标记档案: 拳击

介绍 DI NARDO 拳击设备


DiNardo Boxing Equipment 源于意大利高级时装领域的历史经验.
菲利波·莱切塞·迪纳尔多, 出生于都灵,意大利在 1978, 在家族企业担任裁缝之后, 代代相传,他决定将注意力和技能转移到工匠产品上.
经过多年的拳击运动实践, 并在获得专利后, 这使他们能够教授高贵的艺术, 通过不断分析这个行业及其周围的一切, 开始致力于在意大利打造完全由手工制作的拳击手套系列, 只有菲利波.
分析引起了很多关注, 世界上没有制造商考虑的方面,例如,手套在短时间使用后, 分解, 并且该产品的制造商没有提供任何支持, 然后是那些购买破损或有问题的手套的人, 没有别的办法,只能再买一双,但不是与 The Nardo.
迪纳尔多, 拳击设备, 是一个车间, 在都灵, 意大利, 专业生产拳击手套专业.
迪纳多手套, 是同类中唯一的, 由专业工匠之手打造, 菲利波·莱切塞·迪纳尔多, 它得名,同样重要的是要表明他是唯一在生产阶段接触手套的人, 直至产品本身的密封.
用于生产本产品的所有原材料,是细致的市场调查的结果,其目的是将这篇文章变成更好的东西, 不仅仅是拳击手套, 但持久的东西, 坚不可摧,在保持工艺生产过程不变的同时,区分手工制作的产品,来自市政当局和工业用品, 现在入侵世界市场, 以尊严和尊重带入高位,意大利工艺的正确价值,100% 纯意大利制造.
– 专业格斗手套
– 专业训练手套
DiNardo 训练手套由模制聚氨酯泡沫填充物和高密度聚集体组成, 不可变形,而格斗拳击手套,由聚氨酯泡沫填充物和马毛制成,重击手拳击手非常欣赏这一点, 因为它是一种非常坚硬和坚硬的填充物.
手套外部采用首选真皮制成, 根据古老的意大利鞣制传统进行鞣制和加工, 被认为是世界上最好的.
手套内部完全衬有由聚酰胺和银线经线制成的织物- 针织的,抗静电和超耐磨, 具有高抗菌和抗异味永久, 赋予手套高科技外观和档次.
涤纶的琐碎衬里, 或棉帆布, 牛仔裤, 这些物品的绝大多数制造商普遍应用于手套, 原因, 手套的内侧, 由高细菌负荷引起的难闻气味的发生, 其结果是能够在佩戴者的手上感染疣和/或真菌.
DiNardo 手套完全由金属丝或凯夫拉纤维缝制而成,不可变形, 重量相同, 5 比钢铁强几倍,坚不可摧, 耐热和耐火, 至今申请生产背心, 防弹, 极限运动装备, 以及更多.
到底, 迪纳尔多拳击手套,不仅是拳击, 反而, 该领域的艺术和创新作品,一件一件的产品,一丝不苟地关注细节, 内部和外部, 对最终生产进行高质量控制, 并始终由服务保证,对消费者的帮助,只有工匠公司才能提供.
迪纳尔多拳击不只是这个,它还生产腹股沟护罩, 护头, 出气筒, 焦点手套,和许多其他配件和设备, 允许客户在 65 种不同颜色的皮革中进行选择, 从常见的柔和色调,轧制,金, 银,青铜, 等…..
DiNardo Boxing 允许其客户根据自己的形象和肖像定制产品, 和个性,从而消除了他想象中的任何障碍, 而我们所教的艺术可以表达.
我已经使用 Di Nardo 拳击设备不到一年了. 我喜欢拳击手套. 他们保护我的手, 感觉舒适,看起来不错. 双手缠绕, 护头和皮包都是顶级品质.

阿什利 “宝藏” Theophane, 梅威瑟促销的成员.

FS2 超级拳击冠军预赛特别版 & FOX Deportes 报道了前世界冠军蕾拉·麦卡特 (Layla McCarter) 与前冠军挑战者西尔维亚·萨巴多斯 (Szilvia Szabados) 的对决 & 超轻量级新秀拉达留斯·米勒周六对阵曾经被击败的耶稣·古铁雷斯, 四月 29 从拉斯维加斯直播

电视报道开始于 8:30 P.M. AND/5:30 P.M. PT
LAS VEGAS (四月 24, 2017) – 前世界冠军 蕾拉麦卡特 (38-13-5, 9 科斯) 会见前冠军挑战者 Szilvia Szabados (15-9, 6 科斯) 在女子次中量级对决中,同时也是超轻量级的前景 Ladarius米勒 (12-1, 3 科斯) 遭受一次打击 赫苏斯·古铁雷斯 (14-1-1, 4 科斯) 在特别版中 总理拳击冠军 预赛于 FS2 FOX体育 星期六, 四月 29 从山姆城直播在拉斯维加斯.
FS2 和 FOX Deportes 开始电视报道 8:30 P.M. AND/5:30 P.M. 在切换到 FS1 和 FOX Deportes 之前进行 PT 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. 由 WBA 临时羽量级冠军领衔的表演赛的 PT 卡洛斯·赞布拉诺 (26-0, 11 科斯) 与曾经被击败的竞争者捍卫自己的冠军头衔 克劳迪奥·马雷罗 (21-1, 15 科斯).
门票现场活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销推广, 售价为 $75, $50 和 $25, 与现已公开发售. 门票可在线购买: www.samstownlv.com/entertain.
这项运动中最有成就的女拳击手之一, 麦卡特自转职业以来一直处于最高水平 1998. 她赢得了羽量级冠军, 轻量级, 超轻量级和超次中量级. 在 2008 她在加拿大击败了耶琳娜·米尔杰诺维奇,成为 WBA 轻量级世界冠军,并在 2009. 麦卡特赢了 15 进入四月连战 29 其中包括战胜诺尼·腾格,为她赢得了空缺的 WBA 超次中量级冠军.
26岁的萨巴多斯转为职业选手 2014 并赢得了她的前五场比赛. 匈牙利之外的战斗, 她向尼基·阿德勒 (Nikki Adler) 挑战 168 磅级世界冠军 2015. 随着她的晋升,她将继续赢得接下来的四场比赛. 萨巴多斯在比赛中取得了两场补时胜利 2017 三月份,夹在两届奥运会金牌得主克拉丽莎·希尔兹 (Claressa Shields) 的挑战之下.
亲自 2014, 米勒赢得了他的前九场职业比赛,他利用自己的速度和技巧击败了对手. 来自孟菲斯,但现在在拉斯维加斯生活和训练, 米勒已经连赢三场比赛,其中包括在补时阶段战胜卡洛斯·卡斯蒂略, 去年 10 月在拉斯维加斯,对之前保持不败的梅纳德·阿利森 (Maynard Allison) 的决定以及最近在第二轮 TKO 罗纳德·里瓦斯 (Ronald Rivas).
战斗在外面拉斯维加斯, 古铁雷斯在第一场比赛中保持不败 15 职业比赛,包括战胜拉沙德·加纳威(Rashad Ganaway),为他赢得了地区轻量级冠军. 这位 28 岁的选手战胜了之前不败的迈克·马尔多纳多以及老将罗伯托·阿塞维多和巴勃罗·贝塞拉.
# # #
球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
欲了解更多信息: 访问 万维网.premierboxingchampions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass /主页, 万维网.foxdeportes.com.和 www.TGBPromotions.com 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 万维网.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes一个d www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.


Jermell Charlo Knocks Out Charles Hatley In Defense Of WBC 154-Pound Belt In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® 共同特征; 视频: HTTP://s.sho.com/2ogV2nv


Amanda Serrano Makes History On SHOWTIME EXTREME® As First Female & Puerto Rican Five-Division Champion



10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime EXTREME


点击 这里 对于照片; 信用汤姆赌场/欣欣

点击 HERE For Photos; 信用阿曼达韦斯科特/欣欣

点击 这里 对于照片; 信用埃德迪勒/ DiBella娱乐


布鲁克林 (四月 23, 2017) - 肖恩·波特 scored a ninth round stoppage of 其他叶贝 to become the WBC’s mandatory challenger to unified welterweight champion Keith Thurman in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, 由总理拳击冠军提出, 星期六 night on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn.

视频: http://s.sho.com/2pS68zi


With the convincing victory, Porter potentially earns a rematch with Thurman, who he narrowly lost to last June in a 2016 Fight of the Year candidate at Barclays Center, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.


The welterweight matchup was a rough and tumble affair from the opening bell. 穿 (27-2-1, 17 科斯) barreled forward to smother the offense of Berto (31-5, 24 科斯), pounding Berto’s body at close range. A deep gash opened over Porter’s left eye from an accidental headbutt in the second, and another opened over his right eye just two rounds later. Porter’s constant aggressiveness and effective body work seemed to frustrate Berto, who struggled to stay off the ropes.


An odd series of events unfolded in the opening minute of the ninth round. With Berto unsteady on his feet following another clash of heads, Porter pounced and floored the former champ with a left hook for his second knockdown of the fight. Berto got up, but Porter continued to connect with Berto against the ropes and referee Mark Nelson waved off the contest at 1:31. 在停止时, Porter had out-landed Berto 60-12 over the final two rounds.


“I have to clean up those head butts,” Porter said. “We tried to use the whole ring, but sometimes in the heat of the battle stuff happens. I’m a fighter and Mr. Berto is a fighter as well, those head butts were just the two of us going in and fighting.


“I thought I fought smart 今晚. I thought I picked my punches well. There were times where I smothered my shots, but there were also times where I smothered him. He has a dangerous uppercut but we had a great game plan. This was a just very hard fought battle by both of us and I’m blessed to get the victory.”


战斗结束后, Berto admitted that Porter’s aggressiveness and the accidental headbutts frustrated him.


“I have to give him credit, but he’s a rough fighter,” Berto said. “He has great skills but, 同时, he was trying to be rough and trying to handle me anyway he could. I got a lot of headbutts, and he did too. Shawn’ is a tough competitor. We had a good competitive fight until the headbutts got to be a little too much for me. But I thought it was a really good fight before that.”


战斗结束后, SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray asked Thurman, who was ringside for the eliminator, if he would grant Porter a rematch.


“His team was adamant about the rematch and now he’s fought his way to earning that,” Thurman said. “We just need to sit down and talk about. 他是饿了, you see the way he fights, it could be a great fight again.”


Answered Porter: “I was just up here wishing he said yes – that’s the fight I want next.”


Jermell夏洛茨维尔 defended his WBC Super Welterweight World Championship in dominant fashion with a devastating sixth-round knockout of mandatory challenger 查尔斯·海特利 in the co-main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.


夏洛茨维尔 (29-0, 14 科斯) landed the crisper shots from the opening bell, using a sharp left jab to set up a remarkably efficient straight right. The Houston native Charlo, the younger twin of undefeated former 154-pound champion Jermall, floored Hatley (26-2-1, 18 科斯) midway through the third with a textbook left-right combo that stunned his fellow Texan.


Charlo’s striking precision continued in fourth and fifth, before an onslaught of punches and a perfectly timed right to the chin sent Hatley falling face-forward to the canvas. Referee Harvey Dock didn’t hesitate and instantly waved off the fight at :36 with Hatley out cold on the canvas.


The accuracy of Charlo’s jab was telling – he landed his jab at a 31 percent clip to set up his power shots, which connected at an impressive 52 百分. 总体, 查洛登陆 42 percent of his total punches over nearly six full rounds of prizefighting.


“I used that jab to set up the right hand,” Charlo said. “I knew Charles Hatley goes down and he gets back up – he’s a warrior – and I knew I had to get in there and be a lion.


Hatley was moving around a lot. He was trying to engage and I tried to tell him to come fight. When he finally got in there, that’s when I got him out. I’m the champ so I have to continue to fight my mandatory. They got a guy named Jarret Hurd that took my brother’s title – we could unify.”


阿曼达·塞拉诺 became the first women and the first Puerto Rican to win world titles in five weight divisions with an eighth-round TKO of Dahiana Santana to capture the vacant WBO Women’s Bantamweight World Championship in the featured bout of SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME.


塞拉诺 (32-1-1, 24 科斯) was the aggressor from the opening bell, moving forward and attacking with precision as Santana (35-9, 14 科斯) backed up and ate a steady diet of counter shots. Santana was deducted a point for clinching in the fourth, and had visible welts above both eyes following the seventh.


Serrano was connecting at an almost 3-1 power punch ratio when referee Benjy Esteves stepped-in to stop the bout at 1:14 第八轮.


“It means everything to me. We worked so hard. We worked hard for this moment,”塞拉诺说. “To be a five division world champion is amazing. To be the first female and first Puerto Rican is amazing.


“I’m so proud to be a Puerto Rican. I’m so proud to be a SHOWTIME fighter. I’m just so happy for this moment. Just to be a five-division world champion, I could retire today and it’d be the happiest moment of my life. I’m just getting started. I hope I’m back again.”


In the opening bout of SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME, 何塞·米格尔·博雷戈 (12-0, 11 科斯) knocked out a game John Delperdang (10-3, 9 科斯) 在 2:07 of the seventh in a scheduled eight-round welterweight contest.


Borrego, who landed his uppercut at will throughout the bout, 登陆 229 power shots at a more than 50 percent clip in the action-packed bout.


周六 event was promoted by DiBella Entertainment.


The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will re-air on 星期一, 四月 24 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime EXTREME. 周六 SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME telecast will replay on Tuesday, 四月 25 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME. Both telecasts will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® 和SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.



Andre Berto vs. Shawn Porter was a WBC Welterweight World Title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlined SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, 由总理拳击冠军提出, 周六日 22 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家. 在合作的主要事件, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battled top rated challenger Charles Hatley, 与电视报道在开始 9:30 P.M. AND / 6:30 P.M. PT.


# # #

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, @ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Weights from Atlantic City


大西洋城, 新泽西州 (四月 21, 2017)- 权重 星期六 night’s card at The Claridge in Atlantic City.
基南·史密斯 140 – Edgar Gabejan 137.9
肯尼斯·西姆斯(Kenneth Sims), JR. 141.5 – Israel Villela 142.3
以利亚葡萄 153 – James Robinson TBA
泰瑞尔·赖特 240.8 – 和Pasciolla 249
约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza) 141.5 – Francis Gakpetor 145
迪伦价格 116.8 – Chris Nelson TBA
埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯 120.9 – Jaxel马雷罗 121.6

促销员: GH3促销 & D 和 D 促销活动
地点: 克拉里奇酒店
1ST贝尔: 7:00 PM

Robinson and Nelson will weigh in 周六

Photo by Marc Abrams of GH3 Promotions and D and D Promotions

Tickets range from $50 – $150 并且可以通过调用被购买 856-842-7577

Robin Krasniqi vs. Arthur Abraham PPV Official weights from Germany

实况播出 明天 在北美
ROBIN KRASNIQI (46-4, 17 科斯), WBO #3, 慕尼黑, 德国 166 ½磅.
“王” 亚瑟·亚伯拉罕 (45-5, 30 科斯), WBO #2, 柏林, 德国通过亚美尼亚 168 磅.
TOM SCHWARZ (18-0-0, 11 科斯), Halle an der Saale, 德国 236 ½磅.
ADNANBosnian LionREDZOVIC (17-1, 6 科斯), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina236 ¾lbs.
ADAM DEINAS (10-0-1, 5 科斯), Magdeburg, 德国 174 ½磅.
LUKASZ GOLEBIEWSKI (8-0, 5 ķ)s), Bonn, Germany by way of Poland 166 ½ lbs.
Additional fights or highlights may be shown, 时间允许的话.
什么时候: 星期六, 四月 22, 2017
WHERE: Congress Center in Ekfurt, 德国
直播: 综合体育媒体将分发 “Krasniqi vs. 亚伯拉罕” live in North America, 开始 2 P.M. AND / 11 A.M. PT, 在电缆上, satellite and internet pay-per-view via iN Demand, Vubiquity, and DISH in the United States, 以及罗杰斯, Shaw and Sask Tel in Canada, also on the FITE app and website (www.Fite.tv), 对于只有一个建议零售价 $24.95.
北美以外, “Krasniqi vs. 亚伯拉罕” is being licensed by leading boxing television rights distribution firm, 礼宾体育营销有限公司.


点击 这里 对于照片; 信用阿曼达韦斯科特/欣欣

精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 住在 9:30 P.M. AND/6:30 P.M. PT

WBC Welterweight Eliminator – 12 发

Andre Berto – 146 ½磅

Shawn Porter – 147 英镑

裁判: Mark Nelson; 士师记: 唐阿克曼 (纽约州), Pasquale Procopio (加拿大), 罗宾·泰勒 (纽约州)

WBC Super Welterweight World Championship – 12 发

Jermell Charlo – 153 ½磅

Charles Hatley – 153 ¼磅

裁判: 哈维码头; 士师记: 小拉里·哈扎德. (新泽西州), 弗兰克·隆巴迪 (康涅狄格州), Eric Marlinski (纽约州)

欣欣拳击在SHO EXTREME® 住在 7:30 P.M. AND/PT

Vacant WBO Bantamweight World Championship

Amanda Serrano – 118 ¼磅

Dahiana Santana – 122 ¼磅

裁判: Benjy Esteves; 士师记: 约翰McKaie (纽约州), 托尼·保利洛 (纽约州), Waleska罗尔丹 (纽约州)

Vacant title only at stake for Serrano

Welterweight Bout – 8 发

Jose Miguel Borrego – 141 ¾磅

John Delperdang – 142 ½磅

裁判: Eric Dali; 士师记: Anthony Lundy (新泽西州), 托尼·保利洛 (纽约州), Waleska罗尔丹 (纽约州)


Andre Berto vs. Shawn Porter is a WBC Welterweight World Title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, 由总理拳击冠军提出, 周六日 22 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家. 在合作的主要事件, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley, 与电视报道在开始 9:30 P.M. AND/6:30 P.M. PT.

马里奥·巴里奥斯训练营行情 & 照片

Undefeated Rising Contender Battles Nicaragua’s Nelson Lara in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions 脚趾到脚趾星期二在 FS1 上 & 拳击冠军 福克斯Deportes体育场周二, 四月 25
From Fitz Tunica Casino & Hotel in Tunica, 密西西比
点击 这里 for Photos from Stephanie Trapp/TrappFotos
奥克兰 (四月 21, 2017) – Undefeated rising contender 马里奥·巴里奥斯 has wrapped up training camp and is set for a main event showdown against Nicaragua’s 尼尔森拉拉 那头条 总理拳击冠军 脚趾到脚趾星期二 在FS1和 拳击冠军 福克斯Deportes体育场 星期二, 四月 25 from the Fitz Tunica Casino & Hotel in Tunica, 密西西比.
电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT and features a 10-round matchup of exciting welterweights as once-beaten 奥斯卡·莫利纳 (13-1-1, 10 科斯) takes on Georgia’s莱文Ghvamichava (17-3-1, 13 科斯) 在 10 轮对决中.
门票现场活动, 这是由TGB促销推广, 开始 $20 与现已公开发售. Tickets can be purchased through the Fitz Gift Shop or Ticketmaster atwww.Ticketmaster.com 或致电 1-800-745-3000.
Here is what Barrios had to say from training camp:
On fighting in his first main event on FS1:
Fighting in the main event on FS1, 在国家电视台, is going to be an incredible blessing. I know it’ll be a tremendous boost to my career. I want to set the pace from the opening bell, and give the fans a night to remember. These are the type of fights I’ve always dreamed of.
On his recent training camp with Virgil Hunter in the Bay Area:
Training with Virgil Hunter has been great. This will be my third fight with him as the lead in my corner. We are working tremendously well as a team and I’m happy where my career is at. We got a lot of good sparring in, with a lot of different looks. I feel my punches are sharp and my timing is on point. I’m going to shine in this fight.
On his matchup with Nelson Lara
I really don’t know much about Nelson Lara, except for the fact that he’s coming off a couple of wins. I’m sure his confidence is high, so I’m expecting a tough fight. 还, I know he’s fought at lightweight or super-lightweight for most of his career, so he’s got more experience fighting at this weight. One thing for sure isI’ll be ready for anything he brings to the ring.
On moving up two weight classes
It’s hard to believe, but I started off my career at super-bantamweight while standing six feet plus. It was getting to make those smaller weights. I was killing myself to make super featherweight, so my team and I felt it was best to skip lightweight, and move to super-lightweight. It’s a big jump, but I feel real strong at this weight. This is where I want to make my run toward a world title, at super lightweight. You’ll see a stronger Mario Barrios.
On fighting in Mississippi
I actually fought out here early in my career but at a different venue. The fans are great and they get loud. A lively crowd is always fun to fight in front of. I plan on giving the Mississippi fans a great night of boxing.
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球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
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Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson Faces Andrzej Fonfara in Championship Rematch That Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, 总理拳击冠军主办, 星期六, 六月 3 Live on SHOWTIME from Bell Centre in Montreal

Light Heavyweight Showdown Between Top Contender Eleider Alvarez and Former World Champion Jean Pascal
Featured as Co-Main Event on SHOWTIME
MONTREAL (四月 21, 2017) – WBC轻重量级世界冠军 阿多尼斯 “超人” 史蒂文森 will take-on hard-hitting Polish contender 安杰伊Fonfara 在复赛的 2014 slugfest on 星期六, 六月 3 在主要事件 精彩表演拳击锦标赛, presented by 总理拳击冠军, live on SHOWTIME from the Bell Centre in Montreal.
Televised coverage will also include a matchup of top light heavyweights as WBC number-one contender Eleider阿尔瓦雷斯 (22-0, 11 科斯) faces former world champion 让·帕斯卡尔 (31-4-1, 18 科斯) with both men looking to get a shot at the winner of the main event next.
史蒂文森 (28-1, 23 科斯) 和Fonfara (29-4, 17 科斯) battled at Bell Centre on May 24, 2014 as Stevenson was able to survive a knockdown late in the fight to win a decision and defend his belt for the third time. Both men threw huge shots all the way until the final bell and will look to pick up where they left off on June 3.
I’m very excited for this rematch with Fonfara, but it is going to be a short night for him because they don’t pay me for overtime,” said Stevenson. “I’m very happy to be back in the ring for my first fight of 2017. I can’t wait to fight in front of my hometown fans at the Bell Centre. The first time I fought Fonfara was at the Bell Centre in 2014 and now we’re back doing it for a second time. I will put on a great, exciting show for the fans in my hometown, and for the fans on SHOWTIME.
I feel good that I’m back here after three years,” 丰法拉说. “I’m ready for revenge. I’m a different fighter physically and mentally. I’ve shown in a couple of fights that I’m a better fighter. It’s a great opportunity to get the rematch and be a world champion. The last fight against Chad Dawson gave me experience because it was very technical. But really all the fights since thenJulio Chavez, 小, Nathan Cleverly and even Joe Smithhave helped me prepare for Stevenson again. I changed my team, got a new coach and a trainer, which makes me physically and mentally where I need to be for this fight. I don’t have a problem fighting in Montreal. I love Montreal. It’s a beautiful city with beautiful people. It will be a great night of boxing and I’m sure that I will be victorious on the night of 六月 3.”
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Group Yvon Michel (健身房) in association with Warriors Boxing, 的价格从 $80 到 $350, 与现已公开发售. Tickets can be purchased at the Bell Centre box office, 上 www.evenko.ca, 在GYM (514) 383-0666) or at Champion Boxing Club (514) 376-0980.
This is one of the best shows in Quebec in a long time,” said Yvon Michel, GYM总裁. “It’s the kind of event that will inject some adrenaline into boxing in Quebec. We have two fights that could be main events anywhere in the world and on any network. Adonis will defend his title for the eighth time. To be a world champion for four years is exceptional. Fonfara has a style that can give Adonis some problems.
In the co-main event we have a former world champion in Pascal who still believes he can be world champion. He will have a tough assignment with Alvarez, a fighter who just proved he belongs with the best in the world with his win over Lucian Bute. If he beats Pascal he will have beaten two of the best stars that Canada has ever produced in back-to-back fights. He will prove to be a threat to anyone in the future.
We’re really looking forward to taking on Stevenson at the Bell Centre in Montreal on SHOWTIME,” 说莱昂Margules, 勇士拳击总统, Fonfara’s promoter. “Andrzej was just 26-years-old when they fought last time and it was a big step up for him. We believe he’s now ready to win because he has gained a significant amount of experience in matches with Julio Cesar Chavez, 小, Nathan Cleverly and Chad Dawson. We’re thrilled to be given the opportunity to fight Stevenson for the world title for a second time.
Stevenson won the world light heavyweight title in June of 2013 在蒙特利尔, 通过耸人听闻的76秒, first-round knockout over the then-undisputed king of the division Chad Dawson. 令人印象深刻的胜利,赢得了史蒂文森 “年度淘汰赛” 和 “年度战斗机” 荣誉. 从那里, Stevenson went on to record stoppage victories over Tavoris Cloud and Tony Bellew in addition to the decision over Fonfara. 出生于海地, 但战斗了魁北克, Stevenson defended his title twice in 2015 before making the seventh defense of his belt in an exciting firefight with Thomas Williams Jr. that ended with a fourth-round knockout for the reigning champion. The lineal 175-pound champion trains out of the late Emanuel Steward’s Kronk Gym with his head trainer Sugar Hill.
Now training in Oakland with Virgil Hunter, Fonfara enters this bout coming off of a 10-round stoppage victory over former world champion Chad Dawson in March at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. The fighter out of Warsaw, Poland bounced back from his defeat to Stevenson with a TKO victory over Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. and a decision over Nathan Cleverly in a 2015 Fight of the Year contender. 这位29岁的赢得了他的第一次 13 fights after moving up to light heavyweight in 2010 including wins over Gabriel Campillo, Glen Johnson and Tommy Karpency.
一 2008 哥伦比亚奥海战斗了蒙特利尔, Alvarez worked his way into the mandatory position for the WBC title with victories over Isidro Ranoni Prieto and Isaac Chilemba in 2015. He followed those up with wins over Robert Berridge and Norbert Dabrowski before his most recent matchup that saw him deliver a sensation fifth round knockout over former world champion Lucian Bute.
Originally from Haiti, Pascal and his family moved to Canada when he was a child and began boxing at the age of 13. He would eventually become one of the most accomplished fighters from Montreal. Pascal became a world champion in 2009 when he defeated previously unbeaten Adrian Diaconu. He would go on to defend the title three times, 包括战胜乍得道森(Chad Dawson). After losing his title to Bernard Hopkins, Pascal has picked up victories over Lucian Bute, Yuniesky Gonzalez and most recently Ricardo Ramallo in addition to two challenges of former unified world champion Sergey Kovalev.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, AdonisSuperman, @Andrzej_Fonfara and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.

FNU搏击运动展: UFC Fight Night and Bellator 177 Recap and upcoming MMA and Boxing Schedule

This week’s broadcast features recaps and previews of MMA and boxing events around the world. 托尼, Tom and Rich also discuss politics and go off on a couple tangents here and there. We make it the whole episode this week without mentioning MacGregor vs. Mayweather even once.

We do break down some huge upcoming fights with Andre Berto taking on Shawn Porter in the main event on Showtime this week and a fourth MMA fight between Daniel Straus and Patricio “比特犬” Friere at Bellator 178 on Friday night. We also have another UFC fight night to discuss and last week’s MMA results to go over.


拉希德·华莱士, 愤怒的宝贝, 让阿尔玛主队成为众人瞩目的焦点 “拳击妈妈”

北卡罗来纳州的拳击妈妈们来美酒佳肴 这个星期天为了建立联系和欢笑

达勒姆, 北卡罗来纳 – 四月 20, 2017 – 几乎在每场电视转播的战斗中, 以及有线网络上战前纪录片中的每一个蒙太奇, 场边有一个一致的身影在欢呼, 为儿子的胜利或失败擦眼泪, 或者当她的孩子躺在画布上时,她艰难地走向擂台. 当今许多成功和不那么成功的战士背后都有一位母亲. 无论她是否总是在场, 或者是一位溺爱的母亲, 或花了几天时间的主要推动者, 在健身房锻炼数周甚至数月, 这些女性在拳击手的发展中发挥了重要作用, 和圈外的男人.

这是长久以来的一个梦想 “Raging Babe” 米歇尔·罗萨多讲述这些女性的故事 – 让他们聚集在一起分享他们的奋斗和胜利, 为这些年轻人的悠久故事增添新的维度, 谁选择了伤害游戏作为他们的职业.

在前 Tarheel 和 NBA 老将 Rasheed Wallace 的帮助下, 罗萨多最终将看到她的激情项目取得成果. 两人是在费城的一位共同朋友介绍下认识的. 华莱士是一位狂热的拳击迷, 并渴望参与北卡罗来纳州活跃的拳击界. 罗萨多刚刚开始与北卡罗来纳州的 Top Catz Boxing 合作. 通过几次会议, 他们的激情交织在一起, 罗萨多的热情项目变成了华莱士的项目.

两人计划为北卡罗来纳州的拳击妈妈举办特别晚餐 这个星期天 位于达勒姆的阿尔玛之家. 许多参加比赛的女性都有儿子,几天后他们将在顶级卡茨拳击场比赛 星期四 军械库的夜战. 晚餐计划包括由 For Alma Home 提供的呵护和礼物, 随着网络和联系.

“这是我多年来的梦想 – 有机会认识这些坚强的女性, 这些愤怒的宝贝们, 并分享他们的故事, 和他们的奋斗,” 罗萨多说. “我非常感谢拉希德·华莱士, 他们立即看到了揭露这些女性故事的价值和愿景. 我很期待 周日 事件, 以及未来会带来什么。”

华莱士, 他的母亲对他的个人发展发挥了重要作用, 渴望成为该项目的一部分. “我长期以来一直是一名拳击迷, 很高兴有机会认识这些母亲. 我实际上并没有想过母亲们经历了什么, 看到他们的儿子在擂台上, 战斗, 胜利, 或被淘汰. 分享他们的观点将是一种荣幸, 和他们的故事。”

罗萨多和华莱士都渴望看到《拳击妈妈》将他们带向何方, 但旅程开始了 这个星期天 在北卡罗来纳州, 拳击手母亲们战斗的地方 下周四 军械库夜战卡聚集结识新友谊, 并分享他们的胜利和挑战.