Tag Archives: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Royce Gracie Hosts Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Seminar Live Today at 3 p.m. PST / 6 p.m. EST on Bellator MMA’s Social Channels

Today at 3 p.m. PST / 6 p.m. EST on Bellator MMA’s social channels, one of the most influential MMA fighters of all-time, Royce Грэйси, will be teaching a Brazilian jiu-jitsu seminar.

The event will begin promptly on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

Art of War Fighting Championship 17 Update – Ashleigh Grimshaw replaces Injured Junior Assuncao in Main Event

BEIJING, CHINA – A welterweight matchup between UFC and Bellator veteran Waylon Lowe and British Mixed Martial Artist Ashleigh Grimshaw will headline Art of War 17 this Saturday night in Beijing China. Grimshaw is late replacements for UFC vet Junior Assuncao who suffered a training injury and had to pull out of his fight with Lowe on short notice last week.

Said Lowe, a three time NCAA wrestling champion who is currently 16-6 as a professional fighter, “It’s unfortunate that Junior had to drop out of the fight but I’m glad the promoters found another high caliber opponent for me to face. Ashleigh Grimshaw and I will put on a great show for all the Chinese MMA fans on April 30th Art of War 17.”

CEO and Chinese MMA pioneer Andy Pi had this to say about this weekend’s event and his company’s return as the dominant player in Chinese MMA, “We are very excited about this next event as it continues Art of War’s reemergence as the biggest force in Chinese Combat Sports.“

Ноён. Pi, a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Brown Belt and noted entrepreneur in Beijing, says his visionary fighting league is the future of MMA in China. “Art of War Fighting Championships was the first Mixed Martial Arts event in Mainland China and is still the most prestigious. With every event our company will continue to develop the market for MMA in China.

Today China is the biggest untapped market for MMA and Mr. Pi says he knows why and, more importantly, how Art of War FC can capitalize.

“MMA is the most exciting sport in the world, but the way it’s promoted in the US often doesn’t connect with more traditionally minded Chinese sports fans. By combining the energy and excitement MMA with the ancient culture of honor and respect typical of traditional Asian Martial Arts AOW will bring the 21st century’s fastest growing sport to the world’s largest market of sports fan in a new and more powerful way…”

For tickets and fight card information, авна уу: HTTP://www.artofwarfc.com/

Тухай Art of War Fighting Championship:

Онд байгуулагдсан 2004, the Art of War Fighting Championship is Mainland China’s premier mixed martial arts promotion. The Art of War Fighting Championship is broadcasted via satellite nationwide to network coverage of 300 сая үзэгчид. Featuring some of China’s best-mixed martial artists, including national champions and former Olympians, the Art of War Fighting Championship is the standard bearer for the future of China’s exploding mixed martial arts industry.

For Press Inquires Contact Al Yu- alyu@artofwarfc.com


Lewiston, Maine (Хоёрдугаар сар 12, 2016) - Шинэ Английн тулаан (NEF), АНУ-ын хэд хэдэн бүс нутгийн нэг нь тэмцэл сурталчилгаа, дараагийн арга хэмжээг зохион байгуулна, “NEF 22: Бүх зам ЭНД ХӨТӨЛЖ” тухай Бямба гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 22, 2016Lewiston нь Androscoggin банкны Colisée нь, Maine. The fight card will feature a mix of mixed-martial-arts (ММА) and professional boxing bouts. Өмнө нь өнөөдөр, NEF announced the addition of a featherweight contest to the amateur portion of the “NEF 22” тэмцэл карт. Bantamweight Champion Жонни Гар урлал (4-0) will move up in weight to face Taylor Costantino (2-1) at 145-pounds.


Crafts was successful last Saturday in his attempt to capture the inaugural NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Title. He took out Henry Clark (3-2) in the third round of their bout in Lewiston. Crafts is a decorated Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) brown belt out of Team New England United (ШИНЭ). He also cross-trains with Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) Lewiston-д.


I’m excited to step up to 145 to fight Taylor,” said Crafts of the upcoming matchup with Costantino. “I will be very strong at that weight seeing as I cut pretty extensively to make 135. It will allow me to focus on different areas this camp instead of putting a lot of my energy into cutting weight.


Costantino is himself coming off a big win last Saturday at “NEF 21.” It took him a mere 25-seconds to down Frank Johanson (0-1), a training partner of Crafts at CMBJJ, Эхний шатанд. Costantino is clear that he is coming to fight on Дөрөвдүгээр 23, and he does not plan on engaging in a grappling contest with Crafts.


Respect to him for coming up in weight,” said Costantino of Crafts. “He’s a glorified pajama warrior that has never been punched in the face with any type of authority. He will clinch quickly and look for the takedown. He’ll realize real quick that he has never fought or trained with anybody like me.


Crafts and Costantino are not strangers to one another. Several years ago, the two met in a jiu-jitsu tournament with Crafts coming out on top.


Taylor and I have competed before in a sport jiu-jitsu tournament,” recalled Crafts. “Taylor says I am a glorified pajama warrior who has never been punched in the face, but if I recall correctly, I submitted him without my ‘pajamasno-gi in that tournament pretty quickly. I train with a lot of very talented and tough fighters daily who punch me in the face very hard. People say the same thing about me not getting punched – сайн, I have had four fights and they just haven’t had the chance to. Anyone who has trained with high-level fighters will tell you that gi jiu-jitsu only makes you more of a technical fighter. If he doesn’t believe that, that is finehe will feel it on April 23rd.”


Johnny did submit me when I first moved to Maine,” Costantino admitted. “Legit submission, and his pure grappling is definitely high level. My grappling is MMA based, not slow jitsu. It’s grimy, grueling and punishing. Pure grappling, I would worry about his game. But it’s a fight, sport jiu-jitsu means next to nothing to me.


I wish I could say people will get to see my whole game, but I can’t guarantee that. Johnny will feel my power and look to go to his comfort zone. I will break him, you will see quit in his eyes.


After Taylor won in impressive fashion at NEF 21, he immediately screamed at me while still inside the cage that he wanted a black belt for his next challenge,” гэж хэлсэн NEF хамтран эзэмшигч, matchmaker Matt Петерсон. “За, he’s getting a brown belt in Johnny Crafts who, by all accounts, is due to receive his black belt any day, is a perfect 4-0 in the cage and is the current NEF amateur bantamweight champion. This fight is dripping with drama and will define a future top contender for the featherweight title in NEF’s stacked 145-pound division.


Шинэ Английн зодоон "дараагийн үйл явдал, "NEF 22: Бүх зам ЭНД ХӨТӨЛЖ,"Явагддаг Бямба гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 23, 2016 Lewiston нь Androscoggin банкны Colisée нь, Maine. Tickets for “NEF 22” start at just $25 одоо үед худалдаанд байгаа www.TheColisee.com эсвэл Colisée Box Office дуудаж 207.783.2009 х 525. Үйл явдал болон тэмцэл карт шинэчлэлтүүдийн талаар дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг, нь дэмжих вэб хуудаснаас авна уу www.NewEnglandFights.com. Үүнээс гадна, Таны NEF видео бичлэг үзэж болно www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, Twitternefights дээр дагаж, албан ёсны Facebook бүлэгт "New England тэмцэж байна."

Онцгой TO Bellator ММА бэх Жош Thomson, ОЛОН тэмцэх ГЭРЭЭНИЙ


Санта-Моника (Наймдугаар 11, 2015) - Bellator ММА-ийн гарын үсэг зурах зарлаж байгаадаа баяртай байна Жош "Punk" Thomson (20-8, 1 Сүлжээний Холболт) онцгой Олон жил, Олон тэмцэл гэрээ. Үед 36 жил, залуу, Хуучин Strikeforce Хөнгөн дэлхийн аварга спортын шилдэг 155-pounders нэг хэвээр байна, UFC болон бахархал, түүний дотор дээд байгууллагад өрсөлдөж учир.


Сан-Хосе-д оршин, Калифорни мужийн. , спортын зарим нь зэрэгцэн нэр хүнд бүхий АНУ-ын Kickboxing академийн сургалтын хамгийн сайн, Thomson Дэйв Camarillo дор өөрийн БЖЖ хар бүс авсан. Түүний хүчирхэг газар тоглолтын гадна, Thomson-ийн гайхалтай удам мөн дээрх цэг байдаг, Нэйт Diaz эсрэг тэмцэлд өөрийн гарцын талаар "Knockout шөнө нь" шагналыг олох 2013. Энэ нь үнэ цэнэ "Punk" -ийн дээд амжилтыг эзэмшдэг гэж байгаа юм 3-0 мэргэжлийн кикбоксоор нь.


"Би Strikeforce-д Жошийн хамтран ажиллах таашаал байсан, би Bellator ММА энэ харилцааг тасралтгүй тэсэн ядан хүлээж байна. Жош дэлхийн хэмжээний холимог тулааны уран бүтээлч, бид дэлхийн хамгийн шилдэг lightweights зарим нь бидний тахиа түүнийг нэмж байх маш их аз жаргалтай байна,"Дэмжих ерөнхийлөгч хэллээ, Скотт Coker. "Bellator Thomson зэрэг шилдэг чөлөөт агент гарын үсэг зурж өөрийн данстай барьж бүрэн дүүрэн итгэлтэй байна, мөн үс засалт гэх мэт цэнхэр чип од хүртэл-ба-ирж. Бид ирэх долоо хоногт зарлах гэж найдаж байна "панк" гэсэн оюун ухаанд ямар нэг гайхалтай matchups байна. "


"Би энд тэд намайг дахин гарын үсэг зурах буурч байсан гэсэн энэ UFC сурвалжлагч уншиж байна гаруй үед асуудлыг үнэн Учир нь тэд миний сүүлийн хоёр зодоон намайг дахин гарын үсэг зурах гэж оролдож байна шүү дээ гэж байна. Би буурч, харин миний гэрээг тэмцэх, Bellator чөлөөт зах зээлд агентлаг шалгахын тулд сонгосон. Тэр үед, Bellator made me an offer that the UFC was unable to match given their relationships with FOX and Reebok. Энэ нь хийсэн гэрээ юм, Би буцаж Coker хамтран ажиллаж байна, and I couldn’t be more excited to get back to an organization that is trending upwards with fighter-friendly contracts. Any intelligent fighter is going to go where the money is, , миний төлөө мөнгө Bellator байсан. "


"Punk", түүний дотор саяхан өнгөрсөн нэг жилийн хугацаанд Bellator нь гарын үсэг зурсан байна тамирчдын нэг алдартай жагсаалт нэгдэв: Фил Дэвис, Жош Koscheck, Мелвин Guillard, Харин Рут, Аарон Пико, Лорензо Hood, Ewerton Teixeira, Gleristone Сантос, Бусдын дунд.


Тэрээр гүн нь эхэлж байна, хөнгөн хэлтэст тэмцэх хэвээр байх болно: kingpin Will Брукс, гэх мэт өөр бусад сөнөөгч хүртэлМайкл Chandleр, Marcin зохион, Дэйв Rickels, Patricky "Pitbull" Freire болон Дэйв Jansen.