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Badou Jack vs.. James DeGale Media Workout Zitate & Fotos


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Super Middleweight World Title Unification Showdown Schlagzeilen Aktion Samstag, Januar 14 bei Barclays Center in Brooklyn &

Live auf Showtime

Klicken HIER für Fotos von Idris Erba / Mayweather Promotions

Klicken HIER für Fotos von Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment

Klicken HIER für Fotos von Tom Casino / SHOWTIME

BROOKLYN (Januar 11. 2017) – Die Aktivitäten der Kampfwoche begannen heute offiziell mit Medientraining im brandneuen Gleason's Gym in Brooklyn vor dem Showdown zur Vereinigung der Titel im Super-Mittelgewicht Badou Jack und James Degale diese Schlagzeilen handeln dies Samstag, Januar 14 vom Barclays Center in Brooklyn und lebe auf SHOWTIME.


Ebenfalls anwesend und Eröffnung der Sendung SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING unter 9:30 p.m. UND/6:30 p.m. PT sind Junioren-Weltmeister im Leichtgewicht Jose Pedraza und ungeschlagener Anwärter Gervonta Davis.

Zusätzliche TV-Action wird Super-Bantamgewicht-Weltmeister Amanda Serrano Verteidigung ihres Titels gegen den ehemaligen Zweiteiler-Weltmeister Yazmin Rivas auf SHOWTIME EXTREME. Die Fernsehsendungen bei 7 p.m. UND/PT mit einem Matchup ungeschlagener Mittelgewichte Ievgen Khytrov und Immanuel Aleem.


Karten für das Live-Event, Dies wird von Mayweather Promotions und DiBella Entertainment gefördert, ab $25. Tickets sind ab sofort erhältlich und können online unter besucht werden www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com oder telefonisch unter 1-800-745-3000. Tickets sind auch an der American Express Box Office auf Barclays Center. Gruppenrabatte sind telefonisch unter 844-BKLYN-GP verfügbar.


Hier ist, was die Kämpfer zu sagen hatte Mittwoch:




"Ich versuche nur, positiv zu bleiben und diesen Moment zu genießen. Ich wünschte, der Kampf wäre morgen Nacht. Aber wir zeigen Geduld und bereiten uns auf die Gelegenheit vor.


"Dies ist der größte Kampf meiner Karriere und ich bin bereit, ihn auf die nächste Stufe zu bringen. Ich habe die Erfahrung, auf dieser Bühne zu stehen und bin bereit zu zeigen, dass ich einer der besten im Sport bin.


"Ich habe DeGale ein paar Mal kämpfen sehen. Seine letzten Kämpfe, ich glaube nicht, dass wir das Beste von ihm gesehen haben. Ich möchte, dass der beste James DeGale in der Kampfnacht auftaucht. In der Kampfnacht wird es keine Ausreden geben.


"Ich bin in der besten Form meines Lebens. Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass er auch in der besten Form seines Lebens ist. Mal sehen, wer der Beste ist.


"Ich gehe da rein, um ihn niederzureißen. Ich werde der bessere Kämpfer sein. Wenn ich die Gelegenheit bekomme, etwas zu landen, das den Kampf verändern kann, Ich werde meine Chance nutzen.


„Dies war eines der besten Trainingslager meiner Karriere. Meine Ernährung ist besser als je zuvor und ich habe positive Menschen um mich.


„Ich glaube, ich kann jeden ausschalten, der mit mir in den Ring steigt. Wenn Sie das nicht an sich glauben, dann bist du im falschen Sport. Ich erwarte keinen leichten Kampf, Aber ich werde alles tun, um zu gewinnen.


"Mein Trainer Lou Del Valle ist der Grund, warum ich mich so stark verbessert habe. Ich habe ihn nach meinem Verlust zurückgebracht und er hat mir geholfen, dorthin zu gelangen, wo ich gerade bin.


"Es besteht kein Zweifel, dass wir wissen werden, wer das beste Super-Mittelgewicht der Welt ist." Samstag Nacht. "


James Degale


„Ich bin gerade nach New York geflogen am Montag nach einem brillanten Lager. Ich habe gut trainiert und hart gespielt. Ich habe großartige Arbeit auf der Strecke geleistet und bin viele Kilometer gelaufen. Ich bin in fantastischer Form.


„Dieser Kampf hat ein anderes Gefühl. Ich fühle mich wie in einem großen Kampf. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich für diesen einen anderen Fitnesslevel habe. Verstand, Körper und Seele. Alles ist groß.


"Ich bin mental vorbereitet. Badou Jack ist ein extrem guter Kämpfer. Er ist ein harter Gegner. Er wird mit jedem Kampf besser. So wie ich mich gerade fühle, Badou Jack sollte mich nicht schlagen. Ich konzentriere mich darauf, mein Bestes zu geben.


"Ich habe viel geopfert, um mich in diese Position zu versetzen und um sicherzustellen, dass dies ein großartiges Lager war. Jetzt ist die Zeit da.


„Einen Medientag in Brooklyn zu haben, ist großartig. Ich bin in einer fantastischen Position in meinem Leben und meiner Karriere. Ich fühle mich wohler als vor Jahren. Früher wusste ich nicht, was ich sagen sollte. Ich bin jetzt ein Mann und ich bin bereit, mein Schicksal zu erreichen.


"Bewegung, Geschwindigkeit und Winkel sind meine Schlüssel. Wenn ich konzentriert bin und keine Runden mache, das sollte es tun. Es wird es tun. Alles kann passieren im Boxen, aber ich bin zu darauf vorbereitet.


„Ich sehe Badou Jack an, und obwohl es ihm besser geht, Ich denke, ich bin ein viel besserer Kämpfer. Er ist von sehr hoher Qualität und ich muss bei meinem Spiel sein. Es wird ein großer Kampf werden, aber ich werde siegreich sein.


„Mein Verlust gegen George Groves war ein Segen in der Verkleidung. Wenn mir das nicht passiert wäre, Ich weiß nicht, wo ich in meiner Karriere sein würde. Ich war damals zu groß für meine Stiefel. Ich dachte, ich wäre der goldene Junge und ich war demütig. Ich musste umbauen und bin zurückgekommen. “


Jose Pedraza


"Ich lasse [Gervonta] Davis redet. Ich mag es, wenn Leute so reden, weil ich sie in der Nacht des Kampfes zum Schweigen bringen darf. Er ist eine Floyd Mayweather-Imitation. Genau wie alle Nachahmungen, es ist nicht so gut wie das echte.


"Ich freue mich sehr, hier Puerto Rico in New York City mit einem anderen puertoricanischen Meister in Amanda Serrano zu vertreten. Sie ist eine vierfache Meisterin, die sehr erfolgreich ist, und es ist eine Ehre, mit ihr auf dieser Karte zu stehen.


„Ich fühle mich bereit zu kämpfen. Ich bin gespannt auf den Ring. Ich kann nicht warten, Samstag Nacht und um der ganzen Welt zu zeigen, woraus ich gemacht bin.


„Ich habe den Vorteil in Erfahrung und in Reichweite und Höhe. Er wird versuchen, Druck auszuüben, aber ich bin bereit dafür.


„Ich habe nicht nur mehr Pro-Erfahrung, aber auch mehr Amateurerfahrung. All diese Jahre auf der großen Bühne werden mir im Kampf helfen.


"Ich glaube nicht, dass ich unterschätzt werde. Die Leute kennen meine Qualität, Deshalb vermeiden es die Leute, gegen mich zu kämpfen. Ich glaube, ich bin der beste Kämpfer mit 130 Pfund.


"Ich bin bereit für jede Art von Kampf. Die Frage ist, wird Davis bereit sein? Wenn Davis müde wird, Er wird in den späten Runden Probleme haben. "




„Ich fühle mich jetzt großartig. Ich bin in Topform. Ich hatte das beste verfügbare Sparring und alles verlief reibungslos. Ich bin bereit zur Arbeit zu gehen Januar 14.


„Wir wissen, dass Pedraza ein Weltmeister ist, der ungeschlagen bleibt. Er macht viele gute Dinge im Ring, aber wir werden bereit sein, wenn sie in der Kampfnacht kommen.


„Es fühlt sich gut an, auf dieser Bühne zu stehen. Ich fühle mich bereit, meine eigene Karte zu überschreiben. Ich bin bereit, mein eigenes Ding zu machen, und das kommt mit dem Gewinn dieses Weltmeistertitels.


"Ich habe nicht zu viel von ihm gesehen, aber mein team ist vorbereitet. Er hat nichts, was ich vorher noch nicht gesehen habe. Wir müssen nur den Spielplan ausführen, wenn die Glocke läutet. “




"Ich weiß, dass ich gegen ein Mädchen antritt, das ein harter Schlagmann ist und hart schlagen kann. Ich habe extrem hart trainiert, um mich auf diesen Kampf vorzubereiten, weil ich weiß, dass ich vor einem gefährlichen Kämpfer stehe. Ich muss nur mein Gewicht bis zur Kampfnacht halten.


"Ich habe mit vielen Südpfoten trainiert, um mich auf Serranos Stil vorzubereiten. Es ist erst das zweite Mal, dass ich einer Südpfote gegenüberstehe. Ich komme mit einem Spielplan herein, aber sobald Sie in diesen Ring treten, Ich weiß, dass alles passieren kann.


"Ich bin ein Veteran und ich habe die Erfahrung. Serrano muss dort meinen Vorteil überwinden.


"Ich freue mich darauf, in den USA zu kämpfen. und ich weiß, dass dies eine große Chance ist. Kämpfe im Fernsehen muss ich ausnutzen. Nach diesem Kampf, Die Leute werden wirklich sehen, worum es beim weiblichen Boxen geht.


"Ich bin sehr motiviert und aufgeregt, dass ich die Chance habe, in Brooklyn in der besten Stadt der USA zu kämpfen. zum boxen. Ich werde kommen, um zu kämpfen. Ich werde nicht zurückweichen und wir werden mitten im Ring sein und uns austauschen. "




"Ich habe Aleem kämpfen sehen und er ist nichts Besonderes. Er ist sehr schnell. Er macht alles sehr schnell. Aber er kann getroffen werden. Er hat ein bisschen Kraft, aber ich kann ihn schlagen.


"Ich werde seine Fehler ausnutzen. Ich bin bereit für diesen Kampf und ich werde das Knockout anstreben. Dies wird kein langer Kampf. Ich denke, ich werde ihn in fünf oder sechs Runden ausschalten.


"Ich bin ein aggressiver Kämpfer. Ich möchte streiten. Ich möchte viele Schläge werfen. Ich bin froh, wenn ich werfen kann 100 Schläge in einer Runde. Niemand kann diese Art von Bestrafung ertragen und es hilft mir, meinen Gegner da rauszuholen.


"Ich bin froh, in Brooklyn im Barclays Center zu kämpfen. Das ist sehr wichtig für meine Karriere. Nach diesem Kampf werde ich große Schritte und große Namen machen. Ich werde zeigen, was ich tun kann am Samstag.


„Ich möchte um einen echten Weltmeistertitel kämpfen. Ich bin bereit dafür und möchte mich nur guten Gegnern stellen und mich selbst herausfordern. "




„Das war ein großartiges Trainingslager. Ich habe George Peterson in meiner Ecke und er hat Paul Williams zum dreimaligen Champion gemacht. Er führt mich durch dasselbe Regime, das ihn zu einem der am meisten gefürchteten Kämpfer des Sports gemacht hat.


„Ich weiß nicht, zu viel über meinen Gegner. Wir haben einen Spielplan, der darauf basiert, dass er eine Art Bulle ist, aber mein Trainer ist derjenige, der das analysiert, und dann gehen wir von dort aus.


„Ich bringe das Gesamtpaket in den Ring. Es gibt nichts, was ich nicht tun kann. Ich kann boxen und ich kann prügeln. Am wichtigsten, Ich kann während eines Kampfes Anpassungen vornehmen.


„Ein Sieg hier wird wirklich prägen, wer ich in diesem Sport bin. Wir führen dazu, Weltmeister zu werden. Ich bin dort kein normaler Kämpfer. Ich kann diese Top-Jungs schlagen. “




"Ich kann ehrlich sagen, dass dies eines der besten Trainingslager ist, die ich je hatte. Ich bin sowohl nervös als auch aufgeregt. Ich bin nervös, weil ich noch nie so ein Trainingslager hatte und ich bin gespannt, wie ich mich im Ring fühle.


"Ich habe ein paar Bänder meines Gegners gesehen. Er ist ein sehr aggressiver Kämpfer, der viele rechte Hände wirft. Darauf muss ich mich vorbereiten. Wenn er früh anfangen oder sich Zeit nehmen will, Ich bin zu allem bereit.


"Ich bin sehr zuversichtlich, in diesen Kampf einzusteigen. Ich glaube, dass ich eine großartige Leistung erbringen werde und möglicherweise das Beste meiner Karriere.


"Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass ich zu Hause in Brooklyn kämpfe, und ich bin demütig, die Gelegenheit zu haben, wieder im Barclays Center aufzutreten. Es gibt kein besseres Gefühl, als wenn Ihre Freunde und Familie Sie anfeuern.



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Badou Jack vs.. James Degale, ein 12-Runden-Super-Mittelgewicht-Weltvereinigungskampf, wird von Mayweather Promotions und DiBella Entertainment beworben und findet dies statt Samstag, Januar 14 vom Barclays Center in Brooklyn und lebe auf SHOWTIME. Öffnen der Sendung SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING unter 9:30 p.m. UND/6:30 p.m. PT sind Junioren-Weltmeister im Leichtgewicht Jose Pedraza und ungeschlagener Anwärter Gervonta Davis.

Karten für das Live-Event, Dies wird von Mayweather Promotions und DiBella Entertainment gefördert, ab $25. Tickets sind ab sofort erhältlich und können online unter besucht werden www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com oder telefonisch unter 1-800-745-3000. Tickets sind auch an der American Express Box Office auf Barclays Center. Gruppenrabatte sind telefonisch unter 844-BKLYN-GP verfügbar.


Barclays Center Brooklyn Boxen ™ Programmierplattform ist von AARP vorgestellt. Für weitere Informationen besuchen www.SHO.com/Sports Folgen Sie auf Twitter @BadouJack, @ JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, und @Swanson_Comm oder ein Fan auf Facebook anwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. Diese Veranstaltung wird von Corona Extra gesponsert, Feinste Bier.



Film Examines Controversial Practice of Thai Inmates Fighting for Their Freedom

TRAILER LINK: http://s.sho.com/2iZJLSt

Uraufführungen Freitag, Februar 24 bei 8:30 p.m. UND/PT auf Showtime®

NEW YORK (Jan. 9, 2017)—SHOWTIME Sports® announced a powerful new documentary, PRISONFIGHTERS: 5 Rounds To Freedom, which examines a controversial practice in Thailand’s criminal justice system whereby inmates can earn their freedom by winning a series of Muay Thai fights. A SHOWTIME Sports original production, the 90-minute film will premiere on Freitag, Februar. 24 bei 8:30p ET/PT on SHOWTIME.


The state-sponsored rehabilitation program, popularly known as Prison Fight, is not reserved for petty criminals. Under the law, violent criminals, including those convicted of murder and sexual assault, have been freed and, in some cases, fully absolved of their crimes through their participation in Prison Fights.


“This story is unlike anything we’ve ever encountered,", Sagte Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President und General Manager, Showtime Sports. “Redemption is a common metaphor in sports stories, but this is a story about actual redemption and rehabilitation, with prisoners literally fighting for their release from prison. This film brings viewers inside a personal story of crime and punishment, set against a societal debate about the meaning of justice, rehabilitation and the opportunity for a second chance.”


Narrated by Ron Perlman, PRISON FIGHTERS centers on the story of Noy Khaopan, a convicted murderer serving time in the Khao Prik Prison in Thailand. Viewers will follow Noy’s journey through Prison Fight and hear from his family, as well as from the heartbroken family of Noy’s victim. Letztlich, Noy’s freedom rests on one final fight, which poses a critical question: Can violent men redeem themselves through violent acts?


But while Noy and other inmates fight literally for their freedom, the Prison Fight program has also attracted professional Muay Thai fighters from around the world eager to test themselves in this unique environment. American Cody Moberly of Wichita, Können., a professional fighter training and competing in Thailand with a redemption story of his own, serves as Noy’s opponent in the final high-stakes fight.


The film also focuses on former World Champion boxer “Oh” Sirimongkol Singwangcha, who now runs a training facility on the outskirts of Bangkok. Once considered Thailand’s Manny Pacquiao, “Oh” was convicted of drug possession years earlier, but earned his way to freedom through the Prison Fight system.


PRISON FIGHTERS: 5 Rounds To Freedom is produced by Sports Emmy® award winner Jason Bowers, written by author and Sports Emmy award-winning writer Mark Kriegel and directed by Micah Brown. PRISON FIGHTERS: 5 Rounds To Freedom is among several distinct and provocative documentaries available on SHOWTIME. Other recent titles include “RUNNING FOR HIS LIFE: The Lawrence Phillips Story”; “ONE & DONE” (Ben Simmons); “KOBE BRYANT’S MUSE,” “IVERSON,” “PLAY IT FORWARD” (Tony Gonzalez), “I AM GIANT: Victor Cruz,” “THE DREW” (Baron Davis), and “DEAN SMITH.”


Über Showtime Networks Inc..

Showtime Networks Inc.. (SNI), eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft der CBS Corporation,, besitzt und betreibt die Premium-TV-Netze SHOWTIME®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL ™ und FLIX®, und bietet auch Showtime ON DEMAND®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL ™ ON DEMAND und FLIX ON DEMAND®, und der Netzwerkauthentifizierungsdienst Showtime ANYTIME®. Showtime Digital Inc., eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft der SNI, betreibt den Stand-alone-Streaming-Dienst SHOWTIME®. SHOWTIME steht Abonnenten derzeit per Kabel zur Verfügung, DBS und Telco-Anbieter, und als Stand-alone-Streaming-Dienst über Apple®, Jahr®, Amazon and Google. Die Verbraucher können auch auf Showtime über Hulu abonnieren, Sony PlayStation® Vue and Amazon Channels. SNI verwaltet auch Smithsonian Networks, ein Joint Venture zwischen SNI und der Smithsonian Institution, das bietet Smithsonian Channel-, und bietet Smithsonian Erdebis SN Digital-LLC. SNI vermarktet und vertreibt Sport- und Unterhaltungsveranstaltungen für Ausstellung Abonnenten auf einer Pay-per-View-Basis durch Showtime PPV. Weitere Informationen, gehen Sie zu www.SHO.com.

Featherweight World Champion Lee Selby Defends Title Against Former World Champion Jonathan Victor Barros Live on SHOWTIME EXTREME® (8 p.m. ET / PT)

Unbeaten Rising Star David Benavidez Faces Once-Beaten
Sherali Mamajoniv & Bonus Coverage of Undefeated Prospect
Josh Taylor’s 10-Round Super Lightweight Bout
In Additional SHOWTIME EXTREME Action
Samstag, Januar 28 aus dem
MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas
Der Ticket-Verkauf jetzt!
LAS VEGAS (Januar 9, 2017) – A winner of 19 in einer Reihe, featherweight world champion Lee Selby (23-1, 8 KOs) will fight for the second time in the United States when he battles former world champion Jonathan Victor Barros (41-4-1, 22 KOs) weiterleben SHOWTIME EXTREME Samstag, Januar 28 von der MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.
Televised coverage on SHOWTIME EXTREME begins at 8 p.m. UND/PT, an der Westküste verzögert,, and features unbeaten rising star David Benavidez (16-0, 15 KOs) in an eight-round super middleweight showdown against once-beaten Sherali Mamajonov(14-1, 7 KOs). The telecast will also include bonus coverage, Zeit erlaubt, of undefeated prospect Josh Taylor (7-0, 7 KOs), who will enter the ring in a 10-round super lightweight contest.
It’s been a dream of mine since I was a young kid to box in a world title fight in Las Vegas, the mecca of boxing,” Said Selby, who is making his Las Vegas debut. “I’ve seen U.K. fighters like Lennox Lewis, Ricky Hatton, Joe Calzaghe and Amir Khan box in Las Vegas and I always knew that’s where I wanted to fight. My mandatory challenger is experienced, dangerous and I will not take him lightly. I’ve had a strong training camp and I am 100 percent focused on putting on a show for the American fans and the travelling fans from the U.K. My number one objective is to bring my world title back to Wales.
I’m very excited for this opportunity to compete for another world title in Las Vegas,” said Barros. “I have worked hard to put myself in this position and I am going to make the most of it. Selby has never faced anyone as dangerous as me and I plan on making it a long night for him. I am going to become another Argentine world champion and bring the title back to my country.
SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING is headlined by the highly anticipated world title rematch between Ireland’s Carl Frampton and former three division world champion Leo Santa Cruz. Fernsehen Schutz beginnt jeweils mit 10 p.m. UND/7 p.m. PT with unbeaten lightweight world champion Dejan Zlaticanin defending against undefeated former two-division world champion Mikey Garcia.
Karten für das Live-Event, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with Cyclone Promotions and TGB Promotions, sind zum Preis von $504, $404, $304, $204, $104 und $54, und bieten Angebote. Karten gibt es bei www.AXS.com.
Representing Wales, Selby has been referred to as theWelsh Floyd Mayweatherbecause of the elusive style and ring generalship that led to him winning his featherweight world championship via a technical decision over Evgeny Gradovich in May 2015. Seitdem, the 29-year-old has defended his belt successfully against former champion Fernando Montiel and top challenger Eric Hunter.
Ein Profi seit 2004, Barros was unbeaten in his first 29 fights in Argentina before losing in a world title fight to Yuriokis Gamboa. Barros won a world title in his second opportunity by stopping Irving Berry in the seventh round of their 2010 Showdown. Barros went on to defend his title with victories over Miguel Roman and Celestino Caballero. He has won seven fights in a row to earn another world title opportunity after most recently beating Satoshi Hosono in Japan.
Der jüngere Bruder von ungeschlagenen Jose Benavidez, David hat einen perfekten zerbrach 16 Siege in 16 starts at just 20-years-old. Die Bekämpfung von Phoenix, Benavidez nahm vier Siege über Unterbrechung 2015 and continued with four more in 2016 including blasting out previously unbeaten Francy Ntetu in June and tough contender Denis Douglin in August. Benavidez will look for his ninth straight victory inside of the distance on January 28.
Fighting out of Namangan, Usbekistan, Mamajonov will be making his United States debut and enters this fight the winner of his last four bouts. He won three times in 2016 including his most recent victory, a decision over his most experienced opponent to date in Mikheil Khutsishvili. The 29-year-old turned pro in October 2009 and was victorious in his first 10 beginnt.
A 2012 Olympian for Great Britain and an amateur standout from Edinburgh, Schottland, Taylor will fight in the U.S. for the third time in his young career on Januar 28. The 26-year-old stopped Archie Weah in his pro debut in Texas in 2015 and made quick work of Evincii Dixon in July 2016 in Brooklyn. He continued to impress in his last outing, knocking out his most experienced opponent to date, Dave Ryan, in the fifth round of a October 2016 ende.
Für weitere Informationen besuchen www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comund www.mgmgrand.com, folgen auf Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, RealCFrampton, @MikeyGarcia, @DinamitDejan1 and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports und www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.PBC wird gesponsert von Corona, Feinste Bier.


New Opponents Named For Kenneth Sims Jr. & Stephon Young In ShoBox Quadrupleheader Live At 10 p.m. UND/PT From Bally’s Atlantic City Hotel & Kasino


NEW YORK (Jan. 9, 2017) – The previously announced matchup between undefeated WBA ranked No 3-ranked super bantamweight Adam Lopez and the WBA’s No. 4-Platz Danni Roman has been elevated to a 12-round title eliminator for the WBA (regelmäßig) Super Bantamweight belt held by Nehomar Cermeno.


Lopez (16-0-1, 8 KOs) and Roman (20-2-1, 7 KOs) will square off in the most significant fight of their careers in the main event of a ShoBox: Die neue Generation quadrupleheader auf Freitag, Jan. 20, weiterleben SHOW TIME (10 p.m. UND/PT, an der Westküste verzögert,) von Bally’s Atlantic City Hotel and Casino.


Lopez is a classic example of a ShoBox prospect-turned-contender. Er ist 3-0-1 on the series, having defeated three previous unbeaten boxers. Roman has won 13 in a row dating to March 2014, and none of the fights have been close.


“I am excited that this is an elimination bout and I am one step closer to fighting for a world championship,", Sagte Lopez. “Very few fighters ever get a chance to fight for a title, and I’m not going to let it slip away. It’s a huge motivator, and the stakes are higher. I am fighting for a chance to fight a guy in Cermeno who is 37 and maybe past his prime. So if I win on Januar 20, I feel I will win against Cermeno. He is beatable, and that is the perfect opponent to become a world champion. After I beat Roman, Cermeno will pass the torch to me.”


Said Roman: “This is what we’ve been working toward since day one. A shot at a world title is every boxer’s dream. I can’t speak for Adam, but the stakes have never been higher for me. Beating Adam is the only thing on my mind.


In a featured bout on the four-fight ShoBox im Fernsehen übertragen, unbesiegt, former national amateur champion Kenneth Sims Jr. (10-0, 3 KOs) will face a new opponent, einmal geschlagen Emmanuel raubt (15-1-1, 5 KOs), in einem Acht-Runden-Super leichten Anfall.
In der TV-Opener, unbesiegt Stephon Junge (15-0, 3 KOs) will take on new foe Elton Dharry (20-5-1, 13 KOs) in einem Acht-Runde Superbantamgewicht Kampf.


The previously announced opponent for Sims, Wellington Romero, withdrew due to injury, while Young’s opponent, Daniel Rosas, withdrew due to personal reasons.


In the previously announced co-feature, ungeschlagenen Super-Mittel Ronald Ellis (13-0-1, 1 NC, 10 KOs) will face off with Christopher Brooker (11-2, 5 KOs) in an eight-round 168-pound matchup of ShoBox Veteranen.


Tickets für die Show, which is promoted by GH3 Promotions, Kings Promotions in association with Thompson Boxing (das Hauptereignis) and Bally’s Atlantic City Hotel and Casino, sind $125, $100 $75 & $50 und können erworben werden bei www.ticketmaster.com oder anrufen 1-800-745-3000.


Barry Tompkins ruft die ShoBox Aktion am Ring mit Steve Farhood und Ex-Weltmeister Raul Marquez der als Experte Analysten dienen. Der Executive Producer ist Gordon Hall mit Richard Gaughan Herstellung und Rick Phillips Lenkung.


# # #

Über ShoBox: Die neue Generation
Seit seiner Gründung im Juli 2001, von der Kritik gefeierten Showtime-Serie Boxen, ShoBox: Die neue Generation hat vorgestellten jungen Talenten abgestimmt zäh. Die ShoBox Philosophie ist es, im Fernsehen spannend, vielen gefallen und Pflichtspiele und gleichzeitig ein Testfeld für bereit Aussichten entschlossen, für einen WM-Kampf. Einige der wachsenden Liste von der 67 Kämpfer, die auf erschienen ShoBox und erweiterte den WM-Titel zu sammeln beinhaltet: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams und mehr.

Das ungeschlagene Junioren-Weltergewicht Mykal Fox trifft am Samstag, dem 11. Februar, auf dem Rosecroft Raceway in Fort Washington auf Tre’Sean Wiggins, Maryland

Luther Smith takes on undefeated Darnell Pierce

Also seeing action will be undefeated Sam Crossed, Christopher Warden, Patrick Rivera, Marcus Bates, Justin Hurd and Greg Outlaw, Jr.



Fort Washington, MD (Januar 9, 2017)Undefeated junior welterweight prospect, Mykal “Der Professor” Fuchs will take on hard-punching Tre’Sean Wiggins in the main event of a big night of boxing on Samstag Nacht, February 11th am Rosecroft Raceway in Fort Washington, Maryland.

Die Show wird von Königs Promotions gefördert.
Fuchs, 21 years old of Forestville, Maryland is coming off a good 2016, where he went 4-0 and became a main event fight in the Maryland area.

Mykal Fox
The 3-year pro is coming off a 7th round stoppage over Juan Rodriguez on 5. November im selben Ort.
Wiggins of Newbergh, New York hat einen Rekord von 7-2 mit sechs Knockouts.
Die 26 year-old southpaw scored knockouts in his first three bouts by knockout which was highlighted by a 1st round destruction of current WBA Super Featherweight world champion Jason Sosa.
The 7-year professional is coming off a six-round split decision defeat to Benjamin Whitaker on April 15, 2016 in Verona, NY.
Im 6-Runden-Kämpfe:
Luther Smith (6-1, 5 KO) von Bowie, Maryland will take on Darnell Pierce (5-0, 1 KO) von Austin, Texas in a cruiserweight bout.
Sam Gekreuzte (5-0, 3 KO) von Washington, DC wird kämpfen Hafiz Montgomery (3-1, 2 KO) von Toms River, NJ in einem Kampf im Cruiser.
Marcus Bates (5-0-1, 4 KO) von Washington, DC wird übernehmen Josef Elizondo (2-2) von Nuevo Laredo, Mexico in a super bantamweight bout.
In 4-Runden-Kämpfe:
Christopher Warden (2-0, 2 KO) von Lusby, Maryland battles Lamont Weiß (0-5) von Washington, DC in a junior welterweight bout.
Patrick Rivera (2-0, 1 KO) of Edgewood, Maryland tangos with Gregory Clark (0-1) von Washington, DC in a super middleweight bout.
Jarrett Hurd (1-0) von Accokeek, Maryland boxes Dawond Pickney (1-3-1) von heißen Quellen, Arkansas in a junior middleweight bout.
Greg Outlaw Jr. (1-0) von Bowie, Maryland takes on an opponent to be named in a junior middleweight bout.
Tickets sind im Verkauf für $75, $60 und $40 bei www.kpboxing.com oder telefonisch unter 301-899-2430



Albuquerque, New Mexico – Januar 6, 2017 – Auf March 18th, Victory Boxing Promotions and Rumble in Rio team up to present a night of charity boxing at the Albuquerque Convention Center. The card kicks off with eight amateurguns & hosesbouts between New Mexico Police and Firefighters who will fight to benefit the Jim Franklin Bike Giveaway Program and various New Mexico children’s organizations in New Mexico. The professional portion of the card will feature top prospects from the area, including flyweight Matthew Griego (6-0, 6KO) and super featherweight Alex Holguin (9-1, 6KO). Zupackend Carlos “Die Tiburon” Sanchez (11-0, 10KO), who hails from San Felipe, Mexiko, will also be looking to remain undefeated in a six round bout at junior welterweight.

It’s the promotion’s second foray into the Land of Enchantment. Matthew Griego wowed Albuquerque crowds at Victory Boxing’s July event, stopping Marco Alcaraz in the second round of their bout. Alex Holguin and Carlos Sanchez also came away with wins that evening.

The Rumble in Rio is in its 12th year in the state of New Mexico. It was inspired by Jim Franklin, who was an evidence technician in the Rio Rancho Police Department. For several years Jim would take old bicycles from storage and rebuild them and give them out to children of low-income families in the area for Christmas. This effort prompted Officer Pete Camacho to createRumble in Rio,” and allowed the Jim Franklin Bike Giveaway Program to expand and provide more bicycles to more kids. So began the tradition ofCops and Firefighters Fighting for the Kids”.

The Rumble in Rio Board now includes members from multiple public safety agencies from New Mexico,” said Andrew Garcia, President of Rumble in Rio. “Our fighters are EMTs, Police Officers, Corrections Officers and Firefighters from around the state and have represented dozens of departments.

It’s an honor to team up with Rumble in Rio for this event,” said Victory Boxing PromotionsPromoter Chris Middendorf. “Any time we have the opportunity to put our events to work in the community, that’s something we’d like to do.

Doors for Rumble in Rio open at 6 p.m. auf March 18th, and first bell is at 7 p.m.

Badou Jack vs.. James DeGale Media Telefonkonferenzprotokoll

Leonard Ellerbe
Hallo zusammen, Willkommen zur heutigen Telefonkonferenz von Badou Jack gegen James DeGale. Heute werden wir von den Teilnehmern des Hauptereignisses hören, die nächste Woche im Barclays Center in Brooklyn als Headliner des Hauptereignisses auftreten werden. Unsere Veranstaltung wird live auf SHOWTIME stattfinden und unsere Veranstaltung wird von Mayweather Promotions und DiBella Entertainment beworben. Badou Jack, WBC Super Mittelgewichts-Champion, Er wird es mit dem IBF-Champion im Super-Mittelgewicht aufnehmen – James DeGale und treffen sich in einer Weltmeistertitelvereinigung, die am besten zu den Besten passt. Wir freuen uns sehr über unsere großartige Veranstaltung. Diese beiden Kämpfer sind seit ihrem Weltmeistertitel auf Kollisionskurs. Beide haben im vergangenen April und mit der Absicht dieses großen Teams erfolgreiche Weltmeistertitel verteidigt, großer Moment, nächsten Samstag, 14. Januar.
Der Doppelheader SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING beginnt um 9:30 PM ET / 6:30 PM PT und eröffnen unsere Show mit dem IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose Pedraza, der gegen Mayweather Promotions eigenen aufstrebenden Star Gervonta Davis kämpfen wird. Außerdem, Auf SHOWTIME wird eine Aktion ausgeführt, die ab beginnt 7 pm ET / PT und es wird vom Vier-Divisionen-Weltmeister angeführt, Amanda Serrano. Welches wird ein sehr sein, sehr aufregender Kampf. Sie wird ihren Junioren-Titel im Federgewicht gegen Yazmin Rivas aus zwei Divisionen verteidigen. Dies wird der erste landesweit im Fernsehen übertragene weibliche Weltmeistertitelkampf seit fast einem Jahrzehnt sein.
Zuerst möchte ich meinen lieben Freund und Werbepartner Lou DiBella vorstellen, Präsident der DiBella Entertainment.
Lou DiBella
Vielen Dank, Leonard, und es war eine wahre Freude, mit Ihnen, Leonard und Floyd und Ihrem Team zusammenzuarbeiten. Ich war sehr beeindruckt von der Professionalität und es war großartig, mit euch zusammenzuarbeiten. Es wird großartig sein, euch nächste Woche zu eurer ersten großen Promotion in New York begrüßen zu dürfen. Ich freue mich darauf, Sie hier zu sehen. Wie Leonard betonte, ist dies eine großartige Karte von Anfang bis Ende, und das beginnt sogar mit der Off-TV-Karte, die ein ungeschlagenes polnisches Schwergewicht aufweisen wird, Das polnisch-amerikanische Schwergewicht Adam Kownacki gegen einen Top-Gegner in einem der härtesten Kämpfe seiner bisherigen Karriere. Interessent Julian Sosa, ein ungeschlagener Interessent des ehemaligen New Yorker Golden Glove-Champions und großen Ticketverkäufers in New York. Noel Murphy, ein weiterer lokaler Kämpfer aus Irland, ist ebenfalls auf der Karte.
Kenny Robles, der kürzlich von Mayweather Promotions aus Staten Island unter Vertrag genommen wurde, New York wird in Aktion sein. Und diese Leute werden die Off-TV-Karte unterschreiben. Leonard mentioned the main event Amanda Serrano who I promote one of the best pound for pound women fighters in the world against Yazmin Rivas. That’s a tremendous fight and I thank Stephen Espinoza for giving the ladies that kind of an opportunity in showcase. The SHOWTIME EXTREME card will also feature a co-feature bout between number two middleweight contenders in the WBC,Ievgen Khytrov versus Immanuwel Aleem another undefeated middleweight prospect. That will be for WBC Silver Middleweight title and the winner will be on course for an eventual shot at the WBC Middleweight Championship.
So the undercard is terrific and the main event really doesn’t need a lot of hype. It’s as good as it gets. It’s the best versus the best. It doesn’t really get any better than yet. I was lucky enough to promote early in his career Badou Jack who is a terrific, terrific fighter. He’s improved and proven himself in every test he’s faced. James DeGale is a former Olympic gold medalist on a 13 Siegesserie kämpfen. One of the most talented and also one of the most interesting and charismatic fighters in all of boxing in the 168-pound division. So we have a great main event for SHOWTIME to start the year. And I’ll throw it back to Leonard to introduce the man who put this fight together with us. Leonard.
L. Ellerbe
Okay thank you Lou DiBella for those great comments. Just like Lou DiBella just mentioned we owe a great, great deal of thanks to Stephen Espinoza who worked tirelessly with our team and Lou DiBella’s team to put this great event together. He’s a very dear friend and like I said we are really, really excited again to be working with SHOWTIME and it gets no better than that. So without further or due I’d like to introduce none other than Stephen Espinoza.
Stephen Espinoza
Thanks Leonard. In 2016 SHOWTIME consistently telecasted the best most competitive most important fights in the sport. More fights than any other network, more title fights than any other network, more top 10 versus top 10 fights in any other network. And together with our promoter partners we’re going to continue doing exactly that in 2017. Jack versus DeGale is the first of three number one versus number two match ups that are on the SHOWTIME schedule. And that’s just the first quarter that’s highly anticipated fight a fight that we’ve been working toward for a year. So we are pleased to be kicking off the new year with the consensus to best fighters in the division. As Lou DiBella mentioned the main event has been supported by intriguing junior lightweight title fight between champion Jose Pedraza and Mayweather Promotions highly talented prospect Gervonta Davis.
Plus on SHOWTIME EXTREME we’ve got the women’s title fight featuring Amanda Serrano who it’s no exaggeration say is in fact one of the top pound for pound fighters in the world. If you haven’t seen her fight you should definitely tune for this one. And we’ve got a battle of undefeated prospects Ievgen Khytrov and Immanuwel Aleem. So really it is a stellar card top to bottom for intriguing televised fights. A bunch of high quality off TV fights plus of course the main event a world title unification fight. Once again demonstrating SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING is the destination for the best fights in the sport. SHOWTIME is where the best fight the best, champion versus champion. All on SHOWTIME, no pay-per-views. No other network is as committed to the sports and together with Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment we are all committed to this sport and pushing this sport forward.
L. DiBella
I also want to point out that with this fight we’ve gotten a lot of help and assistance from one of the great venues in boxing. The greatest destination for boxing in the country right now. Brett Yormark and all the people at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, we thank them for their help in promoting this great event and hosting it. You’re going to see a lot of great boxing, a lot of great SHOWTIME boxing also at Barclays Center this year. And thanks to Bretteveryone at Barclays Centertickets are available Ticketmaster.com through Barclays Center Box Office. The tickets are priced incredibly reasonably with the ringside, the IP ringside seats at $300 going down to a I think it’s a $25 low price. And there are while we’re selling really well there are plenty of good seats available.
So we urge people to begin the year with this great card and get your tickets as soon as you can. The ringside and the prime locations are moving very quickly. And without further ado it’s my pleasure to introduce a fighter that I have tremendous respect for. I was lucky enough to promote his victory against Andre Dirrell for the IBF belt in Boston in May of 2015. He’s made two more defenses of that belt over Lucian Bute and Rogelio Medina. Again he was running a 13 fight winning streak and definitely one of the two best 68 Pfünder in der Welt. And this event is going to determine who the man really is. So it’s my pleasure to introduce JamesChunky” Degale.
James Degale
Hallo zusammen! The big one is here, the best champ verse the champ. This is the one that I’ve been calling for. I’ve been on the case to my advisor saying hey that’s the one I want. I think this fight determines who is the number one in the division. I think Badou Jack’s a hell of a fighter, a real good fighter and an underrated fighter. He’s shown his last three, four fights that he’s the champ and that he can compete at the highest level and that he’s a quality operator. Camps gone fantastically well, I’m feeling good, scharf, on weight. Ich bin in fantastischer Form, just go and look on my Instagram, Ich bin in fantastischer Form. Been in camp for ten weeks, feeling great mentally and physically in fantastic position. What do I say? On the 14th of January you are in for a treat because it’s going to be a hell of a fight. It’s a lot on the line so enjoy it but should be a good one.
L. Ellerbe
Thank you James for those comments. Next up I’d like to introduce Mayweather Promotions own WBC Super Middleweight Champion. He’s from originally from Stockholm, Sweden but he trained in Las Vegas. He won his world title in 2015 by beating Anthony Dirrell in a very, sehr aufregender Kampf. Later that year he faced and beat top challenger George Groves, the only man to beat James DeGale in the pros. So without further ado I’d like to introduce none other than Badou Jack.
Badou Jack
Hey what’s up? How’s everybody doing? We’re finally here, we’ve got another week and then it’s on. The best versus the best and I’m very excited. I’ve been training really hard I can’t wait until fight night thank you.
James you’ve fought so many world champions and so many top fights but you’re a guy that’s been going on the road. What’s why is that?
J. Degale
I don’t know why that is, but I actually like boxing away from home. It takes the pressure off you a little bit and this is living the American dream. Do you know what I’m saying? I’m coming over to America to box in these fantastic states. And getting a fantastic opportunity from my team. But this one is the big one, New York, Barclays Center. Unifying the division so you can’t beat it.
You’re a unified world champion do you have a desire to actually go back home to England and have a world title defense?
J. Degale
That’s the plan. To go hometo go back home. If everything goes to plan. I beat Badou Jack, next May I’m going home. I’m going home and I’m having a big fight at home. Everyone’s calling for the champ to come home. So yes that’s next in line if things go to plan.
Badou, can you talk about DeGale’s ability and how he’s fought on the road over the last few fights? Not a normal thing for top fighters to do.
B. Jack
Ja, you got to give him credit for that. He comes to people’s backyard. But also I think they lost the first purse bid. He was forced to go to Boston but he’s a fighter and I have nothing but respect for him. Come Saturday night, we’re going to go to war.
J. Degale
And let’s not forget Andre Dirrell. Let’s not forget who I beat for the world title as well. I boxed Andre Dirrell in America. Andre Dirrell is a good quality technical fighter. This belt wasn’t handed to me. I got it the hard way. All of my career I’ve learned the way. Traveled away from home, won world titles.
Are you at all a little bit disappointed that the fight didn’t get done before next week? Or are you okay with the fact that you guys are both on equal footing in coming off of the nine-month layoff?
J. Degale
Ja, if I’m being honest the only reason why this fight hasn’t happened quicker is because Badou Jack didn’t want it. After the Bute fight he probably didn’t want it. And then after the Medina fight because I boxed rubbish because Medina went full rounds on me. Badou Jack has got lot of confidence, Leonard’s got a lot of confidence. Mayweather’s got a lot of confidence of him seeing me go twelve rounds and it was lackluster performance against Medina. But you shouldn’t take too much away from that. That’s what I’m trying to say. Don’t take too much away from me fighting Medina and performing like that.
B. Jack
That is all a lie. But I’ve been ready since right after the fight, I told you guys, we could fight in June. I told you I’ve been waiting for Floyd and Leonard to let me know when the date is. I’ve been on Leonard every day for the whole summer. Like come on it’s been six, seven months I want to fight. You know what I’m saying? But whateverwhatever’s the case. If he was greedy about money, whoever’s fault it is we got the fight down right now. Und, du weißt, Ich bin bereit. I don’t care about old fights if he went 12 rounds with this guy and this guy. Me and DeGale have to fight so whatever happened in the past, it don’t matter. You know I lost
J. Degale
And you went life and death with Periban. Life and death I knocked him out in three rounds.
B. Jack
That don’t mean nothing right now. It’s me and you baby.
Badou talk to us about the abilities that you see in James DeGale and how do you actually beat him?
B. Jack
He’s a good mover he’s a good fighter. Come fight night you’ll see how I’ll beat him. You’ll find out go live on Sky Sports or SHOWTIME or come live at Barclays Center, you’ll find out.
Do you think James is going to be one of the trickiest opponents you’ve ever faced?
B. Jack
Ich weiß nicht, we have to wait until fight night and see. Styles make fights, so you never know, anything could happen in this big circle.
Who have you faced before — Jakob — who is similar to Badou Jack who you can compare to?
J. Degale
Listen I would say I’ve boxed a lot of people like Badou Jack. Badou Jack he’s pretty basic but he’s good at everything. But he’s a basic fighter really but he’s good at everything he does. So I’m saying, he ain’t got no special effects, nothing fancy. Everything’s just straight forward but very, sehr gut. He does it very, very well and in the ring I can imagine it to be very hard when I stand in front of him. He’s very technical, he’s got a good jab, works the body well, got a good defense. But I’ve got everything covered. And as I say, wait ten more days now and it’s on.
Do you feel that you just have to be James DeGale at his very best to beat Badou Jack?
J. Degale
James DeGale at his very best, fully switched on, having no time off. I can’t have rounds off against Badou Jack. So I’m saying fully fit, fully concentrated, be myself and it’s hard to beat me in general, so Badou Jack ain’t going to beat me if I’m a hundred percent.
What’s the biggest change in you over the last year do you think?
J. Degale
Every year I’m growing. I’m saying mentally and physically but I’m growing up. I turned professional when I was 22 Jahre alt. Ich bin 30 years of age now. So I’ve been pro for eight years and I say I’m a man now in it. I’m a man and — ja — I look at things differently and I see things differently but thesethe next couple years are my peak. I’ve got to get in there and got to get the big fights.
And so the question for James, where would you rank this belt in terms of difficulty?
J. Degale
I think it’s up thereI honestly think Badou Jack is a quality fighter. he doesn’t really get the credit he deserves. But as I say these last couple fights he’s proven, he beat Groves, Dirrell, he should have got the decision against Bute. But a lot of people thought he won. So he’s been spot on with his performances so I rank up therelisten hereif I beat Badou Jackwhen I beat Badou JackI am number one in the division and people have to start taking note. So what I’m saying Olympic, Britisch, Europäisch, world and unified world champ. People are going to have to start taking note but let me be ranked first and then we can talk after.
Do you think this is the fight that can catapult you into the big time in terms of like the British consciousness and that?
J. Degale
Ja, you’d think so, you’d think so. Say it’s a big fight, it’s a big arena in New York. This is what boxing at its best is about. And this is when you see the very best in me as well. I’m a big fighter I love the big arenas, the big lights, and the big fights. So it should be good next Saturday.
You mentioned obviously that you took “Porky” Medina lightly. I take you won’t be underestimating Badou?
J. Degale
I’ve taken this seriously. I’ve took this, so halt, literally like the training I’ve been doing. Like just stupid little things from like making weight, so halt, because I make super middleweights so easy. Sometimes I lift itlike the last ten dayswhere I was, a couple pounds over yesterday. I’m flying, Ich bin in fantastischer Form, I’ve gotten a strength and conditioning coach for the past six months after my last fight. Because something was missing after my last fight. Because I was fatiguing at the end. I was feeling fit but I was just feeling a bit weak. And it was because I wasn’t doing strength and conditioning. So you all are going to see a big difference from my power, to my strength, to everything. And physically and so look at meyou’re going to see me at the weigh in and go wow he looks good.
Just a quick one for Badou. Same question I asked James earlier where would you rank this belt in terms of difficulty?
B. Jack
Like I say in the squared circle anything could happen so you don’t know. On paper absolutely this is probably my biggest fight. He’s an Olympic gold medalist, the world champion, the proven fighter. That’s why it’s the best versus the best. The unification play, two champions fighting each other so absolutely.
Do you take any confidence form your victory over Groves and that he — Jakob — suffered his only professional defeat to George Groves?
B. Jack
No like it’s not gonna stop me in fights, I think that was like five, six years ago since they fought. So you can’t really compare it and that was a close fight. I haven’t really seen a fight like that but a lot of people have said that it could’ve gone either way. James could have won the fight so no, nicht wirklich, it’s me and him right now. So whatever happened it don’t matter.
Can you both address just the different things that can happen in this fight because all those results against common opponents that you had?
B. Jack
All right first of all we got four different opponents. So I beat Groves, “Porky” Medina, Periban and Bute. My fight with Bute wasn’t a draw, plus he was on steroids when we fought. So I mean Bute said it himself that my fight with him was one I won clearly. But that don’t matter really so George Groves that was a long time ago when James fought him. I fought him two years ago. Medina, I knocked him out but you can say Medina probably was in better shape when he fought DeGale. Because he probably had a longer time to prepare because it was a title fight. Periban maybe — ja — he was in better shape for my fight. That was also a controversial draw. That’s why it’s an interesting fight. We’ve got a lot of common opponents. But come fight night it’ll be a brand-new fight.
J. Degale
Right so let’s go through mine, listen the Bute fightwhen I boxed Bute — ja — I absolutely battered him for six rounds. Battered himwell I battered him for the whole fight yes. And then Badou Jack boxed Lucian Bute and it came out he was on drugs. Do you really think Lucian Bute wasn’t on performing enhancing drugs when he boxed me? Of course he was, don’t be stupid. Did you see the way he finished the fight? Did you see how strong he was? Had a lot — hören — any fighter fatigues in a 12 Runden-Kampf. Did you see how strong he finished it? Constantly on mewell Badou Jack knows but I absolutely battered Lucian Bute right? Who else is therethere’s Periban, he had life and death with Periban. I knocked him out in three rounds. Okay, he could say he wasn’t in good shape.
Es ist egal, I still hit him, I still dropped and he got knocked out and he had life and death. George Groves I was a nine fight novice. I was a nine fight novice, I was immature, I was young, I wasn’t experience, I was terrible, it was all wrong. And I was still a close draw I should have won that. Badou Jack boxed well in that fight and once again that was a close fight with him like literally very close because it went either way, but he won. And who’s the other one? Who’s the other one? Oh and Medinaoh man that guy, so halt, literally before I went in I was like this guy shouldn’t even last four rounds with me. But I nearly come unstuck because he was fit and he pushed me. Er war stark, he was big, so yes, styles make fights. As Badou Jack says next week when we get in there it’s me and him. The best fighting the best, whoever comes out is the champ that’s it. Put them up.
Lou can you address that? I mean does that add intrigue to the fight that they had so many different results against the same opponents?
L. DiBella
I don’t want to be like I don’t think it matters much to be honest with you. I think that right now, I think you’ve got two guys at the top of their game. Who are at the top of their division. I think they are focused solely on each other, styles makes fights, throw in some PEDs and throw in some other extenuating circumstances. Throw in guys that may be out of shape in one fight and particularly ready for another. I think it’s something that can lead to discussion and make for an article but I think, when we get to January 14th and you get to that main event it’s just these two men in the ring staring each other in the eyes. And who’s the better man? It’s mano, a mano and you throw it all down and put it all on the line. So honestly I really personally don’t think it matter all that much.
Intrigue is never a bad thing. And debate is a good thing and I’ll tell you, it’s probably a contributing factor because right now when you talk to people about this fight and it’s really one of the signs of making the best versus the best is that there’s a real clear split in opinion among experts and opinion among fans. And social media, pundits in social media commentary, people are really split almost right down the middle of this one on who’s going to win this fight. And I think there’s a lot of reasons for that and this is just the contributing factor.
How has becoming a father changed your resolve?
B. Jack
I’ve got to provide for my daughter now so it’s not just about me and my family, my wife. It’s about her, everything I do is for her so yes, extra motivation, sicher.
So what in this fight do you see are your advantages over Badou Jack?
J. Degale
Oh there’s loads but I’m going to tell you one that stands out is just speed, Bewegung. I’m not going to have to say I’m not going to tell you what I’m going to do because he’s going to be very shocked what I’m going to do. But speed, I’m so much faster in movement. I move my feet so much better, there’s two things there. That it’s just going to confuse him. I’m going to make things a whole lot harder for him. See I’m not Lucian Bute, who else has he boxed? I’m not Dirrell, I watched the Dirrell fight. Dirrell blew up after six rounds he was spent.
Badou what do you think your advantages are in this fight?
B. Jack
I’m the smarter fighter — Zeit. I believe I’m the more fundamentally sound fighter. I believe I’m the more technical fighter, I take nothing away from DeGale who is a good fighter as well but I believe in my skills, Ich glaube an mich. I believe I’m the smarter fighter, it’s not just about throwing millions of combinations or looking flashy and stuff like that. It’s about winning rounds, it’s about being smart. That’s what it should mean.
Lou, I’m assuming that at least for this fight this New York insurance situation has been taken care of. Can you comment on that?
L. DiBella
Ja, we have insurance for this fight. The insurance issue in New York has not been resolved there needs to be a real investigation into what’s going on here and we need to confront the fact that they there’s still no way of doing smaller shows. ShoBox level shows or Broadway Boxing, those kind of shows that other promoters in New York do a regular basis. The local grassroots boxing can’t be done under the insurance requirements that exist. But for a fight of the magnitude of this card we were able to get insurance for the show. And the major, major fights can go on in New York right now. But obviously where there once were scores, literally in the neighborhood of 100 fights in New York in a year.
You are probably now unless things changed looking at somewhere between eight and 10 in total. At all venues. So the issue is still a real one, it hasn’t been cleared up but we are fine for this great card on January 14th. And as you’ll still see big time boxing in New York the problem is going to be with the type of boxing that develops fighters that gives them regular fights. A lot of boxing series that myself and other promoters are doing in New York are still at a standstill.
James you mentioned that you’ll be looking to come back to the UK in perhaps May. Is there a plan in place already for if you do prevail?
J. Degale
Listen mate I’m just fully focused on Badou Jackfully focusedI don’t want to worry about anything else. I’m saying everything goes to plan, I come through this, I will come back and box in London. Nächsten Kampf — 100% but I ain’t spoke about it really, I ain’t spoke about it but I know my next fight will be in London after this fight if I come through.
Do you think in a way though you’ve enhanced your reputation back in the UK by fighting abroad and taking these challenging fights?
J. Degale
Well definitely I’ve become a bit more exclusive because I ain’t been at home. People can’t wait for me to come back home and obviously win my belts. What I’ve done over here in America in the past year and a half has been really good. I feel proud of myself but I’m looking forward to coming home and boxing in front of my own people man because the atmosphere’s second to none. You’ve got the best fans in the world and it’s time for me to come back home.
(Ryan Elliot): Okay thank you James. Good luck to both of you on fight night.
James Degale: Ja.
Betreiber: Our last question is going to come from Dan Rafael from ESPN. Please go ahead.
I’m wondering from both of you guys have you thought about the future beyond the fight as far as whether you want to move up in weight to look for a new challenge or do like what some other top champions have done and stay and keep unifying?
J. Degale
Ja, Dan I’m pretty easy man, I want the biggest fights, the biggest risks, the biggest money. All the titles that’s what I want so I come through thiseverything goes to plan — Ich bin bereit, gegen jeden zu kämpfen. Andre Ward – as I said before I do my weight pretty comfortably like super middleweight’s the perfect weight for me. But listen I want to be challenged. I want to be in the fights -where I’m the underdog for once. That’s what I want to be and yes with me and Jack I think I’m a big favorite. And I don’t really like that if I’m going to be honest because this is a genuine 50/50 on paper it is anyway. But yes, so halt, I’m willing to fight anyone after this fight.
B. Jack
I kind of agree with him whatever the money is, whatever the big plaques are. I’m a pretty big guy for my weight class so yes we’ll see what the future holds. But right now I’m focusing on him but, the future is definitely at 175.
Lou DiBella, just to clarify from your earlier statement. Do you have a policy that’s actually in place for Saturday’s fight next week?
L. DiBella
We have insurance for Saturday.
What is it costing?
L. DiBella
It’s certainly more of an expense than we anticipated and it’s not what we would like in a perfect world. But we have insurance for Saturday there’s no issue.
I believe the UFC cost somewhere around, I forget the exact number, of a thousand dollars per fighter. What’s the costing for boxing then per fighter on the card?
L. DiBella
It’s more thanit’s more than that. I don’t want to give its exact numbers at the moment, I can have more detailed conversation when I have the stuff in front of me. But it’s more than that.
L. Ellerbe
Well everyone’s heard from both of the main event fighters. I know I’m very excited, Lou DiBella’s very excited. The fighters are very excited, Floyd’s very excited. We’re going to have one hell of an event come next Saturday night and we’d like to thank everyone for joining us on the call today. And we look forward to putting on a great event next week. Thank you everyone who joined the call.
# # #
Barclays Center Brooklyn Boxen ™ Programmierplattform ist von AARP vorgestellt. Für weitere Informationen besuchen www.SHO.com/Sports Folgen Sie auf Twitter @BadouJack, @ JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, und @Swanson_Comm oder ein Fan auf Facebook an www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. Diese Veranstaltung wird von Corona Extra gesponsert, Feinste Bier.

Bigger, Stronger Heavyweight Version of Junior Wright to be Unleashed against McCreary at Detroit Brawl on January 22, im Freimaurertempel in Detroit

Former cruiserweight world title challenger “Hurrikan” Junior Wright has been hitting the weights hard and will enter the ring for the first time as a heavyweight in his next ring appearance.
Wright (15-2-1, 12 KOs) von Evanston, Illinois, expects to come in at a muscular 225 lbs. when he takes on Detroit’s Damon McCreary (15-6, 11 KOs) in an eight-round featured bout on promoter Dmitriy Salita’s special Sonntag edition of his “Detroit Brawl” Serie auf Januar 22, 2017, im Freimaurertempel in Detroit.
Wieder gesponsert vom Greektown Casino Hotel, Tickets für “Detroit Brawl” sind bei VIP festgesetzt $123, Logenplätze sind $80 und $60, Sitzplätze sind $40, und $20. Sie sind in allen Ticketmaster-Verkaufsstellen und erhältlich Ticketmaster.com.
“Training läuft gut,” said Wright. “I’m treating this like another world title fight because at this level anyone could beat you on any day.
Despite a short, 50-Kampf, amateur career, Wright was a Chicago Golden Gloves winner as an amateur. He was able to drop Beibut Shumenov in May of this year, challenging for the WBA world championship.
The biggest thing I learned in that fight is to relax in the ring. When you’re relaxed, you are more aware in there and can pace yourself a lot better.
Wright’s trainer, Rick Wilson, says the decision to gain 25 lbs. gives the fighter, who he says can still get down to cruiserweight’s 200-lb limit, more career options moving forward.
Junior is like a Holyfield-type of fighter who is a cruiserweight in his early 20s and then grows into a full-fledged heavyweight near his 30s. People like small, agile heavyweights better than the lumbering monsters hugging each other all fight. They make for more exciting fights.
Wilson says because of Wright’s relative lack of experience, the world hasn’t seen the best of him yet.
How many fighters have had two world title fights by their 18th pro fight (the fight against Chakhkiev was for the IBO World Cruiserweight Championship) after having just 50 Amateur-Kämpfe?” he asked. “Plus Junior was knocking everybody out, so he had very few rounds in the bank and went in on short notice. The best of Junior Wright is still to be seen. He’s a very special talent.
In separate eight-rounders will be a pair of recognizable contenders, Detroit fan favorite Lanardo “Schmerzserver” Tyner (30-10-2, 19 KOs) and welterweight KO artist BakhtiyarBakha Bullet” Yeyubov (11-0, 10 KOs) from Houston, Texas, via Aktjubinsk, Kazakhstan will face opponents in separate bouts.
In other scheduled eight-rounders will be transplanted cruiserweight Alexey Zubov (13-1, 8 KOs), von Magnitogorsk, Russland, now living in Detroit and Detroit’s all-action bantamweight James Gordon Smith (11-0, 6 KOs).
In six-round bouts will be resurgent Detroit welterweight “Blitz” Larry Ventus (7-11-1, 3 KOs); and undefeated Toledo super middleweight prospect DeAndre Ware (8-0, 6 KOs).
In exciting scheduled four-rounders will be talented, undefeated bantamweight Jarico “Great Lakes König” O'Quinn (4-0, 3 KOs); 2016 Olympic alternate and undefeated middleweight Ardreal Holmes (4-0, 2 KOs) von Flint; and undefeated Detroit heavyweight and former National Golden Gloves champion Marcus Carter (1-0, 1 KO).
All opponents are, so weit, TBA, but matchmaker Dennis Turner is hard at work to make another spectacular night that these shows are known for.
Auf Fight Night, Türen öffnen 4:00 pm und die Kämpfe beginnen um 5:00 pm. Der Freimaurertempel befindet sich in 500 Temple Street in Detroit.
Weitere Informationen zum “Detroit Brawl” oder Salita Promotions, Besuch www.salitapromotions.com. Facebook und Zwitschern: @ DetroitBrawl
Über Salita-Aktionen
Salita Promotions wurde in gegründet 2010 von Dmitriy Salita, Ein professioneller Boxer und Weltmeistertitel-Herausforderer, der die Notwendigkeit einer Werbeagentur erkannte, um die besten jungen Aussichten des Boxens und etablierte Konkurrenten in Nordamerika und auf der ganzen Welt zu präsentieren. Zuschauer, die Kämpfer in weltweiten Fernsehsendern wie Showtime beobachten, ESPN, Spike TV, Universal Sports Network and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. Wir sind stolz darauf, unseren Kämpfern Möglichkeiten innerhalb und außerhalb des Rings zu bieten. Salita Promotions freut sich darauf, weiter zu wachsen und den Bedürfnissen von Kampf-Fans auf der ganzen Welt gerecht zu werden.
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FROHES NEUES JAHR! FNU Kampfsport anzeigen Kicks off 2017

Tom, Tony und Rich-Zusammenbruch der größten Jahr endende Kämpfe 2016 und freuen uns auf das, was eine phänomenale sein sollte 2017. Wir diskutieren Ronda Rousey, Floyd Mayweather, Andre Ward und andere Kämpfer in den Nachrichten. Wir rekapitulieren UFC 207 und nach vorne schauen zu einigen Friday Night Fights am 13. Januar.


Badou Jack & Thomas Dulorme Media Workout Quotes & Fotos

Jack & Dulorme Enter the Ring Samstag, Januar 14 von
Barclays Center in Brooklyn
(9:30 p.m. UND/6:30 p.m. PT) Against James DeGale; Dulorme Faces Brian Jones in Opening Bout on SHOWTIME EXTREME®
(7 p.m. UND/PT)
Klicken HIER für Fotos von Mayweather Promotions
LAS VEGAS (Januar 5, 2016) – Super middleweight champion Badou Jack spoke to media in Las Vegas Donnerstag, just days before he travels across the country for his world title unification showdown against James Degale auf Samstag, Januar 14 vom Barclays Center in Brooklyn und lebe auf SHOWTIME®.
Televised coverage on SHOWTIME begins at 9:30 p.m. UND/6:30 p.m. PT with super featherweight world champion Jose Pedraza defending againstundefeated contenderGervonta Davis.
Joining him at the workout at Mayweather Boxing Club was former title challengerThomas Dulorme, who opens up action on SHOWTIME EXTREME in an eight-round welterweight bout against Brian Jones. Televised coverage on SHOWTIME EXTREME begins at 7 p.m. UND/PT and is headlined by junior featherweight world championAmanda Serrano gegen Ex-Weltmeister Yazmin Rivas and also featuresIevgen Khytrov kämpfen Immanuel Aleem in a 10-round matchup of undefeated rising middleweight contenders.
Tickets for the event promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, ab $25. Sie können online erworben werden (www.ticketmaster.com,www.barclayscenter.com) oder telefonisch unter 1-800-745-3000. Tickets sind auch an der American Express Box Office auf Barclays Center. Gruppenrabatte sind telefonisch unter 844-BKLYN-GP verfügbar.
Hier ist, was die Teilnehmer zu sagen hatte Donnerstag:
I feel really good mentally. Ich bin begeistert. All the hard work is done and now we’re just cruising. One more week and it’s on.
This has been the best camp of my career. There’s been no distractions, no arguments just working hard and having fun while getting better.
I had a better meal plan to cut weight leading up to this fight and it’s helped me out in training. Ich werde sein 100 percent ready on fight night.
The guy that wants it the most and whoever is the smartest in the ring will be the winner. I plan on being both.
I know DeGale wants to be great too. He’s going into people’s backyards and searching for glory. But I can’t speak for him. All I can do is speak with my actions.
“Ich erwarte keinen leichten Kampf. I’ve been the underdog before. People have written me off forever. It’s nothing new to me. DeGale is a good fighter, but I believe in myself.
I’m going to have a good jab, use my range and be smart in there. I think my skillset can take away any advantage he thinks he has. Timing kills speed.
His awkward style can make him tough to fight. He’s not by the book. He’s not very technical but he’s an excellent fighter. I don’t want any excuses from him when I beat him.
We have a good game plan and I have a good team behind me. I won’t get frustrated in there. I believe in my team and I believe in myself. I’m not worried about anything.
I’m going to win the fight. That’s the main thing. We’ll see how I get it done. If it’s a knockout, it’s a knockout. If I have to win a close decision, es spielt keine rolle. I’m going to win no matter what.
I feel very excited to fight under the support of Mayweather Promotions for the first time. I’m happy with the decision I made and where my career is going.
New York is my city and it’s my favorite place to fight. There are a lot of Puerto Ricans and I can’t wait to perform in front of them.
I feel very strong physically. I had a great training camp and have worked hard every day and listened to my coaches. I can’t wait to get in the ring and break my opponent down.
This is a very good show with a lot of exciting fights. All the fans should come out because it’s going to be a great night from start to finish.
LEONARD ELLERBE, CEO von Mayweather Promotions
A lot of things have contributed to Badou becoming the fighter who he is today. I think that he’s improved as a champion. A lot of the times people don’t understand what fighters have to go through early in their careers. Badou has overcome a lot of adversity, including evolving from his loss. There are very few fighters who become better fighters after they become champions. Badou is living the American Dream and Floyd and myself are very proud of him.
I predict that Badou is going to deliver a knockout. I envision him taking a handful of rounds to figure out DeGale’s style, while still being aggressive. In den späteren Runden, I think that he’s unstoppable.
James DeGale is a tremendous fighter. I’ve followed his career for quite some time. He’s a very flashy and creative fighter. He kind of makes it up as he goes. His style is unique, but there are some things that Badou and his team have put into place to disrupt DeGale. Badou Jack has seen every style out there. He’s mentally and physically prepared to take care of his opponent.
The advice I’ve given Badou is to stay focused and stay in the moment. Don’t worry about anything other than what is in front of you. You can’t look forward to the next fight or let anything throw you off. He’s put in the work. Am wichtigsten, his mental state is right where it needs to be.
Mayweather Promotions is ready to invade Brooklyn. We were able to work everything out and bring the first fight of the New Year to the city. We’re very excited to go and help Badou and the rest of our fighters put on a great show.
# # #
Barclays Center Brooklyn Boxen ™ Programmierplattform ist von AARP vorgestellt. Für weitere Informationen besuchen www.SHO.com/Sports Folgen Sie auf Twitter @BadouJack, @ JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, und @Swanson_Comm oder ein Fan auf Facebook an www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. Diese Veranstaltung wird von Corona Extra gesponsert, Feinste Bier.