标记档案: 拳击

龙卷风去看电影: 洛奇 iV 重制版评论

由: 托尼 “龙卷风” Penecale (以上)

这是我对 Rocky vs Drago 电影的评论以及带有电影海报的照片. 猜猜谁带着它走了!

所以我昨晚去看了 Rocky vs Drago Director's Cut 电影.

这里有 2 不应该是剧透的剧透. 阿波罗还是死了,洛基还是赢了.

所以这部电影大约有 40 几分钟的新镜头. 它还保持大致相同的运行时间,因此 40 几分钟的新镜头, 几乎有 40 几分钟被遗漏的镜头.

现在有一些剧透. 如果你不想被宠坏, 我建议你停止阅读这里.

有两个镜头我真的希望可以为这部电影剪掉,但不知何故还是成功了. 稍后我会去找他们.


1) 新开张. 通常, 它从 ROCKY 标题开始,滚动到底部的系列签名歌曲之一. 然后就闯入了上一部电影的最后一轮. 这部电影以 Rocky 的各种剪辑开始 3 包括 Rocky 输给 Clubber Lang, 阿波罗劝他不要退休, 和气候战斗场景. 它完全省略了洛基和阿波罗的陪练. 我不喜欢新开张. 我习惯了正常的电影开场 2-3 分钟并为新一期奠定基础. 我不喜欢他们使用的歌曲 “最甜蜜的胜利” 这是 Rocky IV 的原声带,但从未在原版中使用过.

2) 没有机器人. 虽然这被视为陈词滥调和令人毛骨悚然的交叉 (保利的女朋友?), 机器人的遗漏, 可能是由于许可协议, 这意味着许多与 Paulie 或 Rocky Jr 在一起的场景必须被剪掉,包括 Paulie 的生日场景.

3) 新德拉戈介绍新闻发布会解释说他们试图安排与洛基的战斗. 我认为这很好,但他们删掉了德拉戈的妻子,将他比作大力水手吃菠菜. 事实上, Brigitte Nielsen 的很多对话都被删减了. 难道是因为她 “岩石” 与史泰龙的关系?

4) 阿波罗参加战斗的推理得到了改进. 是的, 他仍然凭空出现,部分餐桌场景不得不被剪掉 (没有机器人, 记住) 但他们谈到了洛基是如何忽视挑战的,阿波罗觉得有必要接受它.

5) 我认为省略了洛基和阿波罗的整个赛前更衣室场景是一个错误. 它不仅剪掉了我最喜欢的台词之一 “我没说蜗牛, 我说的是 Nails N-N-Nails” 但它显示了阿波罗的过度自信和洛基的惶恐. 原始更衣室场景中唯一荒谬的部分是洛基试图说服阿波罗推迟. 严重地, 谁推迟 5 在他们预定步行到擂台前几分钟?

6) Creed-Drago 的战斗得到了极大的改善. 除了他们从原版中留下的一枪,阿波罗显然没有戴手套. 他们第一次错过了那个编辑. 他们怎么又错过了? 战斗被延长,阿波罗在早期击倒后起身并继续试图反击.

7) 阿波罗的葬礼得到了扩展和改进,他的父亲人物杜克发表了演讲,洛基发表了更加情绪化的演讲.

8) 拳击委员会不批准洛基和德拉戈之间的战斗的场景被包括在原版中 1985 预告片,但从那部电影中剪下来.

9) Rocky临行前和儿子说话的场景被延伸和改进.

10) 训练蒙太奇略有更改,并对俄罗斯的场景进行了一些编辑.

11) 最后的战斗还是很愉快的. 添加了一些元素.

12) 两个更好的电影演讲被改成了画外音. 阿波罗在更衣室告诉洛基他会明白的. 对阿德里安的史诗般的演讲,他说德拉戈必须杀了他才能打败他,也变成了内心独白的画外音. 我绝对认为那是个错误,因为当阿波罗和洛基分别说出这些台词时,这会让他们失去魅力.

13) 在最后一轮比赛前,德拉戈的经理从他与克里姆林宫的阳台座位上跑下来痛斥坐在角落里的德拉戈. 我希望如果有任何场景被剪掉, 那将是那个. 我宁愿有一个保利嫁给机器人并宣布她怀孕的场景,而不是这个场景. 我讨厌它 1985 (当我是 9 岁) 我现在讨厌它. 有 60 拳击比赛回合之间的秒数. 这个人从阳台跑了, 穿过人群, 到了德拉戈的角落, 不到一分钟就训斥了他. 德拉戈, 因为忍受了 14 惩罚回合, 能够站起来用一只手臂抬起他,然后将他从围裙上放下. 谈论采取一些严肃的自由.

14) 战斗结束. 你习惯了洛基战斗结束的方式. 他得分大击倒, 他的对手挣扎着起身, 并最终在计数达到时回落 10. 这个, 德拉戈倒下了, 采取行动重新站起来, 跌倒. 裁判停了下来,根本没有计数. 我也讨厌洛基最后的飞跃. 在原来的, 当他站在那里因得意洋洋而筋疲力尽时,他被举到空中. 这个人看起来像跳天鹅跳进水池.

15) 说话不一样. 他不能引用他的孩子,因为给他看就会显示机器人. 我很高兴他们剪掉了孩子们看打架的场景. 它总是向我提出一些严肃的问题. 如果洛奇, 阿德里安, 和保利都在俄罗斯, 谁在看 9 一岁的孩子? 机器人? 谁会让无人看管的 9 一岁看一场打架,他害怕父亲会被杀? 演讲中滑稽的部分是洛基关于变革的演讲. 他提到了他的朋友 (阿波罗) 无法改变,现在他死了. 哇. 使那里的人群振作起来的方法, 岩石!

总的来说很愉快. 改变的场景和交替的镜头打乱了节奏,所以你实际上是在看一部新电影. 这部电影中有很多我更喜欢原作的场景 (扩展的Creed-Drago战斗, 延长的葬礼, 洛基与委员会会面). 有些场景我觉得应该保留 (更衣室里的洛奇和阿波罗, 太太. 德拉戈谈论她的丈夫, 等). 有几件事我绝对更喜欢原版, 最值得注意的是上一部电影场景的高级介绍滚动标志/最后一轮.

所以在我的结论中, there needs to be a Director’s Cut of the Director’s Cut and combine the best of the original and the best of the new version.

We can call this oneRocky IV Take III: The Tornado Cut

Tornado 🌪

复赛 2021 两者都不. 年度最佳格斗 威尔弗雷多·异教徒 VS. 卡洛斯·马雷罗, III 标题为“新英格兰的未来 VIII” 12 月. 18韦伯斯特, 马萨诸塞州

十二月. 18 在韦伯斯特, 马萨诸塞州


伍斯特, 质量. (十一月 29, 2021) – 非官方的复赛 2021 年度新英格兰之战将成为 12 月的头条新闻 18 “新英格兰未来八”活动, 里维拉促销娱乐介绍 (RPE), 突出韦伯斯特的 (嘛) 首届职业拳击赛事 27 岁月, 在韦伯斯特市政厅.

波多黎各人 Wilfredo “El Sucaro” Pagan (6-1-1, 3 科斯), 出战南桥 (嘛), 和布里奇波特的 (CT) 卡洛斯·马雷罗, III (2-6-2), 去年八月进行了一场有趣的 6 轮平局抽签 14 在伍斯特 (嘛).

“我很高兴我们能够如此迅速地在 Pagan 和 Marrero 之间进行复赛,”RPE 发起人何塞·安东尼奥·里维拉 (Jose Antonio Rivera) 评论道. “这两位勇士在最后一战中全力以赴,球迷们并没有失望. 作为发起人,这些是我们喜欢拼凑的战斗类型. 我们是 3 距离另一场伟大的拳击赛事还有几周的时间,可以看到一些才华横溢的未来冠军. 韦伯斯特市政厅将是电动的!”

Pagan 和 Marrero 将在 12 月 18 日再次争夺空缺的新英格兰超轻量级冠军 6-回合主要事件.

最初的 Pagan-Marrero 是不间断的, 评委打分的动感十足的投掷 58-56 赞成或异教徒, 55-59 马雷罗, 和 57-57. 得分最初被宣布为马雷罗的分裂决定胜利,但, 回想起来, 两位战士都从容应对情绪结果的变化. 一些燃料, 虽然, 已浇在火上, 主要通过社交媒体.

“战斗结束后,”异教徒评论说, “作为一名战士, 你知道你的战斗是否赢了, 丢失或非常接近. 有点接近, 但我赢得了战斗. 当决定宣布他获胜时, 我闭上了眼睛, 因为它让我想起了我的业余生涯. 我肯定赢了几场比赛, 我主宰了, 但我没有得到决定. 当它落入评委手中时,任何事情都可能发生. 评委们没有看到我赢了, 好的, 但后来他们推翻了决定. 我以为他们做对了,我赢了, 但它被宣布为平局. 就是这样, 好的, 因为法官的工作并不像人们想象的那么容易. 他们看到了起起落落并平局.

“我在想, 又来了, 当宣布抽签时,”马雷罗说. “因为某些原因, 每次我在马萨诸塞州打架总是有争议. 当第二个公告发布时,我高兴地跪下, 我以为他们让他赢了. 平局? 我并不难过,但我很惊讶,因为我觉得我赢了. 我回家以为是平局, 不是损失, 希望我们能重赛. 我们做十二月 18.”

异教徒 vs. 马雷罗就是一个例子,不需要两个伟大的战士来打一场伟大的比赛. 他们势均力敌,两个战士都有巨大的心脏.

“人们问我是否想要复赛,我说, 是的, 我在考虑因为是平局,”异教徒提供. “如果它被提供,我不会拒绝, 但没有. 1 我打他的原因是为了新英格兰锦标赛. 只要我为冠军而战, 我是因为我想为腰带而战,这就是我的目标. 这是我一开始的感觉, 但事情发生了一些变化, 因为他变了. 我不知道人们对他说了什么, 我不是小孩子,我非常尊重他. 但后来他开始给我发短信. 不知道是不是为了刺激这场战斗, 但他越界了. 他说了很多他不应该说的. 我总是谦虚和尊重所有战士,因为他们冒着生命危险. 我不知道他为什么说他所做的, 但他给了我更多动力. 我想要那个腰带! 我正在训练双打以击败他并关闭他的一个月. 我对他还是有些尊重的, 但不一样.

“我在第一场比赛中犯了很多错误,让这场比赛比预期的要艰难得多. 我一直在努力调整和, hopefully, 上月 18 它会得到回报。”

“我在战斗后总是有一点改进的空间, 我们看到了一些我需要在复赛中改进的地方,”马雷罗解释说. “我有更多的心理准备去做事情,并且在擂台上会更聪明. 物理, 我更强壮更敏锐. 对我来说关键是要有心理准备和敏锐. 他的 (异教徒的) 他最后一战的对手失败了,我的经理, 内特托雷斯, 联系我说我有机会与异教徒战斗. 不加思索, 我说是的. 我总是在健身房准备战斗. 我的体重低于 2 磅,现在我正在为这场战斗增重. 我唯一需要准备的就是他是左撇子.

“我们打了一场精彩的比赛. 他可能认为他赢了几轮, 我觉得我赢了. 他错过了更多,而我与法官可以看到的更干净的拳联系在一起. 在第三或第四轮, 我用身体射击伤害了他. 他弃牌了,我又用一个好球击中了他。”

在共功能的事件, 丹伯里 (CT) 超轻量级 Omar “The Beast” Bordoy (11-1, 3 科斯) 在6轮比赛中面对一个待定的对手.

有前途的博卡拉顿 (FL) 超次中量级前景 Josniel “TG” Castro (7-0, 5 科斯) 在与 Lenwood 的 6 轮比赛中,在质量对抗方面有所提高“先生. 沉着”Dozier (10-28-3, 5 科斯).

伍斯特超中量级鲍比“BH3”哈里斯, III (3-0-1), 两届全国业余冠军和世界运动会银牌得主, 会见大卫·罗恩 (0-10-1) 在 4 轮超中量级比赛中.

不败伍斯特重量级前景德里克“高塔”埃德蒙兹 (3-0, 2 科斯), 到 3 次 N.E. 金手套冠军, 已在与 TBA 的 4 轮比赛中添加到卡中.

伍斯特中量级 Eslih Owusu (6-0, 4 科斯), 加纳人, 面对安东尼埃弗雷特 (1-0), 劳伦斯, 在4圆.

在 4 轮比赛中也在 Undercard 上战斗的是纽黑文 (CT) 超轻量级 Anuel Rosa (2-0, 2 科斯) VS. 斯泰西·安德森 (0-8), 和布里奇波特超轻量级奥斯卡博尼利亚 (6-3-2, 1 KO) VS. 塞斯·巴斯勒 (0-17).


门票售价 $75.00 (预留座位) 和 $45.00 (一般取) 可购买或联系 Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ里维拉 (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) 或任何战机.

门开处 6 P.M. AND, 第一回合 7 P.M. AND.

活动赞助商包括三叶草体育, 本田龙冠, Greatest Hits Cannabis 公司, Lake Shore Legal LCC 律师事务所, 埃姆隆, 616 现实有限责任公司, 起草人运动咖啡馆, 和阿斯玛·朱厄兹.

叽叽喳喳: @RiveraPromoEnt, @JoseRiveraChamp, @KingRivera_

唐·金返回俄亥俄州,周六将上演 WBC 轻量级冠军之战, 一月. 29 麻卡布麻点 & 姆丘努

鹿野海滩, FL (十一月 26, 2021)——终于归来! 为被遗忘的人们而战 (无家可归的人, 贫穷的, 和受压迫的人们) 将从这场冠军双赛中受益.

世界上最伟大的拳击推广人, 唐金, 将于周六返回家乡俄亥俄州, 一月. 29, 2022, 当他为被遗忘的人们呈现另一部重磅作品时, 谁将不再被遗忘, 世界拳王争霸赛 WBC 轻量级冠军伊伦加·少年·马卡布与头号挑战者, WBC银牌冠军塔比索·姆楚努.

WBC世界冠军争夺战 为了人民的爱, 将在W.D举行. 沃伦的帕卡德音乐厅, OH. 除了马卡布斯-姆楚努, 一场特别的 10 回合重量级轰动赛事将让不败的乔纳森·吉德里 (Jonathan Guidry) 陷入困境 (18-0-2, 10 科斯) 杜拉克, 路易斯安那冒着与阿隆佐·巴特勒的完美战绩的风险 (34-3-2, 25 科斯) 查塔努加, TN.

王, 谁代表马卡布, 与姆楚努代表就12回合世界冠军争夺达成一致, 获胜者将在五月份与墨西哥伟大的冠军卡内洛·阿尔瓦雷斯对决.

阿尔瓦雷斯将出现在沃伦的场边, 哦看看他的下一个对手会是谁.

“这将是一场充满动感的 WBC 世界冠军之战,一场争夺胜利者的大战即将到来,”国王说. “他们都是战士,这场承认无家可归者的战争将以盛大的方式开始新的一年, 认识无家可归者, 并帮助他人。”

马卡布 (28-2 同 25 科斯) 来自刚果民主共和国, 去年12月,他在家乡金沙萨的第七轮比赛中用两记有力的左勾拳阻止了尼日利亚选手奥兰雷瓦朱·杜罗多拉,卫冕了冠军.

马卡布, 谁赢得了过去九个决定, 一月赢得空缺头衔. 31, 2020 赢得对 Michael Cieslak 的一致判定.

谢谢 (23-5, 13 科斯), 来自南非,绰号“岩石”, 12月,以一致判定击败丹尼斯·列别杰夫,成为WBC白银冠军. 21, 2019. 他上次卫冕冠军是在三月,并再次一致战胜了叶夫根尼·季先科 (Evgeny Tishchenko) 27, 2021. 萨比索在过去四场比赛中获胜.


奥兰多 (十一月 22, 2021) – 不败的波兰轻量级新星阿德里安·“漂亮男孩”·皮涅罗 (5-0, 5 科斯) 采取了一条不寻常的路线前往纳什维尔, 他将在那里对阵老将埃里克·亚伯拉罕 (6-10, 3 科斯) 本周六晚上在市政礼堂进行 4 轮比赛.
24岁的皮涅罗出生于波兰, 在巴西长大, 搬到奥兰多,然后搬到马萨诸塞州,寻找波士顿海港和金融区的安全工作机会. 他三年前开始打拳击, 迅速发展成为新英格兰中部金手套新手超重量级冠军, 今年五月在奥兰多转为职业球员,他再次居住在那里.

“我一直是拳击迷,” 皮涅罗解释道, “但直到我搬到美国后我才开始打拳击. 我欣赏拳击艺术. 我是一位令人兴奋的拳击手,可以将一切混合起来. 我在外面或里面战斗, 取决于我在和谁战斗, 并在擂台上适应.

“我的对手是左撇子, 他可能有点尴尬. 这将是一个很好的战斗. 他比我更有经验, 但我很乐意与左撇子战斗. 我正在努力提高各方面的全能战士水平, 精神上和身体上。”

6英尺4英寸, 200-英镑皮涅罗将在“纳什维尔击败”卡上战斗, 由兰克国王提出 & 兰克促销, 与隶属关系管理相关.

“‘漂亮男孩’是一位看起来像模特的拳击手,”发起人兰斯顿·汉普顿, JR. 评论. “他真的又快又快. 他必须被重视,因为他是一个好人, 干净的战斗机. 我是与他有关的发起人之一. 他五月首次亮相职业联赛 8 在我在奥兰多的演出中. 凭借他的才华和外貌, 阿德里安可能是波兰的下一个冠军. 天空是他的极限. 一切都在于奉献. 他在擂台上才华横溢,在场外也很有市场. 波兰队需要一位新冠军,而阿德里安·皮涅罗就是!”

回到奥兰多生活并在奥兰多拳击俱乐部训练, 皮涅罗是一位狂热的乡村音乐迷,他很高兴能在纳什维尔战斗, “他的音乐”国家的首都。

“我迫不及待地想去纳什维尔,”皮涅罗说. “我是一个超级乡村迷. 这对我来说很特别!”


“我对这个年轻人感到很兴奋,”皮涅罗的经理/首席教练托尼·布兰科说道. “他是一只谦虚但努力工作的野兽. 他每天锻炼两次. 我对他唯一的问题是让他离开健身房. 他就是未来!

“阿德里安是一位乡村音乐迷. 当有机会在纳什维尔战斗时, 在弗洛伊德·梅威瑟面前, 小, 他立刻就接受了。”
波兰拳击迷以热情而闻名. 挥舞着红白相间的波兰国旗,大声歌唱, 自安德鲁·戈洛塔(Andrew Golota)和托马斯·阿达梅克(Tomasz Adamek)以来,他们在美国并没有真正有太多的战士可以追随. “漂亮男孩”很乐意得到波兰同胞和波兰裔美国人的支持.

“我听说过很多关于他们的事,”皮涅罗补充道. “奥兰多没有太多波兰社区, 但我希望那一天会到来. 我爱我的人!”


Instagram的: @heavyAP, @orlandoboxingclub, @downtownorlandoboxing

抖音: @AdrianPineiro_

Facebook的: /obc-奥兰多拳击俱乐部, @downtownorlandoboxingclub


NBA All-Star Williams & NFL Pro Bowl Running Back Gore Announce Boxing Pro Debuts On Undercard of Jake Paul Vs. Tommy Fury Main Event Saturday, 十二月 18 住在Showtime PPV® at AMALIE Arena in Tampa, 佛罗里达州.

Also Featuring Quotes and Photos from Seven-Division World Champion Amanda Serrano

A group of men standing together

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(图片来源: 斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣®)

点击这里 For Photos by Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME

纽约– 11月 16, 2021 - Three-time NBA All-Star Deron Williams and legendary NFL running back Frank Gore faced off for the first time following a press conference announcing their professional heavyweight boxing debuts on Tuesday at Edison Ballroom in New York City.

Williams vs. Gore will take place on the undercard of Jake Paul vs. 汤米弗瑞, live on SHOWTIME PPV on Saturday, December 18 at AMALIE Arena in Tampa. The four-round heavyweight bout will be contested with a 215-pound contractual limit as the two legends make their professional boxing debuts.

Also appearing at Tuesday’s event was seven-division world champion and current unified featherweight champion阿曼达·塞拉诺, who will face 135-pound titleholder Miriam Gutiérrez in the co-feature of the SHOWTIME PPV event.

门票现场活动, 题目#保罗·弗瑞: 一会倒下, are now available for purchase atwww.amalieearena.com.

Below are quotes from Williams, Gore and Serrano.


“I’ve always wrestled all the way until high school and always been a big boxing and MMA fan. I’ve done a lot of training at my gym, Fortis MMA, in Dallas for the past six years.

“I’ve always wanted to do an MMA fight. I had one that I was training for before Covid hit but my opponent pulled out. It was always in the back of my mind and I’ve always stayed in shape and stayed training. I got a call from Nakisa (Bidarian) who I hadn’t talked to in five years and he said Frank Gore was training and looking for an opponent, and I felt like it was a great opportunity. I felt like if I didn’t take it I’d be kicking myself for the rest of my life.

“Frank looks good. If I’m going to do a fight I’d rather do it with someone who is capable and who has been training. The man is tough, there’s no doubt about that. Anyone who can take that many snaps in the NFL has to be tough. It’s a good challenge for me and something that I can check off the bucket list.

“Most people are behind me. I’ve had some people say, ‘You’re fighting Frank Gore. What are you doing?’ But that’s OK. There are a lot of unknowns in this game, so it makes it exciting. I’ve been training for years and doing a lot of MMA, and a lot of it has been boxing.

“I first started wrestling when I was like five. I didn’t really know what it was and I spent the whole season being dragged on the mat by my mom crying because I was so scared to go in there. But she said I had to because she had already paid for it and said you’re going to do this every weekend. So I basically went out there crying, got pinned, walked off the mat and then did it again for the whole year. The next year she asked if I wanted to sign up again expecting I would say no, but I actually said yes for some reason. I did that for about a half year before I turned into a little animal. So I think that year and a half of getting pinned made me tougher. Wrestling is a tough sport, and it was a great base for me and I’m really glad I did it and was able to go to the state tournament in Texas as an eight-year-old and 12-year-old. And I would have loved to have kept going but it was in the same season as basketball.

“I loved watching the heavyweights. Growing up in the ‘90s and watching (话筒) Tyson and all those wars they had. And watching (霍利) 霍利菲尔德. It was just a special time in boxing and there were still other fighters, but those were the ones I was watching and who I was excited to see.

“I jogged four miles yesterday and that was the first time I’ve ever run four miles. It’s getting out of your comfort zone and it’s a different feeling. Basketball, and football for him, we’re comfortable with that work. It’s learning to get hit in the face and being OK with it. It’s just a new challenge. I’ve been retired for four years now. You just miss competing. You miss having something to train for.”


“l have always loved boxing. I’ve been training since 2005. I was doing it because it would save my legs since I play running back. I just fell in love with it, how hard it was and I’m very competitive. I was just doing it for the cardio. My first time I didn’t think I could do it, but I kept getting better and better at it.

“I’m definitely not doing this for the money. 我被祝福了. I’m good and blessed with football and off-the-field stuff.

“I’ve always been an underdog my entire life. I was raised in a one-bedroom apartment. I blew out both of my knees and many thought I wouldn’t make it to the NFL. Sixteen years later and I’m No. 3 on the all-time list.

“I’m happy to be here and I respect Deron. He’s coming from the NBA and I always say any man who gets into the ring has got to be different. I don’t care what sport you play. I’m training my behind off for December 18.

“I know he’s trained in MMA and coming over from the NBA but he’s no Nate Robinson. He’s been doing MMA for six years so I have to respect that. He’s been wrestling since he was a kid. I’m training my behind off and the only one I can worry about is myself. I’m looking forward to the challenge and let the best man win on December 18.

“Football and boxing are totally different. When you watched me play I never really got hit. That’s why I was able to last so long. I played off of angles. 现在, with boxing I’m going in there with guys that have had 300 业余打架, 是 10-0 as pros. So I can’t just dodge all the shots they are throwing because they have more ring experience.

“I would say jogging has been the toughest thing. In football we never jogged. We always did sprints and pulled the sled but I had to really train myself to jog. I had to put my mind somewhere else and work on it.

“My favorite fighter is Floyd (梅威瑟, 小). There are a bunch of guys I like to watch now. I like Terence (克劳福德) and I like Errol Spence, 坦克 (戴维斯), 沙库尔·史蒂文森. I just want to be the best of me. Whatever my coach tells me to do I’m going to go out and try to do and do my best to get this win on December 18.”


“This fight is more important than the Katie Taylor fight. Miriam Gutierrez is a tough girl at 135 pounds and it’s not my natural weight class. I’m moving up two divisions. I have to get through Miriam in a way that people will want to see me fight Katie next.

“I would actually rather lose the weight than gain the weight. It’s so hard for me to keep the weight on because once I start training I drop it. I’m eating a lot of good foods and had to hire a nutritionist for this camp to make sure I’m strong. I’m a little girl, but I pack a punch wherever I go.

“I definitely want the Katie Taylor fight. That night could be the night I accomplish my goal and become the first undisputed boxer to come out of Puerto Rico. That would be an amazing night. Right now I’m concentrating on boxing because I have two amazing fights but in the future I definitely want to become an MMA champion, but right now it’s all about boxing.

“Pound for pound I think is a matter of opinion. Some people think I am, some people think it’s Claressa Shields. Katie actually fights the week before me so she has to look good, and I have to look good. I’m training really hard for Miriam. I know she is a tough girl and I’m just going to go out and be the best I can be and I think the fight with Katie Taylor is going to happen.”

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有关#PaulFury 的更多信息,请访问www.SHO.com/sports, 通过@JakePaul 在 Instagram 上关注, @汤米弗瑞, @MostValuablePromotions 和 @ShowtimeBoxing, 推特来自@JakePaul, @TommyTntFury, @MostVpromotions 和 @ShowtimeBoxing, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

The Worlds Number One Boxing Designer Javier Zinzun Jr. Gives Inspirational Speech to Students

The Worlds Number One Boxing Designer Javier Zinzun Jr. Gives Inspirational Speech to Students
SANTA ANA, 例如 (十一月 15, 2021) – Last week, the worlds number one boxing designer and WBC关怀 Ambassador, Javier Zinzun Jr., gave an inspirational speech to students at the Samulai Academy in Santa Ana, 加利福尼亚州, giving back to the community he was raised in.

I know firsthand the perils of drug abuse, 暴力, peer pressure and more, so it’s very important for me to give back in my own community,” said Zinzun Jr. with a smile on his face. “When people are young, they’re very impressionable, and for me to be living my dream in a positive and cool manner, is what I want to do. I want to lead by example, and let people know anything is possible.”

Life was not always easy for Zinzun as he almost lost his life in 2011 due to alcohol and drug abuse. This near-death experience was a turning point for him.

I knew in the middle of my overdose this couldn’t be it,” continued Zinzun. “I have told the story many times, but it was up to me to find my own path. I went home, got rid of everything, the drugs, 醇, all of that and told my family, I was a new person, and since then never looked back.

“I want to thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to come to our campus and share your knowledge with our students,” said Oscar Reyes. “It is at events like these that our students get the most value and impact. It is not every day that our students get to be in front of professionals like you and hear their life journey and success stories which is where they find inspiration to keep finding their way in life. The feedback I received from staff, teachers, and especially students was overwhelmingly positive and that of gratitude.”

Zinzun who has designed trunks for “CANELO” 阿尔瓦雷斯, 瑞恩·加西亚, recounted stories of creating the ring outfit for the brave boxers performing on fight night.

A lot of the young people are fans of the fighters, so just to tell them stories about the people I have worked with and let them know they’re people just like us and see the joy in hearing these stories makes it so meaningful,” concluded Zinzun. “I am just trying to be the person I wish I had when I was their age.”
# # #
Photo by Ryan Hafey – PBCPhoto by Golden Boy Promotions
Javier Zinzun Jr. is a self-made American success story overcoming the perils of drugs and alcoholism to start one of the best boxing fashion brands “I Got My Own Back”, working with the likes of瑞恩·加西亚CANELO阿尔瓦雷斯, 和马里奥·巴里奥斯, as well as being involved in the creative design process of“Creed 2”the movie. Above you will see his designs worn byðavid Benavidez 和海梅蒙吉亚, both whom fought this past Saturday on the global stage.

Falcao to fight for IBF Latino Title January 15 在巴西

圣保罗, 巴西 (十一月 15, 2021) – Super middleweight standout Yamaguchi Falcao will look continue his winning ways when he fights an opponent to be determined Saturday, 一月 15 in Sao Paolo, 巴西.

Falcao’s WBC Latino title will be on the line as will the vacant IBF Latino championship in a ten round matchup.

Fresh off a dominant victory over veteran contender Jorge Daniel Miranda, Falcao is 19-1-1 as a pro with 8 击倒. In his last two contests, the 33-year-old southpaw’s won the WBA Fedecaribe, WBC Latino and ABF Continental Americas super middleweight championships.

Falcao, a Bronze Medalist at the 2012 奥运会, also has plans to return to America and face a top 15 ranked opponent.

Falcao’s promoter, 火拳拳击促销活动的 Jody Caliguire, is happy his fighter will have another opportunity to entertain his native fans but is mapping out a strategy for the rest of 2022.

“If all goes as planned, we’re bringing Yama back to the US shortly after his fight in January. The biggest opportunities and best training resources are available to Yama here in the US. He’s long stated that he is more than happy to face any top 168 pound opponent. Bringing him back stateside will get him ready for whatever challenge arises if everything goes as expected January 15.

More information on the card will be available shortly.

粉丝们可以在 Instagram 上关注法尔考 @YamaguchiFalcao. 有关火拳拳击促销更多信息, 访问 Firefistboxing.netFacebook.com/firefistboxing.

Nicco Tapia, 16-Year-Old Son of Late Hall of Famer Johnny Tapia, to Make Amateur Boxing Debut Nov. 20



Youngest son of late Hall of Famer Johnny Tapia to fight on the preliminary portion of Tapia Promotions’ 屏障 vs. 狮子: “最后的车站” (最后的车站) 来自山神度假村的客栈 & 赌场

阿尔伯克基, 牛米. (十一月. 13, 2021) – While countless high school juniors concern themselves with standardized test scores and submitting college applications, Johnny “Nicco” Tapia, the youngest son and namesake of the late five-time world champion, will commence his pursuit of a pro boxing career when he makes his amateur debut on the preliminary portion of his Mom Teresa’sMarco Antonio Barrera vs. 丹尼尔·庞塞·德莱昂pay-per-view fight card Saturday, 十一月. 20, 2021.

“Boxing is a passion,” said the 16-year-old currently working toward earning his diploma online. “I love stepping into the ring, getting hit, and feeling the crowd’s energy.”

In the Nov. 20 主要事件, two Mexican boxing legends will lace up the gloves for one final night when Hall of Famer马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉(67-7, 44 科斯) 十多年来仅第二次重返擂台,与前两届世界冠军对阵丹尼尔·庞塞·德莱昂 (45-7, 35 科斯). The six-round super welterweight exhibition and four additional bouts will air live on pay per view from Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥.

菲特PPV and Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook Watch Paid Online will televise the five-bout main card live on pay per view for$9.99 在4:30 P.M. PT /5:30 P.M. MT/7:30 P.M. AND

A native of Las Cruces, N.M., Nicco trains in the Tapia home garage, enjoys studying sociology to “look at people from a different perspective,” dislikes mathematics, and currently has no plans to further an academic career following his 2023 graduation.

“I don’t really plan to go to college,” said the music fan who freestyle raps in his downtime. “I want to keep pushing myself in the ring and turn pro as soon as I get enough experience.”

Surrounded by the sweet science from an early age, Nicco fondly looks back on innumerable heartwarming memories of watching his father train for upcoming fights.

“I used to go to the gym and run around with my Dad every day. When the bell rang, I held up the gloves with him.”

Outside of boxing, the father-son pairing spent quality time playing other sports, enjoying delicious desserts, and tuning into their favorite television programs.

“We used to go to the park, play basketball, and jump on the trampoline,” Nicco recalled. “Dad used to give me ice cream sandwiches. I remember going into his room and watching the show ‘Cops’ together.”

Aiming to find inspiration and discover boxing tips from one of boxing’s all-time greatest fighters, young Nicco frequently rewatches Johnny’s classic bouts.

“I study his speed, 头部运动, and angles,” said the teenager who models much of his fighting style after his Dad and Marvelous Marvin Hagler.

When asked to name his favorite “Mi Vida Loca” fight, Nicco did not hesitate in listing Johnny Tapia’s hard-fought victory over fellow Albuquerquean and former world champion Danny Romero for the IBF/WBO junior bantamweight titles on July 18, 1997, 在拉斯维加斯, 内华达州.

“The crowd was wild and crazy,” Nicco recollected. “I love studying my Dad’s boxing technique.”

Originally scheduled to fight at Inn of the Mountain Gods on July 31, 2021, the aspiring actor and former viola player pulled out of his amateur debut when he sustained a hand fracture.

“I was playing football with friends and landed on my hand wrong,” lamented the proud holder of a driver’s license. “It was the first time I injured myself.”

Less than four months later, Nicco is eager to thrill the Mescalero crowd on Nov. 20 before Barrera and De Leon take center stage.

“I am ticking off the days and can’t wait for this night to come.”

Kicking off the festivities, 金童搏击之夜在 Facebook 上观看Facebook.com/GoldenBoyFN and FITE will stream Nicco Tapia’s debut and four additional outstanding preliminary bouts for免费在 2 P.M. PT/3 p.m. MT/5 p.m. AND.

A Spanish-language broadcast will be available as a viewing option for both the pay-per-view and preliminary bouts.

那些希望参加令人难忘的, 10-亲临Tapia促销盛会可购票从 $75 通过innofthemountaingods.com 和票务大师网 通过搜索“La Ultima Batalla – The Last Stand”。

关于 BARRERA-DE LEON: 最后的车站 (最后的车站)

两位传奇的前世界冠军最后一次重返拳击台,参加一场特别的六轮次中量级表演赛, 作为 Tapia Promotions 的礼物屏障 vs. Ponce De Leon“La Ultima Batalla”——“最后一站”周六, 十一月 20, 在山神度假村的客栈 & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥. 惊心动魄的五战主卡将通过按次付费观看 $9.99 通过两者菲特PPV 和金童战斗之夜在 Facebook 观看在线付费 4:30 P.M. PT /5:30 P.M. MT/7:30 P.M. AND.  致在墨西哥观看的观众, Facebook Watch Paid Online 上的 FITE 和金童搏击之夜都将提供该赛事的西班牙语广播 $4.99. 提前两小时开始庆祝活动, 金童搏击之夜在 Facebook 上观看Facebook.com/GoldenBoyFN FITE 将在以下网址免费播放五场出色的预赛比赛 2:30 P.M. PT/3:30 P.M. 吨/5:30 P.M. AND.

门票开始 $75 可以通过innofthemountaingods.com 和票务大师网 通过搜索“La Ultima Batalla – The Last Stand”。


Teresa Tapia 成立了 Tapia Promotions 以延续她传奇已故丈夫的遗产, 六届世界冠军/名人堂成员约翰尼·塔皮亚 (Johnny Tapia) 提供惊心动魄的拳击赛事,与各地的球迷战斗. 美国最早的女性拳击发起人之一, Teresa 成功地管理了 Johnny Tapia 的职业生涯 1995-2011, 并接受了他的 2017 入选国际拳击名人堂 (国际博览局). 另外, 在 2004, 特蕾莎成为甜蜜科学史上第一位也是唯一一位获得IBOF特别表彰奖的女拳击经理. 多方面的推动者扩展到 2020 制作体育真人秀节目《明星与冠军》,” 近距离观察拳击手在拳击场内外的生活.


FITE 是现场体育和娱乐的优质全球平台,提供超过 5 MM 注册用户的许多行业大型 PPV 活动和 SVOD 套餐. FITE 可通过其 iOS 和 Android 移动应用程序在全球范围内使用, 苹果电视, Android的电视, 年, 亚马逊消防电视, 和华为应用. 此外, FITE 支持三星, LG, 考克斯轮廓, Vizio SmartCast™, 维珍媒体, Shaw Communications 的 Blue Curve IPTV, 福克斯, 的Chromecast, PS4, XBOX, 玉米, 网络范围, 维达/海信, VEWD, 网络电视, 康卡斯特的 Xfinity 1 和 Xfinity Flex 以及 7,000 款智能电视. 可在线获取 www.FITE.tv. 跟着我们 叽叽喳喳, Instagram的YouTube的领英 和 Facebook的FITE开启了.


总部位于洛杉矶的 Golden Boy 成立于 2002 奥斯卡·德拉霍亚, 第一个拥有全国拳击宣传公司的西班牙裔人。 Golden Boy 是一个媒体和娱乐品牌,致力于让格斗娱乐更容易和更实惠. 公司的内部制作团队为RingTV.com 以及遍布全球的国际频道. 该公司拥有顶级拳击手的专有权,并推广了这项运动历史上一些规模最大、票房最高的赛事. 现在, Golden Boy 是世界上最成功的拳击娱乐公司之一,为拳击手和球迷塑造了拳击的未来。

Abel Mendoza Has Survived Homelessness to Fight on Nov. 20 Barrera-De Leon Pay-Per-View Event




Hard-hitting knockout artist to put his perfect record on the line at Tapia Promotions’ 屏障 vs. 狮子: “最后的车站” (最后的车站) 来自山神度假村的客栈 & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥

阿尔伯克基, 牛米. (十一月. 12, 2021) – From overcoming a crime-ridden, west Texas childhood environment to his father’s incarceration and living out of a car as a teenager, the path toward fighting three-time world title challenger Victor Zaleta on Tapia Promotions’Marco Antonio Barrera vs. 丹尼尔·庞塞·德莱昂pay-per-view card Saturday, 十一月. 20, 2021, has been anything but smooth sailing for the undefeated El Paso boxer Abel Mendoza.

“I was surrounded by violence growing up,” said the 25-year-old lightweight contender who is 30-0 同 23 科斯. “A lot of people that I was around went to prison; I was the only one who didn’t. Boxing was my way out, my safe haven. The sport saved me.”

In the Nov. 20 主要事件, two Mexican boxing legends will lace up the gloves for one final night when Hall of Famer马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉(67-7, 44 科斯) 十多年来仅第二次重返擂台,与前两届世界冠军对阵丹尼尔·庞塞·德莱昂 (45-7, 35 科斯). The six-round super welterweight exhibition and four additional bouts will air live on pay per view from Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥.

菲特PPV and Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook Watch Paid Online will televise the five-bout main card live on pay per view for$9.99 在4:30 P.M. PT /5:30 P.M. MT/7:30 P.M. AND

After initially lacing up the gloves at four years old and capturing the Regional Silver Gloves at age eight in Odessa, 得克萨斯州, the Fort Stockton native secured five titles while defeating all but 20 他 300 amateur boxing opponents.

然而, numerous obstacles have beset Abel on his road toward achieving he and his father’s goal of the young fighter becoming a world champion.

“My Dad got into some trouble at the beginning of my boxing career,” Abel said. “He was on house arrest and then went to jail for a while. It was an extremely difficult time for my family.”

While still in high school, the 17-year-old Mendoza often slept in his vehicle after moving from Odessa to El Paso to become a professional boxer.

“That was a point in my career when I was homeless,” the aspiring titleholder recalled. “I was surrounded by a lot of violence and crime in Odessa and left because I wanted a fresh start. Sometimes I had to stay in my car.”

Never one to shy away from strenuous manual labor, Mendoza’s first job consisted of unearthing fruit in a Pecos, 得克萨斯州, field with his grandfather at age 13.

“It was summer, and we picked cantaloupes in the hot sun all day,” said the multi-faceted student who is currently taking psychology classes at Odessa College. “That was the year I first won Nationals. I still trained while working in the fields. It was the best and the worst.”

Recalling the arduous memories when he did not know where he would sleep or locate his next meal, the Native American history fan finds solace in giving back to the El Paso community during the holiday season.

“I love to help out at shelters because I have been in that situation where I needed food and a place to stay,” said Santa’s helper who also hands out gifts at west Texas hospitals each December. “It makes me feel good to see the children smile.”

Hoping to battle for a world crown within the next year, the never-married Mendoza counsels the wedded on social media when not honing his skills in the squared circle.

“I go on Instagram Live because people ask me for marriage advice. A lot of people need help.”

Kicking off the festivities, 金童搏击之夜在 Facebook 上观看Facebook.com/GoldenBoyFN 和 FITE 将直播五场出色的预赛免费在 2 P.M. PT/3 p.m. MT/5 p.m. AND.

另外, a Spanish-language broadcast will be available as a viewing option for both the pay-per-view and preliminary bouts.

那些希望参加令人难忘的, 10-亲临Tapia促销盛会可购票从 $75 通过innofthemountaingods.com 和票务大师网 通过搜索“La Ultima Batalla – The Last Stand”。

关于 BARRERA-DE LEON: 最后的车站 (最后的车站)

两位传奇的前世界冠军最后一次重返拳击台,参加一场特别的六轮次中量级表演赛, 作为 Tapia Promotions 的礼物屏障 vs. Ponce De Leon“La Ultima Batalla”——“最后一站”周六, 十一月 20, 在山神度假村的客栈 & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥. 惊心动魄的五战主卡将通过按次付费观看 $9.99 通过两者菲特PPV 和金童战斗之夜在 Facebook 观看在线付费 4:30 P.M. PT /5:30 P.M. MT/7:30 P.M. AND.  致在墨西哥观看的观众, Facebook Watch Paid Online 上的 FITE 和金童搏击之夜都将提供该赛事的西班牙语广播 $4.99. 提前两小时开始庆祝活动, 金童搏击之夜在 Facebook 上观看Facebook.com/GoldenBoyFN FITE 将在以下网址免费播放五场出色的预赛比赛 2:30 P.M. PT/3:30 P.M. 吨/5:30 P.M. AND.

门票开始 $75 可以通过innofthemountaingods.com 和票务大师网 通过搜索“La Ultima Batalla – The Last Stand”。


Teresa Tapia 成立了 Tapia Promotions 以延续她传奇已故丈夫的遗产, 六届世界冠军/名人堂成员约翰尼·塔皮亚 (Johnny Tapia) 提供惊心动魄的拳击赛事,与各地的球迷战斗. 美国最早的女性拳击发起人之一, Teresa 成功地管理了 Johnny Tapia 的职业生涯 1995-2011, 并接受了他的 2017 入选国际拳击名人堂 (国际博览局). 另外, 在 2004, 特蕾莎成为甜蜜科学史上第一位也是唯一一位获得IBOF特别表彰奖的女拳击经理. 多方面的推动者扩展到 2020 制作体育真人秀节目《明星与冠军》,” 近距离观察拳击手在拳击场内外的生活.


FITE 是现场体育和娱乐的优质全球平台,提供超过 5 MM 注册用户的许多行业大型 PPV 活动和 SVOD 套餐. FITE 可通过其 iOS 和 Android 移动应用程序在全球范围内使用, 苹果电视, Android的电视, 年, 亚马逊消防电视, 和华为应用. 此外, FITE 支持三星, LG, 考克斯轮廓, Vizio SmartCast™, 维珍媒体, Shaw Communications 的 Blue Curve IPTV, 福克斯, 的Chromecast, PS4, XBOX, 玉米, 网络范围, 维达/海信, VEWD, 网络电视, 康卡斯特的 Xfinity 1 和 Xfinity Flex 以及 7,000 款智能电视. 可在线获取 www.FITE.tv. 跟着我们 叽叽喳喳, Instagram的YouTube的领英 和 Facebook的FITE开启了.


总部位于洛杉矶的 Golden Boy 成立于 2002 奥斯卡·德拉霍亚, 第一个拥有全国拳击宣传公司的西班牙裔人。 Golden Boy 是一个媒体和娱乐品牌,致力于让格斗娱乐更容易和更实惠. 公司的内部制作团队为RingTV.com 以及遍布全球的国际频道. 该公司拥有顶级拳击手的专有权,并推广了这项运动历史上一些规模最大、票房最高的赛事. 现在, Golden Boy 是世界上最成功的拳击娱乐公司之一,为拳击手和球迷塑造了拳击的未来。