标记档案: 奥斯汀Dulay



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信贷: 斯蒂芬妮特拉普/ TGB促销

纳什维尔, 田纳西州. (二月 15, 2020) – 在一个喧闹的家乡父老面前争取在他的职业生涯的第一次, 不败的IBF超中量级世界冠军 迦勒 “Sweethands” 厂 (20-0, 12 科斯) 做戏.

植物为主的强制性的挑战者 文森特Feigenbutz (31-3, 28 科斯) 德国, 一个进球 10-轮将军澳周六晚上在FOX PBC拳击之夜的主要事件,并从普利司通竞技场客场颜色FOX在纳什维尔.

厂, 谁在邻近的阿什兰市长大, 成功取得了世界冠军,他在1月荣获的第二次防务 2019 有一场惊心动魄的12轮一致决定在当时的锦标乔斯·斯卡特圭. “Sweethands” 没有辜负他的绰号, 打破德国Feigenbutz把他带走之前.

“我是超级的人群今晚燃料,” 普兰特说. “我本来可以一整夜. 全市出来. 纳什维尔站起来!”

工厂给了他们很多值得欢呼的从开盘, 登陆他的刺拳起来,楼下. 咄咄逼人的Feigenbutz, 24, 挣扎着土地任何回报.

工厂开始在第三登陆组合, 使观众对他的脚了一系列精心布置的截击.

关注提前一轮亮点 这里这里.

这些镜头慢慢把他们的通行费, 但Feigenbutz是游戏. 他在第六再放, 植物寄托对绳索和卸载自己的组合. 植物覆盖起来,摇摇头,仿佛unbothered.

观看Feigenbutz回击回合中 6 这里.

植物捣烂Feigenbutz在第七和第八, 他的鼻子上打开了一个切口肿胀和他的右眼. 挑战者在第九吸收更多的惩罚, 造成马戏团医生把他在两轮之间的很难看.

表厂主导轮 9 这里.

最终在来到迅速 10 作为植物, 感知他的仇敌是弱化, 捣烂距离,直到裁判瓦利德·马利克在加强仁慈. 停工的正式时间为 2:23 10日的.

手表轮停工 10 这里.

“我感觉好极了在那里,” 该植物. “我很轻松,犀利. 我告诉你,我会在第12轮之前停止该. 我想献给我的女儿, 我的母亲, 我的祖父和纳什维尔的整个城市。”

冠军还表示,他希望统一对不败WBC对手和对手, 大卫Benavidez.

“每个人都知道我想大卫Benavidez是统一的斗争,” 工厂规定. “你知道最好的168磅是谁. 如果您希望, 你一定要来见我. 我想这场斗争; 我一直在问它,我厌倦了等待!”

在合作的主要事件, 阿贝尔·拉莫斯 在打进一个惊人的最后一秒钟将军澳胜利科比佩雷拉 在预定的10轮次中量级比赛. 标题进入 10最后一轮拉莫斯被他cornermen告知他需要击倒取胜. 拉莫斯 (26-3-2, 20 科斯) 交付, 严重伤害并在该帧的减弱秒滴下佩雷拉两次, 促使裁判杰克·赖斯与一秒其余波次中量级合作的主要事件关闭.

“我知道,战斗还没有结束,直到它结束了,” 拉莫斯说. “这是游戏. 我生了一场病了两个星期. 但是,没有任何借口. 我想来这里和执行.

“我看着查韦斯泰勒以毒攻毒 10 万次,我从来没有想过我会在类似的东西. 它只是证明,打架从来没有过,直到它结束. 你要争取每一个轮的每一秒钟。”

观看拉莫斯击晕佩雷拉在回合结束 10 这里.

佩雷拉 (17-3, 14 科斯) 上涨的三张牌在停工时间; 87-84 和两个分数 88-83.

“这是拳击. 这就像梅德里克·泰勒和查韦斯,” 说佩雷拉, 拉莫斯同意’ 注释. “这些事情只是发生. 我不会从我的对手带走什么. 我是赢得每一轮令人信服. 我能说什么? 还有第二个留在了第10轮. 这就像大海捞针. 就是这样。”

左撇子佩雷拉控制着动作, 使用一侧到另一侧移动, 角度和速射组合扼杀拉莫斯’ 罪行. 第三简要扣拉莫斯左钩拳. 另在第五打晕了他.

“佩雷拉是一个艰难的战斗机,” 拉莫斯说. “他是一个坚强的, 强大的战斗机. 我没有什么,但对他的尊重. 我期待一场艰苦的战斗,这就是发生了什么事。”

拉莫斯从未停止挺身而出, 拿起步伐,佩雷拉放缓. 同 34 剩余秒数 10, 拉莫斯降落左勾拳平齐的下巴完美. 佩雷拉沉入垫, 起床上不稳定的腿. 拉莫斯扑上一旦恢复行动, 卸载,直到直右开车佩雷拉在地板上再次. 再次, 他去到他的脚,但不能走直线,而不绊脚石. 赖斯立即挥手它送行 2:59.

“一切都进行得很顺利, 和我打架打赢, 一轮轮,” 说佩雷拉. “我不知道. 这是拳击. 这是对这项运动的事情. 就是这样. 没有什么我可以做些什么. 我不打算来弥补任何借口或采取任何从我的对手远. 这只是一种体验,你经历生活中,你必须克服它. 当然,我想和他一起做一遍. 我们可以得到肯定的复赛。”

“我希望所有的welterweights,” 拉莫斯惊呼. “我想有再大的电视斗争,去那里,并证明自己。”

在FOX中国人民银行搏击之夜揭幕战功能的轻量级之间的背和反复的战斗奥斯汀Dulay迭戈Magdaleno. Magdaleno产生了他职业生涯的最好的演出之一, 途中下降Dulay到10轮的一致决定胜利的一个小冷门.

这位33岁的Magdaleno (32-3, 13 科斯) 只是忙, 特别是向下在这场战斗左撇子的拉伸.

“我知道精神上我可以打破他,” 说Magdaleno. “如果我攻击人体, 我知道我能打破他. 他是一个年轻的前景. 他比我高,所以我的进攻计划是在接近获得并进入身体。”

Dulay不同意的决定. “我盒装了地狱,他每一轮, 这使他错过, 捕捉镜头, 反制. 是啊, 他打了我几个不错的人体拍摄. 这并不代替沉重的镜头,我打他的每一个轮 10 发直. 这是疯狂. 这是一个一致的决定? 太疯狂了. 这是令人难以置信的我.

“即使迭戈刚刚告诉我,他没有什么做的决定. 他知道. 他们怎么能这样对我在我的家乡? 这是肮脏的男人。”

战斗在他的同胞纳什维尔居民前, Dulay (13-2, 10 科斯) 启动快, 在第二次登陆几个干净的左派. Magdaleno从未停止挺身而出, 工作刺拳和着陆Dulay的身体背后.

奥斯汀Dulay和迭戈·马格达莱诺之间观看提前一轮行动 这里这里.

其中一些镜头误入低,这引起从裁判杰克·赖斯警告. 然而, 还清Dulay的输出工作下跌超过回合的过程. 第六精选一些回合的最佳交流. Magdaleno得到了那些的更好, 落地之后一个上楼到肋骨的权利.

Magdaleno继续按在第七攻击, 得分王争夺唯一一个硬的左钩拳敲除太阳神经丛.

观看Magdaleno得分回合击倒VS Dulay 7 这里.

一旦恢复行动, Magdaleno捣烂在他的肋骨,直到左钩拳误入低,下降Magdaleno, 造成赖斯扣除点.

“每一轮他打我低,, 在后面, 并且在臀部,” 说Dulay.
“这是更多的时间比他得到了呼吁. 我赢得了战斗100%。”

传感打溜走, Dulay亦步亦趋,在过去三轮. 这是不足以克服Magdaleno的工作率, 这使他赢得的分数赢 97-91, 96-92 和 96-92.

“经验去一切对我来说. 在我以前的战斗, 我失去了我的头,” 说Magdaleno. “这一次,我把我的时间. 我的阵营说慢下来. 竭诚为今晚的胜利。”

在非电视的undercard, 前世界轻量级冠军 Rau'Shee “核弹” 养兔场 (17-3, 4 科斯) 结束了一个宽10轮一致决定在13个月裁员 吉尔伯托门多萨 (15-8-3, 7 科斯).

这位33岁的沃伦用他快速的手从他的左撇子立场降落的镜头的分类. 在第四, 元首的冲突开了一个切口在墨西哥的门多萨的左眼. 沃伦设法关闭显示, 但门多萨游戏, 火线复出,虽然洛迪克.

两名法官取得它 99-91 而第三位法官有它 100-90.

“它找回在那里感觉很好被关闭一年后,” 沃伦说,. “我不觉得自己像一个新秀. 我觉得我不得不变得有点锈掉了我. 但我认为我得到了大部分的锈断,当我在健身房训练. 展望 10 轮感觉很好。”

“我希望能找回五月,” 华伦说. “我只需要 90 天. 我已经有我长的裁员从去年一月,当我帕奎奥和阿德里安的卡上打. 我已经准备好得到它. 我已经准备好继续前进. 他这样做,我没想到他做的唯一的事情是熬夜。”

这次活动是由Sweethands促销推广, TGB促销和藻厄兰促销.

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欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

迦勒植物纳什维尔新闻发布会QUOTES & 照片

不败的IBF超中量级冠军工厂生产似水流年标题防御文森特Feigenbutz周六, 二月 15 普利司通竞技场纳什维尔, 田纳西领衔FOX PBC搏击之夜 & 福克斯Deportes体育场

新闻发布会还拥有重量级竞争者科比佩雷拉 & 在FOX所属的对决纳什维尔本土奥斯汀Dulay未来

点击 这里 从加文·纳特/ Sweethands促销图片

纳什维尔, 田纳西州. (一月 15, 2020) – 不败的IBF超中量级世界冠军 迦勒 “Sweethands” 植物 预览他衣锦还乡世界冠军防御在纳什维尔周三的新闻发布会, 当他准备采取强制性的挑战者 文森特Feigenbutz 星期六, 二月 15 在FOXPBC拳击之夜的主要事件,并从普利司通竞技场客场颜色FOX在纳什维尔, 田纳西.

在新闻发布会上还设有量级的竞争者 科比佩雷拉, 谁需要对 阿贝尔·拉莫斯 在合作的主要事件, 加上轻巧的竞争者,本土纳什维尔 奥斯汀Dulay, 谁战斗前冠军挑战者 迭戈Magdaleno 在电视转播的揭幕战 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT.

门票活动, 这是由Sweethands促销推广, TGB促销和藻厄兰促销, 现已公开发售,并可以在购买 ticketmaster.com.

阿什兰, 田纳西州的工厂将带来世界拳击锦标赛回到纳什维尔,并在他的家乡,第一次打作为一个专业. 以下是新闻发布会的参与者有什么普利司通竞技场说星期三:


“这是伟大的,回到我的家乡和我的家乡. 我更高兴能够捧回了世界冠军,并捍卫它二月 15 普利司通竞技场. 它一直是我的梦想,因为只要我能记得. 因为我是个小孩子.

“我的工作比以往任何时候都更加努力,以确保我已经在二月提出了我的手 15. 我希望做它壮观的时尚, 之前 12 圆. 这种斗争将结束在淘汰赛代表我. 我想大家谁将会是在建设和调整要知道,这个世界冠军是住在这里的田纳西.

“我爸爸和我在这个已经持续 18 年直, 不停. 有了这场斗争一直有一个梦想,我已经牺牲了很多的. 这是一个梦想二月 15, 它不会被宠坏.

“这是成为世界冠军目标, 但它不是唯一的目标. 我认为,人们往往会忘记我只有 19 打架. 我觉得我只是去到山底. 有些人,当他们成为世界冠军, 他们觉得自己成为了被猎杀, 但是这不是我的情况下. 我还饿. 如果你在我的方式, 我建议你得到它了. 因为我不会放过你.

“我听说Feigenbutz强和身体,他认为他要进来敲我. 迈克·李认为他会敲我和乔斯·斯卡特圭说,他要敲我, 但是你怎么去说他们?

“在一天结束时, 拳击被击中,但没有得到命中. 我有足够的技能来备用. 二月 15, 我不会跟这个家伙打.

“所有这些人都认为他们会走我下来,比我投入更多的拳. 但我投入更多,土地比他们更拳. 如果他认为他会来到这里,并破坏我的计划, 我答应你,他得到了另一件事来。”


“我很感谢今天来到这里,并幸运地拥有这样的机会展示我作为一个战士谁. 我是谁是建立在质量而不是数量战斗机. 什么也没有给我. 我只是优秀的反对面临到这个地步.

“我吃, 睡眠呼吸拳击. 我为此做好准备. 我是一个快, 高大强壮的战士, 高拳击智商. 二月 15 我来主宰. 操作阿贝尔将无法.

“我有拉莫斯虫对抗在每一个类别,我要主宰. 我开始打我的步幅作为战斗机. 一切都在精神上走到一起,我有一个了不起的团队,我现在的工作. 我们只是磨每一天,把他们放在一起工作实现我们的最终目标。”


“我真的很感谢我的整个团队制作这场战斗发生,特别是对于迦勒在纳什维尔战斗铺平了道路. 我们一直在训练真的很辛苦,我们正在更加努力,为这场战斗训练做戏在我的家乡.

我知道我的对手是要来准备, 我们知道他来办. 我很高兴它. 我要做好一切准备,他带来了.

“我不能等待这场战斗, 把一个伟大的演出,并在将来再次回到纳什维尔更多的大的战斗。”

JUSTIN甘伯, 工厂的联合训练

“我们很高兴回来纳什维尔这场斗争. 这将是迦勒在纳什维尔的第一个亲斗争, 而从目前我们第一次听到这个, 我们已经很兴奋.

“他有一个令人难以置信的训练营一如既往. 他一直在寻找真正的锋利. 预计爆炸, 强大和更好的“Sweethands版本’ 比你见过的. 凯莱布一直在提高,总是越来越好. 他把它带到另一个水平.

“我见过迦勒战斗,因为在纳什维尔的业余, 但为了他的一部分在NBA做, 这对我来说很特别. 只知道他要作秀. 技能支付账单,他得到了所有的技能。”

RICHIE厂, 植物的父亲 & 联合训练

“我们很高兴能够来到这个位置. 当我们听说,这将是一个现实, 我们只是喜出望外.

“我们开始在这里约 18 年前在拳击. 多年来,我们已经长大, 现在我们有这个惊人的拳击队, 一个,我觉得是在拳击比赛中的最好. 我们才刚刚开始. 我们很高兴能作秀为我们的家乡,我们会在这里看到大家都在2月15日。”

# # #

观众可以即时串流中国人民银行显示了FOX体育和FOX NOW应用程式或FOXSports.com. 此外, 所有的程序都可以在FOX体育的SiriusXM频道 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.

欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

轻量级竞争者 & 纳什维尔原生奥斯汀Dulay前上冠军挑战者迭戈·马格达莱诺发生在FOX PBC搏击之夜行动 & 在客场颜色FOX星期六, 二月 15 普利司通竞技场纳什维尔, 田纳西


纳什维尔, 田纳西州. (一月 13, 2020) – 轻量级的竞争者和纳什维尔本土奥斯汀Dulay 将在家乡父老面前作战时,他对前冠军挑战者 迭戈Magdaleno 在打开FOX PBC拳击之夜行动10轮的战斗和FOX Deportes进行星期六, 二月 15 普利司通竞技场纳什维尔, 田纳西.

FOX PBC搏击之夜开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT,由IBF超中量级冠军标题 迦勒 “Sweethands” 卫冕他的冠军称号反对强制性的挑战者衣锦还乡回合 文森特Feigenbutz. 更多, 次中量级的竞争者 Bryant “Goodfella” 佩雷拉 阿贝尔·拉莫斯 战斗在10轮的共同特征.

门票活动, 这是由Sweethands促销推广, TGB促销和藻厄兰促销, 现已公开发售,并可以在购买 ticketmaster.com.

纳什维尔的Dulay (13-1, 10 科斯) 停工,因为在四月他唯一的亲击败顶级竞争者克里斯·科尔伯特赢得背到后面的战斗 2018. 因为24岁的专业战斗 2015 并赢得了他的第一次 11 打架. 他最近取得了TKO战胜亚德利Armenta克鲁兹在去年二月, 和他在擂台上最后一次看见他停止贾斯汀Pauldo在后来改为没有比赛一拼. 他将重返战斗在纳什维尔因为第一次 2017 胜利.

这位33岁的Magdaleno (31-3, 13 科斯) 曾两次挑战世界冠军,并会寻找二月签名胜利 15 获得在皮带接近一次机会. 拉斯维加斯本土之前下降冠军战对罗曼·马丁内斯和特里那根. Magdaleno之间赢得三周连胜的战斗 2016 和 2018, 包括战胜阿尔特·霍维汉尼斯恩, 以及最近失去了轻量级冠军Teofimo洛佩兹在二月 2019.

# # #

观众可以即时串流中国人民银行显示了FOX体育和FOX NOW应用程式或FOXSports.com. 此外, 所有的程序都可以在FOX体育的SiriusXM频道 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.

欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
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Welterweight Contender Jamal James Wins Majority Decision Over Abel Ramos in Front of Hometown Crowd Friday Night in Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes Main Event From the Armory in Minneapolis

Edner Cherry Defeats Dennis Galarza by Unanimous Decision in

Back and Forth Lightweight Showdown


Chris Colbert Wins Battle of Unbeaten Prospects by TKO Over

Austin Dulay After Seven Rounds

Unbeaten Prospect Sebastian Fondora Stops Veshawn Owens; Top Prospect Joey Spencer Earns Knockout Victory

点击 这里 for Photos from Brian Schroeder/Premier Boxing Champions


明尼阿波利斯 (四月 14, 2018) – 次中量级竞争者 贾马尔 - 詹姆斯 (23-1, 10 科斯) earned a hard fought majority decision over 阿贝尔·拉莫斯 (18-3-2, 13 科斯) in front of his hometown fans Friday night in the main event of 总理拳击冠军FS1 FOX体育 from the Armory in Minneapolis.




It feels so great to get this win in Minneapolis in front of all of my people here,” 詹姆斯说, “Ramos was a tough opponent who gave me a great challenge, but I was able to keep my composure and give the fans a win.




James used his 6-foot-2 frame and reach advantage to beat Ramos to the punch in round one, but was clipped in round two by a left hook from the game Ramos that had the local favorite in temporary trouble and on the defensive.




The Minneapolis-native was able to regain his composure and return to the offensive as he poured right hands behind a strong jab along with movement that made it difficult for Ramos to land cleanly. Ramos continued to charge forward however, emphasizing body shots that slowed James down and allowed him to win rounds.




I had to dig down tonight but I think it was a good fight for me to grind out,” 詹姆斯说. “I’m going to keep getting better and I hope to have a chance to display my talents at home again. I know if I keep working, I’m going to get a chance to prove myself against the best out there.




James was able to send the hometown fans happy after 10 发, with judges giving him the majority decision by scores of 95-95 和 96-94 两次.




The telecast also featured a spirited 10-round lightweight clash that saw Edner樱桃 (37-7-2, 19 科斯)earn a close but unanimous decision over 丹尼斯Galarza(16-3, 9 科斯).




Galarza controlled the early action with his jab and a powerful right hand that appeared to have Cherry stunned in the first round. His length advantage was key until Cherry was able to establish position on the inside.




Cherry began to land several powerful shots on Galarza with both hands in the middle rounds, backing Galarza up and taking away much of power on his shots. Galarza tried to back off and box Cherry more down the stretch, but was unable to avoid the oncoming Cherry as often as he needed.




后 10 rounds all three judges favored the work of Cherry by scores of 97-93 和 96-94 两次.




In a battle of unbeaten prospects, 克里斯·科尔伯特 (8-0, 2 科斯) scored a TKO victory over 奥斯汀Dulay (11-1, 8 科斯)after seven rounds of lightweight action.




Colbert was first to the punch from the outset, landing straight right hands cleanly before flummoxing Dulay by switching to the southpaw stance. Colbert scored a knockdown in round six with a combo punctuated by a powerful body shot. After a dominant seventh round, referee Mark Nelson stopped the fight after checking on Dulay in his corner.




Additional action saw 6-foot-6 unbeaten prospect 塞巴斯蒂安 “火烧摩天楼” Fondora (9-0, 5 科斯) stop previously unbeaten Veshawn Owens (9-1, 9 科斯)在 2:27 of the fifth round of their super welterweight fight and 17-year-old former amateur standout 乔伊斯宾塞 (2-0, 2 科斯)deliver a dominant TKO 51 seconds into the first round against Ousmane Sylla (1–3-1, 1 KO) in a super welterweight contest.


# # #




球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com.

在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和 www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted byWarriors Boxing and TGB Promotions.


贾马尔 - 詹姆斯 & Chris Colbert Discuss Upcoming Matchups & 更多

Courtesy of PremierBoxingChampions.com

点击 这里 for Feature on Jamal James


点击 这里 for Feature on Chris Colbert

FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes Tomorrow, 四月 13 from The Armory in Minneapolis with Coverage Beginning at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT

Ahead of tomorrow’s 总理拳击冠军 FS1 和 FOX Deportes event taking place at the Armory in Minneapolis, please see below two feature stories, 礼貌 PremierBoxingChampions.com, on welterweight contender 贾马尔 - 詹姆斯 和不败的前景 克里斯·科尔伯特.




The event is headlined by 詹姆斯 stepping into the ring in his hometown to take on 阿贝尔·拉莫斯 in a 10-round welterweight contest. 电视报道开始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT和功能 科尔伯特 战友不败 奥斯汀Dulay 在八轮超羽量级较量.




点击 这里 for the story on Jamal James and 这里 for the story on Colbert:


Jamal James wants to shine bright in homecoming bout against Abel Ramos




The sounds of a boxing gym can be intimidating. There is a rhythmic, cacophony of speed bags, and heavy bags and mitt work going on simultaneously-and all with authoritative whoomps!




It can reach such a pitch that you could barely hear yourself talk. Just imagine being four-year-old Jamal James and the wide-eyed wonderment he had when his mother took him to the Circle of Discipline gym on the south side of Minneapolis, 明尼苏达州.




The intimidation lasted maybe a second. The next thing the rambunctious James did was mimic the fighters he saw, throwing his tiny hands at the bags, fitting his whole arm into a glove. Twenty-five years later in that same gym, everyone now mimics James.




After a sea of amateur and professional wins, under the guidance of Sankara Frazier, who’s been as much a father as he’s been a trainer, 詹姆斯 (22-1, 10 科斯) will be seen by not just the Circle of Discipline gym, but by the city of Minneapolis and the nation when he takes on Abel Ramos (18-2-2, 13 科斯) in a scheduled 10-round welterweight fight on Friday, 四月 13, at the Minneapolis Armory on a Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes live (9PM ET/6PM PT).




Also featured on the card will be veteran Edner Cherry against Dennis Galarza in a lightweight co-main event, and Austin Dulay taking on Chris Colbert in a matchup of unbeaten super featherweights.




For the 29-year-old James, this will mark the first time in five years that the 6-foot-2 welterweight has fought on his home turf. It’s been a long journey for someone who was once a kid introduced to boxing holding his mother’s hand.




Jamal took to boxing, almost immediately,” Frazier recalled. “It’s kind of funny, because he had a little temper on him, just like I did when I began. There was one time a kid who was more experience than Jamal got the better of him, and Jamal jumped the boy, took his head gear off and tried to choke the kid.




We still laugh about it today. But Jamal, at first, was a handful. He would whine and complain about doing certain things, and remember, he was still a kid. I would tell him to cut that whining out and it wasn’t so much for the purpose of learning boxing, but to get Jamal to understand at that age what work ethic and discipline was about. He could hardly hold his arms up when he had the big gloves on. You could see Jamal loved being around boxing.




詹姆斯’ goal growing up was to one day be an Olympian. Though what so often happens to other teenaged fighters coming up through the amateur system in the United States, James was discouraged. He needed to grow into his body, 太, since he was always tall for his weight class.




I had a meeting with the whole crew, who I had since they were little kids, when they were teenagers and I told them they could be really good,” Frazier recalled. “I let them know there would one or two of them that would go on and do further things. I told them what would get them there is discipline and focus.




There were only a few kids that were working on that part of it, and one of them was Jamal. You see with him now. My thing is I don’t talk to my kids or fighting professional, but boxing is something a person has to want to do, and if money comes with it, 伟大. Boxing is a tough game and you need to be disciplined and focused with it.




James has one pro loss on his record, and it’s to the very talented Yordenis Ugas in August 2016. James was just coming off an impressive win against Wale Omotoso a month earlier.




The loss against Ugas I take as a good lesson,” 詹姆斯说, whose rangy 6-2 frame makes it tough for any welterweight to get inside his jab. “I thought I was in shape against Ugas, and I was too slow on the trigger and I fought his fight.




I found out there that you have to prepare fully for any fight you take. I tried to push the envelope a little too hard for that one. My reflexes weren’t there. I’ll say I wasn’t overlooking Ugas, I’ll say I was overly confident for that fight, 当时. I had no losses and I was feeling good about himself.




Now James is on a great stage-his home. The renovated Minneapolis Armory is a historic venue that hosted nearly 100 cards between 1915-1973, including shows headlined by one of the greatest welterweights ever – Sugar Ray Robinson.




I know Abel Ramos is a tough fighter, and I know he’ll come and bring it,” James said. “He’s not coming to my backyard just to lay down. I know he’s coming to fight and I embrace that challenge. If I’m going to be a world champion one day, I’m going to have to take on guys like this, and deal with this kind of pressure.




I’m going to make sure the other guy is going to remember my name. The storm is coming right here at home. I’m opening the door for these guys coming up behind me.


Like the older guys once held the door for him.


Article written by Joseph Santoliquito

Confidence not lacking in Chris Colbert’s arsenal



Doubt, they say, is the privilege of those who’ve lived a long time. 在 21, Chris Colbert hasn’t earned that right yet. 然而, age may do nothing to blunt his hubris.




In boxing you have to stay focused, stay humble and stay ready. I’m still working on the humble part,” Chris Colbert laughs.




His trash talking may offend some, but it’s hard to stay humble when your talent has you feeling like Cassius Clay in Olympic Village.




I’m a ‘lights, 相机, action guy,” he boasts. “I love the lights, I love the camera, and I’m definitely all about that action.




科尔伯特 (7-0, 2 科斯) has backed up his bravado so far. The undefeated featherweight prospect will make his television debut on FS1 and FOX Deportes against Austin Dulay at the Armory in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Friday.




Some will watch hoping the cocksure kid gets knocked off. But Colbert is already a winner, no matter what happens going forward. His isn’t a story of one who did it the right way. It’s a tale of one who did it 他的 way.




Colbert was born and raised in the harsh Flatbush area of Brooklyn. 他, his mother, and nine siblings lived together under an ever-changing roof that included two stints in the local shelter.




My family really wasn’t that close,” Colbert says. “I was the middle child, the independent one. 所以, I was always by myself, going out and being in the streets alone.




Colbert was a good student growing up. But by the time he finished middle school, he was spending most of his time on corners, where his diminutive size made him an easy mark.




I didn’t run from those fights,” he recalls. “I guess in a way, I took out my frustrations on others through street fighting. But that’s where it ended. I never got arrested or caught up with drugs and stuff. I knew what came after that and no matter what, I always believed my future would be bright.




Colbert got his first taste of boxing at age 13, when he became hooked on the build-up for the Floyd Mayweather-Shane Mosley fight.




I saw how much money Floyd makes fighting and I told myself, ‘I fight in the streets every day. Why don’t I get paid for it?“”




The universe agreed. Shortly after, Colbert got into an argument with a friend. The friend suggested they settle it in the ring at Atlas Cops & Kids Boxing Gym. Atlas is a Brooklyn landmark, a mentoring center for neighborhood children started by retired New York police officer Pat Russo and former boxing trainer Teddy Atlas.




I knew I was home soon as I walked in,” Colbert says. “I kept looking around, seeing the culture there, and I remembered watching Mayweather at the gym. I walked up to a coach and said, ‘I’m going to be the best fighter you got in this gym.He thought I was joking. I came every day for three years straight.




Once I started going to the gym, my life was all about boxing. I used to go to school and I wasn’t focused, not doing the work. But I told the teachers, ‘I’m good. I’m going to be a boxer.They all told me that I wasn’t going to make it.




Colbert would meet future trainer and father-figure Aureliano Sosa at Atlas. It was Sosa who christened him “律’ B-Hop.




They called me that because they said I fought like Bernard Hopkins; the way he taunts people and all that stuff,” Colbert says. “Then one day I’m at a press conference and someone shouted my nickname. Hopkins turned around thinking they were calling him. That’s how we met. We’ve been close ever since.




Hopkins advises his namesake, sharing insights on the game and warning him of the pitfalls ahead. “Lil B-Hopimmersed himself in boxing, studying Mayweather, Pernell Whitaker and Andre Ward to incorporate parts of their style into his own. Colbert possesses fast hands and feet, and is comfortable fighting either orthodox or southpaw. He’s registered only two stoppages but believes that will change once he acquiresgrown man strength.




然而, Colbert’s newfound love didn’t alter fortunes at home. Just as the U.S. Nationals were about to begin, he and his family were evicted.




I was really going through it,” 他说,. “Like damn, I never wanted people to know my business. That’s how I am with everything. I always kept things to myself. Being in the shelter again, trying to get ready to compete in a fight was one of the hardest things I had to go through.




Colbert went on to win that 2015 Nationals championship. He became the No. 3-ranked fighter nationally at 114 pounds and No. 1 在 123, earning an opportunity to qualify for the Olympics.




但 “the politics of the gameand perhaps the allure of making money convinced him to turn pro at 18. It appears he made the right decision. Last November, he fought in his first eight-rounder, outpointing Titus Williams in a battle of undefeated Big Apple prospects.




在纸上, Dulay is the toughest opponent of his career. Following an amateur career that included over 120 胜, the Tennessee native is 11-0 同 8 KOs as a pro.




These aren’t fights they’re giving me,” Colbert says. “This is what I’m asking for. A lot of these world champions came up taking the easy route. They’ll be 27-0 and haven’t fought an undefeated fighter. 我只是 7-0 and I’m up to my third undefeated fighter. And I plan to keep wiping them out.




Along with this early crossroads fight, his long-time girlfriend is pregnant with his first child, 一个儿子. Colbert’s approaching both the fight and parenting with the same confidence that got him to this point.




After I turned pro, I said to my teachers, ‘I told y’all.’ 现在, I’m doing this to better myself, better my community and to give my son the kind of life I didn’t have. I’m just waiting on my turn to shine. You could hate it or love it, but no matter what, stay tuned.


Article written by Kenneth Bouhairie




# # #




球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage www.foxdeportes.com.

在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Super-Sized Super Welterweight, 塞巴斯蒂安·丰多拉, Relaxed and Confident Going Into Action This Friday Against Also Undefeated KO Artist Veshawn Owens


It takes a big man to go into another undefeated fighter’s hometown and take him down, but as the biggest super welterweight in boxing history, 塞巴斯蒂安 “火烧摩天楼” Fundora is more than up to the task.





The 6-foot-6 Fundora (8-0, 4 科斯) will face Minnesota-based KO artist Veshawn Owens (9-0, 9 科斯) 这个星期五, 四月 13, in an eight-round showdown at the Armory in Minneapolis, 明尼苏达州. The pair will meet on the undercard of the Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes event featuring hometown welterweight Jamal James taking on Abel Ramos (9:00 P.M. AND / 6:00 P.M. PT)





Presented by Warriors Boxing and TGB Promotions, the event will also see rugged veteran Edner Cherry battling rising lightweight Dennis Galarza in a 10-round bout and Austin Dulay and Chris Colbert clashing in an eight-round match between unbeaten super featherweight prospects. Also appearing on the card is sensational 17-year-old 154-pound prospect Joey Spencer (1-0, 1 KO), a former No. 1 ranked amateur and nine-time national champion.


门票现场活动, which is, are on sale now and are available by visiting www.ArmoryMN.com.





I’ve fought in other people’s backyards and I’ve already beaten undefeated fighters too, so I’m used to this,” 芬多拉说, a confident 20-year-old southpaw from Coachella, 加利福尼亚州. “I don’t know much about Owens, but it feels great being able to fight tougher opponents. People are now able to view my full capabilities, instead of knocking guys out in the first round and it doesn’t mean as much.





With a heavyweight’s reach and height, Fundora is massive for a 154-lb fightera natural gift he works on in the gym to its full advantage.





We trained hard and worked a lot on distance and a lot more power and strength for this fight. I’m not just the biggest, I’m also stronger than anybody else. We started training for this in January. 经过我的最后一战, 在阿根廷, I took a week off and then started working on conditioning in Big Bear. It’s been a great camp.





Fundora’s promoter, 桑普森拳击桑普森Lewkowicz, 说 “火烧摩天楼” is more than agimmick fighter.





He’s for real,” 说Lewkowicz. “He’s already beaten some good fighters. How he puts all that size and strength into 154 磅。, I do not know, but Fundora is too big for anyone at this weight. You have to get inside on him and it’s just too far to go because he’s punishing you for every inch you try to take.





I’m more than happy with the way things are going,” 续丰多拉. “A victory in this fight would be a good stepping stone to hopefully fight for a regional belt next. I will have a lot of opportunities after I win.

Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 Kicks Off 2018 Season With Three-Hour Action Packed Extravaganza From The Armory in Minneapolis on Friday, 四月 13


Welterweight Contender Jamal James Returns to Hometown to Battle Abel Ramos in Welterweight Clash

Rugged Veteran Edner Cherry Takes on Dennis Galarza

In Lightweight Showdown in Co-Main Event

更多! Austin Dulay and Chris Colbert Square-Off in Matchup of Unbeaten Super Featherweights & 轰动的

Prospects Sebastian Fundora & Joey Spencer In

Action in Separate Matches



明尼阿波利斯 (四月 10, 2018) – 总理拳击冠军 kicks off the 2018 season on FS1 and FOX Deportes on Friday, 四月 13 with five action-packed bouts on a three-hour televised show from the Armory in Minneapolis, featuring welterweight contender 贾马尔 - 詹姆斯 作战 阿贝尔·拉莫斯 in a 10-round main event in front of his hometown crowd.




在合作的主要事件, rugged veteran Edner樱桃 clashes with rising lightweight 丹尼斯Galarza in a 10-round bout and unbeaten super featherweights 奥斯汀Dulay克里斯·科尔伯特 square off in an eight-round match.




更多, exciting 6-foot-6 super welterweight 塞巴斯蒂安 “高耸的地狱” 丰多拉(8-0, 4 科斯) 将在 Veshawn Owens (9-0, 9 科斯) in an eight-round match of unbeaten prospects. Sensational 18-year-old, 154-pound prospect 乔伊斯宾塞 (1-0, 1 KO), a former No. 1 ranked amateur and nine-time national champion, 战斗 Ousmane Sylla (1-2, 1 科斯) in a four round match. The televised action starts at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT.




The event marks the return of boxing to the Minneapolis Armory, a historic venue that hosted nearly 100 cards between 1915 和 1973, including a show headlined by all-time great Sugar Ray Robinson in 1942.




This show is the perfect example of what Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes is all aboutboxers at various stages of their career, each with something to prove in all action matches,” 蒂姆·史密斯说, Vice President of Communications for Haymon Boxing. “The stakes are raised for Jamal James because he’s fighting in front of his hometown crowd and yo get in title the mix at 147 pounds and Abel Ramos wants to spoil all of that.




Veteran Edner Cherry, who has tangled with Paulie Malignaggi and Timothy Bradley, and Dennis Galarza are both looking fighting to get into title contention. And it’s rare for unbeaten prospects like Austin Dulay and Chris Colbert to clash this soon in their careers. It all promises to be an exciting night of boxing on a night when the sports calendar isn’t crowded.




詹姆斯 (22-1, 10 科斯) is coming off the biggest victory of his careera knockout over tough veteran Diego Chaves on Dec. 15. The 29-year-old James joined unified 147-pound champion Keith Thurman as the only boxer to have knocked out the durable Argentine. It was James second straight victory since suffering the only loss of his careera unanimous decision defeat to Yordenis Ugas on Aug. 12, 2016. James hasn’t fought in his hometown of Minneapolis since he scored a unanimous decision over Mohammed Kayongo in 2013.




拉莫斯 (18-2-2, 13 科斯) will complete his move to the welterweight division by taking on James after making his welterweight debut with a stoppage of Emmanuel Robles last July. The 26-year-old out of Arizona has won three of his last four fights and his only pro defeats have come at the hands of top 140-pound contenders Regis Prograis and Ivan Baranchyk.




樱桃 (36-7-2, 19 科斯) has defeated once-beaten contenders Haskell Rhodes and Omar Douglas since losing a split decision to Jose Pedraza in a 130-pound world title match in 2015. The 35-year-old Cherry of Wauchula, Florida has previously challenged Tim Bradley and Paulie Malignaggi during his career that included a 10-fight win streak after the Bradley bout.




Galarza (16-2, 9 科斯), an outstanding amateur boxer, is stepping up in competition with this matchup against the more experienced Cherry. The 25-year-old Galarza, who’s from Brooklyn but trains in Orlando, has won three straight fights since losing a split decision to Cesar Alan Valenzuela on Sept. 16, 2016.




Dulay (11-0, 8 科斯) was busy last year, fighting four times with only one fight going the distance. The 22-year-old southpaw from Nashville, Tennessee most recently scored a TKO victory over Carlos Padilla last August.




科尔伯特 (7-0, 2 科斯) has one of the most decorated amateur careers in New York City as he fights out of the renowned Atlas Cops and Kids Gym in Brooklyn. The 21-year-old is noted for his blazing hand and foot speed and he enters this fight coming off a unanimous decision victory over previously unbeaten Titus Williams last November.




# # #




球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com.

在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和 www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Showdown Between Unbeaten Super Welterweights Sebastian Fundora & Veshawn Owens Highlights Undercard Action Friday, 四月 13 from the Armory in Minneapolis

Exciting Night of Action Features Veteran Contender Haskell Rhodes Plus, a Lineup of Rising Local Talent

明尼阿波利斯 (四月 5, 2018) – A showdown between unbeaten super welterweights highlights undercard action on Friday, 四月 13 如 塞巴斯蒂安·丰多拉 (8-0, 4 科斯) meets Minnesota’s Veshawn Owens (9-0, 9 科斯) in an eight-round bout from the Armory in Minneapolis, 明尼苏达州.




The event is headlined by welterweight contender 贾马尔 - 詹姆斯 fighting in his hometown against 阿贝尔·拉莫斯 在福克斯电视台的超级拳击冠军主赛中 & FOX体育. 电视节目开始在 9:00 P.M. AND / 6:00 P.M. PT and will see rugged veteran Edner樱桃 battling rising lightweight 丹尼斯Galarza 在10轮的较量,并 奥斯汀Dulay 克里斯·科尔伯特 clashing in an eight-round match between unbeaten super featherweight prospects. Also appearing on the card is sensational 17-year-old 154-pound prospect 乔伊斯宾塞 (1-0, 1 KO), a former No. 1 ranked amateur and nine-time national champion.




门票现场活动, which is promoted by Warriors Boxing and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and are available by visiting www.ArmoryMN.com.




The action continues with veteran contender Haskell Rhodes returning to action to take on Wisconsin’s Mikey Fowler in a six-round lightweight showdown.




Also entering the ring on April 13 are a trio of unbeaten Minneapolis-natives as Marlin Sims 面孔 Trevor Marmon in a four-round lightweight bout, Celso Ramirez 战斗 Brandon Baue in a four-round super welterweight contest and Giezwa Pierre Hobbs 发生在 Raymond Chaco for a four-round super featherweight duel. The action concludes with Coon Rapids, 明尼苏达森林狼队的 Uriel Lara in a four-round super welterweight fight against Thomas Amaro.




The 6-foot-6 Fundora, 作为。。而被知道 “火烧摩天楼”, 自转职业以来保持不败 2016 and picked up seven victories during a busy 2017 运动. The 20-year-old fights out of Coachella, California and will make his 2018 debut against the Minneapolis-native Owens. The 26-year-old Owens picked up four victories by stoppage in 2018.




一个多运动的运动员谁也参加了这两个拳击和混合武术专业, Oklahoma City’s Rhodes (25-2-1, 12 科斯) bounced back from decision losses to former champion Sergey Lipinets and Edner Cherry to defeat Lenwood Dozier and most recently stop Jonathan Nelson. The 30-year-old Rhodes was unbeaten in his first 23 pro fights and will look to make it three in a row when he faces the 25-year-old Fowler out of Milwaukee.


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球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com.

在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和 www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Jamal James Returns to Hometown to Battle Abel Ramos in Welterweight Clash Headlining Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes from the Armory in Minneapolis on Friday, 四月 13

Rugged Veteran Edner Cherry Takes on Dennis Galarza
In Lightweight Showdown in Co-Main Event
更多! Austin Dulay and Chris Colbert Square-Off in Matchup of Unbeaten Super Featherweights
门票发售 星期五, 三月 16!
明尼阿波利斯 (三月 14, 2018) – 次中量级竞争者 贾马尔 - 詹姆斯 will get a chance to fight in front of his hometown crowd when he takes on 阿贝尔·拉莫斯 in a 10-round welterweight battle that headlines a huge night of action on 总理拳击冠军FS1 FOX体育 星期五, 四月 13 from the Armory in Minneapolis, 明尼苏达州.
在合作的主要事件, rugged veteran Edner樱桃 battles rising lightweight 丹尼斯Galarza 在10轮的较量. The action continues with 奥斯汀Dulay 克里斯·科尔伯特 clashing in an eight-round match between unbeaten super featherweight prospects that kicks off the broadcast at 9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT. Also appearing on the card is sensational 17-year-old 154-pound prospect 乔伊斯宾塞 (1-0, 1 KO), a former No. 1 ranked amateur and nine-time national champion.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Warriors Boxing and TGB Promotions, go on sale 星期五, 三月 16 and will be available by visiting www.ArmoryMN.com.
四月 13 event marks the return of boxing to the Minneapolis Armory, a historic venue that hosted nearly 100 cards between 1915 和 1973, including a show headlined by all-time great Sugar Ray Robinson in 1942.
Warriors Boxing is thrilled that PBC, FS1 and FOX Deportes are bringing professional boxing back to Minneapolis on 星期五, 四月 13,” 说莱昂Margules, 勇士拳击总统. “There couldn’t be a more fitting venue than the newly renovated, historic Minnesota Armory in downtown Minneapolis. The Armory has a rich boxing tradition and has not hosted a boxing event for 45 岁月. It will be a great night for the highly acclaimed PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes series in this beautiful and historic building.
Jamal James has staked his position as a rising contender in the welterweight division and has the kind of fan-friendly style that fits perfectly in the talent-rich 147-pound class,” 说汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统. “Ramos doesn’t back down and will certainly test Jamal in front of his hometown crowd. Dennis Galarza will face his own challenge when he goes up against the tough veteran Edner Cherry and it’s a rare treat to see two young unbeaten prospects like Dulay and Colbert squaring off this early in their careers. All the fights have a significant bearing on the future of the boxers involved and that will work out well for the fans.
詹姆斯 (22-1, 10 科斯) is coming off the biggest victory of his careera knockout over tough veteran Diego Chaves on 十二月. 15. The 29-year-old James joined unified 147-pound champion Keith Thurman as the only boxer to have knocked out the durable Argentine. It was James second straight victory since suffering the only loss of his careera unanimous decision defeat to Yordenis Ugas on Aug. 12, 2016. James hasn’t fought in his hometown of Minneapolis since he scored a unanimous decision over Mohammed Kayongo in 2013.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to compete on this platform and to show the nation and the world that Minnesota has great fighters and an enthusiastic fan base for boxing,” 詹姆斯说. “Abel Ramos is a tough guy who will come to fight, but coming off the big win over Chaves, I’m in a position in my career where I’m trying to reach that world championship level. I have to continue to demonstrate the ability to perform under pressure in difficult fights. I know he’s coming to pull off an upset, but that’s not happening.
拉莫斯 (18-2-2, 13 科斯) will complete his move to the welterweight division by taking on James after making his welterweight debut with a stoppage of Emmanuel Robles last July. The 26-year-old out of Arizona has won three of his last four fights and his only pro defeats have come at the hands of top 140-pound contenders Regis Prograis and Ivan Baranchyk.
I’m a real Mexican warrior and I never back down from a fight,” 拉莫斯说. “I’m not worried about going into Jamal James hometown and fighting him there. I’m going to disappoint Jamal and all his fans in Minneapolis, because I’m coming to win.
樱桃 (36-7-2, 19 科斯) has defeated once-beaten contenders Haskell Rhodes and Omar Douglas since losing a split decision to Jose Pedraza in a 130-pound world title match in 2015. The 35-year-old Cherry of Wauchula, Florida has previously challenged Tim Bradley and Paulie Malignaggi during his career that included a 10-fight win streak after the Bradley bout.
Dennis Galarza is a great, young fighter who is on the rise, coming to win and looking to become a world champion, but he is in for a real fight,” 说樱桃. “I’m not taking this fight lightly, I’m getting ready, and I’m ready to go all out on April 13. 在这之后, I hope I’ll get my third opportunity at a world title. I took the Lydell Rhodes, Omar Douglas and Jose Pedraza fights because I’m a warrior who wants the opportunity to fight the best, 和, 最终, to fight for a world title. The Pedraza fight didn’t go my way on the scorecards, but the whole world knows the true outcome of that fight. I went back to work and I’m ready to prove it again.
Galarza (16-2, 9 科斯), an outstanding amateur boxer, is stepping up in competition with this matchup against the more experienced Cherry. The 25-year-old Galarza, who’s from Brooklyn but trains in Orlando, has won three straight fights since losing a split decision to Cesar Alan Valenzuela on Sept. 16, 2016.
My eyes have been on Edner as a friend and as a fan since I was young, but this is business and I’m going to be ready,” 说Galarza. “Edner is a true warrior who never lets up and a crafty veteran who has fought a lot of great competition. The Pedraza fight I thought he possibly did win. A lot of people duck Edner Cherry because he beat top guys in Rhodes and Douglas his past two fights, plus he can punch with power. People think Edner’s going to break me down, but I took the fight that nobody wants to take. I believe in my talents and I’m ready to make my mark. This fight will demonstrate the type of fighter that I am.
It is rare to see a match between two young prospects on the rise this early in their careers, but Dulay and Colbert are both eager for that challenge. Dulay (11-0, 8 科斯) was busy last year, fighting four times with only one fight going the distance. The 22-year-old southpaw from Nashville, Tennessee most recently scored a TKO victory over Carlos Padilla last August.
科尔伯特 (7-0, 2 科斯) has one of the most decorated amateur careers in New York City as he fights out of the renowned Atlas Cops and Kids Gym in Brooklyn. The 21-year-old is noted for his blazing hand and foot speed and he enters this fight coming off a unanimous decision victory over previously unbeaten Titus Williams last November.
# # #
球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和 www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

前世界冠军让·帕斯卡(Jean Pascal)此前未败的艾哈迈德·埃尔比亚利(Ahmed Elbiali)在FS1顶级拳击冠军特别周五晚上版主赛事第六回合的主赛事第6轮停止 & 来自迈阿密海厄利亚公园的FOX驱逐出境中的BOXEO DE CAMPEONES, 佛罗里达

顶级重量级竞争者路易斯·奥尔蒂斯(Luis Ortiz)与重量级世界冠军Deontay Wilder进入第二轮淘汰丹尼尔·马茨(Daniel Martz) 马戏团
布莱恩特·佩雷拉(Bryant Perrella)赢得亚历克斯·马丁(Alex Martin)的一致决定 &
斯蒂芬·富尔顿(Stephen Fulton)在《亚特兰大之战》中击败亚当·洛佩兹(Adam Lopez)
点击 这里 道格拉斯·德菲利斯(Douglas DeFelice)的照片/
总理拳击冠军 – 不久添加照片
MIAMI (十二月 9, 2017) – 前轻重量级世界冠军 让·帕斯卡尔(32-5-1, 19 科斯) 取得了以前不败的令人印象深刻的停顿 艾哈迈德Elbiali (16-1, 13 科斯) 在特殊的星期五晚上的总理拳击冠军的主要事件的第六轮 脚趾到脚趾星期二 在FS1和 拳击冠军 迈阿密海厄利亚公园的FOX驱逐出境, 佛罗里达.
已经说过这回合将是他12年职业生涯的最后阶段, 帕斯卡(Pascal)在一场以强力拳为特色的战斗中击败了年轻的对手. 在第一轮的开场时刻,埃里巴利似乎让帕斯卡震惊并受伤, 但由于Pascal开始计时其强大的计数器时,无法利用大写字母.
“那是一场美丽的战斗,” 帕斯卡尔说:. “我知道这将是我的最后一个,我想对一个年轻人发表声明。, 不败的战士. 基本上如我所料, 几个艰难的时刻,但我能够做我想做的一切。”
埃尔比亚利(Elbiali)坚持他的以强力击落帕斯卡(Pascal)的策略, 但这样做却耗费了太多精力,却无法严重伤害他的对手. 随着战斗的进行,Pascal的柜台变得越来越强大,Elbiali在职业生涯中仅第四次进入第六轮时就失去了动力.
经过令人印象深刻的第五轮, 帕斯卡(Pascal)在第六回合中发起进攻, 在Elbiali的拐角处呼吁停止在 2:06进出线.
“我打了他的仗, 我应该多装一些拳套,然后带他进入下一轮比赛,” 说Elbiali. “那不是我的日子. 他是世界一流的战士. 我觉得我在第一轮就伤了他, 但那之后我感到筋疲力尽. 我不确定为什么, 可能是神经. 但我将从中学习。”
电视转播的主要活动是重量级竞争者 路易斯 “金刚” 奥尔蒂斯 (28-0, 24 科斯) 提供第二轮淘汰赛 丹尼尔·马兹(Daniel Martz) (16-6-1, 13 科斯) 并迅速召集重量级世界冠军Deontay Wilder, 谁加入了FS1广播圈.
战斗结束后,高大的重量级人物在环上交换了话, 两人都期待着可能的对决 2018.
“我想要你,我会再次祝福你,” 怀尔德说. “我第一次准备好了. 这对你来说是新的一天. 我认为您是世界上最出色的重量级人物之一,我想证明自己是最出色的. 我们必须互相斗争. 你将有自己的战斗。”
“安东尼·约书亚(Anthony Joshua)不想和我们两个人打架, 让我们为这场战斗而战,” 奥尔蒂斯说. “不会有任何借口. 我将为古巴做好准备!”
奥尔蒂斯快速地击败了对手, 在第一回合中用身体射门将他击倒,然后用左手反击将Martz放倒,并促使裁判塞缪尔·布尔戈斯(Samuel Burgos)停止战斗 43 第二轮秒.
其他电视转播节目具有中量级的前景 科比佩雷拉 (15-1, 13 科斯) 回到戒指掉落 亚历克斯·马丁 (13-3, 5 科斯) 途中一致决定胜利.
“我对这场战斗感觉很好,” 说佩雷拉. “我想做一些不同的事情, 但考虑到我是为了 15 几个月受伤很长时间, 我为自己的成就感到高兴. 伤了他我没被淘汰, 但是我比他之前的任何人都能更好地处理他。”
当Perrella从左撇子的姿势放下一个颠簸的铅铅钩子时,他开始了快速的起步,这使马丁成为画布上的人。. 马丁能够恢复足够的力量以抵抗这场比赛,并反弹出好几轮,同时展示出令人印象深刻的拳击能力。.
佛罗里达本地人Perrella能够稳定自己的领先优势,并从早期击倒到获胜的势头得以发挥,因为他在战斗的下半场赢得了重击和全面的进攻. 后 10 几轮比赛中,评委们看到佩雷拉(Perrella)赢得了数十场支持 79-72 两次, 77-74.
电视广播的开局回合见证了费城不败的轻量级前景之战 斯蒂芬·富尔顿 (12-0, 5 科斯) 赢得了多数党的决定胜利亚当·洛佩兹 (8-1, 3 科斯).
“我努力赢得胜利,” 富尔顿说. “在前两轮比赛后我不得不进行调整,但我向他发起了战斗并控制了步伐. 他以为他在第二回合中让我受伤, 但这没什么. 他射中了一个好球,但仅此而已. 只要我坚持游戏计划,我就从不强调战斗的结果。”
洛佩兹在第二轮末段时表现最好,这时他错开了脚步,似乎伤了富尔顿, 在听到钟声之前,他接过一系列右手. 富尔顿能够在反击时有效地调整和使用刺针,很少让洛佩兹切断戒指. 洛佩兹(Lopez)成功地使富尔顿(Fulton)钉在绳子上, 但经过八轮比赛,法官们以数十分之二的优势裁定对富尔顿有利。 78-74, 77-75 和 76-76.
# # #
球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, La Cerveza Mas Fin和由战士拳击促进.