Архіви: бокс

18-year old hot prospect Chaise Nelson (3-0, 3 КО) makes USA debut this Saturday in Ohio

Photos by Team Pro Box Management
YOUNGSTOWN, Огайо (Липня 20, 2016)Pro Box Management’s hot undefeated prospect, super-featherweight Chaise Nelson (3-0, 3 КО), makes his United States debut this Saturday July 23, 2016 at the Covelli Center in Youngstown, Огайо. Нельсон, whose first three fights were held in Mexico, will face rugged veteran Angel Gonzalez (22-8-1, 12 КО) in a scheduled 4-round bout.
Hailing from Mansfield, Огайо, Chaise Nelson was a decorated amateur, capturing numerous titles before turning professional in February of 2016, у віці 17. Now age 18, Nelson fights in his home state, where family and friends will be in abundance watching him fight. Known for having power in both hands, Nelson is making noise, having knocked out his first three opponents. Signed by Pro Box Management, Nelson is happy to fighting in the U.S.A for the first time.
It’s great to be fighting in Ohio where all my family and friends will be there to show support,” said Chaise Nelson. “I definitely want to make a good first impression in my American debut. I know every fight gets tougher from here on out. I just want to take it one fight at a time and start my career off on the right track. So far everything is heading in the right direction. I’m very thankful for the team I have and I’ll be gunning for the knockout this Saturday.
Chaise is a great kid and we are very pleased to have signed him.” сказав Henry Rivalta з Pro Box Management. “We are moving him along very fast because we believe in him and want to get him as much experience as possible before we start stepping him up. He has heavy hands which make him a crowd pleasing fighter. My co-manager Gary Jonas, wanted to bring him to Ohio for his U.S. debut because we believe his home state fans will see his star potential. He has a bright future.
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Former World Champion Robert Guerrero Takes On Argentina’s David Emanuel Peralta in Main Event Of Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Tripleheader Saturday, Серпня 27 From Honda Center in Anaheim, Халіф. (9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. Коннектикут)

Also Featuring All-Action Fighter Alfredo Angulo Facing Tough Freddy Hernandez & 2012 U.S. Olympian Terrell Gausha Squaring-Off Against the Bronx’s Steve Martinez
Квитки на продаж Завтра!
АНАХЕЙМ, КАЛИФОРНИЯ. (Липня 20, 2016) – Former multi-divisional world champion Роберт “Привид” Воїн (33-4-1, 18 КО) meets Argentine slugger David EmanuelEl Pirata” Перальта (25-2-1, 14 КО) in 10-rounds of welterweight action that headlines Прем'єр Бокс чемпіонів на Шип Субота, Серпня 27 from Honda Center in Anaheim, Халіф.
Телевізійний охоплення починається 9 p.m. І/8 p.m. CT and features hard-hitting Альфред “Собака” Ангуло (24-5, 20 КО) battling veteran Freddy Hernandez (33-8, 22 КО) in a 10-round middleweight matchup of Mexican brawlers plus 2012 U.S. Олімпієць Террелл Gausha (18-0, 9 КО) putting his undefeated record on the line against the Bronx’s Стів Мартінес (16-2, 13 КО) in 10-rounds of super welterweight action.
I’m very excited to get back in the ring,” , Сказав Герреро. “This is an exciting time for boxing fans across the world. It’s a blessing to be fighting back in Southern California. My opponent is a tough fighter from Argentina. Everybody knows that fighters from Argentina always come to fight, so I must be prepared and I’m expecting a war. All combat sports fans should be tuning in to see this all-action fight between two warriors. Expect to see fireworks like in all of my fights.
I’m thrilled to enter the ring and fight in front of the passionate Southern California boxing fans for the first time,” said Peralta. “Guerrero is a great fighter and a former world champion and I’m training very hard to be victorious on August 27. This is a great opportunity for me and I’m going to take full advantage.
Квитки на Серпня 27 подія, який сприяє TGB Акції, за ціною $31, $58, $108 і $203, плюс відповідні збори, і продаються четвер, Липня 21. Tickets are available via ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster retail locations or by calling 800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Honda Center Box Office.
Народився і виріс у місті Гілрой, Каліфорнія, Guerrero is always in exciting contests having gone toe-to-toe with world champions Danny Garcia and Keith Thurman sandwiched around a hard fought victory over Aron Martinez. До 2015, the 33-year-old picked up victories over Andre Berto, Secluk Aydin and Michael Katsidis while winning world titles in multiple divisions. Бійки воїн був у кілька “Бій року” candidates throughout his career, including a toe-to-toe clash in Southern California with Yoshihiro Kamegai in 2014, and will hope to again invigorate fans with a thrilling battle against the hard-charging Peralta.
A hard fighting Mexican battler born in Mexicali, Baja California, Мексика, але борються з Coachella, Каліфорнія., Angulois шукає інший великою перемогою перед його південних каліфорнійських уболівальників. Завжди готовий кинути виклик кращим в спорті, 33-річний пішов нога в ногу з деякими з кращих бійців у світі і має нокаутом перемог над Габріелем Росадо, Joachim Alcine and Joel Julio while most recently earning a knockout victory over Hector Munoz in August. Angulo returns to take on Mexico City’s Hernandez, who enters this fight on a three-bout winning streak.
Народився і виріс в Клівленді, Gaushawas прикрашену любитель, який виграв золоті медалі на США. Національні чемпіонати в 2009 і 2012 і представляв США як частини 2012 Олімпійська збірна. 28-річний непереможеним, оскільки став професіоналом в 2012. В 2015 he earned victories over Norberto Gonzalez, Луїс Grajeda, Eliezer Gonzalez and Said El Harrak before making his 2016 debut with a victory over Orlando Lora. He faces the 26-year-old Martinez from the Bronx who most recently stopped Jorge Melendez in the second round.
Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.mayweatherpromotions.com і www.spike.com/shows/Прем'єр-бокс-чемпіони. Followon Twitter @PremierBoxing, @GhostBoxing @@SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports

Undefeated Prospects in Action as Alantez Fox Takes on Paul Valenzuela Jr. & Ivan Golub Battles Ernesto Ortiz in Undercard Action Thursday, Липня 21 From Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Коннектикут

Більше! Local Star Shelly Vincent & Mykquan Williams in Separate Bouts as Part of Exciting Night of Fights
PBC на ESPN & ESPN Deportes Begins at 8 p.m. І/5 p.m. PT
Машантукет, Коннектикут (Липня 20, 2016) -Unbeaten middleweight Alantez Фокс (19-0-1, 8 КО) зустрінуться в Мексиці Paul Valenzuela Jr. (17-3, 11 КО) while undefeated welterweight Іван Голуб (11-0, 9 КО) бере на себе Ernesto Ortiz (10-3, 7 КО) in an eight-round bout that highlights undercard action on Четвер, Липня 21 від Foxwoods Resort Casino в Mashantucket, Коннектикут.
The July 21 event is headlined by rising middleweight contender SergiyThe Technician” Дерев'янченко приймаючи на себе колишній чемпіон світу Am “Король” Сулейман в головній події Прем'єр Бокс чемпіонів на ESPN and ESPN Deportes. Телевізійний охоплення починається 8 p.m. І/5 p.m. PT and features a middleweight showdown between hard-hitting Ievgen Khytrov and California’s Пол Мендес.
Квитки на турнірі, який сприяє Дібелла Entertainment, за ціною $150, $75 і $45 не включаючи застосовні плата за обслуговування та податків, а вже у продажу. Квитки можна придбати в www.ticketmaster.com і www.foxwoods.com або відвідавши Foxwoods’ Театральна Каса. Для зарядки по телефону Ticketmaster на (800) 745-3000.
Additional action inside the arena features local favorite Шеллі Вінсент (17-0, 1 KO) out of Providence in an eight-round featherweight fight against San Antonio’s Christina Ruiz (7-8-3, 4 КО) and Connecticut’s Міккуан Вільямс (2-0, 2 КО) facing Colorado’s Isaac Johnson (2-3) in a four-round welterweight attraction.
Rounding out the night of fights is the pro debut of Christopher Davis Fogg в чотири круглих середньому бій.
A slick-boxer who fights out of Forestville, Меріленд, Fox began 2016 by stopping veteran Milton Nunez in the fourth round of their January bout. The 24-year-old was victorious five times in 2015 and is unbeaten since turning pro in 2010. He will be opposed by Valenzuela who fights out of Santa Rosalia, Mexico and most recently knocked out Armando Corral in the second round.
Originally from Ukraine but now fighting out of Brooklyn, Golub has fought exclusively in the U.S. since turning pro and comes off of a hard fought stoppage victory over previously unbeaten Marlon Aguas in March. The 27-year-old southpaw has stopped his last five opponents inside of the distance. He takes on the 22-year-old Mexican Ortiz, who made his U.S. дебют у вересні 2015.
Для докладної інформації відвідайте www.premierboxingchampions.com, Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT, @ESPNBoxing and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/premierboxingchampions. Основні доступні для вбудовування в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on ESPN is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Томас ” Cornflake” Ламанна дивиться на великий осінній бій; але спочатку треба пройти повз Валенсуелу цієї п’ятниці ввечері в «Клерідж» в Атлантік-Сіті

Ентоні “Сік” Молодий у заголовку проти Едуардо ФлоресаП'ятниця, Липня 22 в готелі The Claridge в Атлантік-Сіті

Більше Томаса “Cornflake” ЛаМанна в спільній грі проти Енглеберто Валенсуели
Ден Пашйолла б'ється з Данте Селбі в матчі-реванші у важкій вазі

Також побачить дію непереможний Крістіан Карто, Фанлун Менг, & Чжан Чжилель
Атлантік-Сіті, Нью-Джерсі (Липня 20, 2016)–У цю п'ятницю ніч на Кларідж в Атлантік-Сіті, напівсередній, Томас ” Cornflake” LaManna візьме на себе Енглеберто Валенсуела у шестираундовому поєдинку в карті, який сприяє Підвищення акцій.
З перемогою, the 24 річний з Мілвілля, Нью-Джерсі дивиться на чудову нагоду проти непереможеного суперника, який уже запланований на 16 вересня побачення в Атлантік-Сіті.
Хоча, ЛаМанна не може і не буде вникати в особливості цього бою, поки не пройде бій з Валенсуелою, оскільки він не бере уродженця Сонори, Мексика злегка.
“Валенсуела — хлопець з Мексики, хто прийде битися. Я спробую інвестувати в кузовну роботу якомога раніше і подивлюся, куди це піде,” — сказав Ламанна.
ЛаМанна посилив свої тренування, коли він почав свій табір на заході та працював з високою категорією бійців, намагаючись підвищити рівень своєї майстерності..
“У таборі все пройшло добре. Я починав у Лас-Вегасі і працював з ним 2012 Володар золотої олімпійської медалі Рьота Мурата. Спочатку я не збирався битися через бій у вересні, Але я почувалася добре, тому ми готові показати чудовий виступ.”
Це четверта бійова карта для Rising Promotions у The Claridge. Рекламну компанію очолюють Томас і його мати Деббі. Влаштувати шоу, де ЛаМанна рекламує, є складним завданням, оскільки він повинен знайти час, щоб подбати про всі аспекти створення шоу, але й належним чином тренуватися для висококласного професійного боксерського поєдинку.
“Іноді важко тренуватися та працювати над рекламними аспектами шоу. Але я достатньо розумний, щоб стежити за тим, щоб кожен виконував свою роботу. У нас було три шоу, і я бився на двох з них, і все пройшло добре для нас і мене на рингу. Якщо є проблема, я це виправляю, але я в першу чергу боєць. Навчання найважливіше. Про це подбають в першу чергу, а потім я подбаю про рекламну справу.”
Про 22 ЛИПНЯ
На У п'ятницю ввечері, 22 липня, напівсередній, Ентоні “Сік” Молодий стане заголовком великої ночі боксу проти Едуардо Флорес у запланованому 6-раундовому поєдинку в напівсередній вазі Кларідж Готель в Атлантік-Сіті.
Середня вага Томас “Cornflake” LaManna (20-1, 8 КО) візьме участь у шестираундовому спільному поєдинку проти Енглеберто Валенсуела (10-7, 3 КО) Сонороа, MX
У восьмираундовому поєдинку в напівважкій вазі, Фенлун Менг (7-0, 5 КО) Чифен, Китайські бої Даніель Юда (24-10-3, 11 КО) Брукліна, Нью-Йорк
У восьмираундовому поєдинку у важкій вазі, Чжан Zhilei (10-0, 7 КО) Чжоукоу, Китай бере на себе Родні Ернандес (10-4-1, 3 КО) Модесто, Каліфорнія.
У шестираундовому поєдинку у важкій вазі, Чемпіон трьох штатів у важкій вазі Dan Pasciolla (7-1-1) з цегли, Нью-Джерсі битимуться Данте Селбі (2-1-1) Філадельфія, ПА в матчі-реванші.
Марвін Джонсон (0-0-1) з Millville, Нью-Джерсі візьме на себе Ламонт Вайт (0-1) Вашингтон, DC у поєдинку в легкій вазі, запланованому на чотири раунди.
Професійний дебют у легкій вазі Кевін Асмат Північній Берген, Нью-Джерсі та Даллас Холден Атлантік-Сіті зіткнеться в чотирираундовому поєдинку.
У чотирираундовому поєдинку дебютує професіонал у суперлегкій вазі Дональд Сміт Філадельфія, приймаючи на Кемерон Кейн штату Індіана.
Найлегша вага Крістіан Карто (1-0, 1 KO) Філадельфія, PA дебютує на професійному рівніКрістофер Нельсон штату Індіана
Квитки $125 за преміум, $77 Кільцева сцена і $52 зарезервовані та доступні за адресоюwww.risingboxingpromotions.com або 609-487-4444
Instagram: risingpromo

Del Valle excited for Tri State Area return

Del Valle.jpg

Байамон, Пуерто-Ріко (Липня 20, 2016) – As a teenager, Luis “Orlandito” Del Valle left his native Puerto Rico for Newburgh, NY where he resided for seven years. During his time in the Empire State amateur ranks, he made great strides in the ring and won multiple highly-competitive tournaments, most notably capturing the 2004 National Golden Gloves title.

As a pro, Del Valle had his first fight in New Jersey, hoisted the WBA-NABA championship in New York and Connecticut was the state that hosted his first appearance on HBO. Загальний, half of his 24 professional fights took place in the tri state area and the bilingual Del Valle built a solid fan following. Однак, he hasn’t fought in the area since 2012.

На Серпня 27, that will change when Del Valle battles an opponent to be announced in a ten round super bantamweight bout at the Bayonne Pavilion in Bayonne, Нью-Джерсі.

“I love fighting in the tri state area,"Саїд Del Valle, the owner of an excellent 22-2 professional record with 16 knockouts and a #12 ranking by the International Boxing Federation. “I had a lot of great moments when I lived in New York and miss the local crowds. The support was great and there is a very large Puerto Rican population in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. I’ve still got a lot of fans in the area and they always ask me when I’m fighting locally again. Due to some of the changes in my career, I wasn’t sure until this incredible opportunity came up. I’d like to thank Roc Nation and LGM Promotions for making this happen. I’m hoping to fight for a world title in the near future and defend it in the tri state area.”

Tickets prices are $125 for VIP Table; $65 для Ringside; $55 for General ringside and $40 for General Admission and can be purchased by visiting:www.lgmpromo.eventbrite.com

Scott Burrell to take on Joseph Perez this Saturday at the Mohegan Sun

Ункасвілль, Коннектикут (Липня 20, 201) –У цю суботу night at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Коннектикут, Scott Burrell will battle Joseph Perez in a junior welterweight bout scheduled for six rounds.

The card is promoted by Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing

Burrell of Brooklyn, New York will head into the ring with a record of 11-2 з вісьмома нокаути.

Burrell has won four straight bouts which include three early wins.

In Perez, Burrell is fighting an opponent who has won two in a row and unbeaten in his last four.

This will be a good test for Burrell as Perez has a win over previously undefeated Augustine Mauraes.

Coming off a win back in June, Scott is back in the ring Saturday to face off against Perez,”said Burrell’s manager TJ Marsé

Along with trainer Don Saxby he will have his twin brother Dean in his corner.

According to manager TJ Marséboth Dean and Scott will be back in the ring the end of August and will be fighting each month through December to finish of 2016 з тріском! We are making some strategic moves with brands/sponsors that will come to life early in 2017 all in order to help the Burrell Brothers brand

The Burrell Twins are sponsored by Reebok.

GCP Signs South African Featherweight Slugger Lusanda Komanisi

Greg Cohen Promotions is happy to announce the signing of power-punching IBO World Featherweight Champion Lusanda Komanisi.
Known as “Мексиканський” for his aggressive fighting style, Komanisi (19-4, 17 КО), from Mdantsane, Eastern Cape, ПАР, has successfully defended his IBO title twice since winning it via impressive fifth-round knockout over Macbute Sinyabi in July 2014.
Як боксер-любитель, Komanisi was a 2006 Gold Medalist in the South African games, і 2007 Gold Medalist in the South African Championships at bantamweight. He trains at the All Winners Boxing Club in East London, ПАР, with former IBF World Super Flyweight Champion ZolaniLast BornTete.
I want to be a unified world champion and fight the best featherweights in the division,” said Komanisi. “This signing will help my family live a better life. My country last saw and had a WBC green belt more than 15 years ago from Sugar Boy Malinga and Dingaan Thobela and now I want to bring it back! As a Featherweight I believe I am the next big thing in the sport of boxing and I am here to stay! Unifying against all the champions in this division would be a dream come true for me.
We would like to thank Greg Cohen Promotions for providing this once in a lifetime opportunity,” said Komanisi’s manager, Mlandeli Tengimfene. “To Komanisi, this partnership is a dream come true.
Clifford Mass, GCP Vice President of Business Development, says the goal will be to put the African slugger into the mix. “We are very excited about signing Lusanda Komanisi. He is a huge puncher, and featherweight is one of the hottest divisions in boxing right now. We are looking forward to putting together some big fights for him, and helping him take his career to the next level.



Boxers Featured on ShoBox: Нове покоління Tripleheader

П'ятниця, Серпня. 19, Жити на SHOWTIME® на 10 p.m. І/PT

From Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, N.Y..

“I’m different to all the heavyweights out there. I’m not chasing a pay day. I’m chasing a legacy.” – Jarrell Miller

For Photos Click ОСЬ (Кредит: Рози Cohe / Showtime)

TV Outlets: For RAW Workout Highlights & Soundbites Click ОСЬ (Credit SHOWTIME)

НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Липня 19, 2016) – Promising, неперевершений, power-punching heavyweight Jarrell “ Big Baby” Miller and undefeated welterweight knockout artist Бахтіяр Еюбов participated in an Open Media Workout Tuesday at Mendez Boxing in Manhattan, N.Y..


Miller and Eyubov, who both fight out of Brooklyn, N.Y., will be featured in two of the three fights of a ShoBox: Нове покоління tripleheader на П'ятниця,Серпня. 19, жити на ЧАС ДЛЯ ШОУ® (10 p.m.. ET / PT, затримка на західному узбережжі) from the outdoor soccer venue at Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, N.Y..


The confident, fast-talking Miller (17-0-1, 15 КО), a consensus top 15 важковаговик, will take on the experienced Фред Кот (18-5-1, 10 КО), Новий Орлеан, La. у головній події 10-раундовому. Yeyubov (10-0, 10 КО), уродженець Казахстану, will be opposed by veteran Karim Mayfield (19-3-1, 11 КО), Сан-Франциско, Халіф. in a 10-rounder that will open the telecast. Undefeated bantamweight prospects, світового рейтингу Микола Потапов (14-0-1, 6 КО), of Potolsk, Росія, і Антоніо Ньевес (16-0-1, 8 КО), Клівленда, Ohio square off in the 10-round co-feature.


Tickets for the event presented by Salita Promotions are on sale and available at www.rhinossoccer.com/ і HTTP://www.etix.com.


This is what the Miller, Eyubov and promoter Дмитро Саліта said Tuesday:



On Training Camp…

“Training camp is going real well. I put on a lot of muscle for this camp, I’m going to put on a lot of solid mass, I am going to go in there and manhandle it. Like a chew toy in a dog’s mouth, I want to mangle it.


“I’m really committed to this training camp. I’ve made some changes: less cheeseburgers. I cut down from three cheeseburgers to one cheeseburger a day. Same thing, in the gym every day, not doing anything different. My main thing is my strength and my speed and we are going to see, такий як Серпня. 19."

On His Opponent, Fred Kassi…

“Supposedly Fred Kassi is the most durable guy I have fought in my whole entire boxing career. This is what they are saying and I tip my hat off to the guy; he’s been in some fights where I thought he won and he ended up on the wrong side of the decision. When he fought other fighters, he had three weeks training camp, two weeks’ notice. He had two months to get ready for this. I’m not a last-minute opponent. He’s going to come in ready and I’m not about to underestimate him.

“I’m a boxer-puncher and he’s more one-dimensional. He switches back and forth, he’s not pretty at what he does, but no worries, you can look at me, because I am nice at what I do.

I predict a fifth-sixth round knockout. Kassi is definitely a doable guy, but I feel once he sees my size and my pressure and the speed that I bring with my footwork – it’s going to be game over for him. I know for a fact I’m going to knock out Fred Kassi, fifth or sixth round. Це те, що я роблю, I take your heart, I take your soul, I take your ribs.”

On Deontay Wilder…

“Wilder is a wild man when he gets in that ring, but at the same time if you watch how he performs, he performs at a mediocre level against mediocre fighters. If you stick him to a world professional athlete, like myself or top guys, you’ll see him bring even more. Not saying he hasn’t been in the ring with A+ fighters yet, but you can see all his loopholes in his fighting style. It’s just a matter of time before he gets really exposed and I hope it is with me because I want that behind.

“Shorter fighters do what they do, taller fighters do what they do. Deontay is tall but he doesn’t do what his body is designed to do; he’s trying to do something that smaller guys do, so that is going to be his downfall. Як я сказав, it is just a matter of time and I am going to break him in half, him and his toothpick legs.

“I was watching the livestream of the Wilder-Arreola fight and it was horrible. It was horrible because he is the heavyweight champion of the world. He doesn’t understand that he is doing more damage to himself than he thinks he is. He’s getting hurt. He’s getting hit. He’s taking some punishment.


“I want to fight Wilder. If he sees my style, if he sees my footwork, he’ll realize I’m no Артур контактний або Кріс Арреола. And when I get in there, добре, most of my fights end up in knockouts. Я 100 percent power. Once I touch them, they are getting hurt.”


On Anthony Joshua…

“Joshua is overrated, overhyped. I am going to break that jaw of his. Definitely one of the weakest of the heavyweight champs.


“It comes down to the basics. You have a lot of guys that have a lot of punching power and basic skills and that’s not enough. Joshua is a basic heavyweight, a one-two fighter. I could cut that half way across the ring.


“I’d fight Joshua when the timing is right. I personally don’t want to go and fight Joshua just because I’m his ‘next.’ I think that when the time is right, it’ll be me and him at the MGM Grand on pay-per-view. One of those super sweepstakes fights, you know.”


On Tyson Fury…

“I like Tyson Fury, I still want to break his fingers in half but he is good for the sport of boxing and I feel like me and him for a main event will sell any arena out. He talks a lot of smack and he does back it up, but he is still a jokester and I am real. I will smash him if he tries to step on me in the press conference. I will knock him out, same way I will for everyone else.

“A fight between us two will be like Comedy Central on steroids, it would be bananas. It would sell out kind of like a Mayweather-Pacquiao … I feel like we can capture the heavyweight division and put it back on the map, just because of the way he talks. As an American heavyweight I feel like we have to take over American soil first. I’ll fight anywhere and anytime, but on the business side, I have to take over my country first.”

On the Heavyweight Division…

“They better get motivated now because I’m coming. I’m hungry and I’m motivated. SHOWTIME is having me on the main event on national television. I’m telling you I’m coming, and I’m coming to stay. They better get ready.


“I’m different to all the heavyweights out there. I’m not chasing a pay day. I’m chasing a legacy. I’m trying to change the layout. I’m trying to change the game. I’m trying to change my future and make history at the same time.”



“I have had hard training camps before, but this is up there. It’s one of the most intense camps I’ve ever had. I know that people expect me to deliver another knockout, but I’m training to go the distance. I’m scheduled to go 10 rounds and I am preparing myself as best as I can.


“My opponent is an experienced and tough fighter. Perhaps my toughest test to date. I’m confident in my skills. He can run, but he can’t hide. There are only four corners, I’ll find him and I’ll do what I came here to do: win.”



“It is a great honor to be able to promote a show on SHOWTIME and both of these fighters. Miller and Eyubov are both willing to show that they are some of the best in their respective divisions.


“It is going to be a great event, happening at a special venue in Rochester at the soccer stadium, outside in the summer time. The show has all the ingredients to be a key event of the summer.”




Prospect Developmental Series Celebrates 15 Years With A Four-Fight Telecast This П'ятниця, Липня 22, Жити на SHOWTIME® (10 p.m. І/PT)

Take A Look At The History Behind ShoBox:


НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Липня 19, 2016) – Acclaimed Showtime спорту®prospect developmental series ShoBox: Нове поколіннясвяткує свій 15ї anniversary this П'ятниця, Липня 22 with a quintessential four-fight telecast, жити на ЧАС ДЛЯ ШОУ® на 10 p.m. І/PT.


Since its inception in 2001, ShoBox: Нове покоління has been dedicated to promoting competitive fights pitting promising boxers in the toughest fights of their career. ShoBox has carved out its identity by matching top talent against each other.


“This is certainly an accomplishment for the series, but we wouldn’t be here for 15 years without the fighters,"Сказав Гордон Хол, Виконавчий продюсер ShoBox: Нове покоління. “The credit should go to the young men who are willing to step up and take risks early in their career.


“As we’ve seen over the last 15 роки, matching fighters tough at a young age escalates their career development, and we’re thrilled to provide the platform to introduce viewers to these talented fighters. I’d also like to thank the promoters, managers and trainers who are willing to test their fighters at an early stage. Working together with a diverse roster of promotional companies is vital for the advancement of the sport as we aim to find завтра stars today.”


Після 15 years and 67 future world champions, below are some remarkable ShoBox facts and figures:


  • 67 fighters who fought on the series have gone on to become world champions (клацання ОСЬ for full list)


  • Липня 22 is the 219ї ShoBox телепередача. That means that, в середньому, fans have seen a future world champion on nearly one out of every three shows


  • An additional 75 fighters who appeared on ShoBox have fought for a world title


  • 150 fighters have suffered their first loss on the developmental series


  • There have been 96 matchups of undefeated fighters


  • There have been a total of 484 bouts aired on the series. The percentage of decisions and stoppages is about 50/50.


  • The list of graduates who have won world titles includes: Deontay Уайлдер, Ерісланді Лара, Шон Портер, Гері Расселл-молодший, Тайсон Ф'юрі, Гільєрмо Рігондо, Баду Джека, Гері Расселл-молодший, Jermall Charlo, Jermell Charlo, Андре Уорд, Омар Фігероа, Ноніто Донер, Девон Александр, Карл Фроч, Роберт Герреро, Тімоті Бредлі, Джессі Варгас, Хуан Мануель Лопес, Чед Доусон, Полі Маліньяджі, Ріккі Хаттон, Келлі Павлік, Пол Вільямс і більше.


  • Eight fighters won a world title in the fight immediately following an appearance on ShoBox: Joan Guzman, Роберт Герреро, Чед Доусон, Девон Александр, Андре Уорд, Ріко Рамос, Jhonatan Romero and Demetrius Andrade.


  • There have been 11 fighters who lost on ShoBox and went on to become world titlists: Луїс Кольясо, Роберт Герреро, Ерік Айкен, David Diaz, Isaac Hlatshwayo, Корнеліус Бандрейдж, Rodrigo Guerrero, Іше Сміт, Гамалиїл Діас, Міккі бий, and Badou Jack.


  • 22 U.S. Olympians have fought on ShoBox


  • There have been ShoBox Виставки в 71 different cities, 26 different states, and eight different countries. The leading site for has been Santa Ynez, Каліфорнія., з 33 shows. Second is Las Vegas with 19.


  • Гері Расселл-молодший. was the first fighter to turn pro on ShoBox


  • Перший ShoBox show came at 5 p.m. в суботу, Липня 21, 2001, at Bally’s in Atlantic City. The first fight was John Molnar (18-1-1) scoring an eight-round technical decision over Victor Rosado (17-2-1). У головній події, lightweight Leo Dorin (17-0) stopped Martin O’Malley (17-0) in the ninth round. Six months later, Dorin won the WBA lightweight crown, becoming the first ShoBoxfighter to win a world title


  • Стів Farhood’s Best Fighters (in no order): Тімоті Бредлі, Роберт Герреро, Лучіан Буте, Joan Guzman, Дієго Корралес, Ріккі Хаттон, Чед Доусон, Гільєрмо Рігондо, Ноніто Донер, Андре Уорд, Карл Фроч, Пол Вільямс


  • Farhood has worked all 219 ShoBox telecasts


Undefeated top 10-ranked super bantamweight Adam “Mantequilla” Lopez (15-0, 7 КО) faces Roman Ruben Reynoso (18-1-1, 7 КО) у головній події 10-раундовому. In an eight-round co-feature, Джеррі Одом (13-2-1, 12 КО) faces Julius Jackson (19-1, 15 КО) in a matchup of super middleweights. Два восьмій гилка буде круглий з чотирьох бою телепередачі: O'Shaquie Фостер (10-1, 7 КО) meets Rolando Chinea (12-1-1, 6 КО) in a lightweight scrap and undefeated Khiary Gray-Pitts (13-0, 10 КО), of Worcester, Масса., will be opposed by once-beaten Ian Green (9-1, 7 КО) in the super welterweight opener.


Tickets for the GH3 Promotions event from Foxwoods Resort Casino are priced at $45, $75 і $150 and can be purchased by phone from the Foxwoods Resort Casino at 800.200.2882 або на сайті www.foxwoods.com.


Баррі Томпкинс називатимемо ShoBox дії з рингу з Стів Farhood і колишній чемпіон світу Рауль Маркес will serve as expert analysts. Виконавчий продюсер Гордон Хол з Багатий Гога виробництво та Рик Філліпс керівництво.

Undefeated Rising Star & 2012 U.S. Olympian Errol Spence Jr. Battles Once-Beaten Contender Leonard Bundu in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on NBC Sunday, Серпня 21 from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn Televised Fights Begin at 5 p.m. ET/2 p.m. PT на NBC

Get Presale Tickets Now!
Бруклін (Липня 19, 2016) – Непереможний висхідна зірка Еррол “Правда” Спенс молодший. (20-0, 17 КО) is set to take on once-beaten contender Леонард “Лев” Bundu (33-1-2, 12 КО) in a 12-round welterweight world title eliminator that headlines Прем'єр Бокс чемпіонів (PBC) на NBC Неділя, Серпня 21 from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn.
The action on NBC begins at 5 p.m. І/2 p.m. PT following coverage of the Olympic Men’s Basketball Gold Medal Game. The 2012 U.S. Olympian Spence Jr. will look to move one step closer to becoming the second member of the 2012 U.S. Olympic boxing team to win a world title after Rau’shee Warren won a bantamweight championship in June.
Квитки на турнірі, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by BROOKLYN BOXING™, починаються $35. Presale tickets are available now with public on-sale beginning завтра на 10 a.m. Квитки можна придбати в Інтернеті за адресою www.ticketmaster.com і fordamphitheaterconeyisland.coм.
This is another great opportunity for me to gain exposure on NBC,” Спенс молодший. “A lot of people will be watching because of the Olympics that may not have known my name before. As an Olympian, headlining a major event four years after my Olympic run is exciting. Bundu is an older fighter, but he’s tough and has a lot of experience. He fought well against Keith Thurman. Thurman outboxed him but couldn’t knock him out. I think I can make a big statement in the division if I can stop him, as I did with Chris Algieri.
I am going to use my experience to my advantage on August 21,said Bundu. “When I fought Thurman I ended up being overcautious, but that will not be the case this time. I know it’s now or never for me and I won’t let this chance slip away. Spence will come forward but that will work to my advantage because I love fighting on the inside. I’m going to show Spence a few things that he hasn’t seen before.
The brand new Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk builds on the rich history of the sweet science in the Brooklyn neighborhood. Several heavyweight title fights took place on Coney Island at the turn of the 20th century, including James J. Jeffriesheavyweight world title knock out of Bob Fitzsimmons in the 11ї round on June 9, 1899. Jeffries would then defend the title two more times on Coney Island with a points victory over Tom Sharkey and a knockout in the 23ї round against James J. Corbett. Lightweight great Joe Gans and former middleweight champion “незрівнянний” Jack Dempsey also boxed in Coney Island.
It is exciting to have rising star Errol Spence headlining the inaugural boxing event held on Серпня 21 at the new Ford Amphitheater at the historic Coney Island Boardwalk,” сказав Лу Дібелла, Президент Дібелла Entertainment. “Spence is one of the most gifted young fighters in all of boxing and is on track to be a world champion. He will face off against Leonard Bundu, in a final elimination bout, to become the mandatory for the IBF welterweight title, currently held by Kell Brook.
An Olympian who boasted a highly decorated amateur career, the 26-year-old Spence Jr.is coming off a dominating performance in which he stopped former world champion Chris Algieri in the fifth-round in a PBC on NBC main event. Спенс молодший. is widely regarded as a future star in the sport and was dominant in his previous NBC appearances when he stopped Phil Lo Greco in the third round in June. His impressive 2015 also included TKO victories over Chris van Heerden, Samuel Vargas and Alejandro Barrera, culminating with him being named ESPN’s Prospect of the Year. Зараз, he looks to secure himself a world title shot.
Originally from Sierra Leone but fighting out of Toscana, Італія, Bundu represented Italy at the 2000 Olympic games where he defeated eventual world champion Daniel Geale. A former European welterweight champion, he owns victories over Frankie Gavin, Lee Purdy and Ismael El Massoudi in addition to going the distance in defeat against Keith Thurman. Bundu comes into this bout with victories over Pablo Munguia and Jussi Koivula in his last two bouts.
Платформа програмування Barclays Center в Бруклін Бокс ™ представлений ААП. PBC на NBC спонсорується Corona, Finest Beer.
Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте WWW.premierboxingchampions.com і www.nbcsports.com/boxing, Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing,ErrolSpenceJr, LouDiBella, NBCSports, BarclaysCenter ІSwanson_Comm або стати шанувальником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.facebook.com/NBCSports, WWW.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment і WWW.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. Highlights available at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.