Tag-Archiv: Boxen

Brandon Robinson will eine Erklärung abgeben Diesen Freitagabend im The 2300 Arena in Philadelphia

James Brenadin kämpft gegen Sheldon Deverteuil im Matchup mit ungeschlagenen Leichtgewichten
Unbesiegter Kämpfer Michael Coffie, Paul Koon, Romuel Cruz und Travis Toledo in Aktion


Philadelphia, PA (Dezember 3, 2018) –An diesem Freitag Nacht bei Die 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, steigendes Super-Mittelgewicht Brandon Robinson sucht nach einem sehr bedeutenden Sieg, wenn er antritt Kalvin Henderson im Zehn-Runden-Hauptereignis einer Acht-Kampf-Karte.




Die Show wird von Königs Promotions gefördert.




Robinson über Philadelphia, hat einen Rekord von 11-1 mit acht Vorprägungen. Alle 11 von seinen Siegen sind in einer Reihe gekommen,




“Training war gut. Ich habe gut acht Wochen trainiert, und ich habe Sparring der Spitzenklasse bekommen. Ich bin sehr zuversichtlich,” sagte Robinson.




Robinson sucht eine große Leistung, und hoffentlich hat er einen willigen Tanzpartner, der einen großartigen Kampf führt.




“Henderson kommt besser, um zu kämpfen. Ich werde von Glocke zu Glocke kämpfen.”




In Henderson, Er tritt gegen einen unbesiegten Feind an, wer hat einen Sieg versprochen, Aber Robinson glaubt, dass Henderson den bekannten Kämpfer übersieht “B-Rob.”




“Ich denke, er könnte mein härtester Test sein. Er ist ungeschlagen, und hat einen guten Amateur-Hintergrund. Er übersieht mich, also am Freitag, Ich muss einen Punkt beweisen. Ich komme herein, um eine Erklärung abzugeben.”




Robinson spürt das mit seinem Promoter und Management-Team hinter sich, er ist auf dem weg zu einem großen 2019.




“Ich werde richtig bewegt. Mit King's Promotions, und mein Management-Team, der Himmel ist die Grenze. Ich lebe sauber, und ich trainiere hart, Ich weiß also, dass ich die Fähigkeit habe, große Dinge zu tun.”




“Ich gehe zum Knockout. Ich möchte meinen Namen als eines der besten Super-Mittelgewichte stempeln / Freitagabend ist eine große Chance, dies zu tun, und ich freue mich auf Freitagabend.




Im Sechs-Runden-Kämpfe:


Michael Coffie (5-0, 4 KOs) von Brooklyn, NY kämpft Juan Goode (8-8, 6 KOs) von Taylor, MI in einem Schwergewichtskampf.


Jesaja weise (6-2-1, 3 KOs) von Philadelphia nimmt Andy Gonzales (6-3, 5 KOs) von Worcester, MA in einem super Weltergewicht Kampf.




In vier Runden-Kämpfe:


James Brenadin (1-0, 1 KO) von Lancaster, PA quadriert mit Sheldon Deverteuil (1-0-1) von Philadelphia in einem leichten Kampf.


Paul Koon (3-0, 1 KO) von Philadelphia-Boxen Cade Rodriguez (2-2, 2 KOs) von Monroe, GA in einem Schwergewichtswettbewerb.


Romuel Cruz (2-0-1) von Philadelphia verwickelt sich mit Hugo Rodriguez (0-1) von Nuevo Leon, MX in einem Super-Bantamgewicht-Kampf.


Travis Toledo (3-0, 3 KOs) von Baltimore, MD scheint ungeschlagen zu bleiben, wenn er kämpft Ronnie Lawrence (0-2) von Philadelphia in einem Kampf im Halbschwergewicht.




Tickets für diese große Nacht des Boxens kann bei www.2300arena.com erworben werden für $100, $75 und $50


Wegbereiter für Boxerinnen…..
Claressa Shields
“USA Boxen ist eine Familie!”
USA Boxing Alumni Association, Klasse von 2018 Inductee

COLORADO SPRINGS, Runde. (Dezember 3, 2018) – Zweimaliger olympischer Goldmedaillengewinner Claressa Shields Dies ist nicht nur eine Vorreiterrolle im Frauenboxen, Sie hat sich zu einem wahren Vorbild für unzählige Jugendliche entwickelt.




Shields werden an diesem Freitagabend in Salt Lake City in die Hall of Fame der USA Boxing Alumni Association aufgenommen, zusammen mit Klasse von 2018 Mitglieder Roy Jones Jr. und, Andre Ward, sowie die späten Emanuel Stewartund Tom Cleary.




Der zweite jährliche Empfang der Hall of Fame der USA Boxing Alumni Association, in Verbindung mit dem gehalten 2018 USA Boxing Elite und Youth National Championships sowie Junior und Prep Open, Dezember 2-8, wird im Dezember stattfinden 7, im Radisson Hotel (215 S. Temple St.) in Salt Lake City, Utah.




“Ich fühle mich geehrt,” Shields sprach davon, in die Hall of Fame der USA Boxing Alumni Association aufgenommen zu werden,” Ich bin nur 23 Jahre alt und in die USA Boxing Hall of Fame aufgenommen zu werden, ist eine große Ehre, aber auch ein schock für mich. Ich glaube, ich bin jeder Ehre würdig, Aber ich weiß, dass Dinge Zeit brauchen, und ich dachte immer, ich würde in diesem Alter in die Hall of Fame aufgenommen werden 40 oder 50. Das ist eine große Sache für mich und ich fühle mich sehr geehrt. Nur meinen Namen neben Namen von Größen wie Andre Ward und Roy Jones erwähnen zu lassen, motiviert mich wirklich. Ich fühle mich privilegiert!”




Der Stolz von Flint, Michigan, Shields hat ihren Amateur-Erfolg bereits erfolgreich in die professionellen Reihen gebracht, in dem sie ist 7-0 (2), und die regierende Einheit (IBF, WBA & WBC) Welt Mittelgewichts-Champion.




Shields beendete ihre Amateurkarriere mit einem unglaublichen 77-1 (18 KOs) Rekord, hervorgehoben durch ihre olympischen Goldmedaillen-Leistungen in 2012 und 2016. Sie hat seitdem nicht mehr im Ring verloren 2012, wann Savannah Marshall (England) nach Punkten gewonnen, 14-8, bei den Weltmeisterschaften in China.




“USA Boxen kam als zweifacher Junioren-Olympiasieger in mein Leben,” Claressa erklärte ihre Beziehung zum USA-Boxen. “Die Hilfe von USA Boxing war so wichtig: Ich habe mich nur als junge Sportlerin bemerkt und wusste, dass ich eine starke junge Frau sein würde, um die USA in Zukunft zu vertreten; Treffen Julie Goldsticker, Das war ein Segen für mich, als sie mir als Teenager sehr geholfen hat, und nur Trainer Abdullah zu haben, Trainer Al Mitchell, und Trainer Gloria Peek lehre mich verschiedene Stile und wie ich alle meine Attribute benutze. USA Boxen hat mich mit viel Wissen und lebenslangen Freundschaften mit all meinen olympischen Teamkollegen und olympischen Trainern gesegnet. Mein Lieblingstrainer, Koroma, war buchstäblich bei mir den ganzen Weg durch 2015-2016, hilf mir außerhalb des Rings mit Rat und innerhalb des Rings.”




Schilde sind heute eine der treibenden Kräfte im Frauenboxen, Tragen der Fackel von amerikanischen Boxpionierinnen wie z Christy Martin, Laila Ali und ein paar andere.




“Im Moment ist eine große Veränderung im Gange — mir, Mikaela Mayer, Franchon Crews, Katie Taylor, Amanda Serrano und einige andere Frauen tragen gerade die Fackel für das Frauenboxen,” Schilde erklärt. “Der Fortschritt war schnell, Jedes Netzwerk hat in diesem Jahr einen Frauenkampf im Fernsehen geführt, vor allem Showtime, auf dem ich das Main Event viermal geboxt habe. Frauenboxen kann weit gehen. Ich glaube, der Tag wird kommen, an dem wir wie Männer Millionen bezahlen können.”




Durch Öffnen von Türen und Abbau von Hindernissen, Claressa ist zu einem wahren Vorbild für Jugendliche geworden, in und aus dem Boxen.




“Es fühlt sich gut an, ein Vorbild für sie zu sein (Frauen), und auch für so viele männliche Boxer,” Schilde notiert. “Das Boxen ist in einer anderen Ära und ich möchte es nur Mädchen erleichtern, die auftauchen, Also, wenn sie Profi werden, Boxen wird näher an der Gleichheit sein.”




“Claressa hat eine der größten Geschichten in der Geschichte des Amateurboxens,” sagte, Chris Cugliari, Exekutivdirektor der USA Boxing Alumni Association. “Ihr Antrieb, Engagement, Talent, und Charakter machte sie eine USA Box- und Olympiasiegerin, ein Vermächtnis hinterlassen, das sehr lange Bestand haben wird. Sie ist eine Vorreiterin für Frauenboxen und hat sich als eines der einflussreichsten USA Boxing Alumni-Mitglieder aller Zeiten etabliert. Die USA Boxing Alumni Association möchte sich bei ihr dafür bedanken, dass sie die Amateur-Box-Community inspiriert und ein großartiges Vorbild für die nächste Generation von Champions ist.”


USA Boxing Alumni Association




Erstellt, um ein Leben lang zu verfechten, für beide Seiten vorteilhafte Beziehungen zwischen USA Boxing und seinen Alumni, –Boxer, Beamte, Trainer und Boxfans — Die Alumni Association verbindet Generationen von Champions, inspirieren und den zukünftigen Boxchampions von USA Boxing etwas zurückgeben, in den und aus dem Ring.




Die USA Boxing Alumni Association steht allen offen, die das Boxen lieben und mit dem Amateurboxen in Verbindung bleiben möchten. Mitglieder erhalten Zugang zu einer Vielzahl von Sonderveranstaltungen, die von der Alumni-Vereinigung veranstaltet werden, einschließlich des Empfangs der Hall of Fame der USA Boxing Alumni Association.




Beitritt zur Alumni Association, einfach unter registrieren alumni@usaboxing.org Für ein $40.00 pro Jahr Mitgliedsbeitrag. Neue Mitglieder erhalten ein T-Shirt, Schlüsselbund und E-Wallet.





Trotz aller Ehrungen und Auszeichnungen, sie hat so reich empfangen, Shields hat nicht vergessen, wo alles begann, und sie ist immer noch aktiv am USA-Boxen beteiligt.




“Ich halte Kontakt zu vielen Sportlerinnen und gebe ihnen Ratschläge, wenn sie mich fragen,” Fügte Claressa hinzu. “Ich war auch fünf Tage in Colorado, um als Motivator und Hauptredner für die Next Olympic Hopeful zu fungieren. Nachdem meine Karriere in ungefähr vorbei ist 15 Jahre, Ich möchte Boxtrainerin werden und die Damenmannschaft zu mehr olympischen Goldmedaillen führen, wenn die Gelegenheit gegeben. Ich möchte auch Schullehrerin und Jugendberaterin werden.”




Shields, leider, kann an diesem Freitagabend nicht am Hall of Fame-Empfang teilnehmen, da sie an diesem Samstagabend auf HBO intensiv für ihre Titelverteidigung trainiert, leben vom StubHub Center in Carson, Kalifornien, gegen Fenmke Hermans (9-1).




“Traurig,” Schilde geschlossen, “Ich kann aber nicht da sein, Wenn ich dort wäre, ich würde sagen: Vielen Dank an USA Boxing für das Vertrauen in mich im Alter von 16. Es war eine Ehre, Amerika zu vertreten, nicht nur einmal, sondern zweimal bei den Olympischen Spielen! Ich danke Coach Kochgeschirr (Walsh) dafür, dass ich tief grabe, indem er sich mit seinen irischen Wegen und Witzen auseinandersetzen muss, auch für die Veränderung der Kultur des USA-Boxens. Ein besonderes Dankeschön an Trainer Kay, ebenfalls, Ich kann nicht auf meine Hände zählen, an wie vielen Tagen wir trainiert haben 1 vormittags, Wie oft klopfte ich an seine Zimmertür und rannte los, Wie oft musste er mir mein Handy wegnehmen, weil ich weinte oder ein Familienproblem hatte. Er ist der Trainer, dem ich alles erzählen kann, und er segnete mich auch mit seinem Boxwissen und ließ mich immer sicher in mir fühlen, wenn er in der Ecke war. USA Boxen ist nicht nur Personal – USA Boxen ist eine Familie! Obwohl ich ein paar Worte mit hatte Matthew Johnson und anderes Personal, Ich danke ihnen, dass sie hart mit mir umgehen und dafür sorgen, dass ich meine Verantwortung wahrnehme. Liebe Grüße an alle USA Boxing Mitarbeiter, Ich bin wirklich dankbar.”




Claressa Shields ist viel mehr als Welt- und Olympiasiegerin, Sie ist auch eine Klasse, genau das, was heute so dringend benötigt wird.




Zwitschern: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USA Boxing

Super Welterweight Title Challenger Tony Harrison to Host Holiday Toy & Grocery Giveaway for Underserved Detroit Community

DIE: TONY HARRISON, Super Welterweight Title Challenger
WAS DENN: Before his December 22 title bout against WBC super welterweight champion Jermell Charlo, which is presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on FOX, Tony “Sehr schlecht” Harrison will be hosting a toy and grocery giveaway to benefit the underserved community in Harrison’s hometown of Detroit.
WANN: Samstag, Dezember 8
The event will begin at 10 a.m. ET and last until all of the toys and groceries have been completely distributed.
WO: Superbad Fitness Gym
8701 Puritan Ave.
Detroit, MY 48238
# # #
Tickets for the December 22 Kampf-Karte, which is being promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, beginnen um $50 und sind jetzt im Verkauf. Tickets können erworben werden ticketmaster.com,barclayscenter.com, oder telefonisch unter 800-745-3000. Tickets können auch bei der American Express Box Office bei Barclays Center erworben werden. Gruppenrabatte sind telefonisch unter 844-BKLYN-GP verfügbar.
Weitere Informationen: Besuch www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/Presspass / homepage und www.foxdeportes.com, folgen auf TwitterPremierBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, TwinCharlo, @PBConFOX, Foxsports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports undwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Nelson decisions Turunen to retain UBF Middleweight Title

Martin wins unanimous decision in co-feature
Gekreuzte & Smith fight to spirited draw
Irving and Sheppard remain undefeated
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Dezember 3, 2018)–This past Saturday night, Tori Nelsonpounded out a 10-round unanimous decision over Sanna Turnunen to retain the UBF Middleweight title in the main event of the first ever fight card at The Entertainment and Sports Arena in Washington, D.C.
The eight-bout card was promoted by Tricky Entertainment and DCFightNight.

Nelson controlled the action against Turunen by out working her. Turunen was gritty in defeat, but Nelson took the fight in shutout fashion to the tune of 100-90 auf allen Karten.

Nelson of Ashburn, Virginia ist 19-2-3. Turunen of Finland is 4-2-1.
Tori Nelson talks about win over Sanna Turunen
Tori Nelson talks about win over Sanna Turunen
Sam Gekreuzte was fortunate to gain a split decision over Twon Smith in a cruiserweight bout.

Am Ende der zweiten Runde, Smith dropped Crossed with a hard right hand. Crossed came back to land some solid shots, but was rocked again in round four. The fight was a close fight, but some in the crowd showed their disapproval when the scores were read 57-56 twice for Crossed and 57-56 for Smith.

Gekreuzte, 189.6 lbs of Greenbelt, MD is 8-0. Schmied, 187.6 lbs of Oklahoma City is 3-2.

Kareem Martin won a six-round unanimous decision over Andrew Rodgers in a welterweight bout.

Scores waren 59-55 on all cards for Martin, 148 lbs of Washington, DC, der jetzt 11-2. Rodgers, 149 lbs of Elkhart, IN is 4-5-1.

Jordan White stopped Ndira Spearman in round one of their scheduled four-round featherweight bout.

White landed a body punch that was followed by a left to the shoulder area, and Spearman went down for the count at 2:02.

White, 128 lbs of Washington, DC ist 7-1 mit fünf Knockouts. Spearman, 128.2 lbs of Lavergne, TN is 1-4.

In a surprising result, Matt Murphy and undefeated Antonio Magruder battled to an entertaining draw in a welterweight bout.

Murphy rocked Magruder several times in round’s two and three, but Magruder came back to salvage the draw with a strong 4th frame.

Scores waren 39-37 Magruder, und 38-38 zweimal.

Magruder, 147 lbs of Washington, DC ist 5-0-1. Murphy 144.8 lbs of St. Louis ist 3-30-4.

Alexander Johnson won a six-round unanimous decision over Mengistu Zarzar in a light heavyweight bout.

Johnson, 177.8 lbs of Washington, D.C. von Partituren von gewonnen 59-55 zweimal und 58-56 und ist jetzt 17-4-1. Zarzar, 182.2 lbs of Palmer Park, MD is 6-6-1.

Gut aussehende Aussicht Kiante irving stopped George Sheppard in round two of their scheduled four-round super middleweight fight.

In der zweiten Runde, Irving dropped Sheppard with a long right hand. Sheppard staggered to his feet, but the fight was called off at 1:06.

Irving, 163.4 lbs of Beaver Falls, PA ist 3-0 mit drei Knockouts. Sheppard, 163.8 lbs of Virginia is 1-5-1.

George Harris remained undefeated by stopping Lamar Lewis in round three of their scheduled four-round heavyweight bout.

In Runde drei, Harris dropped Lewis with a hard combination. Harris finished Lewis off by rocking him several more times, und der Kampf wurde gestoppt bei 2:00.

Harris, 218 lbs of Silver Spring, MD is 2-0 mit zwei Knockouts. Lewis, 235.2 lbs of Arkansas is 0-4.
Tricky Entertainment has been promoting music, entertainment and lifestyle events in D.C. for the past ten years, and is run by Erwin Pendergrast.
DCFightNight is run by Sean Magruder, and this will be his second boxing show in DC.
The Matchmaker was Chris Middendorf.

Kendo Castaneda Remains Undefeated

Photos by Manny Mitts
SAN ANTONIO, TX (Dezember 1, 2018)Last night at the Scottish Rite Theatre in San Antonio, TX, TMB & PRB Unterhaltung und Roy Jones Jr. Boxen Promotions, vorgestellt, Whose ‘0’ Will Go 2, wo Kendo Castaneda (15-0, 7 KOs) captured the NABA super lightweight title with a unanimous decision victory Gilbert Venegas Jr.. (10-1, 6 KOs), handing him his first loss as a professional.
In den ersten Runden, both fighters were having their moments, landing hard shots, but as the fight progressed, Castaneda started to get in a grove by going to the body. Venegas held his own but couldn’t get his punches off like he wanted too, and Castaneda started to take over the fight. In den späteren Runden, Castaneda was landing three punch combinations, while boxing from a distance, finishing the fight strong. At the end of the ten-round fight, Kendo was up big on the judge’s cards. Scorecards lesen 98-92, 99-91,100-90, all in favor of Castaneda.
6-Round Co-Main Event for Vacant ABF Middleweight Title
Local hero, Luey Villareal (4-0-1, 1 KO) captured the ABF middleweight title with a stunning TKO against Michael Klekotta (2-4, 1 KO). Villareal broke down Klekotta for the first three rounds before stopping him with a barrage of punches in the fourth round. The time was at the 1:20 Marke.
4-Round Super Featherweight
18-jährige Sensation, Ricky Medina (2-0, 2 KOs), scored a second-round KO over Jorge De Leon (0-5). Medina landed a powerful uppercut in the middle of round two, sending De Leon to the canvas. He then followed with a devastating right hook to the temple, knocking out De Leon at the 2:58 Marke.
4-Runder Super Federgewicht Kampf
Xavier Wilson (9-0, 1 KO) remained undefeated with a unanimous decision victory against vs Gelacio Cruz (2-4-3, 1 KOs). Wilson used lateral movement to land his punches off angles.Scorecards read 40-36 zweimal und 39-36 for Wilson.
4-Runder Mittelgewicht Kampf
In a battle of hometown fighters, George Ramos (2-0, 1 KO) unterlegen Steven Ramos (4-1, 1 KO) durch einstimmige Entscheidung. George Ramos landed the cleaner shots and was the aggressor. Scorecards lesen 40-36 zweimal und 39-36 all in favor for George Ramos.
4-Runder Mittelgewicht Kampf
Local native, Dagoberto Navarez (5-0, 1 KOs) scored a fourth-round majority decision overStetson Horne (0-3). Navarez was the aggressor, coming right at Horne from the opening bell, landing overhand rights. Horne had his moments but didn’t do enough to keep Navarez off him. Scorecards lesen 39-36 zweimal, und 38-38 for Navarez.
4-Round Middleweight
In a battle of middleweight prospects, Washington Luiz (1-0, 1 KO), who was making his pro debut, scored a fourth round TKO against David Godley (1-1). Luiz was circling to his right, landing accurate counter punches throughout the fight. A right hook, straight left combo hurt Godly, knocking him out on his feet, zwingt den Schiedsrichter, den Kampf am zu stoppen .45 Zeichen der vierten Runde.
4-Round Heavyweight
In his pro debut, Christopher Martinez (1-0, 1 KO) scored a second round TKO overMathew Glover (1-1), Beenden der Kampf an der 2:59 Marke. A flurry of right hands sent Glover to the canvas and the referee waved off the bout after Glover was on wobbly legs.
# # #


Jarrett Hurd Defends WBA, IBF 154-Pound Titles With Fourth-Round KO Over James Welborn; Luis Ortiz Registers 10-Round TKO of Travis Kauffman; Joe Joyce Remains Undefeated With First-Round KO Against Joe Hanks
Klicken HIER für Fotos von Esther Lin / Showtime

LOS ANGELES (Dezember. 1, 2018) – Deontay “The Bronze Bomber” Wilder and Tyson “The Gypsy King” Fury fought to a split-decision draw on SHOWTIME PPV® on Saturday night from STAPLES Center​ ​in​ ​arguably ​one of the best heavyweight fights in years​.​




After controlling the WBC World Championship fight early, Wut (27-0-1, 19 KOs) miraculously overcame two knockdowns by Wilder (40-0-1, 39 KOs) – including one in round 12 – in the improbable draw. Die Richter werteten den Kampf 115-111 for Wilder, 114-112 for Fury and 113-113.




“I think with the two knockdowns I definitely won the fight,Sagte Wilder, who has recorded a knockdown in each of his 41 pro fights and was defending his WBC belt for the eighth time since 2015. “We poured our hearts out tonight. We’re both warriors, but with those two drops I think I won the fight.”



Fury saw it differently, stating that he gave it everything he had.




“We’re on away soil, I got knocked down twice, but I still believe I won that fight,” said England’s Fury, whose amazing comeback continues following a two and a half-year absence from the sport from drug and alcohol addiction and mental health issues.​ “I hope I did you all proud after nearly three years out of the ring. I was never going to be knocked down tonight. I showed good heart to get up. I came here tonight and I fought my heart out.​”​



It was an electrifying night with an attendance announced at 17,698 Fans, which included Hollywood stars and fight fans like former Lakers greats Shaquille O’Neal, Jerry West, former NFL stars Michael Strahan and Michael Irvin, and ​boxing ​legends Evander Holyfield and Floyd Mayweather.




Wut, who out-landed Wilder 84-71 über alle, was caught by a short right hand by Wilder just behind the left ear to drop Fury for the third time in his career in the ninth round. Then in the 12th, a Wilder right hand and left hook combination sent the 6-foot-9 Fury down again, hitting his head on the canvas. Schon Wieder, he managed to ​stand​ up and referee Jack Reiss let him continue to fight.




“Boxing is always the theater of the unexpected, and that’s what we had tonight,” SHOWTIME expert analyst Al Bernstein said.




Bernstein said seeing Fury get up and continue to fight after the brutal knockdown was “one of the most astonishing things I’ve ever seen in the boxing ring.”




SHOWTIME boxing historian and commentator Steve Farhood had Fury controlling the early rounds and Fury winning rounds 3-8, and ultimately scored the fight, 115-111.




Because of a rematch clause, both fighters were asked if they would like to do it again. “I would love for it to be my next fight,” Wilder said. “Why not? Let’s give the fans what they want to see. It was a great fight and let’s do it again. It doesn’t matter to me where we do it.”




“​One hundred​ percent we’ll do the rematch,” said Fury, fighting in the first heavyweight title pay-per-view bout in America since 2002. “We are two great champions. Me and this man are the two best heavyweights on the planet.”




Wilder said he came out slow and rushed his punches. “I didn’t sit still. I was too hesitant. I started overthrowing the right hand and I just couldn’t adjust.”




Wut, fighting for the third time this year with 26-year-old trainer Ben Davison in his corner, also had former boxing great Ricky Hatton and seven-time Trainer of the Year Freddie Roach in his corner.




In the lead-up fight to Wilder-Fury, „Schneller“ Jarrett Hurd (23-0, 16 KOs) defended his 154-pound IBF and WBA world title belts with a fourth-round knockout against United Kingdom’s James Welborn (24-7, 7 KOs), who was fighting for the first time on American soil.



Welborn was the aggressor in the first minute of the fourth round, sending Hurd to the ropes with punch after punch to the body and head. Suddenly realizing he might be in trouble, Hurd of Accokeek, Md., countered back from sudden adversity in dramatic fashion and sent Welborn back-tracking before a devastating body punch sent him to one knee. He was counted out at 1:55 by referee Lou Moret, who was officiating the final fight of his 30-plus year career.




Nach dem Kampf, undefeated super welterweight Jermell Charlo entered the ring to challenge for Hurd’s coveted belts. “We definitely want Charlo,” Hurd told SHOWTIME Sports’ Jim Gray, saying the matchup would likely occur after one more fight. “I’m calling the shots. I’m No. ​1​ right now. When I say answer the phone, answer the phone. I got the date.”




Charlo shot back. “This is easy money. I like those belts – they look real good on you. He said he wants another fight. I’m ready now.”




Hurd, who unified the WBA and IBF belts by beating WBA champion Erislandy Lara in April in Las Vegas, was returning with a surgically repair left shoulder. He threw 118 Jabs, more than half of the 220 punches he threw in the fight.




“I’m just coming off surgery so I wanted to see how I worked off the jab,” Hurd said. “I felt good I was working behind the jab I got caught on the ropes and got caught with some shots and said ‘that’s enough. He got enough TV time.’ I heard the crowd and I didn’t want to get brave. So I turned it up and got the knockdown.​”​




Former Wilder foe and heavyweight southpaw Luis “The Real King Kong” Ortiz (30-1, 26 KOs) returned to STAPLES​ Center​ for a second consecutive victory with a resounding 10th-round TKO against Travis “My Time” Kauffman (32-3, 23 KOs) Reading, Pa.




The 39-year-old Ortiz of Camaguey, Kuba, registered left-cross knockdowns in the sixth, eighth and 10th rounds before the final blow coming later in the 10th round against a gritty Kauffman. It was the 26th career stoppage for Ortiz, who lost to Wilder in a Fight of the Year candidate back in March.




The fight was officially called at 1:58 of the 10th round. "Ich bin ein Krieger,“Ortiz sagte. “Nothing contains me. We didn’t have to knock him out but we wanted to show everything we have in our repertoire, and we showed it tonight.”




Ortiz, who was warned twice for low blows, clipped Kauffman for a second time by a lethal left hand of Ortiz at 2:29 in der achten Runde. But just like the first time he was send to canvas in the sixth round, Kauffman was able to get up and continue fighting.




The technically sound performance by Ortiz included 376 jab attempts to Kauffman’s 99 and out-landing him 66-7. That led to a 135-37 lead in total connects and a 69-30 margin in power connects against Kauffman, who SHOWTIME commentator Paulie Malignaggi called, “a stubborn guy who wouldn’t go away.”




“Of course I’ll fight the winner of this fight [Wilder-Fury],“Ortiz sagte. “I want that second fight with Wilder. I want to fight anybody.”




In the ​pay-per-view​ telecast opener, Joe “The Juggernaut” Joyce (7-0, 7 KOs) recorded a massive first-round knockout against Joe “The Future” Hanks (23-3, 15 KOs). A rising heavyweight, Joyce, von London, England, ended the fight officially after just 2:25 as he used a right jab to set up a near-perfect left hook sending Hanks to the canvas and down for the count.




Trained by noted trainer Abel Sanchez, Joyce told Gray he’s ready for anyone. “I want to get in some bigger fights,” said the former Olympic silver medal winner who recorded his fourth first-round KO. “I’ve been doing well so there is plenty more to come. All the support from back home in England, thanks for coming. I hope I put on something good to watch.”




It was the second win in the United States for Joyce, who also picked up the vacant WBA Continental heavyweight title. “I’m getting people out quickly,"Er sagte. “I’ve got a lot of experience, I’m just going to improve on my strength and my speed. I’ve heard comments that I’m slow but I seem to land the shots and get the job done.”




It was the third time during his career that Hanks, from Newark, N. J., has been knocked down by a left hook.




Earlier in the night on SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION Adonis Stevenson’s five-and-a-half year reign as the WBC Light Heavyweight Champion of the World ended as Oleksandr Gvozdyk dethroned boxing’s longest reigning champion with a devastating 11th round knockout from Videotron Center in Quebec City. VIDEO: https://s.sho.com/2BMNZIx. Saturday’s one-fight telecast from Quebec City will replay on Monday, Dezember 3 bei 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ANYTIME® and SHOWTIME on DEMAND®. Die Showtime Boxing: SPECIAL EDITION streamed live on SHOWTIME Sports social platforms and is archived on the SHO Sports YouTube channel and Facebook page.




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Ortíz, Santiago and Lopez dominant in Puerto Rico

‘Fresh Productions Boxingshowed that its young boxers has the skills to beat opponents who have won world titles.




From the Pedro ‘PeruchoCepeda Ballpark in the city of Cataño, Puerto Rico, Jonathan ‘Bum BumLópez (5-0, 3 KOs) von Puerto Rico, scored a unanimous decision victory over former WBA Interim World Champion and world title challenger José ‘Torito’ Rodríguez (32-8, 19 KOs) von Mexiko, in a scheduled six round fight in the bantamweight division (118 Pfund).




Rodriguez was stripped of a point in the first round for behind the head blows. The three judges scored 60-53 for the Puerto Rican Lopez, who had an outstanding amateur career (226-12) that includes a bronze medal in the World Boxing Youth Championships in Kiev, the Golden Belt in Ecuador, and was national champion of Puerto Rico for seven consecutive years.




In another great fight, WBC FECARBOX Lightweight champion Alfredo ‘Ojo’ Santiago (11-0, 3 KOs), a native of the Dominican Republic and based in Fajardo, Puerto Rico, dominated by unanimous decision former WBA World Champion Jonathan Víctor Barros (41-7-1, 22 KOs) of Argentina. The three judges scored 99-91.




Barros has victories over former world champion Celestino Caballero and former world contenders Miguel Román and Satoshi Hosono. The Argentine has also faced boxers of the caliber of Yuriorkis Gamboa, Mikey Garcia, Lee Selby and Miguel Berchelt.




Für seinen Teil, ‚Augen’ Santiago has notable victories over former world contender Jayson Velez and former Mexican Olympian Arturo Santos Reyes.




Puerto Rico’s jr featherweight (122 lbs) sensation, Abimael ‘Manos de Piedra/Hands of Stone’ Ortiz (7-0-1, 4 KOs) defeated Mexican Alexis ‘Beaver’ Santiago (21-7-1, 8 KOs) by unanimous decision in a 10-round match. The judges scored 100-90 (2x) und 99-91.




In anderen Kämpfen:




Lightweights Steven Ruidiaz (4-0, 4 KOs) of Canovanas won by way of 3rd-round KO to Angel ‘Memito’ Lopez (6-2, 6 KOs) von Caguas.




In exciting fight in the flyweight division, Jesus “Chiquito” Soler (10-1-1, 5 KO) von Arecibo, defeated Oscar Marrero (5-2, 3 KO) of Luquillo by unanimous decision. The judges scored 78-76, 78-74 und 77-75.




Jr. Welterweights, Emmanuel Morales (8-3, 5 KOs) of Cidra defeated Adrián Martínez (2-2, 2 KOs) of San Lorenzo by 3rd-Runde TKO.




Leichtgewichte, Christian Barreto (1-0, 1 KO) of Arecibo defeated by technical knockout in the fourth round Michael Estrada (0-3) of Fajardo, and jr featherweight Christian Lebrón (1-0) of Fajardo, defeated Jonathan of La Paz (0-7) by technical knockout in the second round at 122 Pfund.



Watch The Replay On SHOWTIME Sports Social Platforms And Monday At 10 p.m. ET / PT auf Showtime EXTREME®

Klicken HIER Fotos herunterladen; Kredit Amanda Westcott / Showtime

QUEBEC CITY (Dezember 1, 2018) – Adonis Stevenson’s five-and-a-half-year reign as the WBC Light Heavyweight Champion is over. Oleksandr Gvozdyk dethroned boxing’s longest reigning champion with a devastating 11th round knockout Saturday in Quebec City in a Showtime Boxing: SONDERAUSGABE telecast that immediately preceded the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury SHOWTIME PPV.




Gvozdyk (16-0, 13 KOs) used a powerful multi-punch combination in the penultimate round to put the back-and-forth bout out of question. The former Olympic bronze medalist and amateur teammate of fellow Ukrainians Vasyl Lomachenko and Oleksandr Usyk was impressive throughout the entire fight. He executed trainer Teddy Atlas’ game plan to perfection and was the busier of the two fighters. Stevenson (29-2-1, 24 KOs), who was making his 10th Titelverteidigung, was able to land his signature left hand on several occasions, most notably in the tenth round, but never did enough to truly trouble his opponent.




“This win means everything to me. I’ve trained my whole life for this and tonight all of the hard work was worth it,” said Gvozdyk, who was the mandatory challenger for Stevenson. “Having Teddy [Atlas] in my corner was a huge help. He knew exactly what to say to me. We trained so well for this fight and I knew I was going to get the knockout.




“Adonis was a great champion but it’s my time now. He got me with a good shot in the 10th round but I handled it and finished him. Jetzt, I just want to rest before I discuss my next step. I definitely want to stay at 175 Pfund. "




Stevenson was transported to a local hospital as precautionary measure and was unavailable for comment following the fight.




Saturday’s one-fight telecast from Quebec City will replay on Monday, Dezember 3 bei 10 p.m. ET / PT auf EXTREME Showtime und wird auf Showtime ANYTIME zur Verfügung® und Showtime-on-Demand®. Die Showtime Boxing: SPECIAL EDITION streamed live on SHOWTIME Sports social platforms and is archived on the SHO Sports YouTube channel and Facebook page.




Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analyst. Der Executive Producer war Gordon Hall mit Richard Gaughan produzierenden und Rick Phillips Regie.


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Für weitere Informationen besuchen www.SHO.com/Sports, folgen auf TwitterSHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing oder werde ein Fan auf Facebook unter www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,






Salamov verteidigt Meisterschaften mit einstimmiger Entscheidung über Ghanas Anim in Sotschi, Russland

Am Samstag, Dezember 1, im Galaktika Kulturzentrum in Sotschi, Russland, Umar Salamov wird sein Eurasisches Boxparlament und die WBO International Light Heavyweight Championships verteidigen, wenn er in einem explosiven 10-Runden-Showdown gegen den einmal geschlagenen Emmanuel "Horse Power" Anim antritt.




Salamov (22-1, 17 KOs), von Alkhan-Kala, Russland, ist derzeit WBC eingestuft #10, WBA #13, IBF #7 und WBO #10 in der Welt. Verstand (13-1-1, 11 KOs), von Accra, Ghana, ist ein ehemaliger ghanaischer Champion im Super-Mittelgewicht und im Halbschwergewicht. Der Kampf wird auch live in Russland im Match TV übertragen.




„Ich nehme jeden Kampf ernst,Sagte Salamov. „Meine Vorbereitungen für dieses Spiel waren hervorragend. Ich habe bei all meinen Siegen in diesem Jahr einen KO erzielt und werde es am 1. Dezember erneut tun. "




Salamov erregte im vergangenen Juni in Nordamerika die Aufmerksamkeit des Boxpublikums mit einem brutalen One-Punch-Knockout gegen Brian Howard. Mit Top-10-Platzierungen aller großen Sanktionsstellen, Für den 24-jährigen Schläger ist es eine Frage der Zeit.




„Die Division im Halbschwergewicht ist eine der talentiertesten im Boxen,Sagte Salamovs Promoter, Dmitriy Salita. „Umar ist einer der besten der Welt und hat im Dezember einen beeindruckenden Sieg errungen 1, Er wird seinem Ziel, Weltmeister zu werden, einen Schritt näher kommen. “

Results from “Rumble at the Rock III” at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Fla.

WBO- #2 Espinoza Annihilates Vargas in Two Brutal Rounds


Mexico’s Ricardo “Hindu” Espinoza (21-2, 18 KOs) made the most of his Telemundo appearance in the main event of “Rumble at the Rock III,” tonight (Freitag, November. 30), im Hard Rock Event Center im Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Fla., by destroying previously undefeated Yeison Vargas (17-1, 12 KOs) of Colombia in two rounds




After an uneventful first round, Espinoza impressively opened up and dropped Vargas three times in the second. In the process, Espinoza, the streaking WBO #2 Anwärter, picked up a TKO 2 and the WBO Latino Bantamweight Championship. Having never left his homeland for a fight before, Vargas seemed unprepared for the brutal power of Espinoza’s hooks and right hands. Die Zeit war 1:19.




Im 10-Runden-Weltergewicht Co-Main Event, Puerto Rican prospect Derrieck Cuevas (19-0-1, 14 KOs) scored an impressive unanimous 10-round decision over Miami via Barranquilla, Colombia veteran Breidis “Khanqueror” Prescott (31-15, 22 KOs).




Cuevas is a wicked puncher. Prescott was down in round one from a thudding left hook and was saved by the bell from a quick KO loss. What followed over the next nine rounds was a clinic from the surprisingly elusive 24-year-old Cuevas on hitting, schwer, and not getting hit back.




Always a warrior, the battle-proven Prescott tried for the entire fight, but simply couldn’t reach Cuevas with anything consequential. Cuevas looks to have the goods to continue to climb the 147-lb ladder into contender status. The scores were not announced.




Popular Miami light heavyweight Ulysses Diaz (7-0, 6 KOs) was too much for Sonora, Mexico’s Fabian Valdez (3-5), as he stopped him in two rounds of a scheduled four. “The Monster” Diaz, a serious crowd favorite in South Florida, clubbed Valdez with his trademarked sledgehammers, sending the hapless Mexican reeling around the ring until the slaughter was mercifully waved off at 49 Sekunden. Valdez was down from a body shot in round one.




Miami lightweight Manuel Correa (3-0, 2 KOs) pounded out a brutal unanimous (40-36 x 3) four-round decision over Dustin Arnold (6-2, 1 KOs) von Coral Springs, Florida.




Lacking the power to get the relentlessly energized fists of Correa away from him, Arnold did well to survive the onslaught. His face didn’t feel so lucky though, as he was reduced to a bloody mask during the carnage. Correa is a pitbull worth having another look at. The normally capable Arnold will have to improve his power to compete with savagery of the type that fighters like Correa can generate.




Miami welterweight Livan Navarro (10-0, 6 KOs) scored an entertaining fourth-round knockout (54 Sekunden) over Colombian veteran Wilfrido Buelvas (19-11, 13 KOs). The pair of sluggers traded free-swinging haymakers throughout. Buelvas even looked to have hurt Navarro in the second, aber doch, eventually, Navarro’s superior power took over and that was it for the Colombian from Barranquilla.




Buelvas went down twice in round three and twice more in round four, the final time for the full 10 Anzahl.




In an eight-round super featherweight bout, former top-ranked veteran Mike “Machine Gun” Oliver (26-10-1, 8 KOs) of Hartford showed the ravages of time, as he flopped twice and quit in the first round against Miami’s undefeated featherweight Hairon “El Maja” Socarras (20-0-3, 12 KOs). What would have been an entertaining scrap a few years ago was more of a sad exhibition as Oliver dropped from the two punches he caught and elected to quit after the second “knockdown.” The time was 50 Sekunden.




All-action Miami featherweight Jessy Cruz (15-7-1, 6 KOs) continued his winning streak with a four-round beatdown of Mexican veteran Isaias Martin Cardona (25-15, 17 KOs). Cardona, a showboating type, was down in round, einer, three and four. After the fourth, saner heads prevailed, and he was prevented from coming out for the fifth. The official verdict was a TKO 5 (0:01).




Miami via Cuba’s hard-punching super middleweight Irosvani Duvergel (5-0, 3 KOs) stayed undefeated by making quick work of Miami’s Yendris Rodriguez Valdez (2-3, 2 KOs) über TKO 1 (1:46). The exciting Cuban was too strong for Valdez and after going down from a right hand, Valdez’s corner signaled their man’s surrender.




A four-round featherweight contest ended early when Puerto Rico’s Luis “Chucho” Melendez (3-1, 2 KOs) scored a TKO 2 (2:13) over debuting local Jonathan Conde. After a routine first round, Melendez had Conde down three times, the first with a counter left hook and then twice more with big right hands.




In the four-round heavyweight opener between two Miami-based sluggers, Hector “Ready for War” Hodge (3-3, 1 KO) spoiled the pro debut of Jairus Gladney (0-1) by knockout at 1:43 der zweiten Runde. The pair of big men traded wild shots until Hodge found pay dirt with a southpaw left hand, dropping Gladney. Gladney rose but was in no condition and another roundhouse left finished things.




“Rumble at the Rock III” was presented by Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory, in association with Tuto Zabala of All Star Boxing.


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