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中美. 奥运选手尼科·埃尔南德斯在第四次职业比赛中夺得 IBA 美洲冠军

“KO 夜间拳击” 金 & GLORY”

IBA 官员/名人堂裁判史蒂夫·斯莫格向尼科·埃尔南德斯颁发了 IBA 蝇量级冠军腰带
(托尼·斯科霍克摄 / GS内存制造商)
PARK CITY, 五月. (二月 11, 2018) – 中美. 奥运选手和家乡的最爱 尼科·埃尔南德斯 占领国际拳击协会空缺 (IBA) 第四次职业比赛中获得美洲蝇量级冠军, 昨晚的头条新闻 “KO拳击之夜” 金 & 荣耀” 卡, 在哈特曼竞技场帕克城, 堪萨斯州.
主讲 “KO Night Boxing LLC,” 该卡被现场录制,稍后将在哥伦比亚广播公司体育网络上播放. “KO拳击之夜” 金 & 荣耀” 卡, 由 KO Night Boxing LLC 主办,
这位22岁的埃尔南德斯 (4-0, 3 科斯) 停止最后一刻更换, 游戏 胜利者 “公牛” 托雷斯, 在第五轮.
埃尔南德斯’ 原来对手, 匈牙利冠军 约瑟夫·阿杰泰 (19-9, 12 科斯), 由于一系列不幸的情况,我从未到达威奇托. 阿吉泰在法兰克福损失了一天, 德国, 将护照留在从布达佩斯起飞的飞机上后. 当他抵达芝加哥后 周三, 他因美国签证问题而陷入困境. 海关. 他错过了飞往威奇托的转机航班,并且由于暴风雪导致许多航班停飞, 包括前往威奇托的航班, 阿吉泰从未离开奥黑尔机场, 在那里滞留了几天.
IBA为埃尔南德斯与托雷斯的比赛提供了特殊例外, 由于这些不可预见的问题, 双方达成协议,埃尔南德斯接下来将与阿吉泰争夺 IBA 冠军.
“这是一个充满电光的夜晚,” 促进者 John Andersen 说. “再次, 尼科做出了适当的调整,这可以归功于他的业余血统. 在业余爱好者, 对手往往在最后时刻发生变化,尼科在拳击生涯中克服了许多障碍. 我们将在四月或五月让约瑟夫再次挑战尼科的冠军头衔. 他们在一起还有未完成的事业!
“我对Nico的表现非常满意. 这是我见过的最好的他. 他在各个方面都令人难以置信, 整场比赛都在点上. 我们还要赞扬托雷斯在这么晚的通知下接受比赛。”
埃尔南德斯从一开始就表现得很快, 殴打托雷斯’ 具有巨大组合的身体, 他从未放弃. 托雷斯接受了处罚但仍保持直立, 但IBA裁判 史蒂夫·斯莫杰 托雷斯在第五回合中止比赛’ 安全.
“我不会离开这条腰带,” 埃尔南德斯在赛后新闻发布会上一边处理 IBA 美洲腰带一边发表评论. “它会和我一起去任何地方. 我很期待这场战斗,我已准备好继续取得成功. 这是第一个 (标题带) 许多的. 我得到了我努力争取的东西. 我要感谢我的教练, 所有的努力都得到了回报, 现在我有这个 (标题带).”
在共功能的事件, 明尼阿波利斯次中量级 Javonte斯塔克斯 (13-2, 7 科斯) 和墨西哥退伍军人 塞萨尔·索里亚诺 (28-36-2, 17 科斯) 六轮比赛取得多数平局.
贝克斯菲尔德, CA 预出道 德里克·克莱顿 击败密尔沃基初中量级 黑色的Akeem (3-2, 1 KO), 登记第二轮技术淘汰赛.
威奇托中量级 杰夫·斯特姆 (2-0, 1 KO) 保持不败, 阻止州内竞争对手布莱恩·克莱门茨, 托皮卡, 首轮比赛进行到一半.
另一位首次亮相的加州拳击手, 初中量级 Chazz马西亚斯, 只需要1:20 淘汰奥马哈 科里·罗伯茨.
第一次参加战斗 5 年半, 华盛顿特区. 重量级 莫里斯 “货运火车” Brerm (14-2-1, 10 科斯) 取出300磅炮 理查德 “银背” 卡马克 (15-13-1, 12 科斯) 在第一轮比赛.
MAIN EVENT – 空缺 IBA 美洲蝇量级锦标赛
尼科·埃尔南德斯 (4-0, 3 科斯), 威奇托, KS
WTKO5 (0:55)
维克托·托雷斯 (2-8-1, 1 KO), 莫德斯托, 例如
(埃尔南德斯赢得空缺的 IBA 美洲蝇量级冠军)
共同特征 – welterweights的
塞萨尔·索里亚诺 (28-36-2, 17 科斯), 伊斯塔卡尔科, 联邦区, 墨西哥
D6 (5-56, 57-57, 57-57)
Javonte斯塔克斯 (13-2-1, 7 科斯), 明尼阿波利斯, MN
莫里斯·拜阿姆 (14-2-1, 10 科斯), 华盛顿特区.
WKO1 (1:34)
理查德 “银背” 卡马克 (15-13-1, 12 科斯), 堪萨斯城, MO
杰夫·斯特鲁姆 (2-0, 1 KO), 威奇托, KS
WKO1 (1:12)
布赖恩·克莱门茨 (0-1-1), 托皮卡, KS
JUNIOR middleweights的
德里克·克莱顿 (1-0, 1 KO), 贝克斯菲尔德, 例如
WTKO2 (2:59)
黑色的Akeem (3-2, 1 KO), 密尔沃基, 威斯康星州
Chazz马西亚斯 (1-0, 1KO), 特哈查皮, 例如
WKO1 (1:20)
科里·罗伯茨 (0-4), 奥马哈, NE
叽叽喳喳: @KONightBoxing, @IBABoxing
Facebook的: /霓虹星, /IBABoxing
在 Twitter 和 Instagra 上关注 @Nicomhernandez

理查德 “大力水手曼” Rivera Finishes off Kevin Cobbs in 3 with super uppercut

(pictures courtesy of Bonesprostudios)
伍斯特, 质量. (二月 11, 2018) – 不败的前景 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 脱完 凯文· “新英格兰恶霸” 科布斯 在第三轮, punctuating the night with an lethal uppercut that landed right on the button, 昨晚的头条新闻 “新英格兰的未来5” 卡, 里维拉促销娱乐介绍, 在伍斯特钯, 马萨诸塞州.

The 27-year-old Rivera (6-0, 5 科斯) fought once again in front of his large, traveling fanbase from Hartford, CT, capturing the vacant Universal Boxing Federation (UBF) light heavyweight title in dramatic fashion. The charismatic Hartford boxer ended his third consecutive match with what has become his trademark right-uppercut.

Rivera used his strength, energy and determined will to defeat South Boston’s Cobbs (10-3, 4 科斯), whose previous fight had been more than a year ago, when he was stopped in the second round by now world champion 大卫Benavidez.

In only his sixth pro fight, the key question going into the bout was whether Rivera was ready to effectively step up in class to face a more experienced Cobbs. Right from the opening bell, the answer was a resounding, 是的, as Rivera pounded Cobbs with powerful shots to the body and head.

Cobbs was dropped three times in the third round, one was ruled a push, and the end came when referee Jackie Morrell halted the action at the 2:51 as a reeling Cobbs was blasted backwards from the Rivera’s previously mentioned uppercut.

The beginning of the end for Cobbs (L) as Rivera sets up his vaunted uppercut

I stepped things up in the third,” 里维拉解释. “He stopped throwing as many punches in the third and was ducking in. I said I wasn’t going to look for the knockout but, if it came, 我把它. I got him with my uppercut. I respect Cobbs and thank him for giving me this opportunity.
在共功能的事件, 家乡的喜爱 鲍比 “BH3” 哈里斯, III (2-0-1), the two-time national amateur champion, and Brazilian super middleweight 索尔·阿尔梅达 (0-8-2) fought to a four-round majority draw.
超中量级 特洛伊 “奥马尔KO艺术家” 艺术家 (5-7-1, 3 科斯), 丹伯里的, CT, upset intrastate rival 何塞 “R级” 里维拉 (4-2, 3 科斯), 哈特福德, winning a six-round majority decision.
丹伯里, CT 青少年次中量级 奥马尔博罗伊岛, JR. (4-0-, 1 KO) used a blistering body attack to defeat 塞斯·巴斯勒 (0-5) by way of a lop-sided four-round unanimous decision.

Junior welterweight prospect 维尔弗雷 “该Sucaro” 异教徒 (4-0, 2 科斯) floored veteran 布赖恩 “砖头” 亚伯拉罕 (6-29-2, 6 科斯) with a sweet right-left combination at the end of the opening round. 在第二轮比赛, 异教徒, of Southbridge, 嘛。, drilled Abraham who went flying across the ring and into the ropes as referee Jackie Morrell halted the bout.

斯普林菲尔德, MA 初中量级 起重机 “坏男孩” 惠特利 (3-0) cruised to a dominating four-round unanimous decision over Cleveland’s 罗杰·布兰肯希普 (1-3), pitching a complete shutout in the process.

布里奇波特, CT次中量级 Joe Goss (1-0) turned in an impressive pro debut, dropping Montreal’s Samuel Vasquez (1-3, 1 KO) in the second round on his way to a four-round unanimous decision.

Puerto Rican junior lightweight 路易斯 “Lobito” 里维拉 (4-3, 1 科斯) overcame a nasty cut over his eye to win a hard-fought four-round majority decision over 卡洛斯·马雷罗, III (0-2), 布里奇波特, CT, in a non-stop action fight to the finish.

Unbeaten Springfield, MA 轻重量级 射线 “火箭筒” Graceski (5-0-1, 3 科斯) and International Muay Thai fighter, Harford’s pro boxing debuting Pawel Banasiak (0-1-0), fought to a four-round draw in an entertaining brawl.

Puerto Rican super middleweight Jelame加西亚 (7-0, 6 科斯), fighting out of Lynn, 嘛。, remained undefeated but 内森·舒尔特 (0-5), 沃本, 嘛, extended him the full distance for first time as a pro en route to a four-round unanimous decision.

Complete results:

理查德·里维拉 (6-0, 5 科斯), 哈特福德, CT
WKO3 (2:51)
凯文·科布斯 (10-3, 4 科斯), 南波士顿, 嘛
(Rivera won vacant UBF New England light heavyweight title)
共同特征 – 超级middleweights
鲍比·哈里斯, III (2-0-1), 伍斯特, 嘛
D6 (37-39, 38-38)
索尔·阿尔梅达 (0-8-2), 弗雷明汉, 嘛
Ray Graceski (5-0-1, 3 科斯), 斯普林菲尔德, 嘛
D4 (38-38, 38-38, 38-38)
Pawel Banasiak (0-0-1), 哈特福德, CT
Troy Artis (5-7-1, 3 科斯), 丹伯里, CT
WDEC6 (58-56, 58-56, 57-57)
何塞·里维拉 (4-2, 3 科斯), 哈特福德, CT
Jelame加西亚 (7-0, 6 科斯), 林恩, 嘛
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
内森·舒尔特 (0-5), 沃本, 嘛
JUNIOR middleweights的
德里克·惠特利 (3-0), 斯普林菲尔德, 嘛
WDEC4 (40-35, 40-36, 40-36)
Robert Blankenship (1-3), 克利夫兰, OH
约瑟夫·戈斯 (1-0), 布里奇波特, CT
WDEC4 (40-35, 39,36, 38-37)
Samuel Vasquez (1-3, 1 KO), 蒙特利尔, 加拿大
奥马尔博罗伊岛, JR. (4-0, 1 KO), 丹伯里, CT
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 40-36)
塞斯·巴斯勒 (0-5), Marion, IL
威尔弗雷多·帕根(Wilfredo Pagan) (4-0, 2 科斯), 南桥, 嘛
WTKO2 (1:25)
布赖恩·亚伯拉罕 (6-29-2, 6 科斯), 斯克内克塔迪, 纽约
路易斯·里维拉 (4-3, 1 KO), 哈特福德, CT
WDEC4 (40-36, 39-37, 38-38)
Carlos Marrera, III (0-2), 布里奇波特, CT
叽叽喳喳: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp, 金里维拉_



迪尔菲尔德海滩, 佛罗里达州. (二月. 9, 2018) – Boxing promoter Don King has been trying to finalize a fight with WBA super featherweight champion Alberto “El Explosivo” Machado for more than two months with his number two contender, Rafael Mensah.

“I’ve been dealing with Robert Diaz of Golden Boy Promotions and he seems to be a forthright person,”国王说. “Since the beginning of December they have been telling me we would have an agreement to fight on January 27 after they arranged a meeting with HBO’s Peter Nelson. It has been one story after another story.”

King continued: “I had the one call with Robert Diaz and he never called me back. We kept calling him. We were supposed to go in together to meet with Peter Nelson and they said we would have a 50-50 deal, and I’ve never heard from him. Mensah has been waiting three years for a title opportunity.

“My fighter was set to fight on Jan. 27, which is what we agreed upon. But I never heard back from anyone. They are playing the con game in trying to avoid this fight with Mensah. They are trying to get under the rules and not fight my future champion. The making of the Machado-Mensah fight has become convoluted and full of intrigue and machination. This whole thing has been mysterious. We are ready to fight!”

Mensah, who hails from Ghana, 是 31-0 同 23 科斯.

Danny Garcia Philadelphia Media Workout Quotes & 照片

With Quotes & Photos from Linebacker Dannell Ellerbe of the
Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles
Two-Division Champion Battles Former Champion Brandon Rios in Welterweight World Title Eliminator Live on SHOWTIME 星期六, 二月 17 在拉斯维加斯的曼德勒海湾活动中心 & 主讲 总理拳击冠军
点击 这里 for Photos from Chet Susslin/SHOWTIME
费城 (二月 9, 2018) – One day after the city celebrated its first Super Bowl championship, 2处世界冠军 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亚 was joined by Philadelphia Eagles linebacker 丹内尔·埃勒布 at a media workout in Philadelphia as Garcia prepares for his welterweight world title eliminator against former champion 布兰登·里奥斯 星期六, 二月 17 住在Showtime在拉斯维加斯的曼德勒海湾活动中心.
The Premier Boxing Champions event also features undefeated super middleweight world champion 大卫Benavidez 和收视率最高的竞争者 罗纳德Gavril squaring-off in a rematch of their thrilling September 2017 bout in which Benavidez won the vacant title by split decision. 该精彩表演拳击锦标赛 电视节目开始在 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. 与PT , 量级的竞争者 Yordenis Ugas 作战 罗宾森 in an IBF 147-pound title eliminator.
门票现场活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销和TGB促销推广, 现已公开发售,并可以在AXS.com.
Here is what Garcia, Ellerbe, Mayweather Promotions CEO Leonard Ellerbe and Danny’s father and trainer, Angel Garcia had to say 星期五 from DSG Boxing Gym in Philadelphia:
“在一天结束时, everyone at welterweight has to prove themselves. The pieces will fall into place. Eventually we’ll all fight each other. I’m just going to keep taking it one fight at a time.
“我很高兴能在环回. I feel rejuvenated. My body feels fresh. Training camp has gone really well and now it’s time to get in there and go to work.
I learned from the Keith Thurman fight not to leave anything in the hands of the judges. It was a close fight that could have gone either way. I have to go for the kill, 所以就是这样.
I was just enjoying myself for a little bit after the Thurman fight. I knew that I’d be back so it was good to get some time with my family and away from boxing. Now I’m back and ready to go.
This is a new chapter in my career. There are new obstacles to overcome. Just like I’ve always had in my career. I’m going to take it one fight at a time so I can get back to where I belong.
Once you’re a champion, you’re always a champion. 上 二月 17 I’m going to show everyone why I’m one of the best fighters in the world.
I’ve had my best performances in Las Vegas against Amir Khan and Lucas Matthysse. Las Vegas is where the stars fight so I’m happy to be fighting there again.
I’ve been preparing for everything. I’ve been working on boxing and brawling; it’ll just depend how I feel when the fight starts. I’m going to be ready for 12 rounds regardless.
DANNELL ELLERBE, Philadelphia Eagles linebacker
Just to know how starving Philadelphia has been for a Super Bowl championship, and to bring the first one, it’s a great feeling. These fans give you energy and make you play better.
It’s all love between the Philly athletes. We all show up for each other’s events and support each other. That’s really big to have a supportive community and I’m sure everyone will be rooting for Danny next Saturday.”
ANGEL GARCIA, 丹尼的父亲 & 训练者
Brandon Rios is not going to be an easy opponent. 这将是一个伟大的斗争. Rios is a very tough fighter. There’s no way this is going to be an easy fight and Danny knows that.
Danny knows he can’t take anything lightly because Brandon Rios will be prepared. But he’s not going to win. Danny Garcia has never taken a beating; he gives them out.
Brandon Rios better keep his hands up. We’ll be ready in one week for Danny Garcia to be at his best. You’re going to see him once again show his great skills.
“加西亚VS. Brandon Rios is a great stylistic matchup. Rios is a very aggressive fighter who likes to put pressure on. Danny is a boxer-puncher, but I think you see that Danny really comes forward. He’s a guy who’s boxing skills are underrated.
Danny Garcia has been a unified champion and shown he’s one of the best fighters in the world. 例如 二月 17, he’s going to make a big statement. There’s a lot of justified talk about other welterweights, but Danny Garcia is a name in this division who is here to stay.
The Benavidez vs. Gavril rematch is a fantastic fight. It’s a fight people have been looking for since the first time they faced off. I think it’s going to live up to what everyone has expected. I know Ronald has made some adjustments, and I’m sure Benavidez has made some too. I think it’s going to be an all-out war.
# # #
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sportswww.premierboxingchampions.com, 在Twitter @SHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, 和 @MandalayBay 或成为 Facebook 的粉丝:www.Facebook.com/ShoBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. 英超冠军拳击被电晕额外赠送, 最好的啤酒.

Frank De Alba suffers cut

麦凯乐福克斯 – 里卡多·加西亚 & 克米特辛特龙 – Marquis Taylor to battle in co-main events on Tuesday, 二月 13 伯利恒金沙活动中心
Undefeated fighters Colby Madison Michael Coffie, & Juan Sanchez in action
Martino Jules squares off with Malik Loften in battle of undefeated featherweights
伯利恒, PA (二月 9, 2018)Junior Lightweight contender Frank De Alba suffered a cut in his last day of sparring and will not be able to compete against Carlos Padilla in the main event of King’s Promotions packed card on Tuesday, February 13th at The Sands Bethlehem Event Center.
不败超轻量级 麦凯乐福克斯 (15-0, 4 科斯) 巴尔的摩, MD将在 里卡多·加西亚 (14-1, 9 科斯) of Dominican Republic, also two-time world champion 克米特辛特龙 (39-6-3, 30 科斯) 读, PA. 会做战与 马奎斯·泰勒(8-1) 休斯顿, Texas as the card will feature a pair of eight-round co-feature bouts.
It’s unfortunate that Frank got hurt, but we have two excellent fights that will now top the bill,” 说,国王的促销首席执行官马歇尔考夫曼. “This is a terrific card from top to bottom, and we look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday night.
科尔比麦迪逊 (5-0-1, 4 科斯) 奥因斯米尔斯, 马里兰会打 但丁塞尔比 (2-3-1) 费城的重量级回合.
布雷克菲尔德 (5-1-1, 3 科斯) 伯灵顿, NC将打 达里尔·邦廷 (3-2-2, 1 KO) 阿斯伯里帕克的, 新泽西州的中量级倾斜.
迈克尔Coffie (1-0, 1 KO) 将于亲开张 Nicoy克拉克 泽西市, 新泽西州的重量级回合.

儒勒·马蒂诺 (2-0) 阿伦敦, PA会打 马利克鲁丰 (1-0, 1 KO) 苏特兰的, MD在轻量级回合.

胡安·桑切斯 (4-0, 1 KO) 阿伦敦, PA将在 塞尔吉奥·阿吉拉尔 (2-6, 2 科斯) 宅基地, FL在轻量级回合.
门票现场活动, 这是由国王的促销推广, 售价为 $50, $75 和 $100, 不包括适用的服务费和税收,现已公开发售. 门票可在 www.ticketmaster.com. 要通过电话特玛在充电 (800) 745-3000.


图片来源: 以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME
Wilder Defends His WBC Title Against Fellow-Unbeaten Luis Ortiz 星期六, 三月 3 住在Showtime
点击 这里 从以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME照片
点击 这里 for Photos from Idris Erba/Team Deontay Wilder
LOS ANGELES (二月. 9, 2018) – Just days after the birth of his daughter, 美国重量级世界冠军 Deontay怀尔德 met with members of the Southern California media 周四 as he prepares to defend his WBC Heavyweight World Championship against fellow-undefeated challenger Luis Ortiz 星期六, 三月 3 住在Showtime巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.
Wilder and his girlfriend, fellowWAGS Atlantastar Telli Swift welcomed their daughter into the world 周二 before Wilder turned his focus to 三月 3, climbing in the ring at Team Watson Boxing Club in the San Fernando Valley to work out with his Los Angeles-based trainer Mark Breland, the former U.S. Olympics gold medalist and former WBC Welterweight World Champion.
The 32-year-old Wilder owns a perfect record of 39 胜, zero losses and 38 击倒. Fighting out of his hometown of Tuscaloosa, 阿拉。, 他是一个 2008 Olympic Bronze Medalist and is the only reigning American heavyweight world champion. The 6-foot-7 Wilder faces the toughest opponent of his career in Ortiz, a 6-foot-4 Cuban who owns a professional record of 28-0 同 24 击倒.
Here is what Wilder had to say 周四:
Once I unify all the titles then line up the mandatories, I’ll easily get to 50-0. I’m not a 12-round fighter, and I don’t get overtime. I’m a knockout artist. So that being said, I don’t take much damage, but I give all the damage. I put people in the hospitals. I put people in stretchers. When you fight me your head is not the same when you leave. When you fight me you’re really signing a death warrant.
This is one of the biggest fights of my career and I’m up for the challenge. I’m going to pass with flying colors.
Ortiz has got that reputation of being the bogeyman but I’ve never been scared of the bogeyman. 是因为, I wanted him. A lot of people have been avoiding him, even champions that are champions to this day have avoided Luis Ortiz. But this champion right here took on the opportunity.
Even when [奥尔蒂斯] failed the drug test once, I still blessed him again because I’m very adamant about what I want to do. 我要争取最好的. I say I’m the best. I say it very proudly, I say it very confidently. I say it so boldly and I want to show the world that I don’t play around. If I say it, I really mean what I say. I don’t have time to waste.
If he fails again then somebody’s going to need to go whoop his ass. The public needs to whoop his ass. All of Miami should get up and do that. The first time, a lot of people spent a lot of time and a lot of money for tickets and he did what he did. A lot of people were enraged. I heard it and a lot of people blamed me, which I don’t know why. 但, with this fight right here and what I did with my last performance, it makes it even better. It intensifies the whole fight. 所以, if he [fails his drug test again] then shame on him. I feel sorry for his soul and his life. I don’t think he’s going to do that. I think he has a lot of responsibilities in his hands right now. At this point in time he knows he needs to do the right thing. Three times is not the charm in all instances.
I don’t focus on what these guys are doing. I don’t focus on what their strengths are. I just focus on me. I focus on what I’m capable of doing. I focus on what I’m going to do and when I tell people I’m going to do something, you know I’m going to do it. At the end of the day that’s what my father taught me. There weren’t any contracts back in the day, it was just the shake of a hand. And if you said something and you didn’t abide by it, there’s consequences to your actions, to your words. 到今天, I abide by that. 所以, if I say I’m going to do something it’s guaranteed to be done.
On his lifestyle outside of boxing:
I just think life itself is just mental. I do a lot of visualization. I do a lot of meditation. It strengthens my mind to go through a lot of the situations that I go through. Having a baby and being on a reality show, all of that is fun stuff. Some people know how to maintain it and some people don’t. I’m just a guy that multitasks a lot of things. I can do a lot of things. Even when I’m talking to you, my mind can be in so many different places right now and still be able to comprehend and interact with you. 所以, I think I was meant for a lot of things. Boxing is just not what all I can do. I’m so talented in so many different areas.
I’m a laid back guy. In my personal life I’m just a cool, calm and collected dude that likes to live life and I love peace. 不幸, in what I do in the ring, I turn into the ‘Bronze Bomberand the ‘Bronze Bomberdon’t get caught by none.
On being on reality TV and recognized by non-boxing fans:
I think it’s very important. People need to know who the heavyweight champion of the world is. America got a bad man, an ass-whooper, right in America. I think it’s important and people should understand and should know who that is. That’s why I do the things I do. That’s why I’m so competitive. That’s why I speak the way I speak. Sometimes it may annoy people, it may get on people’s nerves and I never hear it in front of my face, but I understand it. I do it to show people that I’m going to speak it and you’re going to see me deliver it. I think you get the most respect when you say something you’re going to do and you do it. Look at Ali, people hated him. They say he was a big mouth who ran his mouth too much but he proved himself many times and that’s that thing I want to do. I want to speak what I say I’m going to do and you watch me work.
On Anthony Joshua:
I want him just as bad as everybody else wants him. If it was up to me, we would’ve been fighting two years ago. I’ve been calling this man out. When they hyped him up and said he was this, said he was that. I’m the type of person that I get happy for other people. With me and my happiness and me being successful, that’s all up to me. It ain’t up to nobody else. 所以, when I see other people doing great things, when I see good things coming to other people, I get happy for other people. It’s a hard thing for people to get happy for other people because things don’t happen for them but I’m not like that because I know my blessings will sure enough come. All I got to do is keep working.
I come in peace all of the time but with him, I don’t think Joshua wants to fight me. His promoters don’t want him to fight me. They’re on the goal of trying to build this resume, saying they want to be the first billionaires, 像这样的东西. But doing that, the plans all end with me. All roads lead to me. I’m not going nowhere, no time soon. They know black don’t crack. 所以, I’m going to be around for a long time. I ain’t the best heavyweight in the division. I’m the best heavyweight on this earth. I’m just waiting on the opportunity to prove it.
Prediction on Joshua-Parker:
I’ve always said ‘later rounds’. I see that fight going later rounds if Joseph Parker is smart in what he does. He has nice movement and is able to execute on all of the opportunities that he sees with Joshua. Because Joshua can’t move his head. He’s a muscle, body-building type of guy. You’ve seen my dance? [chuckles] 与, if he’s able to calculate what he needs to do in the ringbecause the ring has a lot of secretsif he’s able to do things he needs to do, I see late rounds. 但, like I said before, I think they’re going to have to knock Joshua out because they’re not going to give it to him.
Prediction for 三月 3:
People ask me the round and I always see threes. This year is a magical year. It’s the year of the 33. 所以, I see threes everywhere. I see three rounds or less, maybe shorter than that. It all depends on how I feel when I see him.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 万维网.premierboxingchampions.com,
在 Twitter 上关注我们@PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @TGBPromotions, @BarclaysCenter, @Brooklyn_Boxing 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC是通过电晕额外赞助, 最好的啤酒.



万宝路, MA初中量级纳尔逊·佩雷斯 (L) 击败布罗克的凯文·沃尔什提前到 下个星期四 晚上的全新英锦标赛的新手师
(爱德华·博切斯的图片礼貌 / Boches摄影)
LOWELL, 质量. (二月 9, 2018) – 西新英格兰和中部的新英格兰球队统治昨晚的半决赛回合冠军的新英格兰锦标赛的新手师, 第72届年度新英格兰金手套锦标赛的一部分, 昨晚在历史洛厄尔纪念礼堂举行.
团队西部和中部队赢得了5年和4个人比赛, 分别, 的 10 激动人心的较量与 10 获奖者提前到本 未来周四 (二月. 15) 新手赛区冠军决赛在洛厄尔纪念剧院. 请参阅完整 2018 schedule of events below as well as last night’s complete results.
“现在, 我们下到每个重量级别从六个新英格兰州的最后两个新手的拳击手,” ñ. 和. 执行董事 鲍比·鲁索(Bobby Russo) 说. “它总是有趣的,看看奶油上升到顶部. 一周后,接下来的所有新英格兰的公开组比赛将举行,将有更多好的比赛跌宕。”
Tickets start at $16.00, 只要 $7.00 为学生 (需要ID) 并且可通过调用在洛厄尔纪念剧院售票处购买 1.866.722.8881 或者在网上订购 www.lowellauditorium.com. Buy tickets early to avoid long lines the night of the show..
从洛厄尔太阳慈善金手套收益冠军去实现发送新英格兰金手套冠军到全国金手套锦标赛 (开始 五月 14, 2018 在奥马哈, 内布拉斯加), 除了支持本地运动员和地区的体育场馆, 男孩 & 女孩俱乐部, 汤厨房, 无家可归者收容所, 癌症基金, 奖学金和许多其他重大慈善事业.
(二月. 8, 2018)
飞锤 (114 磅。)
Jean Pineiro, 布里奇波特, CT / 西北部地区
DEC (4-1)
托马斯·柯蒂斯, 梅休因, 嘛 / CNE
JUNIOR的welterweights (141 磅。)
纳尔逊·佩雷斯, 万宝路, 嘛 / CNE
DEC 5-0
凯文·沃尔什, 布罗克, 嘛 / 斯尼
welterweights的 (152 LBS。)
亚历山大·林奇, 昆西, 嘛 / Grealish拳击俱乐部
DEC 5-0
雅各布·诺尔斯, 迦南, ME
马克土, 威斯布鲁克, CT / 西北部地区
DEC (5-0)
马尔万·多摩, 克兰斯顿, RI / 斯尼
middleweights的 (165 磅。)
Makenson巴尔容, 布里奇波特, CT / 西北部地区
DEC 5-0
凯文Pontier, 索基特, RI / 斯尼
科迪Zombeck, 罗切斯特, NH / 北北东
DEC (5-0)
格雷格·波诺, 沃尔瑟姆, 嘛 / CNE
轻重量级 (178 磅。)
杰西Batanda, 纳舒厄, NH / CNE
DEC (5-0)
约什 - 西利, 福尔里弗, 嘛 / 斯尼
Dimani威廉姆斯, 布卢姆菲尔德, CT / 西北部地区
DEC (4-1)
布拉德利·希门尼斯, 伯灵顿, VT
权重股 – (201+ 磅。)
尤里Panferov,. 新天堂, CT / 西北部地区
RSC3 (1:27)
伊曼纽尔Anaele, 布罗克, 嘛 / 斯尼
让Fleuirassaint, Mattapan, 嘛 / CNE
DEC (4-1)
凯文Wilaon, 多佛, NH / 北北东
CNE – 新英格兰中部, 斯尼 – 新英格兰南部,
北北东 – 新英格兰北部, 西北部地区 – 新英格兰西部

布里奇波特, CT量级Makension巴尔容 (L) 赢了个 5-0 在凯文Pontier决定, 索基特的, RI
(洛厄尔纪念剧院 – 6:30 P.M. 门打开, 7:30 P.M. 第一回合)
菜鸟级锦标赛决赛 – 星期四, 二月. 15
公开课半决赛 – 星期三, 二月. 21
公开课锦标赛决赛 – 星期四, 二月. 22
新英格兰金手套执行董事: 鲍比·鲁索(Bobby Russo)
参赛者总监: 拉玛略(Art Ramalho)
官员首长: 劳里·珀塞尔
环播音员: 约翰·维纳
地点: 洛厄尔纪念剧院, 50 梅里马克街, 洛厄尔, 嘛
叽叽喳喳: @LowellGloves

Phight News Unlimited Combat Sports Show, Post SuperBowl Special

汤姆, Tony and Rich are back this week to chat a bit about the Philadelphia Eagles winning their first SuperBowl and eventually the latest happenings in Combat Sports. We go through the boxing schedule for this week first, then recap the last week’s biggest match-ups. Then we dive into the MMA scene and look back on another UFC Fight Night event and ahead to UFC 221. 听下面的全部广播:


Jermall Charlo Houston Media Workout Quotes & 照片

Unbeaten Former World Champion Meets Hugo Centeno Jr. 星期六, 三月 3 in Interim Middleweight Title Showdown Live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn & 主讲
点击 这里 for Photos from Andrew Hemingway/SHOWTIME
HOUSTON (二月 8, 2018) – Unbeaten former 154-pound world champion Jermall夏洛茨维尔 hosted a media workout 星期四 in his hometown of Houston as he prepares for his WBC Interim Middleweight World Title showdown against 雨果·森特诺JR. 星期六, 三月 3 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.
The Premier Boxing Champions event will be headlined by heavyweight champion Deontay “青铜轰炸机” 怀尔德 defending his title against unbeaten contender 路易斯 “真正的金刚” 奥尔蒂斯.
门票现场活动, 这是由DiBella娱乐和TGB促销推广, 开始 $50 与现已公开发售. 购买门票, 访问 Ticketmaster.com, BarclaysCenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 活动门票也可以在巴克莱中心的美国运通票房购买.
Here is what Charlo and his trainer Ronnie Shields had to say 星期四 from Charlo Boxing and Fitness Club in Houston:
It’s going to be a tough fight against Hugo Centeno Jr. If he can stand up to my power, we’re going to fight and it’ll be a brutal war. If he can’t, I’ll take him out in the first round.
We can’t let Houston down now. My brother and I have made it this far. We can’t stop now. It’s my turn to put on a spectacular performance on March 3. I’m trying to one-up my brother’s previous performance each time I step in there.
My goal is to show everybody that I’m the best middleweight in the world. I’m going to keep fighting everyone they put in front of me. I’m going to knock them out one-by-one until Canelo or Golovkin have to face me.
I’ve had the chance to work on some improvements to my game since my last fight. I think having even more patience in the ring is going to help step my game up even higher. I want to be a champion at middleweight more than I did at 154-pounds.
“雨果·森特诺JR. is another fighter who is in my way. I know he’ll come in prepared, but I’m confident I’m going to walk out of there with the victory.
This is going to be a big year for me and my brother. We’re going to keep showing everyone why we’re so feared.
罗尼盾, 查洛的教练
Jermall looks great in training camp and we expect him to be at his best come 三月 3. He’s motivated to put on a good show and prove to everyone he’s a force in this division.
Hugo Centeno is a quality fighter. He’s well-trained and has length, so Jermall knows he has to be prepared. Centeno isn’t going to let him win, Jermall is going to have to go in and impose his will on the man.
I believe Jermall has the talent and determination to beat any of the top middleweights out there. We’re going to keep working every day so that when the time comes for one of those fights with a Golovkin or Canelo, he’ll be prepared to take advantage of the opportunity.
# # #
欲了解更多信息,请访问 万维网.premierboxingchampions.com,
在 Twitter 上关注我们@PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @TGBPromotions, @BarclaysCenter, @Brooklyn_Boxing 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC是通过电晕额外赞助, 最好的啤酒.

United Boxing Promotions signs Indian prospect Sukhdeep Singh

亲亮相 三月 17 在加拿大
MISSISSAUGA, 安大略, 加拿大 (二月 8, 2018) – United Boxing Promotions (UBP) announced today that it has signed Indian super middleweight prospect 苏赫迪普·辛格 for his professional debut, 三月 17, at Hersey Centre in Mississauga, 安大略, 加拿大.

An elusive, pure boxer, Singh will make his pro debut 三月 17 on a UBP-presented St. Patrick’s Day card, in a four-round bout against an opponent to be determined, at Undefeated Irish-Canadian sensation 乔希 “DubsO’Reilly(10-0, 4 科斯), fighting out of Hamilton (加拿大), will make his initial International Boxing Association (IBA) Inter-Continental lightweight title defense against Mexican veteran Juan Bedolla Orozco (19-7-2, 14 科斯) 在10轮的主要事件.
Since 2010,UBP promoter Tyler Buxton 说, “United Boxing Promotions has launched the careers of Toronto’s best boxers. 三月 17, we continue this tradition with the pro debut of Sukhdeep Singh, whose international boxing experience and following could make him the next 阿米尔汗.”
India may not be boxing’s most fertile country, although reigning World Boxing Organization (WBO) Asia Pacific and Oriental super middleweight champion Vijender Singh (10-0, 7 科斯) is an exception, but Singh had a decorated amateur career, ranked as high as No. 17 in the world in his division.
The 25-year-old Singh, who is switches between orthodox and southpaw stances, captured gold medals at the 2012 Senior National Boxing Championship and 2011 Boxing Super Cup. 两年前, he also trained with the Indian Olympic Boxing Team in Ireland.
去年, Singh was namedBest Boxerin India’s inaugural boxing league, Super Pro Boxing League, founded by former world champion Khan and 杜新志法案.
I’m very happy for this opportunity to turn professional in Toronto at the Hershey Centre,” Singh commented.
From Punjab’s farming fields to Canada’s training grounds, Singh is being trained by Ryan Grant of Grant MMA & 拳击.
I have been training Sukh since he was 16 岁,” Grant noted. “I’m excited to watch his growth through the professional ranks.
Tickets are available at the Hershey Centre box office or online at www.ticketmaster.ca.
Facebook的: /UnitedBoxingPromotions
叽叽喳喳: @UnitedBoxingPromotions, @TylerBuxton
Instagram的: @UnitedPromotions