標記檔案: 鮑勃·桑托斯

羅伯特·格雷羅 – 我準備提起訴訟的另一個令人興奮的夜晚



LAS VEGAS, NV (三月 11, 2015) – 他對WBA次中量級冠軍鼓舞人心的努力後的幾天, 基思Thurmañ (25-0, 21 科斯), 羅伯特· “鬼” 戰士 已經在期待著他的下一場比賽. Guerrero is today’s version of a modern day gladiator who leaves everything in the ring. His never die fighting style is what fans of all ages are thriving to see. Sports fans around the world witnessed a “年度撲滅” candidate when Guerrero and Thurman left everything in the ring. Guerrero speaks on his future.


“雖然瑟曼和我去打仗, 我的身體恢復得很好,” 說羅伯特·格雷羅. “瘋狂因為它的聲音, I’m ready to get back to work and start training. I’m hoping I can get back in the ring by the summer and finish off strong by the end of the year. If I can get two more fights in this year, I’ll be happy. I know the fans are looking forward to my next fight, 我準備給他們帶來行動的另一個令人興奮的夜晚。”


鮑勃·桑托斯 誰共同管理格雷羅說, “細算戰鬥, 我意識到格雷羅在戰鬥搏擊之夜超中量級, which makes his fight with Thurman even more unbelievable. Guerrero who came up from 122 磅. 同去的不敗冠軍誰打他的大部分職業生涯在距離 154 英鎊, that’s incredible. The fans got to see a true warrior in Guerrero last Saturday, 並且將得到再次見到他在不久的將來。”