Таг Арцхивес: Ц.Ј. Бокал


Бангор, Мејн (Септембар 3, 2018) – There’s no evidence that Easy Street exists in the world of professional mixed-martial-arts.




If it did, it’s safe to say Caleb Hall wouldn’t be able to find it, even if he were furnished the most precise global positioning system and the unlimited kindness of strangers.




Hall is wired to fight hard, fight often, and fight against the best available competition to give himself an accurate barometer of where he stands in the sport.




That won’t change this Saturday, Септембар 8тх, when he takes on C.J. Ewer in a lightweight bout at New England Fights 35: “Wicked Season.” The card will take place at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor with an opening bell time of 7 п.м.




Сала, 24, a multi-time state champion wrestler during his career at Dirigo High School, isn’t bothered that he’ll be taking on a hometown hero who has been a titleholder for the regional promotion. It seems he subscribes to pro wrestling legend Ric Flair’s mantra: To be the man, you’ve got to beat the man.




“Whoever they offer and put in front of me is who I’m going to take on,” Hall said. “It doesn’t matter to me. It’s a big fight and it’s in his hometown. That definitely makes it more interesting.”




The fight is a natural pairing for two of Maine’s top pros. Each is eager to get back into the NEF hexagon, for opposite reasons, after their results earlier this year.




Hall handled John Ortolani, a wily veteran with main-event experience on his 20-fight ledger, in an impressive April pro debut. His game well developed from a double-digit total of amateur scraps, Hall earned a submission via the rarity of a Von Flue choke at 2:16 у првом колу.




Two months earlier, Ewer sustained his first loss in the pro cage by kneebar against Kemran Lachinov. He’s tough on home turf, међутим, as evidenced by a stoppage of Rumford’s Mike Hansen last summer.




“We have similar styles and similar games,” Hall said, “I try not to think about my opponent too much and just try to fight my fight. He’s a tough matchup no matter who he’s in there against.”




Since making his debut only a month after he crossed the legal age threshold of 18, Hall has carved out a reputation as a relentless, crowd-pleasing competitor who isn’t picky about his opponents.




That’s made life easier for NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson, who can always count on Hall being ready for prime time near the top of the bill.




“Caleb reminds me a lot of Devin Powell, our former lightweight champion. Devin most recently won in the UFC, the largest fight promotion on the planet,” Peterson said. “Devin got to where he is through good, old-fashioned diligence – desire, посвета, discipline and hard work. Caleb’s approach mirrors Devin’s. He’s not looking for the easy path to get where he wants to go.”




Everything else about Hall’s progression in the sport has been measured conservatively.

He toiled in the amateur ranks for more than five years, wanting to make sure that his acumen was developed and his repertoire well-balanced.




“I think I’m pretty well-rounded in every area,” Hall said, “My wrestling is still probably the strongest part of my game, but everything else is starting to catch up, like my submissions and my striking.”




Hall never budged from his amateur weight of 145 until moving up to 155 – historically NEF’s deepest and toughest pro division – for his shot at Ortolani.




He and Ewer are now jockeying for position in a class that provided great success for the likes of Powell, Брус Боиингтон, Ryan Sanders, Jon Lemke and Jesse Erickson. Advancing to that fray would have been foolhardy if Hall hadn’t done things the right way physically and nutritionally.




“For me it’s been more about training and putting it on the right way. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I could still make 145, but this is a lot better for my body,” Hall said. “I was in the same weight class from the time I entered the sport when I was 18. It was a lot of weight cuts, but I was coming right out of high school wrestling where that was all part of it.”




When he fought at 145, Hall said his day-to-day weight when not in training was just shy of 170 фунти. He can now comfortably carry 175 на 180 between bouts. Less last-minute dehydration is necessary to reach the lightweight limit.




“He’s on the treadmill every day. He’s logging his training hours with commitment and focus,” Peterson said. “He’s living the lifestyle. It’s guys like Caleb that really get me excited about the sport, because they show us the best stuff that human beings are made of, and they give us a glimpse of what we’re capable of as people. If Caleb Hall hits the heights that he’s set for himself – and I’m confident that he will get there – it will be because he earned it the entire way.”




Hall appreciates the perception that his fight with Ewer is a big one in the NEF title picture and beyond, but as always he is eager to steer clear of the hype.




“I had a lot of confidence going in (against Ortolani), and that hasn’t changed,” Hall said. “I see every fight as your biggest fight, anyway. That’s just how I try to approach it. This sport has a small window.”




Three five-minute rounds aren’t much time in the grand scheme, или, although it’s a grueling grind when two action fighters such as Hall and Ewer are going at it.




Despite their first-round finishes last time around, Hall won’t be surprised to see this one venture closer to the advertised distance.




“We’ll see what happens. I don’t go in there thinking I’m going to take him out,” Hall said. “I expect it to be a war. It’ll probably go deep into the second and third rounds, and we’ll see who swims.”




Неф следећи мешовите борилачки догађај, “НЕФ 35: Wicked Season,” will see the company make its return to the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Мејн. The event is scheduled to take place this Saturday, Септембар 8, 2018 with a bell time of 7 ам. Улазнице су у продаји сада на ввв.ЦроссИнсуранцеЦентер.цом.


Левистон, Мејн (Фебруар 4, 2018) - Две године путовања светом у потрази за мешовитом борилачком вештином нису имале ни трунке негативног утицаја на мистику Бруцеа "Претти Бои" Боиингтона у кавезу Нев Енгланд Фигхтс.





Поцепан, окрвављени Таилор Трахан некако је стигао до краја друге рунде у Андросцоггин Банк Цолисее, али је неумољиви Боиингтон пробио доминантну представу задњим голим пригушивачем 1:08 трећег у главном такмичењу од 150 килограма на „НЕФ-у 32: Супер Субота."





Боиингтон (15-11) борио се на тако различитим локацијама као што су Њујорк и Москва од његовог најновијег наступа на НЕФ-у. Победнички низ у промоцији продужио је у четири борбе на рачун Трахана (7-9).





Четири друге професионалне борбе и 10 аматерски послови истакли су ужурбано вече.




Ц.Ј. Еверова понуда да постане први истовремени шампион НЕФ-а у две различите дивизије није успела против Кемрана Лацхинова.





Лацхинов (6-2), ветеран из Беллатора са седиштем из Лудлова, Масачусетс, заузео упражњену велтер категорији са тапкањем до колена 3:01 првог кола.




Евер је био непоражен у три претходне професионалне борбе, укључујући и победу над Микеом Хансеном за каиш средње категорије пре шест месеци.





Хансен је такође упио губитак на овој картици. Долази до недељне полемике око договорене тежине улова, Јессе "Тхе Викинг" Ерицксон показао је да његов очигледан недостатак величине није проблем.





Након доминације на раним разменама, Ериксон (10-7) применио гиљотину. Са Хансеном (5-9) изгледа неодговорно, судија је ускочио и зауставио такмичење у 2:41 у првом колу.





Аарон Лацеи се опоравио од првог пораза у каријери, темељно доминирајући ветераном Јосхом Паркером у клупку од 145 килограма. Лејси (5-1) контролисао усамљени круг борбе, испуштајући Паркера (6-10) са коленом у главу. Одржао је контролу злобним нападом на тело, затим послао Паркера у земљу снова задњим голим пригушивачем на 4:30.





Упорност се исплатила независном упоришту Зенону Херрери, који је прву професионалну победу покупио у седмом покушају. И Херрера и противник Нате Цхарлес имају широку боксерску позадину, али управо је Херреина доминација на терену отворила пут до једногласне одлуке.





У главном аматерском догађају, Риан Бургесс је исцрпљујуће постигао уску победу над Натеом Боуцхером, муве фраке од земље и фунте.





Борба између бивших саиграча у рвању у средњој школи Моунтаин Валлеи наплаћена је као незадовољство, подстакнут ратом речи на друштвеним мрежама. Није изненађујуће што се након звона завршило дугим загрљајем, са обојицом мушкараца који су лежали проведени у средишту кавеза.





Није било много избора између супарника са Румфорда. Бургесс (3-2) гурнуо напад у другој и трећој рунди и можда је изборио финале 29-28 ивица на две картице са неколико добро постављених колена до средине. боуцхер (2-2) помео сва три круга у процени другог судије.





Са победом, Бургесс је пукнуо у две борбе и зарадио борбу за титулу у јуну против Јустина Витхама. Бургесс је првобитно освојио титулу још 2015.





Дошао је Арнолд (2-0) оставио неизбрисив утисак и на публику и на противника Килеа Кеннеиа у победи у првом колу. Након стрпљивог проналаска шава, Арнолд је ударио Кеннеи-а на платно рано у борби и стекао ТКО салвом штрајкова у двоминутном року.





Бивши аматерски шампион у полутешкој категорији Рајан Гловер (4-2) тријумфално се вратио у свом првом наступу откако је изгубио појас пре тачно годину дана. Гловер је завршио слугфест са новопридошлим Јоеом Берубеом усменим предавањем ударцима у почетним секундама треће рунде.





Мохаммад Ал-Кинани водио је свој аматерски рекорд 3-0 са првобитним ТКО Исааца Тхерриена. Била је то проницљивост Ал-Кинанија против Теријенове рвачке позадине, и Тхерриен је рану предност стекао са три уклањања. Није успео да задржи акцију на палуби, међутим, а Ал-Кинанијева песничка снага показала се сувише тешком за превазилажење.





Такође, Схавн Лунгхи држао је свој рекорд савршен кроз три борбе са задњим голим гушењем у првом кругу над претходно непобеђеним Девином Цорсоном. Убедљив, 68-друга победа је Лунгхију донела априлски ударац у аматерској титули у перолакој категорији против Таилора Цостантина на НЕФ-у 33 у Портланду.





Бивши фудбалер Универзитета у Мејну, Царлтон Цхарлес, пружио је најбржи нокаут вечери. Цхарлес се вратио из свог почетног пораза у новембру заустављањем Делмаркиса Едвардса у трајању од 12 секунди, који је дебитовао у 175 фунти.





Стаци Лупо је своју прву победу у кавезу освојила над Давидом Хартом. Лупо је користио колена и ударце ногама да би стекао предност пре него што је стекао ТКО ударцима 1:10 уводне рунде отпада од 155 килограма.





У дивљем забавном двобоју жена за крштење карте, Б.Ј. Гарцеау је имао успешан аматерски деби подељеном одлуком око Сарах Зиехм. Све три судије су понудиле а 29-28 пресуда, али снажан почетак и ауторитативни финиш дали су Гарцеау-у предност. Гарцеау је свој деби посветила свести о дијабетесу, болест са којом се бори ван кавеза.






Прекршаји две друге жене прошли су даљину. Цатие Деннинг је дебитовала једногласно одлуком над Цхелсеа Елизабетх, док је Аманда Галло путовање са Флориде исплатила чистим замахом карата 2017 НЕФ новакиња године Јаида Баилеи.





НЕФ се враћа у Портланд, Мејн, у Аури на Субота, Април 14. Да бисте купили карте за „НЕФ 33: Риптиде," Иди на ввв.аурамаине.цом и користите претпродајни код “НЕФ.”


О Нове Енглеске Бои

Нев Енгланд Фигхтс ("НЕФ") је борба настани промоције компанија. НЕФ-ова мисија је да створи најквалитетније догађаје за борце и навијаче. Извршни тим НЕФ има велико искуство у борби спортски менаџмент, Производња догађаји, односи са медијима, маркетинг, правни и оглашавање.



Matt Andrikut v Mike Hansen square off in MMA action from NEF 25.

ЗА ОБЈАВЉИВАЊЕ ОДМАХ: Румфорд, Мејн (Август 3, 2017) – New Mike Hansen’s dreams of becoming a mixed martial arts (ММА) champion were admittedly premature. Then they were derailed for nearly a decade by a combination of injuries, service to his country and fatherhood.


The teenage ambition that made Hansen believe he could conquer the world, or at least his little corner of it, never went away, мада.


Twenty-nine months after resurrecting his career with New England Fights, Rumford’s Hansen (5-5) finally gets that coveted title shot. He will battle hometown favorite C.J. Бокал (2-0) at “NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor” this Субота, Август 5 at Cross Insurance Center for the organization’s vacant middleweight title. The card starts at 7 п.м.

Хансен, који је претворио 32 јул 21, says the opportunity fulfills an early goal while living and fighting in Massachusetts back in 2005.


“I was 19 years old and thought I had a great head on my shoulders, so I called out the (World Fighting League) champion at the time, who was John “Doomsday” Howard,” Hansen said. “I said that I wanted that belt and that I was coming after him. Knowing what I know now, he probably would have whipped the (crap) out of me.”


Howard went on to compete at the highest level with Ultimate Fighting Championships (УФЦ) and is now a veteran of 37 journeys into the cage. Hansen’s career path had many more stops, starts and detours.


He started with six amateur wins out of the gate and won his initial professional foray with ease. The title fight will take place on the eve of the 12тх anniversary of that pro debut.


“Being 19 година стар, I was kind of cocky. I remember telling my dad nobody could compete with my wrestling,” Hansen said. “Back then, MMA hadn’t really evolved. The wrestler had the advantage over the jiu-jitsu guy. You could just hold a guy down and snuggle and hug and sweat out a win.”


After his first knockout loss, Hansen promised his father he would quit the sport. But he had already caught the fever, and his confidence was sky high.


Hansen was training for a bout at Laconia, New Hampshire’s bike week when he suffered a broken ankle two weeks before the weigh-in. He recovered and was in training for another fight when he was stabbed and beaten with a baseball bat in what could have been a fatal case of mistaken identity.


He remarkably walked out of the hospital a day later and soon embarked on a more structured path as a combat engineer in the United States Army. While enlisted, Hansen suffered a serious shoulder injury. Even after retirement, a return to the MMA cage seemed unlikely.


Then came a fateful call from an old friend and neighbor, NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson, and the rest is history. Hansen has carved out a reputation as one who will take on any opponent in any weight class at any time, and perhaps there is no greater example than the Ewer matchup.


“The belts are vacant at 170, 185 и 205 (фунти). I can make weight for all those if I have enough time,” Hansen said. “I guess Peterson thought it made sense to kill two birds with one stone and put me in with Ewer at 185. Six weeks ago is when they called me, and at first they asked me about 170. I really liked the fight, but the weight didn’t make sense. I was sitting on the couch at 248.”


Hansen has spent most of his time in the heavyweight and light heavyweight divisions. He was glaringly outweighed in his last bout, a February loss to Ras Hylton.


Only once previously has he downsized to the middleweight threshold, a February 2016 loss to Zach Elkins. In the case of Ewer, who has done most of his work at 170, meeting in the middle might play to Hansen’s advantage.


“We’re two different styles of fighters. He’s coming up in weight and I’m coming down,” Hansen said. “He’s never been in the cage against anybody with my kind of power. When I’m hitting somebody at 200 фунти, I’m hitting them with the force of somebody who’s 245. My opponents have told me they’ve never been hit harder by a guy my size. I feel like it’s my fight to lose, as long as I don’t make any mistakes and go in there with the stamina I need to have.”


Hansen is confident against Ewer, who had a 5-2 amateur record with notable wins over Ricky Dexter and Crowsneck Boutin before turning pro. He knows better, међутим, than to underestimate any fighter out of the Young’s MMA stable.


“I feel like I’m the more talented fighter and that I have more tools in my tool box. But I know Young’s MMA is a great camp and that he trains with a lot of great guys,” Hansen said. “Chris (Млад) finds a way to set you up to fight the fight you need to win. Look at the Pat Kelly fight (against Rafael Velado). They prepared to turn that into a kickboxing fight, and then he went out and did just that.”


Hansen has seen his name rise into the New England top-five conversation. Most of the fighters ahead of him have experience with larger promotions.


He said a win over Ewer could inspire him to travel and continuing to pursue the dream. That’s consistent with the personality he has shown through this second act of his career.


“I’ve been fighting the top-level guys in NEF for about the past two-and-a-half years,” Hansen said, “I always told Peterson to set me up with a guy who’s in the top 10 or just above me. I wanted to work my way up.”


From his days as a high school state wrestling champion at Mountain Valley High School, Hansen flaunted a distaste for winning that served him well.


In those days, he wore a T-shirt that read, ‘Nobody remembers second place,’ with four gold medals beneath it. Hansen’s attitude remains, but the mainstay of Berserker’s MMA out of the Greater Rumford Community Center noted that it is never only about himself.


“I want to win the title for all the people who have supported me and trained with me in Rumford. I also want it for my gym. We’ve done this three times in the amateurs and now we’re going to do it with a pro,", Рекао је он. "(GRCC is) just a little on-profit that helps people pursue their dreams. I’d love to hang that belt on the wall. It shows people in the community what we’re capable of here, and hopefully it gets them interested and grows the gym. That’s my goal.”


Tickets for “NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor” are available at CrossInsuranceCenter.com. For more information on the fight card and event updates, please visit NewEnglandFights.com.


О Нове Енглеске Бои

Нев Енгланд Фигхтс ("НЕФ") је борба настани промоције компанија. Мисија НЕФ је да створи најквалитетније догађаје за Маине бораца и фанове подједнако. Извршни тим НЕФ има велико искуство у борби спортски менаџмент, Производња догађаји, односи са медијима, маркетинг, правни и оглашавање.