Архіви: Брендон Адамс


Брайан Шевальє забиває вражаючий нокаут третього раунду в головній події, 

Даніеліто Зоррілла отримує технічне рішення в програмі Telecast Opener


Кредит: Том Хоган - Hoganphotos / Ring City USA

Клацніть тут для фотографій із сьогоднішньої події Ring City Event

Клацніть тут, щоб подивитися перемогу Адамса TKO

Сан - Хуан, ПУЕРТОРІКО - березень 4, 2021 - Колишній претендент на титул чемпіона світу Брендон Адамс здобув найбільшу перемогу у своїй кар'єрі приголомшливим технічним нокаутом восьмого раунду, щоб засмутити зірку "синіх фішок" Сергія Богачука у головній події інавгурації Ring City USA 2021 подія від тренажерного залу Фелікса Поган-Пінтор у Гвайнабо, Пуерто-Ріко, і жити на NBC Sports Network.

Незважаючи на блимаючий атлетизм і швидкі руки протягом усього бою, Адамс (23-3, 15 КО) був на всіх трьох табелях (68-64 x2, 69-63) під час зупинки. 31-річний хлопець програв усі три раунди, спрямовуючись у восьмий кадр, коли розв'язав ідеально розміщений контратак, який завдав болю Богачуку, що створило можливість висадити сенсаційний лівий гачок, який вперше у своїй професійній кар'єрі відправив Богачука на полотно.

“Він був жорстким хлопцем,- сказав Адамс. “Він вивів з мене ще одну сторону, про яку я знав, що всередині. Сьогодні ввечері мені довелося глибоко копатись і використати всю силу, яку мені довелося зв’язати одним із тих ударів з гармати ».

Адамс, хто родом з Уотса, Каліфорнія, є першим бійцем, який повернувся до серії Ring City USA на NBC Sports Network з моменту його створення в листопаді 2020. У двох заходах боксерської серії в четвер ввечері, він забив два рішучі нокаути у виступах на головній події. Спочатку поєдинок Адамса з Бохачуком був запланований на грудень, але його опонент був змушений знятися після позитивного тесту на COVID-19. Адамс продовжив зупинку Сонні Дуверсонна у другому раунді цього заходу в боксерському клубі Wild Card у Лос-Анджелесі.

“Сьогодні ввечері там була справжня жорстка боротьба,- продовжив Адамс. “Кільце було мокрим; сьогодні суд був проти мене. Це була гостра битва. Я вибуховий боєць, і я не міг цим скористатися, бо не мав під собою ніг, бо кільце було мокрим. Але хоч мене дратували, шоу має тривати. Я професіонал. Я повинен зрозуміти, як отримати W, і це те, що мені потрібно було зробити. Я вдячний за перемогу. Я любив Пуерто-Рико, всі тут обійняли мене любов’ю ".

Богачук, який родом з Вінниці, Україна, і зараз проживає в Лос-Анджелесі, вступив у бій з незайманим професійним рекордом, виділено його 100% відсоток нокауту через 18 бої. 25-річний юнак відмовився від першого раунду на всіх трьох рахункових картах, але продовжував контролювати темп проти ветерана Адамса протягом більшої частини бою, відрізавши ринг і демонструючи стійку роботу кузова..

“Я думав, що він домінував у бою,”, - сказав головний тренер Богачука Менні Роблес. “Я сказав йому стерегтись того лівого гачка. Я сказав йому, якщо він забере той лівий гачок, тоді він контролюватиме бій. Потрібно пару раундів, щоб Сергій розігрівся, але він виглядав добре, і його захист насправді справді покращувався до того нокауту ".

У спільній головній події вечора, супер-напівлегка перспективаБрайан Шевальє (15-1-1, 12 КО) з Bayamon, Пуерто-Ріко, забив вражаючий нокаут третього раунду протиКарлос Замбрано (26-2, 11 КО). Шевальє, 26, повернувся на ринг після 15-місячного звільнення, проте не показав жодних ознак іржі кільця, оскільки забив швидкий нокдаун у першому раунді. У третьому раунді, він забив спинні нокаути, виділений ударом лівої руки до середньої частини, який направив Замбрано Перу на полотно і не зміг перемогти графа.

“Сьогодні ввечері я мав висоту та перевагу серед молоді, але він мав досвід,- сказав Шевальє. “Мені довелося з’ясувати, що він збирається принести та адаптувати, щоб отримати перемогу. Я дуже задоволений своїм виступом. Я найкращий 126-фунтовий в усьому Пуерто-Рико ".

Відкриття телетрансляції на NBC Sports Network, Пуерто-РікоДаніеліто Зоррілла (15-0, 11 КО) та КазахстануРуслан Мадієв (13-2, 5 КО) вступив у захоплюючий туди-сюди бій. 28-річний Мадієв привів бій до Зорілли з невпинним тиском, тоді як тактична "Зорілла" добре протидіяла. У п'ятому турі, Мадієву було закріплено очко за удар кулаком у голову та в 1:16 восьмого туру, арбітр Янні Гомес оголосив зупинку поєдинку через черговий удар рукою за голову, що було визнано випадковим фолом. 27-річний Зоррілла здобув перемогу в технічному рішенні, оскільки дві карти рахунків віддали перевагу пуерториканцю (77-75, 77-74) тоді як третій був підрахований на користь Мадієва (76-73). Неофіційний бомбардир Ring City Стів Смогер бачив бій 76-75 на користь Зоррілли.

«Руслан якраз отримував свій паз,”, - сказав головний тренер Джоел Діас після бою. «Він зміцнювався після п’ятого раунду, а Зоррілла втомлювався. Він продовжував обіймати Руслана протягом більшої частини бою. Особисто, Я думаю, що Зоррілла хотів вийти з бою ".

Мадієв швидко вийшов з рингу після оголошення рішення, але Діас висловив свою думку щодо закінчення поєдинку.

"Він не постраждав, він хороший актор,”, - продовжив Діас. «Зоррілла повинен бути актором мильної опери. Ми виграли цей бій, і це нечесно для мого бійця, тому що він вклав цю роботу. Але що поробиш? Ми повинні рухатися вперед ".

На даний момент Даніеліто Зоррілла перебуває у стабільному стані і після сутички був доставлений до лікарні для проведення планових тестів.

Раніше ввечері, жити в США. та у всьому світі на Twitch, Ring City USA представив три бої в чотири раунди. В основній події андеркарду Twitch, Фернандо Варгас, Молодший(2-0, 2 КО) отримав свою другу професійну перемогу вражаюче, забивши технічний нокаут у першому раунді проти СальвадоруСаломе Флорес Торрес (0-3). 24-річний Варгас, Молодший, під опікою батька - дворазового чемпіона світу в напівлегкій вазі Фернандо Варгаса, Старший, два рази відправляв Торреса на полотно, перш ніж битву відмовили.

“З кожним поєдинком, Я буду продовжувати рости і слухати свого батька,- сказав Варгас, Молодший. “Це був лише мій другий професійний бій. Ми шукали нокауту, але TKO в порядку. Я встановлював свій удар, щоб дистанціюватися, а потім розв'язав ліву руку ".

У своєму рідному місті Гуайнабо, Пуерто-Ріко, Лагуна Гарольда (2-0, 2 KO) працював на тілі рано і часто на шляху до перемоги у нокауті першого раунду надДарвін Альварес (0-1). У першому бою за вечір, Пуерто-Риканська перспективаХорхе Діас (1-0, 1 KO) здобув свою першу професійну перемогу протиFelipe Munoz (0-1) via second-round knockout.

Calling all the action ringside in Puerto Rico was former two-time welterweight champion Shawn Porter joined by NBC Sports blow-by-blow commentator Bob Papa. Brian Campbell served as fight night analyst with Curran Bhatia reporting from ringside. The executive producers of tonight’s presentation ofBohachuk vs. Адамс on NBC Sports Network were Eric Weinberger, Jeff Huggins & Frank Samuel. The telecast was produced by David Gibson and directed by Matt Celli.

Tonight’s full three-fight telecast will be available to watch on-demand on the NBC Sports App with authenticated sign-in.

Ring City USA returns to NBC Sports Network on March 18 with back-to-back weeks of Thursday night boxing from Puerto Rico. In two weeks, the next chapter in the Puerto Rico vs. Mexico ring rivalry will take center stage when former super featherweight world titlistАльберто Machado(22-2, 18 КО) стикається непереможний росте перспектива Hector Tanajara(19-0, 5 КО) in a 10-round lightweight main event. Березня 25, Ring City will highlight one of the biggest fights in women’s boxing between seven-division world champion and future Boxing Hall of FamerАманда Серрано and current two-division titlistDaniela Bermudez for Serrano’s WBO and WBC featherweight world titles.

Follow Ring City USA onFacebookЩебетіInstagramfor the latest updates or visitwww.ringcityusa.com для отримання додаткової інформації.

About Ring City USA

Ring City, which launched in 2020, is boxing’s newest sports media platform. Working in tandem with a variety of promoters and talent, its new boxing series places an emphasis on competitive matchups that genuinely test the fighters and excite the fight fans. Ring City provides great fights in the ring and compelling shoulder programming outside of the ring. Ring City is the proving ground where up-and-coming talent can earn their stripes and launch themselves into the upper echelon of boxing stardom.

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Ring City USA Events Will Air Live Thursday Nights at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT on NBCSN in the United States and Streaming Around the World on Twitch 

Los Angeles – January 29, 2021 – Ring City USA, the new sports media startup that debuted its Thursday night boxing series in November 2020 on NBC Sports Network, announced today the first two events of 2021 will be held on Thursday, Березня 4 and Thursday, Березня 18, live from Puerto Rico. Both events will be televised in the United States on NBC Sports Network and the NBC Sports app on Thursday nights at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT with undercard action streaming live on Twitch. The full card will be available on Twitch outside of the United States.

The return of Ring City USA features two highly competitive matchups with fighters at unique junctures of their professional boxing careers. Березня 4, undefeated blue-chip rising starSerhii Bohachuk (18-0, 18 КО) meets former middleweight title challengerБрендон Адамс (22-3, 13 КО) in a 10-round super welterweight main event. Two weeks later on March 18, Ring City presents the next chapter in the Puerto Rico vs. Mexico ring rivalry when former super featherweight world titlistАльберто Machado(22-2, 18 КО) faces undefeatedrising prospect Hector Tanajara(19-0, 5 КО) in a 10-round lightweight main event. Ring City’s events in March will be broadcast live from Puerto Rico as the company continues to tap into boxing’s rich historical locations.

The fight between Bohachuk and Adams was originally scheduled to top the December 3 Ring City event at Wild Card Boxing Club in Los Angeles but Bohachuk was forced to withdraw after testing positive for COVID-19.

“We are thrilled to kick off 2021 with two crossroads main event fights in Puerto Rico,” said Head of Boxing Evan Rutkowski. “Serhii Bohachuk has been chomping at the bit to get back in the ring and on March 4 he will meet the most dangerous opponent of his career in Brandon Adams. Then two weeks later we are right back on NBC Sports Network and Twitch with rising undefeated prospect Hector Tanajara battling former world champion Alberto Machado of Puerto Rico in a classic Mexico vs. Puerto Rico rivalry fight.”

The hard-hitting Bohachuk, who is currently ranked seventh by the WBC and ninth by the IBF at 154 фунти, has steamrolled through opposition on his way to an 18-0 запис, all of which have come via knockout. Training with Manny Robles out of Legends Boxing Academy, the 25-year-old proved himself with a knockout win over Tyrone Brunson in October of 2019. Зовсім недавно, he put on an electric performance in September 2020 when he knocked out Alejandro Davila in six rounds. The Ukrainian-born Bohachuk, who is promoted by Tom Loeffler’s 360 Promotions and Ural Boxing, continues to take the Southern California boxing world by storm with his dominant performances in the ring and magnetic personality out of the ring.

“I’m looking forward to defending my title against Brandon Adams on March 4 in Puerto Rico on NBC Sports Network,” said Bohachuk. “I want to thank Ring City and my promoters for this opportunity. This should be a great fight for the fans. I am sorry we couldn’t do it in December, but now people are talking even more about this fight. I will put on another exciting show for the fans.”

Following Bohachuk’s positive COVID-19 result, Adams went on to face Sonny Duversonne in Ring City’s main event on Dec. 3. Adams bested Duversonne just miles away from his hometown of Watts, Каліфорнія., with an impressive second-round knockout victory. The battle-tested Adams who works with accomplished trainer Dub Huntley, challenged WBC Middleweight Titleholder Jermall Charlo for the title in 2019 after defeating Shane Mosley Jr. to win the Epix Television Series “The Contender.” Adams boasts a formidable group of sparring partners, including Shawn Porter and Gennadiy Golovkin. Adams started competitively training at age 19, fought his first amateur fight at age 20 and turned professional at age 21. He is promoted by Banner Promotions and Tournament of Contenders.

“I’m looking forward to returning to Ring City in March and showing more growth when Serhii and I finally get to step into the ring in Puerto Rico,- сказав Адамс.

Machado (22-2, 18 КО), who hails from Rio Piedras, Пуерто-Ріко, will fight on the island for the first time since 2017 і 14ї time in his professional career. В 2017, Machado captured the WBA super featherweight world title against Jezreel Corrales via eighth-round knockout. Machado successfully defended the world title twice in 2018 before losing the belt to Andrew Cancio in February 2019. Later in 2019, Machado moved up to lightweight and scored a second-round knockout over Luis Porozo. The 30-year-old is currently ranked 12ї by both the WBA and WBO. The southpaw made a name for himself on the Puerto Rican amateur circuit, competing in the AIBA Youth World Championships and the 2012 Olympic Qualifiers.

“It has been a sad and forced rest due to the Coronavirus but, for me, my body needed this rest. I am excited that after four years I will return to fight again at home in Puerto Rico,” said Machado. “I thank Miguel Cotto Promotions, H2 Promotions, Golden Boy and Ring City USA for giving me this opportunity to headline this great card. Hector Tanajara, Молодший. is a great fighter who seeks to break through in the lightweight division as well. I hope he comes ready and that 135 has my space saved because I belong here and on March 18it will be demonstrated.”

Tanajara (19-0, 5 КО) will take on the toughest test of his career when he meets Machado on his home turf. Born and raised in San Antonio, Техас, Tanajara (19-0, 5 КО) is coming off of fighting in his hometown for the first time in his professional career in January 2020 when he took on former world title challenger Juan Carlos Burgos who he beat convincingly via unanimous decision. The 24-year-old has continued to rise up the lightweight ranks since turning pro in 2015. In Machado, he will face a new challenge by taking on a southpaw fighter for the first time in his 19-fight professional career. Tanajara fights under the tutelage of world-famous trainer Robert Garcia.

“I’m excited to get back in the ring,” said Tanajara. “It has been a little over a year and I’ve been training hard this whole time staying ready for whoever. We finally got an opponent and I’m ready to show the world who I am and what I can do with the top guys in the division.”

Calling all the action ringside in Puerto Rico will be former two-time welterweight champion Shawn Porter joined by NBC Sports blow-by-blow commentator Bob Papa. Brian Campbell will serve as fight night analyst with Curran Bhatia reporting from ringside.

Full card details will be announced at a later date.

About Ring City USA

Ring City, which launched in 2020, is boxing’s newest sports media platform. Working in tandem with a variety of promoters and talent, its new boxing series places an emphasis on competitive matchups that genuinely test the fighters and excite the fight fans. Ring City provides great fights in the ring and compelling shoulder programming outside of the ring. Ring City is the proving ground where up-and-coming talent can earn their stripes and launch themselves into the upper echelon of boxing stardom.

Brandon Adams Proves He Belongs on the World Stage

Photos By Esther Lin / Час Для Шоу

Філадельфія / ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС – Липня 1, 2019 -This past Saturday night, Brandon Adams announced himself as a top contender as he put on a gutsy performance against undefeated WBC World Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo in Charlo’s hometown of Houston.

The bout was the main event that and was televised live on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®, in which Adams gave a strong account for himself.

Adams took some of the best shots that the power punching Charlo could throw, and not only was Adams never hurt in the fight, in the later rounds, he began to take the fight to the hometown champion.

I was ready to risk it all. I went into the fight looking to dominate and get the stoppage victory. I knew going into the fight that is what I needed to do going into his hometown,” сказав Адамс.

Adams was not in the least intimidated by stepping into enemy territory, but there were a few things that happened during the fight that he did not expect which hindered his gameplan.

The referee would not let me get low. As you saw during the fight, I was crouching down to get inside, but the referee gave me a warning for doing that. I had to think of a different way to get in there without revealing myself,” continued Adams.

Хоча, the television announcers and many on social media seemed surprised at the gutsy effort from Adams, the Watts, California native was very confident of his abilities as he entered the ring on Saturday night.

“Я почуваю себе добре. I knew I was capable of being on that level. I took out of the fight is that there are a few little things that I can work on and that I could have done in there. I did not know the referee would not let me get low or even let us fight in close as much as I wanted. I felt he would break us a little quickly. I also got hit in the back of the head a couple of times. Fighting in his hometown was tough.

I know this fight will help me better myself. Coming out of The Contender, my goal was to fight at 154 фунти, but this was a world title opportunity. I proved that I am on that level at 160, and I will now look for the best opportunities at both 154 and 160.

We are very proud of Brandon. He fought very hard and put on a great performance,” said Artie Pelullo of Banner Promotions. “Brandon proved that he is a world class fighter, and now the world has seen what we already knew, that he is on the elite level. There will be many doors that will be open for him to secure more big fights.

I was impressed on how Brandon performed,” said Jeff Wald, Co-Creator and Co-Executive Producer of The Tournament of Contenders. “He has a big career ahead of him at both 154 і 160 фунтів стерлінгів.”

Для регулярних оновлень на наших бійців, події, і промо-акції, please like the BannerPromotions Facebook Page, і слідувати за нами на Instagram і Щебет

Houston-Native Miguel Flores Fights in Hometown Against Mexico’s Luis May Saturday, Червень 29 from NRG Arena as Part of Jam-Packed Charlo vs. Adams Undercard

Also Featuring Unbeaten Prospects Omar Juárez, Mychal Teal & більше!

Unbeaten Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo Makes Hometown Return to Battle Brandon Adams in Premier Boxing Champions Main Event Live on SHOWTIME®

Х'юстон (Червень 11, 2019) – Houston-native Мігель Флорес will return to the ring to fight in his hometown against Mexico’s Luis May Субота, Червень 29 in a 10-round super featherweight fight that highlights an action packed night of undercard attractions from NRG Arena in Houston.

The event is headlined by another Houston-native, unbeaten WBC Interim Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo, who will face middleweight contender Brandon Adams in the main event live on SHOWTIME (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT).

Квитки на турнірі, which is promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticketmaster. Charlo vs. Adams is promoted in association with Banner Promotions and The Tournament of Contenders.

Undercard bouts also feature unbeaten Brownsville, Texas-native Omar Juárez in a four-round welterweight attraction against Pennsylvania’s Seifullah Wise, непереможенимMycheal Teal Св. Петербург, Florida taking on Mark Beuke for a four-round middleweight affair and unbeaten San Antonio-native Raymond Guajardo facing Compton, Каліфорнії Jaime Meza in a four-round middleweight fight.

Rounding out the action is undefeated Weslaco, Texas-native César Cantústepping in for a four-round super featherweight clash against North Carolina’s Chante Bowens, a six-round lightweight bout between McAllen, Texas-native Nelson Hampton and West Virginia’s Dakota Linger and the pro debut of Zamy Larry in a four-round super middleweight showdown versus North Carolina’s Carlos Umanzor.

Born in Michoacan de Ocampo, Mexico and living in Houston, Квіти (23-2, 11 КО) will return to the ring for the first time since April 2018, when he stopped Raul Chirino in two rounds. The 26-year-old was scheduled to challenge Leo Santa Cruz for his featherweight world title in February before suffering an ankle injury in training. He looks to get one step closer to regaining a title opportunity when he faces the 35-year-old May (21-14-1, 8 КО) from Yucatan, Мексика.

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“I’m going to finish this fightYou might be a contender, but it’s another thing to be a champion,” Charlo

“I didn’t expect my road to be easy because it’s never been easy for me…The best man will win on June 29,” Adams

Unbeaten Top Middleweight Jermall Charlo Makes Hometown Return to Battle Brandon Adams Saturday, Червень 29 жити на SHOWTIME® from NRG Arena in Houston and Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Натисніть ОСЬ for Photos from Andrew King/SHOWTIME

Х'юстон (Травня 30, 2019) – Unbeaten WBC Interim Middleweight Champion and Houston-native Jermall Charlo went face to face with middleweight contender Брендон АдамсThursday at a press conference in Charlo’s hometown to preview their showdown Saturday, Червень 29 жити на SHOWTIME (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) from NRG Arena and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Квитки на турнірі, which is promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticketmaster. Charlo vs. Adams is promoted in association with Banner Promotions and The Tournament of Contenders.

У SHOWTIME ЧЕМПІОНАТ БОКС® головна подія, Charlo will fight in Houston for the first time since 2012, as he looks to further cement his place amongst the middleweight elite against Adams, who shot up the 160-pound rankings by winning the 2018 reboot of Претендент.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from Hotel ZaZa Museum District in Houston:


“Me and my brother Jermell have been through so much in boxing. We’ve been doing it since we were eight-years-old. To make it to this world class level and to do it for Houston, it feels great.

“It’s going to be fireworks. I’m coming for the knockout every time. Houston is hot and the heat is going to be there fight night. I’m going to do what I normally do and give the crowd excitement.

“Ronnie Shields has changed me from being a kid to realizing who I am as a man in the sport of boxing. He’s had world champions before me so I know he can judge my progression. He’s going to make sure I stay at this level.

“I’m walking in the ring and I’m handling my business. This is definitely a step up fight for Brandon Adams, but I’m only worried about what I have to do. I’m just going to prepare to be my best. We’re going to both give it our all and I will be victorious.

“Boxing is about experiences and I’m still learning. I’m going to have my ups and downs, because no fighter is perfect. But I will always prepare myself well and that’s why I’m still undefeated. I needed a fight like my last one to get even better.

“I’m going to finish this fight. My goal is to make quick work of Brandon and show him that there are levels to this. You might be a contender, but it’s another thing to be a champion.

“I get a lot of juice from the hometown crowd. Just having my family there alone is what I really need to get the nerves and excitement to where I need them. I’m going to be comfortable and I’m going to stick to my game plan. I’m not here to make mistakes.

“Thus far camp has been great. I feel awesome and I’m well prepared. It’s an amazing feeling to be fighting in my hometown. It’s almost a dream come true to me. To have my own card at this level and on this stage, it shows the support Houston has for me.”


“I appreciate the opportunity I have to step into the ring with this man across from me. I’m super excited about it and I can’t wait. These are two top fighters getting in the ring and we’re going to give the fans a show.

“It’s not just what I see in Jermall, it’s what I believe in myself. The combo of working with Dub Huntley and Freddie Roach is perfect. They are both seasoned vets and they teach me something new every day.

“I didn’t expect my road to be easy because it’s never been easy for me. I’m on the road and I understand that. I’m prepared to pack my bags and go wherever I need to, so that I can become what I’m supposed to become. The best man will win on June 29.

“Before Претендент I felt that I didn’t have an opportunity to show how good I am. During the whole series it was about getting back in the ring and shaking off the rust, then showcasing who I am.

“Winning Претендент helped get me here, but I always had confidence and believed in myself since day one. In choosing to accept Charlo’s challenge, I had it in my mind that I belong here.

“It was pressure every time I fought on Претендент. Each round were quality opponents leading up to the final and all of that will prepare me for Charlo. He deserves everything he’s gotten and I respect him as a man, but I’m going to take advantage of this opportunity.

“His team didn’t have to fight me, but they chose to. I appreciate his fans coming out to support him because they’ll see both of us. Hopefully I can win some of them over.”

Ронні ЩИТКИ, Тренер Charlo в

“We’ve done a lot of studying of Brandon Adams and he’s a really good fighter. Виграш Претендент is not an easy feat. He’s truly a contender, so we have to make sure we’re working hard every single day.

“We’re not sitting back and waiting for someone to fight us. We have to continue to be busy. You still have to fight hard fights when you’re at the top and that’s what we’re doing. We’re preparing the right way.

“I’m so happy that everybody has come out to support Jermall because he’s been waiting to make his homecoming and this is it. It’s important to see everyone on his side.”

DUB HUNTLEY, Adams’ Trainer

“I hope everybody comes out for this one because it’s going to be a great fight. I’ve been with Brandon for a long time and I know that he’s going to win this fight and put on a memorable performance. Charlo is a great fighter but Brandon has all the tools necessary to come into his hometown and get the victory.”

# # #


Charlo vs. Adams will pit unbeaten WBC Interim Middleweight Championand Houston-native Jermall Charlo against middleweight contender Brandon Adams in Charlo’s hometown return Saturday, Червень 29 live on SHOWTIME from NRG Arena in Houston and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

SHOWTIME ЧЕМПІОНАТ БОКС починається з 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features hard-hitting super welterweight Erickson “Hammer’’ Lubin taking on French contender Zakaria Attou in a 12-round WBC title elimination bout in the co-main event. Opening the telecast is a WBA featherweight title eliminator between slick Mexican southpaw Eduardo Ramirez and power-punching Dominican Claudio Marrero.

Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.SHO.com/Sports
слідувати на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions і @Swanson_Comm або стати шанувальником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Brandon Adams dominates Shane Mosley Jr. to win The Contender championship

Філадельфія, PENN.(Листопад 9, 2018)-Brandon Adams was dominant in pounding Shane Mosley Jr. over 10-rounds to win a wide unanimous decision and claim The Contender championship at the Forum in Inglewood, Каліфорнія.




У другому раунді, Adams landed some solid shots with both hands on the inside. Adams continued to land the quick accurate punches through the first half of the fight. Adams in-and-out punching had Mosley thinking more than punching.




In round six, Adams started to pick up the tempo, and landed a series of power punches with both hands. Adams featured several hard rights and ripping uppercuts. In round seven, Adams continued to land flush punches and hurt Mosley with each connect. Mosley was cut over his left eye in the 7th frame. Adams continued his dominance down the stretch and won by scores of 100-90 в два рази і 99-91.




My camp, everybody helped me. They pushed me. All of the combatants were tough. They pushed me, and they helped me reach new heights.,said Adams in the ring after the fight.




It was a dominant win for Brandon. He put on a terrific performance, and he proved that he is one of the top middleweights in the world. There will be plenty of big fights on the horizon for Brandon,” сказав Банер Акції президент, Арті Pelullo.




With the win Adams (21-2, 13 КО) is guaranteed a top-10 ranking by the WBA.




The Contender was seen Live on EPIX ®.




Для регулярних оновлень на наших бійців, події, і промо-акції, будь ласка, перевірте Banner Promotions Facebook Page , і слідувати за нами на Instagram і Щебет BannerBoxing

Marcos Hernandez Looking to Steal the Show on The Contender Finale

Фресно, ТАКИЙ ЯК (Листопад 8, 2018) – В середньому Mad ManMarcos Hernandez (12-1-1, 3 КО) will look to continue his recent success on Претендент finale this Friday at The Forum in Inglewood, Каліфорнія. The 6-round bout will be televised on EPIX, as he takes on fellow cast member Quantavious Cash (10-1, 7 КО).

Ернандес, who hails from Fresno, ТАКИЙ ЯК, is the only cast member of The Contender that didn’t lose a single fight on the show, besides Шейн Мослі молодший. (11-2, 8 КО) і Брендон Адамс (20-2, 13 КО), who will meet in the finals. У своєму останньому бою, Hernandez defeated Daniel Valdivia (14-3, 10 КО) in a fight that Valdivia was rocked badly in the last two rounds. Some controversy happened after the bout as Valdivia was originally announced the winner, despite being out boxed and beaten, an official at ringside counted the scores again and realized a judging error and announced Hernandez, the rightful winner.

On top of the bizarre ending, Hernandez was cut in the fight and forced to sit, because of his cut. Valdivia replaced him and got dropped and beaten by Shane Mosely Jr., who now is in the finals.

Hernandez is readier than ever now to make things happen as he wishes to keep his momentum moving forward and face the best in the division.

I have had a great camp with my trainer Henry Ramirez in Riverside, Ca, and I am ready for Friday night.” говорить Ернандес. “I am going to show all of my skills when I step in the ring and I’m going to steal the show.

I have never seen Hernandez train this hard, be this motivated and want to prove a point this badly,” stated his longtime advisor, Peter Lopes. “This is a different ‘Mad Man’.




Філадельфія / ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС – Листопад 6, 2018 – Брендон Адамс won a majority decision over Eric Walker to advance to the final of The Contender on EPIX®.




Adams dropped Walker in round four with a hard right-left combination and came through the hard fought contest by scores of 49-45, 48-46 і 47-47.




Адамс, 20-2 з 13 нокаути, will now advance to the finals, where he will take on Shane Mosley, Молодший. (13-2, 8 КО) На форумі в Інглвуд, California this Friday night live on EPIX at 10 PM ET / 7 PM PT.




We are very proud of Brandon. We are excited to watch Brandon fight for The Contender title on Friday. He is a terrific fighter, and with a win, we can expect to see Brandon in big fights,” said Matthew Rowland, Віце-президент Banner Promotions.


The original Contender series ran for four seasons (2005-2009) and launched multiple fighters into contention for world titles, including title winners Sergio Mora, Корнеліус Бандрейдж, Саки Телець, and Sam Soliman.




Eric Van Wagenen serves as executive producer and showrunner of the revived franchise alongside Mark Burnett. The format is owned by MGM Television and Paramount Television.




EPIX is available nationwide through cable, супутник, telco and streaming TV providers including Charter Spectrum, Cox, Verizon FiOS, AT&T U-Verse, Dish Network, Sling, PlayStation Vue and, as of June 13, Comcast.


Філадельфія / ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС – Жовтень 24, 2018 – Брендон Адамс advanced to the semi-final round of The Contender on EPIX®.

Адамс, 19-2 з 13 нокаути, won a five-round unanimous decision over highly-regarded Ievgen Khytov on the most recent episode that aired on Friday night.

In that bout, Adams dropped Khytov in round two with a left hook. Adams continuously beat Khytrov to the punch, and did some of his work on the inside. Adams went on to win by scores of 50-44 і 49-45 двічі.

Adams will now face the winner of the John Thompson / Eric Walker bout in the semi-final round.

The original Contender series ran for four seasons (2005-2009) and launched multiple fighters into contention for world titles, including title winners Sergio Mora, Корнеліус Бандрейдж, Саки Телець, and Sam Soliman.

Eric Van Wagenen serves as executive producer and showrunner of the revived franchise alongside Mark Burnett. The format is owned by MGM Television and Paramount Television.

EPIX is available nationwide through cable, супутник, telco and streaming TV providers including Charter Spectrum, Cox, Verizon FiOS, AT&T U-Verse, Dish Network, Sling, PlayStation Vue and, as of June 13, Comcast.

EPIX® Sets Premiere Date for The Contender, Reveals 16 Fighters Vying for the Champion Belt

Mark Burnett’s 12-Episode Boxing Competition Series

From MGM Television and Paramount Television Set to Premiere on Серпня 24

LOS ANGELES – JUNE 27, 2018 - Premium pay television network EPIX® has announced the 16 fighters who will be facing off with one another for the championship belt on the revival of boxing franchise series Претендент this fall. The highly anticipated 12-episode season, from MGM Television and Paramount Television, will premiere on EPIX on Aug. 24, 2018 на 10 PM ET/PT.




Hosted by undefeated boxing champion AndreSon of God” Ward, the first-of-its-kind competitive documentary series for the network will feature 16 fighters pushing their limits in grueling elimination-style fights and testing their grit and determination to achieve their boxing dreams. The fighters will be overseen by legendary boxing coach Freddie Roach, and renowned Philadelphia trainer Naazim Richardson.




“The Contender takes unscripted TV to its grittiest. It has incredible professional fighters and real professional fights. The edge of your seat drama and true stories sets a tone that our audiences will be expecting and I love it,” said Mark Burnett, President of MGM Television.




“With this new iteration of Претендент, the focus is on the gritty, personal stories of the fighters battling for boxing glory,” said Michael Wright, Президент, EPIX. “It was important for us to find individuals who not only displayed the boxing chops and resilience in the ring, but who also showed a depth of heart and humor outside of it. Наш 16 fighters are vivacious, tough, funny, sensitive, driven and inspiring, and we are excited for our fans to get to know their stories and root for them inside the ring and out.”




The 16 Contenders come from a wide variety of professional boxing backgrounds and stations in life, bringing their unique stories, personalities, strengths and motivations to the series.




Each fighter will be vying to be declared the new 160-pound middleweight champion of Претендент and take home the winner’s six-figure purse — a prize, який, for all the fighters, represents a better life for their families and loved ones who have been there with them through all the ups and downs of their journeys.




The 16 fighters on Претендент this season are:



  • Ievgen “The Ukranian Lion” Khytrov, Вік: 29, Rank: 20, Рідне місто: Brooklyn, N.Y..A Ukrainian immigrant, Олімпієць, Ievgen Khytrov recently relocated to America to pursue his dream of becoming a world champion and to create a better life for his family. A dedicated, quiet, religious man. He’s also the one to beat.



  • Eric “Babyface Assassin” Walker, Вік: 34, Rank: 68, Рідне місто: Plaquemine, La. Incarcerated at 15 years old and spent 14 years behind bars for robbery and attempted murder, Eric “Babyface Assassin” Walker learned to box while in prison. He is now fighting for a second chance at life, living proof that it’s never too late to live out your dreams.


  • John “Apollo Kid” Thompson, Вік: 29, Rank: 70, Рідне місто: Ньюарк, N.J. – After losing his mother to AIDS at six years old, this married performing artist, painter and fighter, John “Apollo Kid” Thompson is here to prove to the world that he can’t be boxed into a single category despite holding impressive titles including the 2015 WBA-NABA Super Welterweight, WBO Inter-Continental Super Welterweight and Boxcino Tournaments.


  • Malcolm “The Punisher” McAllister, Вік: 27, Rank: 172, Рідне місто: Long Beach, Халіф. –Always at the center of schoolyard fights growing up, Malcolm “The Punisher” McAllister now channels his energy into helping others rebuild outside of foreclosure and his young, growing family. In boxing has built an impressive KO record and the 2014 Golden Gloves title on his journey to take the title of The Contender.



  • Brandon “The Cannon” Adams, Вік: 28, Rank: Inactive, Рідне місто: Лос-Анджелес, Халіф. A bold fighter in the ring, Brandon “The Cannon” Adams knows firsthand what it means to push through adversity and step up to care for his family when there’s no one else around to. Coming from a poverty stricken neighborhood, this larger than life father of two marks his return to boxing after a three year hiatus, initiated by a loss to fellow competitor, Джон Томпсон.


  • Quatavious “Cash” Cash, Вік: 26, Rank: 161, Рідне місто: Лас-Вегас, Невада. – This Atlanta native is the current record-holder for fastest KO in Georgia, a four0time Golden Gloves state champ and Bronze medalist. Quatavious Cash is fighting for his late mother and for the chance to prove that a life of fighting street gangs can be channeled for good.



  • Shane “Sugarman” Mosley, Молодший, Вік: 27, Rank: 149, Рідне місто: Санта-Моніка, Халіф. – The lone single contender, son of legendary Hall of Fame boxer “Sugar” Shane Mosley, Shane “Sugarman” Mosley Jr. is fighting to step out of his father’s shadow and carve out his own legacy.


  • Daniel “El Chapulin” Valdivia, Вік: 25, Rank: 116, Рідне місто: Тулар, Халіф. A natural salesman and real estate agent by day, nicknamed “El Chapulin” (“Grasshopper”) for his boundless energy, Mexican immigrant Daniel Valdivia was born to step into the ring. With several titles including the NABF Super Welterweight Champion as an underdog, he’s chasing fame to prove giving up college for boxing was the right move.



  • Michael “The Silverback” Moore, Вік: 31, Rank: 252, Рідне місто:Клівленд, Про. Reformed from a hard life on the streets, fraught with drugs, death and family suicide, Michael Moore is a natural hustler and leader. Married with two kids, Moore is constantly moving from state to state with his family in tow in pursuit of the boxing dream.


  • Gerald “G5” Sherrell, Вік: 24, Rank: 216, Рідне місто: Піттсбург, Пенсільванія. – A fan of the original Contenderseries growing up, Gerald “G5” Sherrell is an undefeated and explosive fighter with a level of unrivaled and self-proclaimed swagger. Hailing from the projects, this multiple time Golden Gloves, Silver Gloves and Junior Olympic competitor, this local zoo security guard by day, and young father by night, is looking to bring boxing glory back to his hometown of Pittsburgh.



  • Morgan “Big Chief” Fitch, Вік: 34, Rank: 154, Рідне місто: Піттсбург, Пенсільванія. Injury-plagued throughout his career, the Native American hailing from Southern Louisiana is a married father of three. Knowing that he’s old for the sport, Morgan “Big Chief” Fitch has one last shot at making his boxing dreams come true.


  • Marcos “Mad Man” Hernandez, Вік: 24, Rank: 104, Рідне місто: Фресно, Халіф. Having been bullied from a young age after an accident left him with burns on 30 percent of his body, Marcos “Mad Man” Hernandez is fighting for his young autistic son, in hopes that he won’t be bullied the same way he was. With Junior Olympics, 2012 Blue and Gold titles and “Mexican-go-forward” style fighting he may be overlooked and underestimated.



  • Tyrone “Young Gun” Brunson, Вік: 33, Rank: 39, Рідне місто: Філадельфія, Пенсільванія – At a time when he needed to sell drugs to support himself at the age of 13, a stepfather’s ultimatum: be grounded or go to the boxing gym was his saving grace. Now a humble father of two, and sitting with one of the best rankings in the competition, його 24 KO’s send a signal that he will not fight silently but his cocky attitude has beat him more than just once.


  • Lamar “Omega” Russ, Вік: 31, Rank: 115, Рідне місто: Wilmington, N.C. -One of four kids raised by a single mom and the first person in his family to graduate college, Lamar “Omega” Russ takes pride in being the underdog, and beneath the loud exterior is a boxer that needs to prove he can put his money where his mouth is. HBO, ESPN and a first round KO on Showtime do all the talking.



  • John “The Rock” Jackson, Вік: 29, Rank: 63, Рідне місто: Вулиця. Томас, U.S. Віргінські острови A divorced father of two, this slick and agile boxer, Virgin Islander John “The Rock” Jackson started fighting at 12 років, following in his world champion father Julian Jackson’s footsteps at the Pan American Games and 2008 Олімпійські ігри. He comes from wealth but cares for the underprivileged and dreams of making his island proud bringing visibility to those struck by recent natural disasters.


  • Devaun “Unique” Lee, Вік: 30, Rank: 82, Рідне місто: Jamaica Queens, N.Y..

When one of his friends was shot and killed at 16, Devaun “Unique” Lee knew he needed a way out from the mean streets of Queens. Boxing keeps him straight. So do long hours fueling airplanes and caring for his five year old daughter. The real love of his life. Fatherhood and the sport are the motivation to take his NY State Middleweight championship to the next level.



The original Contender series ran for four seasons (2005-2009) and launched multiple fighters into contention for world titles, including title winners Sergio Mora, Корнеліус Бандрейдж, Саки Телець, and Sam Soliman.



Eric Van Wagenen serves as executive producer and showrunner of the revived franchise alongside Mark Burnett. The format is owned by MGM Television and Paramount Television.



EPIX is available nationwide through cable, супутник, telco and streaming TV providers including Charter Spectrum, Cox, Verizon FiOS, AT&T U-Verse, Dish Network, Sling, PlayStation Vue and, as of June 13, Comcast.