Tag Archives: Blagoi Ivanov

URezini FF umemezela mqhudelwano kubakaki, Matchups for Eight-Man wesibhakela Tournament ngoDisemba 29 futhi 31

Fighters comment on the highly-anticipated tournament that will award its winner a $300,000 grand prize

TOKYO, EJAPANE (Nov. 30, 2015) -A Drawing ukucacisa kubakaki mqhudelwano futhi isigaba sokuqala matchups for the RIZIN UKULWA OMKHULU-Prix 2015 nesishiyagalombili man, mqhudelwano wesibhakela ezizokwenzeka phakathi kwezinsuku ezimbili – December 29 futhi December 31and will award its winner a grand prize of $300,000, was held today in Tokyo.

BAMMA wesibhakela Champion Mark Godbeer, ngubani kulindeleke ukuba bancintisane kulo mqhudelwano, was forced to withdraw due to a neck injury sustained in training. BAMMA will announce a replacement fighter for the tournament soon.

Ngaphambi umdwebo, Usihlalo Nobuyuki Sakakibara washo, "Lokhu mqhudelwano kuyoba Isici esivelele RIZIN. Fighters abavela emhlabeni wonke abazidlayo ukumela ukukhuthazwa zabo futhi izwe, futhi ezimisele ukusebenzisa leli yesikhulumi zokuthuthukisa career abo ukwenza igama zibuthene kulo mqhudelwano. Iningi abezindaba ababebuthene namuhla angase angazi kakhulu ngalezi abasubathi, kodwa lapho kuqala K-1 iqale ngo 1993, akekho wayazi mayelana Branko Cikatić noma Mike Bernardo. The fighters ngubani ukuvula izivalo emisha kulabo idlule abakulindele. "

The seven contestants slated for tournament action appeared at the press conference. Each drew an envelope numbered one through seven, and those who drew numbers one through four received the opportunity to choose their respective places in the tournament draw.

The first stage tournament matchups will be as follows:

Bout # 1: Lawal vs BAMMA fighter
Bout # 2: Aukstuolis vs Cappelozza,
Bout # 3 Ishii vs Prochazka,
Bout # 4: Reljic vs Nemkov.

A tournament reserve bout between Valentine Moldovsky and Yuta Uchida was also announced during the press conference.

Fighter Quotes:

– 1st Pick = “King Mo” Lawal – ezikhethiwe Slot A

"Ngizizwa ngihloniphekile ukulwela RIZIN. Ngijabule sikhangise amakhono ami phambi abalandeli Japanese futhi athole umsebenzi. Ngiyajabula ukukwazi sithathe inombolo eyodwa. Ngihlale inombolo eyodwa. Ngingumfana in a isikhundla lapho abanye Anokubutha me, umsebenzi wami ukuchoboza noma wubani umi eduze kwami. "

“"I Okwamanje awunawo umbheke, kodwa ngiyaqiniseka ukuthi BAMMA uzothumela ukulwa okuhle ngami. Kodwa ngeshwa noma ubani ongena uzoyithola sephulwe ngakho kangcono uzilungiselele. Ngicabanga Ishii wenza smart choice ngokugwema kwami ​​ubakaki yami. Good for kuye. "

"Lokho imali eningi! Ngingathanda ukuthenga kweqembu ice cream, izingubo nice, futhi uye Disney World bese ubona bunch of movies. Ngingathanda ukuya Vegas futhi iqembu, futhi uthenge amathani igolide izesekeli. "
– 2nd Khetha = Theodore Tall (Bushido Europe Champion) – Slot akhethiwe C

"Ngiyambonga banikwe enjalo ithuba. Kuleli zinga wokuncintisana, kufanele sikulungele ukulwa ubani ukuze anginandaba ngubani esitheni sami siyoba. Ngikholwa mina futhi am ilungela ukulwa ubani. "

"Kwami, ekubeni ingqwele in ebaluleke ngaphezu imali. Imali kuzolandela ngenxa yokuba iqhawe weqiniso. Ingqondo yami isethwe ukunqoba mqhudelwano. "

"Isizathu ukuthi kungani ngilapha yingoba ngikholelwa ngedwa. I ezolwa ukumela izwe lami elincane. Umphikisi My ine yesiteleka zasendle kodwa akukho isizathu esenza ngingaphelelwa. Ngiyakufaka on a show futhi baphume enqobile.”

– 3rd Pick = Goran Reljic (Owabe KSW Light wesibhakela Champion) – Slot akhethiwe G

"Anginandaba olwela kimi. Iphupho My kusukela ngineminyaka izinyane kwaba ukulwa eJapane, mina ngihlala the dream manje, Umgomo wami iwukubonisa ukusebenza yami umhlabeleli on New Years Eve. "

"Ngithanda matchup. Bengilokhu ukuqeqesha kanye Sambo nezwe iqhawe Blagoi Ivanov futhi am ujwayelene Sambo mpi isitayela. Ngiyazi ukuthi livela iqembu elikhulu, kodwa mina uzolunga ukuthatha lutho anakho ukunikela kuyoba ukulwa okuhle kangaka. "

"Ngihlala a isifiso enganginaso kusukela ebuntwaneni. I am begxile kakhulu ukuba aqhubeke nohambo lwami phezu iphupho lami ukuba abe iqhawe in Japan. I bazothini ukuthi kufanele enzeni imali once I ukufeza umgomo wami. "

– 4Pick th = Satoshi Ishii (Beijing Olympic Judo Gold medalist) – Slot akhethiwe E

"Ukulungiselela muhle. I ngeke uzizwe ukuthi impi a fight, usuqalile nje impi on Nye. "

"Plan wami izimali kwesigamu semali umklomelo ukugembula futhi ngeke nginikele ukuphumula."

"Lokhu kwaba sipho esihle ukuthi angikwazanga phansi. An mqhudelwano MMA, Izimbangi Good, imali enhle umklomelo. Angifuni ukuba agxile kakhulu ngokuwina lo mqhudelwano ngoba lokho kuyoba nomthelela umdlalo wami engqondo, kanjalo mina sizogxila asilwe ngesikhathi. "

– 5Pick th = Bruno Cappelozza (Fight Jungle 100kg Champion) – Slot akhethiwe D

"Angazi ngempela ukwazi yimiphi le fighters lapha namuhla, kanjalo mina ayoyikhetha esitheni sami futhi banethemba Ngingumfana lucky. "

"Lokho uhlobo imali enkulu zizoshintsha ukuphila kwami ​​futhi ukuphila komkhaya wami. Futhi wokuba iqhawe. Lezo zici ezimbili kuyoba akufezile omkhulu kimi.”

"Bekulokhu kuyiphupho lami ukuba balwe eJapane. Angazi kakhulu mayelana esitheni sami, kodwa ngiyaqiniseka sizobe kokubili zilungiselele mpi ethokozisayo. Ngicabanga lokhu kuyoba yinto fight omuhle. "

– 6Pick th = Vadim Nemkov (MMA Union wesibhakela Champion) – Slot akhethiwe H

"I uzobe ezimele Sambo. Ngingathanda ukukubonisa ubuhle Sambo ubuciko Sambo.”

– 7Pick th = Jiri Prochazka (GCF Czech Light wesibhakela Champion) – akhethiwe Slot F "Ngijabule kakhulu ukuba bakwazi ukukhombisa amakhono ami ezweni lapho Samurai wazalelwa. I ngete nawe. "

"Wonke umuntu lapha kunzima. Kusukela I uzobe ukulwa intandokazi langakubo, impi yami oyozibutha ukunakwa. Ngithanda ukusebenzisa leli thuba futhi lokhu inselele babe entweni enkulu elandelayo. "

"Kuyinto imali engaka angazi ukuthi ngiqalephi. Ngikholelwa ukuthi imali kuyofika kamuva. Ngakho njengoba manje, ingqondo yami ukuba iwunike konke enginakho ukuze enze RIZIN aziqhenye ngokuthi bakhetha kimi umhlanganyeli. "

Umphathi Ovamile Nobuhiko Takada wathatha microphone emva umdwebo, "I am ozwa ajwayelekile, ukhululekile emkhathini kodwa esishubile manje. I am nje ejabulile bezobona ukuzalwa izinkanyezi esizayo. Ngithemba Ishii ongenza ngendlela lapho uyokwenza us abalandeli Japanese siziqhenye. Okufezayo lokuqala Ishii BakaJehova yabhaliswa ngokuwina indondo yegolide, kodwa thina asizange ubabone Imiphumela ubhedu kuye MMA. Nginethemba angasebenzisa leli thuba ukuba kuzuzwe wenziwe enkulu career yakhe.”

Yilwa Network Presents RFA 26 LIVE, WSOF 21 Friday, June 5 Kusukela 10 p.m. KANYE

For Eliseduze Release

TORONTO (June 4, 2015 — Fight Network, UNdunankulu wezwe 24/7 isiteshi sethelevishini abazinikezele ukuqedela izindaba combat yezemidlalo, presents back-to-back world-class championship mixed martial arts broadcasts this Friday, June 5, isiqala at 10 p.m. nge isethulo bukhoma RFA 26: Smith vs. Smith from 1stBank Center in Broomfield, Colorado.


Immediately following the live broadcast, Fight Network will present WSOF 21: Palmer vs. Horodecki in its entirety from Edmonton Expo Centre in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


Fight Network will televise both cards exclusively in Canada, futhi omhlaba in phezu 30 amazwe yonkana Europe, Afrika naseMpumalanga Ephakathi.


Angabiki bukhoma at 10 p.m. KANYE, RFA 26 will be headlined by a welterweight title bout as RFA welterweight champion Benjamin Smith (14-2) puts his title on the line against No. 1 Olwa Gilbert Smith(10-4). In the umcimbi co-main, Brazilian submission ace Thiago “MonstinhoAlves (8-2) battles Colorado’s own Marcus “Bad Intentions” Edwards (9-3). The main card will also feature a pair of bantamweights bouts, as NCAA Division I wrestler JarredShutoutMercado (12-2) will lock horns with jiu-jitsu black belt Bruno Frazatto (6-2), while Hawaiian knockout artist Boston “Boom Boom” Salmon (3-0) will clash with collegiate wrestler Danny Mainus (3-3). Also on the main card, former RFA middleweight title challenger Andrew “El Dirte” Sanchez (5-2) squares off with Respect FC and SFFN champion UClinton Williams (5-1) and undefeated heavyweight prospect Brandon Griffin(4-0) battles The MMA Lab destroyer Ashley Gooch (7-4).


WSOF 21: Palmer vs. Horodecki features a championship doubleheader. In the umcimbi main, reigning WSOF featherweight champion Lance Palmer (9-1) will put his title on the line for the first time against Canadian challenger and battle-tested veteran Chris “The Polish HammerHorodecki (21-5-1), while the co-feature pits WSOF heavyweight champion SmealinhoThe PrinceRam aagainst Bulgarian standout Blagoi Ivanov (11-1). Two featherweight rising stars will put their unblemished records on the line when Hakeem Dawodu (4-0) ihlangana Chuka “The Lion King” Willis(4-0), okuningi MarkSweet DreamsDrummond (7-2) izimpi Michael “The Messenger” Hill in an all-Canadian welterweight clash.


The live action continues on Saturday, June 6, isiqala at 9 a.m. KANYE kanye M-1 Challenge 58: Battle in the Mountains 4 from Ingushetia, Russia, featuring Marcelo Brito (13-6) vs. Murad Abdulaev(14-3) for the M-1 welterweight title, okuningi Lee Morrison (12-5) ubuso Pavel Vitruk (12-1) in action featherweight, futhi heavyweights Alexei Kudin (19-8) futhi Denis Smoldarev (10-1) will throw down. Yilwa ukusakaza Network bukhoma of M-1 Challenge 58 ngeke baveze on TV Cablevision sika Optimum, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable and Armstrong Cable in the iU.S., lonke in Canada, Amadivaysi Roku yonkana North America, futhi omhlaba in phezu 30 amazwe yonkana Europe, Afrika naseMpumalanga Ephakathi.


Kamuva, Fight Network will televise the prelims bukhoma ngoba UFC Fight Night: Boetsch vs. Henderson kuphela in Canada kusuka 8 p.m. KANYE to 10 p.m. KANYE. The prelims will feature an explosive heavyweight clash between heavy-handed Texan Shawn Jordan (17-6) and New Orleansown knockout artist Derrick Lewis (12-3, 1NC), a welterweight matchup pitting 69-fight veteran Brian Ebersole (51-16-1, 1NC) against Dagestani prospect Omari Akhmedov (14-2), a lightweight bout between New Yorker Chris Wade (9-1) and Californian Christos Giagos (11-3), plus Massachusetts native Joe Proctor(10-3) faces Ohio native Justin Edwards (9-4) in a lightweight showcase of Ultimate Fighter Veterans.


Live pre-impi Ukusabalala kuyoholela angena prelims ngomgqibelo evening with Fight Network’s UFC Pre-Show Live at 7 p.m. KANYE, featuring izibonisi kuqala, izibikezelo and analysis.


Ukuze uthole uhlu full of ukusakaza isimiso Fight Network, sicela uvakashele tv.fightnetwork.com, silandele on Twitterfightnet, uba ngumlandeli ku-Facebook ahambele us on Instagramfightnet.

Fight Network Signs Exclusive Multi-Year Programming Deal with World Series of Fighting

For Eliseduze Release

TORONTO (June 3, 2015) – Fight Network, UNdunankulu wezwe 24/7 isiteshi sethelevishini abazinikezele ukuqedela izindaba combat yezemidlalo, today announced an exclusive multi-year programming agreement with Las Vegas-based mixed martial arts organization World Series of Fighting(WSOF.com) to broadcast live events and the existing archive in Canada, futhi omhlaba in phezu 30 amazwe yonkana Europe, Afrika naseMpumalanga Ephakathi.


The deal kicks off this weekend with a short tape delay broadcast of WSOF 21: Palmer vs. Horodecki from Edmonton Expo Centre in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Airing June 6 at Midnight ET, the event is headlined by WSOF featherweight champion Lance Palmer defending against Canada’s own Chris Horodecki, while WSOF heavyweight champion Smealinho Rama, another Canadian, defends the coveted title against Bulgarian powerhouse Blagoi Ivanov.


WSOF 21: Palmer vs. Horodecki will repeat on Saturday, June 6 at 4 p.m. KANYE futhi Sunday, June 7 at 2 p.m. KANYE.


WSOF is led by president Ray Sefo, a six-time world kickboxing champion and two-time Hall of Famer. The promotion has staged 20 events to date, featuring internationally renowned superstars such as Andrei Arlovski, Anthony Johnson, David Branch, Rousimar Palhares, Jake Shields, Yushin Okami and Jon Fitch. .


WSOF has also spawned the careers of the next generation of MMA superstars, including reigning bantamweight champion Marlon Moraes, featherweight champion Palmer, undefeated lightweight champion Justin Gaethjeand undefeated light heavyweight Tyrone Spong.


The first event scheduled to air live on Fight Network is the blockbuster WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields world championship ikhadi Aug. 1, 2015 in Las Vegas, headlined by a showcase of elite grapplers as WSOF welterweight champion Palhares defends against former Strikeforce champion and UFC title challenger Shields.


Also featured at WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields is a bantamweight title bout pitting the champion Moraes against undefeated Brazilian Sheymon Moraes, and a light heavyweight special attraction featuring Spong in the toughest test of his MMA career against heavy-handed veteran Mike Kyle, who makes his third appearance in the WSOF cage.


WSOF has rapidly become one of the top promotions in North America and we’re thrilled to bring these world-class live events to our viewers,” said Chad Midgley, VP of Content at Fight Network. “Shows feature a great assortment of established names and highly touted prospects, providing a perfect balance of nostalgia for longtime fans while exposing viewers to fresh talent. With regularly scheduled events in Canada, homegrown stars can now be seen nationally across the country.


We are thrilled to partner with such a dynamic and robust television platform like Fight Network, and bring our live event programming to the highly passionate combat sports fan base in Canada where we have made a concerted effort to establish WSOF’s footprint,” wathi WSOF umengameli, ayisithupha-time emhlabeni iqhawe futhi esigcwele ezimbili Hall of Famer, Baba Chiefs.


Ukuze uthole uhlu full of ukusakaza isimiso Fight Network, sicela uvakashele tv.fightnetwork.com, silandele on Twitterfightnet, uba ngumlandeli ku-Facebook ahambele us on Instagramfightnet.