروکلین
I want to win each and every round
We’re going to shock the world.” شاون پورتر
کلیک کنید اینجا For Photos From Ryan Greene/Premier Boxing Champions
LAS VEGAS (ژوئن 9, 2016) – قهرمان سابق جهان شاون پورتر hosted a Las Vegas media workout چهار شنبه in advance of his welterweight world title showdown against undefeated کیت تورمن بر روز شنبه, ژوئن 25 از مرکز بارکلیز در بروکلین, live on CBS and presented by Premier Boxing Champions with televised coverage beginning at 9 p.m. و/6 p.m. PT.
بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط DiBella سرگرمی ترویج, شروع در $49 و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. بلیط را می توان با مراجعه به خریداری آنلاین www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com و یا با تماس 1-800-745-3000. بلیط نیز در دفتر جعبه امریکن اکسپرس در مرکز بارکلیز در دسترس هستند. تخفیف گروه از طریق تماس با 844-BKLYN-GP در دسترس هستند.
Porter and his father and trainer, پورتر کن, were on hand to speak to media and show
off the skills of the 28-year-old Akron, اوهایو, native at the Porter Hy-Performance Center.
Here’s what the Porters said چهار شنبه:
شاون پورتر
Being the first fight in primetime on CBS since Muhammad Ali is very significant. It makes me want to go out there and do something inspiring.
Keith’s injury gave me enough time to make extra sure that I had everything I needed to get ready for this fight. Not to say I wouldn’t have been ready مارس 12 but it’s given me more time to reflect and visualize. بر ژوئن 25, I know I will be 100 percent on every level.
We sparred for about two weeks together but it was a while ago. The biggest change has been mental. There are things you learn and grow out of. I’m a lot different. Still some of the same skills but definitely stronger mentally.
I think he can do some things. He can box very well. He throws good off balanced shots. I can box as well, but I have the pressure, سرعت, foot speed and hand speed that it takes to not only outbox him, but to pressure him and hurt him. I think that’s what makes it a great fight.
“در این مرحله, we look at everything we’ve done and move forward each day because we know something special is going to happen. I’m blessed to have a mindset where I don’t focus on what I’ve done. I am always looking forward to the next big opportunity.
I think the fight is bigger since it’s been postponed. Taking it to Barclays Center is something that is special for the sport of boxing. I won my first championship there and I look forward to keeping up the recent history of great fights at Barclays Center.
I want to win each and every round. We want to make him have to adjust to what we’re doing. If we control the fight, we win the fight.
I’ve always been taught to control everything in a fight. I can’t allow him to slow the tempo down. But I’m definitely not going to rush. I have the skills to execute the game plan.
I think the difference is in my preparation. I have a great team to match my great skills. We’re going to shock the world.
KEN PORTER, پدر شاون & ترینر
We normally don’t work out hard in front of the media, but we’ve decided to switch the energy and go harder during this afternoon session. This isn’t just for the cameras.
I respect Keith Thurman as a fighter and a person. This is something that happens along the way. Fighters have to fight each other. Some of these young guys working in this gym, they might have to fight Shawn one day. But fight night is fight night.
I’m not worried about anything Keith Thurman can do. We’ve done all the hard work. The foundation has been laid. He’s done this since he was four-years-old. He’s been on every stage and this is his time.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports و www.premierboxingchampions.com, follow on Twitter @SHOSports and @ShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxingKeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, @AbnerMares, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter وSwanson_Comm و یا تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment وwww.facebook.com/BarclaysCenter.

Keith Thurman Quotes & Photos From St. پترزبورگ, فلوریدا. روز رسانه

Welterweight World Champion Battles Shawn Porter Live on CBS
روز شنبه, ژوئن 25 از مرکز بارکلیز در بروکلین
This is a chance to showcase our talents and our skills to the world
من قطعا برای حذفی رفتن.” تورمن
کلیک کنید اینجا for Photos from Eric Walker/Premier Boxing Champions
(عکس به زودی اضافه می شود)
ST. PETERSBURG, فلوریدا. (ژوئن 8, 2016) – Welterweight world champion کیت تورمن opened training camp to media today in St. Petersburg as he prepares to defend his title against former world champion شاون پورتر بر روز شنبه, ژوئن 25 در رویداد اصلی SHOWTIME مسابقات قهرمانی بوکس® در CBS, ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس, از مرکز بارکلیز در بروکلین.
پوشش تلویزیونی در آغاز می شود 9 p.m. و/ 6 p.m. PT with a featherweight world title showdown between current champion عیسی Cuellar و سابق قهرمان جهان سه بخش ابنر مادیان.
بلیط برای رویداد زنده, است که توسط DiBella سرگرمی ترویج, شروع در $49 و در حال حاضر فروش هستند. بلیط را می توان با مراجعه به خریداری آنلاین www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com و یا با تماس 1-800-745-3000. بلیط نیز در دفتر جعبه امریکن اکسپرس در مرکز بارکلیز در دسترس هستند. تخفیف گروه از طریق تماس با 844-BKLYN-GP در دسترس هستند.
Born and raised in the area, Thurman worked out at St. Pete Boxing Club along with longtime trainer Dan Birmingham as he prepared for his primetime battle against the strong and dangerous Porter.
اینجا چیزی است که شرکت کنندگان به حال برای گفتن چهارشنبه:
کیث تورمن
Muhammad Ali opened up the door for so many people. Michael Jordan changed the game in our era, but Ali did it so long ago. He showed people that boxing is a great sport and can be the most entertaining sport in the world.
“برای من, it’s almost like a dream come true. It’s surreal. I remember at an early age in boxing saying, ‘I want to be the guy that brings boxing back.I’m really blessed to be where I am in my career. For all the fighters who could end up on this stage, I’m proud that I’ve been chosen.
I’ve always considered myself a knockout artist. Back to when I was a teenager knocking out grown men in headgear. Ever since then, I’ve been dropping people like a bad habit.
I love being a power-puncher. My favorite fighter of all time is Mike Tyson. One of my goals that I set when I was a kid was to have more knockouts than Mike Tyson throughout my career.
I’m ready for Shawn Porter. We’re going to box harder, box stronger and box better. I will be the better man.
Training is the fundamentals of getting one prepared. We’ve always known that Shawn Porter was going to come into this fight in tremendous shape. That’s what his training methods are all about. But the Energizer Bunny has never been hit by Keith Thurman, and I’m pretty sure I could stop it in its tracks.
“من قصد دارم برای حذفی. I’ve stated it before. My hands are itching for a knockout. I’m ‘One Time,’ همیشه. That’s my philosophy. Every single time I step into the ring I’m looking for the knockout. We don’t get paid for overtime.
This is an opportunity to showcase our talents and our skills to the world. The winner will have an opportunity to be the head guy in the sport. I’ve always wanted to have a legacy in the sport of boxing.
I want to be the undisputed welterweight champion of the world. That’s my ultimate goal. There have only been so many in the history of boxing. I want to be a part of that history.
DAN BIRMINGHAM, Thurman’s Trainer
Keith is a guy who deserves to be on this stage. He has a lot of experience and he’s come into his own. This is the kind of thing that happens when you work hard.
Life happens. Keith was involved in the accident and so we took the necessary rest. He saw the right doctors and we’re back now. We’re ready for Shawn Porter.
We’re constantly conditioning. We’re working on attacking his style. He’s a short, come-forward brawler who’s going to try to come into Keith’s chest and make it a war. We’re making out adjustments.
Keith has to be busier, more in charge fighter. He has to work off of his jab and then his power will keep Porter at bay.
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پلت فرم های برنامه نویسی بروکلین بوکس ™ بارکلیز مرکز است که توسط AARP ارائه. PBC است توسط تاج حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports و بهww.premierboxingchampions.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدSHOSports, ShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, @AbnerMares, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter وSwanson_Comm و یا تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment و WWW.facebook.com/BarclaysCenter.



Featherweight Title On The Line In Cuellar vs. Mares Fight


Presented by Premier Boxing Champions From Barclays Center


For Team Mares Training Camp Photos Click اینجا


لس آنجلس, کالیفرنیا. (ژوئن 9, 2016) – ابنر مادیان, the former three-division world champion boxer, will be taking class, technique and power into the ring when he meets WBA Featherweight World Championعیسی Cuellar بر روز شنبه, ژوئن 25 زندگی در SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس بر CBS ارائه شده توسط برتر قهرمانان بوکس از مرکز بارکلیز در بروکلین, N.Y.. پوشش زنده در آغاز 9 p.m. EST/6 p.m. PST.


بلیط را می توان با مراجعه به خریداری آنلاین www.ticketmaster.com,www.barclayscenter.com و یا با تماس 1-800-745-3000. بلیط نیز در دفتر جعبه امریکن اکسپرس در مرکز بارکلیز در دسترس هستند. تخفیف گروه از طریق تماس با 844-BKLYN-GP در دسترس هستند.


Mares returns to the ring after a loss in one of 2015’s most-watched fights against featherweight world champion Leo Santa Cruz. به 2016 Mares changed his training camp to work with former world champion boxer and two-time “ترینر سال,” رابرت گارسیا (Mikey گارسیا, آنتونیو Margarito, مارکوس مایدانا) out of his Riverside, کالیفرنیا., facility. Mares has continued to work with his longtime strength and condition coach Luis Garcia (دیگر برتو, امیر خان). His fight against Cuellar not only marks his first fight of 2016 but a chance to capture a fourth world title.


This is going to be a technical fight,” مادیان گفت. “Cuellar is a hard-hitting fighter and since the fight was made we’ve been preparing for a real battle. I have no personal vendetta against him, however I am excited to see what monster the Mares-Garcia combination has created and gets unleashed. My power and spirit are 1000 در صد. Fans are going to see a fantastic, clean, technical fight.


For Maresfans the direction under the guidance of Garcia brings new possibilities for the fighter, and one that Garcia sees as the next step and progression for Abner.
I’ve been seeing the Abner that the world knew three to four years ago,” said Garcia about Mares’ پرورش. “A warrior with tremendous boxing skills, that’s the Abner I see now. He’s in tremendous shape but it’s a different Abner. He’s been a warrior all his life and he will come to fighthe has that mentalitybut his jab, his straight punches and footwork are better than what fans have seen in the past two years.


This fight marks the first fight for Mares in New York.


It’s my first time fighting and being in New York and I plan on giving the fans at Barclays a ‘Fight of the Year’ کارایی,” او گفت. “New York is the home of the American dream. Being a Mexican who came to the U.S. as a young child, it’s hugely symbolic for me as well as my family. This is my chance at winning my fourth world title and to do it in the city that started so many dreams and careers and on the first primetime fight on CBS in almost 40 سال, it’s an important moment.


ابنر MARES:

How are you preparing for this fight? …

I’ve been training with Robert since December. When the original March fight was postponed and I had a chance to fight Cuellar for the title so we never really took a break. We did change our training regimen a bit to stay fresh, get stronger and work on some tactical and technical skills. Robert has a great eye and knowledge of the sport, having worked with so many fighters, including Cuellar. It gives me an advantage in preparation.


Why the change in trainers? …

I knew I needed to change my camp after the last fight. I felt that we had a solid camp but in the end, I didn’t stick to the plan and it resulted in a loss. I am a warrior, من هرگز تسلیم, always come back. I am not afraid to take a fight. But I knew I needed a trainer whose plan I would have to follow versus having a trainer who would fit into mine. Robert and I come from similar backgrounds, his record speaks for itself and I know this partnership is going to deliver big wins.



What is Abner’s untapped skill? …

Abner is very candid as a boxer. He has great skills in speed, footwork and powerhe has all three and when combined he’s unstoppable. Sparring has been tremendous and if he does exactly what he is doing in gym and follows instructions then he can compete against any top featherweight in the world in my opinion.


How is sparring? …

Abner’s a beast. He’s doing great in our sparring sessionshis power is tremendous and his boxing has just become more effective. He’s always been a tremendous fighter who can box inside and on the outside. What the world saw and loved from him in Augusthis heart and ability to get in and fighthas been focused and strengthened. We’re very focused on winning and beating a hard-hitting fighter.


پلت فرم های برنامه نویسی بروکلین بوکس ™ بارکلیز مرکز است که توسط AARP ارائه. PBC است توسط تاج حمایت, بهترین آبجو با خدا ممنوع.


برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports وwww.premierboxingchampions.com, در توییتر دنبال کنیدSHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing @PremierBoxing, @AbnerMares, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainmentو www.facebook.com/BarclaysCenter.