Arkivji Tag: Bobby Harris

Jose Antonio Rivera DedicatesQuest For 50to Worcester Boys & bniet Club

(L-R) – Jose Antonio Rivera, current WBC Youth super lightweight champion Jermaine Ortiz
(11-0, 6 Kos) and Carlos Garcia

WORCESTER, MASS (Mejju 16, 2019) – Tliet time, two-diviżjoni champion tad-dinja “Il Gallo” Jose Antonio Rivera is dedicating his 50th pro fight, the last in his hometown of Worcester, to the Boys & Girls Club in Worcester, Massachusetts. A portion of the proceeds fromQuest For 50,presented by Shearns Boxing Promotions (SBP) and Rivera Promotions Entertainment, will benefit the Boys & bniet Club.

The 46-year-old Rivera (42-6-1, 25 Kos) faces former WFC champion Travis “Sweet Feet” Scott (19-5, 5 Kos), of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in the eight-round main event at The Palladium in Worcester.

Rivera, a full-time court officer in Worcester, has had a special relationship for more than 30 years with the Worcester Boys & Girls Club and its director of boxing, Carlos Garcia, min hu “The Godfather of Worcester Boxing.

Rivera moved to Worcester from Springfield 30 years ago at the age of 16 to pursue a boxing career, which included being coached by Garcia. Rivera had siblings and other relatives living in Worcester and after living with an aunt for a month, Jose moved into an apartment with another boxer, four-time national amateur champion Bobby Harris.

The Worcester Boys & Girls Club helped me stay off the streets so I could focus on my dream of becoming world champion,” Rivera remembered. “It was a place for me and so many others to go and be safe. Kids, not just boxers, can be kids there, where they don’t have to worry about what’s happening in the streets.

Carlos has played a tremendous part of my life and so many others, influencing us not only to become good boxers, but to be good people in the community. That was always so important to him and he emphasized being a good person. I għamlet l-almu tiegħi. He was always fair across the board and gave us all opportunities. He took a liking to me and brags that he never had to throw me out of the Boys & bniet Club. I graduated from high school and went after my dream in 1992 when I turned pro. Carlos is big in amateur boxing, but not so much with pros, because he doesn’t have the time to train pros. I made sure that when turned pro, tough, that he was part of my team. And he’s still a big part of my team and life.

The number of Worcester youths Garcia has had a positive effect on, life-changing in many respects, is countless. One of those many people is Jose’s longtime friend and his current head trainer, Sean Fitzgerald, who retired as a boxer in 2001 bi 29-2-2 pro record. “Fitzyremembers the fir time he read the sign over the door in the gym at the Boys & bniet Club: “Better to seat than bleed.

Fitzy lived with his father when his parents divorced and at the age of 10, his father sent him to the Boys & Girls Club to attend an after-school program. “Fitzysaid he had to earn his way into Garcia’s good graces.

Carlos didn’t talk to me for the first 5-6 weeks,” Fitzgerald explained. “Imbagħad, he put me in the ring as a sparring partner, and I was badly beaten. I had a bloody nose and black eye, but the next day I came back, and the rest is history. Carlos was a great mentor, rough at times, but always there for you. I remember seeing the boxing team jackets. It intrigued me. When I got my jacket and started wearing it, I got respect from everybody, and then I knew that I belonged. I learned a lot about life at the Boys & bniet Club, being with there with people from different generations and cultures. I met many friends there who I never would have met.

The Boys & Girls Club is safe. I was from a tough area in Worcester. My father worked and it was easy to get in trouble with no supervision. Carlos stayed on top of me to graduate from school and if I was home sick, he come buy with chicken soup to make sure I was alright. My father was in my life big-time, but I joke that I had two moms growing up, my father and Carlos. Going to the Boys & Girls Club was something to look forward to every day.

Carlos always taught us to never make the mistakes he did in life. He wanted us to go to school, stay out of trouble, and be a good person. He’s helped so many people over the years. Look around Worcester and you’ll see them: police and court officers, fire fighters, and so many others. The Boys & Girls Club was a great experience for me and so many other kids from Worcester.

(L-R) – Ray Semidei, Carlos Garcia and Jose Antonio Rivera

Garcia has been the director of boxing at the Worcester Boys & Girls Club since 1982. Two year ago, Garcia was inductred into the National Golden Gloves Hall of Fame.

Never in his life has Jose even raised his voice to me,” Garcia commented. “He treats me like his father and he’s like one of my sons. There aren’t not too many guys like him and he’s so well respected in the community. He came to Worcester from Springfield to train with ne and stayed with me. Jose helps everyone and now he’s promoting to help local boxers.

We’re at the Boys & Girls Club to and that’s the way it really is here. It’s so good to see so many in this community who’ve gone through our boxing program and are good people, good husbands, good parents. It makes me feel so proud. ‘Fitzywas a hyper kid. He’s a real gentleman who now does so much for kids here. I’ve never had a signed contract with any of the pro boxers I’ve worked with because I trust them.

Donations may be sent to the Worcester Boys & Girls Club by going online and proceed toBe a donorpage, mail a check (payable to the Boys & Girls Club of Worcester, Attention: Liz Hamilton, 65 Tainter St., Worcester, MA 01610), or drop-off donations at its new clubhouse.

An All-Massachusetts clash pits welterweights Khiry “TNT” Todd (8-1, 6 Kos), ta Lynn, and New Bedford’s Ray Oliveira, Jr. (8-2, 1 KO), the son of New England boxing favoriteSucraRay Oliveira (8-1, 1 KO), in the four-round, co-featured event..

For the first time in his young career, Danbury, CT welterweight Omar “Il-kruha” Bordoy, Jr. (7-1, 2 Kos) will be coming off a loss to fight Tyrone “Hands of StoneLuckey (9-10-3, 7 Kos) fi bout sitt round.

Tal Brooklyn Sidney “KeeloMccow (6-8, 3 Kos) u Augustine “Bla ħniena” Maura (6-5-3, 3 Kos), Lawrence, MA, will battle in a six-rounder for the vacant New England junior welterweight title.

Other undercard bouts, all four-rounders, include Seven-round bouts scheduled on the undercard include Worcester’s popular Owen Minuri (1-0, 1 Kos), the top Massachusetts heavyweight prospect in years, vs. Alejandro Santiago (0-4), tal tampa; promising Worcester welterweight Eslih Owusu (1-0) vs. Springfield, MA veteran Jose Angel “KO” Ortiz (5-13-1, 2 Kos); East Providence, RI much anticipated pro-debut of Elijah Peixotovs. Bronx lightweight Danny Morales (0-8); flashy Hartford, CT junior welterweight The Special One” Sharad Collier (1-0-1, 1 KO), the 2-time N.E, Golden Ingwanti champion, vs.Anthony Everett (1-7), Lawrence, MA; Worcester featherweight Philip Davis (1-1-1) vs. New Bedford’s Henry Garcia (0-2-1); and Methuen, MA lightweight Luka Lannuccilliwill make his pro debut against an opponent to be determined.

Kollha ġlied u ġellieda huma soġġetti għal bidla.

Biljetti, pprezzati għal $70.00 (ringside), $55.00 (mezzanine) u $40.00 (ammissjoni ġenerali), are onsale and available to purchase at, the Palladium box office, jew billi tikkuntattja Jose Rivera (, AJ Rivera
( jew kwalunkwe mill-ġellieda.

Bibien miftuħa fi 6 p.m. U, ewwel bout 7 p.m. U.

A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Worcester Boysand Girls’ Club.

Event sponsors include Lundgren Honda,, Raindrop Liquor, Michelob Ultra, Bay State Savings Bank, Vocero Hispano, Massachusetts Pirates, Office Mac, Chieftain Liquors, realtor Pamela LaPorte, and Grille 57.

1Avveniment tal-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Alumni tal-Boxing tal-stUSA fin-N.E. Knockout f'Lowell, Massa

Stampa kortesija ta' Edward Boches / Boches Fotografija
LOWELL, Massa. (Frar 23, 2018) – Kważi 50 boxers tal-passat ta' New England Golden Gloves ħarġu lbieraħ filgħaxija għal-laqgħa u greet inawgurali tal-USA Boxing Alumni Association f'kamra privata, qabel il-bout tal-ftuħ tan-New England Tournament of Champions, f’Lowell Memorial Auditorium storiku f’Lowell, Massachusetts.
Il-laqgħa tal-USA Boxing Alumni Association kienet ukoll biex tippromwovi l- 2018 USA vs. Irlanda Grigal Boxing Tour, li jibda It-tnejn, Marzu 12, f’Royale Entertainment Complex fid-distrett tat-teatru famuż ta’ Boston. L-Istati Uniti vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour se jkompli Marzu 15 fiċ-Ċentru MassMutual fi Springfield, Massa. u jikkonkludi Marzu 21f’The Manchester Downtown Hotel f’Manchester, New Hampshire.
Fost dawk li attendew l-USA Boxing Alumni Association kien hemm eks champions tad-dinja professjonali “Irlandiż” Micky Ward, ikona tal-boksing Lowell, u Jose Antonio Rivera, kif ukoll Il-kontendenti stilla Peter Manfredo, Jr., “Iceman” John Scully
Maħluq biex imexxi tul il-ħajja, relazzjonijiet ta’ benefiċċju reċiproku bejn l-USA Boxing u l-alumni tagħha, –boxers, uffiċjali, coaches u partitarji tal-boxing — L-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Alumni tgħaqqad ġenerazzjonijiet ta’ champions, jispira u jagħti lura liċ-champions futuri tal-boxing tal-USA Boxing, u 'l barra taċ-ċirku.
L-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Alumni tal-Boxing tal-Istati Uniti hija miftuħa għal kull min għandu imħabba għall-boxing u jixtieq jibqa’ konness mal-boxing dilettanti. Il-membri jingħataw aċċess għal varjetà wiesgħa ta’ avvenimenti speċjali li jorganizzaw l-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Alumni, inkluż ir-riċeviment tas-Sala tal-Fama tal-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Alumni tal-USA Boxing tal-Ġimgħa filgħaxija.
Biex tingħaqad mal-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Alumni, sempliċiment irreġistra fuq għal $40.00 kull sena miżata tas-sħubija. Membri ġodda se jirċievu T-shirt, keychain u kartiera elettronika.
Twitter: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

NEW ENGLAND TOURNAMENT TAĊ-CHAMPIONS Riżultati tas-semifinali tad-diviżjoni miftuħa minn Lowell

New England
Tournament taċ-Champions

Ir-riżultati tas-semifinali tad-Diviżjoni Miftuħa minn Lowell

72nd annwali Lowell Sun Charities
Kampjonat Golden Gloves
New England Tournament tal Champions
Finali tal-kampjonat Open Division tonight fil Lowell
LOWELL, Massa. (Frar 22, 2018) – Ilbieraħ filgħaxija saret rawnd ta’ semifinali kompetittiv ħafna, iħejji l-palk għall-finali tal-lejla tan-New England Tournament of Championships, fl-Awditorju storiku Lowell Memorial.
It-Tournament taċ-Champions ta’ New England, magħrufa wkoll bħala l-All-New England’s, hija parti mit-72 Kampjonat annwali ta’ New England Golden Gloves.
Tal tonight individwali rebbieħ N.E. champions jikkwalifikaw g[at-Team New England, li se jikkompeti fil-Kampjonat Nazzjonali Golden Gloves, bidu Mejju 14, 2018 fl-Omaha, Nebraska. Western New England qed ifittex il-ħames N.E. titolu tat-tim.
“Wara li rajt is-semifinali tal-bieraħ filgħaxija,” N. U. Direttur Ezekuttiv Bobby Russo qal, “I ma jistgħux jistennew għall- tal-tonight partiti kbar fil-finali. Dawn huma l-aqwa boxers tad-dilettanti fi New England u r-rebbieħa kollha se jkollhom sparatura għat-titli nazzjonali.”
Wkoll, L-USA Boxing se jospita laqgħa u greet tal-USA Boxing Alumni Association tonight.Il-membri kollha tal-USA Boxing Alumni Association, kif ukoll kwalunkwe membru prospettiv, huma mistiedna jattendu għal din il-laqgħa u tislima unika, jibda meta l-bibien jinfetħu fi 6:30 p.m. U, sal-ewwel bout fil 7:30 p.m. U.
Ħafna mill-boxers dilettanti kbar ta’ kull żmien ta’ New England se jipparteċipaw, inklużi eks-champions tal-wotld bħall-eroj tal-belt natali u tlett darbiet champion ta’ New England,“Irlandiż” Micky Ward, Jose Antonio Rivera, Travis Simms u Iran Barkley, Il Konkorrent stilla Peter Manfredo, Jr., John Scully, Richie LaMontagne, Dave Sullivan, Olimpiku tal-Istati Uniti Lawrence Clay-Bey u ħafna favoriti oħra tal-passat New England Golden Gloves inklużi Tarvis Simms, Bobby Harris, Joe Alloj u Troy Wortham. (soġġetti għal bidla)
Biljetti tibda fil $18.00, biss $7.00 għall-istudenti (ID meħtieġa) u huma disponibbli biex jinxtraw billi ċċempel fil-kaxxa tal-Lowell Memorial Auditorium fuq 1.866.722.8881 jew tordna online fuq Ixtri l-biljetti kmieni biex tevita linji twal il-lejl tal-ispettaklu.
Rikavat mill-Karitajiet Lowell Sun Ingwanti Golden Kampjonat imorru lejn jibgħat il Ingwanti ċampjins New England Golden għall-Ingwanti Nazzjonali Golden Kampjonat (bidu Mejju 14, 2018 fl-Omaha, Nebraska), minbarra li jappoġġja atleti lokali u gyms żona, is-subien & bniet Club, kċejjen soppa, xelters bla dar, fondi kanċer, boroż ta 'studju u ħafna kawżi oħra ta' karità kbira.
(Frar.21, 2018)
Felix Parilla, North Haven, CT / WNE
WDEC (5-0)
Joseph Valdes, Nashua, NH / CNE Ċentrali
Lightweights (132 lbs.)
Joseph DePina, Dorchester, MA / CNE
WDEC (3-2)
Joshua Orta, Springfield, MA / WNE
Sharad Collier, Hartford, CT / WNE
WDEC (4-1)
Mike Bloodworth, sokit residenzjali, RI / SNE
Ashleigh Moore, kuċċard Bay, MA / CNE
WDEC (5-0)
Deborah Basora, Hartford, CT / WNE
Josniel Castro, Portland, ME / NNE
WDEC (5-0)
Luca Botis, West Point, NY / WNE
James Perella, Mansfield, MA / SNE
WDEC (5-0)
Charles Spinel, Salem, MA / CNE
Heavyweights DAWL (178 lbs.)
Miguel Teo, Marlboro, MA / CNE
WDEC (5-0)
Tony Adams, Bridgeport, CT / WNE
Heavyweights (201 lbs.)
Edmond Worley, Lowell, MA / CNE
WDEC (4-1)
Hampton Miller, Waterbury, CT / WNE
Tim Hatfield, Providence, RI / SNE
WDEC (5-0)
Zack Calmus, Gloucester, MA / CNE
WNE – Western New England
CNE – Ċentrali New England
NNE – Tramuntana l-Ingilterra Ġdida
SNE – Southern New England
72nd Karitajiet annwali Lowell Sun Golden Ingwanti Kampjonat Skeda
(Lowell Memorial Awditorju – 6:30 p.m. bibien miftuħa, 7:30 p.m. ewwel bout)
New England Tournament tal Champions
Miftuħa Klassi Kampjonat Finali – Il-Ħamis, Frar. 22
New England Golden Gloves Direttur Eżekuttiv: Bobby Russo
Direttur ta 'kontestanti: Art Ramalho
Kap ta 'Uffiċjali: Laurie Purcell
ring announcer: john Vena
Post: Lowell Memorial Awditorju, 50 Merrimack St, Lowell, MA
Twitter: @LowellGloves

L-eks boxers tal-Istati Uniti se jorganizzaw laqgħa u greet privat fi New England Tournament of Champions Open Division Championships

1stAvveniment tal-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Alumni tal-Boxing tal-Istati Uniti fi N.E.

Il-Ħamis, Frar 22
Lowell Memorial Auditorium f'Lowell, Massa.
COLORADO SPRINGS, Lap. (Frar 19, 2018) – L-Istati Uniti tal-Boxing se jospitaw laqgħa u greet tal-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Alumni tal-Boxing tal-Istati Uniti tal-Istati Uniti dan il-Ħamis lejl (Frar. 22), qabel il-finali tad-diviżjoni miftuħa ta’ dik il-lejla tan-New England Tournament of Champions, parti mit-72 Kampjonat annwali ta’ New England Golden Gloves, f’Lowell Memorial Auditorium storiku f’Lowell, Massachusetts.
Il-Frar. 22nd Qed issir ukoll l-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Alumni tal-USA Boxing, parzjalment, biex jippromwovu l- 2018 USA vs. Irlanda Grigal Boxing Tour, li jibda It-tnejn, Marzu 12, fil-Kumpless tad-Divertiment Royale li għadu kif ġie rinnovat fid-distrett famuż tat-teatru ta’ Boston. L-Istati Uniti vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour se jkompli Marzu 15 fiċ-Ċentru MassMutual fi Springfield, Massa. u jikkonkludi Marzu 21 f’The Manchester Downtown Hotel f’Manchester, New Hampshire.
Ħafna mill-boxers dilettanti kbar ta’ kull żmien ta’ New England se jipparteċipaw, inkluż eroj tal-belt natali u tliet darbiet champion ta’ New England, “Irlandiż” Micky Ward. Oħrajn jinkludu Jose Antonio Rivera, John Scully, Richie LaMontagne, Dave Sullivan, Travis u Tarvis Simms, Bobby Harris, Peter Manfredo, Jr., Joe Alloj, Lawrence Clay-Bey u Troy Wortham.
Il-membri kollha tal-USA Boxing Alumni Association, kif ukoll kwalunkwe membru prospettiv, huma mistiedna jattendu għal din il-laqgħa u tislima unika, jibda meta l-bibien jinfetħu fi 6:30 p.m. U, sal-ewwel bout fil 7:30 p.m. U.
Prezzijiet tal-biljetti jibdew fil $18.00, biss $7.00 għall-istudenti (ID meħtieġa) u huma disponibbli biex jinxtraw billi ċċempel fil-kaxxa tal-Lowell Memorial Auditorium fuq 1.866.722.8881 jew tordna online fuq
Maħluq biex imexxi tul il-ħajja, relazzjonijiet ta’ benefiċċju reċiproku bejn l-USA Boxing u l-alumni tagħha, –boxers, uffiċjali, coaches u partitarji tal-boxing — L-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Alumni tgħaqqad ġenerazzjonijiet ta’ champions, jispira u jagħti lura liċ-champions futuri tal-boxing tal-USA Boxing, u 'l barra taċ-ċirku.
L-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Alumni tal-Boxing tal-Istati Uniti hija miftuħa għal kull min għandu imħabba għall-boxing u jixtieq jibqa’ konness mal-boxing dilettanti. Il-membri jingħataw aċċess għal varjetà wiesgħa ta’ avvenimenti speċjali li jorganizzaw l-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Alumni, Inklużi Il-ġimgħa ir-riċeviment tal-USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame ta’ filgħaxija.
Biex tingħaqad mal-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Alumni, sempliċiment irreġistra fuq alumni@usaboxing,.org għal a $40.00 kull sena miżata tas-sħubija. Membri ġodda se jirċievu T-shirt, keychain u kartiera elettronika.
Twitter: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

Former UFC heavyweight title challenger GabrielNapaoGonzaga Victorious in pro boxing debut



Gabriel Gonzaga (R) won his pro boxing debut
WORCESTER, Massa. (Ottubru 29, 2017) – Former UFC heavyweight title challenger Gabriel “NapaoGonzaga has a successful pro boxing debut last night (IS-SIBT, Ottubru. 28) in the co-featured event on theNew England’s Future 4” card, ippreżentat mill Promozzjonijiet Rivera Divertiment (RPE), at DCU Center, Exhibition Hall, Worcester.
Il 6′ 2″, 280-pound Brazilian, now fighting out of Worcester (MA), fought another pro-debut boxer with limited MMA experience, Alejandro Esquilin Santiago, tal tampa (FL). Gonzaga stalked the southpaw Santiago, landing some hard shots in the opening round. The heavy-handed Gonzaga picked up the pace in the third and his upset-minded opponent responded in a positive fashion. Both fighters exchanged freely in the fourth and final round, neither was hurt during the contest, and Gonzaga was awarded a win by four-round majority decision.
I thought I’d be more relaxed in the ring like I had been in the gym,” Gonzaga said. “I did my best and came away with a victory. I was too safe in the third round. My punches were much strong and a lot of his punches I blocked with my gloves. This was really great! tonight”

Gonzaga (L) defeated Santiago
I felt good and gave it my all,” Santiago remarked. “He hit me with some shots and gave ’em back. Not only does he have a big nose (“Napao”), he has a strong, big head, wisq.”
Fil-avveniment prinċipali, popular Hartford (CT) heavyweight dawl Richard “Popeye Il Sailor Man” Rivera baqa undefeated, improving his record to 4-0 (3 Kos), with a first-round knockout of an over-matched Hansen Castillo (0-3)
Rivera, not relations to the promoter, first dropped Castillo with a beautifully placed left uppercut and finished the show moments later with a left hook that sent Castillo flying to canvas. Referee Kevin Hope didn’t bother to count.
My coaches were telling me to be calm because it was a six-round bout,” Rivera spjegata. “I saw that he had his left down and caught him with an uppercut. I’m strong to the finish because I eat my spinach.
New Haven junior middleweight Edwin Sosa (11-2-2, 4 Kos) overcame at 15-pound disadvantage, at the very least, en route to a dominant six-round unanimous decision over Anthony “The Animal” Everett (1-7), of Rowley (MA).
Danbury (CT) welterweight junior Omar Bordoy, Jr. (3-0, 1 KO) stopped New York veteran Bryan “The Brick” Abraham (6-31, 6 Kos) in the fourth and final round. Abraham was decked twice and after counting to 10 after Abraham’s second time on the canvas, referee Paul Casey waved off the action.
Three-time national amateur champion ElvisChi Chi” Figueroa (3-0, 1 KO), fighting out of New Haven, pitched a complete shutout over a game, pro-Debuting Rene Nazare(0-1), tal-Brażil, for a convincing win by way of a four-round unanimous decision.
Southbridge (MA) welterweight Wilfredo “l Sucaro” pagan (3-0, 1 KO) pinnedPatrick Leal (0-4), tal Woburn, on the ropes early, dropping him three times until referee Casey halted the fight midway through the opening round.
Riżultati kompluti taħt:
Richard Rivera (4-0, 3 Kos), Hartford, CT
WKO1 (2:18)
Hansen Castillo (0-3), Orlando, FL
CO-FEATURE– Heavyweights
Gabriel Gonzaga (1-0), Worcester, MA
40-36, 40-36, 38-38)
Alejandro Esquilin Santiago (għall-debutt), Tampa, FL.
Elvis Figueroa (3-0, 1 KO), New Haven, CT
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 40-36)
Rene Nazare (0-1), Brażil
Edwin Soto (10-2-2, 4 Kos), New Haven, CT
WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 58-56)
Anthony Everett (1-6), Rawley, MA
Wilfredo Pagan (3-0, 1 KO), Southbridge, MA
TKO1 (1:36).
Patrick Leal (0-4), Woburn, MA
Omar Bordoy, Jr. (3-0, 1 KO), Danbury, CT
WTKO4 :148)
Bryan “The Brick” Abraham (6-31, 6 Kos), Schenectady, NY
(All fights & fighters subject to change)
Twitter: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp, KingRivera_

New boxing chapter to start for former UFC heavyweight title challenger GabrielNapaoGonzaga

Ottubru 28 Worcester, MA
WORCESTER, Massa. (Ottubru 19, 2017) – The next chapter of former UFC heavyweight title challenger Gabriel “NapaoGonzaga starts October 28th when he makes his professional boxing debut fighting on theNew England Future 4” card, the fourth and final 2017 installment of the popular professional boxing series, “Futur Ġdid Ingilterra”, to be held at the DCU Center (Exhibition Hall) Worcester, Massachusetts.
New England’s Future 4is presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), which is owned and operated by retired three-time, żewġ diviżjoni champion dinja Jose Antonio Rivera u ibnu, Anthonee (A.J.) Rivera.
The 38-year-old Gonzaga teaches Brazilian Ju-Jitsu (BJJ) in Worcester and lives nearby in Ludlow (MA). An imposing physical fighter, the 6′ 2″, 260-pound Gonzaga (17-11-0, 7 Kos, 9 SUBs, 1 Diċembru), istivi 4th degree black belt in BJJ. The highlight of his MMA career was at the 2007 UFC 70, held in Manchester, Ir-Renju Unit, in which he knocked out K-1, Pride and Rizen champion Mirko Cro Cop with a head kick in the opening round, positioning Gonzaga for his unsuccessful challenge of UFC Heavyweight Champion Randy Couture in his next fight.
Gonzaga, who retired from MMA 1 ½ years ago, also defeated Ben Rothwell, Shawn Jordan u Chris Tuchscherer, among the more notable UFC fighters he faced in the Octagon.
(L-R) – Rocky Gonzalez & Gabriel Gonzaga
Gonzago has a new opponent for his four-round bout, Tampa’s pro-debuting Alejandro Esquilin Santiago, who also has a pro MMA background.
I like challenges in my life,” Gonzaga explained why he’s making his pro debut. “I set new goals because I like to be competitive in sports. I have a good boxing coach who told me I should try. I was a BJJ (Brażiljan Jiu-Jitsu) world champion and UFC title contender. I have good boxing skills and plan to put on a good show. I do have one-punch power and hit hard.
I started boxing in 2001 and worked at it every day for two years to learn, but then I was competing in MMA. Issa, I’m focused on boxing. I think boxing is the hardest part of MMA. I know you can’t make mistakes in boxing and there’s no time to relax. Fil MMA, I could relax a little at times in clinches, but the referee won’t allow that in boxing. I’ll probably fight more than once but not too many because of my age and I’m not really at the high-level of boxing like I was in MMA.
Gonzaga’s head boxing trainer, Rocky Gonzalez, has been working with several MMA fighters, including Gonzaga, for more than a decade to help them improve their striking skills. Gonzalez freely admits that Gonzaga knew how to box before he started working with him, crediting Gonzaga’s Muay Thai coach, and that boxing came naturally to the big Brazilian who has made an easy adjustment from the Octagon to the ring. Gonzalez also feels that leg positioning differences for MMA fighters switching to boxing, in terms of throwing proper punches, is somewhat overrated.
In boxing,” Gonzalez qal, “fighters need their hands like their legs and elbows in MMA. Distance and timing is more important than where their legs and feet are positioned. Gabriel doesn’t like sparring with headgear, hekk, his sparring is more like real fighting. He’s been hot with some real shots but he’s responded well. He’s always going to have a puncher’s chance and he’s deceptive because he doesn’t look as fast as he is.
We didn’t really plan anything but he got this good opportunity. He’s always wanted to turn pro as a boxer and go from there. Gabriel is a good listener who keeps working hard to get better. When he first brought up boxing, he was contracted by the UFC, but we started talking about him boxing after the UFC released him. He knew Jose from him teaching boxing. Gabriel isn’t doing this for the money. He’s a competitive guy who wanted to try boxing.
Former WBU Americans and IBU North American cruiserweight champion, VinnieAmerican NightmareCarita (16-1-1, 15 Kos), fighting out of Pembroke (MA), will take on Bolivian heavyweight champion Saul “El Fenjx AsesinoFaraff (64-23-3, 56 Kos) in the eight-round main event.
Hartford’s (CT) popular Richard “Popeye Il Sailor Man” Rivera (3-0, 2 Kos) jissodisfa Hansen Castillo (0-2) in the four-round, co-featured event to be contested at a 180-pound catchweight.
Many of New England’s best and most popular N.E. fighters will be in action, Inklużi 2014 N.E. Golden Ingwanti champion AdrianTonka” Sosa (4-0, 3 Kos), ġlieda kontra minn Lawrence qrib (MA), vs. veteran Norwalk (CT) welterweight Shakha Moore (12-23-3, 2 Kos) fil-logħba sitt round.
Also fighting on the undercard in four-round fights include 2016 N.E. Golden Gloves champio, Anthony Laureano (5-0, 3 Kos), of East Hartford (CT) vs. Bruno Dias (0-3), tal Woburn (MA), New Haven (CT) Edwin Soto (10-2-2, 4 Kos) vs. Anthony Everett (1-6). Lawrence, at a 150-pound catchweight, three-time USA Boxing Nationals champion Elvis Figueroa (2-0, 1 KO), ta 'New Haven (CT), vs. pro-debuting Brazilian native Rene Nazare, Southbridge (MA) welterweight junior Wilfredo “l Sucaro” pagan (2-0) vs. Patrick Leal (0-3), tal Woburn (MA), at a 150-pound catchweight, Danbury (CT) welterweight junior Omar Bordoy, Jr. (2-0) vs. Schenectady (NY) veteranBryan “The Brick” Abraham (6-30, 6 Kos), u Timmy Ramos (4-0-1, 4 Kos), tal Framingham (MA) vs. Seth Basler (0-2), of Illinois.
Kollha ġlied u ġellieda huma soġġetti għal bidla.
Biljetti, pprezzati għal $75.00 (ringside) u $45.00 (ammissjoni ġenerali), are on sale and available to purchase at the DCU Center box office,, by contacting Jose Rivera (, AJ Rivera
( jew kwalunkwe mill-ġellieda
Bibien miftuħa fi 6:30 p.m., ewwel bout 7:00 p.m. U.
Sponsors jinkludu Lundgren Honda,, and American Pyramids.
Part of the proceeds will go to Worcester Latino Dollars For Scholars.
Twitter: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

VinnieAmerican NightmareCarita boxes in his own unique way

Ottubru 28 Worcester, MA
WORCESTER, Massa. (Ottubru 12, 2017) – Once-beaten VinnieAmerican DreamCarita is preparing in an entirely different way than all other fighters on the October 28thNew England Future 4” card, the fourth and final 2017 installment of the popular professional boxing series, “Futur Ġdid Ingilterra”, to be held at the DCU Center (Exhibition Hall) Worcester, Massachusetts.
New England’s Future 4is presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), which is owned and operated by retired three-time, żewġ diviżjoni champion dinja Jose Antonio Rivera u ibnu, Anthonee (A.J.) Rivera.
I am happy to have a dedicated, hard-working boxer like Vinnie Carita headlining our boxing event on IS-SIBT, October 28th fiċ-Ċentru DCU,” promoter Jose Antonio Rivera said. “He is a perfect example of why my son, A.J., and I started RPE. We want to be able to help boxers grow their careers and create a platform for them to get bigger and better opportunities.
A former WBU Americans and IBU North American cruiserweight champion,Carita (16-1-1, 15 Kos) will take on Bolivian heavyweight champion Saul “El Fenjx AsesinoFaraff (64-23-3, 56 Kos) in the eight-round main event.
Carita, fighting out of Pembroke (MA), will move up in weight once again to fight another foreign opponent. In the world of boxing, not only does Carita fight, he’s his own promoter, maniġer, trainer and matchmaker. Outside of the ring, Carita is a fulltime court officer in Brockton (MA), as well as a part-time security contractor for the Department of Defense (DOD).
Although his incredibly busy schedule leaves little, if any, downtown to relax, Carita thrives because he’s so dedicated, disciplined and driven. He starts each day at 4 a.m., running or doing cardio exercising, works his day job, and hits the gym to train between 9-10 p.m. on a regular basis for a scheduled fight. When he’s had some free time to travel, Vinne has gone to New York, Philadelphia and even Montreal for quality sparring.
He started boxing at seven, when he first walked into a gym, and captured a Southeast Regionals Golden Glove title but, fi 14, only boxed sporadically, until he turned pro at 20. “I definitely have a passion for boxing,” the 32-year-old confessed. “I’m a boxing fanatic. If I’m not training, I’m watching fights, live or on television. It’s my love. Boxing will always be part of me and when I finally hang up my gloves, I want to be a referee, so I can still be in the ring, and have the best seat. Ma rridx biex jiġġudikaw. Bigger guys last longer than smaller fighters. I want to continue doing this until by late thirties, maybe early forties.
I fell in love with the cruiserweight division when I saw the (Vassily) Jirov-(James) Toney ġlieda (at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut). The cruiserweight division is hot right now with the World Boxing Super Series (WBSS). (Oleksandr) Usyk could win the tournament, unifying all four major belts, and then move up to heavyweight. That could be good for me if I was one of the eight fighting for one of the four vacant (major) titoli. I’ll look for the right fights until then, against guys who’ve been around and maybe competed for world or regional titles, like my next opponent (Faraff), who is the WBC Latino heavyweight champion.
Carita, who occasionally is forced to fight as a heavyweight as he will against Faraff, will still weigh in around 200-205 liri. He walks around at 208 and usually weighs in at 194-196 for his cruiserweight fights. “I have no plans to compete as a heavyweight,” huwa qal. “I’ve fought some heavyweights and it looks better for me to go the distance, or stop, guys much bigger than me. I try and pick the right guys to advance my career.
Why has Carita fought so many opponents from countries all over the world? Networking. His job with the DOD, before he started working as a court officer, found him traveling around the world. Wherever he went – Afrika t'Isfel, Dubai, Irlanda ta 'Fuq, eċċ. – he worked out at boxing gyms and made invaluable connections, establishing working relationships with many managers and matchmakers who he’s remained in contact with throughout his pro boxing career.
Because he trains himself, Carita only has one regular person working his corner, Pittsfield (MA) court officer John Felix, who he first met when they were drill instructors at the academy. Carita adds a cut-man for his fight but he tends to keep things lean and mean, even in his corner.
Nobody knows better or appreciates more what promoter Jose Antonio Rivera accomplished when he was world champion working full-time as a court officer in Worcester.
To work full-time, raise children, train to be a world-class fighter and become world champion three times speaks volumes about Jose,” Carita commented. “Issa, he’s promoting and putting guys like me on his shows.
I understand perfectly how hard and demanding his schedule is working a fulltime job as a court officer and training to try to achieve his goals of fighting for and winning world championship,” Rivera added. “I am glad Vinnie has chosen to give RPE an opportunity to be able to help him get closer to achieving his dream.
Fil-każ ko dehru, Hartford’s (CT) popular Richard “Popeye Il Sailor Man” Rivera (3-0, 2 Kos) jissodisfa Hansen Castillo (0-2) in the four-round bout to be contested at a 180-pounds catch-weight.
Il “New England’s Future 4undercard features many of the best and most popular N.E. ġellieda, unbeaten East Hartford (CT) welterweight and 2016 N.E. Golden Ingwanti champion, Anthony Laureano (5-0, 3 Kos), who meets welterweight Clifton Rashad Thames (3-2-1), of Oklahoma City, in a six-round fight.
Former UFC heavyweight title challenger Gabriel “NapaoGonzaga makes his pro boxing debut in a four-round bout versus Washington D.C. heavyweight Alando Pugh (1-10-1, 1 KO).
Other undercard fights, all four-rounders, include two-time national champion and hometown favorite, Bobby “BH3” Harris III (1-0), vs. Troy “Omar KO Artist” artist (3-7-1, 2 Kos), 2014 N.E. Golden Ingwanti champion AdrianTonka” Sosa (4-0, 3 Kos), ġlieda kontra minn Lawrence qrib (MA), vs. veteran Norwalk (CT) welterweight Shakha Moore (12-23-3, 2 Kos), New Haven (CT) Edwin Soto (10-2-2, 4 Kos) vs. Anthony Everett (1-6). Lawrence, at a 150-pounds catch-weight, three-time USA Boxing Nationals champion Elvis Figueroa (2-0, 1 KO), ta 'New Haven (CT), vs. Anthony Bowman (11-63-2, 3 Kos). Southbridge (MA) welterweight junior Wilfredo “l Sucaro” pagan (2-0) vs. Oscar Diaz (0-12), of Hartford, and Danbury (CT) welterweight junior Omar Bordoy, Jr. (2-0) vs. Alan Beeman (0-15), of Providence.
Kollha ġlied u ġellieda huma soġġetti għal bidla.
Biljetti, pprezzati għal $75.00 (ringside) u $45.00 (ammissjoni ġenerali), are on sale and available to purchase at the DCU Center box office,, by contacting Jose Rivera (, AJ Rivera
( jew kwalunkwe mill-ġellieda
Bibien miftuħa fi 6:30 p.m., ewwel bout 7:00 p.m. U.
Sponsors jinkludu Lundgren Honda,, and American Pyramids.
Part of the proceeds will go to Worcester Latino Dollars For Scholars.
Twitter: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

Former national amateur champion Bobby Harris III breaking out of shadow cast by his father with a little help from his friends

Ottubru 28 Worcester, MA
(L-R) – front: Bobby Harris III holding Bobby Harris IV and A.J. Rivera; rear: Bobby Harris and Jose Antonio Rivera
WORCESTER, Massa. (Ottubru 2, 2017) – Local prospect Bobby “BH3” Harris III is ready to breakout of the shadows cast by his father, retired pro boxer Bobby Harris, bidu IS-SIBT lejl, Ottubru 28, in the fourth and final 2017 installment of the popular professional boxing series, “Futur Ġdid Ingilterra”, fiċ-Ċentru DCU (Exhibition Hall) Worcester, Massachusetts.
New England’s Future 4is presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), which is owned and operated by retired three-time, żewġ diviżjoni champion dinja Jose Antonio Rivera u ibnu, Anthonee (A.J.) Rivera.
“BH3” and A.J. grew-up together in gyms as sons of pro fighters. They had dreams of making it in boxing, which has come to fruition with “BH3” -prospett jogħlew, A.J. the president and matchmaker for RPE. Fi żminijiet, għalkemm, what’s transpired may be somewhat surreal for both young men.
I grew up in boxing,” Bobby Harris III explained. “My father always brought me to the gym and his fights. My uncle, Adam Harris, was also a pro boxer. My father and Jose were super close, me and A.J. grew-up as brothers. The same blood couldn’t make us any closer. It’s me and AJ. My first amateur fight was when I was 13. A.J. used to run and workout with me. I’d go to his house after school and sleep over on weekends. We planned our lives together in boxing; my job is to fight and A.J. promotes and makes matches.
I remember growing up with Bobby as my brother,” A.J. miżjud. “We did everything together: ran, trained, sparred and pushed each other to our greatest limits. He’s grown so much over the years. His natural ability, mixed with years of experience, and Bobby growing into a man will surely lead to him being world champion one day. I’m truly proud and excited to see our childhood plan unfold.
“BH3” only had about 40 amateur matches but the large majority were at the national level. He is a two-time national amateur champion, including a gold-medal performance in the USA National Championships, and as a member of Team USA, he was rated No. 1 fil-U.S, u Nru. 2 fid-dinja.
The 21-year-old decided to turn pro earlier this year, rather than wait for a shot at the Olympics, after discussing his options with his father, as well as Jose and A.J. Rivera, plus his head trainer, Rocky Gonzalez. Worcester boxers such as Jermaine Ortiz u Irvin Gonzalez turning pro, along with the arrival of now 8-month-old Bobby Harris IV, were key factors in his decision to become a professional boxer. “I didn’t want to waste another year,” Bobby admitted. “Turning pro now will get me into rankings earlier. The time was right
Bobby’s father was a 4-time national amateur champion as a super heavyweight who compiled a 20-2-1 (13 Kos) pro record between 1993 u 1999. Illum, he is an important member of his son’s corner, but he did leave a shadow cast over his son, especially across New England.
People will always compare me with my dad, fiċ-ċirku, imma, as good as he was, it’s a great honor to be his son,” Bobby Harris III remarked. “It’s been nothing but good for me. He trained with fighters like (Oscar) De La Hoya, (Shane) Mosley, (Evander) Holyfield and so many other great fighters. We are different, għalkemm. and now I’m establishing my own identity. The sport has changed so much since he fought. Back then it was mostly two guys beating each other up, not as much of a performance. I like to put on a good performance and have people say, ‘He’s cool, and when does he fight again. My dad has told me how different boxing is today compared to when he fought. Issa, marketing is so important for fighters, and a lot of exposure is through social media.
My father was a heavyweight, I’m going to go down to 154 (middleweight junior. He is so much bigger, taller and heavier than I am, so fighting in different weight classes separates us. I’m a different style fighter, wisq. I’m more active than him. So that people don’t confuse us when talking, I came up with ‘BH3as my persona. We are different in and out of the ring.
I have known Little Bobby (as I call him) since he was born,” Jose Rivera noted. “He calls me, Tio (uncle) Jose, and I love him like a member of my family. I am happy and proud to see little Bobby go after his dreams and goals his way and on his terms. I wouldn’t want it any other way. My son, A.J., and I are happy that we can use our RPE company to be able to help little Bobby pursue his dreams and goals. Worcester – and soon enough the rest of the worldwill know it’s BH3 Time!”
“BH3” turned pro this past Ġunju 10, in his Worcester hometown, taking a four-round unanimous decision (40-36 X 3) over an awkward opponent, Rodrigo Almeida, who seemed more interested in survival, often frustrating “BH3” with his constant holding.
I’m happy with the way that fight went because I learned so much,” Bobby commented. “I was so excited with all the hype about my pro debut, and I was into the crowd trying for the knockout. I learned that I need to take my time, have fun, throw combinations and that the knockout will come. Dad liked to jab, I like to hit and run likeZokkor’ Ray (Leonard). My first pro fight wasn’t really me. I’m the matador but I can fight like a bull if the opportunity comes to me. I can change things around but I forgot to have fun in my pro debut.
“BH3” plans to breakout from his father’s shadow in his Oct. 28th fight against New Yorker Troy OmerKO Artist” artist (3-7-1, 2 Kos), contested at a 164-pound catchweight, in a four-round bout.
Former WBU Americans and IBU North American cruiserweight champion VinnieAmerican NightmareCarita (16-1-1, 15 Kos), fighting out of Pembroke (MA), will face an opponent to be determined in the eight-round main event.
Former UFC heavyweight title challenger Gabriel “NapaoGonzaga will make his pro boxing debut in a four-round match against Washington D.C. heavyweight Alando Pugh (1-10-1, 1 KO).
Il “New England’s Future 4undercard features many of the best and most popular N.E. ġellieda, Inklużi 2016 N.E. Golden Ingwanti champion Anthony Laureano (4-0, 2 Kos), a promising welterweight from East Hartford (CT), who faces Clifton Rashad Thames (3-2-1), of Oklahoma City, fil-logħba sitt round.
Other undercard fights, all four-rounders, jinkludu 2014 N.E. Golden Ingwanti champion AdrianTonka” Sosa (4-0, 3 Kos), ġlieda kontra minn Lawrence qrib (MA), vs. veteran Norwalk (CT) welterweight Shakha Moore (12-23-3, 2 Kos), New Haven (CT) Edwin Soto (10-2-2, 4 Kos) vs. Anthony Everett (1-6). Lawrence, at a 150-pounds catch-weight, three-time USA Boxing Nationals champion Elvis Figueroa (2-0, 1 KO), ta 'New Haven (CT), vs. Anthony Bowman (11-63-2, 3 Kos). Richard “Popeye Il Sailor Man” Rivera (3-0, 2 Kos), of Hartford (CT), vs. Hansen Castillo (0-2), at a 180-pounds catch-weight, Southbridge (MA) welterweight junior Wilfredo “l Sucaro” pagan (2-0) vs. Oscar Diaz (0-12), of Hartford, and Danbury (CT) welterweight junior Omar Bordoy, Jr. (2-0) vs. Alan Beeman (0-15), of Providence.
Kollha ġlied u ġellieda huma soġġetti għal bidla.
Biljetti, pprezzati għal $75.00 (ringside) u $45.00 (ammissjoni ġenerali), are on sale and available to purchase at the DCU Center box office,, by contacting Jose Rivera (, AJ Rivera
( jew kwalunkwe mill-ġellieda
Bibien miftuħa fi 6:30 p.m., ewwel bout 7:00 p.m. U.
Sponsors jinkludu Lundgren Honda,, and American Pyramids.
Part of the proceeds will go to Worcester Latino Dollars For Scholars.
Twitter: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

Former UFC heavyweight title challenger Gabriel Gonzaga to make pro boxing debut OnNew England’s Future 4” card

Ottubru 28 Worcester, MA
WORCESTER, Massa. (Settembru 13, 2017) – Former UFC heavyweight title challenger Gabriel “NapaoGonzaga will make his professional boxing debutIS-SIBT lejl, Ottubru 26, fuq il- “New England’s Future 4” card, promoted by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), fiċ-Ċentru DCU (Exhibition Hall) Worcester, Massachusetts.
New England’s Future 4” (NEF4) is presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), which is owned and operated by retired three-time, żewġ diviżjoni champion dinja Jose Antonio Rivera u ibnu, Anthonee (A.J.) Rivera.
Former WBU Americans and IBU North American cruiserweight champion VinnieAmerican NightmareCarita (16-1-1, 15 Kos), ratata Nru. 6 by the North American Boxing Organization (NABO), headlines against an opponent to be determined in the eight-round main event.
RPE is excited to have an athlete of Gonzaga’s caliber making his pro debut on our NEF4 boxing event,” promoter Jose Antonio Rivera said. “We are happy that boxers and MMA athletes trust us in terms of what we are trying to do to help them build their careers.
The 38-year-old Gonzaga teaches Brazilian Ju-Jitsu (BJJ) in Worcester and lives nearby in Ludlow. Now retired from mixed-martial-arts competition (17-11-0, 7 Kos, 9 SUBs, 1 Diċembru), the 6′ 2″, 260-pound Gonzaga holds 4th degree black belt in BJJ. The highlight of his MMA career was at the 2007 UFC 70 held in Manchester, Ir-Renju Unit, in which he knocked out K-1, Pride and Rizen champion Mirko Cro Copwith a head kick in the opening round, positioning Gonzaga for his unsuccessful challenge of UFC Heavyweight Champion Randy Couture in his next fight.
Gonzaga also defeated Ben Rothwell, Shawn Jordan u Chris Tuchscherer, among the more notable UFC fighters he faced in the Octagon.
When I first saw Gabriel sparring,” Gonzaga’s trainer Rocky Gonzalez qal, “I knew he had potential to beat a lot of heavyweights around. He had a lot going on at that time and he was still under contract with the UFC. Issa, it’s a great opportunity for him.
Biljetti, pprezzati għal $75.00 (ringside) u $45.00 (ammissjoni ġenerali), are on sale and available to purchase at the DCU Center box office,, by contacting Jose Rivera (, AJ Rivera
( jew kwalunkwe mill-ġellieda
Bibien miftuħa fi 6:30 p.m., ewwel bout 7:00 p.m. U.
Sponsors jinkludu Lundgren Honda,, and American Pyramids.
Part of the proceeds will go to Worcester Latino Dollars For Scholars.
Twitter: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

Cruiserweight Vinnie Carita to headlineNew England’s Future 4

Former UFC heavyweight title challenger
Gabriel Gonzaga to make pro boxing debut
Ottubru 28 Worcester, MA
WORCESTER, Massa. (Settembru 13, 2017) – Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE) has formally announced that the fourth and final 2017 installment of its popular professional boxing series, “Futur Ġdid Ingilterra”, will be held IS-SIBT lejl,Ottubru 28, fiċ-Ċentru DCU (Exhibition Hall) Worcester, Massachusetts.
New England’s Future 4is presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), which is owned and operated by retired three-time, żewġ diviżjoni champion dinja Jose Antonio Rivera u ibnu, Anthonee (A.J.) Rivera.
Pro boxing returned to the DCU Center this past June for the first time fil 11 snin, since promoter Rivera defeated Alejandro Garcia, by way of a 12-round unanimous decision, for the World Boxing Association (WBA) World super welterweight title.
Former WBU Americans and IBU North American cruiserweight champion VinnieAmerican NightmareCarita (16-1-1, 15 Kos), fighting out of Pembroke (MA), will face an opponent to soon be determined in the eight-round main event. Carita, like promoter Rivera, is a Massachusetts court officer: Carita in the City of Champions, Brockton, and Rivera at home in Worcester.
Fast-rising Worcester fighter Bryan Daniels (5-0, 3 Kos) puts his undefeated record on the line against upset-minded Tracey Johnson (4-5-4) in the six-round co-featured event, to be contested at a 206-pound catch-weight.
Former UFC heavyweight title challenger Gabriel “NapaoGonzaga will make his pro boxing debut in a four-round match against Washington D.C. heavyweight Alando Pugh (1-10-1, 1 KO). Brazil-born Gonzaga, who lives in and teaches Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Worcester, defeated UFC stars such as Mirko Cro Cop, Ben Rothwell u Chris Tuchscherer during his outstanding mixed-martial-arts career. Fl 2007, Gonzaga lost his UFC title shot to Hall of Famer Randy Couture in Las Vegas at UFC 74 by way of a third-round technical knockout.
I am excited with the talent we have been able to put together for our last boxing event of 2017,promoter Jose Antonio Rivera said. “We are proud to have been able to make our dream of bringing professional boxing back to Worcester. We are working on a few things to make 2018 even bigger and better for RPE. We are grateful to all the boxers who have trusted us to help them progress in their careers. It has been a pleasure working with them and their teams. It has also been a pleasure for us to work with some of the businesses in our City of Worcester that have supported our vision, also helping us raise money for some charities in our community.
Il “New England’s Future 4undercard features many of the best and most popular N.E. ġellieda, Inklużi 2016 N.E. Golden Ingwanti champion Anthony Laureano (4-0, 2 Kos), a promising welterweight from East Hartford (CT). Laureano will be in a six-round match against TBA.
Other undercard fights, all four-rounders, jinkludu 2014 N.E. Golden Ingwanti champion AdrianTonka” Sosa (4-0, 3 Kos), ġlieda kontra minn Lawrence qrib (MA), vs. veteran Norwalk (CT) welterweight Shakha Moore (12-23-3, 2 Kos), New Haven (CT) Edwin Soto (10-2-2, 4 Kos) vs. Anthony Everett (1-6). Lawrence, at a 150-pounds catch-weight, Worcester’s Bobby Harris III (1-0) vs. Troy “Omar KO Artist” artist (3-7-1, 2 Kos) at a 164-pounds catch-weight, three-time USA Boxing Nationals champion Elvis Figueroa (2-0, 1 KO), ta 'New Haven (CT), vs. Anthony Bowman (11-63-2, 3 Kos).Richard “Popeye Il Sailor Man” Rivera (2-0, 1 KO), of Hartford (CT), vs. Hansen Castillo (0-2), at a 180-pounds catch-weight, Southbridge (MA) junior welterweightvWilfredo “l Sucaro” pagan (2-0) vs. Oscar Diaz (0-12), of Hartford, and Danbury (CT) welterweight junior Omar Bordoy, Jr. (2-0) vs. Alan Beeman (0-15), of Providence.
Kollha ġlied u ġellieda huma soġġetti għal bidla.
Biljetti, pprezzati għal $75.00 (ringside) u $45.00 (ammissjoni ġenerali), are on sale and available to purchase at the DCU Center box office,, by contacting Jose Rivera (, AJ Rivera
( jew kwalunkwe mill-ġellieda
Bibien miftuħa fi 6:30 p.m., ewwel bout 7:00 p.m. U.
Sponsors jinkludu Lundgren Honda,, and American Pyramids.
Part of the proceeds will go to Worcester Latino Dollars For Scholars.
Twitter: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_