Yorliq Archives: Anthem Sport va Entertainment Corporation

Iconic ‘WOSBritish Wrestling to Return to ITV

MANCHESTER | NASHVILLE – ITV Studios Entertainment Manchester announced today that it has teamed up with IMPACT Wrestling, a subsidiary of Anthem Sport & Entertainment Corp., to bring WOS Wrestling back to ITV, with an initial commission for a 10-part series.

The commission from ITV’s Helen Warner follows a successful one-off-special, which aired on New Year’s Eve 2016. The Executive Producers for ITV Studios are Tom McLennan and Simon Marsh. Jeff Jarrett, the Chief Creative Officer for IMPACT Wrestling, will be the Executive Producer for IMPACT Wrestling.

Thirty years after the original WOS ended – and legendary stars such as Big Daddy, Mick McManus and Rollerball Rocco left British screens – this new series will feature the very best of today’s wrestlers from the current red-hot U.K. wrestling scene.

They will compete in front of a live audience at the intimate Preston Guild Hall on Thursday 25th May and Friday 26th May (doors 7pm / bell time 7.30pm).

Tickets for these historic shows will go on sale at 9am on Friday 7th April from Gigsandtours.com /Ticketmaster.co.uk / prestonguildhall.co.uk

There will also be a launch event this Monday (27th Qadam tashlamoq) da 2 pm in Manchester, where the full details of the WOS live shows will be announced, including the roster. Press and fans are invited to attend to the launch, which will include a Q&A and meet & greet. Places are extremely limited, to reserve one please email wswaudience@itv.com

This initial commission is part of a comprehensive co-production agreement between ITV Studios and IMPACT Wrestling to relaunch the WOS Wrestling brand, bringing British stars to ITV while leveraging the roster and creative team of IMPACT Wrestling along with its expertise in live event production and international distribution.

“This opportunity to work with ITV Studios to revive this iconic brand in the United Kingdom is a perfect example of the ways in which we intend to leverage our strengths to build our presence in international markets in collaboration with local organizations,” said Ed Nordholm, president of IMPACT Wrestling.

Director of Entertainment, ITV Studios Manchester, Tom McLennan said: “Britain’s wrestling scene is thriving and there has never been a better time to bring it back to ITV after a gap of 30 years.”

Jeff Jarrett, Chief Creative Officer for IMPACT Wrestling, qo'shilgan: “The WOS brand is etched in professional wrestling tradition. My family’s lineage in the industry dates back 70-plus years, so I am honoured for the opportunity to work on reviving the legacy of this historic British series.

Anthem Sport & Entertainment Forms Anthem Wrestling Exhibitions, MChJ., Acquires Control of IMPACT Wrestling

For Immediate Release – January 4, 2017

Toronto, Kanada (Yanvar 4, 2017) Anthem Sport & Entertainment Corp. today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire a majority interest in TNA IMPACT Wrestling, and has formed Anthem Wrestling Exhibitions, MChJ. Anthem also owns Fight Network, Dunyodagi birinchi 24/7 jangovar sport turlarini to'liq yoritishga bag'ishlangan ko'p platformali kanal, which is IMPACT Wrestling’s exclusive broadcast partner in Canada and worldwide digital partner.

“We are thrilled to have acquired TNA IMPACT Wrestling,” said Ed Nordholm, Executive Vice President of Anthem Sports & Entertainment Corp., the parent of Fight Network. “As we grow Anthem’s linear, digital and mobile platforms globally, top tier content with global appeal is key to that success and this acquisition is a perfect strategic addition to our portfolio. IMPACT has been a dominant wrestling brand around the world for more than a decade and we are confident that Anthem can leverage its assets and strategic partnerships to take IMPACT Wrestling to even greater heights.”

Janob. Nordholm, who has been the managing director of the IMPACT Ventures Board of Managers since October 2016, will assume the position of President of Anthem Wrestling Exhibitions, MChJ. Dixie Carter will resign from her position as Chairman of Impact Ventures and join the Advisory Board of Fight Media Group, which holds all of the combat sports-related assets of Anthem, where her focus will be on the global growth of the combat sports-related brands owned by Anthem.

“Anthem has been a great partner for many years,” added Dixie Carter. “We have worked hard to find the right company who would acquire TNA, use its strategic influence and have a long-term commitment to the brand. TNA’s incredible fans, talent and staff deserved to see the brand continue to thrive after 15+ years of incredible growth. I’m excited to move to a new position and work with Anthem on their global strategic plan, and I am confident TNA IMPACT Wrestling is going to be a huge part of their success.”

Xonim. Carter will remain a minority equity stakeholder.

Madhiyasi ning FNTSY sport Network va AQSh bo'ylab Suddenlink aloqa joriy qilish uchun, tarmoq Fight.

Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun
Toronto (Iyul 6, 2015) — Anthem Sport & Entertainment Corp. bugun e'lon qildi Fantasy Sports Network (Chumolilar), dunyodagi ilk xayol sportga bag'ishlangan kanal, va Fight Network, Dunyodagi birinchi jangovar sport telekanali, bo'yicha ishga tushirishdi Suddenlink Communications AQSh bo'ylab, taxminan of Suddenlink ning tagida mavjud kanallari qilish 1.5 mamlakat bo'ylab million abonentlarga.
Suddenlink yettinchi o'rinda U.S hisoblanadi. kabel kompaniya, Texasdagi mijozlarga xizmat, Louisiana, Arkanzas, Shimoliy Karolina, Oklahoma, West Virginia, va boshqa bozorlar.
Har ikki kanallari yuqori aniqlikdagi mavjud bo'ladi (HD) Suddenlink sportini Plus Tier bo'yicha.
FNTSY Sport Network dunyodagi ilk bo'ladi 24/7 xabardor qilish uchun erga qadar mo'ljallangan televizion tarmoq, bilan shug'ullanish va ko'proq shug'ullangan 57 har yili va har kuni xayol sport o'yin million sevganlar. xayol sport futbolchilar uchun manzil kanal, uning dasturiy qiziqarli jonli studio dasturiy o'z ichiga oladi, call-yilda namoyishlar, ekspert panellar, mashhur va tajribali shashka, sport sohalarida haqiqat dasturiy va on-sayt sharh, qit'amizning atrofida ekspertlar, shuningdek, qisqa-shakl dasturlash, futbol farasingiz sport muhokama va tahlil qilish bilan ta'minlash, beysbol, basketball, futbol, golf, xokkey, NASCAR va boshqa sport.
Tarmoq bir Fight 24/7 televizion kanal jangovar sport yoritilishini bajarish bag'ishlangan. Bu jangovar sport janr butun ko'lamini yo'naltirilgan dasturlar fiyaka, aralashgan jang san'ati, shu jumladan,, joylashtirish, kikboksing, professional kurash, an'anaviy jang san'atlari, yangiliklar va tahlil jang, shuningdek jang-nomli drama sifatida, haqiqat series, hujjatli va badiiy filmlar. Tarmoq ning dinamik dasturlash tarkibi dunyo va keng axborot qamrab atrofida jonli voqealarni o'z ichiga oladi jang. Jang Network AQShda allaqachon mavjud, Kanada va ustida 30 Evropa bo'ylab mamlakatlar, Afrika va Yaqin Sharq.
“Bizning ishga tushirilishi faqat bir yil ichida, Biz chunki mamlakat bo'ylab o'z zonasidan Suddenlink bizning tarqatish bilan boshqa kilometr urdi bor,” Said Leonard Asper, Anthem sport bosh direktori & Entertainment Corp. “Jonli va yangi sport dasturlash uchun yuqori talab bilan, FNTSY Sport Network va ikki Network urush va ikki yuqori endi mavjud 10 AQShda kabel provayderlar, Bizning jalb sport xususiyatlari bilan mamlakat bo'ylab yangi abonentlari ko'ngilochar ehtiyojlarini ado.”
“FNTSY Sport Network va jang Network sporlarını bizning sport paketlar biz taklif ulkan turli to'ldiradi yangi ko'rish va axborot variantlari taqdim,” dedi Suddenlink katta vitse-prezidenti va bosh dasturlash Officer Keti Payne. “Fantasy sport mashhurlik, ayniqsa, bu tinglovchilarning meet talablarini yordam beradi so'nggi yillarda va yangi takliflarni tez o'sdi.”
FNTSY Sport Network va jang Network Anthem sport xosdir & Entertainment Corp.