Yorliq Archives: Ben Lieblein


Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing is proud to announce the signing to a long-term exclusive promotional agreement of undefeated Venezuelan super lightweight Juan El Niño” Ruiz.
29-yoshli Ruiz (16-0, 10 KOS) from Santa Teresa del Tui, has suffered long layoffs due to promotional and managerial problems in the past, but says his problems are now behind him with the addition of promoter Lewkowicz to the team.
A well-rounded boxer puncher who fights at distance and on the inside equally well, Ruiz had 220 amateur fights before turning professional in 2006. He held the WBC FECARBOX super lightweight title in 2011 and was once world rated by the WBA and WBC.
I’m happy about this deal and really looking forward to showing the world what I can do,” said Ruiz. “I want to get in with top guys right away. I’m better than everybody out there, I just needed the opportunity to shine.
Ruiz’s co-manager Ben Lieblein (along with Alfredo Rodriguez) says his fighter was always a future champion who needed the right team to get him there.
Were excited and looking forward to getting him ranked and fighting for a world title, hopefully this year. All he needs is exposure. He’s a talented kid who had a lot of time wasted by bad manager and promoters. He will provide exciting fights first chance he gets.
Ruiz is training in San Diego with Carlos Barragan, who also works with undefeated super welterweight Miguel Sanchez and undefeated welterweight Antonio Orozco, boshqalar orasida. He will compete in the super lightweight or welterweight divisions, depending on opportunities that arise.

This is a very talented fighter who just needed a break,” Said Sampson Lewkowicz. “I will work hard to find him the right fights, so he can go to the top of the 140/147 divisions quickly. I am happy to be working with him and his team. This is going to be a big year for his boxing career. All he has to do is win.

Sampson boks haqida
Sovchi va maslahatchisi sifatida juda muvaffaqiyatli muddatda keyin, Sampson Lewkowicz yanvar oyida professional boks reklama tomoniga ustida yoqilgan 2008.
Sampson boks dunyodagi eng nufuzli reklama firmalarning biriga o'sdi, Dunyoning eng yaxshi jangchilar va eng istiqbolli yosh da'vogarlar ko'p vakili.

Sampson boks barcha Shimoliy va Janubiy Amerika ustida reklama hamkorlar bor, Afrika, Osiyo, Yangi Zelandiya, Avstraliya, Evropa va Markaziy Amerika va Sampson boks voqealar HBO kabi galasi tarmoqlarda televidenieda qilindi, Namoyish Vaqti, ESPN, VS. va bir necha xalqaro tarmoqlar.