标记档案: 巴西柔术

罗伊斯·格雷西(Royce Gracie)今天在巴西举办柔术研讨会现场直播 3 P.M. 太平洋标准时间 / 6 P.M. 在Bellator MMA的社交频道上进行的EST

今天在 3 P.M. 太平洋标准时间 / 6 P.M. 在Bellator MMA的社交频道上进行的EST, 有史以来最有影响力的MMA战斗机之一, 罗伊斯格雷西, 将教巴西柔术研讨会.

该活动将立即在Facebook上开始, 叽叽喳喳, Instagram和YouTube.

孙子兵法格斗锦标赛 17 更新 – 阿什利·格里姆肖 (Ashleigh Grimshaw) 在主赛事中取代受伤的少年阿松桑 (Assuncao)

北京, 中国 – UFC 和 Bellator 老将 Waylon Lowe 与英国综合格斗艺术家 Ashleigh Grimshaw 之间的次中量级对决将成为《孙子兵法》的头条新闻 17 本周六晚上在中国北京. 格里姆肖是 UFC 老将朱尼奥·阿松桑 (Junior Assuncao) 的替补,后者在训练中受伤,上周不得不在短时间内退出与洛的比赛.

赛义德·洛, 三届 NCAA 摔跤冠军,目前 16-6 作为一名职业拳手, “很不幸,朱尼尔不得不退出比赛,但我很高兴主办方找到了另一个高水平的对手让我面对. 我和 Ashleigh Grimshaw 将于 4 月 30 日《孙子兵法 17》为所有中国 MMA 粉丝带来一场精彩的表演。”

首席执行官兼中国 MMA 先驱皮安迪 (Andy Pi) 就本周末的赛事以及他的公司重新成为中国 MMA 的主导者发表了这样的看法, “我们对下一场比赛感到非常兴奋,因为它将继续让孙子兵法重新成为中国格斗运动的最大力量。”

先生. 圆周率, 巴西柔术棕带、北京著名企业家, 表示他富有远见的格斗联盟是中国MMA的未来. “孙子兵法格斗锦标赛是中国大陆第一个综合格斗赛事,至今仍是最负盛名的赛事. 我们公司将通过每一次活动不断开拓中国MMA市场。”

如今,中国是 MMA 和 Mr. 最大的未开发市场. Pi 说他知道原因并且, 更重要的是, 《孙子兵法》FC 如何利用.

“MMA 是世界上最激动人心的运动, 但它在美国的推广方式往往与传统思想的中国体育迷格格不入. 通过将 MMA 的活力和兴奋与亚洲传统武术典型的荣誉和尊重的古老文化相结合,AOW 将以一种新的、更强大的方式将 21 世纪发展最快的运动带入世界上最大的体育迷市场…”

获取门票和打卡信息, 请访问: HTTP://www.artofwarfc.com/

大约 孙子兵法格斗锦标赛:

成立于 2004, 孙子兵法格斗锦标赛是中国大陆首屈一指的综合武术推广活动. 孙子兵法格斗锦标赛通过卫星向全国转播,网络覆盖 300 万观众. 汇聚了一些中国最优秀的综合武术家, 包括国家冠军和前奥运选手, 孙子兵法格斗锦标赛是中国综合格斗产业未来发展的旗手.

媒体垂询请联系 Al Yu- alyu@artofwarfc.com


路易斯顿, 缅因 (二月 12, 2016) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF), 美国的头号地区拼促销, 将举行下一次活动, “NEF 22: 条条大路通HERE” 上 星期六, 四月 22, 2016在安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店在路易斯顿, 缅因. The fight card will feature a mix of mixed-martial-arts (MMA) 与职业拳击较量. 今天早些时候,, NEF announced the addition of a featherweight contest to the amateur portion of the “22 NEF” fight card. Bantamweight Champion 约翰尼工艺品 (4-0) will move up in weight to face Taylor Costantino (2-1) 145磅.


Crafts was successful last Saturday in his attempt to capture the inaugural NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Title. He took out Henry Clark (3-2) in the third round of their bout in Lewiston. Crafts is a decorated Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (巴西柔术) brown belt out of Team New England United (NEW). He also cross-trains with Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) 在路易斯顿.


I’m excited to step up to 145 to fight Taylor,” said Crafts of the upcoming matchup with Costantino. “I will be very strong at that weight seeing as I cut pretty extensively to make 135. It will allow me to focus on different areas this camp instead of putting a lot of my energy into cutting weight.


Costantino is himself coming off a big win last Saturday at “NEF 21。” It took him a mere 25-seconds to down Frank Johanson (0-1), a training partner of Crafts at CMBJJ, 在第一轮. Costantino is clear that he is coming to fight on 四月 23, and he does not plan on engaging in a grappling contest with Crafts.


Respect to him for coming up in weight,” said Costantino of Crafts. “He’s a glorified pajama warrior that has never been punched in the face with any type of authority. He will clinch quickly and look for the takedown. He’ll realize real quick that he has never fought or trained with anybody like me.


Crafts and Costantino are not strangers to one another. Several years ago, the two met in a jiu-jitsu tournament with Crafts coming out on top.


Taylor and I have competed before in a sport jiu-jitsu tournament,” recalled Crafts. “Taylor says I am a glorified pajama warrior who has never been punched in the face, but if I recall correctly, I submitted him without my ‘pajamasno-gi in that tournament pretty quickly. I train with a lot of very talented and tough fighters daily who punch me in the face very hard. People say the same thing about me not getting punched – 很好, I have had four fights and they just haven’t had the chance to. Anyone who has trained with high-level fighters will tell you that gi jiu-jitsu only makes you more of a technical fighter. If he doesn’t believe that, that is finehe will feel it on 4月23日.”


Johnny did submit me when I first moved to Maine,” Costantino admitted. “Legit submission, and his pure grappling is definitely high level. My grappling is MMA based, not slow jitsu. It’s grimy, grueling and punishing. Pure grappling, I would worry about his game. But it’s a fight, sport jiu-jitsu means next to nothing to me.


I wish I could say people will get to see my whole game, but I can’t guarantee that. Johnny will feel my power and look to go to his comfort zone. I will break him, you will see quit in his eyes.


After Taylor won in impressive fashion at NEF 21, he immediately screamed at me while still inside the cage that he wanted a black belt for his next challenge,” 说NEF共同所有者和媒人马特·彼得森. “很好, he’s getting a brown belt in Johnny Crafts who, by all accounts, is due to receive his black belt any day, is a perfect 4-0 in the cage and is the current NEF amateur bantamweight champion. This fight is dripping with drama and will define a future top contender for the featherweight title in NEF’s stacked 145-pound division.


新英格兰战斗“下一个事件, “NEF 22: 条条大路通HERE,“发生 星期六, 四月 23, 2016 在安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店在路易斯顿, 缅因. Tickets for “NEF 22” start at just $25 而在销售现在 www.TheColisee.com 或致电在Colisée酒店票房 207.783.2009 X 525. 有关事件,并拼牌更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他们的Twitter @nefights并加入官方Facebook集团“新英格兰战斗。”



SANTA MONICA (八月 11, 2015) - Bellator MMA是自豪地宣布签署 乔希“朋克”汤姆森 (20-8, 1 NC) 以独家多年, 多打合同. 在36年,年轻, 在前锋线轻量级世界冠军仍然是顶级155磅炮在运动中的一个, 在最佳组织,包括UFC和傲慢有竞争.


居住在圣荷西, 加利福尼亚州. 而在训练美国著名跆拳道学院旁边的一些运动最好, 汤姆森赢得下戴夫卡马里奥他的巴西柔术黑带. 除了他强大的地面进攻, 汤姆森引人注目的开山鼻祖是点以及, 获得“淘汰赛之夜”一个奖为他的产量,他对内特 - 迪亚兹在战斗 2013. 这也是值得被说是“朋克”持有创纪录 3-0 专业跆拳道.


“我曾与约什在锋线工作的乐趣,我期待着继续在Bellator MMA这种关系. 乔希是一个世界级的混合武术艺术家,我们很高兴能加入他我们对一些最好的轻量级名册世界,说:“推广的总裁, 斯科特·科克尔. “Bellator仍完全致力于通过签约顶级自由球员像汤姆逊建立名册, 以及疏导向上和未来的蓝筹明星. 我们心里有一些惊人的对决为“朋克”我们希望能在公布的几个星期来“。


“我在这里读这UFC记者说,他们已经拒绝重新签下我时,事情的真相是,他们一直在试图重新签下我为我的最后两场战争. 我拒绝了,而是选择了打了我的合同,并与Bellator试水自由市场的机构. 在那时候, Bellator给我的条件是,UFC是无法匹配由于其与福克斯和锐步的关系. 这是木已成舟, 我回来工作炼焦, 我不能更高兴能够回到那个与战斗机友好合约向上趋势的组织. 任何一个聪明的战斗机是要去那里有钱, 对我来说钱是在Bellator。“


“朋克”加入运动员是最近与Bellator签署了在过去一年中,包括一个突出的列表: 菲尔·戴维斯, 乔希Koscheck, 梅尔文Guillard, 和露丝, 亚伦微微, 洛伦佐胡德, Ewerton特谢拉, Gleristone桑托斯, 除其他.


他将继续在轻量级分裂是深开始打: 主销 威尔·布鲁克斯, 到其他战士一样迈克尔Chandleř, 马尔辛举行, 戴夫Rickels, Patricky“斗犬”弗莱雷戴夫·扬森.