Архивы: бокс

Мировой рейтинг в легком весе Ксолисани Ндонгени & полулегкий суперперспектив Рубен Вилья - заголовок андеркота в пятницу, Ноябрь 4

Непобежденный украинец в полусреднем весе Тарас Шелестюк встретится с расстроенным Хайме Эррерой в главном событии ShoBox: Новое поколение Tripleheader, В прямом эфире на SHOWTIME®
Непобедимый тяжеловес Константин Беженару & Стивенс Бужадж Знакомьтесь, совместная работа; Племянник бывшего чемпиона мира Попо Фрейтаса, Витор Джонс Фрейтас и Мануэль Мендес

Жить на SHOWTIME в 10:30 p.m. И/PT
Из международного конференц-центра Omega Products в Короне, Халиф.
Билеты в свободной продаже
Филадельфия, PA./Corona CA. (Октябрь. 25, 2016) – Претендент мирового рейтинга в легком весе Извинитесь перед Ндонгени и высоко ценимая легкая перспектива Ruben Villa будет озаглавить потрясающий андеркарт в пятницу вечером, 4 ноября в Центре международных мероприятий Omega Products в Короне., Калифорния.
На стене Восточного мыса, Южная Африка имеет рекорд 21-0 с 11 нокаутом и занимает 2-е место по версии WBA.

The 26 -летний дебютирует в Америке против Хуан Гарсия Мендес (19-1-1, 12 КО) Мехикали, Мексика в поединке, запланированном на десять раундов.

Ндонгени стал профессионалом 2010 и является чемпионом IBO в легком весе и бывшим южноафриканским супертяжелым & Легком весе. Среди его 21 победы - победа над бывшей чемпионкой мира Мзонке Фана. В своем последнем бою, Ндонгени забил гол в 1-м раунде над Эмилио Норфатом на 22 апреля в Ист-Лондоне, ЮАР.

Ндонгени продвигается по программе "Золотые перчатки Родни Бермана"..

Мендес, 24 лет, является 7 летний профессиональный, и у него победная серия из пяти боев. В своем последнем бою, Мендес остановил Романа Мендеса в 1 круглый мая 29, 2015 в Мехикали, Мексика.

Вилла Салинас, Калифорния имеет запись 2-0 с 2 1нокауты в первом раунде.

The 19 -летний был двукратным обладателем Национальной премии "Золотая перчатка"., 2-время младший. Олимпийский чемпион, и 2015 Серебряный призер Олимпийских игр, и у него две победы над 2016 Серебряный призер Олимпийских игр Шакур Стивенсон.

Он стал профессионалом 29 июля с остановкой в ​​1-м раунде над Херардо Молиной. После этого Вилла остановила Хосе Мора в первом раунде. 23 сентября в Онтарио, Калифорния.

Соперник Виллы по запланированной схватке из четырех раундов будет объявлен в ближайшее время..

В поединке в супертяжелом весе из 4 раундов, Дэнни Андуджо (2-0, 1 KO) Темкулы, Калифорния будет сражаться Джоэл Кано (0-3) города, Мексика.

Джонатан Эскивеля Анахайма, Калифорния дебютирует в профи против соперника, который будет назван в поединке в среднем весе.

Билеты на мероприятие, продвигаемое Banner Promotions & Томпсон, по цене $100 (удобная точка для обзора), $70 (зарезервированный) и $50 (General Admission) и могут быть приобретены по телефону (714) 935-0900.
Непобедимый 2012 Бронзовый призер Олимпийских игр Терраса “Real Deal” Шелестюк (14-0, 9 КО) столкнется с расстроенным Хайме Эррера в главном событии ShoBox в полусреднем весе с 10 раундами: Тройной заголовок нового поколения на, жить на SHOWTIME в 10:30 p.m. И/PT (задержка на западном побережье).

В со-функция, непобежденные круизеры Константин Беженару (11-0, 4 КО, 0-1-1 в Мировой серии бокса), Катскилла, NY через Молдову, и Стивенс “Сверхчеловек” Bujaj(16-0-1, 11 КО), Нью-Йорк, встретятся в 10-раундах за вакантные титулы WBC International и WBC Continental Americas.

В первом бою телепередачи, Непобедимый легкий Витор Джонс Фрейтас (12-0, 1 Северная Дакота, 6 КО), Сальвадор, Bahia, Бразилия, будет противостоять фавориту местных фанатов Мануэль Мендес (12-1-2, 8 КО), из Индио, ТАКОЙ КАК, в 8-раундовом поединке. 23-летний Фрейтас - племянник популярного бывшего четырехкратного чемпиона мира Аселино. “Приклад” Фрейтас.

Барри Томпкинс вызовет действие ShoBox со стороны ринга с помощью Стив Farhood и бывший чемпион мира Рауль Маркес выступающей в качестве эксперта аналитиков. Исполнительный продюсер Гордон Холл с Богатый Гоган производство и Рик Филлипс руководство.


Хуан Мануэль Лопес-Вильфредо Васкес, Младший. PPV
В эту субботу вечером в Сан-Хуане, Пуэрто-Рико
САН-ХУАН, Пуэрто-Рико (Октября 25, 2016) – Бывший 3-х кратный, 2-чемпион по работе в дивизионе Хуан Мануэль “ХуанМа” Лопес (34-5, 31 КО) провел вчера открытую тренировку в Пуэрто-Рико перед своим поединком в субботу вечером против бывшего мира Вильфредо”Папа” Васкес, Младший. (24-6-1, 19 КО) прямой эфир с оплатой за просмотр из Колизея Роберто Клементе в Сан-Хуане, Пуэрто-Рико.
Война в Эль-Клементе: Васкес-младший. против. Лопес, представлен Black Tiger Promotions, будет распространяться в прямом эфире компанией Integrated Sports Media в США и Пуэрто-Рико., начиная с 9 p.m. И / 6 p.m. PT, на обоих кабель и спутник платить за просмотр по требованию iN, DISH, DIRECTV и Vubiquity. Событие также будет доступно для просмотра по всей Канаде в Fight Network., а также через приложение Fite TV для устройств iOS и Android или смотреть на www.Fite.TV сайт. Рекомендуемая розничная цена: $29.95.
Ссылка на Лопес’ видео тренировки для загрузки
Щебет: @integratedPPV



Суббота, Ноября 19


ЛАС-ВЕГАС, НЕВАДА (Октября 25, 2016) - Two-Time Olympic Gold Medalist and the Women’s Sports Foundation’s Sportswoman of the Year Claressa Shields will be making her much anticipated professional debut during the lead-off freeview telecast of Kovalev-Ward “Pound For Pound” on Суббота, Ноябрь. 19 at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Невада. Shields is set to face an opponent to be announced in a four-round middleweight bout, with each round timed at two-minutes. The pay-per-view telecast will be produced and distributed live on HBO Pay-Per-View® beginning at 9:00 p.m. И/6:00 p.m. PT. The freeview telecast which includes the live Claressa Shields bout will begin at 7:00 p.m. И/4:00 p.m. PT and will be available on cable, спутник, and telco channels.


Как любитель, Shields achieved unprecedented Olympic success as an American athlete. She is the only boxer in U.S. история, мужской или женский, to successfully defend a title, winning back-to-back Gold medals at the 2012 London and 2016 Rio games. The 21-year-old Flint, Michigan native and four-time USA National Champion has merited accolades at every level of international competition, earning Gold medals in the Pan American Games, two World Championships and two-time AIBA Female Boxer of the Year honors. The pride of a nation, Shields looks to break boxing’s glass ceiling and engage a new generation of fight fans with her move into the professional ranks.


“After working hard for so many years and having the honor to represent my country at two Olympic games, I am thrilled to take the next big step in my career, fighting professionally and leading the rise of women’s boxing worldwide,»Сказал Shields. “There is no better place to begin the journey than to join the biggest fight of the year, Kovalev vs Ward, and to fight alongside my idol and fellow U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist Andre Ward. I can’t wait to entertain the fans onNov.19!"


“Claressa Shields is a uniquely talented and special young woman. На только 21 лет, she is a once-in-a-lifetime type athlete whose talent inside the ring and charisma outside of it gives her the potential to be a trailblazer for women’s boxing and for all of boxing for years to come,” said Mark Taffet and Jamie Fritz, co-managers of Claressa Shields. “We are proud to be part of Claressa Shields’s team and are thrilled she will be part of the year’s marquee event, Kovalev vs Ward, на Ноябрь. 19 at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.”


“Claressa Shields is about to take the boxing world by storm and we are honored to host her professional debut as part of an already loaded fight card on Ноябрь. 19,” said Roc Nation President & Chief of Branding and Strategy Michael R. Yormark. “Claressa’s unique blend of talent, style and charisma make the two-time Olympian a rising force to be reckoned with in the boxing world and beyond.


Claressa Shields is a talented 21-year-old boxer from Flint, Мичиган. Inspired by former boxing star Laila Ali, Shields developed a passion for the sport and began boxing at the age of 11. It was soon after beginning her journey she realized her family was apprehensive towards the contact sports. After weeks of family discussions, Shields was granted her family’s permission to pursue her passion – a decision they will likely never regret.


Shields burst onto the boxing scene, developing a name for herself as one of the most talented female boxers in the country. Her reputation continued to build through her middle and high school years leading her to become the first ever U.S. women’s boxer to qualify for the 2012 London Games. To Shields, simply earning an invitation to the Olympics was not enough, she wanted to make a lasting impact for her country. After three exciting fights, Shields was rewarded her first Gold medal in the 165-pound weight class, and became the first American woman to win a Gold medal in boxing.


Shields was named the 2014 AIBA Female Boxer of the Year, 2014 США бокса Чемпион, 2015 Pan American Games Gold Medalist in the light heavyweight division, and two-time World Champion in the women’s middleweight division. Chasing greatness, she became the first U.S. boxer to successfully defend an Olympic title as she earned a second Gold medal at the 2016 games in Rio de Janeiro. Concluding an unparalleled amateur legacy, Shields announced that she would be making her professional debut on the freeview broadcast of the year’s biggest boxing matchup, Kovalev-Ward at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas on Ноябрь. 19, 2016.


As a proud Flint, Michigan native, Shields is constantly looking for ways to shine a positive light on her hometown. She understands the importance of being a role model to youth in her community and has been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support she has received since returning from Rio with another Gold medal. Following her first Gold medal summer, Shields became the first in her family to graduate from high school and is enrolled in online college classes to pursue her academic goals and competitive aspirations simultaneously.


Follow Claressa Shields on Twitter @ClaressaShields, Instagram @ClaressaShields, and Facebook: www.facebook.com/claressa.shields.7


Ковалев vs. Подопечный “Pound For Pound”, a 12-round mega-fight for the WBO/IBF/WBA Light Heavyweight World Titles, происходит Суббота, Ноябрь. 19, at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Невада. The event will be produced and distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View® beginning at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.

“Фунт за фунт” is presented by Main Events, Roc Nation Спорт, Krusher Promotions and Andre Ward Promotions and is sponsored by MGM Grand Hotel & Казино, Rosneft and Corona Extra. Tickets are on sale now at AXS.com and the T-Mobile Arena Box Office.

Follow the conversation using #KovalevWard.



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Former world champion Jonathan Oquendo Hot undefeated prospect Yomar Alamo & Непревзойденный 2012 Olympian Jontay Ortiz added to Juan Manuel López-Wilfredo Vázquez, Младший. PPV

В эту субботу night in San Juan, Пуэрто-Рико
САН-ХУАН, Пуэрто-Рико (Октября 24, 2016) – Former world featherweight title challenger Джонатан Окендо, undefeated junior welterweight prospect Йомар “Магия” тополь дельтовидный и 2012 Олимпиец Пуэрто-Рико Jontay Ortiz have all been added to в эту субботу ночь (Октябрь. 29) Хуан Мануэль “ХуанМа” Лопес и Вильфредо”Папа” Васкес, Младший pay-per-view card in San Juan, Пуэрто-Рико.
Война в Эль-Клементе: Васкес-младший. в. Лопес, представлен Black Tiger Promotions, will be distributed by Integrated Sports Media live, начиная с 9 p.m. И / 6 p.m. PT, в США и Пуэрто-Рико на обоих кабель и спутник платить за просмотр по требованию iN, DISH, DIRECTV и Vubiquity. Событие также будет доступно для просмотра по всей Канаде в Fight Network., а также через приложение Fite TV для устройств iOS и Android или смотреть наwww.Fite.TV сайт. Рекомендуемая розничная цена: $29.95.
Васкес, Младший. (24-6-1, 19 КО) против. Лопес (34-5, 31 КО) 12-round Special Attraction main event (contested at a 129-pound catch-weight) is presented in association with Matias Entertainment and sponsored by Best Alarms and Municipio de San Juan.
We’re confident this will truly be a memorable night of boxing for fans in attendance,” сказалКарлос Мальдонадо, Президент Black Tiger Promotions, “as well as for those watching on pay per view.
Васкес (24-6-1, 19 КО) бывший Всемирная боксерская организация (WBO) FECABOX super bantamweight champion, while López (34-5, 31 КО) is a past 3-time, 2-чемпион мира (WBO super featherweight & полулегкий вес, Interim World Boxing Association featherweight).
The 33-year-old Oquendo (26-5, 16 КО) is coming off a 12-round decision loss to WBA world featherweight champion last December to Jesus Marcelo Andres Cuellar. Oquendo’s most notable victories during his 12 ½-year professional career includeДжонни Гонсалес (10 ДЕКАБРЯ) Alexandro Montiel (TKO1).
Oquendo has lost, По иронии судьбы, to both Vázquez TKO7) and López (TKO3). He hopes to parlay an impressive win in the 10-round co-feature against Mexican rival Gustavo “Густаво” Молина (23-13, 9 КО) into a rematch with the Vázquez-López winner.
Rising star Alamo (11-0, 8 КО), действующий Всемирный боксерский совет (WBC) Чемпион FECARBOX среди юниоров в полусреднем весе, will be fighting in his first scheduled 10-round bout versus an opponent to be announced. Alamo’s last action was this past August, in which he stopped Edgardo Rivera to capture his regional title belt.
В открытии PPV, Ортис (5-0, 3 КО) faces fellow Puerto Rican Луис Эрнандес в матче из 6 туров. Ortiz was bronze medalist in the 2011 Панамериканские игры. He lost in the 2012 London Olympics to Russian David Ayrapetyan, 13-15, the eventual Olympic bronze medalist.
Щебет: @integratedPPV

Warriors Boxing Signs Chicago’s Undefeated Josh Hernandez to Promotional Contract

Warriors Boxing proudly announce the signing of undefeated Chicago-based super featherweight prospect Josh Hernandez to a promotional contract.
A role model to the city’s youth, when not in training at Sam Colonna’s Gym on Chicago’s south side, the young Hernandez majors in Physical Education and Exercise Science as a junior at Chicago’s De Paul University while working as a personal trainer at Unanimous Boxing Gym.
“Я взволнован. Это отличная возможность для меня,” говорит Эрнандес. “All my pro fights so far have been with Warriors and I’m very comfortable working with Leon, Luis and Dominic and their team. That’s what matters most. Кроме этого, they can offer me some great opportunities. My first three fights were on big PBC cards, so that was exciting. Even my fourth fight was exciting at the UIC Pavilion.
Как любитель, Эрнандес (4-0, 4 KOs as a pro) had just over 50 fights and in 2014, won the Power Gloves and Chicago Golden Gloves, where he was named Best Male Boxer of the tournament.
He is managed and trained by his father, former middleweight contender and fan favorite “Мачо” Мигель Эрнандес. The 20-year-old has inherited his father’s exciting style, having KO’d all his opposition, до сих пор, in dramatic fashion.
My father took me to the gym at five years old and I had my first fight when I was seven. We are very close. He’s my best friend. He is my manager and trainer since I started boxing. I’ve learned everything from him. When I was younger, he took me everywhere with him in his pro carer. When he sat down to talk business with Dominic, I was in the room. When he auditioned for ‘The Contender,’ I was there. At a young age, I was exposed to the business of boxing and what it takes to be a high-level fighter. I bring a lot of people out to watch me fight, but when I’m in the ring, all I hear is his voice. That’s how close we are. I can block everything out but him.
Long-time Chicago boxing staple and top promoter Dominic Pesoli, now Vice President of Warriors, says he’s happy to be working with the second generation of Hernandez.
Josh comes from a good, hard-working family,” said Pesoli. “Despite all his talent, he is an extremely humble young man focused on his goals. He has excellent power and great technical skills in the ring and he’s very smart. I couldn’t be happier to be part of this family affair in boxing. Looking forward to working with them.
Warriors President, Леон Маргулес, says Hernandez has shown a great deal of promise so far.
Luis DeCubas and I couldn’t ask for anything more from Josh so far,” он сказал. “He trains hard and stays dedicated. And in the ring, he’s been levelling his opponents. It’s always amazing to me to see such a nice young man turn so ferocious in the ring, but he does and the fans love it. Warriors is thrilled he is allowing us to handle his career.
The elder Hernandez says he’s also optimistic for his son’s ring future.
I fought for Dominic and we have a good relationship. He treated me fairly and he knows when it comes to my son that I’m going to be a little overprotective. Он, Luis and Leon are good guys. Warriors is a good company that can take my son to the next level. I’m very happy about this deal.
О Warriors Boxing
Созданная в 2003, Warriors Boxing работает под простой философии, привлечение лучших боксеров в мире любителей подраться, сопоставить их в конкурентных боев, и при этом помочь восстановить бокс для нового поколения.
С серией успешных Pay-Per-View шоу и упакованных домов в своем активе, Бизнес-модель Воины работает чудеса в спорте, который был остро нуждается в инновациях и энергии, что компания приносит на стол.
Когда дело доходит до дела, хотя, промоутерская компания только так хорошо, как борцов и борется она способствует. Warriors Boxing доставил на всех фронтах, с выдающимися поединков, таких как Лара Молина, Кайо-Петерсона, Абрахам-Миранда, я и II, Миранда-Павлик, Миранда-зеленый, Ибрагимов-Бриггс, Ибрагимов-Кличко, Уранго-Хаттон, Уранго-Бейли, Кайо-Майдана и Ибрагимов-Холифилд.
Для получения более подробной информации о Warriors Boxing, посетите веб-сайт www.WarriorsBoxing.com.

AC Sports Management Presents: “Protect Yourself At All Times: The Documentary

Даллас, Техас (Октября 24, 2016) – 2016 has been a huge year for boxing manager, Адриан Кларк. Along with being named one of Forbes magazines top 30 под 30 game-changers in sports, he also created the ‘Boxer-Manager Agreement’, which serves as a contract for the fighters to sign manager’s. Совсем недавно, Clark released his second book titled, ‘Protect Yourself at All Times: Руководство для профессиональных боксеров’ available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.com.

The 30 year-old owner of AC Sports Management, LLC is now following up the Protect Yourself at All Times book with a documentary which is to release in the spring of 2017.
The Protect Yourself at All Times campaign is something that is much needed in the sport of boxing. With no regulation in the sport to protect the athletes, I am making a conscious effect to bring awareness directly to the fighters in hopes to transcend the sport for the fighters.Clark stated.
Clark is the strategic partner of Willie Monroe Jr who just won the WBO Intercontinental title on HBO PPV vs Gabe Rosado. He also represents James de la Rosa who squares off against Curtis Stevens on the undercard of Ward-Kovalev, Nov 19th on HBO PPV.

Rosalinda Rodriguez shines in Charlotte, Северная Каролина


Шарлотта, Северная Каролина (Октября 24, 2016) -Непобежденный легчайший вес Rosalinda Rodriguez won the NABF Bantamweight title with an eight-round unanimous decision over Noemi Bosques in a bout that took place last Wednesday night на Grady Cole Center in Шарлотта, Северная Каролина.
The bout headlined a card promoted by Hall of Famer, Christy Martin and Pretty Girl PromotionsMercedes Vazquez Simmons.
It was an exciting toe-to-toe fight that saw Rodriguez win every round and took home the decision by scores of 80-72 на всех картах.
С победой, Rodriguez of Miami, stays perfect at 5-0 and now will receive a top-ten ranking.
The 30 year-old Rodriguez is trained by former world champion Ada Velez.
Also on the outstanding night of boxing, Quinton Rankin (12-3-1, 9 КО) of Charlotte stopped Michael Wilmer (5-9-1) in the fifth round of their light heavyweight bout.
Ларри Прайор (10-14) scored a mild upset when he took a six-round unanimous decision over Berry Butler (25-14-1) в полутяжелом весе. Счета были 58-55 на всех картах.
Средний проспект Radzhab Buteav (3-0) kept his perfect knockout streak alive as he stopped Johnathan Batista (16-10) на 2:01 of round four of their scheduled six-round bout.
Christian Camacho (5-1, 1 KO), the 24 year-old son of Hall of Famer, the late Hector Camacho, notched his first stoppage victory as he needed just 71 seconds to take out Jovanni Said in a junior lightweight bout.
Тяжелый Сэм Скрещенные (5-0, 3 КО) stopped Michael Tillery at 1:22 of round two of their scheduled four-round rumble.

Великобритания Харт made a successful pro debut as she stopped Crystal Sutton in the 2nd round of their featherweight bout.

Santario Мартин (2-2, 1 KO) stopped Travis Davidson in the 2nd round of their light heavyweight bout.

Руслан Шамалов made a successful pro debut by needing just a minute to stop big Schyuler Marshall in their heavyweight bout.
For additional information visit www.christy-Martin.com

Listen to this week’s FNU Combat Sports Show Featuring Boxer Joey Veazey

Том, Tony and Rich discuss all things combat sports and chat with pro boxer “Базука” Joe Veazey in this episode.



Sergio Martinez’s Maravillabox and Sampson Boxing Sign Co-Promotional Agreement with Argentinean Amateur Star Alberto Palmetta

Former world champion Sergio Martinez of Maravillabox Promotions and Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing proudly announcing they have reached a co-promotional deal with Argentinean 2016 Summer Olympian Alberto Palmetta.
26-year-old Palmetta, a junior middleweight, is one of the most heavily decorated amateurs in his country’s history. После запуска боксом в возрасте 14, Palmetta had 112 amateur fights and went on to win numerous national and international distinctions including the bronze medal at the 2015 Pan American Games in Toronto and participating in the most recent Olympics.
Родился в Буэнос-Айресе, Palmetta was also the captain of the Argentinean national team and was considered a top-10 prospect in the world at his weight. He has been recognized by his home country several times, including being designated andIllustrious Sportsman by the municipality of San Isidro where he now lives and the 2015 Firpo Award as the best amateur boxer in Argentina.
Palmetta is schedule to make his professional debut on Ноябрь 18, in Catamarca against an opponent to be confirmed.
I feel my promoters will be looking to bring me to the United States to fight against the best in the world,” said Palmetta. “This is what I told them I want more than anything.
Former champ Martinez says he’s happy the heavily sought-after Palmetta chose to go with him and Sampson Boxing.
I am honored to be working with this talented boxer. The fact that he chose my company gives me tremendous pride and I will do everything I have to for him to become a champion.
Левкович, one of boxing’s great judges of talent dating back many years, says Palmetta will be an important part of his company’s plans in the coming years.

This is a fighter with tremendous talent,” сказал Левкович, who is credited with discovering a then-unknown Manny Pacquiao. “Alberto Palmetta is a name everyone in boxing will know in a few years, both in Argentina and around the world. The boxing fans in the United States are going to love the way he fights. I’m very exited to be part of this.

Three of Detroit’s Best Prospects Will Appear on Salita Promotions’ "Детройт Brawl’ в субботу, Ноябрь 12, в масонском храме в Детройте

Three of Detroit’s brightest prospects, all bantamweights, will appear in separate bouts on Salita Promotions’ самый последний “Детройт Brawl” мероприятие по Суббота, Ноябрь 12, at the Masonic Temple in Downtown Detroit.
A “thrill a minutetype slugger with a heavy punch and a giant heart, undefeated 26-year-old James Gordon Smith (10-0, 6 КО) is never in a bad fight. Перед тем как стать профессионалом, Smith won numerous national amateur tournaments and has been talked about in Detroit boxing circles for a long time as a potential future champion.
Once again sponsored by Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar, Билеты на “Детройт Brawl” will be priced at VIP $123, Сиденья-боксы $100, Ринга $93, $63, $38, и $28 and available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Tickmaster.com.
Smith has already electrified a Detroit Brawl audience, winning a unanimous six-round decision over Mexico’s tough Pablo Cupul last May. True to his fan-friendly form, Smith’s victory over Cupul proved to be a “Бой года” кандидат.
The power-punching Detroiter will be looking to take a step up to world contender status soon and will be hoping to showcase his talents one more time for his hometown fans.
James Gordon Smith is one of the most exciting fighters from Detroit right now,” said Kronk Gym’s Javan “Сахар” Холм, one of Detroit’s best-known and most respected trainers. “It’s always a rumble when he fights and that’s because he is like the fighters of the good old days. He’s always looking to get a knockout and his when you see him fight you will see what I am talking about!”
Also on showcase that night will be 21-year-old bantamweight Jarico “Король Великих озер” О'Куин (3-0, 2 КО) Детройт, who was one of most sought-after amateur prospects in the country before turning professional last year.
With blazing-fast hands and effortless combination punching, O’Quinn has begun building a reputation asone to watch,” among young prospects in the sport. He will already be having his third fight under the Salita Promotions banner after signing last July.
O’Quinn started boxing at age 14 and went on to rack up 130 wins against 18 losses as an amateur, winning countless national tournaments including the USA Nationals as the number-one-ranked bantamweight in the country. He also travelled extensively with Team USA to fight internationally in places like Poland, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and the Ukraine.
Rounding out the trio is exciting 22-year-old fan favorite Zach Shamoun, Royal Oak, Мичиган.
Shamoun, who started boxing at age nine, was also an amateur standout. В его 160 любительские бои, he won the Junior Golden Gloves in 2008 and went on to take 14 state and nine regional titles, while losing just nine fights.
A thinking man’s slugger, the quick-fisted Shamoun can stay very relaxed and in control under fire. He has excellent ring generalship and likes to stay two steps ahead of his opponents.
Больше боев, соперники и раунды будут объявлены в ближайшее время. На бой ночью, Двери открываются в 5:00 вечера и бои начинаются в 6:00 вечера.
Виски-бар Thomas Magee’s Sporting House предлагает посетителям классический спорт и виски-бар в районе Восточного рынка в центре Детройта.. Thomas Magee гордится тем, что предоставляет все виды спорта, каждая игра, и каждый бой, плюс отличное пиво и виски!
Для получения дополнительной информации о “Детройт Brawl” или Салита Сниженные цены, визитwww.salitapromotions.com.
Виски-бар Thomas Magee’s Sporting House расположен по адресу: 1408 E Fisher Service Drive в Детройте. Для получения более подробной информации, вызов 313-263-4342 или посетите их официальную страницу в Facebook:www.facebook.com/ТомасМагисСпортДомВискeyBar