Tag Archives: Artem Frolov

Ny M-1 Challenge mellemvægt mester Bruno Blindado Silva

Ny M-1 Challenge mellemvægt mester Bruno Blindado Silva og hans team fejre

CHELYABINSK, Rusland (November 5, 2018) — Fists fløj sidste fredag ​​nat på M-1 Challenge 98 som ti af 12 slagsmål blev afbrudt, otte ved hjælp af knockout slag og to redegørelser, fremhævet af brasilianske blandede martial-arts veteran Armored Bruno Silva’S titel-vindende standsning af tidligere ubesejret M-1 Challenge mellemvægt mester Artem Frolov, i Chelyabinsk, Rusland.




Silva (19-6-0) har taget M-1 Global med storm. Han blev den øverste mellemvægt contender ved at slå ud russiske MMA stjerne Alexander Shlemenko (56-11-1) i åbningen runde af M-1 Challenge 93 juni sidste år. Med sit fjerde-runde knockout ved slag af en anden russisk, Frolov (11-1-0), magt-stansning Silva hvordan stoppet 16 sin 19 besejrede modstandere under hans fremragende pro karriere.




Den 27-årige Frolov, som var 9-0-0 i M-1 konkurrence går ind i sin anden titel forsvar i fredags versus Silva, havde underskrevet en UFC kontrakt, og han var planlagt til at bekæmpe sidste måned på UFC Moskva. Han blev tvunget til at trække på grund af skade.




I co-featured begivenhed endnu ubesejret fighter blev slået, når russisk weltervægt Sergey Romanov (15-3-0) afleveret sin schweiziske modstander, Urs Pablo Ortmann (8-1-0), hans første pro tab, ved hjælp af en tre-round enstemmig beslutning.




Kasakhstan bantamvægt Sergey Morozov (13-4-0) vandt en tre-round enstemmig afgørelse i løbet af Bair hjem (7-3-0), Rusland.




Russisk mellemvægt Ivan Bogdanov holdt sin ubesejrede rekord intakt, forbedring til 6-0-0, når han udstanset franskmand Emmanuel “Papou Fly” farmaceutisk (7-3-0) i tredje runde.




Russisk weltervægt Boris Medvedev (4-0-0) forblev ubesejret, låsning i en Rear Naked Choke på hans landsmand, David Zakaryan (1-1-0) for en sejr ved første runde teknisk indsendelse.




På den foreløbige kort, sen udskiftning Oleg Popov (4-1-0) registreret en anden-runde teknisk knockout af fyr russiske sværvægter, Yuriy Fedorov (1-1-0, 1 NC), runde to, mens russisk letvægts Magomed Magomedov (12-3-0) sætte franskmand Arnaud Kherfallah(5-2-0) at sove i åbningen runde.




French mellemvægt Jean “pandekage” Petrick (9-3-0) gjort et imponerende M-1 debut ved at indsende altid farlig Talekh “Den Aserbajdsjan Terminator” Nadzhafzade (7-3-1) med en nord-syd-choker, og John Tsygelnik (2-1-0) vandt sin anden pro anfald ved hjælp af en første-runde teknisk knockout via slag versus Maksim Baruzdin (1-1-0) i en kamp af russiske sværvægtere.


Denis Sulimov (3-0-0) slået ud Iliskhan Merzhoev (2-1-0) i åbningen runde på slag i en kamp mellem russiske letvægtere, Russisk letvægts Rizvan Simbagaev (4-1-0) var for meget for hans ukrainske rival, Alexey Shanin (2-1-0), der blev stoppet på slag midtvejs gennem den tredje og sidste runde, og russisk fjervægt Nikita Barkhajov (2-0-0) udsprængt Agoney Romero (7-5-1), Spanien, runde én.




Den 24 konkurrerende krigere repræsenterede otte forskellige lande: Rusland, Brasilien, Frankrig, Ukraine, Schweiz, Spanien, Kasakhstan og Aserbajdsjan.

Komplette resultater og yderligere billeder nedenfor:
Armored Bruno Silva (19-6-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Brasilien
WTKO4 (punches – 3:36)
Artem Frolov (11-1-0, M-1: 9-1-0), Rusland
(Silva vandt M-1 Challenge mellemvægt titel)
Sergey Romanov (15-3-0, M-1: 6-2-0), Rusland
Urs Pablo Ortmann (8-1-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Schweiz
Sergey Morozov (13-4-0, M-1: 7-3-0), Kasakhstan
Bair hjem (7-3-0, M-1: 3-3-0), Rusland
Ivan Bogdanov (6-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusland
WTKO3 (0:58 – punches)
Emmanuel Dawa (732-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Frankrig
Boris Medvedev (4-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Rusland
WSUB1 (3:55 – Rear Naked Choke)
David Zakaryan (1-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Spanien
Oleg Popov (4-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusland
WTKO2 (2:38 – punches)
Yuriy Fedorov (1-1-0, 1 NC, M-1: 1-1-0, 1 NC), Rusland
John Tsygelnik (1-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusland
WTKO1 (0:20 – punches)
Maksim Baruzdin (1-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Rusland
Jean Petrick (9-3-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Brasilien
WSUB2 (4:55 – Nord-Syd Choke)
Talekh Nadzhafzade (7-3-1, M-1: 2-3-1), Aserbajdsjan
Magomed Magimedov (12-2-0, M-1: 3-1-0)
WKO1 (0:28 – punches)
Arnaud Kherfallah (5-2-0, M-1: 2-1-1)
Denis Sulimov (3-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusland
WTKO1 (4:27 – punches)
Iliskhan Merzhoev (2-1-0, 1 NC, M-1: 2-1-0), Rusland
Rizvan Simbagaev (4-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusland
WTKO3 (2:40 – punches)
Alexey Shanin (3-1-0, (M-1: 0-1-0), Ukraine
Nikita Barkhatov (2-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusland
WKO1 (3:56 – punches)
Agoney Romero (7-5-1, M-1: 1-1-0), Spanien
Silva (top) færdig fra Frolov at vinde M-1 Udfordring mellemvægt titel
Sergey Romanov (R) gav Urs Pablo Ortmann (L) hans første pro tab
Sergey Morozov (R) Bair Hjem decisioned
Undefeated Ivan Bogdanov (L) boret Emmanuel Dawa
Boris Medvedev (L) forbundet vs. David Zakaryan

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kommende begivenhed: November. 17 – M-1 Challenge 99: Doskalchuk vs. Sila, Nazran, Rusland

I The Rage…… Urs Pablo Ortmann

SANKT PETERSBORG, Rusland (Oktober 16, 2018) – Undefeated schweiziske weltervægt udsigten Urs Pablo Ortmann (8-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0) trin op i klassen November 2 at udfordre russisk veteran Sergey Romanov (14-3-0, M-1: 5-2-0) på M-1 Challenge 98 i Chelyabinsk, Rusland.




Ubesejret M-1 Challenge mellemvægt mester Artem Frolov (11-0-0, M-1: 9-0-0) tager på brasilianske udfordrer Armored Bruno Silva (18-6-0, M-1: 1-0-0) i M-1 Challenge 98 main event.


M-1 Challenge 98 vil være levende streamet fra Rusland i high definition påwww.M1Global.TV. Seerne vil være i stand til at se de indledende kampe og hovedkortet ved at logge på registrere på www.M1Global.TV. Fans kan se alle de foranstaltninger på deres computere, samt på Android og Apple smartphones og tabletter. M-1 Challenge 97 vil også være til rådighed påwww.FITE.TV (indledende kort er gratis, $7.99 for de vigtigste kort).




Ortmann, en Muay Thai specialist, nylig trådte ind i Rage for at diskutere sin opstigende blandet martial-arts karriere, herunder hans kamp versus Romanov:


Urs Pablo, du har fået en dobbelt navn, hvordan kan dine venner ringer til dig?




UPO: “Mine venner kalder mig bare Urs og Pablo er min kamp navn. Tidligere var der en forskel mellem den virkelige mig og min kæmpe alter ego; træde ind i buret, jeg plejede at gå amok. I dag er det anderledes, nu gør jeg mit bedste for at bevare roen, når jeg kæmper. Mit mål er nu at forblive effektiv og demonstrere teknikker i den klarest mulige måde.”


Hvordan har du starter din MMA karriere og hvad kan du lide mest om kampene?




UPO: “Faktisk, Jeg startede kun min kampsport karriere, da jeg vendte 21. Inden da jeg spillede basketball. På 21, Gabriel Sabo hjalp mig slutte sig til kampene verden. Oprindeligt, Jeg var ikke til at konkurrere, men min træner, ZYBER Ruday, havde set mit potentiale og hjalp mig med at vokse. Jeg elsker både slående og kæmper. I min karriere har jeg flere indsendelse sejre, kun på grund af det faktum, at jeg følte, at jeg var bedre på jorden end mine modstandere.”


Hvad kan du fortælle os om MMA i Schweiz? Hvem er den mest bemærkelsesværdige fighter?




UPO: “yasubey Enomoto er en rollemodel i MMA for mig og en af ​​mine gode venner. MMA har udviklet i Schweiz hurtigt sidst, men stadig det popularitet kan ikke sammenlignes med det, vi ser i Rusland. Alligevel, der er MMA fitnesscentre i næsten hver by, og de har mange krigere med potentiale.”


Hvordan fik du til M-1 Global og hvordan kan du lide at kæmpe i Rusland?




UPO: “Før han kom til M-1 Global ville jeg allerede været Rusland gang på slaget i bjergene i Ingusjetien, Jeg elskede det, og det blev mit mål at kæmpe foran denne fantastiske publikum imod nogle top modstandere.




“Jeg har arbejdet meget hårdt og jeg vandt alle mine MMA, K-1 og Muay Thai kampe, så først MMA Management blev interesseret i mig, og meget hurtigt efter at underskrive med dem jeg fik min første kamp i M-1 Global. Jeg finder det udmærket, at MMA har så meget respekt i Rusland, og at det er understøttet på et så højt niveau, at du selv kan se formanden på nogle begivenheder. Jeg har en stor erfaring med russiske fans, der er meget respektfuld. Efter mine kampe jeg har set, at de forstår denne sport rigtig godt, så jeg elsker at kæmpe i Rusland.”


Hvem vil du gerne kæmpe mest i M-1 Global?




UPO: “Jeg ville elske at kæmpe Alexey Kunchenko. Jeg har set mange kampe i hans, og det ville være en hård udfordring for mig. Jeg er glad for, at han underskrev med UFC og jeg håber en dag jeg kan følge ham.”


Hvad synes du om din kommende kamp mod Sergey Kunchenko?




UPO: “Sergey Romanov er en af ​​de farligste weltervægt på M-1 Global vagtplan. I sin sidste kamp gjorde han nogle fejl og jeg vil sige lige slået sig selv. M-1 Global fans vil elske vores kamp, ​​og jeg er sikker på, at vinderen skulle blive den næste titel udfordrer. Jeg formoder, at vinderen vil stå Maxim Grabovich i kampen om den ledige titel.





“Jeg ved, det vil være en hård kamp. En knockout sejr ville være awesome, men jeg er åben for enhver mulighed for at afslutte denne kamp. Som altid, Jeg vil begynde at skubbe min modstander fra åbningen klokken.”










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Kommende M-1 Challenge Begivenheder:



November. 2 – M-1 Challenge 98: Frolov vs. Silva i Chelyabinsk, Rusland

Growing Russia vs. Brazil MMA rivalry continues

Artem Frolov – Armored Bruno Silva
M-1 Challenge middleweight championship
November. 2 ved M-1 Challenge 98 i Chelyabinsk, Rusland











SANKT PETERSBORG, Rusland (Oktober 9, 2018) – The growing mixed-martial-arts rivalry between Russian and Brazilian fighters continues November 2, when undefeated M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Artem Frolov throws-down with leading challenger Armored Bruno Silva, i M-1 Challenge 98 main event at Chelyabinsk, Rusland.


M-1 Challenge 98 vil være levende streamet fra Rusland i high definition på www.M1Global.TV. Seerne vil være i stand til at se de indledende kampe og hovedkortet ved at logge på registrere på www.M1Global.TV. Fans kan se alle de foranstaltninger på deres computere, samt på Android og Apple smartphones og tabletter. M-1 Challenge 97 will also be isavailable on www.FITE.TV (indledende kort er gratis, $7.99 for de vigtigste kort).




Den 27-årige Frolov (11-0-0, M-1: 9-0-0), kæmper ud af Rusland, signed a UFC contract and he was scheduled to fight last month at UFC Moscow. He withdrew due to injury and now will make his second M-1 Challenge middleweight title defense against Silva.




Silva (18-6-0, M-1: 1-0-0) became to top contender by knocking out Russian MMA star Alexander Shlemenko (56-11-1, M-1: 6-1-0) i åbningen runde af M-1 Challenge 93 dette tidligere juni. The heavy-handed Brazilian fighter has stopped 15 sin 18 defeated opponents to date.




Bruno Silva is a worthy title challenger, who made a big statement earlier this year,” Frolov said. “Desværre, I could not debut in the UFC because of an aggravated old injury, but now everything is fine, and the injury is healed. I’ve been preparing routinely, paying attention to all aspects of the fight and concentrating on my cardio ahead of a five-round bout.




I don’t consider this fight as revenge for Alexander Shlemenko, I just want to fight under the Russian flag and prove that Russia is a top-country in the MMA world. Victory in this fight can become a launching pad for the winner, but you don’t win fights with words. We are going to fight and on November 2nd we’ll see everything in The Rage at M-1 Challenge 98 i Chelyabinsk!”




I am very happy that my third fight in Russia will be in Chelyabinsk again,” Silva countered. “This is a special city for me, twice I won there via knockout and on November 2nd I’m going to knock my opponent out again. It’s not easy to compete in Russia. Long flights, jet lag and cold climate make everything more difficult, but this is the part of the game. I love Russia because this country has changed my life.




Artem Frolov is a strong fighter and great champion. I’m not used to watching my opponentsprevious fights much, but from the videos I have seen, I can say that he has good cardio and wrestling skills. I am ready to become the world champion, which was always a dream of mine and soon this dream can come true. I respect Frolov, but he has something what I need. I hope he is ready for a war because I’m going to take this belt from him. I am a fighter who is always looking for a knockout. Fifteen times I knocked my opponents out and at M-1 Challenge 98 I’m ready to brawl with Artem as much as it takes to become the champion.




Yderligere kampe vil snart blive annonceret. Alle kampe og krigere kan ændres.










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Kommende M-1 Challenge Begivenheder:

November. 2 – M-1 Challenge 98: Frolov vs. Silva i Chelyabinsk, Rusland

M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Artem Frolov defends vs. Armored Bruno Silva

November. 2 ved M-1 Challenge 98 i Chelyabinsk, Rusland
SANKT PETERSBORG, Rusland (Oktober 2, 2018) — Ubesejret M-1 Challenge mellemvægt mester Artem Frolov will put his title belt on the line November 2, when he takes on challenger Armored Bruno Silva, hovednavn M-1 Challenge 98 i Chelyabinsk, Rusland.
M-1 Challenge 98 vil være levende streamet fra Rusland i high definition på www.M1Global.TV. Seerne vil være i stand til at se de indledende kampe og hovedkortet ved at logge på registrere på www.M1Global.TV. Fans kan se alle de foranstaltninger på deres computere, samt på Android og Apple smartphones og tabletter. M-1 Challenge 97 will also be is available on www.FITE.TV(indledende kort er gratis, $7.99 for de vigtigste kort).
Den 27-årige Frolov (11-0-0, M-1: 9-0-0), kæmper ud af Rusland, is one of the strongest Russian middleweights, as well as arguably the most well-rounded fighter in that weight class. He has an outstanding takedowns and ground game, but his striking game shouldn’t be overlooked. Nine of his 11 opponents to date haven’t reached the finish, five stopped by knockout and four by submission. Kort fortalt, Frolov is an extremely dangerous fighter, evident by his perfect professional record.
Frolov (På toppen) has a super ground attack
Silva (18-6-0, M-1: 1-0-0) earned his title shot in sensational fashion, knocking out MMA star Alexander Shlemenko (57-10-0) i åbningen runde af M-1 Challenge 93 dette tidligere juni. The power-punching Brazilian embraced his underdog role, shockingly blasting Shlemenko (pictured below) at will. Silva’s lethal punching has resulted in 15 sin 18 victims being stopped.
Yderligere kampe vil snart blive annonceret. Alle kampe og krigere kan ændres.


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Kommende M-1 Challenge Begivenheder:
November. 2 – M-1 Challenge 98: Frolov vs. Silva in Chelyabinsk, Rusland

Fighting in UFC dream come true for M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Artem Frolov


Syv. 15 at UFC Moscow vs. C.B. Dollaway




SANKT PETERSBORG, Rusland (September 5, 2018) – Fighting in the UFC is a dream come true for undefeated M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Artem Frolov (11-0-0, M-1: 8-0-0), who will make his UFC debut September 15, fighting on the UFC Moscow card at Olympic Stadium in Moscow.




Frolov recently agreed on short notice (2 uger) to replace injured Omari Ashkedov against veteran American fighter C.B. “The DobermanDollaway (17-8-0).




Fighting at home in Russia, the 26-year-old Frolov won his M-1 Challenge title belt last October, when he took a unanimous decision from Caio Magalhaes ved M-1 Challenge 84. This past June at M-1 Challenge 93, Frolov made his first and lone title defense to date against Joe Riggs, who suffered a knee injury that led to a doctor’s stoppage in the second round.




I går, Frolov sat down for a one-on-one interview:


How long have you working on a deal to sign with UFC?




AF: “My manager has been working on signing me with the UFC for a while, but until the last few days, we had no solid agreement. A few days ago, they finally offered me a contract and asked to step in to replace an injured fighter at UFC Moscow.




I thought it over and decided it was a great opportunity to join the UFC, which I did not want to miss. I would not say this contract was a surprise for me, people have been working on it, so I was ready.


How does it feel to sign with UFC?




AF: “I’m excited to sign with the best promotion in the world, but I know that my debut fight won’t be easy, I’m stepping in on a short notice just two weeks before the show. I was going to defend my belt in M-1 Global in a couple months, so now I need to cut weight fast. The most difficult thing is not just to cut weight, but afterwards to recover well. In the UFC, IVs are banned and you have to be extremely careful with supplements you take to recover.

What shape are you in for this fight considering only two-week’s notice?




AF: “I was preparing for a fight in M-1 Global, so I’m in good shape. We are going to work on my speed now but first, I have to cut weight. Once in my career I took a fight on a short notice, I had three weeks to prepare and I won that fight by TKO in the second round.


What do you know about your opponent, C.B. Dollaway?




AF: “I’ve seen a couple of C.B. Dollaway’s UFC fights, but I have never considered him as my opponent, so did not pay too much attention to him. There are many good fighters in the UFC, so I can’t say that I know a lot about my opponent. We don’t have not enough time to concentrate on him, so we’ll concentrate on me.


When do you feel you can challenge the top UFC fighters in your weight class?




AF: “I’m not going to demand huge fights with the top opponents in the UFC. I’ll take my time and be ready to fight any opponent they’ll give me. I need time to get used to new conditions, tune up my preparation, and put in order the whole system and then I will be ready for any challenges.




Everything is in our hands; nothing is impossible. If someone wants something badly, sets a goal and works hard to achieve it, he or she will succeed. I’m just a regular guy who had a dream to fight in the UFC and I made it. Dream big, set goals and achieve them!”







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Upcoming M-1 Challenge Event:

August. 25 – M-1 Challenge 96: Mikutsa vs. Ibragimov in Saint Petersburg, Rusland

M-1 Challenge middleweight champ Artem Frolov steps in to fight C.B. Dollaway, Syv. 15, at UFC Moscow

Artem Frolov (center) is the M-1 Challenge middleweight champion

SANKT PETERSBORG, Rusland (September 4, 2018) — Ubesejret M-1 Challenge mellemvægt mester Artem Frolov will make his UFC debut, stepping in on short notice to replace injured Omari Ashkedov against battle-tested C.B. “The DobermanDollaway, September 15 på den UFC Moscow card at Olympic Stadium in Moscow.




I am very happy for Artem,” M-1 Global præsident Vadim Finkelchtein sagde, “but a little bit nervous because he accepted the fight on such a short notice, only two weeks before the fitht. I’m sure he will demonstrate his high level once again. I said it before that Artem is the second strongest middleweight in Russia, after Alexander Shlemenko, and he deserves this shot. Some may know that Artem was going to fight Bruno Blindado Silva, who defeated Shlemenko, and I’m happy to say that this fight will happen this fall.




The 26-year-old Frolov (11-0-0, M-1: 8-0-0), fighting at home out of Russia, captured his M-1 Challenge title belt last October, when he won a unanimous decision against Caio Magalhaes at M-1 Challenge 84. This past June at M-1 Challenge 93, Frolov made his first title defense versus Joe Riggs, who suffered a knee injury that led to a doctor’s stoppage in the second round.




A solid all-around fighter, Frolov has won 5 fights by stoppage, along with four submission victories and two by decision.


Frolov (L) is shown here landing a powerful strike smack on Caio Magalhaeschin



American MMA veteran Dollaway (17-8-0), representing Tempe, Arizona, has been a UFC fighter for the past decade.







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Upcoming M-1 Challenge Event:

August. 25 – M-1 Challenge 96: Mikutsa vs. Ibragimov in Saint Petersburg, Rusland

Bruno Silva shocks Alexander Shlemenko in 1st round

Undefeated Artiom Frolov defeats
Joe Riggs to remain M-1 Challenge middleweight champ

CHELYABINSK, Rusland (Juni 1, 2018) – Brazilian middleweight Bruno Silva shocked Alexander Shlemenko with an opening round stoppage to set-up a potential showdown with M-1 Challenge champion Artiom Frolov, who defeated American challenger Joe “Diesel” Riggs earlier this evening (Fri.) på M-1 Challenge 93 i Chelyabinsk, Rusland.
To say the least, Silva (18-6-0) was impressive in his M-1 Global debut, knocking out the former Bellator champion Shlemenko (56-11-1), ved 2:54 af første runde. Russian star Shlemenko, who was the M-1 Grand Prix middleweight champion, had been 6-0-0 in M-1 Global competition going into The Rage to take on Silva in the main event.

Silva pounded Shlemenko and finished him off here
Silva trapped Shlemenko on the ropes and unloaded a powerful barrage of punches to the head and body, as well as one well-executed knee to the face, leaving the Russian star out cold on his feet and the stunned crowed silent.
I co-featured begivenhed, Frolov improved his perfect MMA pro record to 11-0-0, 8-0-0 in M-1 fights, when the doctor stopped the fight in the second round due to a knee injury suffered by Riggs, the former UFC fighter.

Frolov (På toppen) retained his M-1 Challenge middleweight title
Ukrainian flyweight Alexander Pletenko (14-4-0), also fighting for the first time in an M-1 Global event, won a third-round unanimous decision over Chris Kelades (12-4-0), the native of Greece who lives in Canada.
Russisk letvægts Alexey Makhno (18-6-0) took a three-round unanimous decision fromRogerio Karranza (13-4-0), Brasilien, while Finnish flyweight Mikael Silander (18-6-0) choked Nureles Aidarov (3-1-0), af Kirgisistan, i en første runde indgivelse.
På den foreløbige kort, Russian heavyweights Yuriy Fedorov (1-0-0) in his pro debut andNikolay Savilov (12-3-0) both used ground-and-pound attacks to defeat, henholdsvis, French heavyweight Charles-Henri Lucien (0-2-0) in round one and Nikolay Rachek (7-6-0), Rusland, in the third frame.
In a battle of Russian middleweights, Vladimir Migovich (1-2-0) vandt en tre-round enstemmig afgørelse i løbet af Nikita Novikoov (5-3-0), South African middleweight Mark Hulme (6-2-0) submitted his Russian opponent, Vadim Shabadash (7-3-0), via a rear naked choke in the opening round.
Russisk letvægts Magomed Magomedov (9-2-0) won a three-round split decision over his countryman, Nikita Podkovalnikov (2-1-0), Russisk bantamvægt Sergey Klyuev'S (6-1-0) kimura forced previously undefeated Ilya Karetnikov (4-1-0), Rusland, into first-round submission, og Pierre Ludet (4-0-0), af Frankrig, locked a rear naked choke on Russian flyweight Egor Filidov (0-1-0) for en første runde sejr ved indsendelse.
Complete Results and a picture gallery below:
MAIN EVENT – Middleweights
Bruno Silva (18-6-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Brasilien
KO1 (punches – 2:54)
Alexander Shlemenko (56-11-1, M-1: 6-1-0), Rusland
Artiom Frolov (11-0-0, M-1: 8-0-0), Rusland
WKO2 (doctor stoppage /knee injury0:46)
Joe Riggs (47-18-1, M-1: 2-1-1), U.S.A
Alexander Pletenko (14-4-0, M-1: 1-0-0-), Ukraine
Chris Kelades (12-4-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Canada
Alexey Makhno (18-6-0, M-1: 5-3-0), Rusland
Rogerio Karranca (13-4-0, M-1: 0-2-0), Brasilien
Mikael Silander (18-6-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Finland
WSUB1 (d'arce choker – 4:26)
Nureles Aidarov (3-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Kirgisistan
Yuriy Fedorov (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusland
WTKO1 (ground and pound stoppage1:31)
Charles-Henri Lucien (0-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Frankrig
Nikolay Savilov (12-3-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Rusland
WTKO3 (ground and pound stoppage4:26)
Nikolay Rachek (7-6-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Rusland
Vladimir Migovich (1-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusland
Nikita Novikov (5-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Rusland
Mark Hulme (6-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Sydafrika
WSUB1 (bageste nøgne choker – 2:20)
Vadim Shabadash (7-3-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Rusland
Magomed Magomedov (9-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusland
Nikita Podkovalnikov (1-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Rusland
Sergey Klyuev (6-1-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Rusland
WSUB1 (Kimura – 2:25)
Ilya Karetnikov (4-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Rusland
Pierre Ludet (4-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Frankrig
WSUB1 (bageste nøgne choker – 3:36)
Egor Filidov (0-0-1, M-1: 0-0-1) , Rusland


Silva celebrated after his shocking vicrory over Shlemenko


STILL THE CHAMP: Artiom Frolov has his hand raised in victory


(L) Alexander Pletenko won his M-1 Global debut


Alexey Makhno (På toppen) won a hard fought decision over Rogerio Karranca

Mikael Silander (R) submitted Nureles Aidarovn en route to a first-round victory

Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
Juni 1 – M-1 Challenge 93: Shelemnko vs. Silva i Chelyabinsk, Rusland
Juni 15 – M-1 Challenge 94: Ismagulov vs. Damkovsky in Orenburg, Rusland

M-1 Challenge 93 Weights & Pictures

SANKT PETERSBORG, Rusland (Maj 31, 2018) – The official weight in was held today formorgendagens M-1 Challenge 93 at Chelyabinsk, Rusland.
American fighter Joe “Diesel” Riggs experienced a long, costly trip from the U.S. to Chelyabinsk to challenge undefeated M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Artiom Frolov in the co-featured event.
On my way to Russia,” Riggs explained his journey, “we took an Uber to get to the airport. We had an accident. I wanted to take another Uber, but the cops would not let me leave, because they wanted to send me to the hospital to get checked. One of my cornermen had to go to the hospital because he was seated in the part of the car that has been damaged.
I called the guys in M-1 Global and told them I was not going to make the flight to California. They were freaking out and said there is no way I could miss the flight and come the next day because it would mess everything up. I bought tickets for another flight to California, which would give me around 40 minutes to get in on time for the connection flight to Moscow. I had a choice of either taking my bags and staying overnight in California or leaving my bags and flying right away to Russia. I chose the second option, left my bags, and made it to Moscow. Nu, I kind of regret that decision because it cost me around $20,000, which I will lose in sponsorship, but it’s all good, everything happens for a reason.
Winning the belt would be a great end for my career. M-1 Global is a fantastic organization! This will be my fourth world title and it really means a lot for me. The guy I’m fighting, Artem Frolov, is not well-known, but he will probably be one of the best fighters I’ve ever fought! Anytime you fight for the title, you feel pressure. I was supposed to be the UFC champion when I was 22, but I would not show up for certain fights. I would not fight up to my potential and now I want to enter The Rage, show my best, and get that belt.
Below find fightersweights and main-event pictures:
(R) Alexander “Storm” Shlemenko

(56-10-1, M-1: 6-0-0), Rusland 184.4 lbs. (83.65 kg)

(L) Bruno Silva (17-6-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Brasilien 186.07 lbs. (84.4 kg)
(R) Artiom Frolov (10-0-0, M-1: 7-0-0), Champion, Rusland 185.18 lbs. (84 kg)
(L) Joe “Diesel” Riggs (47-17-1, M-1: 2-0-1), Challenger, U.S.A 185.18 lbs. (84 kg)
(L) Chris “The Greek AssassinKelades (12-3-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Canada 124.56 lbs. (56.5 kg)
(R) Alexander Pletenko (13-4-0, M-1: 0-0-0-), Ukraine 125 lbs. (56.7 kg)
Letvægtere – 3 X 5
(L) Rogerio Karranca (13-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Brasilien 154.32 lbs. (70 kg)
(R) Alexey “Opgave” Makhno (17-6-0, M-1: 4-3-0), Lbs rusland. 161.82 lbs. (73.4 kg)
(yellow card) –
(L) Mikael “Hulk” Sila (17-6-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Finland 124.78 lbs. (56.6 kg)
(R) Nureles Aidarov (3-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Kirgisistan 124.56 lbs. (56.5 kg)
Sværvægtere – 3 X 5
Charles-Henri Lucien (0-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0), France228.62 lbs. (103.7 kg)
Yuriy Fedorov (til debut), Rusland 260.15 lbs. (118 kg)
Nikolay Rachek (7-5-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Rusland 249.12 lbs. (113 kg)
Nikolay Savilov (11-3-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Rusland 231.82 lbs. (105.15 kg)
Middleweights – 3 X 5
Nikita Novikov (5-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Rusland 184.42 lbs. (83.65 kg)
Vladimir Migovich (0-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Rusland 182.87 lbs. (82.95 kg)
Mark Hulme (5-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Sydafrika 183.76 lbs. (83.35 kg)
Vadim Shabadash (7-2-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusland 184.64 lbs. (83.75 kg)
Letvægtere – 3 X 5
Magomed Magomedov (8-2-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Rusland 154.98 lbs. (70.3 kg)
Nikita Podkovalnikov (1-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Rusland 154.54 lbs. (70.1 kg)
Sergey Klyuev (5-1-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Rusland 135.14 lbs. (61.3 kg)
Ilya Karetnikov (4-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Rusland 128.97 lbs. (58.5 kg)
Egor Filidov (Pro Debut), Rusland 122.8 lbs. (55.7 kg)
Pierre Ludet (3-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Frankrig, 125 lbs. (56.7 kg)
(all fights & krigere forbehold for ændringer)


NÅR: Fredag, Juni 1, 2018
HVOR: Chelyabinsk, Rusland
PROMOTER: M-1 Global
LIVE STREAM: www.m1global.tv (9.00 a.m. OG / 6:00 a.m. PT i USA). Also available onFITE.TV (indledende kort er gratis, $7.99 for de vigtigste kort)

Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
Juni 1 – M-1 Challenge 93: Shelemnko vs. Silva i Chelyabinsk, Rusland
Juni 15 – M-1 Challenge 94: Ismagulov vs. Damkovsky in Orenburg, Rusland


Chris Kaledes (R) is shooting for his second straight M-1 victory denne fredag

CHELYABINSK, Rusland (Maj 30, 2018) – Greece-born flyweight Chris “The Greek KeladesKelades (12-3-0, M-1: 1-0-0), fighting out of Dartmouth, Canada, takes on Ukrainian fighter Alexander Pletenko (13-4-0, M;1: 0-0-0) this Friday night on the M-1 Challenge 93 hovedkortet, i Chelyabinsk, Rusland.




Kelades made his successful M-1 Global debut last November at M-1 Challenge 86, when he defeated Oleg Lichkovakha ved hjælp af en tredje-runde indsendelse (Kimura).


It’s been more than a half- year since your M-1 Global debut. Why did you take such a long break?




CK: “It’s hard to believe it’s been that long. I was supposed to fight back in March, but I had problems getting my travel visa secured, so I was rebooked to fight in April but, desværre, the event was canceled. Så, I’ve been ready to fight, but circumstances have changed the dates. I’m excited for this fight and looking forward to fighting in Chelyabinsk. Two times my fights have been canceled and it was extremely frustrating, but it gave me more time to work on my game and learn new techniques.


In your M-1 Global debut, you have been very cautious during the first two rounds, but in the third round you got a submission. Is it your real fighting style or did you just wanted to win the debut fight without taking risks?




CK: Hver kamp er forskellig. Sometimes in a new environment it takes longer to feel the fight start and you have to read the opponent before you react too aggressively.


What can you say about your next opponent, Alexander Pletenko? You have similar records. Does it mean you have similar fighting styles?




CK: “I’ve seen some of his fights and I don’t think we have similar styles. I’ve been fighting the best guys in the world and at a certain level it’s more difficult to finish fights.


Before joining M-1 Global you had never fought anywhere except North America. What does it feel like to fight half a world away from your home?




CH: “I really enjoyed myself the last time in my debut with M-1 Global. The travel is a little bit of a hassle with the distance, but I really enjoy fighting internationally and here in Russia. I like fighting away because I enjoy having to prove myself to other fighters and the fans. Det motiverer mig!”




Russian star Alexander “Storm” Shlemenko (56-10-1, 1 NC, M-1: 6-0-0) headlines M-1 Challenge 93 against Brazilian power-puncher Bruno Silva (17-6-0, M-1: 0-0-0).




Ubesejret M-1 Challenge mellemvægt mester Artem Frolov (10-0-0, M-1: 7-0-0) defends his title for the first time against American favorite Joe “Diesel” Riggs (47-17-1, M-1: 2-0-1) i M-1 Challenge 93 co-featured begivenhed.


M-1 Challenge 93 vil være levende streamet fra Rusland i high definition på www.M1Global.TV. Seerne vil være i stand til at se de indledende kampe og hovedkortet ved at logge på registrere påwww.M1Global.TV. Fans kan se alle de foranstaltninger på deres computere, samt på Android og Apple smartphones og tabletter. M-1 Challenge 93 will also be available onwww.FITE.TV(indledende kort er gratis, $7.99 for de vigtigste kort)











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@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global








Kommende M-1 Challenge Begivenheder:

Juni 1 – M-1 Challenge 93: Shelemnko vs. Silva i Chelyabinsk, Rusland


CHELYABINSK, Rusland (Maj 29, 2018) – Ubesejret M-1 Challenge mellemvægt mester Artem Frolov (10-0-0, M-1: 7-0-0) defends his title for the first time this Friday against American favorite Joe “Diesel” Riggs (47-17-1, M-1: 2-0-1) i M-1 Challenge 93 co-featured begivenhed, i Chelyabinsk, Rusland.




Frolov has knocked out four of his opponents and submitted four others. Last October, Frolov captured the belt by defeating UFC veteran Caio Magalhaes, Brasilien, by unanimous decision and he needed a break to heal his injuries.


Artem Frolov (L) puts his perfect record and M-1 Challenge middleweight title belt on the line this Friday against Joe “Diesel” Riggs

I 2016 you had three fights and last year you fought only twice. How many fights a year would you like to have in the future?




AF: “I would like to fight three times a year. I think this is the best number because it lets me have enough time for good recovery after fights and enough time for training camps. Selvfølgelig, there are also some distraction factors, which do not let me fight more often like, for example, some amateur competitions where I fight from time to time.


Your title fight against Caio Magalhaes was a hard trial for you. How difficult was that 25- minute brawl?




AF: “I knew the fight was going to be a tough confrontation because Caio is a great fighter with excellent striking skills. Men, during the fight I found the best way to fight him and saw how I could get the victory. He impressed me with his firmness; he did not quit after I delivered many hard punches, so I must admit he has a big heart.


When did you learn that you were going to fight Joe Riggs? What can you say about his skills?




AF: “Even before the title fight I knew that, if I won the belt, my first title defense would be against Joe Riggs. He drew my attention with his debut fight in M-1 Global. I checked his record, took a look at the list of the guys he had defeated, and understood that sooner or later we were going to meet in The Rage.




“Selvfølgelig, in the last few months, I watched many of the Diesel’s fights. His main advantage is his experience, he has five times more fights than me. Riggs is a well-rounded fighter, his wrestling skills together with the excellent control skills on the ground, and powerful ground-and- pound are probably his main strengths. Så, he is definitely a fighter of the ‘American school’.


After capturing the title, you were mentioned among the top 20 best prospects in the world by the famous MMA magazine Fighters Only. What does it feel?




AF: I was flattered to be mentioned in the best prospects list, especially by a respected magazine like Fighters Only. Such recognition proves that you dedicate your life to MMA for a reason and that you have really achieved something. But I know that I have much work to do and a lot of things in my game to improve.


Two weeks after your fight against Riggs there will be a contender fight between Mikhail Ragozin and Valery Myasnikov. Who do you think will be the winner? Which one of them would you like to fight?




AF: “I am acquainted with both these guys, so I would not like to fight either of them. I can’t say who is going to win this fight because they are both strong athletes and have their advantages. In my opinion the one who will have better cardio will win the fight.




I would prefer to fight only the strongest foreigners, not fellow countrymen. You travel around the country, have camps in different places, make friends and one day you are told that you are fighting one of them. That is not the best feeling, trust me, so I’d like to fight the best athletes from other countries, so I can fight not only for myself, my gym and my city, but for the country, defending the honor of the national flag.


You have the same number of wins by knockouts and submissions in your record. How would you like to end the upcoming fight?




AF: “I came to MMA as a wrestler, so it makes me happy that I am getting better at striking. Men, it feels great to win via submission as well, especially when it is a beautiful one. Som en kendsgerning, any finish is awesome, because my family and friends are worried about me during the fight and I don’t like to make them worry too long. Så, I prefer to finish the fights early.




Russian star Alexander “Storm” Shlemenko (56-10-1, 1 NC, M-1: 6-0-0) headlines M-1 Challenge 93 against Brazilian power-puncher Bruno Silva (17-6-0, M-1: 0-0-0).


M-1 Challenge 93 vil være levende streamet fra Rusland i high definition på www.M1Global.TV. Seerne vil være i stand til at se de indledende kampe og hovedkortet ved at logge på registrere på www.M1Global.TV. Fans kan se alle de foranstaltninger på deres computere, samt på Android og Apple smartphones og tabletter. M-1 Challenge 93 will also be available onwww.FITE.TV(indledende kort er gratis, $7.99 for de vigtigste kort)











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@ M1GlobalNews


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Kommende M-1 Challenge Begivenheder:



Juni 1 – M-1 Challenge 93: Shelemnko vs. Silva i Chelyabinsk, Rusland