Архивы: бокс

Агбеко-Блейки вершины ул.. День Патрика Ночь драки в Нэшвилле

All-Action Reyes в совместной игре; Галарза жертвует заработки церкви
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Нэшвилл, Теннесси (Март 13, 2018) - Король нокаутов в полутяжелом весе Сена «Африканский убийца» Агбеко возглавит специальный выпуск Tri-Star Boxing «Бой на ярмарке», когда он сражается с Лоуренсом Блейки. Суббота, Март 17 на спортивной арене Fairground в Нэшвилле, Теннесси.
Билеты можно приобрести, перейдя в tristarboxing.com/tickets и двери открываются в 6 вечера. Карта предоставляется вам вместе с Blue Chair Bay Rum..
Родом из Ганы и сражается за Нэшвилл, Впечатляющая профессиональная бухгалтерская книга Агбеко гласит: 20-1 с 18 победы нокаутом. 26-летний футболист стал местным фаворитом и Суббота отмечает свой третий бой в Музыкальном городе. Совсем недавно он победил ветерана Энтони Боумена через 2йкруглая остановка в январе.
На другом конце ринга будет Лоуренс Блейки из Пенсильвании.. Боец-неудачник с 5-8-2 рекорд и две победы нокаутом, Блейки стал жертвой сомнительного суждения. Его последние четыре поражения были результатом раздельного голосования или решения большинства, и он столкнулся с шестью непобежденными противниками.. В ноябре 2017, Блейки переиграл Джо Пэнтиффа (12-3) единогласным решением судей.
Бой Агбеко-Блейки рассчитан на шесть раундов..
Захватывающий младший наилегчайший вес Эдвин Рейес из Нэшвилла через Гватемалу сталкивается с Мексикой. 56 ветеран боя Армандо «Чикита» Васкес в 10 круглый совместный объект. Пара ранее встречалась в 2017, с Рейесом, одержавшим захватывающую победу решением судей. На этот раз вокруг Рейеса, 7-3-2 (5 КО), стремится к нокауту, чтобы развеять любые сомнения в том, что он лучший боец.
Андеркарта увидит возвращение Антиохии, Луис «Эль Тайно» Галарса из TN в соревновании из четырех туров. Сражается впервые почти за два года, Галарза имеет отличный 21-4 запись с 15 его побед нокаутом. Он разделил ринг с чемпионами мира Келлом Бруком и Остином Траутом, но его самая большая гордость в боксе наступит. Суббота вечером, когда он жертвует 100% его боевого кошелька в LifePoint Church.
Мэтт Янг из Tri-Star Boxing сказал: «Это наша вторая открытка на День Святого Патрика подряд.. Явка в 2017 было потрясающе, и на этот раз мы хотим побить цифры. У нас есть невероятный нокаут-мастер в Агбеко, а также один из самых ярких бойцов Эдвин Рейес, а также ряд соревновательных боев, представленных в андеркарте.. Луис Галарса также возвращается с действительно особой целью.. Я с нетерпением жду встречи с нашими преданными поклонниками и новыми лицами в субботу вечер ".
Для получения более подробной информации, визит tristarboxing.com.

Решения Уизерспуна Каперсы в Атлантик-Сити

Локетт расстраивает принца Бади Аджаму
победы Буаза, Хилтон, Кортес & Хименес
Атлантик-Сити, Нью-Джерси (Март 12, 2018)–Чаз Уизерспун увеличил свою победную серию до восьми подряд, пройдя дистанцию ​​из восьми раундов, победив единогласным решением судей над Ламонтом Каперсом, который возглавил карточку из семи боев в отеле Claridge в Атлантик-Сити..
Шоу, что имело место в прошлом Суббота, был продвинут Mis Downing Promotions и Silverspoon Promotions.
Уизерспун сумел перебить хитрых Каперсов. Каперсы были очень конкурентоспособными, но именно размер Уизерспуна и более сильные удары оказались решающим фактором, когда он захватил переходное отверстие. 78-74, 78-74 и 77-75 множество.
Уизерспун из Paulsboro, Нью-Джерси теперь 37-3. каперсы, кто дрался второй раз через семь дней является 9-12-4.
Уиллис Локетт принял решение большинством в шесть раундов над принцем Бади Аджаму в тяжелом поединке.
Локетт из Такома-Парк, MD победила с результатом 59-55, 58-56 и 57-57, и в настоящее время 16-22-6. Аджаму из Камдена, Нью-Джерси является 28-4-1.
Супер легкие Джон Бауза остался непобежденным благодаря единогласному решению судей в шести раундах над Дэвидом Моралесом..
Бауза Северного Бергена, Нью-Джерси выиграл по всем картам с разницей в 60-54, и в настоящее время 9-0. Моралес Манагуа, Никарагуа 13-9.
Майк Хилтон победил в трех раундах техническим единогласным решением судей над Эктором Пересом.
Поединок превратился в грандиозную драку, когда Перес получил порез над правым глазом в третьем кадре..
Перес почти устроил себе ночь, сбросив Хилтона в 1-м раунде.. Хилтон рванул назад, чтобы зарегистрировать свой нокдаун во втором и третьем раунде..

Оценки были 28-26 на всех картах на момент остановки.

Хилтон Трентон, Нью-Джерси является 10-0. Перес Плезантвиль, Нью-Джерси является 3-2
Эдгар Кортес победил Кевина Асмата в полулегком весе единогласным решением судей в четырех раундах.
Счета были 38-37 в два раза и 39-36 для Кортеса, из Вайнленд, Нью-Джерси, который в настоящее время 6-4. Асмат Северного Бергена. Нью-Джерси является 3-2.
Алехандро Хименес успешно дебютировал в профи с остановкой во 2-м раунде над Дерриком Питтсом в легчайшем поединке..
Время финиша было 3:00. Питтс 0-2.
Дэн Мюррей и Латорри Вудберри не участвовали в соревнованиях, когда Вудберри повредил плечо в 1-м раунде их запланированного четырехраундового боя в полусреднем весе..
“Я в восторге от Суббота ночная карта,” сказал Mis Downing промоушена Mis Downing. “Бои были потрясающими и очень соревновательными.. Я хочу поблагодарить отель Claridge и особую благодарность Залу славы бокса Атлантик-Сити.. Я также хочу поблагодарить мэра Фрэнка Гиллиама за поддержку нашего мероприятия.. Мы очень рады тому, что нас ждет в будущем, и скоро у нас будет очень большое объявление о нашем следующем мероприятии, это будет особенная ночь бокса.”

Mis Даунинг Акции хотел бы поблагодарить своих спонсоров, который включает в Атлантик-Сити, боксерский зал славы, Claridge Hotel, Fantasea Resorts, АЕИ страхование, Срочный ответ, HairX, Купить Смарт Motors & Управление Новое видение недвижимости.

Балтиморский бокс в честь покойного Скотта Вагнера Марша 22

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Балтимор, Мэриленд (Март 12, 2018) - Боксерская акция Джейка Смита возвращается на Восьмую авеню Майкла. Март 22 для особого мероприятия, посвященного покойному Скотту Вагнеру.
До того, как Смит разместил свои карты в Michael’s Eighth, Бальный бокс Скотта Вагнера провел больше, чем 70 успешные шоу за 15 годовой период. Его серия стала большим хитом, и в нем приняли участие многие бойцы, ставшие чемпионами мира, такие как Теренс Кроуфорд., Хасим Рахман, Кермит Цинтрон, Орлин Норрис и Эл Коул. Давний друг Смита, Вагнер перестал продвигаться в 2009 и любезно предложили семейный Michael’s Eighth to Baltimore Boxing Promotions..
Февраля 16, Вагнер скончался в возрасте 49.
«Скотт был одним из моих ближайших друзей, и я был опустошен его безвременной кончиной.,"Сказал Смит, который продвигался вместе с Вагнером, а также боролся за него в 1996. «Он провел одно из самых успешных промоушенов за более чем десятилетие и поступил правильно бойцами..
Скотт Вагнер человек был даже лучше промоутера. Он всегда помогал другим людям, и его опыт помог мне в расширении Baltimore Boxing Promotions.. Я бесконечно благодарен Скотту Вагнеру, и в моем сердце всегда будет место в его сердце ».
Хэдлайнером этого боксерского соревнования в олимпийском стиле стал поединок недовольства между Дешоном «Soulsnatcher» Чейзом и Оушен Сити., Омар Серрано из MD за титул чемпиона Восточного побережья в среднем весе. Один из самых перспективных игроков Балтиморского бокса, Чейз ищет искупления против единственного человека, который его победит.
В со-бой вечера, Тирелл Бойд из Балтимора по боксу встречается с Тайлером Лангером. Boyd is a multi-time champion but is faced with a tough foe that fights out of the highly respected Mack Lewis Gym.
Other bouts will be announced shortly.
Along with honoring Wagner, Baltimore Boxing is hosting a fundraiser for Brenda Davis. The wife of legendary trainer Adrian Davis, Brenda’s battled health complications that have severely impacted her. All proceeds from the fundraiser will help cover Davis’ healthcare costs.
Tickets and tables are available by calling 410-375-9175 или собирается Baltimoreboxing.com.

Middleweight Cem Kilic remains undefeated with 2nd round stoppage

Беверли Хиллс, Халиф. (Март. 12, 2018) – Middleweight Cem Kilic remained perfect with a 2nd round stoppage over veteran Taronze Washington in Hinckley, Minnesota this past Friday.
The native of Los Angles via Frankfurt, Germany put Washington down with a hard body shot, and the bout was stopped to raise Kilic’s mark to 10-0 с шестью нокаутом.
“Мне 10-0 сейчас, and I cant ell you how excited I am to get the early knockout in front of my adopted American fans,” сказал Килич. “Taronze was a tough opponent, but I trained too hard for this fight not to get the early knockout. 2018 мой год, and I am putting the middleweight division on notice. I trust my manager to get the opportunity to showcase my talent to the entire world.
Kilic находится под управлением No Limit Mindset LLC., and CEO Shane Shapiro is extremely confident in the direct that his fighter is heading.
Пятница was a big step for Cem Kilic. He demonstrated that at age 23 against a very tought opponent, who had fought three world champions (Другое Берто, Alfredo Angulo and Austin Trout) as well as a plethora of big name contenders, that Cem was able to take him out in 2 раундов. I am very pleased and excited to announce a MAJOR mover very shortly.
Kilic is promoted by Greg Cohen Promotions.


Филадельфия – PA State junior middleweight champion Тайрон Брансон will be honored with three Briscoe Awards for the eventful year he had in 2017. During the year, Brunson’s efforts won him three bouts, two belts, and kept his career on track for a big fight in 2018. For these accomplishments, Brunson will take home three Бриско Награды на 25 мартаPhilly Fighter of the Year”, “Philly Бой года”, и “Performance of the Year”. This will be the first time a fighter has won three Briscoes in a single year.
“Дэнни Гарсия, Стив Каннингем, Bryant Jennings and Tevin Farmer have all won two before, but Brunson will be the first guy to get three on the same day,” said John DiSanto, founder of the Briscoe Awards. “Tyrone had a great year in 2017, so I’m happy for him. The voters got it right.
In addition to the “Истребитель года” награда, Brunson’s give-and-take battle with former world champion Kermit Cintron was named the “2017 Philly Бой года”. В борьбе, Brunson came off the floor twice to stop Cintron in round five. For that win, Brunson also earned the Briscoe Award for thePerformance of the Year”. Along with Brunson, Cintron will receive the Briscoe Award for his participation in the “Бой года”.
A number of other fighters will also be honored in various categories like: “Любитель года, “Проспект Год”, “Нокаут года”, Новичком Года”, и т.д..
Advance tickets for the Март 25, 2018 Briscoe Awards cost $20 and are currently available for sale at BriscoeAwards.com, или по телефону 609-377-6413. Tickets will not be sold at the door. The $20 admission includes food, draft beer, wine, soft drinks, and a souvenir program and ticket. The Briscoe Awards will be held at the VBA Clubhouse, 2733 Clearfield Street, Филадельфия, Пенсильвания, 19134.
The Briscoe Awards are presented by Philly Boxing History Inc., a 501c3 Non-Profit organization dedicated to preserving and honoring the great legacy of boxing in and around the city of Philadelphia. Для получения более подробной информации, call John DiSanto at 609-377-6413.

Undefeated lightweight Josh O’Reilly defends IBA Intercontinental title on St. Patrick’s Day in Canada

MISSISSAUGA, Онтарио, Канада (Март 12, 2018) – Undefeated International Boxing Association (IBA) в легком весе Добродушная шутка “DubsO’Reilly will make his first title defense on a special St. Patrick’s Day card, presented United Boxing Promotions, в эту субботу ночь (Море. 17), at Hersey Centre in Mississauga, Онтарио, Канада.
Irish-Canadian sensation O’Reilly (10-0, 4 КО), fighting out of Hamilton (Канада), will take on Mexican invader Juan Bedolla Orozco (19-7-2, 14 КО) в главном событии 10-раундовом. The 27-year-old O’Reilly (на фото направо) captured his IBA Intercontinental title last October, когда он остановился Oscar Arjona (13-6) at Hersey Centre.
I’m excited to headline because I’ve always felt it would be cool to fight on St. Paddy’s Day, в главном событии, close to home and defending my titleO’Reilly said without a hint of an Irish brogue. “I’m very grateful for the opportunity and looking forward to putting on a very good performance for everyone.
“Мои цели на 2018 are to keep improving, I’d like to be in some domestic fights and then set myself up on the international scene early next year.
Josh had a breakout year in 2017,O’Reilly’s promoter Tyler Buxton прокомментировал. “He came into the year with only one knockout in seven fights. В 2017, after moving up in weight and competition, he stopped all three opponents. Josh proved he’s one of the top lightweights in Canada and, в 2018, we’re looking to prove he’s the best in the country.
Former International Boxing Federation (IBF heavyweight champion Frankie Rill (14-2, 10 КО), faces Argentinian knockout-artist Себастьян “El GrandoteIgnacio Ceballos (34-9-2, 26 КО) в 8-раундовом совместном мероприятии.
In a pair of six-round matches, Canadian light heavyweight champion Tim Cronin (10-1-1, 2 КО) соответствует Juan Cruz Correa (4-0-1), Аргентины, в то время как Jason Alexander (2-2-0, 2 КО) квадратов с с Darren Fletcher (1-4-1,) in a battle of Canadian light heavyweights.
Indian middleweight prospect SukhdeepChakriaSingh, a 2012 Senior National Boxing Championship and 2011 Boxing Super Cup gold medalist as an amateur, will make his professional debut in a four-round bout versus Alejandro Garcia (2-1, 1 KO), Мексики.
Also fighting in four-round fights on the undercard are aptly named Canadian welterweight Cody Kelly (2-0) против. Waldo “Чино” Рохас (4-2-1, 1 KO), Мексики, unbeaten Armenia native and Montreal resident Andranik Grigoryan (2-0) против. undefeated Mexican featherweight Серхио “Гоблин” Palafox (7-0, 2 КО), and pro-debuting Canadian super welterweight Карл “Бритва” Hess против. Мексиканский Mario Bedolla Orozzo (0-1-1). Grigoryan gained invaluable experience as a key member of the Russian Boxing Team in the World Series of Boxing.
Our St. Patrick’s Day event is going to be a great night of fights with Irish Josh ‘DubsO’Reilly as the headliner, defending his IBA International title,” Buxton added. “Также, Irish boxers Tim Cronin and Cody Kelly will be in action, so it’s safe to say the boys in green will be out 17 марта at Hershey Centre. The undercard is packed with the likes of former IBF International Heavyweight Champion Franz Rill, pro debuts of the gold medalist and 2017 Best Boxer of the India’s Super Pro Boxing League, Sukhdeep, and hard-hitting native Canadian Karl “Бритва” Hess. To top off a stacked card, World Series of Boxing Russian Team member Andranik Grigoryan will be making his first visit to Ontario.
Билеты, в диапазоне от $150.00 и $20.00, are available at the Hershey Centre box office or online at www.ticketmaster.ca.
Facebook: /UnitedBoxingPromotions
Щебет: @UnitedBoxingPromotions, @TylerBuxton
Instagram: @UnitedPromotions


Kiryl Relikh Dominates Rances Barthelemy To Capture WBA Super Lightweight World Championship In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Co-Feature

Catch The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Replay Понедельник, Март 12 На


Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий; Кредит Аманда Уэсткотт / SHOWTIME

Сан-Антонио (Март 11, 2018) - Майки Гарсия captured a world title in his fourth weight division, outpointing previously undefeated Сергей Lipinets to win the IBF Junior Welterweight World Championship Суббота on SHOWTIME from Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio.

С победой, Гарсия (38-0, 30 КО) joined Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez as the only fighters in history to win titles at 126, 130, 135 и 140 фунты.

“It’s a great feeling. Winning this fourth title in a fourth division is an honor,- сказал Гарсия. “To get to be mentioned with Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez is a huge honor for me. It just leaves a little chapter in boxing with my name, my brother, мой папа. I think people will remember the Garcia family for ages to come.”

Гарсия, who was fighting for just the second time at 140 фунты, relied on a steady diet of combos to back up Lipinets, who was making the first defense of the IBF title he won last November on SHOWTIME. Garcia floored Lipinets for the first time in his career, connecting on a counter left hook midway through the seventh in a rousing moment that sent the pro-Garcia crowd at Freeman Coliseum to their feet.

Гарсия, who won by scores of 116-111 и 117-110 дважды, подключен на 46 percent of his power shots compared to 36 percent for the defending champion.

“He came in exactly as I expected – a very tough, very hungry and strong fighter,- сказал Гарсия. “We worked with angles behind the jab. He’s very dangerous, but we had a great game plan and we were able to prevail.

“I know I carry the power, but I was fighting a bigger man and he could take a punch. I didn’t want to get caught and I had to be patient.”

После боя, Гарсия, who still holds the WBC title at lightweight, reiterated his mantra that he’s seeking the biggest fights available, regardless of weight division.

“What I love is I have all the options,- сказал Гарсия. “I could go down to 135 to unify titles, which is what I really want to do. And in a couple of fights you’re going to see me at 147.

Despite being the defending champion, Lipinets (13-1, 10 КО) was fighting in just his 14й professional fight. России, who was born in Kazakhstan, delivered a valiant effort against one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in the world.

“It was probably experience that took over at some point,” Lipinets said. “Mikey is a great fighter, he can obviously crack. It was just experience that I was lacking.

“I want to go back in the gym and work on the problems I showed in the ring. There are a couple of holes I need to close. I’ll be back. It’s a learning experience.”

In a rematch of one of 2017’s best and most controversial fights, Kiryl Relikh handed former two-division world champion Rances-Бартельми the first loss of his career with a wide unanimous decision victory to capture the vacant WBA Super Lightweight World Championship.

Relikh (22-2, 19 КО) was the more active fighter and controlled the co-main event of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast from the opening bell, метание 1,237 общее количество ударов по сравнению с 494 for Barthelemy. Relikh, who many thought won their first matchup, consistently worked off his jab, подключения на 103 punches per round while Barthelemy landed an average of just 41.

While Barthelemy (26-1, 13 КО) won a disputed and wide decision in their first bout there was no controversy in the judges’ scorecards in the rematch, который был забит 117-110 и 118-109 дважды.

Relikh became just the third fighter from Belarus to win a world title while Barthelemy came up short in his bid to become the first Cuban to win a world title in three weight divisions.

“Last time I was not ready,” Relikh said. “I didn’t have proper preparation in the first fight but this time, with my new trainers, Я был готов. Я очень счастлив. I’ve waited for this dream for 20 годы. I’ve worked hard for this dream and now it’s mine.

Coming in we were looking to box all the way. My jab has developed so much since the last fight. They probably thought that I would run out of gas like last time, but I trained like a champion this time. Everything was geared toward becoming champion and that’s what we did сегодня вечером."

Бартельми, who picked up the pace a bit in the final three rounds, didn’t dispute the decision.

My heart is broken because I came in to this fight trying to get that third world title,” Barthelemy said. “I have to admit defeat and say that Relikh deserved to win that fight, but I will be back.

“At this point I have to look forward and put it behind me.

The featured attraction of the SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME telecast saw San Antonio’s own Марио Барриос (21-0, 13 КО) deliver a sensational second round knockout of Eudy Бернардо (23-3, 17 КО) перед своими поклонниками родного города.

I definitely made a statement сегодня вечером,- сказал Барриос.. “I showed the 140-pound division that I’m here and ready for any of them.”

Barrios was dominant from the start and struck early in the second with a vicious straight right that put Bernardo down. Although Bernardo got to his feet and beat the count, referee Jon Schorle had seen enough and waved off the bout 45 seconds into the second round of the super lightweight affair.

I wasn’t going in there looking for the knockout, but I caught him early,- сказал Барриос.. “I’ve been on a good run and I’m ready to continue that streak. We’re moving up the ranks fight by fight. I’m looking to get a title eliminator by the end of the year and hopefully a title shot early next year.

В первом бою телепередачи ШО EXTREME, Ричард Коммей (26-2, 23 КО) scored a sixth-round TKO of Алехандро Луна (22-1, 15 КО) in their IBF Lightweight World Title Eliminator.

Despite the win, my performance wasn’t up to the level that I hoped it would be,” said Commey. “He was exactly what I expected and if I had connected on more of my punches in the beginning I think the fight would have been over earlier. I was really trying to work on what we had been focusing on in camp but I just wasn’t performing well at the start of the fight.”

The fight was defined by exciting exchanges throughout, with Commey, fighting on his 31улица день рождения, getting the better early and connecting with power punches that caused Luna’s jaw to swell. Commey’s power broke through in round six when a powerful combination punctuated by a left uppercut sent Luna to the canvas for the first time in his career.

“Я очень разочарован,” said Luna. “All the credit to Commey, but I expect more of myself and I’m going to get back in the gym and come back much stronger and better.

Luna rose to his feet but was quickly pounced on by Commey, который приземлился 62 percent of his power punches in the round, and was sent to the mat again. This forced referee David Fields to call a halt to the bout at 1:54 шестого раунда. Commey now becomes the mandatory challenger for IBF Lightweight World Champion Robert Easter, who Commey lost a split decision to in September 2016.

It is the greatest feeling to get the win on my 31st birthday,” said Commey. “I am looking forward to fighting for the 135-pound world title and becoming champion.

The SHO EXTREME swing bout featured unbeaten prospect Брэндон Фигероа (15-0, 10 КО) scoring a seventh round knockout of Mexico’s Giovanni Delgado (16-6, 9 КО) in their super bantamweight clash.

Фигероа, the brother of former champion Omar, continued to show the aggressive style that has defined his early career as he threw an astonishing 178 punches in the third round. That number was good for the second most ever thrown in a single round by a fighter in a super bantamweight bout, в соответствии с Compubox.

The 21-year-old Figueroa continued to put the pressure on, battering Delgado until referee Gregorio Alvarez halted the fight at 1:55в седьмом раунде.

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Сан-Антонио, Техас (Март 10, 2018) – Прошлой ночью в Центре мероприятий Mi Mercado в Сан-Антонио, Техас, TMB & PRB Развлечения, при финансовой поддержке Майки Гарсия Акции, представленный Пятница Ночные бои”. Особые гости Майки Гарсия, Авенир Mares и Кости Адамс все были в посещаемости.
В главном событии, Джесси “Бам” Родригес (5-0, 3 КО), драки из Академии бокса Роберта Гарсии, побежденный Хосе “Парень” Casiano (0-2) нокаутом в первом раунде. Правый хук в голову поставил Касиано на счет в 1:33знак первом раунде.
В со-главном событии, Ангел Алехандро (2-0, 1KO) прошел дистанцию ​​с Хосе Элизондо (2-6-1), победа единогласным решением судей. Оценочные прочитать 40-35 и 39-36 дважды, все в пользу Алехандро. Алехандро потерял Элизандо в первом раунде, прежде чем одержать победу.
андеркарте Результаты
(4-раунд поединка в суперсреднем весе)
Патрик Кларк(1-0, 1 KO) побежденный Тейлор Сауседо (0-4). Левый хук в голову завершил схватку 2:59 знак первом раунде.
(4-раунд Бой в среднем весе)
Стивен Рамос (2-0, 2 КО) побежденный Jacob Landin (0-2). Правильный хук Рамоса уронил Ландина в начале второго раунда, затем последовал прямой левый, заканчивая бой.
(4-раунд младший легчайший вес)
Аарон Моралес (1-0, 1 KO)побежденный Хорхе Де Леон (0-2)нокаутом в первом раунде. Левый хук в корпус сбил Де Леона, заканчивая бой на 1:42 знак.
(4-поединок в тяжелом весе)
Брэндон Глэнтон побежденный Тиррел Херндон. Херндон был дисквалифицирован за удержание и уволился. Поединок был остановлен на 1:02 знак третьем раунде.
(4-раунд поединка в полулегком весе)
Винсенте Лоредо (1-0, 1 KO) победил Бен Герреро (0-2). Шквал ударов Лоредо завершил схватку на 1:23 знак третьем раунде, давая Лоредо победу техническим нокаутом.
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SHOWTIME Veteran Ivan Baranchyk Dominates Petr Petrov in IBF Junior Welterweight Eliminator



Heavyweight Prospect Junior Fa Remains Unbeaten with Majority Decision Victory



Catch The Replay Saturday, Март 10, На 5:30 p.m. ET / PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME®



Нажмите ВОТ Чтобы скачать фото; Кредит Стефани Trapp / SHOWTIME


ДЭДВУД, SD. (Март 9, 2018) – Undefeated 140-pound contender Реджис Prograis scored a sensational second-round knockout over former unified world champion Julius Indongo to capture the Interim WBC Super Lightweight title Пятница night on SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION from Deadwood Mountain Grand in Deadwood, SD.





С победой, ПРОГРАММЫ (21-0, 18 КО) will now likely face the winner of next week’s Amir Imam (Нет занимает. 1 WBC) and Jose Ramirez (Нет занимает. 3 WBC) matchup for the currently vacant WBC world title belt. ПРОГРАММЫ, Хьюстон путем Новый Орлеан, was dominant from the opening bell and has now scored knockouts in 14 из его последних 15 бои.





“I had to put on a show for SHOWTIME, for Deadwood, and for all my fans in Houston and New Orleans and just the whole division,"Сказал Prograis. “I had to put on a show for everybody. I am now the man at 140.”





In the final seconds of the opening round, Prograis landed a fierce jab that knocked Indongo (22-2, 11 КО) to the canvas. Во втором туре, Prograis continued to attack the much taller Indongo, and floored him for the second time with a huge left hand. With a wobbly Indongo returning to his feet, Prograis continued the onslaught and immediately attacked his prone opponent and knocked him down for a third time in the fight. Referee Ian John-Lewis gave Indongo one more opportunity to remain in the fight, but Prograis ended it once and for all with a third knockdown in the round via a left hook and fourth in the fight at 2:54 of round number two.





Following the knockout, SHOWTIME analyst Steve Farhood spoke to the rising star in the wide-open and competitive 140-pound division. Farhood was especially impressed with Prograis, who was making his fifth SHOWTIME appearance.





“It was an awesome performance,” said the International Boxing Hall of Famer and noted boxing historian Farhood. “I was surprised he finished Indongo as quickly as he did and as emphatically as he did.






“I think now boxing fans know that this guy deserves to be rated among the top three or four in the 140-pound division. Because it was a such an emphatic win, all the other fights at 140, whether it’s завтра fight between Mikey Garcia and Lipinets, you got to feel like they have to answer to Regis. He deserves it.”





The WBC No. 2 оценивается боец ​​на 140 pounds immediately turned his attention to a possible matchup with the winner of next week’s Imam-Ramirez matchup.





“I want the real title now, and I don’t think those two dudes will fight me after tonight,"Сказал Prograis. “Indongo only had one loss to Terrence Crawford, the pound for pound best, and I stopped him a round before Crawford did. I don’t see anybody trying to fight me right now.”






In an IBF Junior Welterweight eliminator, Иван Baranchyk (17-0, 11 КО) thrilled fans at The Deadwood Mountain Grand with his all-action style, остановка Петр Петров (38-6-2, 18 КО) на 1:12 of round number eight.





Baranchyk, making his sixth appearance on SHOWTIME, was the much stronger, more aggressive fighter than his game but ultimately overmatched opponent, who showed commendable toughness and resiliency to stay in the fight. Baranchyk knocked Petrov to the canvas with the very first punch of the fight, and scored a second knockdown in the second round with a barrage of powerful punches.





With a bruised and battered Petrov trapped against the ropes in the eighth round, referee Mark Nelson stopped the fight. С победой, Baranchyk moves a step closer to becoming the mandatory challenger for the winner of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING main event on Saturday night between 140-pound IBF world titlist Sergey Lipinets and lightweight titleholder Mikey Garcia.





Baranchyk, who out-landed Petrov 159-118 in total punches and 94-76 в силовых пуансонов, was pleased with the improvements he showcased tonight.





“I thought I fought a more controlled than in the past and something my new coach has been helping me with,- сказал Баранчик, who is currently ranked No. 4 in the IBF 140-pound division. “I knew I had to keep punching to the body, punching to the body. And I did that well tonight.





“I was surprised they stopped the fight when they did. I felt like I won every round and controlled the fight. Я знал, что я выиграл бой. It was a good fight for me.”





В первом бою телепередачи, супертяжеловес Junior Fa (14-0, 8 КО), Окленда, Новая Зеландия, kept his unbeaten record intact with a majority decision victory over Detroit’s Craig Lewis (14-2-1, 8 КО). The judges scored the eight-round fight 76-76, 78-74, 79-73.





Fa, who twice beat fellow New Zealand native and current WBO heavyweight champion Joseph Parker in the amateurs, was the more active fighter against the 33-year-old former collegiate basketball player Lewis, who took the fight on just two weeks’ notice. Fa started the fight quickly, throwing a fight-high 53 punches in round one and a 24-13 lead in overall connects in the first two rounds. Поскольку борьба продолжалась, Fa’s pace slowed and Lewis was able to grow into the fight, out-landing Fa 50-45 in rounds five through eight, to close the overall gap to 82-81 in favor of Fa.





Fa, who made his SHOWTIME debut in November with a first-round knockout of Freddy Latham, was unhappy with his performance despite the win.





“I’m happy I was able to get the decision, but I wasn’t happy with my performance at all,” said Fa. “If I had to give myself a grade, it would be an F. I fought with too much emotion the first few rounds and that threw me off a little bit.





“I was pretty surprised with the one judge who saw it even. I saw him getting tired but I was just flat tonight. I can learn a lot from this fight and where I went wrong and what not to do in my next fight.”





Lewis felt that taking the fight on short notice played a role in the outcome.





I needed a little more time to train as my conditioning fell off a bit towards the end,” said the former National Golden Gloves gold medalist Lewis. “But overall, I was happy with my performance, I thought it was probably a draw.”





В не-телевизионном андеркарте действия, непобедимый проспект в супертяжелом весе Трей Липпе Моррисон (14-0, 14 КО), the son of former heavyweight world champion Tommy Morrison, остановился Oswaldo Ortega (3-8, 1 KO) with a third-round (1:18) technical knockout in his first fight в 15 месяцы since suffering a hand injury.





Непобедимый 2016 Олимпийский чемпион США Чарльз Конвелл (7-0, 5 КО) earned a unanimous decision victory over Mexico’s Juan Jesus Rivera (28-20, 18 КО). The six-round junior middleweight bout was scored 60-53 on all three judges’ scorecards.





Пятницы tripleheader will replay on Saturday, Март 10, на 5:30 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME on DEMAND® и SHOWTIME В ЛЮБОЕ ВРЕМЯ®.





Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Исполнительным продюсером был Гордон Холл с продюсером Ричардом Гоганом и режиссером Риком Филлипсом.


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Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.sho.com/sports следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

Undefeated Julian Sosa ready for 1st headlining fight Tomorrow night in Brooklyn

Sosa battles Wilmer Rodriguez at The Kings Theatre

Квинс, Нью-Йорк (Март 9, 2018) – Undefeated welterweight Julian Sosa will be featured in his 1st main event завтра night when he takes on once-beaten Wilmer Rodriguez at the Kings Theatre in Brooklyn, Нью-Йорк.

The eight-round bout will headline a Evander Holyfield Real Deal Boxing event.
Sosa is managed by El Matador Management.
Соса, who will be fighting in front of his hometown fans in Brooklyn is very enthusiastic to be on the top of the bill.
Learning that I was the main event gave me some extra motivation as I would down my camp,” Said Соса, кто есть запись о 10-0-1 с 3 нокауты.
Being that this is my 1st fight this year, It means more that I am headlining.
This has been my longest camp. I have been working very hard for seven weeks, and I am more than ready for Суббота.”
Sosa is just starting to round into professional career, and he feels the best is yet to come.
It has been quite a journey . It took me a few fights to transition from amateurs to the professionals. I had never fought without headgear. It took me about four fights to get used that and some of the other little things that are different. I am now very comfortable and settled in as a professional.
In Rodriguez, he is facing a tough veteran, кто есть запись о 9-1, with his only loss coming to world champion Abner Mares.
I have seen a few videos of him. He is a counter puncher with aPhilly Shelldefense. He stands in place, and he looks to counter.
Sosa is looking to put on a show for his fans that he has not performed in front of since winning a four-round unanimous decision over Erick Martinez on 14 октября в Barclays Center.
I am sorry that it has been five months since my last fight. I need a break, I have been fighting a lot. I am back and I am ready to roll. This is my first eight-round bout, and I am the main event. This is a clean start of the year, and I am ready to open eyes.

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