Tag Archives: boxeo

Thrill-a-Minute Kazakh Slugger Bakhtiyar Eyubov Returns to Action This Friday at the Turning Stone Resort Casino

Kazakhstan-born junior welterweight contender Bakhtiyar Eyubov is back with a vengeance and ready to bring his flashy and fan-friendly style to New York boxing fans.

One of the world’s most exciting fighters at 140 e 147 libras, the entertaining Eyubov will return to action this Venres, Xaneiro 12, on the untelevised undercard of two-time Olympic gold medalist ClaressaT-Rex” Shields (4-0, 2 Kos) defense of her WBC and IBF titles against undefeated mandatory challenger Tori Nelson (17-0-3, 2 Kos) no Turning Stone Resort Casino, en Verona, Nova York.
Yeyubov (13-0, 11 Kos) will face Lynchburg, Virginia’s Maurice Chalmers (14-13-1, 8 Kos) in a six-round junior welterweight showdown.
Training for Xaneiro 12 has been excellent,” Dixo Eyubov. “I feel in great condition. My opponent has some solid wins against undefeated fighters and brings lots of experience into the ring, but I will be ready for everything.
The 31-year-old slugger says with all his injury woes behind him, he is looking forward to a big 2018.
My goal is to make a big jump in my career this year. I want to be set on my path to the title. My style is to please the fans and I want to show them exciting knockouts against the best contenders. I would like to stay active and fight four or five times. Give me the so calledkillersin the division. Aliñar a eles!”
Presented by Salita Promotions, Shields vs. Nelson will serve as the headliner of a televised tripleheader on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. E/PT).
Tamén presente no Xaneiro 12 televisionar, Uzbekistán poder de perforación Shakh Ergashev (11-0, 11 Kos) afrontará compañeiro invicto e top-10 clasificou Sonny Fredrickson (18-0, 12 Kos) de Toledo, Ohio. Na co-metragem, Jesse Hernández (10-1, 7 Kos) vai asumir Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 Kos; 1-3 WSB) nun 10 redonda super galo loita.

Os ingresos para o evento, que é promovido pola Promocións Salita, Actualmente á venda por $75 para as dúas primeiras liñas de arena, $65 para o resto asentos arena e os outros ao prezo de $49 e $37, ademais de calquera taxas aplicables. Os billetes pódense mercar en persoa ou chamando ao Turning Stone Resort taquilla en 800.771.7711 ou en liña en Ticketmaster.

Sobre Turning Stone Resort Casino
Host of the Xaneiro 12 evento, Turning Stone Resort Casino é un Resort destino premiado, que segue a distinguirse como un lugar privilexiado para a loita-of-the-year nivel de boxeo. O evento xaneiro vai marcar Volvendo evento de boxeo nacionalidade televisada 24 de Stone, cimentando o Resort como un dos principais destinos para deportes de combate nacionalidade televisionados. Turning Stone presenta diversións de clase mundial, incluíndo catro hoteis, máis que 20 restaurantes exclusivos e opcións de comidas, dous Balnearios, un todo-novo 125,000 Piso Veigas estilo de xogo pé cadrado, un showroom de estilo cabaret, a 5,000-seat arena, cinco campos de golf, varios bares, bares e vida nocturna con entretemento en vivo todo o fin de semana.

Professional media requesting credentials for must contact Kelly Abdo, Voltar Xerente Stone Resort Casino de Relacións Públicas na kelly.abdo@turningstone.com.


Aguascalientes, MX (Xaneiro 9, 2018)
Damien Vázquez’ azucre Ofertas, vai promover a súa tarxeta titulado “New Blood”, caracterizando Issac “Canelito” Avelar (13-0, 8 Kos), vs. Alejandro Frías (6-2-1, 3 Kos), fighting for the WBC FECOMBOX Featherweight title in a 10-round main-event. A loita terá lugar o Palenque de la Feria en Aguascalientes, México en Febreiro 2, 2018.
Issac “Canelito” Avelar, que é xestionado polo Príncipe Rancho Boxeo, Está mirando para facer unha declaración na súa cidade natal despois de ter a súa última loita atrasada debido a unha lesión na man menor.
“Estou listo para amosar aos meus fans cidade natal porque eu vou estar loitando contra os mellores loitadores do mundo,” dixo Issac Avelar. “Era para eu loitar en decembro pasado, pero foi adiada, por mor dunha lesión na man pequena. I levou ese tempo para mellorar como un loitador e estou 100% healthy. Everyone will see the best version of Canelito on February 2nd
“Canelito é unha gran estrela en Aguascalientes, México, onde naceu e creceu,” Oscar Vazquez, presidente de Promocións Sugar afirmou. “Estamos moi animado para poñer nun show con gran talento local. Canelito is a homegrown hero from Aguascalientes, Mexico and it is exciting to promote such a massive event. Everyone in town will be here.
“NEW BLOOD” also features undefeated bantamweight Damien “Azucre” Vázquez (12-0, 6 Kos) vs. TBA, invicto super-pluma edwing Davila (16-0, 9 Kos), vs. Octavio Gardado, Leve Donovan Estrela (10-0, 4 Kos) vs. Antonio Camacho, Mayran Reyes vs. Naomi Arellano, Christina Mora vs. TBA and light heavyweight Kye Brooks (1-0, 1 KO) vs. Ivan Sanchez. Damian Vasquez has his sights set on fighting McJoe Arroyo(17-2, 8 Kos) antes do ano acabar.
02 de febreiro Está mirando para ser un gran concerto e estou moi feliz de traballar con promocións azucre,” dito Greg Hannely, CEO do príncipe Rancho Boxeo. “Este será un dos mellores tarxetas de nunca poñer en en Aguascalientes, México. All my fighters are coming to win and win impressively.

Danny Garcia vs. Brandon Ríos & David BENAVIDEZ vs. Presupostos Conferencia de Prensa Ronald Gavril Ánxeles & Fotos

García vs. Ríos & BENAVIDEZ vs. Gavril 2 Ten lugar Sábado, Febreiro 17 vivir na canle Showtime do Mandalay Bay Events Center en Las Vegas & Presentado pola Premier Boxeo League
Prema AQUI para fotos de Scott Hirano / Showtime
Prema AQUI para fotos de Chris Farina / Promocións Mayweather
Prema AQUI para fotos de Erick Ramírez /
Premier Boxeo League
LOS ANGELES (Xaneiro 9, 2018) – campión do mundo Dous división Danny “Rápido” Garcia e ex-campión do mundo Brandon “Bam Bam” Ríos fun cara a cara por primeira vez Martes nunha conferencia de prensa en Los Angeles para anunciar a súa principal evento enfrontamento a ter lugarSábado, Febreiro. 17 vivir na canle Showtime do Mandalay Bay Events Center en Las Vegas e presentado por Premier Boxeo League.
Tamén estiveron presentes Martes foron WBC Super Middleweight Campión do Mundo David BENAVIDEZ e contedor superior Ronald Gavril, que se atopan en un desquite da súa emocionante loita polo título mundial desde setembro en co-metragem da transmisión.
Os ingresos para o evento en directo, que é promovido pola Promocións Mayweather e TGB Promocións, xa están á venda e están dispoñibles en AXS.com.
Aquí está o que os loitadores tiñan que dicir Martes do Conga Room en L.A.. Vivo:
“Me sinto moi ben mental e fisicamente agora. O meu corpo está descansado e listo para ter un gran 2018 comezando Febreiro 17.
“Ten que estar centrado para ter éxito nunha loita como esa e creo que Brandon Ríos sabe que. Estou adestrando forte, entón eu espero que sexa moi. Eu nunca vou tomar unha loita off.
“Esta é unha loita clásica dun boxer perforado contra un Brawl. Vou estar preparado para todo e comezar 2018 co pé dereito. Teño que ser o loitador que eu sempre fun.
“Eu son saudable e forte e preparado para loitar. Estou poñendo a derrota para Keith Thurman detrás de min e seguir adiante. Teño que concentrarse en ser Danny Garcia en Febreiro 17. Non pode premer e tentar facer máis, Eu só teño que conseguir a vitoria.
“Nós dous eramos campións, á vez en 140 libras e non ter unha oportunidade de loitar, a continuación,, pero é todo cuestión de tempo no boxeo. As cousas tenden a traballar fóra e agora estamos preparados para ir cabeza de cabeza.
“Nunca voltar e sei que Brandon Ríos ve que en min. Sempre veño para loitar. Vai ser un gran enfrontamento cos nosos estilos ea nosa determinación.
“Gústame ver os últimos tres loitas de meu adversario. Eu creo que iso me dá unha boa indicación de que está indo ollar como na noite da loita. Eu estiven vendo a cinta da miña última loita tamén, entón podemos obter un gran plan de xogo xuntos.
“Eu sentín como se Combatín o bo combate contra Thurman. Realmente non involucrarse. Eu penso que despois da cuarta rolda, foi basicamente sombra de boxeo. Non o culpo porque ten que ser burro para ir por diante de min. Nós imos facer algúns axustes e engadir ao que xa fan ben.
“Non foron ofrecidos a loita Shawn Porter, pero eu creo que sería unha gran loita. Gústanlle vir para adiante e eu son un loitador de boxeo e gran contraataque perforado. Creo que os fans adorarían, pero Shawn Porter debe ter coidado o que está desexando.”
Brandon Ríos
“Todo o mundo sabe o meu estilo. Eu non estou aquí para bailar, Estou chegando a loitar. Eu vou alí co meu corazón para amosar ao mundo que eu son un dos mellores aí.
“Eu me sinto forte e sinto rejuvenescido. Meu corpo precisaba dalgún descanso, porque as miñas loitas son guerras. Tardou un peaxe no meu corpo e agora me sinto tan bo como sempre. Estou preparado para mostrar ao mundo unha diferente Brandon Ríos.
“Ten que loitar o mellor para tentar ser o mellor. Danny Garcia foi superior deste deporte por un longo tempo. Estou sempre preparado para unha proba.
“Adoitaba non sempre levar formación e meu peso tan en serio que eu debería. Eu era novo e mudo e eu cometín erros. Estes erros están no meu pasado e estou en gran forma agora.
“Veño adestrando moi duro para ter un vaso cheo na noite da loita. Podería quedar xubilado, pero eu teño iso en min e aínda máis podo saír deste deporte é. Eu realmente amo o boxeo e estou animado por estar de volta nunha gran loita como esa.
“Estou sempre confiado cando entrar no arena. Tendo Robert Garcia alí é ter o meu irmán me. É só unha outra voz que eu estou acostumado e que eu confío.
“Estar de volta no arena foi un pouco estresante, pero eu estaba feliz para obter o anel de ferruxe off. Eu fixen o que tiña que facer e estaba feliz para pasar esta experiencia. Estou moi agradecido por estar nesta posición para loitar Danny Garcia.
“Eu estiven preparado para loitar contra calquera dos mellores loitadores. Eu esperei e levei o meu tempo porque eu sabía que eu ía loitar quen ía intensificar. Eu puiden o que quería e agora é hora de aproveitar.”
“Teño que facer unha declaración sobre Febreiro 17. Estou deixando Mandalay Bay co cinto no meu ombreiro. Teño que conseguir o KO e iso é o que eu estou buscando facer.
“Foi o meu soño desde que era un neno para unificar títulos e iso é o que eu estou a traballar para agora. Eu quero ser un dos mellores da historia da clase de peso e estou a traballar moi duro para conseguir isto.
“Eu son o máis novo campión mundial dos super-medios na historia e eu vou amosar para Gavril por. Estou moi motivado para ollar aínda mellor que a última vez e conseguir o KO.
“Eu medrei na era onde todo o mundo loitou todos. Había tanta enerxía e emoción cada loita e iso é o que eu estou ollando para levar aos fans. Esta vai ser unha gran loita que non quere perder.
“Eu sinto que eu gañei a primeira loita claramente. Gavril pensa que vai vir e bater-me agora, pero se ten tanta confianza, debería ter feito isto na primeira loita. Estou adestrando moi duro agora para ir alí e resga-lo.
“A estratexia desta loita será un pouco diferente. Temos algunhas cousas que estamos a planear. Pero aínda vai ser unha guerra, porque quero ser un loitador agradable fan. Estou esperando para roubar o concerto.
“Eu son o campión, entón eu sinto que estou nunha posición para facer algunhas grandes loitas nun futuro próximo. Quero o gañador do Mundial de Boxeo Super Series torneo £ 168. Estou honrado de estar na mesma columna como os outros campións e eu non podo esperar para entrar no arena con eles.
“Non teñen vistas Gavril por primeira vez. Eu sabía que era un candidato e chegou en resistente e preparado para loitar. Sei que o seu estilo de agora, entón eu estou indo a ir traballar cada vez mellor. Había unha morea de cousas que eu debería ter feito na primeira loita. Vou aproveitar este tempo.”
Ronald Gavril
“Non pensaba que era tan bo que a xente dicían que estaba indo para a nosa primeira loita. Non loitara calquera loitadores reais, así que viu o que pasou cando subiu contra un.
“Estou moi feliz de estar aquí e estar nesta posición para un desquite. Quero agradecer a David BENAVIDEZ por concordar en me loitar. Eu penso que eu gañei a primeira loita, entón eu sabía que eu quería iso inmediatamente. I gañou esa desquite.
“Eu aprendín moito coa primeira loita. Eu sei que eu teño que facer mellor que esta vez. A estratexia axustarase e vou traballar aínda máis no campo para estar preparado. Eu estou a traballar en ser o mellor que podo mental e fisicamente.
“El é un mozo loitador que aínda ten unha morea de cousas para aprender. Agora é o campión, pero terá que estar preparado. Esta non será unha loita fácil para el. Eu vou alí para machucá-lo e gañar a loita.
“Podo facer unha chea de cousas mellor que na primeira loita. Eu probei que teño as habilidades no primeiro xogo, e agora vou mellorar para conseguir a vitoria. Estou aquí por unha razón. Non vai ser unha loita fácil para el.
“Eu só estou pensando en David BENAVIDEZ agora. Estou poñendo todo en esta desquite e obter o cinto. Cando gañar, resto vai coidar de si mesmo.”
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Para máis información visite www.SHO.com/Sports e www.premierboxingchampions.com, siga no TwitterSHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, @MandalayBay e @Swanson_Comm ou facer se un fan en Facebook enwww.Facebook.com/ShoBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions e www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Premier Boxeo League é presentado por Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Baltimore Boxing returns with “Super Brawl of Boxing” January 26

Baltimore, MD (Xaneiro 9, 2018) – Jake Smith Baltimore Boxing will host their first show of 2018 when they present the “Super Brawl of Boxing” Venres, Xaneiro 26 at Michael’s Eighth Ave in Glen Burnie, MD.

Billetes a partir de $40 are available by going to Baltimoreboxing.com/events or calling 410-375-9175. As portas abren ás 6:30 and the first fight is scheduled for 8:30.
Baltimore Boxing is also pleased to announce that 5-time world champion and the subject of the movie “Bleed for This” Vinny Paz will be on hand to meet fans. Paz is a regular at Baltimore Boxing cards and local fight fans have adopted him as if he were one of their own.
This Olympic style boxing card is headlined by a title unification between Maryland State Middleweight champ Deshawn “Soulsnatcher” Chase of Baltimore Boxing and East Coast belt holder Marquis Moore of Salisbury’s Main Street Boxing Gym. Chase is one of Baltimore’s better amateurs and a regular at Michael’s Eighth while Moore is a well-schooled boxer that believes both titles will be his come the 26th.
This excellent evening of boxing also feature the debut of former NFL player Leon Joe. A standout linebacker at the University of Maryland, Joe was listed by Street & Smith as an All American Honorable mention in 2003. The next year, the Chicago Bears drafted Joe in the 4th round and he played in Super Bowl XLI. He later spent time with the Arizona Cardinals, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Buffalo Bills, Jacksonville Jaguars and Detroit Lions before playing two years in the Canadian Football League.
Baltimore Boxing’s ‘Super Brawl of Boxing” also serves as a fundraiser for Tina Frost. En Outubro 1, Frost was shot in the head during the mass shooting in Las Vegas. Her right eye was removed and spent time in a rehab facility. Originally from Baltimore, the 28-year-old Frost was working as a CPA for Ernst & Young in San Diego but is back in Maryland with her family. While Frost’s made great progress, she has a long way to and a mound of medical bills that will only continue to grow.
To assist the Frost family, Baltimore Boxing will have a 50/50 raffle and silent auction. Those unable to make it are encouraged to donate at https://www.gofundme.com/mary-watson-moreland.
“What happened to Tina is incredibly said,"Dixo Jake Smith. “She was professionally successful and had everything going for her in life. It is a true tragedy what happened to her and all of the other shooting victims in Las Vegas. Baltimore Boxing’s fans have done a great job of getting behind the causes we support and we hope everybody is able to come out on the 26th to help raise money for the Frost family.”
Billetes a partir de $40 are available by going to Baltimoreboxing.com/events or calling 410-375-9175. As portas abren ás 6:30 and the first fight is scheduled for 8:30.


PASO, TX (Xaneiro 9, 2018) Prince Ranch Boxing’s super-medios perspectiva, Humberto “Perico” Velasco (18-1-1 12Kos) will return to action on febreiro 17 en El Paso, Texas as he takes on Thomas “Top Dogg” Williams Jr. (20-3-1 14Kos) on the undercard of an event headlined by Devon Alexander vs. Victor Ortiz which will be broadcast globally on FOX.
It is an honor to fight on such a big platform and against an opponent who has fought for a world titlesaid Humberto Velasco in regard to his fight. “I have a great team around me in Prince Ranch Boxing and Sugar Promotions that supports me, and puts me in the best situation. I can’t wait to show the fans what I am capable of.
Humberto Velasco is an exciting fighter, who the fans love to watch and will continue to watch once they get more familiar with him, “dito Greg Hanney, President of Prince Ranching Boxing. “Our goal is to keep him very active and get him into a big fight.
We have done our homework and we know Velasco is the type of talent who can help Sugar Promotions.Oscar Vazquez, CEO of Sugar Promotions stated. “We are ready to make a run for a world title in the coming year, but we are not looking past Thomas Williams Jr, who is a very talented fighter in his own right. This is the type of fight that could end up on many people’sfighter of the yearlist. We believe a great performance by Velasco will take him to the next level.


“Vicioso” Victor Ortiz and Devon Alexander “A gran” Clash in Battle of Former Welterweight World Champions
Máis! Undefeated Contender Caleb Plant Duels RogelioPorkyMedina in Super Middleweight Showdown in Co-Feature
Photo by Suzanne Teresa – Premier Boxeo League
Live in Primetime on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, Texas en
Sábado, Febreiro 17 en 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT
PASO, TX (Xaneiro 8, 2018) – “Vicioso” Victor Ortiz e Devon Alexander “A gran”headline a show topped by two USA vs. Mexico battles as the former welterweight champions meet in the 12-round main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes Sábado, Febreiro. 17 from Don Haskins Center on the UTEP campus in El Paso, Texas with televised coverage starting at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.
In the co-main event unbeaten contender Caleb “Mans doces” Planta loitará RogelioPorkyMedina in a 12-round 168-pound world title eliminator.
Os ingresos para o evento, que é promovido pola TGB Promocións, custa $200, $100, $60, $40, $25 and will go on sale Venres. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster.
Tamén na tarxeta, Tony Harrison (25-2, 20 Kos) asume Jorge Cota (27-2, 24 Kos) in a super welterweight showdown and Karlos Balderas, un 2016 U.S. Olímpico, will appear in a lightweight special attraction.
This is a classic crossroads match in the truest sense. Both Devon Alexander and Victor Ortiz are battle-tested in one of the toughest, deepest divisions in boxing,” said Tom Brown, Presidente da TGB Promocións. “Alexander has overcome some serious health issues and is looking to regain the welterweight championship. Ortiz, also a former champion, has always come to fight and doesn’t back down from anyone. It promises to be an entertaining match for the fans in attendance at Don Haskins Center and those who tune in on FOX and FOX Deportes.
Ortiz (32-6-2, 25 Kos), a former 147-pound champion, has split time between boxing and acting throughout his recent career and brings a certain flare every time he steps into the ring. The 30-year-old native of Garden City, Kansas who now lives in Ventura, California, has faced some of the top names in the 147-pound division during his career. Ortiz won the welterweight title with unanimous decision victory over Andre Berto on April 16, 2011. Five months later he lost the title to Floyd Mayweather, JR. por nocaute. Ortiz, 30, suffered a knockout loss to Andre Berto in 2016 on FOX and bounced back with a knockout victory over Saul Corral in his last fight on Xullo 30 on FS1.
I’m ready to give all I have to defeat Devon Alexander and get my crown back,” dixo Ortiz. “My priority is to make a strong comeback and putting myself in a position to have my straps once again. I demonstrated what I was made of and did what I said I was going to do in my last fight. I’m facing a great fighter in Devon Alexander and someone I’ve known since we were kids. I don’t hate him, but I will not be his friend on fight night and he won’t be mine. I’m ready to prove everyone wrong starting on Febreiro. 17.”
Alexander (27-4, 14 Kos) emerged on the scene with a unanimous decision victory over Randall Bailey for the welterweight title in 2012. He defended the title once before losing it to Shawn Porter in 2013. Desde entón, the 30-year-old Alexander of St. Louis, Missouri has been on a mission to regain the title. After losing to Amir Khan and Aaron Martinez, Alexander suffered another setback when he sought treatment for an addiction to painkillers. Fully healthy for the first time en tres anos, Alexander returned to the ring with a unanimous decision victory over Walter Castillo on FS1 on Novembro. 21.
I’m excited to get back in there against a fighter like Victor Ortiz,” dixo Alexander. “We’ve known each other a long time but never fought in the amateurs, so this should be interesting. My speed, quickness and smarts will win me this fight. Victor checks out sometimes when he can’t hit you, so my skills will be the difference. I’m ready for any challenge that’s brought my way. When I’m 100 por cento, nobody can beat me.
Planta (16-0, 10 Kos) won eight of his first nine fights by knockout, demonstrating power in both hands to go along with his boxing abilities. The 25-year-old climbed into the top ten of the 168-pound rankings with his last victorya unanimous decision over Andrew Hernandez in Las Vegas on Sete. 8. Medina represents a major step up for Plant and will give him an indication of just where the Ashland, Tennessee native stands in the division as he looks to become a mandatory challenger for the IBF title.
The 29-year-old Medina (38-8, 32 Kos) has squared off against some of the toughest boxers in the division, including current champion David Benavidez and former champions James DeGale and Badou Jack. Fighting out of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico lost by knockout to Benavidez on Maio 20, and bounced back with a knockout victory over Daniel Eduardo Yocupicio on Sete. 1.
The FOX prime time broadcast will kick off a full night of boxing, leading into a doubleheader on SHOWTIME that features two-division world champion Danny Garcia versus Brandon Rios and 168-pound champion David Benavidez defending his title in a rematch against Ronald Gavril from Las Vegas.
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Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. Alén, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
Siga en TwitterPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @FOX, FOXDeportes ESwanson_Comm e ser un fan en Facebook en www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions e www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Destacados dispoñibles enwww.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.PBC en FOX & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Thomas LaManna batallas Gabriel Bracero ao título WBC Fecarbox Welterweight en inaugural evento principal de Boardwalk Boxeo o sábado, 24 de febreiro no Hotel Showboat en Atlantic City

Anthony Young loita Khiary Gray, en co-metragem
ATLANTIC CITY – Xaneiro 8, 2018 – Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna será a atracción principal do inaugural serie Boardwalk Boxing cando asume o veterano batalla-probado Gabriel Bracero in a ten-round welterweight bout for the WBC Fecarbox welterweight title on Sábado, 24 de febreiro en O Showboat Hotel en Atlantic City.
A loita será o evento principal dun gran noite de boxeo promovido pola subida dos Promotions estrelas
A nova serie Boardwalk Boxeo, que se anunciou a semana pasada, matchups de alta calidade prometidos, mentres os mellores loitadores locais.
LaManna, 26, de Millville, New Jersey ten unha marca impresionante de 25-2 con nove knockouts.
The popular LaManna has led the revival of boxing in Atlantic City as his Rising Star Promotions has become the preeminent promoter in Atlantic City.
LaManna consistently has performed as a headliner in front of sell out crowds is eager to thrill fans, e potencialmente entalhar a maior vitoria da súa carreira.
This is a crossroads fight. He needs a win over me to stay relevant, e eu teño unha vitoria sobre el para ser levado a serio,” dixo LaManna. “Bracero has fought some top guys. His losses have been to world champions and Gold Medal winners. He has been around the block.
“Eu quero comezar 2018 with a good test. I want to test myself. When I go through a hard camp, facer dieta e focando, Eu quero que sexa paga a pena.”
This should be a great atmosphere as he is a popular fighter like myself. A win over him will give me an opportunity as I will move up in the ratings. This is a make or break year, e unha vitoria me vai poñer alí con outros candidatos.”
LaManna vai conmemorar o seu 7º ano como profesional, como el ten vitorias sobre Kendal Mena (20-3), así como gañar os títulos WBC prata latinos e WBC FECARBOX Welterweight cunha decisión de dez unánime redonda sobre accidentada George Sosa.
Na súa última loita, LaManna defendeu o título WBC FECARBOX cunha decisión unánime de dez redonda sobre Samuel Amoako en 28 de novembro en Atlantic City.
Esta será a loita do 18º LaManna en Atlantic City.
Bracero de Brooklyn, Nova York ten unha marca impresionante de 24-3 con cinco knockouts.
Bracero, quen será 38 en 14 de febreiro afrontou e derrotou algúns inimigos impresionantes sobre o 17 anos de carreira.
Bracero gañar o seu primeiro 18 ataques que foron destacadas por vitorias sobre Winston Mathis (6-0), Danny O'Connor (14-0), Guillermo Valdés (12-3), Jermaine Branco (17-4), antigo mundo totle challenger Dmitry Salita (35-1-1), e unha primeira parada redonda sensacional sobre O'Connor (26-2) na revancha.
Bracero vén de dez unánime redonda derrota decisión de dous ex-división campión mundial Paulie Malignaggi de xullo 30, 2016 en Brooklyn, Nova York
This will be a good fight. He is a tough kid. He is tall, e eu vou entrar na mellor forma posible,” Dixo Bracero.
I am excited to finally be fighting in Atlantic City. I have family there, ademais de meus fans de Brooklyn pode dirixir alí e pasar un fin de semana agradable. “
“Esta loita é unha verdadeira batalla encrucillada. Está mirando para facer o seu nome fora de min, and I am focusing on winning his WBC Fecarbox title. A win will get me back into the bigger fights.
Anunciou tamén é unha excelente loita co-metragem que vai ver Anthony “Zume” Mozo de Atlantic City loitando Khiary Grey ou Worcester, Massachusetts.
Mozo, 29, ten un rexistro de 18-2 , Con seis nocautes.
The seven-year professional will be looking for his eighth consecutive victory. The Atlantic City favorite has a quality win over Jose Javier Claderon (4-1), e estará facendo a súa 12ª partida na súa cidade natal.
Pitts ten unha marca impresionante de 15-3 con once nocautes.
O 25 year-old New Englander gañou o seu primeiro 13 extremos. The four-year professional is a former UBF International Super Welterweight champion, e na súa última loita, el gañou o título de New England Super Welterweight Provisional cunha decisión da maioría de oito redonda sobre Greg Jackson en decembro de 7, 2017 en Lincoln, Rhode Island.
Haberá un anuncio sobre o undercard completa logo.
Os billetes están dispoñibles para $155, $80 e $55, and can be purchased online at www.risingboxingpromotions.con.
Este evento é patrocinado pola aceiros Enerxía, Wraps de deseño, Coma limpa Bro, Calvi eléctrica, e Alpha Academy.
Para obter máis información, 'Like’ Rising Star Ofertas en Facebook.
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Unificado super-medios CAMPIÓN DO MUNDO Claressa Shields reflexiona sobre OLYMPIC gloria e prevé éxito 2018 IN Showtime Sports® VIDEO RECURSO

“Eu fixen algo que fixo historia e as persoas están sentados alí actuando como se eu nin sequera existen "- Claressa Shields

Shields prepara para defender os seus títulos mundiais contra o invicto Tori Nelson Este Venres, Xan. 12 En 10 p.m. E/PT directo na canle Showtime®

Assist, vista & Compartir por YouTube: http://s.sho.com/2CIfxwr


O QUE: Unificada campión e dúas veces medalhista de ouro olímpico Claressa Shields reflexiona sobre a súa notable carreira afeccionada e previsións éxito 2018, comezando cando defende os seus cintos contra invicto desafiante obrigatorio Tori Nelson este venres en 10 p.m. E/PT directo na canle Showtime.


"Quero entrar á historia como o loitador os mellores das mulleres xa, e como fai iso?” Shields ponders as she explains her decision to turn pro. “Eu fixen algo que fixo historia e as persoas están sentados alí actuando como se eu nin sequera existen. "


Shields (4-0, 2 Kos) leva os espectadores a través de un día de campo de adestramento na súa cidade natal, Flint, Michigan, onde discute crecendo na cidade que define ela e prevé unha carreira profesional dominante en varias categorías de peso.


"Unha vez eu bati [Nelson], Estou chamando os principais nenas. Se pensas que me pode gañar, imos facer ocorrer. Eu son DE 154 para 168. Despois desa loita, Estou caendo para 160 e eu estou patadas aparvado de todo o mundo a 160 ", di Shields. “E despois diso, Eu estou indo a ir 154 e quen é o Pound-for-pound agora? Cecilia Brækhus? Ela chegou a me ver tamén ".


A 22-year-old defende os seus títulos contra o desafiante obrigatorio Tori Nelson (17-0-3, 2 Kos) este venres en ShoBox: A Nova Xeración de Turning Stone Resort Casino, en Verona, N.I..


Richard “Popeye The Sailor Man” Rivera forte para rematar, porque come seu espinaca

luz invicto Hartford perspectiva abondo titulares vs. Kevin Cobbs
“Futuro 5 de Nova Inglaterra”
Febreiro. 10 en Worcester, MA
Richard “Popeye The Sailor Man” Rivera
(Foto de @Bonesprostudio)
WORCESTER, Masa. (Xaneiro 8, 2018) – Un dos máis populares perspectivas de boxeo de Nova Inglaterra, invicto Hartford (CT) medio-pesados Richard “Popeye The Sailor Man” Rivera (5-0, 4 Kos), vontade titular seu terceiro concerto Sábado noite, Febreiro 10, no Paladio en Worcester, Massachusetts.
Na quinta parte do “Futuro de Nova Inglaterra” serie, presentado por Rivera Ofertas Lecer (RPE), a 27-year-old Rivera atenda Kevin “Kray 2 UNKL” Cobbs (10-2, 4 Kos), loitando fóra de Burlington (VT), á praza Federación Universal Boxing (UBF) título de New England no evento principal oito redonda.
Rivera, que era un 2016 campión Rocky Marciano Torneo, está saíndo dunha segunda rolda KO sensacional de veterano 146-loita Roberto Valenzuela en decembro pasado 9 en Hampton, Nova Hampshire.
“Estou animado para ter Richie boxeo para o título UBF New England axiña na súa carreira profesional,”” o devandito promotor Jose Antonio Rivera, o retirouse 3 hora, 2-división campión mundial. “Esta é a terceira vez que xa tivo o privilexio de que loitando nun dos nosos tarxetas. El loitou no evento principal do noso último concerto (outubro) no Centro DCU. Rivera parece mellor e máis penetrante cada vez que eu velo loitar. Vexo grandes cousas benvida por el. Ten as ferramentas e disciplina dun adestrador demanda e un boxeador que de facer campión do mundo. O ceo é o límite para Richard e, polo de agora, Somos gratos a xogar unha pequena parte para axudar a desenvolver a súa carreira profesional.”
Rivera ten comercializado con éxito o seu persona Popeye durante a súa nova carreira no boxeo profesional, vestindo unha gorra de mariñeiro para o ringue cunha oscilación tubo Popeye-like tradicional na boca. “Hai varias razóns para o meu apelido, 'Popeye', pero cando era moi novo,” Rivera explicou, “Eu tiña anormalmente grandes antebrazos. El só quedou comigo ao longo dos anos, cando a xente se referiu a min no ximnasio, entón eu correr con el. Estou levando a vida de volta para Hartford con paciencia, toda a Nova Inglaterra, con paciencia, perseveranza e estilo. Eu vivo no momento.”
Aínda que non gañar moitos premios importantes ou torneos como un pugilista afeccionado, Rivera gañou experiencia inestimable boxeo moitos dos mellores afeccionados na Nova Inglaterra e en eventos nacionais, así como sparring cos gustos de ex-campións mundiais Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin, Chad Dawson e Joe Smith, JR. Tamén aprendeu co tempo gasto no arena con ex adversarios título Israel “máis” Cardona e John Scully.
“Eu tomei o meu tempo de facer profesional, porque eu non tiña un sistema de apoio para me levar ao seguinte nivel,” Rivera observou. “Estaba certo. O feedback positivo que recibín de loitadores que pelexaron alimentado na miña confianza. Agora, en só miña sexta loita profesional, I será a atracción principal por terceira vez, e loitando polo meu primeiro título. Non podo agradecer os Riveras (José eo seu fillo, A.J.) o suficiente para o que fixeron para min. Eles creron en min.”
No inicio, Rivera foi un pouco relutante en combater o Cobb máis experimentado, pero, despois de facer algunha investigación, el aceptou o reto. “Eu estaba un pouco nervioso no inicio,” el admitiu. “Algúns estaban cuestionando se estaba preparado para a etapa ata loitar con el. Eu fixen algunha investigación: non ten unha carreira afeccionada maior, ou loitou seis ou oito roldas loitas que eu. E eu era o compañeiro de adestramento para o primeiro profesional para vencelo, Tyron Burris(TKO2 en 2012). Estou preparado! Eu son 27 e precisa dunha loita como esa.”
campión nacional afeccionado dobre de Worcester Policial “BH3” Harris, III atende medios brasileira Saul Almeida (0-8-1) no evento co-featured catro roldas.
Loitando na eliminatoria, todo en catro redondas Bouts, están subindo New Haven (CT) super-medios perspectiva Elvis Figueroa (3-0, 1 KO), un tres-tempo EUA Boxeo Nationals Campionato medalhista de ouro, vs. TBA, Worcester pena andino Ranse (1-0) vs. Alex Montes (1-2-1), de Lawrence (MA), Danbury (CT) welterweight Omar Borðoy, JR. (2-0) vs. invasor Puerto Rican Alexander “El Bravo” Picot (2-4-1), Southbridge (MA) welterweight Wilfredo “o Sucaro” pagán (3-0, 1 KO) vs. pro-estreando Nick Peralta, de Lawrence, invicto Springfield (MA) medio-pesados Raio “bazuca” Graceski (5-0, 3 Kos). vs. pro-estreando de Hartford Paul Bansiak, Hartford Middleweight Júnior Jose “Rated R” Rivera (4-1, 3 Kos) vs. Troy “Omar KO Artista” artista(4-7-1 (3 Kos), Springfield welterweight Grúa “Double Impact” Whitley (2-0) vs. Roger Blankenship (1-2), invicto Middleweight Puerto Rican Jelame Garcia (6-0, 6 Kos) vs. Brasileiro Rodrigo Almeida 1-7), MERIDEN (CT) galo James Aquino (6-0, 6 Kos), 2016 New England Ouro campión Luvas, vs. Luis Rivera (3-3) e medio-medio prol estreando de Hartford Joseph Goss vs. Seth Basler (0-3).
Todas as loitas e os loitadores están suxeitos a modificación.
Ingresos, prezo de $75.00 (arena) e $45.00 (admisión xeral), están á venda e dispoñibles para compra no www.ThePalladium.net ou na taquilla Palladium (admisión xeral única), ou contactando Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) ou calquera dos combatentes.
As portas abren ás 6 p.m. E, primeira loita 7 p.m. E.
Chilro: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

“Vicioso” Victor Ortiz and Devon Alexander “A gran” Clash in Battle of Former Welterweight World Champions

Máis! Undefeated Contender Caleb Plant Duels RogelioPorkyMedina in Super Middleweight Showdown in Co-Feature
Live in Primetime on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, Texas en
Sábado, Febreiro 17 en 8 p.m. E/5 p.m. PT
PASO, TX (Xaneiro 8, 2018) – “Vicioso” Victor Ortiz e Devon Alexander “A gran” headline a show topped by two USA vs. Mexico battles as the former welterweight champions meet in the 12-round main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes Sábado, Febreiro. 17 from Don Haskins Center on the UTEP campus in El Paso, Texas with televised coverage starting at 8 p.m. E/5 p.m. PT.
In the co-main event unbeaten contender Caleb “Sweethands” Planta loitará RogelioPorkyMedina in a 12-round 168-pound world title eliminator.
Os ingresos para o evento, que é promovido pola TGB Promocións, custa $200, $100, $60, $40, $25 and will go on sale Venres. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster.
Tamén na tarxeta, Tony Harrison (25-2, 20 Kos) asume Jorge Cota (27-2, 24 Kos) in a super welterweight showdown and Karlos Balderas, un 2016 U.S. Olímpico, will appear in a lightweight special attraction.
This is a classic crossroads match in the truest sense. Both Devon Alexander and Victor Ortiz are battle-tested in one of the toughest, deepest divisions in boxing,” said Tom Brown, Presidente da TGB Promocións. “Alexander has overcome some serious health issues and is looking to regain the welterweight championship. Ortiz, also a former champion, has always come to fight and doesn’t back down from anyone. It promises to be an entertaining match for the fans in attendance at Don Haskins Center and those who tune in on FOX and FOX Deportes.
Ortiz (32-6-2, 25 Kos), a former 147-pound champion, has split time between boxing and acting throughout his recent career and brings a certain flare every time he steps into the ring. The 30-year-old native of Garden City, Kansas who now lives in Ventura, California, has faced some of the top names in the 147-pound division during his career. Ortiz won the welterweight title with unanimous decision victory over Andre Berto on April 16, 2011. Five months later he lost the title to Floyd Mayweather, JR. por nocaute. Ortiz, 30, suffered a knockout loss to Andre Berto in 2016 on FOX and bounced back with a knockout victory over Saul Corral in his last fight on Xullo 30 on FS1.
I’m ready to give all I have to defeat Devon Alexander and get my crown back,” dixo Ortiz. “My priority is to make a strong comeback and putting myself in a position to have my straps once again. I demonstrated what I was made of and did what I said I was going to do in my last fight. I’m facing a great fighter in Devon Alexander and someone I’ve known since we were kids. I don’t hate him, but I will not be his friend on fight night and he won’t be mine. I’m ready to prove everyone wrong starting on Febreiro. 17.”
Alexander (27-4, 14 Kos) emerged on the scene with a unanimous decision victory over Randall Bailey for the welterweight title in 2012. He defended the title once before losing it to Shawn Porter in 2013. Desde entón, the 30-year-old Alexander of St. Louis, Missouri has been on a mission to regain the title. After losing to Amir Khan and Aaron Martinez, Alexander suffered another setback when he sought treatment for an addiction to painkillers. Fully healthy for the first time en tres anos, Alexander returned to the ring with a unanimous decision victory over Walter Castillo on FS1 onNovembro. 21.
I’m excited to get back in there against a fighter like Victor Ortiz,” dixo Alexander. “We’ve known each other a long time but never fought in the amateurs, so this should be interesting. My speed, quickness and smarts will win me this fight. Victor checks out sometimes when he can’t hit you, so my skills will be the difference. I’m ready for any challenge that’s brought my way. When I’m 100 por cento, nobody can beat me.
Planta (16-0, 10 Kos) won eight of his first nine fights by knockout, demonstrating power in both hands to go along with his boxing abilities. The 25-year-old climbed into the top ten of the 168-pound rankings with his last victorya unanimous decision over Andrew Hernandez in Las Vegas on Sete. 8. Medina represents a major step up for Plant and will give him an indication of just where the Ashland, Tennessee native stands in the division as he looks to become a mandatory challenger for the IBF title.
The 29-year-old Medina (38-8, 32 Kos) has squared off against some of the toughest boxers in the division, including current champion David Benavidez and former champions James DeGale and Badou Jack. Fighting out of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico lost by knockout to Benavidez on Maio 20, and bounced back with a knockout victory over Daniel Eduardo Yocupicio on Sete. 1.
The FOX prime time broadcast will kick off a full night of boxing, leading into a doubleheader on SHOWTIME that features two-division world champion Danny Garcia versus Brandon Rios and 168-pound champion David Benavidez defending his title in a rematch against Ronald Gavril from Las Vegas.
# # #
Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. Alén, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
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