Tag Archives: Bellator

“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkovs” adds middleweight slugfest pitting Joe Schilling vs. Hisaki Kato, making it the fourth and final main-card matchup

Easy Tweet: ".@JoeSchilling187 and Hisaki Kato join #Bellator139 pie @KansasStarArena par Jūnijs 26. http://bit.ly/1GfVzbx"


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Maijs 18, 2015) – A card loaded with explosive contests has received one more potential slugfest, as middleweight sluggers Joe “Dūriens 'Em Up” Schilling (2-4) un Hisaki Kato (4-1) will clash in the fourth and final main-card matchup of next month’s “Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkovs” event which airs live on Spike.


Headlined by a heavyweight contest between French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) un bijušais Bellator MMA smagsvara pasaules čempions Alexander “Drago” Volkovs (24-5), “Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkovs” notiek Jūnijs 26 at Kansas Star sacensību centrā Arena Mulvane, Maijs.


Additional matchups include lightweights Dave “Alu cilvēks” Rickels (16-3) vs. John “Dabas” Alessio (35-17) and former Bellator MMA Featherweight Champion Piciņa “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) uzņemoties Yamauchi up (18-2).


Naktī galvenais karte airs dzīvot un bezmaksas Spike at 9 p.m. UN/ 8 p.m. CT, bet provizoriskie bouts plūsma uz Spike.com. Papildu bouts tiks paziņoti tuvākajā laikā.


Biļetes “Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkovs,” kas sākas tikai $17 and include cage side seats for just $97, pašlaik pieejami Ticketmaster.com.


31 gadus vecais Schilling ir cīnījusies profesionāli kopš 2006, starting his combat sports career in muay Thai, kur ieguva gan neatrodas ASV. and world titles. Since he’s turned his focus to MMA, Schilling continues to compete in kickboxing events, arī, strādāt savu ceļu uz pagājušā gada jūnijā krāšņumā s Last Man Standing turnīrā, konkurē trīs reizes ar vienu vakarā. Schilling veicis Bellator MMA debija novembrī, Punktu “Knockout of the Year” candidate stoppage of noted striker Melvin Manhoef.


A karate stylist who first made his name in Japan in the sport of Kudo – a hybrid version of MMA that involves fighting in a gi, gloves and a mask – the 32-year-old Kato will fight in the U.S. jūnijā 26th pirmo reizi. Kato’s transition in 2013 to traditional MMA rules has proven to be a rousing success, as he’s earned four knockout victories in his first five bouts. Three of those wins were earned in the first round, including an April 2014 victory that came in just 53 sekundes.


“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkovs” - Piektdiena, Jūnijs 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, MULVANE, Kansas


Bellator Heavyweight Main Event: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Aleksandrs Volkovs (24-5)

Bellator Viegls Feature cīņa: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

Bellator viegls Feature cīņa: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi up (18-2)

Bellator viegls Feature cīņa: Joe Schilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1)

Brandon Halsey Uzvar Kendall Grove Via Technical Knockout vacates Bellator middleweight nosaukums, jo trūkst Svars



Visas fotogrāfijas pēc: Bellator MMA / Eric Coleman

TEMECULA, Calif. (Maijs 15, 2015) - Kamēr Brandon “Bullis” Halsey (9-0) vairs nevar teikt, ka viņš ir Bellator MMA ir middleweight Pasaules čempions, viņš tomēr izdevās parādīt savu talantu ar vienpusēja iznīcināšanas pierādīts veterāns Kendall “Spyder” Birzs (21-15).


Konkurss kalpoja kā iezīme galvenais notikums Piektdienas “Bellator: Halsey vs. Birzs” card at Pechanga Resort & Casino Temecula, Calif.


Halsey gandrīz pabeidza cīņu agrīnā Going, pārvietojas uz pleca trijstūra aizrīties, kas būtu pabeigta mazāku pretinieku, bet Grove kaut cīnījās ar pūlēm. Vēl, tā bija vienpusīga kārta bijušajai champ.


Grove varēja izvairīties no šāda nestabilo stāvokli otrajā, bet viņš vēl bija spiesti būt par aizsardzības lielākajā rāmja. Ar augstu paced cīkstēšanās uzbrukums, Halsey vienkārši uzstājām savu ceļu uz grīdas un baudīt augstāko pozīciju gandrīz visās pasta kārtā.


Modelis turpinājās kā cīņa pagāja, ar Halsey vienkārši nospiedošs savu pretinieku un pastāvīgi nopelnīt sev dominējošo stāvokli. Grove īsi draudēja ar armbar ceturtajā rāmī, bet Halsey vienkārši izmeta savu ekstremitāšu bezmaksas un pounded prom ar perforatori neilgi pēc tam, kamēr viņš nopelnījis TKO uzvarēt pie 2:25 zīme rāmja.


Undefeated Halsey, kurš atņēma no Bellator MMA middleweight Pasaules sadaļas par nespēju veikt svaru, izskatīsies atkal nopelnītu jostu savā nākamajā izskatu.


"Man bija mana vissliktākais ienaidnieks. Tas bija kā es veiktas. Viņš nav mest kaut ko uz mani, ka es nebiju gatavs. Man bija tikai mēģina grūts caur traumu. Man bija grūts it out un iznākt ar uzvaru,"Halsey teica.


"Acīmredzot, jūs vēlaties būt tik dominējošs, cik iespējams. Es tikai jutos kā es nevarēju eksplodēt caur manu kombinācijās vai eksplodēt caur cīņu un pabeigt to, kā es gribēju. Bet, tāpat kā es teicu, tev tikt galā ar likstām, un es to izdarīju labākais es varētu,"Halsey turpināja.


"Es uzzināju, mana mācība. Es pateicos Bellator. Es atvainojos komisijas. Tas neprofesionāla neveikt svaru. Nav attaisnojumi, bet kāds zina, ka tas ir grūti, lai samazinātu svaru ar traumu. Drošības josta ir tikai dekorācija, tāpēc es esmu joprojām champ manās acīs. Neviens nav veikusi jostu no manis. "


Pēc nakts vienlaikus galvenais notikums, Bijušais Bellator MMA bantamweight Pasaules čempions Eduardo “Dudu” Dantas (17-4), Rio de Janeiro, Brazīlija, spēra soli citā shot titulu ar grūti cīnījās lēmumu uzvaru pār nesaudzīgu Slaistīties “Marine” Richman, Rose Mount, No.


Lai gan Richman parādīja lielisku noņemšanas aizstāvību visā 15 minūšu lieta, Dantas’ darba ātrums palīdzēja viņam nopelnīt labvēlību tiesnešu. Pastāvīgi nospiežot un meklē, lai cīņu uz grīdas, Dantas varēja tikai malu ārā Richman uz kartes, 29-28 saskaņā ar visiem trim amatpersonām.


“Es devos tur un cīnījās kā es apmācīts cīnīties,” Dantas teica pēc uzvaras. “Es zināju, ka Mike Richman gatavojas nākt ar visu, bet es gribēju, lai uzvarētu šo cīņu un saņemt atpakaļ uz titulu. Vienīgā cīņa, kas ir jēga nākamais ir par titulu.


In papildsvars konkursā, Fernando “Menifee maniaks” Gonzalez (24-13), no Menifee, Calif., ieguva aizraujošs, nāk-no-aiz uzvaru pār “Curtious” Curtis Millender (7-2), San Bernardino, Calif.


Ar Millender baudot sešu collu augstuma priekšrocības, mazāks Gonzalez cīnījās, lai punktus pirmajās divās kārtās. Bet, kad cīņa hit grīdas trešajā, Gonzalez latched uz giljotīnu aizrīties un nopelnījis krānu no viņa pretinieks pie 1:14 no pēdējā kārtā.


“Es esmu 4-0 tagad,” Gonzalez teica pēc uzvaras. “Tas ir viens solis tuvāk titulu, un es esmu satraukti, lai saņemtu tur un sajauc to ar kurš ir blakus.”


Ar rezultātu, Gonzalez tagad lepojas četru taisni Bellator MMA uzvaras un nodot sevi rindā uz iespējamo shot veicināšanai ir papildsvars sadaļas.


Naktī pirmo galvenais kāršu matchup, zaudējusi izredzes Darrion “Vilks” Caldwell (7-0), no Rahway, NJ, izmanto superior cīņas spēli pārspēt vairāk pieredzējušu pretinieku Rafael “Nūja” Silva (22-5), no Lajes, Brazīlija, ceļā vienprātīgs lēmums, uzvara.


Ar Caldwell vērtēšanas takedowns visā matchup, Silva meklēja iesniegumiem, kad ir pieejams, bet viņš vienkārši nevarēja atrast nepieciešamo turēt strādāt agrāk viņa pretinieka aizsargiem. Vietā, Caldwell tur viņa spiediena augstas, un tiesneši viņam piešķīra cīņu, 29-28 uz visiem trim kartēm.


Pēc uzvaras, Caldwell paskaidroja viņš ieskaita savu ceļu uz vārtiem pie Bellator MMA Pasaules sadaļas.


“Es nedomāju, ka ir kādi cīnītāji, kas tur kā sprādzienbīstami, kā mani 135 mārciņas, vai tik ātri,” Kaldvels. “Beidzot, Es varēsiet pierādīt, ka.”


Naktī galīgā prejudiciālu cīkstēšanās, Guama s Joe Taimanglo (21-6-1) ieguva trešās kārtas nokauts Meksikas Antonio Duarte (18-6).


Papildus, viegls izredzes Jordan Parsons (11-1), San Diego, Calif., ieguva trešo apaļa lēmumu win pār iepriekš undefeated Brazīlijas Julio Cesar Neves Jr. (30-1).


Ar gaismas smagiem konkursā, Virgil Zwicker (14-4-1), no Temecula, Calif., ieguva pirmās kārtas nokauts win over Razak Al-Hassan (12-5), no Milvoki, Wisc.


Un naktī pirmajā cīņā, Ricky “Snaiperis” Rainey (11-3), no Gastonia, North Carolina, ieguva otrās kārtas nokauts win over Jessie Juarez (22-10), no Torrance, Calif.

Brandon Halsey (9-0) def. Kendall Grove (21-15)


Eduardo Dantas (17-4) def. Mike Richman (18-6 )


Fernando Gonzalez (24-14) def. Curtis Millender (7-2)


Darrion Caldwell (7-0) def. Rafael Silva (22-5)


Par Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA ir vadošais Mixed Martial Arts organizācija, kurā ir daudz no labākajiem cīnītājiem pasaulē. Vadībā veterāns cīņa virzītājs Scott koksēšanas, Bellator ir pieejams gandrīz 400 miljons mājas visā pasaulē vairāk 120 valstis. Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs, Bellator var uzskatīt par Spike, MMA televīzijas vadītājs. Bellator MMA sastāv no izpildvaras komanda, kas ietver top nozares profesionāļiem televīzijas raidījumu, Tiešraides orķestrēšana, cīnītājs attīstība / attiecības, vieta iepirkums, sponsorēšana izveide / izstrāde, international licencēšana, mārketings, reklāma, publicitātes un komisijas attiecības. Bellator atrodas Santa Monica, California un pieder izklaides milzu Viacom, mājvieta pasaules premier izklaides zīmoliem, kas savieno ar auditoriju, izmantojot pārliecinošu saturu visā televīzijā, kinofilmu, tiešsaistes un mobilās platformas.


Par Spike:

Smaile ir pieejams 98.7 miljons mājas un ir sadalījums Viacom mediju tīkliem. Vienība Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks ir viens no pasaules vadošajiem radītāju plānošanā un saturā visās mediju platformām. Spike interneta adrese ir www.spike.com un up-to-the-minute un arhīvu preses informāciju un fotogrāfijām, apmeklējiet Spike preses vietnē http://www.spike.com/press. Sekojiet mums Twitter spiketvpr par jaunāko pārkāpj jaunumi atjauninājumus, aiz-the-ainas informācija un foto.

OFICIĀLĀ svēršanās REZULTĀTI, FOTOGRĀFIJAS un informāciju no "BELLATOR: Halsey VS. GROVE "


TEMECULA, Calif. (Maijs 14, 2015) - Visi divdesmit seši sportisti konkurēt rītdienas "Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove "pasākums bija priecīgi rehidratēt pēc kāpj uz svariem pie šodienas oficiālā svēršanās, kas notika Cabaret teātrī iekšpusē Pechanga Resort and Casino Temecula, Calif.

"Bellator: Halsey vs. Birzs,"Kas airs dzīvot un bezmaksas Spike at 9 p.m. UN / 8 p.m. CT, aprīkots ar galveno notikumu starp Brandon "Bull" Halsey (8-0) un labi ievēroti veterāns Kendall "Da Spyda" Grove (21-14). Pašreizējais čempions neizdevās hit vajadzīgo zīmi 185 mārciņas. Rezultātā, Grove ir vienīgais cīnītājs, kas var atstāt notikumu kā čempions, ja Halsey tas izdodas uzvarēt, viņš būs spiests atbrīvot jostu.

Jo vienlaikus galveno notikumu, bantamweight cīņa turpināsies kā plānots starp bijušo 135 mārciņu čempions Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas(16-4) un švīkas Mike "The Marine" Richman (18-5), neskatoties Richman pazudušu svara.

Kritiskā papildsvars cīņa starp divām dzimtajā cīnītāji, Cinderella Man Fernando "The Menifee Maniac" Gonzalez (23-13) izskatās, lai turpinātu savu karsto švīka pret jaunietis Curtis "Curtious" Millender (7-1).

Atklāšanā televīzijas bout vakarā, viens no MMA ir daudzsološākajiem perspektīvām Darrion "Vilks" Caldwell (6-0), izskatās, lai saglabātu savu ierakstu nevainojams pret grūts Rafael "Bat" Silva (22-4), kas ir tikai cieta vienu sakāvi viņa pēdējā 15 gali


Galvenais Card (9 p.m. UN)


Bellator middleweight Title Fight: Champ Brandon Halsey (188.1 lbs.) vs. Kendall Grove (184.9 lbs.)


Bellator bantamweight cīņa: Eduardo Dantas (135.2 lbs.) vs. Mike Richman (139.8 lbs.)


Bellator papildsvars cīņa: Fernando Gonzalez (170.9 lbs.) vs. Curtis Millender (170.8 lbs.)


Bellator bantamweight cīņa: Darrion Caldwell (135.7 lbs.) vs. Rafael Silva (135.7 lbs.)

Iepriekšēja Card (7:45 p.m. UN)

Bellator middleweight cīņa: Benji Boards (186 lbs.) vs. Ben Reiter (186 lbs.)


Bellator bantamweight cīņa: Joe Taimanglo (136.2 lbs.) vs. Antonio Duarte (135.1 lbs.)


Bellator viegls cīņa: Jordan Parsons (145.5 lbs.) vs. Julio Cesar Neves Jr. (146 lbs.)


Bellator Light Heavyweight cīņa: Virgil Zwicker (206.7 lbs.) vs. Razak Al-Hassan (205.6 lbs.)


Bellator papildsvars cīņa: Jesse Juarez (171 lbs.) vs. Ricky Rainey (170.7 lbs.)


Bellator viegls cīņa: A.J. Jenkins (146 lbs.) vs. Arlene Blencowe (145.8 lbs.)


Bellator Lightweight cīņa: Steve Kozola (155.8 lbs.) vs. Ian Butler (155.2 lbs.)


Bellator bantamweight cīņa: Shawn Bunch (135.4 lbs.) vs. Rolando Perez (135.3 lbs.)


Bellator bantamweight cīņa: John Yoo (135.4 lbs.) vs. Albert Morales (134.4 lbs.)


Par Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA ir vadošais Mixed Martial Arts organizācija, kurā ir daudz no labākajiem cīnītājiem pasaulē. Vadībā veterāns cīņa virzītājs Scott koksēšanas, Bellator ir pieejams gandrīz 400 miljons mājas visā pasaulē vairāk 120 valstis. Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs, Bellator var uzskatīt par Spike, MMA televīzijas vadītājs. Bellator MMA sastāv no izpildvaras komanda, kas ietver top nozares profesionāļiem televīzijas raidījumu, Tiešraides orķestrēšana, cīnītājs attīstība / attiecības, vieta iepirkums, sponsorēšana izveide / izstrāde, international licencēšana, mārketings, reklāma, publicitātes un komisijas attiecības. Bellator atrodas Santa Monica, California un pieder izklaides milzu Viacom, mājvieta pasaules premier izklaides zīmoliem, kas savieno ar auditoriju, izmantojot pārliecinošu saturu visā televīzijā, kinofilmu, tiešsaistes un mobilās platformas.



SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Maijs 11, 2015) – Bellator MMA is proud to announce the signing of one of mixed martial art’s most sought-after prospects, Un Ruth. A dominant and decorated collegiate wrestler, Ruth joins Bellator MMA with an exclusive, multi-cīņa galā.


The 25-year-old’s focus is currently set on the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, where the general consensus is that he will be a shoo-in to compete in the 86kg. nodaļa.


I’ve known for a long time now that after I get Olympic gold around my neck, I was going to go get some MMA gold for my waist,” said the phenom Ruth. “I’ve been talking with all the major organizations, and at the end of the day, I really believe in what Scott Coker is doing with Bellator. They’re signing the top talent, they’re putting on exciting fights, and they’re letting me secure my own sponsors. It will be a little while until I step into the cage for the first timebut when I do, everyone they put in front of me is in for a world of hurt.


Ruth attended High School at Blair Academy in Susquehanna Township, PA, where he was the top-ranked recruit in Nation for his weight class. Ruth would elect to stay local and attend wrestling powerhouse Penn State University. The masterful grappler added three National Championships and four All-American accolades to his trophy room while wrestling with the Penn State University’s Nittany Lions.


The three-time national champion joins blue-chip amateur wrestling prospect Aaron Pico on the roster. Both competitors will turn their focus to MMA following the Olympic Games next year. When the time comes, Ruth will be competing in Bellator’s middleweight division alongside current title-holder Brandon Halsey, Kendall Grove, Rafael Carvalho, Joe Schilling, Alexander Shlemenko, Melvin Manhoef, cita starpā.

“Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” lineup komplektā ar 14 cīņas, including the addition of hard-hitting veterans Justin Lawrence, Adam Cella


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Maijs 11, 2015) – June’s blockbuster “Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” event now has a complete lineup of 14 action-packed contests with the addition of Spike.com-streamed matchups of featherweights Justin “The American Kid” Lawrence (7-2) vs. Sean “P-Town” Wilson (34-25), lightweights Eric Irvin (9-3) vs. Hugh trīsi (4-2) un bantamweights A.J. “Let’s Go” Siscoe (0-1) vs. Garrett Mueller (1-0), as well as a pair of dark preliminary contests with welterweights Adam “El Natural” Cella (6-3) vs. Kyle Kurtz (3-0) un lightweights Garrett Gross (6-3) vs. Chris “Stump” Heatherly (8-3),


Featuring vienu no visvairāk gaidāmo cīņu vēsturē sportu ar Kimbo Slice vs. Ken Shamrock, “Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” notiek Piektdiena, Jūnijs 19, at St. Louis’ Scottrade Center and airs live on Spike.


Biļetes “Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business,” kas sākas tikai $30, Pašlaik uz pārdošanu Ticketmaster.com


The night’s first contest takes place at 6 p.m. CT vietējais laiks, while the Spike-televised main card starts two hours later.


Lawrence, of Pacific, Mo., is a former national boxing and kickboxing champion and RFA featherweight champion who now makes his Bellator MMA debut on the strength of a three-fight winning streak. He faces Wilson, Omaha, who has incredibly fought to a judgesdecision just once in 59 career contests.


Irvin, of Pilot Knob, Mo., boasts a four-fight winning streak and is 6-1 viņa pēdējos septiņus uzstāšanās. He now fights for Bellator MMA for the first time and meets fellow Missouri native Pulley, who hopes to snap a two-fight losing streak.


Cella is a five-time Shamrock FC veteran and “TUF” former cast member who now faces the undefeated Kurtz – a Missouri fighter who already boasts three career victories despite just turning pro in January.


In a battle of Illinois-based fighters, Gross has won four of his past five outings and has gone to a judgesdecision just once in nine professional appearances. Viņa pretinieks, Heatherly, is a big show veteran who hopes to snap a disappointing two-fight losing streak, the first consecutive losses of his career.


Siscoe and Mueller each make their Bellator MMA debuts.


“Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” - Piektdiena, Jūnijs 19, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, Tu.

Galvenais Card (9 p.m. UN)


Bellator Heavyweight Main Event: Kimbo Slice (4-2) vs. Ken Shamrock (28-15-2)

Bellator viegls Title Fight: Field Patricio Pitbull (23-2) vs. Daniel Weichel (35-8)

Bellator Featured smagiem cīņa: Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. James Thompson (20-14)

Bellator Featured viegls cīņa: Daniel Straus (22-6) vs. Henry Corrales (12-0)

Bellator Featured Viegla cīņa: Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek Fields (15-4)


Iepriekšēja Card (7 p.m. UN)

Bellator Strawweight atlases cīņa: Dan O'Connor (5-4) vs. Miles McDonald (0-1)

Bellator viegls, atlases cīņa: Justin Lawrence (7-2) vs. Sean Wilson (34-25)

Bellator Viegls, atlases cīņa: Eric Irvin (9-3) vs. Hugh trīsi (4-2)

Bellator Viegls, atlases cīņa: Malcolm Smith (4-4) vs. Luke Nelson (2-1)

Bellator viegls, atlases cīņa: Kain Royer (1-1) vs. Enrique Watson (1-0)

Bellator bantamweight, atlases cīņa: A.J. Siscoe (0-1) vs. Garrett Mueller (1-0)

Bellator papildsvars Dark atlases: Adam Cella (6-3) vs. Kyle Kurtz (3-0)

Bellator papildsvars Dark atlases: Steve Mann (10-1) vs. Justin Guthrie (17-8)

Bellator Lightweight Dark atlases: Garrett Gross (6-3) vs. Chris Heatherly (8-3)

Veteran knockout artist Benji “Razor” Radach returns to the cage to face Ben Reiter at “Bellator MMA: Halsey vs. Birzs”


EASY TWEET: Hard-hitting MMA vet @benjyradach returns to face undefeated former @PennWrestling star @BenReiterMMA Maijs 15 #Bellator


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Maijs 7, 2015) – One of MMA’s hardest-hitting pioneers will return to action for the first time since 2010, kā Benji “Razor” Radach(21-6) has agreed to replace an injured A.J. Matthews (7-3) in a middleweight preliminary fight against Ben “Hunter” Reiter (15-0-1).


The new addition again finalizes a full nine-bout preliminary card scheduled in support of four main-card contests at “Bellator MMA: Halsey vs. Grove.


The night’s featured matchups include undefeated Bellator MMA World Middleweight Champion Brandon “Bullis” Halsey (8-0) pret stiprs Havaju Scrapper Kendall “Spyder” Birzs (21-14), former Bellator MMA World Champion Eduardo “Dudu” Dantas (16-4) vs. Slaistīties “Marine” Richman (18-5), welterweights Fernando “Menifee maniaks” Gonzalez (23-13) vs. “Curtious” Curtis Millander (7-1) un bantamweights Darrion “Vilks” Caldwell (6-0) vs. Rafael “Nūja” Silva (22-4).


“Bellator: Halsey vs. Birzs” notiek Piektdiena, Maijs 15, at Pechanga Resort & Casino Temecula, Calif. The night’s main card airs live on Spike TV at 9 p.m. UN (6 p.m. PT vietējais laiks), bet provizoriskie bouts plūsma uz Spike.com.


Biļetes “Bellator: Halsey vs. Birzs,” kas sākas tikai $50, Pašlaik uz pārdošanu Pechanga.com un Pechanga Resort & Kazino kasē.


Durvis “Bellator: Halsey vs. Birzs” atvērts 4 p.m. PT vietējais laiks, un pirmais konkurss notiek 45 minūtes vēlāk.


Fighting professionally since 2001, Radach fought for many of MMA’s biggest promotions, including Strikeforce, EliteXC, the International Fight League and the UFC. Seventeen of Radach’s 21 career wins have come by knockout, and he makes no secret of his intentions when he enters the cage. Boasting past clashed with MMA notables such as Brian Foster, Gerald Harris, Matt Horwich, Chris Leben, Gustavo Machado, MuriloNinjaRua and Scott Smith, cita starpā, Radach put his fighting career on hold in 2010, as he addressed a variety of nagging injuries. Tagad pilnīgi atguvusies, Radach looks to make a successful return to action.


Radach now meets a top undefeated prospect and former UPenn wrestling star Reiter, who fights for the second time under the Bellator MMA banner after spending much of his early career in Peru.


“Bellator: Halsey vs. Birzs” - Piektdiena, Maijs 15, Pechanga Resort & Kazino, Temecula, Calif.

Galvenais Card (9 p.m. UN)


Bellator middleweight Title Fight: Champ Brandon Halsey (8-0) vs. Kendall Grove (21-14)

Bellator Featured bantamweight cīņa: Eduardo Dantas (16-4) vs. Mike Richman (18-5)

Bellator Featured papildsvars cīņa: Fernando Gonzalez (23-13) vs. Curtis Millender (7-1)

Bellator Featured bantamweight cīņa: Darrion Caldwell (6-0) vs. Rafael Silva (22-4)

Iepriekšēja Card (7:45 p.m. UN)


Bellator middleweight, atlases cīņa: Benji Boards (21-6) vs. Ben Reiter (14-0)

Bellator Light Heavyweight, atlases cīņa: Virgil Zwicker (13-4-1) vs. Razak Al-Hassan (12-4)

Bellator bantamweight, atlases cīņa: Joe Taimanglo (20-6-1) vs. Antonio Duarte (18-5)

Bellator viegls, atlases cīņa: Jordan Parsons (10-1) vs. Julio Cesar Neves Jr. (30-0)

Bellator papildsvars, atlases cīņa: Jesse Juarez (22-9) vs. Ricky Rainey (10-3)


Dark Bouts (apm. 11 p.m. UN)


Bellator Lightweight Dark atlases: John Yoo (0-0) vs. Albert Morales (1-0)

Bellator Lightweight Dark atlases: Shawn Bunch (3-1) vs. Rolando Perez (7-4)

Bellator Lightweight Dark atlases: Steve Kozola (5-0) vs. Ian Butler (1-1)

Bellator Lightweight Dark atlases: A.J. Jenkins (17-5) vs. Arlene Blencowe (5-4)


Former Bellator MMA World Featherweight Champion Daniel Straus looks to work his way back to the belt at “Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” against undefeated challenger Henry Corrales

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Maijs 5, 2015) – Former Bellator MMA World Featherweight Champion Daniel Straus (23-6) begins his trek back to a world title when he meets undefeated promotional newcomer and former King of the Cage titlist Henry Corrales (12-0) at June’s blockbuster “Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” notikums.


The contest serves as the fifth and final Spike TV-broadcast main card matchup of the star-studded fight card.


Featuring one of the most anticipated heavyweight fights in the history of the sport with Kimbo Slice vs. Ken Shamrock, “Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” takes place Friday, Jūnijs 19, at St. Louis’ Scottrade Center un airs dzīvot Spike TV.


Biļetes “Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business,” kas sākas tikai $30, Pašlaik uz pārdošanu Ticketmaster.com.


With the night’s featured bouts now complete, additional preliminary contests will be announced shortly.


A consensus pick as one the best 145-pounders on the planet, Straus is anxious to rebound from a disappointing January loss to current Bellator MMA Featherweight Champion Patrick “Pitbull” Freire. A member of American Top Team, Straus was ahead early in the fight and appeared to be on his way to reclaiming the belt he lost in 2014 before suffering a knee injury that limited his capabilities and eventually led to his late submission with 11 seconds left in the fourth round.


Tagad pilnīgi atguvusies, Straus plans on working his way back to a title bout as quickly as possible, and a victory on a high-profile card like “Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” would certainly help him stake his claim as the division’s No. 1 sāncensis.


Fighting professionally since 2011, Corrales began his career primarily as a Brazilian jiu-jitsu stylist, as witnessed by his five consecutive submission wins to begin his career. Tomēr, he’s since worked diligently to improve his striking game, and of his past six victories, four have come by way of knockout. Corrales boasts an unblemished professional mark through the first 12 contests of his MMA tenure, including recent wins over big-show veterans Jerod Spoon and Seth Dikun.


“Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” - Piektdiena, Jūnijs 19, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, Tu.

Galvenais Card

Bellator Heavyweight Main Event: Kimbo Slice (4-2) vs. Ken Shamrock (28-15-2)

Bellator viegls Title Fight: Field Patricio Pitbull (23-2) vs. Daniel Weichel (35-8)

Bellator Featured smagiem cīņa: Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. James Thompson (20-14)

Bellator Featured viegls cīņa: Daniel Straus (23-6) vs. Henry Corrales (12-0)

Bellator Featured Viegla cīņa: Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek Fields (15-4)

Iepriekšēja Card

Bellator papildsvars, atlases cīņa: Justin Guthrie (17-8) vs. Steven Mann (10-1)

Bellator Strawweight atlases cīņa: Miles McDonald (0-1) vs. Dan O'Connor (5-4)

Bellator Viegls, atlases cīņa: Malcolm Smith (4-4) vs. Luke Nelson (2-1)

Bellator viegls, atlases cīņa: Kain Royer (1-1) vs. Enrique Watson (1-0)

Bellator MMA adds heavyweight sluggers Ewerton Teixeira and Lorenzo Hood

Bellators newest heavyweights Ewerton Teixeira (kreisais) and Lorenzo Hood


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Maijs 4, 2015) – Bellator MMA’s heavyweight division will now play host to a pair of the hardest-hitting heavyweights in the game, as promotion officials are proud to announce the addition of Brazilian K-1 champion Ewerton Teixeira (3-0), as well as Blackzilians slugger LorenzoThe Samoan SilverbackHood (9-2).


Debut dates and opponents will be announced for both fighters in the near future.


A third dan black belt in Kyokushin karate, 33 gadus vecais Teixeira ir uzkrājot sadaļām pārsteidzošu konkursos par vairāk nekā desmit gadus. Teixeira sasniedzis virsotnes stāvs kaujas in 2008, kad viņš nopelnījis šī gada K-1 World Grand Prix Fukuoka nosaukumā un tad cīnījās savu ceļu uz K-1 World Grand Prix Final čempionāta cīkstēšanās, where he would come up just short against Errol Zimmerman (though Teixeira would avenge that result in 2010).


Teixeira then turned his attention to MMA in 2012, and he has remained undefeated through his first three professional contests in the sport and is now ready to try his hand at MMA’s highest level.


Tikmēr, 6-foot-3 Hood ir konkurējoši profesionāli kopš 2009 and has never had a fight go past the first round. No viņa deviņiem karjeras uzvarām, all nine have come by knockout. Hood ir cīnījies visā neatrodas ASV. bet konkurē par reģionālo ķēdes, earning himself recognition as one of the top heavyweight prospects in the sport.


Competing under the tutelage of former world champion Rashad Evans, the 26-year-old Hood’s work at Florida’s Blackzilians camp has prepared him for an opportunity to compete against the world’s best fighters, and Bellator MMA will now offer him a platform to prove his talent.




SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Maijs 4, 2015) – Bellator MMA officials are proud to announce that they have signed MMA fan-favorite Melvin “The Young Assassin” Guillard (32-14-2) to a multi-year, multi-cīņa līgums.


A debut date and opponent will be announced for Guillard in the near future.


At tikai 32 gadiem, "Young Assassin" ir guvuši 50 profesionālie bouts ar karjeru, kas datētas ar 2002. Ar 21 uzvaras nāk ar KO, Guillard ir radījusi lielu fanu bāzi ar savu aizraujošu cīņas stilu.


Dzimis New Orleans, the knockout artist has honed his skills at some of the top MMA gyms in the world including Jackson’s MMA, Blackzilians, Skaudība Training Center un American Top Team, kur viņš pašlaik vilcieni. Viņa 22-cīņa skopoties ar Ultimate Fighting Championship laikā, Guillard lauza MMA lielisku BJ Penn rekordu visvairāk KO grāds viegla nodaļā ar astoņiem, an accolade which he still holds to this day.


“We are excited to have Melvin coming onboard,” said Bellator President Scott Coker. “Withcompetitors the likes of Lightweight Champion Will Brooks, Michael Chandler, Marcin Held, Derek Anderson, Jūs Awad, Dave Jansen and Patricky Pitbull on the roster already, the matchup possibilities for an exciting fighter like him are endless.”


Guillard owns victories over notable names that include Marcus Davis, Dennis siver, Gleison Tibau, Evan Dunham, and Jeremy Stephens.

Injury forces Georgi Karakhanyan out of featherweight title fightChampion Patricio Pitbull now faces Daniel Weichel at “Bellator: Unfinished Business "


Easy Tweet: “NEW FIGHT: @danielweichel to face @PatricioPitbull for #Bellator featherweight championship on June 19 #UnfinishedBusiness”


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Aprīlis 28, 2015) – Due to a knee injury sustained by title challenger Georgi Karakhanyan, Bellator MMA viegls pasaules čempions Patricio Pitbull (23-2) will now face German submission ace Daniel “The WeaselWeichel (35-8) in the co-main event of “Bellator: Unfinished Business,” kas notiek Piektdiena, Jūnijs 19 at St. Louis’ Scottrade Center.


Featuring vienu no visvairāk gaidāmo cīņu vēsturē sportu ar Kimbo Slice vs. Ken Shamrock, "Bellator: Unfinished Business” also features Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. James Thompson (20-14) un Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek Fields (15-4), with a fifth and final featured bout to be announced shortly.


The 27-year-old “Pitbull,” of Natal, Brazīlija, is a 13-time veteran of the promotion who captured the Bellator MMA Featherweight World Title with a September win over then-champion Pat Curran. “Pitbull” then defended his belt in January with a thrilling submission win over former champion Daniel Straus. Uz 24 karjeras šķietamību, “Pitbull” has only lost two fights, un abi bija rezultāts skuveklis plānas, split-decisions.


“Pitbull” now meets Germany’s Weichel, who at just 30 years of age already boasts more than 35 professional wins. Savā pēdējā cīņā, Weichel earned a hard-fought victory over former champion Pat Curran bringing his record to 12-1 viņa agrāk 13 Izbraukuma. Weichel is a Bellator MMA tournament winner, racking up victories over Desmond Green, Matt Bessette un Scott Cleve in the process. Of those 35 uzvar, an incredible 21 of them have come by way of submission.


The 5-fight televised card airs live on Spike at 9 p.m. UN / 8 p.m. CT, with preliminary fights streaming on Spike.com at 7 p.m. UN / 6 p.m. CT.


Biļetes “Bellator: Unfinished Business,” kas sākas tikai $30, Pašlaik uz pārdošanu Ticketmaster.com.


“Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business” - Piektdiena, Maijs Jūnijs 19, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, Tu.

Galvenais Card

Bellator Heavyweight Main Event: Kimbo Slice (4-2) vs. Ken Shamrock (28-15-2)

Bellator viegls Title Fight: Field Patricio Pitbull (23-2) vs. Daniel Weichel (35-8)

Bellator Featured smagiem cīņa: Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. James Thompson (20-14)

Bellator Featured Viegla cīņa: Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek Fields (15-4)


Iepriekšēja Card

Bellator papildsvars, atlases cīņa: Justin Guthrie (17-8) vs. Steven Mann (10-1)

Bellator Strawweight atlases cīņa: Miles McDonald (0-1) vs. Dan O'Connor (5-4)

Bellator Viegls, atlases cīņa: Malcolm Smith (4-4) vs. Luke Nelson (2-1)

Bellator viegls, atlases cīņa: Kain Royer (1-1) vs. Enrique Watson (1-0)