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Undefeated Cruiserweights Constantin Bejenaru & Stivens Bujaj întâlni în co-caracteristică; Nepotul fostului campion mondial Popo Freitas, Vitor Jones Freitas Faces Manuel Mendez

Live pe SHOWTIME la 10:30 p.m. ȘI/PT

De la Omega Produse Centrul Internațional Eveniment în Corona, Calif.

Bilete de vânzare acum

NEW YORK (Octombrie. 13, 2016) - Undefeated 2012 Olympic Bronze MedalistTaras "Real Deal" Shelestyuk (14-0, 9 KO) se va confrunta cu suparata-minded Jaime Herrera în 10 runde la semimijlocie evenimentul principal al unui ShoBox: Noua generatie tripleheader pe Vineri, Noiembrie. 4, locuiesc pe SHOWTIME la 10:30 p.m. ȘI/PT (întârziat pe Coasta de Vest) de la Omega Produse Centrul Internațional Eveniment în Corona, Calif.


Shelestyuk (14-0, 9 KO), din Los Angeles, prin Ucraina, a fost membru al unei 2012 Echipa olimpică din Ucraina care a inclus medaliat cu aur pană Vasyl Lomachenko și medaliat cu aur la categoria grea Oleksandr Usyk. Jaime Herrera (15-3-1, 8 KO), din Chicago, Ill., a învins perspective neinvinsi in patru din ultimele nouă lupte și este 8-1-1 în general din iulie 2012.


În co-caracteristica, cruiserweights neînvinsă Constantin Bejenaru (11-0, 4 KO, 0-1-1 în World Series of Boxing), Catskill, N.Y.. prin Moldova, și Stivens "Superman" Bujaj (16-0-1, 11 KO), de New York, se va ciocni într-un 10-rounder pentru vacant WBC International WBC Continental Americas din titlus.


În meciul de deschidere al transmisiunii, neînvinsă usoare Jones Vitor Freitas (12-0, 1 ND, 6 KO), din Salvador, Bahia, Brazilia, va fi opus de preferat fan locale Manuel Mendez (12-1-2, 8 KO), de Indio, Calif., într-un meci de opt rundă. în vârstă de 23 de ani Freitas IS este nepotul populare fost de două ori campion mondial ușoare Acelino "Popo" Freitas.


Patru dintre cei șase luptători pe tripleheader distinct internațional va risca înregistrările lor de neînvins împotriva a ceea ce probabil vor fi cele mai dificile sarcinile lor până în prezent. Shelestyuk și Bejanaru va face a doua lor ShoBox începe. Este, de asemenea, a doua oară ShoBox a fost difuzat de la Omega. Primul a avut loc Oct.5, 2007, și recomandate de victorii Yonnhy Perez și Mickey Bey Jr.., care ar merge atât pentru a deveni campioni mondiali, două din 67 boxeri pe ShoBox să facă acest lucru.


Biletele pentru eveniment promovat de Promoții Banner, Thompson Box, Hitz box și Star box Joe DeGuardia lui sunt la pretul de $100 (ring), $70 (rezervat) și $50 (admitere generală) și pot fi achiziționate prin apel (714) 935-0900.


TARAS SHELESTYUK VS. JAIME HERRERA - 10-Round Eveniment Principal semimijlocie

Taras Shelestyuk (pronunțat „neghină-ca SHELL-es-a luat) medie 85 pumni pe rundă în lucrarea sa ShoBox debut în noiembrie anul trecut, câștigând un impresionant 10-a rundă de decizie unanimă asupra Aslanbek Kozak. În cea mai recentă de început și de ieșire singuratic în acest an trecut Mai 20, 5-picior-10, 30-ani Shelestyuk knock-out Erick Martinez în a treia rundă de la Ontario, Calif.


„Pregătirea mea merge mare, Sunt mai puternic și viteza mea este mai bine,“, A declarat fostul standout internațional. „Herrera este un luptator dur, dar nu contează pentru mine pentru că eu sunt în căutarea să-și intensifice și de a intra în lupte la nivel de campionat.““


Shelestyuk, care este antrenat de Eric Brown la Wild Card West, posedă competențe solide, circulație și perforare putere. Din moment de cotitură pro mar. 2013 el a militat în mod exclusiv în Statele Unite ale Americii. Mulți din restante 2012 Echipa olimpică ucraineană a devenit perspective imediate în calitate de profesioniști, inclusiv Lomachenko, care a câștigat un campionat mondial la categoria pana in doar a treia sa lupta pe SHOWTIME. Acum, este rândul lui Shelestyuk să-și intensifice la placa.


„Urmez 2012 Echipa olimpică ucraineană, și toți băieții se descurcă foarte bine și eu sunt fericit pentru ei,„“ A declarat Shelestyuk, cine a mers 300-15 în amatorii. „Dar eu nu se compara rezultatele mele cu nimeni altcineva pentru că am propria mea carieră și propria mea cale spre o curea campionat, și mă bucur de această călătorie.“
Herrera, un profesionist din decembrie 2009, pare a fi un test legitim pentru Shelestyuk. Herrera a castigat trei drepte, a învins perspective neînvinsă în patru din ultimele nouă lupte, si este 8-1-1 în ansamblu, deoarece dropping o decizie de Adrian Granados în 2012. Una dintre aceste victorii a fost un knock-out supărat de-un timp foarte clasate la semimijlocie și titlul mondial challenger Mike „Machine Gun“ Jones pe august. 23, 2014.


„Taras este un luptător mare și știu că sunt underdog, dar am surprins niște luptători înainte și sunt încrezător și gata să-l dea meu cel mai bun și de a câștiga din nou,“A spus Herrera. „Eu vin în această luptă cu aceeași mentalitate am avut în acele lupte împotriva altor baieti neînvins. Modul in care vad eu, Taras are de pierdut totul și am lupta ca nu am nimic de pierdut.““


„M-am antrenat foarte serios și sunt încântat să fie în măsură să își demonstreze abilitățile mele la televizor. Am crescut uitam ShoBox. Vor fi mai multi cu ochii pe mine și ei vor vedea capacitatea mea de a lupta. Noțiuni de bază un câștig va crește clasament meu și deschide mai multe uși pentru cariera mea.“


CONSTANTIN BEJENARU VS. STIVENS BUJAJ - 10-rotund Cruiserweight Bout

Bejenaru (pronunțat „bay-zhin-nah-ROO“) a fost un amator realizat. Stangaci cutie pe echipa națională română pentru 10 ani și a fost un campion național de nouă timp.


În lucrarea sa ShoBox premiera ultima Aprilie 15, nativ activ și atletic Ungheni, Moldova, a marcat o decizie unanimă de opt-a rundă de peste neînvins anteriorAlexey Zubov (10-0), un fost campion de amatori rusă și șapte ori campion european amatori.


Bejenaru este nerăbdător să se întoarcă la ShoBox și să continue căile câștigătoare. „Bujaj este un boxer mare, suntem amândoi neînvinsă, dar nu poate fi decât un singur învingător, și nu de gând să pierd această luptă,'', A spus el. „Am intrat în această luptă cu intenția de a câștiga. Asta este ceea ce am să fac tren, asta este ceea ce am de gând să fac.


„Ca un om care a fost de peste box 22 an, Mă simt extrem de recunoscător că am fost dat această ocazie. În precedenta mea ShoBox luptă, Am fost etichetat ca underdog. Cei care m-au îndoit de repede schimbat opiniile lor odată ce m-au văzut lupta, și cu atât mai mult, odată ce arbitrul a ridicat mâna în victoria.““


Bhujj (pronunțat „Boo-ha“) sa născut în Kelmend, Albania, dar sa mutat în Bronx, New York, la o vârstă fragedă. Perspectiva neînvins a fost de doua ori la New York mănuși de aur campion la categoria grea care a făcut pentru lupte bune de fiecare dată afară și cea mai mare parte a făcut să pară ușor. Acesta este al treilea programată de pornire 10-a rundă Bujaj lui, în timp ce Bejenaru va face debutul 10-a rundă.


varsta de 26 de ani a câștigat ultimul său patru într-un rând, inclusiv ultimul doi de knock-out, din moment ce box o fracțiune de 10 rundă de tragere într-un slugfest cu-apoi neînvinsă de trei ori din Chicago de Aur Mănuși campion Junior Wright (10-0) in mai 2014.


„Sunt obtinerea pregătit,„“ A declarat Bujah, care vine de pe un TKO prima rundă de peste neînvinsă anterior bătut Sergio Ramirez (11-0) pe Iunie 11. „Ma antrenez ca aceasta este o lupta pentru titlul mondial, si eu sunt total gata să câștige. Știu că adversarul meu este neînvinsă și eu nu-l pot trece cu vederea. Modul în care mă simt, Sunt pe meu joc „A“. Am fost de formare în Las Vegas, iar acum sunt din nou în New York, cu Sharif Younan și sunt gata să fac tot ce pot pentru a câștiga această luptă.


„Aceasta este expunerea și oportunitatea am fost de așteptare pentru. Vreau doar să includă aceste titluri WBC pe care noi luptăm pentru și să fie izbeau în sus clasament. Odată ce am ridica aceste centuri, Voi fi în partea de sus 10 și orice este posibil.““



Nepotul fostului populare de două ori campion mondial ușoare Acelino "Popo" Freitas a fost victorios în 12 crize consecutive de la o luptă No-concurs în debutul pro în iulie 2012. El vine de pe un TKO-a cincea rundă de peste Rodolfo Franz ultimul Mai 21.


Două ieșiri în urmă, Freitas capturat coroana ușor brazilian cu o decizie de 10-a rundă de peste Sidney Siqueira. Acest lucru va sasea S.U.A Freitas’. start; ultimele sale cinci lupte au fost în Brazilia.


„Unchiul meu a avut multe lupte mari pe SHOWTIME și Noiembrie. 4, Sunt în căutarea de a continua moștenirea lui,“A declarat Freitas. „Acesta va fi un alt pas pe urmele lui pentru a deveni un campion mondial.““


Mendez, care este antrenat de respectatul Joel Diaz, vine de pe un knock-out a patra rundă peste Erick Martinez acest trecut septembrie. 23 în Ontario. Mendez a folosit un puternic, Stilul echimoze în care a amestecat pumni lui de bine pentru a pedepsi Martinez. 5-picior-8, 26-ani Mendez a plecat 12-0-2 deoarece obtinerea oprit în debutul profesionist în octombrie 2010.


„Sunt încântat de această oportunitate de a lupta pe ShoBox,„“ A spus Mendez, care este un partener de sparring Ruslan Provodnikov și Timothy Bradley. „Știu cu o victorie, cariera mea va escalada la un nou nivel. Sunt în căutarea de a scoate din Vitor.”


Barry Tompkins va apela ShoBox acțiune din ring cu Steve Farhoodși fostul campion mondial Raul Marquez servind ca analiștilor experți. Producătorul executiv este Gordon Hall cu Bogat Gaughan producerea și Rick Phillips director.


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Despre ShoBox: Noua generatie
Încă de la începuturile sale, în iulie 2001, aclamat seria box SHOWTIME, ShoBox: Noua generatie tinerelor talente a prezentat corespund cu greu. The ShoBox Filozofia este de a televiza interesant, meciuri competitive oferind în același timp un teren dovedind pentru perspectivele care doresc-mulțime plăcut și determinat să lupte pentru un titlu mondial. Unele dintre lista tot mai mare de 67 luptatori care au apărut pe ShoBox și avansate pentru a acumula titluri mondiale include: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Ciad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams și mai mult.

Melson to headline November 19 at Foxwoods Casino

New York, NY (Octombrie 11, 2016) – Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson makes his return to the ring to help the fight against heroin in Staten Island Sâmbătă, Noiembrie 19 at the Foxwoods Casino in Mashantucket, CT.

Melson’s fight headlines a DiBella Entertainment promoted Pro-Am card as part of the recently relocated but wildly popular Broadway Boxing series. This fight card is a special event. Broadway Boxing by way of Lou DiBella, is offering a Veterans Appreciation fight card with 4 of the undercard bouts consisting of Cadets from the West Point Boxing Team boxing against Cadets from the Coast Guard Academy.

Living and fighting out of New York City, Melson’s made a name for himself in and out of the ring. His outstanding professional ledger stands at 15-1-1 cu 4 knockouts and in May 2015 he won the WBC-USNBC junior middleweight championship by dominating Mike Ruiz. Since the victory, he’s spent most of his time doing public speaking around the country as well as raising funds and awareness for various charitable causes such as Suicide Prevention among Armed Forces Veterans, working with disadvantaged youth and helping fight drug addiction among youth and young adults.

Following the match, Melson’s donating 100% of his purse to help combat the severe heroin problem across Staten Island, NY.

I was fortunate enough to have had a meeting with the Staten Island District Attorney Mike McMahon a few weeks ago,” said Melson. “My dear brother Ibrahim Kurtulus arranged my requested meeting I asked him to help set up after I read an article published in May of 2016 discussing the heroin plague in that borough. The article stated that through May of this year, there were 40 reported deaths in Staten Island due to overdosing on heroin. During my meeting with McMahon, he told me that the number is now at 70. McMahon forced the issue to have a change in the local law in Staten Island where users arrested for using heroin will be sentenced to rehabilitation instead of prison. The commencement date for this policy has not yet begun.

Melson, who considered himself retired from boxing, came back to the sport in part to help combat the problems in Staten Island.

I need to come out of retirement so I can start going to bat for the people in the borough of Staten Island. Staten Island is the borough that I spent my childhood in while growing up in Brooklyn. I was a frequent visitor at Bayley Seton Hospital as a child for weekly allergy shots, Fort Wadsworth to visit my friends and on Arthur Kill Road to visit my aunt. I decided that I needed to find a way to help and draw attention within the five boroughs to Staten Island; a borough that residents say they feel forgotten in. I also decided that I am going to donate my purse to an organization within the borough aimed at helping addicts once they leave their rehabilitation. It also means a lot to me as a West Point graduate that I’ll have the opportunity to box on a card with Cadets that are coached by the same man that coached me while I was a Cadet in Colonel Dr. Ray Barone.

“I’d like to thank Lou DiBella for this great opportunity. He has been an incredible supporter of my career and what I’ve fought for every single punch of the way and he his actions always remind me of this. I considered myself retired from boxing after my last fight. I told my family that I am done boxing. I have not been boxing or in the gym for a year and a half. After reading that article on the heroin problem in Staten Island, I could not sit around helpless when I believed I could help. Heroin is the number one issue harming the quality of life in Staten Island as well as the taker of lives. So I decided to suffer one more time with making weight and getting in shape so that the people of Staten Island know that they are not facing this plague of heroin alone. My family has a history of addiction so I understand how severe it can be.”

Melson’s opponent in this eight round middleweight contest will be announced shortly and tickets can be purchased by going to http://knockoutpublicity.com/tickets-to-boyd-melsons-november-19-fight/.

MGM Resorts’ Odds-maker Jay Rood Weighs in on Sergey Kovalev vs. Andre Ward ‘Pound For Pound’

Sâmbătă, Noiembrie 19, at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas

Presented Live By HBO Pay-Per-View®

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA (Octombrie 11, 2016): As WBO, WBA and IBF Light Heavyweight World Champion Sergey “Krusher” Kovalev (30-0-1, 26 KO) and former Two-Time World Champion Andre “S.O.G.” Ward (30-0, 15 KO) prepare for their epic “Pound For Pound” showdown scheduled for Sâmbătă, Noiembrie. 19 at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, fani, mass-media, experts and odds-makers around the world are split on who will be the favorite to win this virtually even-money battle.

And with good reason. Both Kovalev and Ward are undefeated and in their prime, making for a rare and exciting boxing match-up and a testament to the moxie of the boxers and the promoters.


Jay Rood, Vice President of Race & Sport pentru MGM Resorts International, provides his expert analysis of this exciting match-up:


“I really believe this could end up being a ‘Fight of the Year’ candidate. Usually fighters in good form don’t meet up.”

Pentru ca, this fight opened close, has remained so and, most likely, will close so.


“It’s not very often that a fight in Las Vegas that’s this significant is this close in terms of odds,” says Rood. “Ward opened at -145 and he now is at -150. I don’t believe it will change much from here.”


The fact that Ward is the slight favorite is because, în parte, the public, especially those bettors who consider themselves as experts or ‘sharps,’ tend to go with the boxer over the puncher.


But while Ward is considered the boxer and Kovalev the puncher, both are versatile, in keeping with the tremendous skill each possess. Cu alte cuvinte, Cartier, the perceived boxer, has power, and Kovalev, the perceived puncher, can box.


“The public is perceiving this fight, right or wrong, as ‘Boxer vs. Puncher,’” added Rood. “Usually the boxer draws the ‘sharp’ action. Most of the ‘sharp’ money will be on the boxer.”


Totuși, the general betting public appears to be trending toward Kovalev.


According to Rood, “Kovalev will draw good action, otherwise this number would need to be closer to -200 to balance the fight (betting action). I don’t think it will be that one-sided. I think the crowd going to the fight will be 60 percent on Kovalev.”

Kovalev vs. Cartier “Pound For Pound”, a 12-round mega-fight for the WBO/IBF/WBA Light Heavyweight World Titles, are loc Sâmbătă, Noiembrie. 19, at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nev. Evenimentul va fi produs si distribuit direct de HBO Pay-Per-View începând de la 9 p.m. ȘI/6 p.m. PT. “Pound for Poundis presented by Main Events, Roc Nation Sport, Krusher Promotions and Andre Ward Promotions and is sponsored by MGM Grand Hotel & Cazinou, Rosneft and Corona Extra.


Follow the conversation using #KovalevWard. FOLLOW US:


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Free Agent Boxing Management Signs Managerial Agreement with Former World Champion Jose Alfredo Rodriguez


José A. Acevedo of Free Agent Boxing Management proudly announces the signing of former world champion Jose AlfredoToritoRodriguez to a managerial agreement.
27-ani Rodriguez (31-4-0, 19 KO) de Sinaloa, Mexic, won the Interim WBA World Light Flyweight Championship on November 19, 2011, by upsetting then 27-1 Nethra Sasiprapa of Thailand. He also won the WBC Youth Intercontinental Light Flyweight Championship in 2009 and made four successful defenses. He is also a former sparring partner of Nicaraguan four-division and current WBC World Super Flyweight Champion Roman “Chocolatito” Gonzalez.
Currently looking for the third fight of his comeback after nearly two years off, 27-year-old Rodriguez plans to compete in the flyweight and super flyweight divisions.
I am happy to sign with Free Agent Boxing,” Said Rodriguez. “My career was on hold for a while, but I am back now and eager for my team to find me big fights. Taking some time off did me good. I have never felt this strong and healthy. I’m looking forward to getting a few more wins and then winning back my championship.
Acevedo who has previously done well for his brother, former super middleweight contender Roberto, and middleweight puncher Jorge Melendez in advisory roles, says he’s beginning to work with Rodriguez at the perfect time.
The flyweight and super flyweight divisions are red hot right now,” el a spus. “I am working to get Torito a ranking by the IBF and WBC. He said he wants to fight the best, so we are working to find him the fights that will get him to a title shot. One guy he really wants is (IBF Champion Jerwin Ancajas from the Philippines). We’re hoping to get him in the ring soon.

Cancun Boxing” Septembrie 24 replay featuring Mexican KO artist Jhonny Gonzalez to air this Wednesday at 10 p.m. PT on CBS Sports Network

CANCUN, Mexic (Octombrie 10, 2016) – The replay of the August 24thCancun Boxing” card, presented by Pepe Gomez Boxing in association with Neon Star Media, will air this Wednesday night (Octombrie. 12, începând de la 10 p.m. PT / 1 a.m. ȘI, pe CBS Sports Network. Encore presentations will be Friday, Octombrie. 21 (7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. ȘI) and Friday, Octombrie. 28 (1 a.m. PT / 10 p.m. ȘI).

The event is the third installment of theCancun Boxingseries that will air on CBS Sports Network in 2016. Grand Oasis Cancun the Hotel Complex, Cancun`s ONLY Ultimate All-Inclusive Entertainment Resort, will play host to all events in this ongoing series.

Hall-of-Fame announcer Al Bernstein and Sean Wheelock called the action live from ringside in Cancun, Mexic.

Future Hall of Fame candidate Jhonny Gonzalez (61-10, 51 KO) defended his World Boxing Council (WBC) Silver super featherweight title for the fourth time, against Japanese invader Hiroysugi Yamamoto (19-12-2, 3 KO), in the scheduled 10-round main event.

Gonzalez is Mexican knockout machine (51 Cariera Kos) care, as the saying goes, has never been in a bad fight. The 3-time, 2-division world champion Gonzalez, evaluat nr. 4 by the WBC going into this fight, has been on a mission for one more world title shot.

The 35-year-old Gonzalez has defeated 11 world champions during his illustrious 17-year professional boxing career, including a Who’s Who of the bantamweight, featherweight and super featherweight divisions: Mark Johnson (KO8), Abner Mares (KO1), Jorge Arce (TKO11), Ratanachai Sor Vorapin (KO7), Fernando Montiel (DEC12), Irene Pacheco (TKO9), Elio Rojas (DEC12), Maurice Pastrana (TKO4), Hozumi Hasegawa (TKO4), Francisco Tejedor (TKO1) and Adams Rivas (DEC12).

Yamamoto, who was fighting in North America for the first time, is a former WBC Asian Boxing Council and Asia Pacific title challenger.

(L-R) Yamamoto and Gonzalez (photo courtesy of Pepe Gomez Boxing)

În co-caracteristica 10-rotund, Mexico City archrivals DiegoDemoledor” Cross (16-3-1, 13 KO) and IvanMacanonCano (23-7-2, 15 KO) battled for local welterweight bragging rights, while Mexico City flyweight LourdesLe Pequena Lulu” Juarez (17-2 2 KO) took on Cancun’s favorite daughter, Yesenia Gomez (13-4, 8 KO), in an 8-round bout that opened the televised segment of theCancun Boxing” eveniment.

CBS Sports Network este disponibil in Statele Unite prin intermediul locale de cablu, video și furnizorii telecom și prin satelit DirecTV pe Canalul 221 și Dish Network canal 158. Pentru mai multe informații, inclusiv un program de programare complet și cum să obțineți CBS Sports Network, go to www.cbssportsnetwork.com


Stare de nervozitate: @pepegomezcancun, @cancun_boxing, @Neonstarmedia

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Sampson Boxing Signs Argentina’s Cesar Miguel Barrionuevo to a Promotional Agreement

Sampson Boxing proudly announces the signing of Argentinean welterweight slugger Cesar MiguelLa JoyaBarrionuevo to an exclusive long-term promotional contract.
Barrionuevo (30-3-2, 20 KO), from Salta, Argentina, first turned the heads of the boxing world in January of this year, when he scored a devastating one-punch KO of capable Panamanian contender Azael Cosio in the quarter finals of the World Boxing Council (WBC) welterweight tournament.
In a dominant performance, the southpaw Barrionuevo had Cosio down once each in the first, second and fourth rounds then down twice in the fifth, the last of which was a single left hook that put Cosio to sleep.
He was then scheduled to face Pennsylvania’s Sammy “Cine poate mexican” Vasquez in the semi-finals, totuși, Vasquez elected to give up his chance for a green WBC belt and instead take a fight and lose to 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist Felix Diaz last July.
In his seven-year professional career, the 27-year-old southpaw Barrionuevo has already held the Argentina (FAB) Welterweight and WBC Latino Welterweight Championships. The Cosio KO was the only time he has ventured outside his native Argentina to fight.
I am happy to be joining Sampson Lewkowicz and his company,” said Barrionuevo. “I am ready to fight anyone in the world at 147 lbs and with him, I can get the fights I want. I have always said I just need the opportunities and I will do the rest.
Lewkowicz, an expert at finding hidden boxing talent in foreign markets, says Barrionuevo has what it takes to be a top contender.
“El este 27 years old and still getting better with every fight,” a declarat Lewkowicz. “Cesar is a talent who is coming to the North American market to make trouble for a lot of fighters. I am working on finding him a big fight to showcase his skills, whether against Diaz, or any other top-15 welterweight contender. He won’t be unknown for long once that happens.

Contendentul pentru greutate medie, Antoine Douglas, semnează un acord managerial cu Henry Rivalta

Miami, Florida (Octombrie 7, 2016) Henry Rivalta este mulțumit să anunțe semnarea unui concurent de nivel mediu Antoine “Acțiune” Douglas la un contract managerial.
Douglas din Washington, D.C.. are un record de 19-1-1 cu 13 knockout.
The 24 copil este un profesionist de patru ani, și are victorii asupra Les Sherrington (35-7), Istvan Szili (18-0-2), Thomas Lamanna (16-0), fostul provocator al titlului mondial Luca Messi (37-9-1), Marquis Davis (8-0-2) și Colby Courter (4-0).
“Îl urez bun venit pe Antoine în grajdul meu,” spuse Rivalta. “Este o plăcere să lucrezi cu Antoine. Am văzut ce a făcut până în acest moment în cariera sa, și este un sportiv foarte talentat. Cred că are potențialul de a fi campion mondial, și sunt încântat să ajut în drumul său către câștigarea acelui titlu.”
“Mă bucur să semnez cu Henry,” a declarat Douglas. “Are experiența la cel mai înalt nivel, iar eu și echipa mea ne putem concentra pe rolul tuturor.”
Rivalta a continuat să strălucească despre noua sa achiziție.
“Îmi plac pasiunea și stilul. Când vezi relația specială pe care o are cu mama sa, îmi spune multe despre el. El are instrumentele pentru a fi campion mondial, și promotor lui, GH3 Promotions a făcut o treabă grozavă și rămâne lângă luptătorii săi. Pe aceeași linie, este o plăcere să lucrezi cu Vito Mielnicki și GH3 Promotions.”
“Știu că Antoine este un luptător prietenos la televiziune și fan, și și sunt fericit că am un acord de mai mulți ani cu el.”
Douglas următoarea luptă va fi anunțată în curând.

Curtis Stevens vs. James De La Rosa Added to Kovalev-Ward “Pound For Pound” Non-Televised Undercard

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA (Octombrie 6, 2016): Curtis “Cerebral Assassin” Stevens (28-5, 21 KO) returns to the ring and the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada on the Kovalev-Ward “Pound For Pound” non-televised undercard to face James “The King” De La Rosa (23-4, 13 KO) in a ten-round middleweight showdown.


Stevens, 31, of Brownsville, Brooklyn returned to the ring on Mai 7 of this year and stopped previously undefeated Brazilian prospect Patrick Teixeira in the second round on the HBO Pay-Per-View® undercard of Canelo-Khan. The victory over Teixeira catapulted Stevens back into the ranking of all four sanctioning bodies, including top ten ratings in both the IBF and WBC. He is hoping to continue that momentum and secure another shot at the middleweight title.


De La Rosa, 28, is originally from Mexico but now resides in San Benito, Texas. His most recent win was a unanimous decision upset over former title contender Alfredo Angulo on the undercard of Mayweather-Maidana. De La Rosa has suffered two back-to-back losses since his win over Angulo but both have come at the hands of two previously undefeated prospects in Hugo Centeno Jr. and Jason Quigley. Commonly, fighters in his position would prefer a tune-up to get back on a winning track but, în acest caz, De La Rosa opted out of that easy route and decided to test himself against another former title contender in Stevens.


According to Stevens, “I’m happy someone is willing to fight me. Bless the Gods. Acum, it’s time to turn it up a notch and get ready to check in and check out. The Bully is back!"


This will be Stevens’s second fight working with world-renowned trainer and former world champion John David Jackson. Jackson added, “Curtis Stevens is happy to be stepping back in the ring on Noiembrie 19 against De La Rosa. He is eager to show the world that he deserves another chance to win the middleweight world title.”


“It’s always good to fight on a big stage,” said De La Rosa. “As always, I’m coming to fight and put on a show. I know I have a tough fighter in front of me in Curtis Stevens. With his style and my style, we’ll warm the fans up for Kovalev-Ward. Thanks to Main Events and AC Sports Management, LLC for putting this together.”


De La Rosa’s manager Adrian Clark added, “This is a must win situation for James and I know that he has the potential to pull off an upset. Curtis Stevens is a very dangerous opposition but again, I believe that JDLR can spoil things and leave Vegas with a ‘W’. It is great to finally work with Main Events again. It has been too long!"


Main Events’ matchmaker and 2015 NABF Matchmaker of the Year Jolene Mizzone had this to say about the match-up: “Kudos to both guys for taking this fight. Curtis Stevens could have waited around for someone to finally accept his challenge, but he wants to keep busy and challenge himself at the same time. James could have looked for that every popular “tune-up” fight but instead opted for a much tougher competitor in Stevens. It’s a breath of fresh air when I get to work with boxers who want to fight!"


*Notă: This morning (Octombrie 6, 2016) Curtis Stevens and his fiancée welcomed their son King Stevens at 10:12 am. King weighed in 4 lbs 12oz. Mother and baby are both doing well.


Kovalev vs. Cartier are loc Sâmbătă, Noiembrie. 19, at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nev. and will be produced and distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View beginning at 9:00 p.m. ȘI/6:00 p.m. PT. “Pound for Poundis presented by Main Events, Roc Nation Sport, Krusher Promotions and Andre Ward Promotions and sponsored by MGM Grand Hotel & Cazinou.


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GH3 Promotions card at the 2300 Arena MOVED TO FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH

GH3 Promotions card at the 2300 Arena MOVED TO FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH
Adam Lopez to take on Carlos Valcarcel on Vineri, November 11th

la 2300 Arena in Philadelphia and LIVE on ONE World Sports

Broadcast begins at 9:00 PM ET

Undefeated welterweight Ed Brown in the co-feature
Jerry Odom takes on Taneal Goyco

Plus undefeated Arturo Trujillo, Keenan Smith, John Joe Nevin, Jaron Ennis, Emanuel Folly, Joshua Jones & LeRoy Davila
Philadelphia, PA (Octombrie 5, 2016, 2016) – DUE TO A SCHEDULING CONFLICT, World ranked super bantamweight Adam Lopez va lua pe Carlos Valcarcel pe Vineri, November 11h la 2300 Arena din Philadelphia. The broadcast is slated to begin at 9:00 PM ET.
The scheduled eight-round bout will be the featured bout of the inaugural broadcast on

ONE World Sports.

The card is promoted by GH3 Promotions & Promoții la boxul victoriei.

Lopez de San Antonio, Texas is ranked 4th by the WBA and has a record of 15-0-1 cu șapte lovituri.
The 25 year-old Lopez is a four year pro and has wins over Pablo Cruz (11-0), Eliecer Aquino (17-0-1), former world champion Erik Aiken & Mario Munoz (16-0-1).
În ultimul său meci, Lopez fought to a ten-round split draw with Roman Reynoso (18-1-1) pe July 22nd in Mashantucket, Connecticut.
Valcarcel has a record of 14-8-4 cu cinci knockout. The 34 year-old native of Miami, Florida has wins over Jovanny Soto (15-2-1), Rodolfo Garay (14-2-1) & Leivi Brea (16-4-3).
The 12 year veteran also has fought former world champion Eric Morel and future world title challenger Jessie Magdaleno.
Valcarcel is coming off a 6th round stoppage defeat to undefeated Erick DeLeon on June 25thîn Dallas, Texas.
Seeing action in the eight round co-feature will be undefeated welterweight Ed Brown.
The 24 year-old native of Chicago has a record of 18-0 cu 15 knockout, and has established himself as one of the top welterweight prospects in boxing.
Brown is coming off a six-round unanimous decision over Gilbert Venegas on July 30th in Hammond, Indiana.

In an eight-round super middleweight bout, hard-punching Jerry Odom va lua pe Taneal Goyco.

Odom de Washington, DC has a record of 14-2-1 cu 13 knockout, and is a four-year professional. The 23 vechi ani Odom a câștigat primele douăsprezece crize, which included a thrilling come from behind stoppage over previously undefeated Vilier Quinonez (9-0) iulie 25, 2014 in a nationally televised bout on ShoBox: Noua generatie.

Odom avenged a controversial disqualification defeat by destroying previously undefeated Andrew Hernandez (8-0) in one round. În ultimul său meci, Odom stopped Julius Jackson (19-1)in three rounds.
Goyco of Philadelphia has a record of 8-9-1 cu trei knockout.
Goyco has upset the apple-cart on several occasions. He has wins over undefeated Dennis Morris (1-0), Jeremy Trussell (8-0) & Devin Butcher (5-0) plus upset victories over Frankie Filippone (14-2-1) and Dennis Hasson (16-1). Goyco is coming off a eight-round unanimous decision defeat to Tony Hirsch on June 11th în Oakland, California.
Opening up the ONE World Sports television broadcast will be talented prospect Jaron Ennisde Philadelphia.
Ennis, 19 years old has a record of 6-0 cu cinci knockout. În ultimul său meci, he was taken the distance for the first time, but pounded out a four-round unanimous decision over Eddie Diaz on September 15th.
In off-television action and appearing in six-rounds bouts will be super welterweight Arturo Trujillo (8-0, 5 Lui KO) de Easton, PA, super-usoare Keenan Smith (9-0, 3 Lui KO) de Philadelphia va lupta Steve Belmontes (2-1) of Corpus Chrsti, Texas; junior ușoare John Joe Nevin (8-0, 4 Lui KO) of Mullinger, Irlanda; Derrick Webster (20-1, 10 Lui KO) of Willingboro, New Jersey will compete in a middleweight bout.
În crize patru rotunde:
greutate pană junior Emmanuel Folly (7-0, 5 Lui KO) de Philadelphia; categorie ușoară Joshua Jones (2-0-1, 2 Lui KO) of Philadelphia and bantamweight LeRoy Davila (3-0, 2 Lui KO) of New Brunswick, NJ. va lua pe pro debutant Bennie Culpepper Sf. Lois, Missouri.
Tickets for this great evening of boxing are $100, $75, $50 și $40 și pot fi achiziționate prin apel 267-273-0945 și www.2300arena.com
ONE World Sports is available on some of the country’s biggest cable providers which include DIRECTV, AT&T U-un vers, Verizon Fios, Cartă, printre altele.

Willie Monroe, Jr.: “I know Canelo would fight me.

Philadelphia, PA (Octombrie 5, 2016)–After his emphatic unanimous decision victory over Gabriel Rosado on September, 17lea, it was widely understood in the boxing industry that middleweight contender Willie Monroe, Jr. would get an opportunity to face Canelo Alvarez in a bout this winter or next spring.
Now it seems, Canelo’s team, led by trainer Eddie Reynoso, have seemed to do a 180 degree turn, and they don’t want their prized fighter anywhere near the former world title challenger.
I don’t think it’s Canelo himself, but it is his team. I know Canelo would fight me,said Monroe. “I think it is trainers who fear that they can’t prepare Canelo for my style.
Monroe points to pre-fight talk that came from Canelo’s side that the winner of the fight between Monroe & Rosado would be the front-runner to receive the fight with Alvarez.
If he is a true man, they should stick to their word. The plan was for the winner of that fight to be able to fight Canelo. They thought Rosado would win, and he would just be a guy that would get pounded by Canelo.”
If the shoe was on the other foot, and it was me who did not want to fight an aggressive fighter, I would look like a punk.”
“They keep putting me on the “B” side, and I just keep on winning. Remember Rosado was the guy who kept saying he was going to knock me out and talking a lot, calling me scared and a bum; I am not that type of guy. I don’t have nine gold chains around my neck or gold teeth in.”

Watch the fight with Rosado. I stood in the middle of the ring with my feet planted in. I was waiting for Rosado to come in, and after I hit him a few times, he looked scared and it was me pressing him
All I want is the opportunity. Canelo got to where he is by fighting big names, so I feel I deserve this opportunity.”
Fotografii de Emily Harney / Promoții Banner