Tag Archives: boks

Aguirre skok Tareh; “Lil Pacquiao”, Alvarez, Guillen en Woodall behaal uitklophoue in St.. Petersburg

St. Petersburg, FL (April 3, 2016) - Jacksonville, Juan Aguirre, FL, het Saterdag 'n tuiskoms vir die gewilde junior middelgewig Ali Tareh bederf, April 1 by die Bayfront Hilton in sy tuisdorp St.. Petersburg, FL.
Hemel van Mad Integriteit Veg Sport’ "Bomme weg 5", die hoofgebeurtenis boksers betree die ring vir hul agt ronde junior middelgewig stryd om 'n staande kamer enigste skare, wat die lokaal volgepak het voor die aanvang van die eerste geveg. 'N Groot kaartjieverkoper wat 'n groot groep ondersteuners byderhand gehad het, Tareh het vroegtydig tyd geneem. Aguirre, 'n drukvegter, gekyk om die gaping te sluit en met 'n harde skoot bo te koppel. Met sekondes oor in die begin strofe, Aguirre het 'n opening gesien en 'n verwoestende linkerhaak losgemaak wat Tareh koud uitgeslaan het2:59.
Aguirre is nou 7-17-1 met 1 uitklophou. Tareh, wat 'n staande ovasie ontvang het toe hy weer op sy voete was, skyfies na 13-12-5 met 6 oorwinnings deur knockout.
Die ses gesamentlike wedstryd was die terugkeer van die sterk veergewig Jose "Lil Pacquiao" Resendez van Bradenton., FL. Kom uit 'n jaar en 'n half ontslag, Resendez het Raul Chirino van Miami, wat eens geslaan is, ontmoet. 'N Spoegbeeld van 'n regterhandige Manny Pacquiao fisies en stilisties, Resendez het vanaf die openingsklok werk toe gegaan. Resendez het die aksie oorheers met vlammende vinnige kombinasies na die liggaam en kop voordat hy Chirino laat val het teen die einde van die eerste.
Resendez is in die tweede keer weer aan die werk en het sy vyand weer seergemaak, maar die wedstryd van Chirino het moeilik gehang en 'n paar teenskote teen die aggressiewe Resendez gelewer.. Die bloed ruik van die beskadigde wat hy in die vorige twee rondes gedoen het, Resendez het voortgegaan om aggressief op Chirino aan te val met harde kombinasies. Resendez is toegeskryf aan sy tweede afslaan van die aand toe die skeidsregter beslis het dat die toue Chirino omhoog gehou het. Verwoerd van die neem van baie skoon slae, hy was nie in staat om voort te gaan nie en die stryd is gestop 2:03 van die derde.
Resendez, wat na die oorwinning deur die foto-aanhangers geknou is, verbeter om 5-0 met 2 KO se. Chirino is nou 7-2 met 3 KO se.
Weltergewig Armando "The Gentleman" Alvarez van Miami het 'n een-uitklophou behaal oor Tampa se Lee "Holliwood" Dawson in die tweede van hul agt rondte. Nadat hy die eerste ronde oorheers het deur 'n oorvloed slae teen die verdedigende Dawson te gooi, Alvarez laat val hom met 'n harde regterhand vir die tien tellings op 1:24 van die tweede ronde.
Alvarez verhoog sy professionele grootboek na 9-0 met 5 uitklophou terwyl Dawson se rekord gly na 2-2-4.
In wat sonder twyfel die stryd van die nag was op 'n aand vol aksie, junior liggewig Michael 'Choko Guillen het 'n dramatiese stop van Rafael' Junito 'Rivera behaal. Guillen het dadelik by Rivera gekom, terwyl hy aggressiewe skote op die liggaam en kop gevlieg het. Rivera, wat sy opponent herken het, het homself tydens die meedoënlose aanval oopgelaat, het 'n blitsige afslaan behaal met 'n linkerkantste hoek. Onbelemmerd, Guillen het voortgegaan om Rivera in 'n frenetiese tempo te swerm in die tweede en derde, terwyl laasgenoemde sukses behaal het deur sy wye oop opponent met skerp kontra-skote te merk..
Met die skare op hul voete in die vierde en laaste ronde, Guillen het 'n hoek van Rivera gemaak en hom met 'n harde skoot na die liggaam laat val. Rivera het dadelik opgegooi en is uitgetel 2:29.
Guillen, van Edgewater, FL, is nou 2-0 met 1 uitklophou. Tampa se Rivera is 1-2 (1 KO).
Die hoog aangeskrewe Kubaanse junior weltergewig, Yordan Frometa, het net vir die tweede keer die afstand afgelê as 'n pro teen die ongemaklike Farkhad "Crazy Russian" Sharipov. Frometa, wat Miami nou tuis noem, was die besiger vegter en het krag in albei hande getoon. Sharipov het hom egter gedwing om van klok tot klok te werk deur van verskillende hoeke af te slaan terwyl hy gereeld tussen ortodokse en suidpoot gewissel het..
Tellings was 59-55 en 60-54 twee keer. Frometa se rekord is nou 8-0 (6 KO se). Sharipov, van Kissimmee, FL by wyse van Kirgisië, is 4-8 met 1 uitklophou.
Middelgewig-vooruitsig Steed “The Stallion” Woodall van Houston, TX by wyse van Birmingham, UK het Bradenton afgebreek, FL-gebaseerde Boliviaanse Juan Raya op pad na 'n derde ronde TKO. Met die wêreldbekende Ronnie Shields in sy hoek, het Woodall deeglik oorheers met harde skote op die lyf en kop totdat Raya se hoek die handdoek ingegooi het teen 2:40 van die derde.
Woodall verbeter tot 10-1-1 met 7 KO se. Raya gly na 2-5 met 1 uitklophou.
"Dit was 'n ongelooflike kaart van die einde tot die einde,"Het Joey Orduna van Mad Integriteit Veg Sport. 'Die ondersteuners het beslis hul geld werd en ek is baie dank verskuldig aan almal wat by die geleentheid betrokke was. Gevegte soos hierdie is waaroor die sport gaan en as ons aanhou om aanhangers vermaak te gee, die belangstelling in die sport sal net groei. ”
Vir opdaterings oor Mad Integrity Fight Sports, besoek gerus Facebook.com/MadIntegrityFightSports
Ander resultate:
Swaargewigte: Jose Medina (2-0 winter Haven, FL) UD4 Todd Bradley (0-2 Brandon, FL) 40-36 3X
Super middelgewigte: Arnold Hill (6-10 4 KO's St.. Petersburg, FL) MD4 Rashad Jones (4-7-2 2 KO’s Selma, AL) 38-38 en 39-37 2x


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Krediet: Nabeel Ahmad/Premier Boxing Champions
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Krediet: Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather Promotions
Klik HIER Vir Fight Hoogtepunte
WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 2, 2016) – Vier-afdeling wêreldkampioen Adrien “Die Probleem” Broner didn’t have much of a problem beating and stopping Ashley “die skat” Theophane at 1:10 in the ninth round in die belangrikste gebeurtenis van vanaand se Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) op Spike event in front of a sold out crowd of 8,172 by the DC Armory in Washington, D.C.
Op 26-jaar-oue, Broner, who lost his 140-pound world title on the scale when he failed to make the bout’s weight limit, verbeter sy rekord tot 32-2, 24 Uitklophoue. The controversial fighter from Cincinnati, Ohio, displayed his strength and range of skills against a seasoned Theophane, whose record dropped to 39-7-1, 11 Uitklophoue.
Vanaand se show was promoted by About Billions Promotions and Mayweather Promotions in association with HeadBangers Promotions.Mayweather Promotions President Floyd “Geld” Mayweather sat ringside throughout the evening to pay particular attention to the performances of Mayweather Promotions fighters including Theophane, Gervonta Davis and J’Leon Love, who fought on the undercard.
Broner came out in the early rounds showing his speed and versatility, only to be stymied by a game Theophane who showed his own array of boxing skills. Before long, Broner’s ring prowess proved to be too much for Theophane, as he landed power shots at will and began dominating. As Broner wore his opponent down it became easier for him to overpower Theophane and finally stop him in the ninth round.
When people fight me, they come with their ‘Agame, and he came with his ‘Agame. But even his ‘Agame wasn’t enough vanaand.
As you know, I’ve been going through a lot and for me to come in here and bottle everything up and do what I did, I want to give myself a pat on the back.
Theophane was disappointed and didn’t agree with the stoppage.
I thought the stoppage was premature because I thought I was in the fight. Me and Broner were going at it. It looked like he was starting to get tired because he started to move around and wasn’t able to stay there with me as much.
I thought the fight was back and forth and I think the next four rounds would have been the same. No way should the fight have gotten stopped. It’s a shame the referee did that. I was telling the referee, ‘I’m okay, I’m okay.Then he waived it off. I don’t know what he was thinking.
Broner and Mayweather, who promotes Theophane, have been engaged in a war of words throughout the promotion. Broner challenged the 11-time world champion immediately following his victory.
I’m a man, but at the end of the day, somebody that I look up to, someone that I admire took the chance to do an interview and talk bad about me. I’m a manFloyd has got to see me.
I come from nothing. I’m talking about water and Cornflakes. And I would never let a man disrespect me like that. So you gotta see me. I don’t care if we’re sparring or if we’re fighting, kom ons kry dit aan.
Mayweather did not address the comments.
In the co-feature bout of the night, onoorwonne Robert Easter Jr. (17-0, 14 KO) showed why he’s a rising star with a devastating KO at 2:43 in die 5ste round over former world champion Mendez algenis (23-4-1, 12 Uitklophoue) in a lightweight fight that finished with the crowd on their feet. Easter, who took a big step up in competition facing Mendez, showed the patience of a season veteran in the early rounds against Mendez who represented the Dominican Republic in the 2004 Olympics and now fights out of Brooklyn.
It didn’t take Easter long to get comfortable and pick up his pace in the third and fourth rounds, with an array of body shots and uppercuts, that found their mark against the game Mendez. Easter closed the show when he knocked down Mendez with a devastating one punch knock-out via a stiff right hand. Mendez got up from the knocked down but was unable to continue, forcing the referee to stop the contest.
My performance was okay. I could have done better, maar ek is tevrede. I got touched more than I expected. Once I settled down, I knew I was going to catch him. I had to stay patient.
Two boxers makes for a boring fight. I wanted to go in there and brawl, but be smart. I knew when I stepped on the gas I would put him to bed and that’s what I did. He was definitely the toughest opponent I have faced in a shorter fight. He is a former champ and he came in ready.
This was a huge opportunity for me and I’m just happy I got the knockout. For what it’s worth, Ek voel goed…at least physically I do. I’m pretty disappointed because of the way things turned out, but boxing is a difficult sport.
I don’t have any excuses. I’m glad that I feel fine physically, that’s the most important thing right now. Robert Easter is a good fighter, he did really well and I wish him the best in his career.
In vanaand se PBC on Spike opener, top vooruitsig Gervonta “Die een” Davis (15-0, 14 Uitklophoue) thrilled the crowd with a TKO at :29 of the sixth round over Mexico’s Guillermo Avila (15-6, 12 Uitklophoue) in a 10-round super featherweight bout that showcased the young Davisversatility. Davis, who pressed the action throughout the fight while the combatants engaged in many competitive exchanges, showed off his emerging talent as a multi-dimensional young pugilist.
The fight’s action picked up in the fourth when one of Davis’s punches caused a cut underneath Avila’s left eye. Davis continued his assault in the fifth when he landed a straight left hand to send Avila to the canvas. In the sixth and final round Davis came out of his corner and immediately jumped on his opponent causing the referee to halt the action.
I knew he was a strong opponent. He kept bouncing back and I actually thought he was going to get up at the end too. He is very experienced and I thank him for taking the fight. He brought out the best in me.
There is always room to get better and better, but this is another step toward my dream. I’m happy with my performance and it is even more special to have done it where I made my pro debut, so close to home.
I’m happy I could get this victory for my team, Floyd Mayweather and everyone that supports me.
We prepared really well and think we did well,” said AvilaThe cut came from a head-butt which complicated the situation for me as it didn’t let me see properly from that point forward. But it is what it is -he won. He’s good, and he hits hard.
I appreciate everyone who was supporting me and my team. This is not the end of my career. I’m young and this is the type of sport where you just have to bounce back. We’re going to move on with our head up. There’s no other choice.
Volg op TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, en @Swanson_Comm en word 'n fan op Facebook te www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions en
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Hoogtepunte beskikbaar te sluit by www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC op Spike word geborg deur Corona Ekstra, beste Beer.

Del Valle to meet Crespo April 9!


Bayamon, PR (April 1, 2016) – Super bantamweight contender Luis “Orlandito” Del Valle returns to the ring on Saterdag, April 9 to face New England titlist Josh Crespo in an eight round bout at Rockingham Park in Salem, NH.

Kaartjies vanaf $35 are on sale by calling 860-982-2532 of 603-898-2311.

A blood and guts warrior who gives fans their monies worth every time he enters the squared circle, Del Valle has an outstanding 20-2 rekord met 15 oorwinnings deur knockout. In November 2015, the Bayamon native stopped 50-plus fight veteran Jose Juan Beltran after two rounds in Comerio, Puerto Rico. Currently signed to an exclusive promotional contract with Jay-Z’s Roc Nation Sports, Del Valle has his sights set on another big fight but first must conquer the task at hand.

Born and raised in New Haven, CT, Crespo is riding a wave of confidence having defeated Jorge Abiague (9-1) for the New England super bantamweight championship last November. Crespo’s professional ledger is a deceptive 6-2-3 met 2 KO’s but he’s unbeaten in his last five, facing two undefeated fighters in the process.

If victorious, Del Valle is expected to appear in a televised bout in the immediate future. While some potentially view this fight as a given for Del Valle prior to bigger and better things, the 29-year-old knows that records don’t tell the whole story and Crespo’s hunger can’t be overlooked.

“I’ve got big plans but that all goes out the window if I don’t do what I have to against Crespo,” Del Valle said from his training camp in Puerto Rico. “Anybody who really knows boxing understands that a record doesn’t determine how good a fighter is. I’ve seen Crespo before. He’s tough and willing to take on anybody which is evident by the fact that he’s facing me rather than a lesser opponent. I’m training like I’m the underdog since this fight is close to his hometown and I’ve got a lot on the line.”

Fans can interact with Del Valle on Twitter @Orlanditoboxing or via Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Orlandito-Del-Valle-111406195543360

“Die Finale Roep” Saterdag, April 2, 2016 TAURON ARENA, Krakow, POLAND LIVE ON PAY-PER-VIEW

Krakow, Pole (Maart 31, 2016) — The final press conference for hierdie Saterdag “Die Finale Roep” pay-per-view event, begin by 2:00 namiddag. EN / 11:00 voormiddag. PT, was held today. Below are fightersquotes.
Integrated Sports Media will distribute the card in North America for live viewing on kabel, satelliet eninternet betaal-per-view via in aanvraag, DIRECTV, GEREG Netwerk, en Vubiquity in die Verenigde State van Amerika, asook Rogers TV, Bell TV, Shaw PPV en SaskTel in Kanada, vir 'n voorgestelde kleinhandelprys van slegs $29.95. Kontak gerus jou plaaslike kabel of satelliet-diensverskaffer vir meer inligting. Daarbenewens, the fight is available in North America for purchase on-line at www.GFL.tv en www.Eversport.TV (Polish commentary only), and via the FITE.TV app (of gaan na http://www.fite.tv/v/adamekvsmolina vir meer inligting) for both Android and iOS.
Four are scheduled to air live on PPV from Tauron Arena in Krakow, Pole. Twee ander gevegte kan gewys word, tyd dit toelaat.
“Die Finale Roep” is promoted in Poland by Polsat, as deel van die Polsat Boks Night reeks, in addition to Main Events and Don King Productions.
TOMASZ “Goral” ADAMEK: “Ek het 'n wonderlike kamp gehad, great sparring partners and a great team around me. Kuba (ChyckiAdamek’s physical coach), trainer Roger Bloodworththese guys did a great job in the last two months. As Eric said, ‘We are not about talking what we will do, we are ready to actually do it.Molina likes to mix it up, likes to throw punches, and is not afraid. This has to be a great fight just because of that. There’s no what’s after the Molina fight for me. This is the fight which will decide my future. A win means I’m on track for big fights, losing means I cannot do it anymore. What I know is that for this fight I’m much better prepared than I was for both the Glazkov and Szpilka bouts. Maar, natuurlik, what happens in ring will verify our words.
ERIC “Drummer Boy” MOLINA: “For the first time in my career I got 70 days to prepare; unprecedented in the heavyweight division. What do I know about Adamek? He’s a warrior and people in Poland expect great things from him because he’s a Polish boxing legend. In me, he will have a chance to fight one of the best heavyweights in the division and we all will know where we stand. Ek is baie vol vertroue, not only that I will win this war Saterdag, but also of being the first Mexican-American heavyweight in the future. People will get their money worth Saterdag. I can guarantee that. Adamek is highly rated by WBC and IBF, the two most active organizations in boxing. Saturday’s winner will be in the driver’s seat for great fights in the future.
MICHAL CIESLAK: “I also thought that you’re bigger. And I also hope that everything what you’re saying about how good your training camp was is the truth. I can promise you that I will be ready for everything. I’m in the best shape of my life and I will prove that Saterdag. Palacios, be ready to fight! I cannot wait anymore to put on a big show.
FRANCISCO “The Wizard” PALACIOS: “He wants to treat me like a stepping stone but the problem with that is I’m not a stepping stone for anyone. I’m a rock! You want to beat me, you have to kill me. And by the way, I thought that Cieślak is bigger. You cannot judge what I can or cannot do just because I’ve got knocked out by Kudryashov in my last fight. It means nothing. Eerste van alles, it happens in boxing and the more importantly, it has nothing to do with what I’m ready to do now with my new team andChillWilson on my side. Just watch: The Wizard Time is coming again.
Main Event — Vacant IBF Inter-Continental Heavyweight Championship (12)
TOMASZ “Goral” ADAMEK (50-4, 30 Uitklophoue), Former 2-Division World Champion, Jersey City, NJ, USA
ERIC “Drummer Boy” MOLINA (24-3, 18 Uitklophoue), World Title Challenger, Raymondville, Texas, USA
Co-funksie — Cruiserweights (10)
MICHAL CIESLAK (11-0, 7 Uitklophoue), Radom, Pole
FRANCISCO “The Wizard” PALACIOS (23-3, 14 Uitklophoue), 2-Time World Title Challenger, Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Swaargewigte (10)
ANDRZEJ WAWRZYK (31-1, 17 Uitklophoue), World Title Challenger, Krakow, Pole
MARCIN REKOWSKI (17-2, 14 Uitklophoue), Former Poland Heavyweight Champion, Kaliska Koscierskie, Pole
Cruiserweights (10)
MATEUSZ “Meester” MASTERNAK (36-4, 26 Uitklophoue), Former European Champion, Wroclaw, Pole
ERIC “Danger” FIELDS (24-3, 16 Uitklophoue), Ardmore, Oklahoma, USA
Welterweights (10)
RAFAEL “Braaf hart” JACKIEWICZ (48-14-2, 22 Uitklophoue), World Title Challenger, Minsk Mazowiecki, Pole
MICHAL SYROWATKA (13-1, 4 Uitklophoue), Elk, Pole
Female European Boxing Union Lightweight Championship (8)
EWA BRODNICKA (10-0. 2 Uitklophoue), Kampioen, Warskou, Pole
ANITA TORTI (9-5, 3 Uitklophoue), Challenger, Milan, Italië
PPV ANNOUNCERS: Engels – Bob Alexander and Glen Johnson, PolishAndrzej Kostyra/Albert Sosnowski, Mateusz Borek (host & interviews), Przemek Saleta (on-air judge)
Main Event — Vacant IBF Inter-Continental Heavyweight Championship (12)
TOMASZ “Goral” ADAMEK (50-4, 30 Uitklophoue), Former 2-Division World Champion, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
ERIC “Drummer Boy” MOLINA (24-3, 18 Uitklophoue), World Title Challenger, Raymondville, Texas, USA
Fighter profiles courtesy of Boxing World Weekly, a brand new boxing magazine series that is being distributed worldwide by Protocol Sports Marketing
Co-funksie — Cruiserweights (10)
MICHAL CIESLAK (11-0, 7 Uitklophoue), Radom, Pole
FRANCISCO “The Wizard” PALACIOS (23-3, 14 Uitklophoue), 2-Time World Title Challenger, Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Swaargewigte (10)
ANDRZEJ WAWRZYK (31-1, 17 Uitklophoue), World Title Challenger, Krakow, Pole
MARCIN REKOWSKI (17-2, 14 Uitklophoue), Former Poland Heavyweight Champion, Kaliska Koscierskie, Pole
Cruiserweights (10)
MATEUSZ “Meester” MASTERNAK (36-4, 26 Uitklophoue), Former European Champion, Wroclaw, Pole
ERIC “Danger” FIELDS (24-3, 16 Uitklophoue), Ardmore, Oklahoma, USA
Welterweights (10)
RAFAEL “Braaf hart” JACKIEWICZ (48-14-2, 22 Uitklophoue), World Title Challenger, Minsk Mazowiecki, Pole
MICHAL SYROWATKA (13-1, 4 Uitklophoue), Elk, Pole
Female European Boxing Union Lightweight Championship (8)
EWA BRODNICKA (10-0. 2 Uitklophoue), Kampioen, Warskou, Pole
ANITA TORTI (9-5, 3 Uitklophoue), Challenger, Milan, Italië
WANNEER: Saterdag, April 2, 20162:00 namiddag. EN / 11:00 voormiddag. PT
WAAR: Tauron Arena, Krakow, Pole
PROMOTOR: Polsat (in Poland), as deel van die Polsat Boks Night reeks, Main Events and Don King Productions
PPV: Integrated Sports Media will distribute the card in North America on pay-per-view for live viewing on kabel, satelliet en internet betaal-per-view via in aanvraag, DIRECTV, GEREG Netwerk, en Vubiquity in die Verenigde State van Amerika, asook Rogers TV, Bell TV, Shaw PPV en SaskTel in Kanada, vir 'n voorgestelde kleinhandelprys van slegs $29.95. Kontak gerus jou plaaslike kabel of satelliet-diensverskaffer vir meer inligting. Daarbenewens, the fight is available in North America for purchase on-line at www.GFL.tv en www.Eversport.TV (Polish commentary only), and via the FITE.TV app (of gaan na http://www.fite.tv/v/adamekvsmolina vir meer inligting) for both Android and iOS.
PPV ANNOUNCERS: Engels – Bob Alexander and Glen Johnson, PolishAndrzej Kostyra/Albert Sosnowski, Mateusz Borek (host & interviews), Przemek Saleta (on-air judge)


April Fools..Stich is not getting a Reebok shoeHe’s the New Undisputed Bellator Hand-Wrapping Champion.


Bo: Stitch wraps the hands of “King Mo” Lawal at “Bellator MMA: Dinamiet 1 " (Krediet: Bellator/Esther Lin)

SANTA MONICA (Maart 31, 2016) – When watching any combat sports event, it’s odd not to see Jacob “Stitch” Duran as the professional cutman on duty. Vandag, Bellator MMA is pleased to secure his services as its lead cutman for the foreseeable future, after “Stitch” signed a multi-year contract with the Scott Coker-led promotion.


Starting with "Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson " op April 22 at the Mohegan Sun Arena in CT, the most famous cutman in the world will do everything in his power to get Bellator fighters prepped for entering the cage and helping them continue on once the bell rings, giving them “one more round.”


Steek joins a great team of cutmen including Matt Marsden, Dean Lassiter en Paul Quiredos.


“Working with my old friend, Scott Coker and Bellator is a true honor,” said Duran. “I can’t wait to get started working for a great organization that respects their employees and truly makes their fighters the top priority!"


While working for Bellator, “Stitch” will not be prevented from seeking sponsors to wear and will also continue to work boxing events, with high profile clients the likes of Andre Ward, Vitali Klitschko and Wladimir Klitschko.


Lewiston, Maine (Maart 31, 2016) - New England Fights (NEF), Amerika se nommer een plaaslike stryd bevordering, sal sy volgende byeenkoms te hou, “NEF 22: Alle paaie lei HIER” op Saterdag, April 23, 2016 by die Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, Maine. The fight card will feature a mix of mixed-martial-arts (Plaasmoorde) and professional boxing bouts. Vroeër vandag, NEF announced the full fight card for the event. The fight card is scheduled to feature three professional boxing matches, six professional MMA bouts, and twelve exciting amateur MMA contests.


On the professional boxing side of the card, Northeast Junior Welterweight Champion, and the pride of West Forks, Maine, Brandon “Die kanon” Berry(11-1, 7 Uitklophoue) returns to the ring for a six-rounder with Detroit, Michigan’s James Lester (10-9, 4 Uitklophoue). Berry, one of the most popular boxers to ever come out of Maine, will look for his fourth consecutive victory since returning from a shoulder injury last year.


That will prove easier said than done with Lester standing in the opposite corner. Lester is a product of the world-famous Kronk Gym in Detroit where world champions like Thomas “Hitman” Hearns (61-5-1, 48 Uitklophoue), Oscar De La Hoya (39-6, 30 Uitklophoue), Lennox Lewis (41-2-1, 32 Uitklophoue) and Wladimir Klitschko (64-4, 53 Uitklophoue) have trained under the late Emmanuel Steward. Lester was ranked number-two nationally as an amateur. He presents a dangerous threat to Berry, one that could very well play the role of “spoiler” te “Die kanon” and his legion of fans.


After a bloody war of a professional boxing debut at “NEF 21” verlede maand, NEF MMA regular Crowsneck BOUTIN (0-0-1) will once again step into the boxing ring, this time facing Brandon Montella (3-0, 2 Uitklophoue). Montella, now a resident of Massachusetts, grew up in Maine and served in the United States Marine Corps.


Headlining the professional MMA portion of the fight card will be Jesse “Die Viking” Erickson (6-4) en Devin Powell (5-1) in 'n liggewig-wedstryd. Both fighters are currently on a three-fight win streak.


“I try to focus on what is right in front of me,” said Erickson during a recent interview on The MMA Report Podcast. “I never looked past my opponents but I like to think what the reward is going to be when I beat this guy.


Neither athlete can afford to overlook the other, but a win for either could very well mean a call from one of the national promotions. Erickson has been there before with Bellator. Powell is an all-around talent with some slick finishes to his credit.


This is the type of MMA fight we absolutely love,” gesê NEF mede-eienaar en promotor Nick DiSalvo. “You have two guys who match up so well. They’ve both been racking up the wins. They’ve faced some of the same opponents. They’re both solid on the mat and on their feet. I expect this to be yet another crazy, wild NEF MMA main event!”


Crazy” en “wilddo not even begin to describe the grudge that has developed between Josh “Hook OnHarvey (0-0) en Matt “Ken pop” Definiering (2-1). The bitter rivals will meet at a fight weight of 150-pounds at “NEF 22” in an MMA bout. The bout will be Harvey’s professional debut after a stellar 5-1 amateur career that saw him capture the NEF MMA Amateur Lightweight Title, as well as the northeast regions number-one ranking. The well-publicized personal issues between Harvey and Denning will be settled in the cage on April 23rd.


The professional portion of the MMA card will also feature the pro debut of Harvey’s Young’s MMA teammate Aaron “Meedoënlose” Lacey (0-0) as he takes on veteran “Onsplinterbaar 2.0” Derek Shorey (3-5) in 'n veergewig bout. Lacey vacated the NEF MMA Amateur Featherweight Title in order to turn professional.


That title will not stay vacant very long as Kaleb Hall (6-3) en Erik Nelson (2-2) face off to determine a new champion at the top of the amateur MMA card. Hall is coming off a first-round submission win at “NEF XX” laaste val, while Nelson recently picked up a unanimous decision victory at “NEF 21.”


The amateur MMA card will also feature a women’s fight between Angela Young(0-1) en “Hollywood” Hannah Sparrell (1-0). Young and Sparrell made their respective debuts last year at “NEF XIX.”


die volle “NEF 22” stryd kaart (onderhewig aan verandering en goedkeuring van die Gevegsport owerheid van Maine):




175 Crowsneck BOUTIN 0-0-1 (Choi) vs Brandon Montella 3-0 (The Way)

140 Brandon Berry 11-1 (West Forks) vs James Lester 10-9 (Kronk)

140 Josh Parker 0-2-1 (Genadeloos) vs Evincii Dixon 7-13-1 (Lancaster)



205 Mike Hansen 3-3 (Berserkers) vs Jesse Baughman 0-1 (Link)

170 Jarod Lawton 4-2 (Lawton/NEU) vs Aaron Aschendorf 2-2 (ABCC)

155 Devin Powell 5-1 (Nostos) vs Jesse Erickson 6-4 (CMBJJ)

150 Josh Harvey 0-0 (Young se) vs Matt Denning 2-1 (CMBJJ)

155 Zenon Herrera 0-3 (Onafhanklike) vs Tollison Lewis 0-5 (CMBJJ)

145 Aaron Lacey 0-0 (Young se) vs Derek Shorey 3-5 (Shatterproof)




145 *TITEL Kaleb Hall 6-3 (Choi) vs Erik Nelson 2-2 (CMBJJ)

265 Dave Smith 2-1 (Berserkers) vs Nick Gulliver 2-0 (First Class)

265 Matt Glover 1-0 (Berserkers) vs Ras Hylton 1-0 (First Class)

265 Joe Krech 0-1 (Berserkers) vs Bryce Bamford 1-0 (First Class)

185 Anthony Spires 0-1 (Onafhanklike) vs Mike Williams 1-1 (CMBJJ)

170 John Hansen 0-0 (Berserkers) vs Alex Payson 1-0 (First Class)

155 Ken Dunn 0-3 (Die. ME Budo Arts) vs Frank Johanson 0-1 (CMBJJ)

150 Cory verhoor 1-2 (Genadeloos) vs Jeremy Tyler 4-3 (Span Ierse)

145 Johnny Crafts 4-0 (NUWE) vs Taylor Costantino 2-1 (Team Irish PTC)

145 Glenn Kasabian 0-0 (Choi) vs Matt Marshall 2-5 (Plaasmoorde Athletix)

140 Angela Young 0-1 (Young se) vs Hannah Sparrell 1-0 (First Class)

125 Jake Denham 1-0 (Lawton BJJ) vs Ryan Daley 0-2 (Span Ierse)



volgende byeenkoms New England veg ', "NEF 22: Alle paaie lei HIER," Vind plaas Saterdag, April 23, 2016 by die Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, Maine. Tickets for “NEF 22” start at just $25 en is nou te koop by www.TheColisee.com of deur die Colisée loket by 207.783.2009 x 525. Vir meer inligting oor die geleentheid en stryd kaart updates, Besoek gerus die bevordering se webwerf by www.NewEnglandFights.com. Daarbenewens, jy NEF videos kan kyk op www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, volg hulle op Twitternefights en sluit aan by die amptelike Facebook-groep "New England gevegte."

Adrien Broner vs. Ashley Theophane PBC on Spike Final Press Conference Quotes & Fotos

Klik HIER Vir foto's van Stephanie Trapp / Mayweather Promotions & Nabeel Ahmad/Premier Boxing Champions
Anything is tough when you have a lot of things coming your way. I have tunnel vision. Dit is veg tyd.
I’m locked-in until I get the job done.” – Adrien Broner
I’m here to make this happen. Broner can play games, it’s all good. I’m here on a mission.” – Ashley Theophane
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Maart 30, 2016) – Vier-afdeling wêreldkampioen Adrien “Die Probleem” Broner and 140-pound contender Ashley “die skat” Theophane went face-to-face Wednesday for the first time since their heated press conference in February as they near their Premier Boxing Champions op Spike world title showdown taking place Vrydag, April 1 op die DC Armory in Washington, D.C.
Also in attendance Wednesday was unbeaten rising star Robert Easter Jr. en sy teenstander, voormalige wêreldkampioenMendez algenis, who meet in a 10-round lightweight battle, plus rising undefeated prospect Gervonta “Die een” Davis en sy teenstander, Mexiko se Guillermo Avila, who discussed their 10-round super featherweight battle that opens PBC on Spike coverage at 9 namiddag. EN/8 namiddag. CT.
Daarbenewens, local lightweight contender Anthony Peterson and 168-pound contender J'Leon Love were on hand ahead of their respective bouts taking place Vrydag nag.
Kaartjies vir die lewende gebeurtenis, wat bevorder deur oor Miljarde Promotions en Mayweather Promotions in samewerking met HeadBangers Promotions, word geprys teen $200, $100, $50 en $25, en is nou op die rakke. Om kaartjies te koop besoekwww.ticketmaster.com, Ticket plekke of oproep (800) 745-3000.
Hier is wat die vegters moes Woensdag sê:
Anything is tough when you have a lot of things coming your way. I have tunnel vision. Dit is veg tyd. I’m locked-in until I get the job done.
Right now I have to focus on this fight. I’m keeping my mind in the right state. I’m not just doing this for me. It’s for my family. It’s bigger than just me.
There’s no beef between me and Floyd. I do my thing. Aan die einde van die dag, I’m just being me. I do this in front of Floyd. Me up there saying ‘Hateweather Promotions,’ I’m just having fun. I hope no one takes it personally. Aan die einde van die dag, me and Floyd are close.
The relationship that me and Floyd have, it is obvious that we wear our feelings on our sleeves, anything we say about each other, we don’t care who hears it. At the end of the day it doesn’t affect anything.
I will be putting on a show Vrydag nag. And I’ll go again Saterdag night if you want to get up and do it again.
Vrydag night is going to be a big night. I’m going to keep my promise. I will stop Ashley Theophane. I don’t care which round it is, but I will stop this man.
I love DC. The crowd and the love Vrydag night is going to be crazy. I took this camp to the max. I am going to exploit and showcase all of my talent.
This is a big night for my little brother and protégé, Robert Easter Jr. He doesn things that amaze me. I know what he’s capable of. I’m happy for him to get this chance against a former world champion. It’s going to be a heated matchup. This whole card is stacked from the top to the bottom.
I stepped up early in my career. I stepped up earlier than others. When I fought (Daniel) Ponce De Leon, Ek was 19 and I fought in front of a crowd of 12,500 teen my.
I just want to get home to Cincinnati and hold my baby daughter for the first time. I want to hold and hug my kids and be the family guy. Right now I’m at work. I have to do what I have to do, but after pain its pleasure.
ASHLEY Theophane
It’s been a journey. But we’re here now. Just two days away. We’ve got two days and then the champ and me are going to go to war.
I’m here to make this happen. Broner can play games, it’s all good. I’m here on a mission.
“Ek is gereed. We’re so close and I really just can’t wait to hear that bell.
Adrien says he’s going to stop me. I don’t think he has the attributes to do that. But it does mean it’s going to be a great fight. I’m looking forward to it.
The hard work is done. We’ve been training for months. My trainer Nate Jones has helped to get me into great shape. We have a great game plan and we’re ready to go.
I want this man to live up to his words that he’s going to stop me before round four. Because that means he will be standing and fighting instead of running around the ring.
A win means everything to me. It changes my life. This is my boyhood dream. This could lead me to all the other big names.
I’ve trained for 12 hard rondes. We’re going to do this.
Everyone should be ready for a lot of action. I’m going to keep this speech short, just like the fight will be.
He’s a former world champion and a big test for me. I feel like I’m supposed to be here. He has a big head, so I’m not planning on missing at all. It’s going to be a short fight. I hope he’s prepared to go to sleep.
I know it’s a big step up. I just hope he’s trained hard for this one. I’m aiming to stop him. Most of my fights are short and that’s what I’m looking for.
I’m going to use all my skills, my ability and my brains to get this win. I’m not going for the knockout, but it’s going to happen. We trained so hard for this fight.
I feel like this is where I should be. As the co-main event of a world champion, my big brother Adrien Broner. This is what I was born for. It’s only getting bigger from here.
My whole team has pushed me so hard for this fight. This is going to be a quick fight. He’s going ‘night night.'
Robert Easter has not faced the same kind of competition that I have. I’m very confident heading into this fight. I was very happy when I got the call about this fight.
This is going to be the kind of fight that the fans will really enjoy. We wish Easter well and I hope everyone is ready forVrydag nag.”
I’m happy to be fighting at home. I know I’ve got a strong opponent. He’s a great fighter who’s going to be ready to fight from the first bell.
I don’t want to rush in there. That’s how you lose. We’re going to work out jab. Go in and out and execute a game plan.
It means a lot to fight at the DC Armory because I had my first professional fight there. Ek sien daarna uit om in die ring weer.
I’m ready to put on a show April 1. My team is strong and ready to great things in this sport.
This has been a really good camp. We’ve been working very hard. I started in Washington, D.C. at HeadBangers and finished up at home in Baltimore. It’s another day out here in the lights.
I know my opponent is strong and will be ready. This is another step on the way to a world title. April 1 will be an epic night.
This training camp has been very good and we did the best work that we could. I am a warrior in the ring. I’ve faced very tough fighters and I’m ready for this.
I’ve been waiting for this fight for a very long time and I’m ready for a war.
I have phenomenal genetics. A lot of guys tend to move up in weight, but I’m a natural lightweight. I have big plans for this division.
I had some injuries that really held me back from doing what I wanted to do. But now I’m completely healed and Vrydagnight I’m going to show everyone that this the best Anthony Peterson ever.
This is a great card and I’m blessed to be on it. I’m looking to put on a good performance and make a splash in this great fight city.
I feel like the way I’ve been training, my talent will take over and be the difference. I’m hungry to make a statement.
I’m versatile. I can go forward and I can box. I won’t limit myself to one style. We have a great game plan and we’re focused on doing what we need to do to get the victory.
# # #
Volg op TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, en @Swanson_Comm en word 'n fan op Facebook te www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions en
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Hoogtepunte beskikbaar te sluit by www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC op Spike word geborg deur Corona Ekstra, beste Beer.





NEW YORK, NY (Maart 30, 2016) - Roc Nation Sports is pleased to announce that undefeated Dusty Hernandez-Harrison (29-0, 16 Uitklophoue) van Washington, D.C. sal terugkeer na die ring Vrydag, Mei 13 when he takes on Bakersfield, California’s Mike “The Silent Assassin” Dallas Jr. (21-3-1, 10 Uitklophoue) in a 10-round welterweight bout at the DC Armory in Washington, D.C. The fight will headline a throne boxing event that will be televised live on BET beginning at 10:00 namiddag. EN/PT.

Kaartjies kos $75, $50 en $35, nie, insluitend toepassing diensgelde en belasting, go on sale Wednesday, Maart 30 by 3:00 namiddag. ET and will be available at all Ticketmaster locations, aanlyn by Ticketmaster.com (http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/15005069CFC435E1) en hef per telefoon by (800) 745-3000.


“I am really excited that my 30ste fight will take place in Southeast D.C., waar ek gebore en grootgeword het,"Sê Hernandez-Harrison. “It will be great to be back in D.C. where I haven’t fought since 2014, and I can’t wait to put on a show for all the fans in attendance and watching across the nation on BET. Dallas presents an interesting challenge that I am ready to face. I will be getting world class sparring for this bout and will be more than ready for anything he brings to the table on May 13.”


“I’ve heard Dusty is pretty good, but I will be the biggest step up for him by far,” said Dallas Jr. “At 147 pond, Ek voel baie sterk. I’m more mature and more focused. I’m back.”


“All of us at Roc Nation Sports look forward to bringing Dusty Hernandez-Harrison back to fight in front of his hometown fans against Mike Dallas Jr. in the midst of the professional boxing resurgence that is taking place in Washington, D.C.,” said David Itskowitch COO of Boxing for Roc Nation Sports. “Fans in attendance at the DC Armory and those watching across the country on BET have a great night of boxing and entertainment in store for them.”


“BET is excited to once again partner with Roc Nation Sports on our second throne boxing event, positioning BET Networks as a go-to destination for premier live boxing events,” said Stephen G. Hill, President of Programming, BET Networks. “Roc Nation Sports has proven to be an innovator in the entertainment space and as we continue to grow and expand our partnership, BET is thrilled to offer content as diverse as our audience.”


“We are thrilled to welcome Roc Nation Sports and BET to the historic DC Armory” said Erik A. Moses, Senior Vice President and Managing Director at Events DC. “It is certainly another capital moment in D.C., considering the rich history of professional boxing. The nation’s capital is still a fight town and to have the opportunity to showcase that again in the DC Armory is a prodigious honor.”


Mei 13 will also feature the professional debut of highly touted Philadelphia heavyweight prospect Darmani “Rock Solid” Rock against an opponent to be determined.


“I’m thrilled to be making my pro debut on Mei 13 at the DC Armory,” said Rock. “My team and I have worked hard and it has all been building up to this moment. I’m looking forward to my rise to the top of the heavyweight division which begins on Mei 13."


Afkomstig van Washington, DC, Dusty Hernandez-Harrison has been touted as the city’s “best boxing prospect since Sugar Ray Leonard” by the Washingtonian Magazine. He began fighting at the age of six at the boxing exhibition at the Ritz Nightclub in Northwest D.C. and became a sanctioned amateur at the age of 8. Teen die tyd van sy eerste pro bout op die ouderdom van 17, Hernandez-Harrison compiled an amateur record of 167-30, wen 'n hele paar ringside Wêreldkampioenskappe, Nasionale Silver Gloves Kampioenskappe en drie reguit nasionale Golden Gloves Kampioenskappe vanaf 2007-09. Op Junie 11, 2011, as the youngest licensed professional fighter at the time, Hernandez-Harrison made his pro debut defeating Alphonso Alexander via a unanimous decision at the Desoto Civic Center in Southaven, Mississippi. Six months later in his third pro fight, Hernandez-Harrison made his hometown debut on the undercard of the HBO World Championship Boxing broadcast of Amir Khan vs. Lamont Peterson and dazzled with a first round technical knockout of Terrell Davis. On his way to being crowned WBC Youth Welterweight World Champion in November 2013, Hernandez-Harrison stopped former National Golden Gloves Champion Kelly Wright in the fourth round in February of that year and two weeks later defeated Aaron Anderson via a six-round unanimous decision. In April 2013 at Dover Downs Casino and Resort in Dover, Delaware, he won a unanimous decision against Puerto Rico’s Jonathan Garcia and on Mei 18 in front of a raucous hometown crowd of 3,000 at the University of the District of Colombia, he knocked out Eddie Soto with a right hand in the fifth round. Hernandez-Harrison proceeded to earn the “2013 Knockout of the Year” for the Soto fight and the “2013 Fighter of the Year” from Go Fight Live (GFL.TV). Op November 2, 2013 by Madison Square Garden, Hernandez-Harrison became the WBC Youth World Champion, winning a ten-round, unanimous decision over Josh “Pit Bull” Torres. Twee maande later, in his first nationally televised fight on ESPN’s Vrydag Nag Fights, Hernandez-Harrison outlasted Tim Witherspoon Jr. via an eighth round unanimous decision victory, after which actor and director Mark Wahlberg tweeted that Hernandez-Harrison is “the truth.” Featured again on ESPN’s Vrydag Night Fights on March 7, 2014, Hernandez-Harrison faced southpaw Mike Balasi and came back to drop Balasi to the canvas twice en route to a six-round unanimous decision victory. op Januarie 9, 2015, soon after signing a promotional agreement with Roc Nation Sports, Hernandez-Harrison headlined the promoter’s inaugural event at The Theater at Madison Square in a fight televised by Fox Sports 1. In a battle for the vacant WBC Continental Americas Welterweight Championship against New Yorker Tommy “The Razor” Rainone, Hernandez-Harrison scored a dominant ten-round unanimous decision victory. In his most recent fight on January 29, 2016, Hernandez-Harrison scored a decisive win over Angel Hernandez via a third round technical knockout at The Belvedere in Elk Grove, Illinois. Hernandez-Harrison recently entered into agreements with FILA and GEICO to be a brand ambassador for both companies. He is the only professional boxer to represent each prestigious brand.


Mike Dallas Jr. was born into a boxing family and tabbed by experts during his teen years as a future professional star. At age 29, he’s in the midst of a comeback that lands him in Washington, D.C. against local unbeaten favorite Dusty Hernandez-Harrison that may be the most important fight of his life. As 'n amateur, Dallas shared a ring with current world champions Terence Crawford (whom Dallas claims he beat three times) and Danny Garcia as well as three-time U.S. Olympian Rau’shee Warren. He won multiple national amateur titles and qualified for the 2004 en 2008 Olimpiese proewe. Dallas turned professional on March 20, 2008 against Alejandro Valladares in San Jose, California and won by unanimous decision. He would go unbeaten in his next 17 gevegte. When he faced Josesito Lopez for the vacant NABF super lightweight title on January 28, 2011 in his national television debut on ESPN at Pechanga Resort and Casino in Temecula, Kalifornië, he was shockingly stopped in the seventh round.Vyf maande later, Dallas met fellow rising contender Mauricio Herrera. In an excellent fight, again at Pechanga Resort and Casino, Dallas lost by a razor thin majority decision. Despite the setback, Dallas’ performance showed boxing experts he was back to contender status. In his next two fights, Dallas dominated former Miguel Angel Gonzales on February 17, 2012 and knocked out Javier Castro on June 22, 2012 to capture the WBO Latino light welterweight title. Those wins brought Dallas to his biggest opportunity to date, an WBC super lightweight interim world title fight against Lucas Matthysse, Januarie 26, 2013 at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Just after negotiations for the fight were finalized, Dallas learned that his father, Mike Dallas Sr., who introduced his son to boxing at age six, passed away suddenly at just 45 jaar oud. Dallas Jr., egter, did not pull out of the Matthysee fight. Op stryd nag, Dallas Jr. was all there physically, but mentally a fight of that magnitude was too much under the circumstances and Matthysee, probably the hardest puncher in boxing, imposed his will on Dallas, scoring a first round knockout. He then took the break he should have taken before the Matthysee fight, spending two years away from the ring. When Dallas felt the urge to fight again, he contacted his trainer Ben Bautista and the pair ventured to Tijuana, Mexiko, where Dallas picked up two quick wins against Alejandro Alonso on November 20, 2015 and most recently on December 19 against Odillon Rivera. He now returns to fight in the spotlight again on Mei 13 in a true crossroads fight against Hernandez-Harrison.


At the age of nineteen, Darmani Rock is already drawing comparisons to former heavyweight greats of the past. Rock has received high praise for his powerful jab and ambidexterity. Standing at 6’4”, he moves with an unparalleled lightness and speed for a fighter his size. Rock earned nation-wide accolades following a banner year in 2014 when he took home the USA Boxing Junior and Youth Open, Youth Continental and Youth World super heavyweight titles. During the 2014 Junior and Youth Open in Reno, Nevada, Rock shut out the 2013 National Youth Champion, John Luna, 3-0. This impressive performance was followed by another super heavyweight title at the Youth Continental Championships in March 2014 in Quito, Ecuador where he defeated Argentina’s Kervin Espinola 3-0. Rock then took home the gold medal at the prestigious World Youth Championships in Bulgaria in April 2014 by a 2-1 decision over Germany’s Peter Kadiru. Rock also took home the 2014 World Junior Amateur Championship and capped off 2014 by being named Philadelphia’s Amateur Boxer of the Year at the annual Briscoe Awards. His most noteworthy win, egter, came in May 2015 when he beat Cam Awesome, a career amateur who has been called the next Chris Byrd, in Las Vegas for the National Golden Gloves title. Rock also captured the 2015 U.S. National Amateur super heavyweight championship. He ended his amateur career as the number one rated super heavyweight in the United States (and the number five rated super heavyweight in the world) gaan 19-5 in national tournaments. In Februarie 2016, Rock signed an exclusive promotional agreement with Roc Nation Sports.


Hernandez-Harrison vs. Dallas, a 10-round welterweight fight which is presented by Roc Nation Sports takes place Vrydag, Mei 13, 2016 op die DC Armory in Washington, D.C. This fight headlines a throne boxing event presented by Corona Extra and will be televised live on BET beginning at 10:00 namiddag. EN/PT.


In bykomend tot die groot aksie in die ring, die Mei 13 edition of throne boxing on BET will feature several notable Roc Nation Sports touches that offer a unique fan experience, including a live musical performance as well as a host and a name DJ to keep the energy at a high level throughout the event.


Volg die gesprek met behulp #throneboxing.


Vir meer inligting, besoek www.rocnation.com. Volg Roc Nasie op Twitter en Instagramrocnation en op Facebook by www.facebook.com/RocNation.


Vir meer inligting, besoek www.bet.com. Join the conversation on the following social media platforms: on Twitter by using hashtag #BET #throneboxing and follow at @BET; on Facebook by liking the fan page at www.facebook.com/BET; and on Instagram @betnetworks.


For more information on the DC Armory, besoek www.eventsdc.com and follow on Twitter at @dcsportsent.

2016 Class Inductees honored to be going Into New York State Boxing Hall of Fame This Sunday, April 3, by Russo se On The Bay

Hector Camacho, Rocky Graziano, Aaron Davis en Howard Cosell kop 2016 klas
NEW YORK (Maart 29, 2016) – The fifth annual New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) induksie ete, geborg deur Ring 8, will be held this Sondag middag (April 312:30-5:30 namiddag.) by Russo se On The Bay in Howard Beach, New York.
NYSBHOF Klas 2015
Wêreld welterweight kampioen (’90-91) Aaron “Superman” Davis Bronx
Wêreld junior weltergewig-kampioen (’93-94) Charles “Die Natuurlike” Murray Buffalo
Twee keer wêreldkampioen liggewigtitel uitdager Vilomar Fernandez Bronx
Wêreld liggewigtitel uitdager Edwin Viruet. New York City
4-tyd, 3-afdeling wêreldkampioen Hector “macho” Camacho Spanish Harlem
Wêreld middelgewig-kampioen (1952) Rocky Graziano Brooklyn
wêreld liggewig (’25-26) titlist Rocky Kansas Buffalo
2-tyd wêreld kapokgewig titelhouer Joe Lynch Brooklyn
“Ongekroonde welterweight kampioen” Joe Miceli Buffalo
Internasionale Boks Hall of Fame uitvoerende direkteur Ed Brophy CANASTOTA
Promotor Joe DeGuardia Bronx
Kommissaris / media persoonlikheid Randy Gordon Melville
Promotor / bestuurder Dennis Rappaport Queens
Bestuurder Howie Albert Bronx
Afrigter / cutman Freddie Brown Manhattan
New York City televisie-kommentator Howard Cosell New York City
Bokser / skeidsregter Ruby Goldstein Manhattan
Bestuurder Jimmy Jacobs New York City
Randy Gordon:What a journey this has been from boxing fan to boxing writerto boxing announcerto boxing commissionerto boxing promoterto boxing talk show host….to the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame. If I’m dreaming, I don’t want to wake up!”
Dennis Rappaport:It is with the utmost pleasure and profound appreciation to be inducted into the NYSBHOF with such a class of distinguished honorees. At the age of six, I watched my first fight between Jake LaMotta and Gene Harston. I was so captivated and mesmerized by the sport that it began my 63 year love affair with boxing. From the bottom of my heat, I would like to thank each and every member of the boxing fraternity for a lifetime filled with magical moments and unforgettable memories.
Ed Brophy:This is a wonderful honor that truly caught me by surprise. I am humbled by this acknowledgement and thank the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame.
Joe DeGuardia: “I am honored to be recognized and included among the past and present boxing luminaries inducted into the prestigious New York State Boxing Hall of Fame.
Elke opgeroepene sal 'n spesiaal ontwerp gordel ontvang om aan te dui sy induksie in die NYSBHOF. Plaques are on display at the New York State Athletic Commission.
Die 2016 inductees is deur die NYSBHOF nomineer komiteelede gekies: Jack Hirsch, Steve Farhood, Bobby Cassidy, Jr., Don Majeski, Henry Hascup, Ron McNair, Angelo Prospero en Neil Terens.
Alle boksers wat nodig is om aktief te wees vir ten minste drie jaar in aanmerking te kom vir NYSBHOF induksie, en al inductees moes woon in die staat New York vir 'n beduidende gedeelte van hul boks loopbaan of gedurende die fleur van hul onderskeie loopbaan.
Klas 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Carlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emile Griffith, “Sugar” Ray Robinson, Gene Tunney, Benny Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Steve Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray ARCEL, Nat Fleischer, Bill Gallo en Arthur Mercante, Sr.
Klas 2013: Jack Dempsey, Johnny Dundee, Sandy Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Iran Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Junior Jones, James “Buddy” McGirt, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Bob Arum, Shelly Finkel, Tony Graziano, Larry Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard en Don Dunphy.
Klas 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Juan LaPorte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafa Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr., Lou Amber, Jack Britton, Terry McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Steve Farhood, Gene Moore, Angelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Ide D'Amato, William Muldoon en Tom O'Rourke.
Klas 2015: Saul Mamby, Joey Giambra, Johnny Persol, Harold Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Paul Berlenbach, Billy Graham, Frankie Genaro, Bob Miller, Tommy Ryan, Jimmy Slattery, Bob Duffy, Mike Katz, Tommy Gallagher, Bruce Silverglade, Charley Goldman, Jimmy Johnston, Cedric Kushner, Harry Markson, Damon Runyon en Al Weill.
Limited tickets are still available, geprys teen $150.00 per volwassene en $60.00 vir kinders (onder 16), which includes a complete brunch and cocktail hour upon entry, begin by 12:30 namiddag. EN, sowel as aandete (primarib, vis of pluimvee) and open bar throughout the event. Kaartjies is beskikbaar om te koop deur te bel NYSBHOF / Ring 8 president Bob Duffy by 516.313.2304. Gaan op die lyn by www.Ring8ny.com Vir meer inligting oor die staat New York Boxing Hall of Fame.

Tony Jeter explains Dusty Harrison situation

Columbia, Maryland (Maart 29, 2016)Former world title challenger, Tony Jeter is upset about recent events surrounding a proposed fight with undefeated junior middleweight Dusty Harrison.
The fight was to take place on Mei 13 in Washington, DC which is where Harrison is billed from and not far from Jeter’s Columbia, Maryland residence.
It’s safe to say, the fight would have been a big local attraction.
I received a contract and signed it immediately. That was on March 10th,” Said Jeter.
As everyone knows, I am a promoter and had already announced, and then had to cancel my show that was to be on Mei 14 in Hanover, Pennsylvania. Dan ten days later, I get the call that they were going in a different direction and the fight was off.
Jeter does not lay blame on Harrison himself, but people in his inner-circle that may have put the kibosh on the fight.
I believe it is the people around him who did not want this fight. His promotional team signed off on the fight, but it is those people who get in his ear on a daily basis are scared that Dusty could lose to me and their gravy train will end I guess,” continued Jeter.
Jeter knows the fight would be a tough fight, but it is a winnable fight and just as important, would be a terrific night for D.C. area boxing fans.
This fight would be a great event for the D.C/Maryland area. It is a shame because they want to fight smaller guys. Blown up lightweight’s and junior welterweights. He has been fighting in the 150’s. Ek is 40 years-old and he is a 21 year-old undefeated kid who is talented. He has all the advantages. From what I was told, a member of his team hired an attorney and contacted his promotional company to stop this fight. I do not know what they are scared of. When will they cut the umbilical chord and let this kid fight someone.