Архівы: Антоніа Расэл


Гэры Антоніа Расэл супраць. Эмануэль Радрыгес не прыняў рашэння пасля ранення Радрыгеса ў выніку першага раунду

Былы чэмпіён Раушы Уорэн забіў дамінантны перапынак у другім раўндзе супраць Дэміена Васкеса

Націсніце ВОТ для фатаграфій з Стэфані Трап / SHOWTIME

Націсніце ВОТ для фатаграфій ад Шона Майкла Хэма/
Прэм'ер Бокс чэмпіёнаў

Карсан, Каліфорніі. (Жнівень 14, 2021) - чэмпіён свету па лёгкай вазе WBO Джон Рыэль Казімера перамог чэмпіёна двух дывізіёнаў Гільерма Рыгонды захаваць свой тытул у суботу ўвечары ў прамым эфіры SHOWTIME, выступаючы ў якасці хэдлайнера падзеі Прэм'ер -міністр бокса ў спартыўным парку "Годнасць здароўя" ў Карсане, Каліфорнія.

Чэмпіён свету ў трох дывізіёнах, Чэмпіянат (31-4, 21 КО) зрабіў сваю другую паспяховую абарону тытула ў 118 фунтаў, атрымаўшы лепшую ў кар'еры перамогу над даўнім чэмпіёнам у 122 кілаграмы Рыгонда (20-2, 13 КО), які перайшоў у цяжкую вагу 2020.

“Я рады атрымаць перамогу,- сказаў Казімера. «Рыгонда-добры баксёр і двухразовы прызёр Алімпійскіх гульняў. Я хваляваўся, таму што ён сказаў, што не будзе бегаць, але ён увесь час бегаў ".

Паядынак пачаўся з першага круга насычаных падзеямі, у якім на імгненне высветлілася, што левы кручок Казімера ў патыліцы Рыгонда прывядзе да накдаўну, але суддзя Джэры Канту пастанавіў, што момант праскочыў. Падчас абмену, Казімера нанёс некалькі ўдараў, а Рыгонда быў на адным калене, атрымаўшы папярэджанне ад суддзі.

З гэтага моманту, Рыгонда застаўся ўстойлівым да абарончай стратэгіі, у выніку якой Казімера быў вымушаны пераследваць суперніка па рынгу. Тым часам, Казімера застаўся адданым прасоўванню наперад, імкнецца запаволіць Рыгонда з дапамогай стрэлаў у цела, каб наладзіць моцныя стрэлы ў галаву.

“Мае чаканні былі на накаўт,- сказаў Казімера. «Я і ўсе мае прыхільнікі гэтага хацелі. Я зрабіў усё магчымае, каб выбіць яго, але ён проста бег і не ваяваў ».

Рыгонда з задавальненнем супрацьстаяў свайму суперніку, наносячы большасць пашкоджанняў з варыяцыямі небяспечнай левай рукі. У паядынку з мноствам блізкіх раундаў, Казімера завяршыў бой вузкім 47 для 44 край у ўдарах прызямліўся, у тым ліку 41-28 падлічыць магутныя ўдары.

Гэтых магутных удараў і ўстойлівай агрэсіі аказалася дастаткова, каб Казімера ўтрымаць свой 118-кілаграмовы тытул у вачах суддзяў, як ацэнкі 117-111 і 116-112 адмяніла меркаванне аднаго суддзі 115-113 карта на карысць Рыгонда. У той час як Рыгонда аспрэчваў гэтае рашэнне, Казімера з нецярпеннем чакаў патэнцыйных сутыкненняў на аб'яднанне з чэмпіёнам WBC Нуніто Донаірам і ўладальнікам тытула WBA і IBF Наоя Інуэ.

“Ніхто не хоча са мной ваяваць, таму што я сарваў іх на рынгу,- сказаў Рыгонда. «Я атрымаў удары, неабходныя для таго, каб выйграць бой сёння ўвечары. Вось як я выйграю. У мяне ёсць гэтыя навыкі, дадзеныя Богам, і менавіта так я іх праяўляю. Я унікальны баец. Гэта мой стыль, і гэта адзіны, які я ведаю. Вы бачыце, што я ўсё ж лепш за ўсіх у палегчаных вагавых катэгорыях, і я буду працягваць барацьбу.”

“У мяне быў план з трох баёў,- сказаў Казімера. «Спачатку быў Рыгонда, і я збіў яго. Далей ідзе Nonito Donaire, а потым, нарэшце, Naoya Inoue.”

Адным з галоўных падзей стаў прэтэндэнт на рост Гэры Расэл-Антоніа (18-0, 12 КО) і былы чэмпіён свету Эмануэль Радрыгес (19-2, 12 КО) змагацца за непрыняцце рашэння 16 секунды да першага раунда іх 118-кілаграмовага матчу, пасля выпадковага ўдару галавой траўму Радрыгеса і спыніў бой.

“Здараецца,- сказаў Расэл. «Я хацеў усталяваць свой удар, і я паспрабаваў наладзіць кручок, і ён увайшоў адначасова. Гэта вельмі расчароўвае ".

“Я адчуваю сябе нармальна,- сказаў Радрыгес. «Я крыху расчараваны пасля таго, як паклаў усю гэтую працу, каб бой так хутка скончыўся, нічога не адбылося. З ударам галавы, магчыма, калі б не было крыві, мы маглі б працягваць. Але аднойчы я ўбачыў усю кроў, Я ведаў, што ўсё скончана ".

Бітва за скрыжаванне часовага тытула WBA у лёгкай вазе павінна была прапанаваць Расэлу магчымасць зарэкамендаваць сябе як сапраўдны прэтэндэнт на тытул і даць Радрыгесу магчымасць зрабіць крок бліжэй да таго, каб стаць чэмпіёнам у двух дывізіёнах. Радрыгес спрабаваў супрацьстаяць нападу Расэла, што прывяло да таго, што дзве паўднёвыя лапы сутыкнуліся галовамі.

“Я фактычна быў у лагеры каля чатырох месяцаў,- сказаў Расэл. «Я выдатна падрыхтаваўся да гэтага бою. Я сапраўды хацеў паказаць свае таленты і паказаць усім, што ёсць у маім арсенале. На жаль, адбыўся ўдар галавой ».

Радрыгес адразу ж упаў на палатно і ў яго з носа сышла кроў, прымусіўшы суддзю Шэран Сэндс адмовіцца ад паядынку, які быў прызнаны без рашэння.

“Вядома, Я хацеў бы вярнуцца,- сказаў Расэл. «Калі ён можа гэта зрабіць, Я хачу вярнуцца сюды разам з Радрыгесам ".

“Я не хачу страціць стан, у якім я знаходжуся,- сказаў Радрыгес. «Я вельмі добра рыхтаваўся да гэтага бою. Як толькі траўма будзе выпраўлена, Я вярнуся на рынг, і я хацеў бы зноў змагацца з Расэлам.”

У першым баі, былы чэмпіён свету Rau'shee Уорэн (19-3, 5 КО) пераважаюць Дэміен Vazquez (16-3-1, 12 КО) на шляху да перапынку ў другім раўндзе ў іх разборках у лёгкай вазе. Уорэн атрымаў сваю першую перамогу накаўтам 2015, пасля пераадолення дыстанцыі ў папярэдніх васьмі баях.

«На гэты раз я спрабаваў паказаць ім нешта іншае,- сказаў Уорэн. «У мяне заўсёды была ўлада, але гэты трэніровачны лагер быў зусім іншым. Я сядзеў на ўдарах і працаваў над чымсьці іншым. Гэта спрацавала на рынгу.

«Я заўсёды ведаў, што ў мяне такая сіла, і я заўсёды ведаў, што ў мяне такая хуткасць. Гаворка ідзе толькі пра тое, каб не спяшацца на рынг і дазволіць ім прыйсці. Калі я ўбачыў магчымасць, Я пайшоў на гэта ».

Трохразовы ЗША. Алімпіец, Уорэн хутка выйшаў у першым раўндзе, выкарыстоўваючы сваю перавагу ў хуткасці, абыграў Васкеса, злучыўшыся правай рукой пасярэдзіне рамкі, якая забіла першы накдаун бою. Васкес змог падняцца на ногі, але быў пасланы на палатно другі раз праз імгненні іншай вострай правай рукой Уорэна.

Уорэн Цынцынаці ўразіў 22 з 39 сілавыя ўдары ў гэтым першым раундзе, і працягнуў сваё дамінаванне ў другім. Уорэн выдатна адрэгуляваў правую левую руку, якая моцна скаланула Васкеса, прымусіўшы арбітра Рэя Карону ўскочыць і спыніць бой 2:18 у другім туры.

«Наступны бой - гэта тытульны бой,- сказаў Уорэн. «Я прэтэндэнт нумар адзін на WBA. Я хачу падзякаваць сваёй камандзе за тое, што яна паставіла мяне на гэтую пасаду і падштурхнула. Яны ведаюць, які я баец. Я збіраюся стаць чэмпіёнам. У наступным баі я захопліваю гэты тытул. Магчыма, сёння ўвечары я пазмагаюся з пераможцам галоўнай падзеі (Рыгонды супраць. Чэмпіянат)."

SHOWTIME паказвалі асноўныя моманты нетэлевізійнай бойкі, у якой назіралася непераможная рост перспектывы Брандун Лі (23-0, 21 КО) захаваць яго бездакорны ўлік некранутым, як ён зарэзаў сваё 13й накаўт першага раўнда кар'еры з сенсацыйным выступам супраць Эзэквіэль Фернандэс (28-5-1, 3 КО).

“Мой выступ быў добра,- сказаў Лі. «Магло быць лепш. Заўсёды ёсць куды паляпшацца. У рэшце рэшт,, мы зрабілі працу. Я вызначана гатовы да наступнага ўзроўню. Мне падыходзіць толькі ўзмацняць канкурэнцыю. Я вазьму ўсіх, хто гатовы.”

Тэлетрансляцыя суботняй трансляцыі чэмпіёнскага чэмпіянату па боксе будзе паказана ў нядзелю, Жнівень 15 на 9 a.m. ET/PT у SHOWTIME і аўторак, Жнівень 17 на 10 p.m. ET/PT на SHOWTIME Extreme.

Ветэран-спартсмен Браян Кастэр вёў тэлетрансляцыю SHOWTIME, а універсальны баявы спартыўны голас Маўра Ранала разам з аналітыкам Залы славы Аль Бернштэйнам і чэмпіёнам свету ў трох дывізіёнах Абнерам Марэсам кіраваў экшэн-боем.. Тры залы славы завяршылі трансляцыю каманды SHOWTIME – Журналіст Джым Грэй, узнагароджаны ўзнагародамі Emmy®, неафіцыйны бамбардзір Стыў Фаррадж і сусветна вядомы дыктар рынга Джымі Ленан-малодшы. Выканаўчым прадзюсарам стаў чатырохразовы лаўрэат прэміі Emmy® Дэвід Дынкінс, Малодшы. Тэлетрансляцыя была прадзюсарам Рэя Смальца III, а рэжысёрам - Чак МакКін. Былы малодшы чэмпіён свету ў сярэдняй вазе Рауль "Эль Дыямантэ" Маркес і спартсмен Алехандра Луна працавалі экспертнымі аналітыкамі па іспанскай мове па праграме другаснага аўдыё (SAP).

# # #

Рыгонды супраць. Казімера бачыў чэмпіёна свету ў двух дывізіёнах Гільерма Рыгонды твар чэмпіёна свету ў лёгкай вазе Джон Рыэль Казімера за пояс WBO у суботу, Жнівень 14 у прамым эфіры SHOWTIME у якасці хэдлайнера падзеі чэмпіёнаў Прэм'ер -міністра па боксе з Спартыўнага парку здароўя "Годнасць" у Карсане, Каліфорнія.

Тэлетрансляцыя SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING пачалася ў 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, а таксама бачыў рост непераможнага суперніка Гэры Расэл-Антоніа бой былы чэмпіён свету Эмануэль Радрыгес за часовы тытул чэмпіёна WBA ў лёгкай вазе ў рамках галоўнага турніру. Пачатак тэлетрансляцыі, былы чэмпіён свету Rau'shee Уорэн дуэль Дэміен Васкес у паядынку ў лёгкім вазе ў 10 раўндаў. Мерапрыемства прасоўвалася кампаніяй TGB Promotions.

Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, прытрымлівацца на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing і @TGBPromotions на Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing і @TGBPromotions або станьце прыхільнікам у Facebook па адрасе www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


Two-Division World Champion Guillermo Rigondeaux Takes Bantamweight World Champion John Riel Casimero Saturday, Жнівень 14 Live on SHOWTIME Headlining a Premier Boxing Champions Event from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Каліфорнія

Націсніце ВОТ for Photos from Hosanna Rull/iRull Fotos
STAFFORD, Тэхас. (Жнівень 5, 2021) – Two-division world champion Гільерма Рыгонды gave insight into his training camp as he prepares to take on WBO Bantamweight World Champion Джон Рыэль Казімера у суботу, Жнівень 14 in the main event live on SHOWTIME from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, California in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

Мерапрыемства прасоўвае TGB Promotions. Квіткі прадаюцца зараз і іх можна набыць на AXS.com. The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will begin at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT and will see Cuba’s two-time Olympic gold medalist Rigondeaux, who has earned pound-for-pound recognition at various points in his career, return to action against the Philippine’s Casimero, a three-division world champion looking for a career-best victory in his second 118-pound title defense.

Here is what Rigondeaux had to say about training camp with Ronnie Shields and more:

On his upcoming matchup with John Riel Casimero: “It has been a very focused camp, and I have found inspiration watching the Olympics, and it has lit a spark in me. Winning two gold medals in my early years gives me added incentive to win this fight. I want to prove to the world that I am one of the best boxers ever, and that I have a lot left to give in this sport. I am confident that I am going to do that against the most avoided fighter in my weight class. Casimero is a dangerous fighter and a very powerful puncher, but I’m going to tame him with great boxing skills.”

On his recent training camp with coach Ronnie Shields: “Training in Texas with Ronnie Shields has been great and our energy working together is fantastic. Ronnie has had a lot of world champions, and has a very professional boxing gym, with a lot of world champions and fighters who are competing at the highest level of the sport. I am motivated to work hard, not just to reach my own goals, but by all the young fighters in the gym who are driven and focused. The atmosphere has brought something new out of me. I’m revived and feeling young again.”

On fighting for WBO world title: “It always feels good fighting for a world title, and I have had the WBO title before after I beat Nonito Donaire, but this time I’m going up against a hungry young lion. I am looking to capture another world title, and give another great fight that fans will talk about for years.”

On returning to the ring after a year-long layoff: “I feel good. I think at this point in my career, all the time away from the ring helps. I know how to fight and I know how to train, the big thing is knowing how to recover, and not damage my body. I am doing a good job at staying sharp in the gym, but not over training. A win against Casimero will do wonders for my career.”

# # #

Рыгонды супраць. Casimero will see two-division world champion Гільерма Рыгонды твар чэмпіёна свету ў лёгкай вазе Джон Рыэль Казімера for his WBO belt on Saturday, Жнівень 14 у прамым эфіры SHOWTIME у якасці хэдлайнера падзеі чэмпіёнаў Прэм'ер -міністра па боксе з Спартыўнага парку здароўя "Годнасць" у Карсане, Каліфорнія.

Тэлеперадача SHOWTIME ЧЭМПІЯНАТ БОКС пачынаецца 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT and will also see rising unbeaten contender Антоніа Расэл бой былы чэмпіён свету Эмануэль Радрыгес as they vie for the WBA Interim Bantamweight Title in the co-main event.

Пачатак тэлетрансляцыі, былы чэмпіён свету Rau'shee Уорэн duels Дэміен Васкес у паядынку ў лёгкім вазе ў 10 раўндаў.
Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі

візіт www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, прытрымлівацца на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing і @TGBPromotions на Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing і @TGBPromotions або станьце прыхільнікам у Facebook па адрасе www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


Rising Unbeaten Contender Antonio Russell Steps Up To Battle Former World Champion Emmanuel Rodríguez For Interim
WBA Bantamweight Title in Co-Main Event

Former World Champion Rau’shee Warren Duels Damien Vázquez In Telecast Opener at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT

Квіткі ў вольным продажы!

Карсан, Каліфорніі. (Ліпеня 15, 2021) – Two-division world champion Гільерма Рыгонды will face bantamweight world champion Джон Рыэль Казімера for his WBO belt onSaturday, Жнівень 14 у прамым эфіры SHOWTIME у якасці хэдлайнера падзеі чэмпіёнаў Прэм'ер -міністра па боксе з Спартыўнага парку здароўя "Годнасць" у Карсане, Каліфорнія.

Тэлеперадача SHOWTIME ЧЭМПІЯНАТ БОКС пачынаецца 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT and will also see rising unbeaten contender Антоніа Расэл face the toughest test of his career in former world champion Эмануэль Радрыгес as they vie for the WBA Interim Bantamweight Title in the co-main event. Пачатак тэлетрансляцыі, былы чэмпіён свету Rau'shee Уорэн duels Дэміен Васкес у паядынку ў лёгкім вазе ў 10 раўндаў.

Мерапрыемства прасоўвае TGB Promotions. Квіткі прадаюцца зараз і іх можна набыць на AXS.com.

“Guillermo Rigondeaux is one of the most skilled fighters in all of boxing and he will seek to add to his resume against the exciting three-division champion and reigning 118-pound titlist John Riel Casimero,»Сказаў Том Браўн, Прэзідэнт TGB Акцыі. “These are two fighters who have accomplished a lot in the sport, but each can elevate themselves to new heights with a victory on August 14. У са-галоўную падзею, Antonio Russell looks to announce himself as the next Russell brother in line for a world title, against the sturdiest test of his career in Emmanuel Rodríguez. Opening up the night of bantamweight duels, Rau’shee Warren can step closer to regaining a bantamweight championship when he faces Damien Vázquez. These three fights will have huge implications on the future of the bantamweight division, which always provides great action for the fans.”

A longtime champion of the 122-pound division, Рыгонды (20-1, 13 КО) moved down in weight and captured a WBA bantamweight title against Liborio Solis in February 2020 на SHOWTIME. Since turning professional in 2009 after one of the best amateur careers in history, Rigondeaux has showcased masterful technical skills that made him a unified super bantamweight world champion and perennial member of the pound-for-pound list. A two-time Olympic gold medalist for his native Cuba, Rigondeaux made his name with victories over the likes of Nonito Donaire, Rico Ramos and Joseph Agbeko.

“This is a big fight for me and my team because we have a chance to win that WBO title,- сказаў Рыгонда. “Fighting on SHOWTIME once again is going to be fun and I’m grateful for the opportunity. Although I’ve been out of the ring for well over a year, I’m still in great shape and have plans to ruin Casimero’s dreams. I know he has a lot of power, but he’s fighting a man with excellent boxing skills and a high ring IQ. I’m going to box circles around Casimero and show him what ‘El Chacal’ is all about. My trainer Ronnie Shields, and I have been working on some new tricks, so don’t be surprised if I knock him out.”

The 32-year-old Casimero (30-4, 21 КО) of Ormoc City, Leyte, Philippines will make his second title defense in this August 14 супадаюць, having successfully defended it for the first time by knocking out Duke Micah in September 2020. Casimero trains in Las Vegas and originally won the title with an impressive third-round stoppage of Zolani Tete in November 2019. The three-division champion had previously captured titles at flyweight and light flyweight in a career that dates back to 2007. This will be his third career fight in the U.S. and his second to take place at Dignity Health Sports Park.

“I am very excited to be back on SHOWTIME and fighting in Southern California where a lot of Filipino fans can come see me fight,- сказаў Казімера. “I look forward to defending my title against Guillermo Rigondeaux. Rigondeaux is known to a lot of Filipino fans for beating my fellow countryman Nonito Donaire . I will show the boxing world how to beat Rigondeaux and send him into retirement once and for all.”

The middle brother between WBC Featherweight Champion Gary Jr. і 2016 U.S. Olympian Gary Antuanne, Антоніа Расэл (18-0, 12 КО) announced his arrival amongst the bantamweight division contenders with a technical decision over former world champion Juan Carlos Payano in December 2020 на SHOWTIME. The 28-year-old from Capitol Heights, Мэрыленд. стаў прафесіяналам у 2015 after an impressive amateur career. After four wins in 2019, Russell kicked off 2020 defeating Jesus Martinez in February.

“I’m very excited for this fight on August 14 на SHOWTIME,- сказаў Расэл. “I’ve put in the work and I’m always ready to fight, no matter when the call comes. I’m so focused right now. Rodriguez is the only thing on my mind and I’m ready to put on a show.”

The 28-year-old Rodríguez (19-2, 12 КО) returns to action after dropping a controversial split-decision to Reymart Gaballo last December on SHOWTIME. Fighting out of Manati, Пуэрта-Рыка, Rodríguez won the IBF Bantamweight World Title with a unanimous decision victory over Paul Butler in 2018 and successfully defended it against then-unbeaten Jason Moloney. Rodríguez went on to lose the title to unbeaten champion Naoya Inoue in their May 2019 title bout.

“I can’t wait to get back in the ring for this fight,” said Rodríguez. “Everyone knows what happened in my last fight against Gaballo. На гэты раз, I’m not leaving it up to the judges. I’m going for the knockout and a statement victory.”

Трусіны садок (18-3, 4 КО) bounced back from a close decision loss in a world title fight against then unbeaten former champion Nordine Oubaali in January 2019 by earning decisions over Gilberto Mendoza and Sharone Carter. A southpaw from Cincinnati, Агаё, Warren won the WBA Bantamweight World Championship with a majority decision over Juan Carlos Payano in 2016 and lost the title the next year to Zhanat Zhakiyanov by split-decision. The 34-year-old became the first three-time Olympic boxer from the U.S. when he qualified for consecutive Olympic teams in 2004, 2008 і 2012.

“Vázquez is not the type of fighter that can compete with me,- сказаў Уорэн. “When they sent me the name, I looked at one of his fights and 10 seconds was all I needed to see. I really want to face Rigondeaux, but I’m going to handle this and I’m going to wait until I get who I want to get. I’ve been sparring with a lot of top amateurs and that’s been keeping me sharp. They throw punches in bunches and they’re keeping me on my toes heading into August 14.”

The 24-year-old southpaw Vázquez (15-2-1, 7 КО) was born in Thornton, Col. and now fights out of Las Vegas. The younger brother of former two-time champion Israel Vázquez, he most recently lost to super bantamweight champion Brandon Figueroa last September after having previously scored a stoppage win over Alejandro Moreno in February of 2020. Vázquez turned pro in 2013 and reeled off 14 consecutive wins to begin his career in the paid ranks.

“This is a great opportunity for me,” said Vázquez. “I turned pro at sixteen-years-old, so I took a much needed break after the Brandon Figueroa fight. Now I’m back and more ready than ever. I’m back fighting at bantamweight and that’s for sure the best weight for me going forward. I’m ready to show the world what I’m capable of. Гэта будзе вайна. Warren is a world class fighter, but if he thinks this is an easy fight, then he is totally mistaken and I’ll prove it on August 14.”

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Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, прытрымлівацца на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing і @TGBPromotions на Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing і @TGBPromotions або станьце прыхільнікам у Facebook па адрасе www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

SHOWTIME Sports® To Live Stream Undercard Bouts Featuring Veteran Contender Edwin Rodriguez and Unbeaten Prospects Antonio Russell & Leduan Barthelemy in Separate Bouts On Social Media Platforms TONIGHT FRom Barclays Center in Brooklyn

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN Begins Live at 6:30 p.m. І / 3:30 p.m. PT On SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel and SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook Page

Бруклін (Лютага 27, 2019) – SHOWTIME Sports will provide live streaming coverage of three undercard fights on the network’s social media platforms as part of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN пачынаючы з 6:30 p.m. І / 3:30 p.m. PT on Saturday, Сакавіка 2 ад Barclays Center, дом Брукліна БОКС ™, і прадставіў Прэм'ер бокса чэмпіёнаў.

Streaming action will see hard-hitting contender Эдвін Радрыгес бой Mitch Williams in a 10-round cruiserweight fight, unbeaten prospect Антоніа Расэл square off against Mexico’s Jose Maria Cardenas in an eight-round bantamweight showdown and Leduan Бартелеми step in for an eight-round super featherweight matchup with Mexico’s Miguel Angel Aispuro,

The social media presentation will stream on the SHOWTIME Спартыўны канал YouTube і Showtime Бокс Facebook старонка leading up to the evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING event. The three-fight SHOWTIME telecast begins live at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and is headlined by former world champion Erislandy Lara challenging undefeated WBA Super Welterweight Champion BrianCastaño.

Квіткі на мерапрыемствы, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, are on sale now and can be purchased at ticketmaster.com,barclayscenter.com, або па тэлефоне 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Групавыя скідкі можна па тэлефоне 844-BKLYN-GP.

Радрыгес (30-2, 20 КО) has demonstrated his power-punching ability throughout numerous memorable contests in his career. The 33-year-old was born in Moca, Dominican Republic before moving to Worcester, Масачусэтс. In his last fight he scored a unanimous decision over Lionell Thompson last February. He will battle Jackson, Michigan’s Williams (16-6-3, 11 КО) who most recently scored a stoppage victory over Michael Sunkett in December.

Антоніа Расэл (12-0, 10 КО) sits between Antuanne and WBC Featherweight Champion Gary Russell in the lineage of the Russell family dynasty, and will look to remain unbeaten when he steps into the ring March 2. The 26-year-old scored two knockout victories in 2018 and has stopped his last five opponents from lasting the distance. He will be opposed by the 22-year-old Cardenas (16-3, 13 КО) from Tijuana, Baja California, Мексіка.

The younger brother of two-division champion Rances and Olympic gold medalist Yan, Бартэльмі (13-0-1, 7 КО) most recently fought to a split draw against then-unbeaten Eduardo Ramirez in September 2017. The 29-year-old from Cuba now lives and trains in Las Vegas and adds another top Cuban fighter to a card already including Lara and heavyweight contender Luis Ortiz. He prepares to take on the 28-year-old Aispuro (11-6-2, 7 КО), who enters this contest with a three-fight winning streak.

Non-televised action will feature 2016 Haitian Olympian and Brooklyn-nativeРычардсан Хитчинс (7-0, 3 КО) taking on Nicaragua’s David Morales (13-9, 13 КО) in an eight-round super lightweight showdown, непераможаным нападаючым вазеTyrek Irby (6-0, 2 КО) facing Kenya’s Dennis Okoth (2-1-1) for six rounds of action and unbeaten Aaron Anderson (3-0, 3 КО)in a four-round middleweight fight against Atlanta’s Chukka Willis (4-9, 2 КО).

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Erislandy Lara vs. Brian Castaño pits former super welterweight world champion Lara against the WBA Super Welterweight Champion Castaño on Saturday, Сакавіка 2 in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING from Barclays Center, дом Брукліна БОКС ™, і прадставіў Прэм'ер бокса чэмпіёнаў.

SHOWTIME coverage begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will see Cuban heavyweight contender Луіс Ортис набываць Крысціян Хамер у 10-раўндавым суперцяжкай прыцягнення ў, plus hard-hitting Bryan De Graciabattling rugged veteran Eduardo Ramirez in a 12-round featherweight clash that opens the telecast.

Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, прытрымлівацца на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, TGBPromotions, @LouDiBella and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

A 90-minute Prelims Telecast Added to Blockbuster Three-Hour Premier Boxing Champions Show Live on FS1 & FOX Deportes Friday, Жнівень 24 from the Armory in Minneapolis (6:30 p.m. І / 3:30 p.m. PT)

Unbeaten Super Welterweight Prospect Sebastian Fundora Takes on Antonio Urista in Main Event
Больш! Undefeated Prospect Antonio Russell in Bantamweight Action



MINNEAPOLIS (Жнівень 20, 2018) – A 90-minute prelims telecast has been added to an already stacked three-hour Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) show live on FS1 and FOX Deportes on Friday, Жнівень 24 from the Armory in Minneapolis.




Unbeaten rising super welterweight Sebastian Fundora will take on Michigan’s Antonio Urista in a 10-round showdown that headlines the live prelims telecast.




Coverage of prelims begins at 6:30 p.m. І / 3:30 p.m. PT and will also feature the pro debut of former amateur standout Omar Juarez, as he steps into the ring in a four-round lightweight bout and undefeated bantamweight prospect Антоніа Расэл бярэ на сябе Нік Аціена of Kenya in an eight-round bout.




Prelims precede a three-hour telecast of PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes action beginning at 8:00 p.m. І / 5:00 p.m. PT and headlined by welterweight contender Джамал Джэймс returning to action in his hometown as he takes on Mexico’s Mahonry Montes.




Квіткі на турніры, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Warriors Boxing, are on sale now and are available by visiting www.ArmoryMN.com абоTicketmaster.com.




Standing an astounding 6-foot-6, Фундора (9-0, 5 КО)continued his ascent with a fifth-round stoppage of previously unbeaten Veshawn Owens in April on FS1 at the Armory. Born in West Palm Beach but now fighting out of California, the 20-year-old has fought in Mexico, Argentina and Uruguay since turning pro in 2016 ва ўзросце 19. He will take on the 31-year-old Urista (10-2, 2 КО) of Lansing, Мічыган, who enters this matchup on a three-fight winning streak.




After a stellar amateur career, the 19-year-old Хуарэс will step into the ring for the first time as a pro on August 24. He fights out of the Brownsville-area of Texas and is a motivational speaker for kids in the area while also attending the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley.




The 25-year-old Расэл (11-0, 9 КО), brother of featherweight champion Gary and unbeaten Gary Antuanne, has stayed unbeaten since turning pro in 2015, most recently knocking out Jonathan Ramos in May. Russell is trained alongside his brothers by their father, Гэры Расэл-старэйшы, and will look to continue his rise toward another world champion to the Russell lineage on August 24.




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Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. Паядынкі даступныя на працоўным стале ў FOXSportsGO.com і праз краму прыкладанняў, або падлучаных прылад, уключаючы Apple TV, Android TV, агонь ТБ, Xbox One і Roku. У дадатак, усе праграмы таксама даступныя на FOX Sports на канале SiriusXM 83 спадарожнікавыя радыёстанцыі і на дадатку SiriusXM.




Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage і www.foxdeportes.com.

Выконвайце па щебетатьPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm і стаць прыхільнікам на Facebook паwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, і www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Асноўныя наяўныя на www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Депортес спансуецца Corona Extra, Finest Beer.


Andre Berto Edges Devon Alexander by Split-Decision in Battle of Former World Champions that Headlined Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday Night from NYCB LIVE, Home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum

Former World Champion Peter Quillin Earns Unanimous Decision Over J’Leon Love in Super Middleweight Showdown
Sergey Lipinets Scores Decision Over Erick Bone & Joey Spencer
Remains Unbeaten
Marcus Browne Survives Knockdown Against Lenin Castillo to Remain Unbeaten, Luis Collazo Defeats Bryant Perrella & 2016 U.S. Алімпіец
Gary Antuanne Russell Scores First Round Knockout in
FS2 & FOX Deportes Action
Націсніце ВОТ for Photos from Douglas Defelice/Premier Boxing Champions

LONG ISLAND, Нью-Ёрк (Жнівень 4, 2018) – Экс-чэмпіён свету Андрэ Берта(32-5, 24 КО) won a back-and-forth fight by split decision Saturday night against fellow former champion Дэвон Аляксандр (27-4-1, 14 КО) in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes from NYCB LIVE, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.




I knew he was going to be quick and I knew he’d come to fight,” Саід Берта. “I had to get adjusted to his speed a little bit and then I started pressing him. I felt like I was in better shape and quicker to the target than he was.




Alexander struck first as his southpaw stance appeared to give Berto trouble early. Alexander connected with a series of powerful right hooks in round two before following up in round three with a straight right that landed on Berto and allowed Alexander to score a knockdown with follow-up hooks.




We knew that we had enough power to hurt him and I felt like I was doing that early in the fight,” сказаў Аляксандр. “I slowed down in the middle of the fight, but there’s no excuses. We both came to fight.




The bout saw numerous clashes and tie ups, but as the rounds went on Berto’s relentlessness allowed him to score against a tiring Alexander. Berto had success in the seventh round tagging Alexander on the inside as he began to break through his opponent’s defense.




I’ve been off for a while but I felt good in there,” Саід Берта. “He was pulling back on a lot of his punches so I stepped in for my combinations and made him pay.




The back-and-forth fight concluded with both fighters slugging it out until the final bell and appearing to have worn each other down from the 12-round bout. The scores reflected the close nature of the bout as once judge scored it 114-113 for Alexander, but was overruled by two judges scoring the bout 115-112 for Berto.




I thought I edged it out, but it was a close fight,” сказаў Аляксандр. “We’re climbing back still. This happens. I’m going to talk to my team and see what the best move is going forward.




This is a tremendous feeling,” Саід Берта. “I’m looking forward to getting in there and doing it again.





The co-main event on FOX and FOX Deportes saw former middleweight world champion Пітэр “Kid Шакалад” Quillin (34-1-1, 23 КО) earn a unanimous decision victory over J'Leon Каханне (24-2-1, 13 КО) пасля 10 раўндаў Super Action сярэднім.




It was very important for me to go up in there and break his spirit,” Саід Quillin. “I established my will in there, but I’ll wait to judge how I looked until I see the tape.




Quillin’s power and punch output proved to be the difference as he focused on getting into range of Love while delivering power punches to back Love up. With his promoter, all-time great Floyd Mayweather, sitting ringside, Love focused on a strategy that saw him move throughout the 10 rounds while trying to build his offense off of his jab.




Sometimes you don’t have your best night, but I’m far from done,” said Love. “I have a lot of good fights left in front of me. Я вярнуся. I could have pressed a little bit more, but he’s a puncher. I wasn’t trying to turn it into a brawl. I went at him and then slid right out. That was the game plan.




Round eight began with Quillin on the offensive as he pinned Love in the corner and unloaded a massive series of shots, many of which landed flush. Love was able to avoid any serious danger from the onslaught, but was never able to land anything that bothered Quillin over the remaining moments of the fight.




Суддзі забіў бой 99-91 і 98-92 двойчы, all in favor of Quillin.




For people who think that I had ring rust, we’ve been in the gym training hard to be ready for a challenge like this,” Саід Quillin. “We’re going to build from this and use it from a foundation. Only time will tell what comes next, but we’ll use this as a measuring stick.




The opening bout on FOX and FOX Deportes featured former world champion Сяргей Lipinets (14-1, 10 КО) as he earned a majority decision over Эрык Bone (20-6, 8 КО) пасля 10 rounds of welterweight action.




I always take a couple of rounds to figure the guy out, but once I loosened up I felt pretty good,” said Lipinets. “I loaded up on my punches a little more than I had to, but this fight was exactly what I needed to get myself ready for another big challenge soon.




Both fighters spent most of the bout exchanging single power punches, with Lipinets showing off his superior power to bust open Bone’s nose in the early rounds and cause blood to pour from it throughout the rest of the fight.




Lipinets continued to throw power punches to the end, connecting with a left hook midway through the final frame that caused Bone to jump back toward the ropes. One judge scored the fight a 95-95 draw but was overruled by scores of 99-91 і 98-92.





If anybody saw any flaws in my performance today, then they’re welcome to step up and come take the fight against me,” said Lipinets. “Everyone knows that I’m going to come and bring a great fight to whoever is in front of me




Additional FOX and FOX Deportes action featured rising unbeaten prospect Joey Spencer (4-0, 4 КО) as he delivered a dominant second-round knockout over Bruce Lutchmedial (2-5, 2 КО) in their middleweight clash.




The 18-year-old former amateur standout first landed a series of body blows midway through round two that forced his opponent to take a knee. Spencer followed up with a combination to the head that put Lutchmedial down and forced referee Arthur Mercante to call off the bout at 2:59 другога тура.




He was a little bit tougher than the other guys I’ve fought so far,” said Spencer. “I had to go down to the body after I realized in the first round that the head shots weren’t as effective. Eventually the body shots were too much for him.




I just want to keep building my record, keep fighting better opponents and keep growing as a fighter. At the end of the day I want to fight for a title in the next few years.




The main event on FS2 and FOX Deportes saw Маркус Браўн (22-0, 16 КО) work through a mid-round knockdown on his way to a unanimous decision victory over Ленін Касціла (17-2-1, 12 КО) у іх 10-раўндавым баі ў паўцяжкай вазе.




I wasn’t consistent enough or as effective as I wanted to be tonight,” Саід Браўн. “I fought in spurts too much. I need to be more consistent to get the performance I want.




The knockdown felt like a slip to me, але гэта бокс. I just had to keep focus and move forward to get the win.




The Staten Island-native Browne showed off his impressive speed and jab through the early rounds of the fight, keeping Castillo’s offense at bay. As the fight opened up in the middle rounds, Castillo caught Browne with a right hand during a wild exchange that knocked him off balance and caused him to hit the mat.




Browne was able to recover with ease and continued to show off his boxing skills throughout the remainder of the night, as Castillo was unable to replicate his round five success. The judges saw the fight for Browne by the scores of 97-92 і 98-91 двойчы.




I appreciated everyone who came out for me tonight,” Саід Браўн. “I’m ready to move on to the next challenge. I’m going to stay focused and be even better next time.




Also on FS2 and FOX Deportes, былы чэмпіён свету Луіс Кольясо (38-7, 20 КО) earned a majority decision victory over Брайант Perrella (15-2, 13 КО) in their 10-round welterweight showdown.




Perrella entered the ring with the reach and height advantage, but the veteran Collazo quickly strategized to walk through Perrella’s jab to deliver power punches. Collazo started to inflict damage beginning in rounds three and four when he had Perella stunned several times against the ropes.




Perrella didn’t have much power, which allowed me to just stay on top of him and smother his punches,” Саід Кольясо. “I was able to play the aggressor and control the fight.




Collazo had to continue to stalk the increasingly evasive Perrella, but was able to show off his impressive ring savvy by cutting off the ring to implement his offense. Collazo had Perrella hurt badly in the late rounds of the fight, but Perrella was able to show enough toughness and athleticism to see the final bell.




I’ve had a lot of fights that prepared me for what I had to do tonight,” Саід Кольясо. “I felt strong in there, but I’ll know more once I look at the tape. I want one of the top welterweights next.




The opening bout on FS2 and FOX Deportes saw rising unbeaten prospect Gary Antuanne Russell (7-0, 7 КО), younger brother of WBC Featherweight World Champion Gary Russell Jr., deliver a powerful first round knockout over Mexico’s Хасэ Эскивеля (10-7, 2 КО).




Russell threw a right hook to the head and followed it up with a perfect left hook to Esquivel’s stomach that put his opponent down for good, with the official stoppage coming 25 seconds into round one.




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Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, на англійскай ці іспанскай мовах праз каналы FOX або FOX DEPORTES. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, або падлучаных прылад, уключаючы Apple TV, Android TV, агонь ТБ, Xbox One і Roku.




Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі: візіт www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage і www.foxdeportes.com, Выконвайце па щебетатьPremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, @NYCBLive and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports іwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC was sponsored by Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by TGB Promotions, DiBella Entertainment and Mayweather Promotions. BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island is an extension of BSE’s BROOKLYN BOXING™ brand. Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі, візіт brooklynboxingshop.com.

Andre Berto vs. Дэвон Аляксандр & Peter Quillin vs. J’Leon Love Final Press Conference Quotes & Фота

Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Live in Primetime гэта Субота, Жнівень 4 from NYCB LIVE,
Home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum
Націсніце ВОТ for Photos from Ed Diller/TGB Promotions

LONG ISLAND, Нью-Ёрк. (Жнівень 2, 2018) – Былыя чэмпіёны свету ў нападаючым Андрэ Берта і Дэвон Аляксандр went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference before their primetime main event Saturday, Жнівень 4 in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes from NYCB LIVE, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.




Also competing on Saturday’s telecast that starts at 7:30 p.m. І / 4:30 p.m. PT and squaring-off Thursday were former champion Пётр Quillin and super middleweight contender J'Leon Каханне. Additional action on FOX and FOX Deportes will feature rising unbeaten prospect Joey Spencer in a super welterweight attraction.




Headlining the FS2 and FOX Deportes telecast beginning at 5:30 p.m. ET/2:30 p.m. ET is unbeaten contender Маркус Браўн Стейтен-Айлэнд, які бярэ на сябе Ленін Касціла, і былы чэмпіён Луіс Кольясо, хто змагаецца Брайант Perrella у нападаючым дзеянняў, who were both in attendance at Thursday’s press conference.




Competing in undercard action and participating in Thursday’s press conference in her hometown was WBA Super Middleweight Women’s World Champion Alicia Napoleon, who defends her title against Scotland’s Hannah Rankin.




Квіткі на турніры, які спрыяе TGB Акцыі, DiBella Entertainment and Mayweather Promotions, ўжо ў продажы. Білеты можна набыць у Інтэрнэце па адрасе www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, або па тэлефоне 1-800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Ticketmaster Box Office at NYCB LIVE. Group discounts are available by calling 516-231-4848.




Here is what the participants had to say Thursday from The JetBlue Overlook at NYCB Live, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum:






A lot of these people on this card have been guys I’ve been around since they were coming up. I’ve been in the game for a while and I’ve been cracking heads for a while.




We had a tremendous training camp for this fight. I took time to rejuvenate myself and I’ve come back and gotten myself into great shape. I appreciate what Devon Alexander has been through, but he’s dealing with a different animal on Saturday night.




I’ve pushed hard to give myself the best chance to win on Saturday. We’ve prepared for everything that we think Devon can bring. I’m physically and mentally prepared for a battle.




I’m going to push Devon. I don’t think he’s fought any that brings what I do since he came back from his layoff. We’re going to see if he’s back. If he’s not ready, then I’m going to make it a long night for him.




It’s all business on Saturday night. Я сапраўды з нецярпеннем чакаю гэтага. It’s going to be dynamite. It’s going to be a good time.


Дэвон Аляксандр




I’m thankful that I can continue to fight, build my legacy and do something I love. I’m grateful to be here and show off my talent. I’m still writing my legacy and Berto is just another stepping stone in my way. I have to get past him.




We had a great training camp down in Florida. Coach Cunningham has prepared me as well as for any fight in my career. The focus and dedication we put into camp will all show in the ring on fight night.




Andre Berto was a great champion and I definitely respect what he’s done in this sport. Both of us need this win badly though and I’m sure neither of us will look to take a step back on our way to a victory.




I love being in New York. I always get a lot of love from the fans, and they’re definitely a passionate group of fans. I’m going to be ready for the bright lights on Saturday.




I have to thank Berto for accepting the challenge. We go way back to the amateur days. Я за выклік. Everyone knows I will fight anybody. Гэта будзе вялікі бой. There’s going to be fireworks.


Пітэр Куиллин




I am more than ready for this fight. I have a lot of history with J’Leon Love. I’m going to be ready for him and it’s going to be a fight the fans won’t want to miss.




I’m very blessed to be back in this position. Coach Sosa has really been a great gift for me. He’s helped me mentally and physically build on everything I had done with Virgil Hunter in the two years prior.




Being back in New York definitely helps make me feel like I’ve made it back. I can be back in front of my fans, and most importantly my family, so that I can feel their support and let it carry me in the ring.





We’ve worked on everything in camp and we’re ready to put on a show Saturday. I’m ready to show everyone that I still have what it takes to compete for a world title. This is something I’ve been looking forward to for a long time now.






I appreciate people coming out. I love coming to New York. This is a great card with so many great fighters and I’m grateful for the opportunity.




I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. Come August 4, you will see me display my talent. I have nothing but respect for Peter Quillin, but this is why they call it the crossroads. We have to run into each other.




I’m not worried about anything Peter has done in past fights. I’m prepared for the best Peter Quillin we’ve seen. He’s not going to catch me by surprise in there.




I just have to be smart, listen to my corner and impose my game plan. I know that I have the skills to win and win convincingly. If I follow the game plan, I’m going to show everyone I’m ready for the best in the division.




I’m excited to be back in New York. I’m planning on riding the energy from the crowd, whether it’s rooting against me or with me, and giving everyone something to remember.


Маркус Браўн




It’s been a while but I’m thankful to be back. I’m super ready to go in there on Saturday night and put on a show for you guys. I’m going to do what I do best, and keep my name in title contention.




I know that my opponent is skilled and he’s going to be ready to try to upset me. But I’ve worked too hard in camp to let anyone walk into my home and beat me. It’s just not happening.




I’ve made sure to just stay patient and know that my time is coming. I’m going to keep adding to my resume until there’s no one who can deny my shot.




I’m trying to get this done impressively, but I’ll take the win however I can get it. At this point it’s about continuing to win so that I can keep myself at the top of the rankings. I want a world title shot and I’m ready for it.


Луіс Кольясо




“Гэта выдатна быць тут. I want to give thanks for everyone who has helped me in the last 18 months while I recovered from my injury. It was hard, but it was a process I had to go to.




My team has supported me through thick and thin no matter what I’ve been through. That included my dad, who originally brought me into the gym when I was a kid. This is just what I love to do.




My opponent is young and desperate to put a name on his record. He’s got some skills that we’ve prepared for. I’m confident he doesn’t have anything I haven’t seen before.




I’m ready to go to work on August 4. I’m going to give the fans a great fight and another night to remember with me in the ring.






This is a big card with a lot of action and I’m proud to be on it. Hannah is a wonderful champion and this is going to be a great fight. This is a tremendous opportunity and we’re going to continue to push for better and better opportunities for female fighters.





This is a fight you won’t want to miss. I’ve had a great camp and I’m prepared for another war. I won this title at Barclays Center in March and I can’t wait to see everyone out cheering for us on Saturday.




It’s an honor to be fighting at home. I really take it to heart that there are young female fighters out there who watch me for inspiration. It helps motivate me and I believe it’s going to help me defend my title successfully on Saturday.






It’s fantastic to be on such a great card. I’ve been looking for a big fight like this and it couldn’t have come at a better time for me.




When I got the call for this fight I was obviously going to say yes. Camp has been amazing and I can’t wait to go in there on Saturday night and show everyone what I’m capable of.




This is a worthy opponent and I’m glad that she accepted the challenge. I’ve come too far to leave New York without the championship belt.


Лу ДиБелла, Прэзідэнт ДиБелла Entertainment




This should be a sensational show on Saturday, live on FOX and FOX Deportes beginning at 7:30 p.m. І. There is also a terrific show that actually begins on FS2 and FOX Deportes at 5:30 p.m. І. This is a loaded card from top to bottom, as you can see from the dais here. It features a number of the best fighters in the world.




The main event features two men in Andre Berto and Devon Alexander who are both multiple time world champions, well known fighters and fighters who need this win. The recipe for a great fight is two terrific boxers who must win.




The co-featured event is a similar bout. Peter Quillin and J’Leon Love are guys who are in the championship picture at 168-pounds. The reality is the winner of this fight will have a chance to fight for the title soon.




There’s a women’s title fight on this card that features Long Island’s only boxing world champion, in Alicia Napoleon. She’s a popular local fighter who is going to make the first defense of her title on Saturday. She will fight the pride of Scotland, in Hannah Rankin, in what should be a great bout. These are two champions of the sport and we’re honored to have them in the ring Saturday.




# # #




Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, на англійскай ці іспанскай мовах праз каналы FOX або FOX DEPORTES. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, або падлучаных прылад, уключаючы Apple TV, Android TV, агонь ТБ, Xbox One і Roku.




Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі: візіт www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage і www.foxdeportes.com, Выконвайце па щебетатьPremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, @NYCBLive and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports іwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC is sponsored by Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island is an extension of BSE’s BROOKLYN BOXING™ brand. Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі, візіт brooklynboxingshop.com.

Пётр Quillin & Alicia Napoleon Visit Crestwood Day Camp in Long Island Ahead of Matchups this Saturday, August 4from NYCB LIVE, Home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum

Націсніце ВОТ for Photos from Ed Diller/TGB Promotions

LONG ISLAND, Нью-Ёрк (Жнівень 1, 2018) – Former middleweight champion Пітэр “Kid Шакалад” Quillin and WBA Super Middleweight Women’s World Champion Алісія “The EmpressNapoleon visited Crestwood Day Camp Wednesday afternoon and hosted a motivational and fitness training session with over 200 campers.




Quillin and the Lindenhurst-native Napoleon took advantage of the opportunity to share positive messages with the campers ahead of their respective matchups taking place this Saturday, Жнівень 4 from NYCB LIVE, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.




Being a boxer is my lifestyle, and to be able to share some of the things that made me who I am with these kids is a great joy,” Саід Quillin. “It’s so important to reach out to the next generation and give them the tools to live positively. As a pro athlete I consider that part of my job and something I take pride in doing.




I’m so happy to be here and give something back for these children,” said Napoleon. “Sharing different tips and motivations while I’m here is really an honor. I’m focused on defending my title Saturday night, but something like this is really a treat. I hope they all had fun and learned something they didn’t know before today.




The fighters spoke to the larger group of campers and showed them some training techniques before running a half hour fitness session for about 25 seven and eight-year-olds to round out the afternoon.




Квіткі на турніры, які спрыяе TGB Акцыі, DiBella Entertainment and Mayweather Promotions, ўжо ў продажы. Білеты можна набыць у Інтэрнэце па адрасе www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, або па тэлефоне 1-800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Ticketmaster Box Office at NYCB LIVE. Group discounts are available by calling 516-231-4848.


Quillin асобы J'Leon Каханне in PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes action that begins at7:30 p.m. І / 4:30 p.m. PT and is headlined by a showdown between former welterweight world champions Андрэ Берта і Дэвон Аляксандр.


Napoleon highlights the non-televised undercard in her hometown as she makes the first defense of her world title against Scotland’s Hannah Rankin.


# # #




Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, на англійскай ці іспанскай мовах праз каналы FOX або FOX DEPORTES. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, або падлучаных прылад, уключаючы Apple TV, Android TV, агонь ТБ, Xbox One і Roku.




Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі: візіт www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage і www.foxdeportes.com, Выконвайце па щебетатьPremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, @NYCBLive and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports іwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC is sponsored by Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island is an extension of BSE’s BROOKLYN BOXING™ brand. Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі, візіт brooklynboxingshop.com.

Former World Champion Sergey Lipinets Meets Erick Bone in 147-Pound Showdown in Primetime on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday August 4 Presented by Premier Boxing Champions from NYCB LIVE, Home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum

Junior Featherweight Contender Brandon Figueroa Takes On
Luis Roy Suarez Cruz
Больш! Special Edition of PBC on FS2 & FOX Deportes Features Antuanne Russell & Antonio Russell in Separate Matches
Former Welterweight World Champions Andre Berto &
Devon Alexander Square-Off Live in Primetime Main Event



LONG ISLAND, Нью-Ёрк (Ліпеня 20, 2018) – Former super lightweight champion Сяргей Lipinets будуць змагацца Эрык Bone in a 147-pound 10-round showdown live in primetime on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday, Жнівень 4 from NYCB Live, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The Lipinets vs. Bone clash will kick off the primetime broadcast, які пачынаецца ў 7:30 p.m. І / 4:30 p.m. PT and is headlined by former 147-pound world champions Андрэ Берта і Дэвон Аляксандр in a 12-round showdown and former world champion Пітэр “Kid Шакалад” Quillin facing 168-pound contender J'Leon Каханне. Sensational junior middleweight prospect Joey Spencer таксама будзе ў дзеянні.




A special edition of Premier Boxing Champions on FS2 and FOX Deportes begins at 5:30 p.m. ET/2:30 p.m. PT and will feature unbeaten 2016 U.S. Алімпіец Antuanne Russell (6-0, 6 КО) прымаючы на Jose Arturo Esquivel (10-7, 2 КО), больш, time permitting on the telecast, his brother Антоніа Расэл (11-0, 9 КО) in an eight-round bantamweight fight. The FS2 and FOX Deportes telecast is headlined by unbeaten light heavyweight contender Маркус Браўн taking on once-beaten Ленін Касціла in a 10-round match and a welterweight fight between former world champion Луіс Кольясо і Брайант Perrella.




Квіткі на турніры, які спрыяе TGB Акцыі, DiBella Entertainment and Mayweather Promotions, ўжо ў продажы. Білеты можна набыць у Інтэрнэце па адрасе www.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, або па тэлефоне 1-800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Ticketmaster Box Office at NYCB LIVE. Group discounts are available by calling 516-231-4848.




The 29-year-old Lipinets (13-1, 10 КО) is looking to bounce back from a unanimous decision loss to pound-for-pound star Mikey Garcia in an IBF 140-pund t title fight in March. Lipinets, who was born in Martuk, Kazakhstan and now lives in Beverly Hills, Каліфорнія, had won the vacant title against Akihiro Kondo last November and will be moving up to welterweight for the matchup against Bone.




Костка (20-5, 8 КО) enters the match with Lipinets on a four-bout win streak since losing by split decision to Eddie Ramirez in 2017. The 29-year-old from Manabi, Ecuador is coming off a split decision victory over Cameron Krael on May 11. Bone is a tough veteran who has tangled with former world champions Shawn Porter and Chris Algieri.




Additional action inside the arena will see unbeaten rising contender Брэндон Фігероа (15-0, 10 КО) battling fellow unbeaten Luis Roy Suarez Cruz (13-0, 8 КО) in an eight round bantamweight fight, top lightweight contender Richard Commey (26-2, 23 КО) in a 10-round showdown against Mexico’s Yardley Cruz(24-10, 14 КО) і цяжкавагавых Marlo Moore (1-0, 1 KO) in a four-round fight against Thomas Hawkins (4-2, 1 KO).




# # #




Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, на англійскай ці іспанскай мовах праз каналы FOX або FOX DEPORTES. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, або падлучаных прылад, уключаючы Apple TV, Android TV, агонь ТБ, Xbox One і Roku.




Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі: візіт www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage і www.foxdeportes.com, Выконвайце па щебетатьPremierBoxing, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions,LouDiBella, @NYCBLive and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports іwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC is sponsored by Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island is an extension of BSE’s BROOKLYN BOXING™ brand. Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі, візіт brooklynboxingshop.com.

Former World Champion Devon Alexander Returns to Drop & Defeat Walter Castillo in the Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes from The Coliseum in St. Пецярбург, Фларыда.

Miguel Cruz Remains Unbeaten With
Unanimous Decision Over David Grayton
Націсніце ВОТ for Photos from Douglas DeFelice/
Прэм'ер Бокс чэмпіёнаў – (Photos to be added shortly)
ST. САНКТ-ПЕЦЯРБУРГ, Фларыда. (Лістапада 21, 2017) – Экс-чэмпіён свету Дэвон Аляксандр (27-4, 14 КО) returned to the ring in impressive style as he dominated Вальтэр Касціла (26-5-1, 19 КО) on his way to a unanimous decision in the main event of Прэм'ер Бокс чэмпіёнаў ГА да пят аўторак на FS1 іБокс чэмпіёнаў на FOX Депортес Аўторак night from The Coliseum in St. Пецярбург, Фларыда.
This feels really good,” сказаў Аляксандр. “I’ve been on a journey that I didn’t expect to go through and I’m thankful to be back in the ring and have my career back.
Returning to the ring for the first time на працягу двух гадоў, Alexander was sharp from the outset, using the skills that made him a two-division champion to befuddle Castillo. Alexander’s jab found itsrange from the beginning and he slowly began to work in straight left hands that he would land frequently to maintain control of the action.
My coach was telling me to pick it up throughout the fight,” сказаў Аляксандр. “The rust got to me a little bit. I know that I can be more active. I really started to feel warmed up later in the fight. I know that I can do way better but I was happy to have this experience.
У другім раўндзе, Alexander scored a highlight reel knockdown of Castillo as he landed a powerful par of straight left hands sandwich around a right uppercut. Castillo continued to try to walk Alexander down and stayed persistent in throwing power punches as much as he could over the course of the fight.
He kept moving side to side and didn’t really stay in there and fight,” Саід Касціла. “I wanted him to run less but I just kept coming forward trying to throw punches. I got dazed a little from the knockdown but nothing bad. That was more about his speed.
Alexander proved to be too sharp throughout the welterweight affair, consistently avoiding Castillo’s big punches and delivering his own varied and effective attack. Пасля 10 раўндаў, Alexander was officially back in the win column with a unanimous decision by scores of 100-89 у два разы і 96-93.
I love doing what I do,” сказаў Аляксандр. “This is what I was born to do since I was seven-years-old. I’m thankful to be back doing what I love.
I’m going to talk to my coach and my team and see what we can come up with next. I’m ready to fight anybody out there. I don’t have any cuts so I’m ready. I’m on a journey and I’m thankful to be here.
The opening bout of the telecast saw unbeaten Мігель Крус (17-0, 11 КО) earn a close unanimous decision over Дэвід Grayton (15-2-1, 11 КО) in a competitive welterweight clash.
Both fighters took their time getting started in round one before Grayton broke through in round two and stunned Cruz against the ropes late in the round. Cruz bounced back in round three landing a right hand late in the third round that forced Grayton to tie up and eventually tackle Cruz to the canvas in order to survive the round.
Cruz suffered his first cut of the fight during the round three exchange but fought through the wound under his right eye and dropped Grayton with a jab early in round six to score a crucial knockdown. The intensity of the fight continued into the eighth round when Grayton began to tee-off on Cruz as blood poured from a second cut, this one above Cruz’s right eye.
The back and forth battle continued until the final bell, with both men throwing wildly as the referee attempted to break up the action. Пасля 10 rounds all three judges saw the fight in favor of Cruz by the score of 96-93.
# # #
Вентылятары могуць жыць паток баі на FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. Паядынкі даступныя на працоўным стале ў FOXSportsGO.com і праз краму прыкладанняў, або падлучаных прылад, уключаючы Apple TV, Android TV, агонь ТБ, Xbox One і Roku. У дадатак, усе праграмы таксама даступныя на FOX Sports на канале SiriusXM 83 спадарожнікавыя радыёстанцыі і на дадатку SiriusXM.
Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / хатнюю і www.foxdeportes.com.
Выконвайце па щебетатьPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm і стаць прыхільнікам на Facebook па www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, іwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Асноўныя наяўныя на www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes was sponsored by Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by Warriors Boxing and Fire Fist Boxing Promotions.