Arkivji Tag: Anthony Karperis


NEW YORK (Jan. 23, 2018) – Il-ġimgħa night fireworks are in store for fans on Facebook as FIGHTNIGHT LIVE partners with Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing for its first show of the New Year. Fight fans from across the globe can catch all the action beginning at 7:30 p.m. U live from Long Island, fuq kwalunkwe mezz fejn Facebook huwa disponibbli, as the combat sports platform opens 2018 ma juru ħdax fuq il-pjattaforma disa 'xhur qodma.
“Imxejna kienu ferm kuntent mat-tkabbir tas-serje, u Tal-il-ġimgħa show will be incredible with the addition of a mystery commentator, li ser jiġi żvelat aktar tard fil-ġimgħa. Is-serje LIVE FIGHTNIGHT għandu ċans li jilħqu opinjoni 1000000 tagħha biss 11 turi u rridu li nirringrazzja fannijiet ġlieda kullimkien għall-appoġġ tagħhom,” qal Mark Fratto, Prinċipali tal Linacre Midja. “Nhar il-Ġimgħa, fannijiet minn madwar Long Island u fid-dinja kollha se jkunu jistgħu tixgħel biex jaqbad xi matchups eċċellenti permezz tal-paġna Istilla Boxing Facebook u paġna tagħna LIVE FIGHTNIGHT.”
Fil-avveniment prinċipali nhar il-Ġimgħa lejl, Long Island s Anthony “Showtime” Karperis (14-3, 5 Kos) tissielet għall-17-il darba fil Il Paramount filwaqt li tfittex għal rebħa 13 tiegħu fil-post fejn, taking on Nicaragua’s Nelson Lara (17-9-4, 9 Kos). Undefeated fighters Tyrone “Boy Pretty” James (6-0, 3 Kos), Wendy Toussaint (7-0, 2 Kos) u Michael Stoute (2-0) se tfittex li tagħfas il-folla Long Island u l-udjenza Facebook, and fight fans will witness the pro debut of Huntington’s own Shaun Kennedy, flimkien ma 'eżekuzzjonijiet mużikali u aktar.
“Huwa ser tkun lejl thrilling ta boksing. Fannijiet se tara diversi prospetti undefeated u Anthony Karperis, who is always in fan-friendly wars. Fights from The Paramount are reminiscent of the old days at the Blue Horizon – tissielet thrilling, taqlib u fannijiet entużjasti,” qal Joe DeGuardia, CEO u l-President tal Star Boxing. “Huwa kbir li d-dinja kollha se tkun tista 'tara dan fuq Facebook. The world is changing so much and for boxing and it’s great that fans can tune in from anywhere and be a part of the action. Iva, the Paramount will be sold out Il-ġimgħa lejl – imma inti xorta tista 'tara l-ġlied mill irfinar fil Facebook.”
Matul l-ewwel tmien xhur ta 'programmazzjoni, the numbers on the 10-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of more than 93,000 fight fans tuning in per event and nearly one-million fans served. Il Seba. 9 “Promozzjonijiet Deal Real: Imperu Istat” minn Resorts Dinjija Casino (225,000), l CES Awissu “Super IS-SIBT” minn Foxwoods (203,000), l settembru. CES “Twin Xmara Twinbill” minn Lincoln, R.I. (157,000) kollha kkompletati 150,000 fehmiet, and collectively the 10-show series saw a total of almost 17,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 930,933-plus users across all devices.
Minbarra l-numri jarawhom primi, -kolonna tal-interattiv, fan-friendly productions have seen more than 130,000 impenji kollettivi post ħajjin (13,000-flimkien ma kull juru), jinkludu aktar minn 91,000 “jħobb” jew “tant iħobb,” aktar minn 16,000 kummenti u ishma 4,900 plus.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 irġiel fil-mija, 24 nisa fil-mija. The top demographic is comprised of males ages 25-34, li jinkludi madwar 30.0 mija tal-udjenza, medja.
Il Seba. 9 “Promozzjonijiet Deal Real: Imperu Istat” set a new bar with 224,658 fehmiet u l- Seba. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to tliet kwarti ta-a-miljun fehmiet fi ftit aktar minn erba 'xhur. Il Awissu. 26 Foxwoods “Super IS-SIBT” juru jispikka individwalment ma ' 3,336 live hours of content viewed, filwaqt li l- Seba. 15 DiBella card saw more than 40,000 interazzjonijiet telespettatur including almost 39,000 “jħobb” jew “tant iħobb.”
Nhar il-Ġimgħa lejl, Jan. 26, ħajjin minn Il-Paramount fil Huntington, Long Island, N.Y., fannijiet jistgħu jistennew b'impatt għoli, multi-kamera streaming esperjenza kompluta bi grafika, animazzjonijiet, replays, interviews and an announce team anchored by blow-by-blow announcer marc Abrams of AWE, NBC Sports Philadelphia, u Former Golden Gloves Champion Cara Castronuova, issa tal-Fondazzjoni Obeżità eliminatorja, will contribute analysis and deliver post-fight interviews in the ring. To provide spectators with a fully-interactive ringside experience, kummentaturi se jistaqsu u jwieġbu għall-mistoqsijiet mill-udjenza Facebook madwar id-xandira.
Maħluqa u prodotti mill Linacre Media barra ta 'New York City, -serje LIVE FIGHTNIGHT karatteristiċi announcers professjonali, angoli tal-kamera multipli, grafika tat-televiżjoni, replays u wara l---kwinti aċċess u intervisti. Il turi streaming huma disponibbli globalment kulfejn Facebook huwa disponibbli. L-inizjattiva mhux biss jippermetti fannijiet minn madwar id-dinja biex tixgħel, iżda wkoll jagħti up-u-li ġejjin ġellieda pjattaforma globali biex juru l-ħiliet tagħhom, tagħti promoturi aċċessibbli “xandira” soluzzjoni u jagħti isponsors l-abbiltà li jilħqu udjenza tal-massa permezz kontenut tad-ditta.
Aktar FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Xitwa / Rebbiegħa 2018 dati se jitħabbru uffiċjalment fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin.
LIVE FIGHTNIGHT huwa disponibbli online fuq: /
Follow all the action via social media at FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE fuq Facebook,@FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ fuq Twitter, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Għall-avvenimenti aħħar Linacre Midja u l-iskeda tax-xandir, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents jew #LinacreMediaOnTV.

Scott Burrell & Dean Burrell in action this Friday night in Huntington, New York

Scott Burrell takes on Anthony Karperis in main event while Dean Burrell takes on John Hernandez
Huntington, Long Island (Marzu 22, 2017) –Dan il-ġimgħa night at the Paramount Theatre in Huntington, New York, The Burrell Twins, Scott and Dean will be back in action in highly anticipated bouts against tough competition.
Scott (12-2, 8 Tal-KO) will take on Anthony Karperis (13-2, 4 Tal-KO) in the ten-round main event, while Dean (11-1, 8 Tal-KO) battles John Hernandez (8-1, 1 KO) in a six-round bout on the Joe DeGuardia Star Boxing card.
Scott will be making his first start since winning a unanimous decision over Joseph Perez (12-3-2) fuq Lulju 23, 2016 fil UNCASVILLE, Connecticut.
Scott will be looking for his 6th consecutive win.
I’ve had the best training camp and preparation for this fight than any other,” said Scott Burrell. “We’ve left no stone unturned in and out of the gym. I’m ready to go out there March 24th and put on a show!”

This camp has been all about pushing my limits and challenging myself to work outside of my comfort zone. My coaches have pushed me, my brother has challenged me. All that’s left now is the final test March 24th, which I will pass!”

“Ħerqana għal din il-ġlieda, I’m looking forward to the challenge. My opponent has a good record and I’m fighting him in his hometown in front of his fans, I’ll have some people there too but this is where he built his career. I know have to go out there and dominant and show NY who Scott Burrell is! I feel I am the better all around fighter and I plan to show that March 24th in style!”

Like his 28 year-old twin brother, Dean has also been in a roll and will to be victorious for the 11th consecutive time, and has not lost since 2011.

Dean believes a win over Hernandez will be that breakthrough win that will carry him into the bigger fights.
I’m feeling great, we’ve had a great 8 week camp, the hard work is done now it’s time to fight!” said Dean Burrell

You reap what you sow, we have sowed the right seeds getting ready for March 24th, so I’m looking forward to reaping the benefits.

I always try to make sure that I have fun in preparation for fights, which we did. I’m looking forward to a tough fight against a tough opponent.

Said the Burrell Twins manager TJ Marsé, “This is a huge night for the boys. They have worked so hard to get here and with this night of fights they both get a chance to shine together in front of friends and family. Our head coach Don Saxby has put in incredible work and for that we are extremely grateful. From training, to coaching, to management- this night is a culmination of a lot of hard work.
This evening is also special for The Marsé Group familja, as female as singer/songwriter/producer E L E N I will be present for a special performance!

The Burrell Twins are sponsored by Reebok.