Tag Arsip: Bob Santos

Robert Guerrero – Aku siap mawa peuting seru nu lian dina aksi



Las Vegas, NV (Maret 11, 2015) – Sababaraha poé sanggeus usaha-Na mereun ngalawan WBA Welterweight Jawara, Keith Thurman (25-0, 21 KOs), Robert “Pocong nu” Soldadu ieu geus nempo maju ka fight saterusna-Na. Guerrero is today’s version of a modern day gladiator who leaves everything in the ring. His never die fighting style is what fans of all ages are thriving to see. Sports fans around the world witnessed a “Tarung tina Taun” candidate when Guerrero and Thurman left everything in the ring. Guerrero speaks on his future.


“Sanajan Thurman jeung kuring indit ka perang, awak mah recovering oge,” ceuk Robert Guerrero. “Salaku gila nu aya sora, I’m ready to get back to work and start training. I’m hoping I can get back in the ring by the summer and finish off strong by the end of the year. If I can get two more fights in this year, I’ll be happy. I know the fans are looking forward to my next fight, jeung aku siap mawa eta peuting seru nu lian dina aksi.”


Bob Santos nu CO-manages Guerrero nyatakeun, “Sanggeus nempo gelut, Kuring direalisasikeun Guerrero ieu berbenturan hiji super-middleweight dina perang peuting, which makes his fight with Thurman even more unbelievable. Guerrero who came up from 122 lbs. indit jarak jeung hiji jawara undefeated nu perang lolobana karirna di 154 kilogram, that’s incredible. The fans got to see a true warrior in Guerrero last Saturday, jeung bakal meunang nempo manéhna deui dina mangsa nu bakal datang.”