标记档案: 拳击


路易斯顿, 缅因 (四月 30, 2017) –再次, 乔恩·莱姆克的脑袋里流了血. 再次, “ The” Ryan Sanders在胜利中举手.

这次, 然而, 关于终点的争议或猜想为零, 权威性的结局使Sanders首次成为NEF混合武术冠军.

桑德斯(Sanders)用断头台的ke子来止住Lemke 22 进入第二轮第二秒,并在“ NEF”赢得了空缺的“ New England Fights”轻量级冠军 28: 不可战胜的,”举行 星期六 晚上在安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店在路易斯顿.

他们先前在11月举行的非冠军对抗赛 2016 因意外砍伐而使Lemke无法继续. 桑德斯(Sanders)通过赢得所有三位法官的记分卡的前两轮比赛赢得了胜利.

在冠军争夺战中, 在林姆(Lemke)利用后期删除打断来回的东西之后,桑德斯可能落后了, 站立会议.

“他在……肠子里打我。, 而且...很疼,桑德斯说, 用他的电话卡上的微笑和粗俗的字眼来修饰语句. “我知道第一轮比赛将会艰难, 因为他是杀手, 而且我往往起步很慢。”

桑德斯 (14-8) 不要浪费时间获得Lemke (6-8) 到垫子上,并在第二轮中获得水龙头. 这是他九次参加NEF比赛第七次获胜.

这位基于Bangor的战斗机将胜利献给了他的妻子, 凡妮莎, 她被关在笼子里把皮带绑在丈夫腰上. 这对夫妇庆祝了结婚五周年 星期五.

“她救了我的命,桑德斯说. “她是我在这里的原因, 我打架的原因, 以及我成为冠军的原因。”

在合作的主要事件, 乔希·哈维 (4-0) 残酷地保持不败, 50-德里克·肖里的第二场淘汰赛.

肖里 (4-9) 回到NEF笼子里,为他的四个孩子和他们的母亲筹集资金, 在最近的新罕布什尔州公寓火灾中失去家园的人.

“他是一个好人,一个超级战士. 我很高兴他加紧战斗,哈维说. “接下来,我想与其他不败的人战斗。”

奥本(Auburn)的马特·丹宁(Matt Denning)以权威结束了他的四连胜. “肯·多尔”(Ken Doll)对乔什·帕克(Josh Parker)进行了第一轮判决,这让他期待已久的重返NEF笼子.

丹宁(Denning)用他的挣扎力量赢得了怨恨比赛. 他从早前的失败中恢复过来, 在地面上占主导地位, 在第四分钟用断头台将其收起.

“赢得胜利感觉很好. 我终于得到了一个,丹宁说. “我在 145 英镑, 这就是我的归属。”

Bellator资深人士Walter Smith-Cotito将他的NEF记录提高到 3-0, 而他的做法是反对令人大开眼界的反对派. 在过去的胜利之后,布鲁斯·博伊顿(Bruce Boyington)和埃里亚斯·利兰(Elias Leland), Smith-Cotito在 2:05 第二轮. Belcarris在他的职业选手首次亮相之后 34 业余的较量.

多米尼克·琼斯(Dominic Jones)凯旋而出, 只拿出NEF支柱Tollison Lewis 30 第一轮还剩秒数. 琼斯以决定赢得了他所有的业余战斗, 但要用他的摔角敏锐度在地面上统治他的高个对手并赢得将军澳.

第一轮停牌也是该卡业余部分的规则, 所有四场战斗都在两分钟内结束.

最有争议的结果涉及Caleb“ Dr. 感觉良好”奥斯汀, 拉姆福德山谷高中的一名18岁高中生, 在Lancester扮演Kaze Dojo的James Ploss, 新罕布什尔州. 这是两个战士的笼子首次亮相.

Ploss是开场钟的侵略者,并立即采取行动. 这也发挥了奥斯丁的优势, 谁积累了惊人的 208-11 小学生摔跤手赢得两个州冠军的同时创下的纪录.

大约30秒标记, 普洛斯(Ploss)应用了断头台并强行从奥斯丁(Austin)轻拍. 不幸的是Ploss, 裁判没有看到Austin轻击,并且在Ploss解除保留后,他让战斗继续进行.

奥斯丁充分利用了缓刑,并在立式和醒目的比赛中表现出了力量, 最终在 1:57 马克.

乔什·“篮球”·琼斯在对阵肖恩·伍斯特的首场比赛中毫无疑问留下了一切 (0-3).

琼斯, 29, 由NBA发展联盟(NBA Development League)起草,然后在德国和加拿大从事职业生涯, 持续不断的干草制造者进行了早期攻击. 他把伍斯特(Worcester)扔到画布上,并在仅仅 20 秒.

Jacob Deppmeyer在业余六边形上将他的分类帐均匀化 1-1 以77秒的优势解散了Glenn Kasabian 140. Dominic和Josh Jones以及Dettmeyer的胜利使First Class MMA成为完美的选择 3-0 在晚上.

梅森·特拉弗斯(Mason Travers)参加战斗机大游行,并在2004年击败奈杰尔·莫耶(Nigel Moye)赢得了业余比赛 1:10 开幕节的.

关于“ NEF”的许多重大公告 29: 军人的)星章和臂章,”将举行 星期六, 六月 17 在Androscoggin Bank Colisee. 主赛事将以Ray“ All Business” Wood的缅因州归乡为特色. 前NEF最轻量级冠军Paul Gorman也将亮相.

专业拳击将重返聚光灯, 由北安森州的当地人布兰登·蒙泰拉(Brandon Montella)和波特兰的拉塞尔·拉莫尔(Russell Lamour)领导, 和一个特别的客人: 前重量级冠军詹姆斯•巴斯特•道格拉斯(James“ Buster” Douglas)将出席迎接球迷并签署签名.

Tickets start at $25 和可在 www.TheColisee.com or by calling the Colisee box office at 207.783.2009, 延期 525.

克劳迪奥·马雷罗 (CLAUDIO MARRERO) 在 FS1 顶级拳击冠军的主要赛事中首轮淘汰卡洛斯·赞布拉诺 (Carlos Zambrano) & 福克斯从拉斯维加斯的山姆镇驱逐出境

中量级纳撒尼尔·加利莫尔在联合主赛事中第六回合 TKO 击败杰森·罗萨里奥
超轻量级新秀拉达留斯·米勒第八回合TKO战胜赫苏斯·古铁雷斯 & 前世界冠军蕾拉·麦卡特 (Layla McCarter) 在 FS2 预赛第七轮中击败西尔维娅·萨巴多斯 (Szilvia Szabados) & FOX体育
点击 这里 从伊德里斯艾尔芭/梅威瑟促销图片
点击 这里 从瑞安Hafey /英超冠军拳击照片
LAS VEGAS (四月 29, 2017) – 新加冕WBA临时羽量级冠军 克劳迪奥·马雷罗 (22-1, 16 科斯) 震惊之前不败 卡洛斯·赞布拉诺 (26-1, 12 科斯) 在主赛事中首轮淘汰赛 总理拳击冠军 在FS1和福克斯Deportes进行, 星期六 拉斯维加斯 Sam’s Town 现场演出之夜.
“现在有很多情绪在我脑海中闪过, 我仍然无法描述现在成为冠军的感觉,” 马雷罗说. “我不会让它分散我的注意力, 因为我会和我的体重级别中最好的人战斗. 我知道我要面对什么样的战士,我知道我必须做什么. 我饿了”
这场战斗突然结束,圣多明各的马雷罗 (Marrero), 多米尼加共和国投出了坚如磐石的直左手,将利马送出, 秘鲁的赞布拉诺 (Zambrano) 登上画布, 导致他无法站立,裁判 Vic Drakulich 挥手示意比赛结束 1:30 唯一一轮. 马雷罗延续七连胜.
“闲置一年后, 当然,我的时机有点不对劲,我对自己的表现一点也不满意,” 赞布拉诺说. “这是一场期待已久的战斗,我知道马雷罗已经关注我有一段时间了, 所以事情的结局很不幸.
“我需要回到美国并找到能够真正帮助我达到我想要的水平的陪练伙伴,” 赞布拉诺继续. “此刻我的记录将被打破, 真的很令人失望,我没有其他词可以形容它。”
FS1 和 FOX Deportes 电视转播的联合主赛以第六回合被饥饿的中量级 TKO 结束 纳撒尼尔·加利莫尔 (18-1-1, 15 科斯) 金斯顿的, 牙买加结束 杰森罗萨里奥 (12-1, 9 科斯) 圣多明各, 多米尼加共和国。 两位拳手在第一轮比赛中都表现出色,罗萨里奥在所有三位裁判的记分卡上都取得了胜利. 玫瑰园, 从未通过第四轮的选手在第五轮开始放慢速度,因为加利莫尔接管了比赛.
“我充满信心地参加战斗,然后在某个时候发生了一些事情, 我的身体开始变慢,” 罗萨里奥说. “我有点累了开始战斗有点马虎. 我的计划是回去并开始持续进行注射, 这是我在整场比赛中的弱点。”
加利莫尔在第六回合从角落里出来决心结束战斗并成功. 他抛弃了罗萨里奥, 但多米尼加人站了起来, 只会被猛烈的上勾拳击倒. 到底, 罗萨里奥第三次也是最后一次用左勾拳倒地,裁判杰·纳迪挥手示意比赛结束。 2:15 第六轮.
“他整场比赛都打得非常肮脏, 我想他很早就知道自己受伤了,” 说加利莫尔. “我知道我有更多的经验,所以我开始一轮又一轮地击败他,这就是我获胜的原因. 这是他第一次绕这么多圈, 所以我认为他真的已经到了最后几轮努力坚持下去的地步. 我是来结束他的,这就是我所做的。”
在 FS2 和 FOX Deportes 电视转播的主要赛事中, 超轻量前景 Ladarius米勒 (13-1, 4 科斯) 停车前表演令人印象深刻 赫苏斯·古铁雷斯 (14-2-1, 4 科斯) 在他们对决的第八轮也是最后一轮中.
“我对自己的表现非常满意,” 米勒说. “这是我展示过的最好的 Ladarius Miller. 我对他作为一名拳击手很熟悉,所以我知道我在拳击场上必须做什么. 我以为我在第一轮就用上勾拳打败了他, 但他的状态比我想象的要好得多. 他承受了重拳,但最终我知道我会赢得胜利. 我已经准备好重返擂台并展望下一个挑战。”
米勒通过动作和左手的结合击败了古铁雷斯,控制了战斗的第一部分. 古铁雷斯试图拉近他和米勒之间的距离, 但无法聚集足够的进攻来减缓对手的速度.
“这是一个伟大的斗争, 我认为我们给了球迷他们想看到的东西,” 古铁雷斯说. “我对拉达留斯只有尊敬, 他出来了 今晚 并展示了他是由什么构成的. 我一直施加压力,我认为这足以得到他。”
几次来回的混乱决定了比赛的最后两轮,米勒最终能够用右手大拳打倒古铁雷斯并迫使裁判拉塞尔·莫拉停止比赛。 2:34 进入第八轮.
FS2 和 FOX Deportes 的首场比赛见证了前世界冠军 蕾拉麦卡特(39-13-5, 10 科斯) 主导并最终停止 Szilvia Szabados (15-10, 6 科斯) 在次中量级比赛的第七轮中.
“我在战斗初期就看到了机会, 为了身体,这就是我所做的,” 麦卡特说. “她受到了很大的伤害,是一个很难对付的对手. 我觉得我可以让事情变得更加困难, 我有一个很棒的训练营,我希望我能带来我知道我可以带来的莱拉。”
萨巴多斯从一开始就表现出侵略性, 但在萨巴多斯开始疲惫不堪并变得沮丧之前,经验丰富的竞争者麦卡特在前几轮中就用强力拳打倒了她.
“她对我来说是一个伟大的对手, 肯定还有很多事情需要我回家去做,” 萨巴多斯说. “总体, 她是为了胜利而来,她也证明了这一点. 我带来了很多坚韧, 但最终她脱颖而出。”
裁判托尼·威克斯(Tony Weeks)因萨巴多斯(Szabados)在第七回合初期对后脑勺的打击而被扣分,随后麦卡特(McCarter)的最后一阵骚动迫使裁判停止了比赛 56 秒到圆.
PBC 的 FS1 和 FOX Deportes 由 Mayweather Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 推广,并由 Corona Extra 赞助, 最好的啤酒.
# # #
球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
欲了解更多信息: 访问 万维网.premierboxingchampions.com,www.mayweatherpromotions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass /主页, 万维网.foxdeportes.com.和 www.TGBPromotions.com 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 万维网.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes一个d www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, La Cerveza Mas Fina 并由 Mayweather Promotions 推广.


乔什 - 埃尔南德斯 127.5 磅. VS. Gavino Guaman 130.5 磅.
肖恩·辛普森 117.5 磅. VS. Jose Elizondo 117 磅.
Jessica McCaskill 133 磅. vs. Brenda Gonzalez 134.5 磅.
威廉·埃尔南德斯 129 磅. VS. 约翰Mioletti 131.5 磅.
Aidar Sharibayev 135 磅. VS. Orlando Perez 135 磅.
Ruben Schobitz 167.5 磅. vs. 塞萨尔·鲁伊斯 168 磅.
促进者: 勇士拳击促销
地点: UIC Pavilion, 芝加哥
Tickets for Windy City Fight Night are on sale now and priced at $101, $76, $51 和 $36 and are available at Ticketmaster outlets, Tick​​etmaster.com; 通过调用 1-800-745-3000, or the Warriors Offices: 312-226-5800 or the UIC Pavilion Box Office: 312-413-5740 or by visiting the UIC Box Office (星期四星期五 9:00 调幅 – 4:00 PM). Or they can be purchased the night of the event. A special VIP Lounge experience is available to select sponsors. Please call 312.622.7668 了解更多信息.
Windy City Fight Night doors open at 7:00 pm CT 和行动开始于 8:00 下午. The UIC Pavilion is located at 525 S. Racine Avenue in Chicago. The entire bout card is subject to change.
在推出 2003, 勇士拳击在一个简单的工作理念,把最好的拳击手在世界上争取球迷, 与之匹配的有竞争力的较量, 并在这样做有助于重新建立拳击运动的新一代.
随着一系列成功支付每视图显示叫好又叫座,其信用, 勇士的商业模式正在奇迹的运动,是非常需要创新和能源,该公司带来的表.
当它归结为它虽然, 促销公司是唯一不如战斗机和战斗它促进. 勇士拳击已交付各条战线, 以优异的较量,如拉拉 - 莫利纳, 岛 - 彼得森, 亚伯拉罕 - 米兰达I和II, 米兰达 - 帕夫利克, 米兰达 - 绿, 易卜拉欣莫夫 - 布里格斯, 易卜拉欣莫夫 - 克里琴科, 乌兰戈,哈顿, 乌兰戈,贝利, 卡约 - Maidana的和易卜拉欣莫夫 - 霍利菲尔德.
有关勇士拳击的更多信息, 访问他们的网站 www.WarriorsBoxing.com.



沃德-科瓦列夫 2: “重赛”已定 星期六, JUNE 17, 2017 曼德勒海湾活动中心, LAS VEGAS

由 HBO 按次付费® 直播


纽约, 纽约 (四月 27, 2017) - USBA中量级冠军 路易斯“古巴”阿里亚斯 (17-0, 8 科斯) and prime contender Arif “The Predator” Magomedov (18-1, 11 科斯) will lead off the HBO Pay-Per-View lineup for Andre Ward vs. 谢尔盖·科瓦廖夫 2: “复赛”上 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒海湾活动中心. 锦标赛赛事, 由 Corona Extra 呈现, 将由 HBO 按次付费制作并现场发行® 在开始 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT.


阿里亚斯将与赛区最有希望的球员之一捍卫自己的冠军头衔和不败记录. 马戈梅多夫此前曾担任过WBO洲际锦标赛冠军, 青少年组和 NABO 中量级冠军,职业生涯仅输过一场,对手是安德鲁·埃尔南德斯 (Andrew Hernandez),争夺空缺的 WBC USNBC 中量级冠军. 两位拳手都渴望在拉斯维加斯首秀中给人留下深刻印象.


“我的机会终于来了. 通往大舞台的道路很漫长,但它就在这里,我已经准备好了. 是时候向世界证明我对这个部门的任何人都构成威胁了. 我已经说了有一段时间了, 我的记录表明了这一点, 但现在我将有机会证明这一点,”阿里亚斯说. “我来发表声明 六月 17! 我的对手以前被击败过,并且将会再次被击败. 感谢 Roc Nation Sports 和我的经纪人让这一切发生. 一颗新星将会诞生。”


“我的目​​标是成为世界冠军. 我一直在等待这样的战斗. 阿里亚斯是一个很难对付的对手,但我会为他做好准备,“马戈梅多夫说. “我很高兴能与我的新教练一起工作, 马可·孔特雷拉斯 (Marco Contreras) 将在 HBO 付费频道上进行战斗. 准备好观看《掠食者》 六月 17.”


“如果沃德和科瓦列夫之间的竞争还没有升温, 那么 Roc Nation Sports 的 Luis Arias 和 Main Events 的 Arif Magomedov 的交叉晋级对决肯定会火上浇油,” 中华民国总统说道 & 品牌与战略主管 Michael R. Yormark. “We are excited to have USBA Middleweight Champion Luis Arias make his Las Vegas debut and open the HBO Pay-Per-View telecast with a title defense on June 17 against Arif Magomedov.”


“Arif has been ready for this fight since the first Kovalev-Ward card in November. We are so pleased to finally give him this match-up,” said Main Events CEO Kathy Duva. “This is a huge opportunity for both Arif and Luis to test themselves on such a big stage. A win or a good showing by either fighter could catapult them in the rankings and put them on the map in this stacked middleweight division.”


USBA中量级冠军 路易斯“古巴”阿里亚斯 (17-0, 8 科斯), 26, takes great pride in his Cuban heritage. 这位密尔沃基人选择自己的昵称是为了向他父亲的祖国及其人民致敬, 每次他踏上擂台时都会向他们致敬. 前美国青少年业余选手, 阿里亚斯于 11 月完成职业首秀 10, 2012 在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心, 加利福尼亚州, 他通过四回合一致判定击败了乔什·索普. 自从2月份加入Roc Nation Sports以来 2015, 阿里亚斯刷新了自己的不败纪录, 为他八月的第一次冠军头衔铺平道路 20, 2016. 在密尔沃基中心的返校节, 阿里亚斯在比赛中击败了底特律的达里尔·坎宁安,夺得了空缺的 USBA 中量级冠军头衔。 1:11第四轮大关. 阿里亚斯三月成功卫冕 31, 2017 在匹兹堡卡内基音乐厅, 10回合一致判定击败弗吉尼亚选手斯科特·西格蒙. All three judges scored the fight 99-91 阿里亚斯为了解决与西格蒙的长期恩怨而进行了强有力的身体拳击表演.

Arif “The Predator” Magomedov (18-1, 11 科斯), 24, 是来自 Kizlyar 的中量级选手, 俄罗斯. 他于一月份首次亮相职业生涯 2013 当他在俄罗斯以判定战胜鲁斯兰·西拉热夫时. 马戈梅多夫将继续完成 2013 伴随着一声巨响, 发布记录 8-0 同 6 全部KO,六名对手无一晋级第三轮. 4月份他在美国首次亮相 2015 当他一致指出强硬的熟练工德里克·芬德利(Derrick Findley)时. 在五月 2015, 当他在第一轮击倒一向坚韧耐用的达内尔·布恩时,他赢得了职业生涯中最大的胜利之一. 七月份 2015, 马戈梅多夫一致判定战胜了此前不败且不断崛起的新秀德里克·韦伯斯特. 在他最近的回合, 马戈梅多夫在莫斯科第二回合TKO战胜克里斯·赫尔曼, 俄罗斯. Arif 由 Main Events 和 Shamo Boxing 联合推广,并由 Egis Klimas 管理.


Ward vs. 科瓦廖夫 2: “复赛, WBO/IBF/WBA 轻重量级世界锦标赛 12 回合大战, 由 Roc Nation Sports 主办, 主要事件, 安德烈·沃德促销, Krusher 促销和 Corona Extra, 由曼德勒海湾度假村和赌场赞助, 和 由怪物提供动力. 冠军赛即将举行 星期六, 六月 17 在拉斯维加斯曼德勒湾活动中心举行,并将由 HBO Pay-Per-View® 现场制作和分发,从 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. 沃德-科瓦廖夫门票 2: “重赛”可在 axs.com 以及曼德勒海湾活动中心售票处.

FITE TV 直播库布拉特·普列夫 vs. 凯文·约翰逊明天将在保加利亚 PPV 现场直播

库布拉·普尔瓦 255 ½磅。, 凯文·约翰逊 245 四分之一磅.

(L-R) – 库布拉·普尔瓦 & 凯文·约翰逊在今天的最后一次新闻发布会上
(照片来源: LAP.bg)
索菲亚, 保加利亚 –(四月 27, 2017) – 今天举行了正式称重 明天的 (星期五, 四月 28) “最后倒数,倒计时” 事件, 以前世界冠军争夺者之间的重量级比赛为主角 库布拉特 “眼镜蛇” 普列夫凯文· “主销” 约翰逊.
FITE TV 将直播 “最后倒数,倒计时” 按次付费直播, 开始 2 P.M. AND /11 A.M. PT, 从索非亚 Armeec Arena 出发, 保加利亚. 安可演示也可供观看.
普列夫今天称重 255 ½磅, 约翰逊将天平倾斜至 245 ¼磅.
FITE TV 是一家以拳击为特色的格斗运动网络, MMA 和摔跤编程. FITE 为观众提供了在线观看节目的选择: www.FITE.tv, 使用 FITE 应用程序在移动设备或连接 WiFi 的电视上. FITE 应用程序可在 Google Play 或 iTunes 应用商店免费下载.
“最后倒数,倒计时: 普列夫 vs. 约翰逊”, 由 Sauerland Promotions 推广, 可在 FITE 应用程序和网站上观看,建议零售价为 $19.99.
WBA洲际重量级拳王争霸赛 (12 发)
库布拉特 “眼镜蛇” 普列夫 (24-1. 13 科斯), 冠军, 索菲亚, 保加利亚 255 ½磅.
凯文· “主销” 约翰逊 (30-7-1, 14 科斯), 挑战者, 劳伦斯维尔, 格鲁吉亚, 美国 245 四分之一磅.
拳击迷只需下载 FITE 应用程序即可观看整场比赛,然后使用即时流媒体到电视功能将比赛投射到大屏幕上. 该外资电信应用的工作原理与任何Wi-Fi连接世界各地的电视, iOS和Android设备, 以及流设备,如Roku公司, Chromecast等. 球迷们也可以观看战斗生活的外资电信的网站上 www.fite.tv 从任何计算机.
FITE TV 每周都会安排额外的 PPV 比赛.

Kisner-Guerrero title match headlines May 12 在马里兰州

Unbeaten Wallace and 2012 Olympian Romero featured on undercard
巴尔的摩, MD (四月 27, 2017) – Baltimore Boxing returns 星期五, 五月 12 to Michael’s Eighth Ave in Glen Burnie, MD for “Mayday Mayday,” a talent rich card featuring top local, national and international talents.
门票从 $50 are on sale by going to Baltimoreboxing.com or calling 410-375-9175.
Boxing great Vinny Paz, the subject of critically acclaimed Bleed for This, is attending as a special guest of Baltimore Boxing Promotions and will be available to meet and greet all VIP ticket holders.
Topping this outstanding evening of action is a ten round cruiserweight title showdown between NABA champion “Slick” Nick Kisner of Baltimore and former champion Alex Guerrero.
Fighting out of Baltimore, Kisner has an impressive 19-3-1 专业与总帐 6 KO的. Kisner won his last three bouts including the NABA title winning effort where he traveled to Ohio to outpoint local favorite Brian Holstein. Never afraid of a challenge, the 26-year-old Kisner defeated 8-1 Lamont Singletary March 30 at Michaels Eighth and will have a tough task come May 12.
Representing Salisbury, MD and originally from the Dominican Republic, Guerrero will look to regain the title he captured via 8 round stoppage of Anthony Ferrante in 2014. 在 12-1-1 同 6 KO的, Guerrero lost his last fight but will enter the ring looking not only to win back his title but to prove he’s worthy of fighting the cruiserweight division’s elite.
In just his third professional fight “Dangerous” Donald Wallace looks to capture the vacant East Coast Middleweight Championship when he faces Devin Butcher in an eight round battle of Baltimoreans. 上 一月 13, 华莱士, 2-0 (1 KO), won a six round unanimous decision over previously undefeated Tahir Thomas. Prior to his pro career, he generated local buzz by impressing in tournaments as a newcomer to the sport. Butcher is 6-1 同 3 wins by knockout and is coming off a decision victory over Eric Govan.
2012 Dominican Olympian Wellington Romero will face an opponent to be named in a special attraction welterweight contest. Now fighting out of Newburgh, 纽约, Romero’s 12-0-1 同 6 胜利淘汰赛. He is promoted by Roc Nation Sports.
Welterweight Matthew “Boogieman” Bowling, 4-0 (4 KO的), and heavyweight Colby Madison, 4-0 (3 KO的), will both face opponents to be named in four rounders.
This is an excellent card from top to bottom,“杰克·史密斯说:. “Fans will get to witness two evenly matched title fights, four undefeated fighters and a former Olympian under one roof. 五月 12 is going to be a great evening of boxing at Michaels Eighth.”
欲了解更多信息, 参观Baltimoreboxing.com.

FNU搏击运动展: “RagingAl Goes Off on Dana White, 克里琴科与. 约书亚预览 & 活动回顾

It’s an early installment of the FNU Combat Sports Show this week since Co-hostTornadoTony Penecale will be busy in his role as the Phillies Superphan tomorrow night at the NFL Draft. We discussRagingAl Iaquinta’s tirade against the UFC and Dana White, recap Bellator 178 and UFC Fight Night 108, and preview the big heavyweight boxing match between Wladimir Klitschko and Anthony Joshua on Saturday. We also discuss the latest season of The Ultimate Fighter and last week’s boxing events.


FITE TV 直播库布拉特·普列夫 vs. 凯文·约翰逊 (Kevin Johnson) 本周五在保加利亚进行 PPV 直播


(L-R) – 凯文·约翰逊 & 库布拉特·普列夫在今天的最后一次新闻发布会上
(摄影:LAP Images)
纽约, 纽约(四月 25, 2017) – FITE TV 将直播 本周五的 (四月 28) “最后倒数,倒计时” 事件, 以前世界冠军争夺者的重量级比赛为主角 库布拉特 “眼镜蛇” 普列夫凯文· “主销” 约翰逊, 按次付费直播, 开始 2 P.M. AND /11 A.M. PT, 从索非亚 Armeec Arena 出发, 保加利亚. 安可演示也可供观看.
FITE TV 是一家以拳击为特色的格斗运动网络, MMA 和摔跤编程. FITE 为观众提供了在线观看节目的选择: www.FITE.tv, 使用 FITE 应用程序在移动设备或连接 WiFi 的电视上. FITE 应用程序可在 Google Play 或 iTunes 应用商店免费下载.
“最后倒数,倒计时: 普列夫 vs. 约翰逊”, 由 Sauerland Promotions 推广, 可在 FITE 应用程序和网站上观看,建议零售价为 $19.99.
拳击迷只需下载 FITE 应用程序即可观看整场比赛,然后使用即时流媒体到电视功能将比赛投射到大屏幕上. 该外资电信应用的工作原理与任何Wi-Fi连接世界各地的电视, iOS和Android设备, 以及流设备,如Roku公司, Chromecast等. 球迷们也可以观看战斗生活的外资电信的网站上 www.fite.tv 从任何计算机.
家乡最爱普列夫 (24-1, 13 科斯) 将进行世界拳击协会首次卫冕 (WBA) 去年 12 月他夺得了洲际重量级冠军. WBA无. 9 认为普列夫可以为自己的另一场世界冠军赛做好准备,与冠军争夺 Anthony Joshua弗拉基米尔克里琴科, 他让普列夫在他们的职业比赛中唯一输掉了一场比赛 2014 国际拳击联合会 (IBF) 冠军之争.
“凯文·约翰逊是一位优秀的拳击手,他会付出一切,但他不会成功,” 普列夫在今天的新闻发布会上表示. “我的目标是成为世界冠军. 我知道失败会让我倒退很远, 但我对自己的能力充满信心. 我的对手是一位经验丰富的战士,很难被击垮, 但我已经做好了准备. 在周五, 我想为保加利亚人民上演另一场精彩的表演,然后, 我想要争夺世界冠军。”
约翰逊 (30-7-1, 14 科斯), 劳伦斯维尔的战斗, 格鲁吉亚, 曾与世界拳击理事会交锋 (WBC) 重量级冠军 Anthony Joshua – 唯一阻止约翰逊的战士 – 前统一世界重量级冠军 泰森怒, 前世界冠军挑战者 曼努埃尔·查尔 以及现任欧洲冠军 基督教锤. 在 2009, 约翰逊因一致判定输给了不败的 WBC 冠军而输掉了他唯一的一次世界冠军争夺战 维塔利·克里琴科, 延长他完整的12轮比赛时间.
“如果普列夫认为他度过了一个轻松的夜晚,” 约翰逊评论道, “他还有另一件事要发生. 我不是 塞缪尔·彼得. 我不是来躺着领取支票的. 我是来制造不安的. 我要带这个男孩去学校并向保加利亚人展示泽西男孩的能力. 我要给他一个巨大的屁股 在周五, 以前没有人见过的东西. 我们都经历过同样的障碍,并且之前都曾为世界冠军而战, 但我们中只有一个人能够获得第二次机会, 那就是我.
“这里的女人很漂亮,我想结婚. 周六, 我将带着新腰带和新妻子离开!”
这是重量级拳击的美好周末,” 促进者 尼塞·索尔兰 额外. “库布拉特是 IBF 世界冠军的强制挑战者,将与安东尼·约书亚和弗拉基米尔·克里琴科的冠军争夺. 他们要么与他战斗,要么腾出腰带. 他为重新回到这个位置而努力奋斗,在这场与恢复活力的凯文·约翰逊的战斗中,他冒着一切风险. 凯文也知道其中的利害关系以及胜利对他的职业生涯意味着什么. 两人一直在刻苦训练,并准备在周五晚上的擂台上全力以赴。”
FITE TV 每周都会安排额外的 PPV 比赛.
叽叽喳喳: @FiteTV, #普列夫约翰逊PPV

Smith stops Gabejan in 7

Wins by Sims, 价格, 包扎 & 罗德里格斯

Wright and Pasciolla battle to draw

Watch all the fights on Youtube


大西洋城, 新泽西州 (APRIL 25, 2017)–This Past 星期六, Keenan Smith stopped Edgar Gabejan in round seven of their scheduled eight round super lightweight bout that headlined a six bout card at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
The show was promoted by GH3 Promotions and D and D Management.
Smith dominated the action, as Gabejan was reduced to lunging holding and even went to the canvas several times for slips. Smith was able to score a knockdown in round seven from a flurry of punches. Smith was fully in control and stepped on the gas in the seventh, as he dropped Gabejan for a second time from a flurry of body punches. Gabejan got to his feet, but he had taken enough punishment and the fight was stopped at 1:43.
Smith of Philadelphia is now 11-0 五击倒. Gabejan of the Philippines is 27-34-7.
肯尼斯·西姆斯(Kenneth Sims), JR. remained undefeated by stopping Israel Villela in round three of their scheduled six-round super lightweight bout.
Sims battered a tough Villela, and then in round two cut him around the right eye. 在第三轮, Sims landed three flush blows, 和布特是在停止 1:03.
Sims of Chicago is 12-0 同 4 knocouts. Villela of Cancun, MX 是 6-5-2.
Heavyweight’s Tyrell Wright and Dan Pasciolla fought to a 6-round draw.
Both fighter’s took a card 58-56, and a third card read even at 57-57.
Wright of Jersey City, 新泽西州是 9-0-2. 砖的帕肖拉, 新泽西州是 9-2-2.
John Bauza needed just 17 seconds to destroy Francis Gakpetor in the scheduled six-round super lightweight bout.
Bauza decked Gakpetor with a hard 1-2 and and the fight was over soon as he hit the gorund.
Bauza of North Bergen, 新泽西州是 6-0 三击倒. Gakpetor of Ghana is 2-4-1.
Dylan Price stopped Chris Nelson in round three of their scheduled four round super flyweight bout.
Price started to beat-down Nelson in round two, and in round three battered Nelson until putting him down with a body shot, 战斗在 2:37.
Price of Sicklerville, 新泽西州是 2-0 有两个击倒. Nelson of Kentucky is 1-4.
Emmanuel Rodriguez made a successful pro debut with a four-round split decision over Jaxel Marrero in a bantamweight bout.
Rodriguez of Newark, NJ took two cards by 39-37 tallies, while Marrero took a card 39-37.
Marrero of Puerto Rico falls to 1-8-2.
Keenan Smith vs Edgar Gabejan
Keenan Smith vs Edgar Gabejan
Kenneth Sims vs Israel Villela
Kenneth Sims vs Israel Villela
Tyrell Wright vs Dan Pasciolla
Tyrell Wright vs Dan Pasciolla
John Bauza vs Francis Gakpetor
John Bauza vs Francis Gakpetor
Dylan Price vs Chris Nelson
Dylan Price vs Chris Nelson
Emmanuel Rodriguez vs Jaxel Marrero
Emmanuel Rodriguez vs Jaxel Marrero


American Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder hosted a media conference call to give his thoughts 上周六的 heavyweight blockbuster between undefeated IBF Champion Anthony Joshua and long-reigning kingpin Wladimir Klitschko live on SHOWTIME® (4:15 P.M. AND/1:15 P.M. PT) from sold-out Wembley Stadium in London.

怀尔德 (38-0, 37 科斯), who won his WBC belt in January 2015 on SHOWTIME and has since made five defenses, will serve as an analyst for Sky Sports Box Office for Joshua vs. 克里琴科.

英国感觉约书亚 (18-0, 18 科斯) and Klitschko (64-4, 54 科斯) will unify the heavyweight division as they meet for Joshua’s IBF World Championship and the vacant WBA World Championship in front of record-setting 90,000 fans at Britain’s largest stadium.

Here is what Wilder had to say on the call 周一:


“I love this fight for these guys. I love it for the sport of boxing. The fans seem to be well in-tune with it and I think this is a super fight for the heavyweight division.

“I can’t wait for it. I can’t wait to see what happens and hopefully those guys go in healthy and come out the same way. This is a very dangerous sport, especially when you’re trying to perform and put on a show.”

On what Wilder sees as vulnerabilities in Joshua…

“There’s a lot of flaws that Joshua has, but Joshua is still young in the game as well. A lot of people look at Joshua and they’re going off of his physique and they’re going off of the hype that their countryman has brought to them.

“If you really look deep down and soul search and look at his resume, with all of the guys he’s fought … that sometimes makes a person look busier than what he is. There’s a lot of flaws in all of us though, 老实说. Nobody will ever be perfect in the ring. We only try to be our best and that’s the only thing you should go off of.

“I am looking forward to this fight and I can’t wait. I want Klitschko to come in and fight. You can always be hyped for a big fight but it’s all going to boil down to what fighter is going to bring what to the fight. I think he’s ready and he’s going to show a lot of things. He’s going to teach Joshua a lot of different things in the ring, 还有, and we’ll see if Joshua has any flaws or not.”

On potentially fighting the winner later this year…

“Hopefully. There are a lot of people that are involved in this. If it were just solely up to me then I’d be 1,000 percent confident, but it’s not just me. That’s what the fans want. I’ve been wanting to give the fans what they want my entire career. 不幸, I am one of those fighters that’s always getting the short end of the stick. I only can work with what I can work with.

“I am very confident that I am the best in this division. I am very confident that I will unify this division. I am very confident that I will retire on top, undefeated as well. I’m just waiting for my moment. I’ve been sitting patiently all of this time, even in the start of my career and I’m sitting patient now. I’m just looking forward to my turn.”

On why it’s important for him to be ringside in London…

“When you have guys that are competing against each other at the top, it’s only right for me to be there. I’m not just going out there to be on Sky Sports, I am for sure going there to scout. All the other heavyweights come to my fights. They’re not just there to be a fan. They’re there to scout and look for different openings and certain signs.

“I am definitely going over to scout. And maybe we can make a mega-unification bout.

“I want to go get [约瑟夫·] 帕克. Parker doesn’t have an opponent right now. I’m fresh. I’m ready and what would be better than me and Parker fighting for the unification and then have another unification where winner takes all at the end of the year? 然后, 2018 you can start off the year with nothing but mandatories.

“The heavyweight division is getting exciting. This is the heavyweight division, and we’re already coming out of that dark place and we finally got light. Don’t take it back. Don’t go backwards when we’re moving so freshly forward. 与, I want to move it more forward. I want to give the fans what they want, and they want a unification. They want one champion and I’m trying to make that happen. So here I am Joseph Parker.”

On breaking down Joshua-Klitschko…

“With Klitschko I definitely feel that the teachings of Emanuel Steward are lacking a little bit, but he’s not to blame. Steward was a very, very smart trainer. The things that he could see and the things that he can get in the heads of the fighters, that was unbelievable. He wasn’t a great trainer for no reason and that’s when I thought Klitschko was the best when he had Emanuel in his corner. Not only when he’s inside of the ring but when he’s on the outside too. 现在, I just feel since he’s gone, it’s more about what Wladimir wants to do, not what his trainers see.

“With Joshua, he’s got the height and he’s got the power. 在重量级, you don’t need skills. As long as you have the power, that’s what makes up the heavyweight division. You’re in the game once you’ve got that power….They’re going to have to play a forward fight to feel a little bit of each other out.

“If Joshua wants to be successful, he’s definitely going to have to move and take angles and be smart with Klitschko. Because Klitschko is very smart, he’s been around the block, he’s got an excellent jab, and he’s going to set Joshua up. His smartness is going to play in a lot.

“Joshua is not as flexible. I don’t think he’s super athletic and doesn’t have that much coordination because of the stiffness. But he definitely has a great shot in this fight and I’d love to see what happens, and hopefully everything comes through with having a mega-fight at the end of the year.”

On Klitschko’s loss to Fury…

Klitschko didn’t lose by not being able to compete with Tyson Fury, or do the things he had to do. He lost because he didn’t throw no damn punches. I want him to fight in this fight. I don’t want him to hold back, because Fury was bigger than him or this and that. Forget all of that. You got to go in there and fight. You’re the champ. You don’t care about nobody being bigger than you. You go in there and you forget all of that and defend your title because you’re the king and you’re not going to let nobody take it… And that’s how he should come in there.

“There’s a time and a place to be nice. You can’t always be nice. You’ve got to go in there and let them know ‘I’m still a monster, I’m still a beast, I’m still that lion and I’ll eat you up alive when I get you in there.’ And that’s just what he has to come to bring to the table.

“I’m so ready for this fight. I’m looking forward to what’s after this to come. I’m looking forward to unifying this division and bringing it back to America – where it once was and where it’s always going to remain once I bring all the belts. It’s going to be back, 我答应你,.

“Age is only but a number and if you feel like you still have it in you and have confidence in yourself, then that’s what you’re going to do. The mind is a powerful thing to lose. And when you lose your mind, you lose your body.

“With Klitschko, he feels like he’s dedicated himself back to the sport and that’s why he says he’s obsessed. He’s obsessed with retaining his titles, he’s obsessed with rising in boxing again. He’s like a new fighter. He needed that loss to Tyson Fury because he forgot to be humble. He forgot about that.

“Now that he’s rebuilt himself, he’s got that hunger, that fire. 在一天结束时, all that matters is on the night of the fight. He can come to us with another Tyson Fury fight, talking about height and weight, or he can bring that Klitschko like we’ve always seen with the jabs and setting up with the right hands… We’ll see what happens.”

On his prediction for the winner and why…

“I’m going to continue with my statement as I’ve been saying it. My heart is for Joshua, but my mind is for Klitschko. My heart is for Joshua because I would love to fight him – I think that would be a mega-fight. Even though Joshua is fighting Klitschko, people are still talking to this day about a Wilder and Joshua fight. It’s almost demanded. If this kid beats Klitschko it’s like the only fight he can have is me, because it’s been so demanded.

“My mind goes to Klitschko, because he’s very smart. People talk about age, but like I said, age can play an advantage too. Klitschko has seen every style there is…And when you see it again, you know how to handle it and adapt to it. You know what you got to do.

“He knew what he had to do against Fury, he just didn’t pull the trigger because he was scared of being punished. That was his fault. Now that’s a shame on him. Now he’s coming back for a second time for a title, so if he does it again, he’s going to need to give it up. For those reasons, my heart goes to Joshua but my mind goes to Klitschko.”