Tag Archives: Bobas Arum


Geriausios bokso sportininkės moterys neturi “namo”, nėra jokio tinklo, kuris pademonstruotų jų talentą

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NEW YORK — Moterims toliau žengiant lygybę visose pramonės šakose, boksas ir jo žiniasklaidos partneriai lieka praeityje, nesuteikdami moterims teisės atimti teisę į savo įgūdžius ir užsidirbti. Tais pačiais metais Amerika išrinko savo pirmąją moterį viceprezidentę, spalvota moteris, pasaulio reitingą užimančios elitinės moterys neturi įprastos televizijos platformos ar bokso serialų. Niekur nėra tokia nesąžininga konkurencinė padėtis, kaip JAV ir Šiaurės Amerikoje.

Didžioji dauguma geriausių bokso moterų nėra kovojusi 2020, ar nekovojo nuo sausio. Pandemija moteris bokse paveikė dar labiau nei vyrus. Paveikslėlis nebuvo rožinis prieš Covid-19 ir, be veiksmo, nėra pagrindo manyti, kad jis pagerės.

Tai daro įtaką visoms Amerikos bokso moterims, iš žvaigždžių Claressa Shields ir Amanda Serrano, valdantiems pasaulio čempionams, šešių raundų ir keturių raundų kovotojams. Išskyrus nedaugelį sportininkų, dauguma boksininkų moterų turi išlaikyti visą arba ne visą darbo laiką, kad galėtum susitvarkyti.

Amanda Serrano, Heather Hardy, Ava Knight ir kiti MMA pasinaudojo galimybėmis padidinti savo pajamas ir išvengti neveiklumo. Claressa Skydai, labiausiai pripažinta moteris Amerikos mėgėjų istorijoje, dviejų laiko olimpinio aukso medalio laimėtojas, ir patikrinta trauka, šiuo metu yra be platformos ir ką tik paskelbė daugiametę sutartį su Profesionalų kovotojų lyga.

Vieningas čempionas iš titnago, Mičiganas, pasakė „The Athletic“, “Tai (boksas) seksistinis sportas. Tai seksistinis su mums suteikiamomis galimybėmis. Tai seksistinis su televizijos laiku. Seksistinė tai, kiek mes mokame. Visi trys. Puikiai tinka moterų bokso žvaigždei išbandyti savo jėgas MMA. Jie neturėtų būti verčiami to daryti dėl galimybių stokos.”

“Šios moterys nuolat vykdo puikias kovas ir solidų žiūrovų skaičių,” sakė Lu DiBella, kuris reklamuoja daugiau moterų nei bet kuris kitas JAV reklaminis subjektas. “Jie pasodina žmones į sėdynes, o jų renginių žiūrimumas dažnai varžosi su vyrais. Tai nėra klubo lygio kovotojai. Jie yra elito pasaulio čempionai ir, be televizoriaus, be įprastos platformos, jie negali būti finansiškai saugūs ar sukurti bet kokio gerbėjų būrio. Puiku, kad moterų boksas didina talentų grupę ir didina savo ūgį, atsižvelgiant į negausius televizijos ir transliavimo lizdus, ​​skirtus kovotojoms moterims. Tai liudija bokso moterų sportininkų atsparumą ir atsidavimą, kurie nusipelno geresnio.”

Vietiniai rengėjai, kurie užsiima kovotojų auginimu ir vietų užpildymu, gali pasiūlyti taškų savo kortelėse ir regioninius rodiklius, tačiau piniginės yra labai ribotos be televizijos pajamų. Moterys kovotojos’ piniginės dažnai apsiriboja procentine jų parduodamų bilietų procentine dalimi.

Aukščiausiuose lygiuose, moterys praeina. Heather Hardy, „DiBella Entertainment“ kovotojas, pastebėjo abiejų lyčių boksininkų augimo skirtumą. “Spaudos konferencijose, Aš sėdžiu prie sėdynės pačiame gale, su likusiais muštynėmis po kortomis,” Sakė Hardy. “Stebiu, kaip berniukai eina nuo sėdėjimo šalia manęs stalo gale, pereiti prie pagrindinės kortelės, paskui pagrindinis, o paskui pagrindinis įvykis, bet mano vieta niekada nejudėjo. Nesvarbu, kiek gavau spaudos, kad ir kiek kovų laimėjau, Aš niekada nejudėjau. Sisteminis seksizmas neleido man judėti.”

“Nėra taip, kad esame atskira organizacija, tokia kaip WNBA. Mums suteikiamos tik simbolinės galimybės, kovojantys tomis pačiomis kortomis, dažnai daug konkurencingesnėse kovose nei vyrai, ir vis dar nėra teisingai traktuojami,” Sakė Hardy. “Mes neturime savo vietos ar profesionalių namų.”

“Tai nusileidžia boksininkėms moterims ir mėgėjų programoms,” DiBella tęsė. “Jaunos boksininkės turi matyti kitas moteris didžiojoje scenoje. Jie turi matyti panašias moteris per televiziją ir transliacijos platformas. Jie turi tai žinoti, jei siekia boksininko karjeros, bus pakankamai galimybių pamatyti savo talentus, už teisingą atlyginimą. Jei moterys sugeba pranešti apie bokso renginį, arba gali parduoti didelę procentinę dalį vartų, jiems nereikėtų mokėti nuo dešimties iki dvidešimties procentų nuo to, ką moka panašios padėties vyrai. Mes čia nesiunčiame tinkamo pranešimo, ir XXI amžiuje tam nėra rimtų priežasčių.”

Moterų, turinčių profesionalų gretas, fondas yra mažesnis, bet tai verčia geriausius mačus. Tai verčia moteris kovoti ne savo svorio kategorijose.

“Jessica McCaskill ką tik iškovojo vieningus pasaulio titulus, ir nori kovoti su manimi 147 m.” - pasakė Amanda Serrano, septynių divizionų pasaulio čempionas. “Ji mane išsikvietė 147! Tai kažkaip liūdna. Gerai mums, jei tai turi prasmę, bet tiesa yra, jie šaukia čempionus 126. Tai yra keturios skirtingos svorio kategorijos. Vyrai to neturi daryti! Moterys nuolat priverstos save kompromituoti, kad tik gautų galimybę.”

Talentų fondas nedidės, nebent televizijoje ir transliacijoje moterys įkvėps jaunesnes kartas – moterys, kurios taip pat gali kovoti, ir dažnai geriau nei, vyrų, kurie dabar yra televizijoje. Atėjo laikas nebeklausinėti gražiai. Metas boksininkėms reikalauti sąžiningumo ir stabilumo, ir tai priklauso nuo tinklo vadovų, žiniasklaida, ir tiems, kurie kontroliuoja prieigą prie žiniasklaidos platformų, nustoti gyventi praeitimi. Metas boksininkėms moterims kovoti už save ir už teisę užsidirbti pragyvenimui. Ir dabar laikas veikti.

Norėdami sekti judėjimą ir prisijungti prie pokalbio socialiniuose tinkluose, naudokite žymę #WeKeepFighting.

Maia vs. Usman Priminti, Naujas ESPN sandoris, Bokso reklaminės kovos yra šios savaitės FNU kovinių sporto šou diskusijų temos

Šią savaitę FNU kovinio sporto šou, Tomas, Tonis ir Richas diskutuoja įvairiausiomis temomis. Mes pradedame nuo ESPN / UFC transliacijos teisių susitarimo penkeriems metams, 30 kovos kortos ir $1.5 mlrd. Mes taip pat aptarėme bokso propaguotojų tarpusavio kovas pastaruoju metu, kai Bobas Arumas ir JK pakilo į priekį Eddie'ui Hearnui, kuris stengėsi pasirašyti laisvuosius agentus, bandydamas per ateinančius metus užpildyti JAV planuojamų pasirodymų vietas.. Tęsiame praėjusios savaitės kovos sporto veiksmus, išryškindamas Adonį Stevensoną vs.. Badou Jacko daugumos burtų traukimas ir „Usman vs Maia“ 5 turų snoozefest antraštė praėjusio šeštadienio vakaro UFC Fight Night kortele. Be abejo, mes taip pat peržiūrime šio savaitgalio bokso varžybas ir UFC ir Bellator kortas, pasirodančias iš Anglijos. Mes net paliečiame boksinio bokso reguliavimą ir Bobby Gunno teiginį, kad sporte neužfiksuota žuvusiųjų. Pagaliau, priminime, kas yra šis savaitgalis: sveikindamas mūsų tarnautojus ir moteris. Klausykitės visos laidos žemiau esančioje nuorodoje:




UŽ nedelsiant paleisti

Atlantik Sitis, N.J. – Lapkritis 27, 2017 – Evander Holyfield and Bob Arum headline the 2018 inductees into the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame.
The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame (ACBHOF) paskelbė apie savo 25 narys 2018 Induction Class, which also includes President Donald J. Trump. This epic event will take place at The Claridge, a Radisson Hotel located at Park Place & Boardwalk in Atlantic City, Naujasis Džersis į Birželis 1 – 3, 2018.
Atlantik Sitis, New Jersey Mayor-Elect Frank M. Gilliam Jr. komentavo, “The future of boxing in Atlantic City is brighter than ever. Being the newly elected Mayor of the City of Atlantic City, New Jersey it gives me great honor to be a part of bringing the 2nd Annual Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Induction Weekend back to our Great City. I believe boxing and Atlantic City has always been a natural fit and we see it returning to its glory days, and under my administration, we plan on welcoming it back wholeheartedly: Congratulations to the ACBHOF “2018” Inductees!”
The Claridge Hotel serves as the signature Corporate Sponsor for this knockout weekend, “The Claridge is proud to be in partnership with the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame and to continue to promote professional boxing’s exceptional history in Atlantic City,” says Cem Erenler, Vice President/ Operations & Business Development for TMJ Properties, the owner and developer of The Claridge. The iconic hotel, which is now part of the global Radisson brand first opened in 1930. “Hosting this signature event is in the best traditions of The Claridge, which for more than 80 years has been Atlantic City’s center for exciting events in sports and entertainment,” Ponas. Erenler said.
The 2018 inductees in the Fighter category are:
Evander Holyfield
Héctor Camacho (posthumous)
Bruce Seldon
Bobby Czyz
Jeff Chandler
Ray Mercer "
Vinny Pasas
Richie Kates

Trainer and Cutmen
Carmen Graziano

George Benton
Ralph Citro
Ne dalyviai
Bobas Arum
Dan Duva
Diane Fischer-Cristiano
Ed Derian
Jean Williams
Joseph Pasquale
Jersey Joe Walcott
Bernardas Fernandezas
Dave Weinberg
Ray Bailey
Jose Sulaiman
Marian Muhammad
Mark Etess
President Donald J. Trump

Evander Holyfield stated: “I have many great memories fighting in Atlantic City, and I am honored to be inducted into its Hall of Fame.
The 2nd Annual Induction Ceremony & Celebration Weekend will honor some of the world’s most prominent trailblazers from the sport of boxing: President Donald J. Trump, José Sulaimán, and Bob Arum are just a few names who will be enshrined with the 2018 induction class. Also expected to be in attendance; current and former boxing champions, and VIP Guests for a fun-filled weekend that’s highlighted by a black-tie evening, and the acclaimed, unforgettable Induction Ceremony.
The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame is here to stay! The epic success of our 2017 Inaugural Induction weekend was pivotal to our brand value in the boxing and business community,” said Rodrick Green Vice President and Business Strategist for ACBHOF. “We are excited about the economic and sports entertainment impact the ACBHOF will continue to have in Atlantic City. Thank you for your support and be reassured that at the 2018 Induction Celebration the bar will be raised even higher.
Over the next several weeks there will be updates on the schedule of events, room packages and expected VIP appearances on the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame and the Claridge Hotel websites and social media platforms.
We’re excited about the ACBHOF 2018 Induction Class; I believe our nomination committee did an incredible job in selecting a diverse and richly deserving group of individuals. I’m extremely proud of this class because it contains three remarkable women: Diane Fischer-Cristiano, Jean Williams, and Marian Muhammad. The ACBHOF team along with our partners and sponsors are looking forward to June where we will pay homage to our 2018 skatinamieji,” said Ray McCline ACBHOF President and Founder.

Kovas 30, 2017 FNU Kovinis sportas Rodyti: King Mo vs. Rampage Preview, Arum says UFC will take half of Conor’s purse against Floyd

Tomas, Rich and Tony break down last week’s big fights and preview the upcoming week’s combat sports cards. The main focus is Bellator 175 in MMA this week. We also discuss some of the latest news, such as a claim made by Bob Arum that the UFC wants to take half of Conor MacGregor’s purse when and if he fights Floyd Mayweather Jr. in a boxing match. We also have a good laugh about Rampage Jackson being mad at King Mo Lawal forfat shaminghim.. Rampage’s defense is vintage Cartman from South Park: “I’m not fat, I’m just big boned.

„MetroPCS Friday Night Knockout“ per „truTV“ tęsiasi penktadienį, Gegužė 8, į 10 p.m. IR


Gegužė 5, 2015


The Metro Penktadienio naktį nokautas nuo truTV serijoje bus rodoma antroji savaitei iš eilės gyvo bokso savaitė Penktadienis, Gegužė 8, į 10 p.m. IR iš „Prudential Center“ Niukarke, N.J. Kortelėje vyks dvi kovos dėl titulo, „Top 10“ varžovų antraštė Glenas „Džersio berniukas“ Tapia (23-1, 15 Kos) iš Passaiko, N.J., ir „Airiška“ Seanie Monaghan (23-0, 15 Kos). Tapia gins savo NABO jaunių vidutinio svorio titulą Michel Soro (25-1-1, 15 Kos) iš Prancūzijos, su Monaghanu apgynęs savo WBC kontinentinės Amerikos žemyno sunkiasvorio svorio kategoriją Cleiton Conceicao (20-6-2, 16 Kos) iš Brazilijos.

Apžvalgininkai apie renginį bus Kevin Ženkleliai teikti Play-by-play su analitikas Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini ir žurnalistė Crystina Poncher. Kugleris yra veteranas diktorius, kuris vadino „Westwood One“ koledžo krepšinį ir NFL, o „Big Ten Network“ - kolegijos futbolą.. Mancini yra a 2015 Tarptautinės bokso šlovės muziejaus dalyvis ir buvęs NABF ir WBA lengvo svorio kategorijos čempionas. Poncheris yra „Top Rank“ komentatorius ir reporteris, taip pat priimančiosios, Žurnalistė ir korespondentas NFL tinklų ir NFL.com. Be, užrašai ispanų kalba bus galima.


Šio tinklo pristatymas skambės toliau naudoti „Spidercam“technologija, pirmasis tokio pobūdžio gyvą vidaus bokso laidos, užtikrinant dinamišką aprėptį serijos metu. „Spidercam“ veikia naudojant keturių taškų kabelių sistemą iš tam skirtų taškų už bokso žiedo kampų. Sustabdytas fotoaparatas turi galimybę pateikti įtikinamų 360 laipsnių kampu veiksmo, įskaitant galimybę judėti trimatėje erdvėje - kairė / dešinė, pirmyn / atgal ir aukštyn / žemyn.


Kaip dalį rėmėjų bokso serijai „truTV“,MetroPCS už kiekvieną kovą gaus kameros matomą centrinį žiedą ir kampinių kaladėlių prekės ženklo vietą, taip pat įtraukimas į visus reklaminius pranešimus per „truTV“ ir kitus „Turner Broadcasting“ tinklus.


Apsilankykite „Turner Sports“ internetinis spaudos kambarys papildomoms spaudos medžiagoms; sekite „Turner Sports“ „Twitter“ svetainėje TurnerSportsPR.

North Philly’s Own Cheesesteak, Sumo Steaks, is Proud of Philadelphia Boxers, Bryant Jennings and Jesse Hart

PHILADELPHIA, Pensilvanija, Balandis 24, 2015North Philly’s Own Cheesesteaks, Sumo Steaks, is proud to announce that their friends, fellow North Philadelphians, and big-hearted local community role models, Bryantas Jennings ir Jesse Hart, will both soon be making major career defining strides. Bryant Jennings will be fighting for the World Heavyweight Championship and Jesse Hart will be fighting on the undercard of the most anticipated Fight of the Century, Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao in Las Vegas.

Bryant Jennings enjoying a Sumo (Vegetarian Seitan) Cheesesteak
Tai Šeštadienis, Balandis 25, Philadelphia’s own undefeated American boxer, Bryantas “Šalutiniai Autorius” Jenningsas, (19-0, 10 Kos) takes on Wladimir “Dr. Plieno Hammer” Vardas (63-3, 54 Kos) from Kiev, Ukraine at the famed Madison Square Garden. Jennings will be joined by the legendary trainer Fred Jenkins and promoter Gary Shaw. “Bryant is very focused with a strong work ethic. We believe he’s going to upset Klitschko and are looking forward to “Šalutiniai Autorius” bringing the World Heavyweight Championship belts back to Philadelphia.said Billy Creagh of Sumo Steaks.

Jesse Hart (į kairę); Sumo Steaks owner Billy Creagh and Eugene “Ciklonas” Elnias

Sumo Steaks is equally excited for Jesse Hart (16-0,13 Kos) and D&D Management Team (Dok Nowicki & David Price) who will be fighting Mike Jimenez (17-0,11 Kos) from Chicago IL, on the biggest boxing card in history, Mayweather vs. Pacquiao. They will come together on May 2nd, Las Vegase, NV. at the MGM Grand for the USBA Super Middleweight Title. He will be joined by his cornermen, Fred Jenkins Sr, Danny Davis, Corey AKA Hundew MacDonald and Jesse’s father, Eugene “Ciklonas” Elnias, along with his promoter Top Rank’s Bob Arum.

Coincidentally In 1971, North Philadelphia’s Joe Frazier beat Muhammad Ali and won the World Heavyweight Championship at Madison Square Garden in which was calledthe Fight of the Century.It was so big the ring announcer said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we are not going to introduce the celebrities at ringside šįvakar, because everybody is here šįvakar.”

Located in North Philadelphia, home to boxing champions, Bernardas Hopkinsas, Danny Garcia and the late Joe Frazier, Sumo Steaks opened in 2013 and was recently voted top Cheesesteak in Philly. They have been fortunate to get to know both Jesse and Bryant and their teams through various charity events and other activities. Sumo Steaks is also a proud sponsor of boxing events in Philadelphia. Daugiau informacijos, eiti į sumosteaks.com.


Closed Circuit Locations Available at all MGM Resorts International Properties Along The Strip

LAS VEGAS (Balandis 22, 2015) – Tickets for the highly anticipated world championship showdown betweenFloyd “Pinigai” Mayweather ir Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao vyksta Šeštadienis, Gegužė 2 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena will be available rytoj for both in-arena and closed circuit viewing.


Bilietus į gyvą renginį įkainoti $7,500, $5,000, $3,500, $2,500 ir $1,500, neįskaitant taikomų mokesčių už paslaugas, pradėti pardavinėti Ketvirtadienis, Balandis 23 į 3 p.m. IR/12 p.m. PT. Tickets are limited to four (4) vienam namų ūkiui. Norėdami įkrauti telefonu arba su didžiausiomis kredito kortelių, skambinti Ticketmaster ne (800) 745-3000. Tickets also will be available for purchase at www.mgmgrand.com arba www.ticketmaster.com.


The closed circuit telecast will be available at all MGM Resorts International properties in Las Vegas. General admission tickets for closed circuit viewing will be $150, not including handling fees, and will go on saleKetvirtadienis, Balandis 23 į 6 p.m. IR/3 p.m. PT. Tickets will be available for purchase at the individual property’s box office outlets, by phone with a major credit card at (866) 799-7711 or through Ticketmaster by calling (800) 745-3000. Closed circuit tickets are limited to eight (8) vienam namų ūkiui.


* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao yra 12 etapų pusvidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionato vienijimosi varžybos, kurias reklamavo „Mayweather Promotions“ ir „Top Rank Inc.“., and is sponsored by Tecate. „Pay-per-view“ televizijos laidą bendrai gamins ir bendrai platins „SHOWTIME PPV“® ir HBO Pay-per-view® pradedant nuo 9 p.m. IR/ 6 p.m. PT.


Daugiau informacijos rasite www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Sporto,www.hbo.com/boxing ir www.mgmgrand.com ir sekti Twitter nefloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing IrSwanson_Comm, ir tapti "Facebook" ventiliatorius www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports ir www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.

MetroPCS Friday Night Knockout on truTV to Debut Friday, Gegužė 1, į 10 p.m. IR

New Primetime Series to Include First-Ever Use of “Spidercam” for Live Boxing Telecast

Kevin Kugler to Provide Play-by-Play with World Class Welterweight Timothy Bradley & Reporter Crystina Poncher

truTV and Top Rank will partner to exclusively present the MetroPCS Friday Night Knockout on truTV, a live primetime boxing series set to debut Friday, Gegužė 1, į 10 p.m. IR. Nauja bokso serija, in association with Turner Sports and HBO Sports, will launch on the eve of the Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao pay-per-view fight with a card featuring two title bouts inside The Chelsea at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

The network’s presentation will feature the first-ever domestic use of “Spidercam” technology for a live boxing telecast, providing dynamic coverage of this new series. „Spidercam“ veikia naudojant keturių taškų kabelių sistemą iš tam skirtų taškų už bokso žiedo kampų. Sustabdytas fotoaparatas turi galimybę pateikti įtikinamų 360 laipsnių kampu veiksmo, įskaitant galimybę judėti trimatėje erdvėje - kairė / dešinė, pirmyn / atgal ir aukštyn / žemyn.

“Spidercam” will provide the definitive views of the action throughout the series, including a main event on Friday, Gegužė 1, showcasing Takahiro Ao (27-3-1, 16 Kos) from Chiba, Japonija, vs. Ray Beltran (29-7-1, 17 Kos) from Los Mochis, Meksika, in a 12-round bout for the vacant WBO Lightweight World Championship. The undercard will include two undefeated fighters in action – Mikael Zewski (26-0, 23 Kos) from Quebec, Kanada, vs. Konstantinas Ponomarevas (27-0, 13 Kos) from Miass, Russia – in a 10-round bout for the NABF Welterweight Championship.

Commentators for the event will include Kevin Kugler providing play-by-play with analyst Timothy Bradley and reporter Crystina Poncher. Kugleris yra veteranas diktorius, kuris vadino „Westwood One“ koledžo krepšinį ir NFL, o „Big Ten Network“ - kolegijos futbolą.. Bradley is a former WBO welterweight champion and former WBO and two-time WBC junior welterweight champion, including a win over Pacquiao during his career. Poncheris yra „Top Rank“ komentatorius ir reporteris, taip pat priimančiosios, Žurnalistė ir korespondentas NFL tinklų ir NFL.com. Be, closed captioning in Spanish will be available.

The second week of the MetroPCS Friday Night Knockout on truTV series – live from Prudential Center in Newark, N.J., penktadienį, Gegužė 8, į 10 p.m. – will be headlined by Top-10 contenders Glen “Jersey Boy” Tapia (23-1, 15 Kos) iš Passaiko, N.J., and “Irish” Seanie Monaghan (23-0, 15 Kos) veiksmų. Tapia will defend his NABO junior middleweight title against Michael Soro (25-1-1, 15 Kos) iš Prancūzijos, with Monaghan (defending his WBC Continental Americas light heavyweight title) facing Cleiton Conceicao (20-6-2, 16 Kos) iš Brazilijos.

Kaip dalį rėmėjų bokso serijai „truTV“, MetroPCS will receive camera-visible center ring and corner pad brand placement for each fight, taip pat įtraukimas į visus reklaminius pranešimus per „truTV“ ir kitus „Turner Broadcasting“ tinklus. Sony PlayStation also joins as an associate sponsor of the series, with in-ring signage and inclusion in promotional spots.

Apsilankykite „Turner Sports“ internetinis spaudos kambarys papildomoms spaudos medžiagoms; sekite „Turner Sports“ „Twitter“ svetainėje TurnerSportsPR.

FLOYD Mayweather MEDIA konferencinį pokalbį stenograma

Kelly Swanson

Dėkui, visi, for joining us today. Today on the call we have none other than ‘TBEthe greatest fighter on the earth, Floyd Mayweather, 11-time World Champion. We also have Leonard Ellerbe, Vadovas, Mayweather Akcijos. Leonardas, please start with the introductions. Ačiū.


Leonardas Ellerbe

Ačiū, visi, for joining us on the call. We’ll jump right into this without further ado. None other than Floyd Mayweather himself.


Floyd Mayweather

Ei, how is everyone doing? I want to thank Leonard. I want to thank Kelly. I want to thank my team. I want to thank all the media from around the world that have been covering this fight. I want to thank everyone, I just want to say that you guys are doing a great job and I appreciate you.



That thing on SportsCenter the other night, when you were talking about your place in boxing history and you said you thought you were greater than Muhammad Ali. Can you expand on your reasons why you feel that way?


F. Mayweather

I just feel like, like I said before, I take my hat off and then acknowledge all of the past champions. Ar, I think he was a legend. I respect Ali like I respect any other champion. I just feel like I’ve done everything I can do in this sport over my whole life, for 30-something years. I feel like I’ve done just as much in this sport as Ali did.


There’s no disrespect to him. I just feel like, when you look at it, Ali was great in one weight class, which is heavyweight. But he stood up for a good cause; he stood up for a hell of a cause in his era.


I think that it’s hard for a guy to beat me. I’m still sharp, still very, very sharp at the age of 38. Still going strong at the age of 38. There’s no disrespect to Ali, as I said before. I just feel like I’m the best, no different from how he called himself ‘The Greatest,’ I call myself ‘TBE.


I’m pretty sure that I will get criticized for what I said, but I can care less. I couldn’t care less about the backlash. I believe what I believe like he probably got criticized at one particular time when he said that he was the greatest. He felt like he was better than Sugar Ray Robinson. The list goes on and on. I’m pretty sure there’s going to be another fighter that’s going to come along and say he’s better than Floyd Mayweather and he’s going to get criticized.



Do you think that Manny Pacquiao believes anything that Freddie Roach is saying when it comes to the bad guy and all this other stuff? Or do you think he’s just blowing smoke?


F. Mayweather

I’m not going to speak negative about Freddie Roach. I don’t have to at all. If I say something about the guy, they’re going to think Floyd is picking on a guy, who is not 100 percent healthy.


Tada, if I comment on some of the stuff he says, he’s making this basically a God and devil type thing. The best way to handle a situation like that, is not to say anything at all, if you don’t have anything positive to say. He don’t have to get in there and fight, so when it comes down to it, it’s up to the two fighters.


He’s entitled to say what he wants to say, but the fighter is not speaking like that. I couldn’t care less because it comes down to the two fighters. I wish Freddie Roach nothing but the best; I don’t have anything negative to say about him. I’m truly blessed to be where I’m at and I’m thankful to be where I’m at.



The magnitude of this fight, I know you treat it like just another fight, but what about your team? How has your team dealt with the press?


F. Mayweather

Aš esu labai laimingas, like I said before. A little bit of everything got me to this point. Everybody played a major key. I try to keep my team grounded. People talk about the money. That plays a major key. My place in history plays a major key. Performing well plays a major key. Everything plays a major, major key.


I just try to keep my team grounded and try to keep them focused and just try to teach them every day how to go out there and fish for themselves. That’s the only thing I try to teach my team. I tell them to stay positive, and what I’ve heard was keep a positive environment around myself, which keeps me comfortable and happy.



Are you excited at any point of this fight? I know you say you treat this like a job, but are you excited to finally get in the ring and have this fight happen?


F. Mayweather

It’s just like I said before. I’m not really going crazy. It’s just a fight to me. I know it’s the biggest fight in boxing history, but I can’t approach it like that because I’m not going to put any unnecessary pressure on myself.


He’s a fighter that’s extremely talented, he’s a very good fighter also, and my thing is just to be Floyd Mayweather. People actually don’t know, how is this fight going to be fought? I can’t say. Kaip ir sakiau anksčiau, I’m not a psychic. I cannot predict the future. But I will be at my best May 2II.


Klausyti, if you believe Bob Arum, this fight might not happen. That there’s issues with tickets, there’s the contract has not been signed, whatever. Do you know anything about that?


F. Mayweather

When it comes to the business side, that’s for Leonard Ellerbe. I don’t try to worry about tickets; I try to worry about the guy that’s in front of in me, which is going to be Manny Pacquiao. That’s my whole focus. Tickets are something I don’t really deal with.



Have you trained harder for any previous fight than you have for this one, and would that be down to your respect for Manny or the fact that you need to work a bit harder the older you get?


F. Mayweather

When you’re trying to perform, when you’re at this level, you always want to perform extremely well. You don’t want to overtrain. You want to train to where you know you’re completely ready. Go out there and be at just 100 procentų. As far as this training camp, I’ve trained extremely hard. I believe that we’ll just see how everything plays out.



I’m hearing reports, Floyd, that you’re looking stronger and fitter than ever.


F. Mayweather

Gerai, some people say that, you might not believe that depending on who is telling you. Tikimės, kad. Hopefully I am. We’ll just have to see. That’s why I’m at this level, at the pinnacle of my career, because I’ve been pushing myself for so long and working so hard.



Can I just ask you about Amir Khan? Is he still in your plans?

F. Mayweather

My focus right now is the guy that’s in front of me. My last fight is in September. I never want to overlook anyone. I believe you take it one fighter at a time. As of right now, Manny Pacquaio is the guy that’s in front of me, and that’s my focus.



My question is regarding, Manny Pacquiao has said he thinks it’s Floyd’s time to lose. He’s almost implying that it’s maybe, God is on his side. I was wondering how you think, if God actually does care who wins prizefights?


F. Mayweather

I actually believe God loves us all. The people that are on this call, every writer, every fighter, every athlete that goes out there and competes. God loves us all. Dar kartą, Aš kovotojas. What I do, I’m a professional prizefighter. I believe in God and I love God. I don’t think God takes sides.



Lot of stuff gets reported in the fourth or the sixth weeks leading up to this. We don’t always get a chance to ask you yourself, so I want to give you the opportunity. Is there anything that was reported that you want to clear up that you want to actually say no, that isn’t true, you guys got it wrong?


F. Mayweather

Ar ne, nothing at all. Because once my career is over, that’s when I’m going to read everything, vistiek, all the articles that people have written. When I come home, I leave boxing at the boxing gym. When I go to the gym or when I go to train, I work. I dedicate myself to my craft.


When I come home and I’m not on the computer, I’m not looking at myself. I’m not buying magazine covers with me on the cover. I’m not on the computer looking up articles. I could care less about all that. My job is to go out there and perform and be at my best, and be the best that I can be in the sport of boxing.



My question for you is, in your opinion, what would a victory against Pacquiao do for your legacy? And then how much would it enhance your legacy.


F. Mayweather

Tai tik dar kova. I just look at the situation. He’s another guy that I faced. You’re just going to say in history, that these two faced each other at one particular time. It was hard to make the fight happen, eventually they made the fight happen, and we faced each other.



Do you believe, nors, that a victory would in some way enhance your legacy?


F. Mayweather

I’m not sure, because I’m not the one that’s putting myself in the history books.



Do you think it’s true that the winner of the fight will be declared, in essence, by the public, as the king of this era?


F. Mayweather

I can’t really say. I don’t really know. Just look at Ali’s career. When he fought, he looked like the best when he fought. I think he lost seven fights. When I got older I noticed that he lost seven fights and lost some other fight that he lost. He still was known as the greatest. Because that’s what he put out there. Taip, that’s what it is.



The wonderment on a lot of people’s minds is when the career is over, will you have enough money for the rest of your life? Do you ever worry about losing at all?


F. Mayweather

Aš palaiminta. I made some good investments to where if I wanted to retire today, I could.



That means there’s no fear of bankruptcy whatsoever in terms of the gambling and the other involvements that you’ve spent?


F. Mayweather

I made some good investments, and if I wanted to retire today, I could.



My question is, you said at the press conference that you though that Pacquiao was surprised at how much bigger you were than him. Can you talk a little bit about that, and then also some of the strategic aspects of being the bigger fighter in the ring on Gegužė 2?


F. Mayweather

Normally when I face an opponent, they normally outweighed me by 17 į 20 pounds on fight nights. This has been going on for a good while now. You can read a guy’s body language. When Pacquiao first saw me in Miami, he didn’t expect to see me over there at the basketball game. He looked shocked, kaip, ‘Damn, he is taller than me. He’s bigger than what I thought he was.Just being in the sport for so long, you’re able to read body language; you’re able to read a fighter’s eyes.



Do you feel that some of the trash talking is Freddie Roach being nervous about the fight and trying to get a psychological edge on you?


F. Mayweather

I’m not fighting Freddie Roach, so I’m not worried about that at all. Freddie Roach, he’s Pacquiao’s trainer and he’s going to do what he has to do for his fighter to win. If that’s trying to get an edge, then that’s what he should do.



All of your other fights, you’ve always been a very vocal, always been a vocal fighter. Why the silence this time?


F. Mayweather

This is exactly what I’ve said. Even in my interviews, I’ve said we had to bring a game plan. Even from day one when I was with Bob Arum, I said I wanted to work extremely hard to get to a certain point in my career, which is to get to a point to be the first fighter to ever make nine figures in one night.


It took a game plan to me going out there on my own. It’s just me speaking out with a very, very loud voice. Having a lot of personality. But as you get older, you mature. After trash talking for 17, 18 metų, and constantly saying, look what I’ve done. Pažiūrėk į mane. Pažiūrėk į mane. You know what I’m saying? I’m the best. Pažiūrėk į mane. And everybody they’ve put in front of me I’ve beaten.


I’m at a point where you just say, zinai ka? Yra kaip yra. I know what I can do. Aš žinau, ką aš atnešti prie stalo. God has truly blessed me to be in this situation. I have a good team. My children are healthy, so I don’t have to do all that.


It’s more like I did all that loud talking and everything to get to a certain point. I’ve still got a lot of personality, I did what I had to do to get to a certain point in my career, ir tai, ką aš padariau. It was a brilliant game plan.



From your personal point of view, how has this fight and this promotion been different from the many other big events that you’ve been a part of?


F. Mayweather

It’s actually been kind of the same. It’s just a little bit over the top, but I just try to stay relaxed. That’s my main thing. It’s a very, very huge event. I can remember every day.


Sometimes I think about when Mike Tyson got out of prison and he was boxing, and when he was fighting at the MGM Grand. I would go to the MGM Grand, because I wasn’t a professional at that particular time. Just starting. I would go to the MGM Grand and some people would know me so I would take pictures and just sign a few autographs. Aš buvau kaip, vienas, MGM Grand would never be this packed again. That’s what I thought. Buvau tik 19 years old at that particular time. That was in ’96. I kept believing though. I always believed that I could do record-breaking numbers. I just needed the right team with me and it took a little bit of everything. The right fights, the right team, and we made it happen.



Beyond all the trash talk and salesmanship, you’ve always been a guy that, kai jis ateina į ją, is very respectful of his opponents. I think it’s part of your secret. Is there anything that you admire about Manny Pacquiao, either the fighter or the person?


F. Mayweather

Gerai, he’s got to this point by doing something right. It’s obvious he’s done something right to get to this point. I have to respect that.



The Filipino fans are expecting or hoping for a very aggressive Manny in the ring. Is this something that you’re training for, or are you just going in the ring to fight your fight, make the adjustments along the way as you have so successfully throughout your career?


F. Mayweather

If you’re basically asking what’s my game plan, my game plan is to win. That’s actually what my game plan has always been is to win.



A lot of the animosity from the Filipino fans towards you is not directed to you as a great boxer, but more as someone who can put an end towards a Filipino hero’s career. Do you honestly believe that you would put an end to a Filipino hero’s career?


F. Mayweather

Gerai, my thing is this. I’ve heard that we’re all God’s children, whether you’re American, Filipino, African, Dominican, Asian, we’re all God’s children. People are going to root for who they want to root for and simple and plain I’m pretty sure I’ve got Filipino fans that like me, and I’m pretty sure that you’ve got some black American fans that like Pacquiao.


I never try to focus on anything like that. My focus is to give the people what they really want to see. Just facing the facts. That’s what I’ve done throughout my career. He’s one of the last guys, he’s one of the last good fighters of this era. It’s a fight that has to happen, and I’m glad that the fight is happening.



How much strength and effort and support from family does it take to get you where you are right now?


F. Mayweather

Gerai, the support came a lot. I had a hell of a supporting cast to get to this point, before I became a professional. There’s this guy that I never talk about to anyone. I never say anything about him to anyone. And he’s doing extremely badly right now, not financially but health-wise. I believe he’s lost his memory, which hurts extremely bad. A guy by the name of Frank Brown, I’ve known him since I was the age of three.


He has supported me more than anyone. He has always said that, “Floyd, one day you will be the best fighter in the world.He’s always taking me to church, taking me through different activities. He was like a grandfather to me. Frank Brown. When I used to fight, he would drive anywhere. It could be in Little Rock, Arkanzasas. He would drive from Grand Rapids, Michigan to come support me. He would sit in the room with me and say prayers with me.


He’s a guy that I would never forget, because he was there from the age of three until after I fought De La Hoya, because he’s up there in age now. He eventually lost his memory, so he’s at a home. He’s at an old folks’ namo. It really hurts, but I love that guy so much. I think about him all the time.


K. Swanson

Gerai, that’s our last question. Ačiū, visi, kad sutikote su mumis. Floyd, any final comments?


F. Mayweather

I just want to tell everybody, thank you for all the stories, and all the articles you guys wrote. Labai ačiū. My team appreciates you all, as well as myself. Ačiū.


* * *


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao yra 12 etapų pusvidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionato vienijimosi varžybos, kurias reklamavo „Mayweather Promotions“ ir „Top Rank Inc.“., ir remia Tecate con caracter, „Paramount Pictures“ ir „Skydance Productions“ - „Terminator Genisys“, teatruose liepos mėn 1g, „Paramount“ paveikslėliai & „Skydance Productions“ pristato NEĮMANOMĄ MISIJĄ: KOVOS TAUTA, teatruose & IMAX liepa 31g, „Weinstein Company“ ir naujas filmas „Southpaw“, vaidina Jake'as Gyllenhaalas, teatruose visur Liepa 24 ir Meksika, Live jį patikėti. „Pay-per-view“ televizijos laidą kartu gamins ir platins „HBO Pay-Per-View“® ir Showtime PPV® pradedant nuo 9:00 p.m. IR/6:00 p.m. PT.