Tag Archives: Amanda Serrano

31stogodišnji Prsten 8 Holiday događanja & Svečana dodjela nagrada ove nedjelje popodne u New Yorku

NEW YORK (Prosinac 5, 2017) – Ograničene karte još su dostupne za ovo nedjeljno popodne 31st Godišnji Ring 8 Odmor događaja i dodjela nagrada, između 12:30 a 5:30 poslije podne. I, na Russo je u zaljevu u Howard Beach, Njujork.
Nazočit će šest svjetskih prvaka, uključujući tri dobitnika nagrada: Svjetski prvak u lakoj kategoriji WBO i dvostruki osvajač zlatne olimpijske medalje Vasyl “Bok Tech” Lomachenko (Muhammad Ali Međunarodni borac godine), Hall-of-Famer Michael Spinks (Povijesna nagrada), i peterostruki svjetski prvak Amanda “Real Deal” Serrano (Borac godine iz države New York).
Još jedna zvijezda Kuće slavnih, Evander “Real Deal” Holyfield, nije u mogućnosti prisustvovati svečanostima zbog sukoba na putovanju, ali na zadnjem Ringu dobio je nagradu Legends 8 sastanak.
Svjetski prvaci Vito Antuofermo, Iran Barkley Luis Collazo su confirmirani posebni gosti.
Ostalo 2017 Prsten 8 Dobitnici nagrada uključuju dvostruke Irce Olimpijac Michael Conlan (Nagrada za međunarodnu perspektivu godine), 2012 U.S. Olimpski “Sir” Marcus Browne(New York State Fighter godine), od Staten Island.
“Iščekivanje nastavlja rasti kako se približavamo Prstenu 8 nagrade banketu nedjelju,” Prsten 8 predsjednik Jack Hirsch rekla. “Počašćeni smo što će prisustvovati Vasyl Lomachenko i Michael Conlan, unatoč tome što su se noć prije potukli u Madison Square Gardenu. Mnogi smatraju Lomačenka najboljim borcem za kilogram za kilogram na svijetu, a Conlan najbolja perspektiva. I bit će posebna poslastica za obožavatelje kada vide Michaela Spinksa, koji će dobiti priznanje kao prvi prvak u poluteškoj kategoriji u povijesti koji je osvojio krunu u teškoj kategoriji.
“Nagradni banket ima vrlo prihvatljive cijene. Ne samo da će se ljudi miješati s velikim borcima, ali hrana u Russo's on the Bayu je vrhunska i atmosfera prvoklasna.”
2017 RING 8 Dobitnici nagrada
Muhammad Ali Međunarodni borac godine: Vasyl Lomachenko
Povijesna nagrada: Michael Spinks
Međunarodna perspektiva godine: Michael Conlan
NYS borac godine: Marcus Browne
NYS ženski borac godine: Amanda Serrano
Nagrada Sunnyside Gardens:: Bobby Cassidy, Sr.
NYS perspektiva godine: Devaun Lee
Nagrada natjecatelja u usponu: Skender & Enver Halili
Medijska nagrada Sam Kellerman: Matt Christie
NYS-ov trener godine: Hector Rosa
Dugo & Zaslužna služba: Edwin Torres
NYS-ov službenik godine: Robert Perez
NYS-ov promotor godine: Mercedes Vasquez Simmons
Neokrunjeni prvak: Richard Kiley
Liječnik godine bez prstena: Doktor. Osric King
Nagrada Good Guy: Joanne Doyle Hutchins
Prsten 8 Član godine: George Newman
Nagrada Zajednica usluga: Mike Reno
David Diamante ponovno će poslužiti kao ceremonijalni meštar događaja.
Ulaznice su $125.00 i uključuju kompletan brunch s koktel satom po ulasku, slijedi sjedenje na svečanosti dodjele, večera i desert, i top-polica otvoreni bar tijekom poslijepodneva. Kontaktni prsten 8 predsjednik Jack Hirsch (516.790.7592 iliAjhirsch5@aol.com) kupiti ulaznice.
Idi online www.Ring8ny.com za dodatne informacije o Ringu 8 ili njegov godišnji odmor Događaji i dodjela nagrada.
Russo je u zaljevu nalazi se na 162-45 Crossbay Blvd. u Howard Beach(718.843.5055).
O RING 8: Osnovani 1954 by bivši profesionalan bokser, Jack Grebelsky, Prsten 8 postala osma podružnica ono što je tada bio poznat kao Nacionalni Veteran bokserice Udruge – stoga, RING 8 – a danas je moto organizacije ostaje: Boksači Pomaganje boksači.
RING 8 je u potpunosti posvećen potpore siromašnim ljudima u boks zajednice koji mogu zahtijevati pomoć u smislu plaćati najam, medicinske troškove, ili bilo opravdano potreba.
Idi na liniji za www.Ring8ny.com Za više informacija o RING 8, Najveća skupina te vrste u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama s više od 350 članovi. Godišnja članarina je samo $30.00 a svaki član ima pravo na buffet večeru na RING 8 Sastanci,, osim srpanj i kolovoz. Svi aktivni boksači, amaterski i profesionalni, imaju pravo na besplatan RING 8 godišnje članstvo. Gosti Ring 8 Članovi su dobrodošli, po cijeni od samo $7.00 po osobi.

Selina Barrios zavara svoju protivnicu, Zarina Tsoloyeva vraća se iz borbe

RAYNE, LA (Studeni 2, 2017) – Dva dana nakon Noći vještica, neporažena ženska senzacija, lak Selina “Aztec kraljica” Četvrti (2-0, 1 KO), je uplašio svog protivnika, Zarina Tsoloyeva (Pro Debi) iz Zhaksyja, Kazahstan, kad se povukla iz zakazanog dvoboja od 4 runde, trebao se održati danas u The Rayne Civic Center u Louisiani. Tsoloyeva je jučer odbila stati na vagu.
Selina Barrios jedna je od žena koje se najviše izbjegavaju u Sjedinjenim Državama, a sada i u Kazahstanu. Ebony Jones iz Alabame, Alfa Patricia Lopez iz Meksika, i sad Zarina Tsoloyeva iz Kazahstana, svi su potpisali da se bore protiv Seline, ali su se u zadnji trenutak povukli da se bore protiv nje. Jones i Lopez nisu bili prisutni, dok je Tsoloyeva koja je iz daleke zemlje Kazahstan, pojavio se na vaganju, ali odbio je stati na ljestvicu.
“Bio sam spreman boriti se protiv Zarine Tsoloyeve, odlikovani amater iz Kazahstana, ali izvukla se u zadnji čas, poput moja posljednja dva protivnika.” rekla je Selina Barrios iz San Antonija. “Bilo je vrlo teško natjerati protivnike da se bore sa mnom. I’ve always said, Nije me briga koga stavljaju ispred mene, Borit ću se protiv bilo koga. Imam toliko povjerenja u svoje vještine. Nemam izbora nego krenuti dalje, ali s poštovanjem šaljem poruku svima u lakoj i superlakoj kategoriji, Neću nigdje, na kraju ćete se svi morati boriti sa mnom.”
Selina ništa neće skrenuti s puta jer ostaje pozitivna i nastavlja vrijedno raditi, tražeći tu priliku da izazove najbolje što lagane i superlake divizije nude. Voditelji Seline sada je moraju odmah premjestiti na šest i osam rundi, otjerati i doći do prvenstvene borbe jer ona kao profesionalka stječe više ring iskustva.
“Gledajući sve vrhunske lagane i superlake, Predviđam da će se Selina boriti za svjetsko prvenstvo prije svoje desete borbe,” rekla je savjetnica Kerry Daigle. “Moguće borbom broj sedam ili osam. Premjestit ćemo je u šest i osam krugova koji idu naprijed. Već sam u pregovorima sa sankcionim tijelima kako bi je rangirali.”
“Ako se nitko ne želi boriti sa mnom, tada dozivam sve borce imena u diviziji,” Nastavila je Selina Barrios. “Amanda Serrano, Mikaela Mayer, Jessica McCaskill i naravno, Katie Taylor, Spreman sam se boriti s vama u bilo kojem trenutku, negdje. Kao sto sam rekao, u nekom trenutku, svi ćete se morati boriti sa mnom.”

31stogodišnji Prsten 8 Holiday događanja & Dodjela nagrada prosinca. 10 u New Yorku

Vasyl Lomachenko, Evander Holyfield, Michael Conlan,
Marcus Browne, Amanda Serrano među 2017 Dobitnici nagrade
Vasyl Lomachenko (R) – 2017 Prsten 8 Muhammad Ali Međunarodni borac godine)
(fotografija ljubaznošću Top Rank – više slika ispod)
NEW YORK (Listopad 31, 2017) – The 31st Godišnji Ring 8 Holiday događaj i dodjela nagrada održat će se Nedjelja poslijepodne (12:30-5:30 poslije podne. I), Prosinac 10, na Russo je u zaljevu u Howard Beach, Njujork.
Prsten 8 je najavio svoj 2017 Dobitnici nagrade (pogledajte kompletan popis u nastavku), Svjetski prvak u lakoj kategoriji WBO-a i dvostruki osvajač zlatne olimpijske medalje Vasyl “Bok Tech” Lomančenko (Muhammad Ali Međunarodni borac godine), Hall-of-Famer Evander “Real Deal” Holyfield (Nagrada Legends), dvostruki Irac Olimpijac Michael Conlan (Nagrada za međunarodnu perspektivu godine), 2012 U.S. Olimpski “Sir” Marcus Browne (New York State Fighter godine), od Staten Island, i petoligaški svjetski prvak Amanda “Real Deal” Serrano, Brooklyna putem Portorika.
“Nevjerojatna je zainteresiranost za naš banket ove godine” Prsten 8 rekao je predsjednik Jack Hirsch. “Vasyl Lomachenko vjerojatno je najveći svjetski borac, a Evander Holyfield živa je legenda. Oboje je potvrđeno da će prisustvovati kao i buduće superzvijezde Michael Conlan i Marcus Browne. Tu će biti i druge istaknute počasti i boksačke osobe. Bit će to poslastica za obožavatelje koji će imati priliku komunicirati s njima.
“Russo's on the Bay je izvrsno mjesto; hrana je fantastična. Svi koji prisustvuju trebaju doći u prekrasne uspomene na događaj. Ulaznice imaju vrlo prihvatljive cijene za afere ove veličine. Obično rasprodajemo, pa predlažem svima koji planiraju prisustvovati kupnji karata što je prije moguće. Naša dobit od popodneva vraća se boksačkom bratstvu, pomažući onima manje sretnima, kojima je potrebna pomoć.”
2017 RING 8 Dobitnici nagrada
Muhammad Ali Međunarodni borac godine: Vasyl Lomachenko
Nagrada Legends: Evander Holyfield
Međunarodna perspektiva godine: Michael Conlan
NYS borac godine: Marcus Browne
NYS ženski borac godine: Amanda Serrano
Nagrada Sunnyside Gardens:: Bobby Cassidy, Sr.
NYS perspektiva godine: Devaun Lee
Nagrada natjecatelja u usponu: Skender & Enver Halili
Medijska nagrada Sam Kellerman: Matt Christie
NYS-ov trener godine: Hector Rosa
Dugo & Zaslužna služba: Edwin Torres
NYS-ov službenik godine: Robert Perez
NYS-ov promotor godine: Mercedes Vasquez Simmons
Neokrunjeni prvak: Richard Kiley
Liječnik godine bez prstena: Doktor. Osric King
Nagrada Good Guy: Joanne Doyle Hutchins
Prsten 8 Član godine: George Newman
Nagrada Zajednica usluga: Mike Reno
Posebni gosti će uključiti Teddy Atlas, Vito Antuofermo, Iran Barkley, Tommy Gallagher i mnogi drugi.
David Diamante ponovno će poslužiti kao ceremonijalni meštar događaja.
Ulaznice su $125.00 uključuju kompletan brunch s koktel satom po ulasku, slijedi sjedenje na svečanosti dodjele, večera i desert, i top-polica otvoreni bar tijekom poslijepodneva. Tu će također biti tiha aukcija boks suvenirnica. Očekuje se rasprodaja ovog događaja i svi se pozivaju da što prije kupe karte kako bi osigurali povoljna mjesta. Donacije bilo denominacije su dobrodošli za one koji ne mogu prisustvovati svečanosti.
Programski oglasi dostupni su za zadnju naslovnicu ($500.00), Unutar prednjeg ili stražnjeg poklopca ($400.00), Cijela stranica ($200.00), Half-stranice ($100.00), i četvrt-stranicu ($60.00). Rok za sve oglase Studeni 26, 2017, i mora biti poslana (Ajhirsch5 @ aol) ili poslana na Ring 8, P.o.. Okvir 153, Rockaway Park, NY 11694. Sve čekove za ulaznice ili oglase u časopisu treba platiti Ringu 8 (kreditne kartice su prihvatljive).
Za dodatne informacije o Ringu 8 ili njegov godišnji odmor Događaji i dodjela nagrada, kontakt Ring 8 predsjednik Jack Hirsch (516.790.7592 ili Ajhirsch5@aol.com) ili se obratite mreži www.Ring8ny.com za više informacija.
Russo je u zaljevu nalazi se na 162-45 Crossbay Blvd. u Howard Beach(718.843.5055).
Vasyl Lomachenko (fotografija ljubaznošću Top Rank)
Evander Holyfield (fotografija ljubaznošću tvrtke Real Deal Sports and Entertainment)
Michael Conlan (Slika ljubaznošću Top Rank)
Marcus Browne (fotografija ljubaznošću Premier Boxing Championsa)
Amanda Serrano (slika ljubaznošću DiBella Entertainment)
O RING 8: Osnovani 1954 by bivši profesionalan bokser, Jack Grebelsky, Prsten 8 postala osma podružnica ono što je tada bio poznat kao Nacionalni Veteran bokserice Udruge – stoga, RING 8 – a danas je moto organizacije ostaje: Boksači Pomaganje boksači.
RING 8 je u potpunosti posvećen potpore siromašnim ljudima u boks zajednice koji mogu zahtijevati pomoć u smislu plaćati najam, medicinske troškove, ili bilo opravdano potreba.

Idi na liniji za www.Ring8ny.com Za više informacija o RING 8, Najveća skupina te vrste u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama s više od 350 članovi. Godišnja članarina je samo $30.00 a svaki član ima pravo na buffet večeru na RING 8 Sastanci,, osim srpanj i kolovoz. Svi aktivni boksači, amaterski i profesionalni, imaju pravo na besplatan RING 8 godišnje članstvo. Gosti Ring 8 Članovi su dobrodošli, po cijeni od samo $7.00 po osobi

Najbolji natjecatelj u teškoj kategoriji Dominic Breazeale borit će se protiv Eric Moline na Undercardu Deontay Wilder-a protiv. Obračun Bermane Stivernea u teškoj kategoriji u Barclays Centeru u studenom. 4

Više! Svjetski prvak u pet divizija, Vrhunska borka za kilogram funte Amanda Serrano bori se protiv Marilyn Hernandez; Povratak Seanie Monaghan s Long Islanda; Neporaženi izgledi Chris Colbert i Titus Williams Sukob U perolakoj bitci
Novi set cijena ulaznica za događaj uživo
BROOKLYN (Listopad 12, 2017) – Glavni pretendent na naslov prvaka u teškoj kategoriji Dominic Breazeale borit će se protiv Erica Moline u meču za eliminaciju naslova WBC-a od 12 rundi na podloku obračuna između WBC-ovog prvaka u teškoj kategoriji Deontaya Wildera i Bermane Stiverne uživo na SHOWTIME Subota, Studeni. 4. Događaj predstavljaju Premier Boxing Champions iz Barclays Centra, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™.
Na složenoj će kartici biti i bivši prvak u poluteškoj kategoriji Shawn Porter, koji će se boriti protiv Adriana Granadosa i Sergeya Lipinetsa koji se bore protiv Akihira Konda za upražnjeni juniorski naslov u poluteškoj kategoriji u televizijskim okršajima.. Televizijska emisija PRVENSTVO U BOKSU u tri borbe započinje u 9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT.
Više, peterostruka svjetska prvakinja Amanda Serrano iz Brooklyna preuzima Marilyn Hernandez, Seanie Monaghan s Long Islanda (28-1-0, 17 Kos) vraća svoj prsten u lice Evert Bravo (23-6-1, 17 Kos), iz Arboletea, Kolumbija, i Brooklynov Chris Colbert (6-0, 2 Kos) bori se s Titom Williamsom s Long Islanda (7-0, 2 Kos) u okršaju u petero kategoriji u osam rundi.
Postavljene su nove cijene za ulaznice za uživo gledanje događaja u Barclays Center, pružajući navijačima priliku bez presedana da vide svjetskog prvaka u teškoj kategoriji u revanšu protiv jedinog kandidata koji ga je odveo do kraja 12 kola.
Ulaznice za događaj, koji promovira DiBella Zabava i TGB Promocije, su u prodaji i mogu se kupiti na ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com ili pozivom 800-745-3000. Ulaznice se mogu kupiti i u American Express Box Officeu u Barclays Centru. Grupni popusti su dostupni pozivom 844-BKLYN-GP.
“Prepoznali smo da se Deontayev protivnik promijenio, i restrukturirali smo cijene ulaznica kako bismo potaknuli što veći broj obožavatelja da prisustvuju sjajnoj večeri borbi, i svjetsko prvenstvo u teškoj kategoriji,” rekao je Lou DiBella iz tvrtke DiBella Entertainment, promotor kartice. “Stiverne je oduševljen zbog ove druge šanse i nema što izgubiti. Bermane Stiverne jedini je protivnik kojeg Deontay nije nokautirao među svojim profesionalnim protivnicima. Deontay to želi popraviti, a Stiverne želi baciti ključ u Wilderov san o ujedinjenju teške kategorije.”
Wilder (38-0, 37 Kos) u siječnju svrgnuo s prijestolja branitelja naslova Stivernea 2015 jednoglasnom odlukom u najtežoj borbi dosadasnjeg izazivača. S pobjedom, Wilder je postao prvi američki prvak u teškoj kategoriji u gotovo desetljeću i pet je puta branio naslov. Stiverne (25-2-1, 21 Kos) ostaje jedini Wilder-ov protivnik koji se udaljio s teško pogađanjem Tuscaloose, Alabama, domaći koji je nokautirao svakog drugog profesionalnog protivnika u svom dugom životopisu.
Dominic Breazeale (18-1, 16 Kos), koji živi u Eastvaleu, Kalifornija, dolazi pobjeda KO nad Izu Ugonohom na Veljače. 25. 32-godišnji Breazeale doživio je jedini gubitak karijere u prvenstvenoj utakmici teške kategorije protiv Anthonyja Joshue u Londonu u lipnju 25, 2016.
Eric Molina (26-4, 19 Kos) dva puta se borio za svjetsko prvenstvo u teškoj kategoriji. U svom prvom naslovu pucao je na 35-godišnjaka iz Weslaca, Teksas je u lipnju nokautirao Deontay Wilder 13, 2015. Molina je izgubila putem TKO-a od Anthonyja Joshue u svojoj sljedećoj prilici 12. prosinca. 10, 2016. Molina se vratio većinskom pobjedom protiv Jamala Woodsa u svojoj posljednjoj borbi Sedam. 2.
Petoligaška svjetska prvakinja Amanda Serrano (33-1-1, 25 Kos) nastupit će četvrti put u Barclays Centeru kada brani naslov svjetske superligaške kategorije protiv Marilyn Hernandez (26-10, 17 Kos). Serrano, koji je rođen u Portoriku, a živi u Brooklynu, uspješno obranila svoj naslov TKO pobjedom nad Edinom Kiss u svojoj posljednjoj borbi dalje Srpanj 21. Hernandez iz Santo Dominga, Dominikanska Republika postigla je TKO pobjedu nad Marijom Hernandez u svojoj posljednjoj borbi Jan. 10.
Za više informacija posjetite www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.com,
pratite nas na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @ TGBPromotions @BarclaysCenter i @Swanson_Comm ili postanite obožavatelji na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter, a www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment


Jermell Charlo nokautirao Charlesa Hatleyja u obranu WBC-ovog pojasa od 154 kilograma u PRVENSTVENOM BOKSU® Co-Značajka; VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/2ogV2nv


Amanda Serrano stvara povijest NA VRIJEMU PRIKAZIVANJA® Kao prva žena & Portorikanski petoligaški prvak


Uhvatite ponovljenu emisiju PRVENSTVA U BOKSU Ponedjeljak, Travanj 24 Na

10 poslije podne. I/PT o Showtime EXTREME


Kliknite OVDJE Za fotografije; Kreditni Tom Casino / SHOWTIME

Kliknite NJUE Za fotografije; Kreditna Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

Kliknite OVDJE Za fotografije; Kredit Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment


BROOKLYN (Travanj 23, 2017) - Shawn Porter postigao zaustavljanje u devetom kolu Ostali Berto postati obvezni izazivač WBC-a jedinstvenom prvaku u poluteškoj kategoriji Keithu Thurmanu na glavnom događaju PRVENSTVENOG BOKSIRANJA, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, Subota navečer u SHOWTIME iz Barclays Centra u Brooklynu.

VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/2pS68zi


Uvjerljivom pobjedom, Porter potencijalno zaradi revanš utakmicu s Thurmanom, koga je tijesno izgubio do prošlog lipnja u 2016 Kandidat za borbu godine u Barclays Centeru, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™.


Meč u poluteškoj kategoriji bio je gruba stvar koja je propala već od uvodnog zvona. Nositi (27-2-1, 17 Kos) cijev naprijed da uguši uvredu Berta (31-5, 24 Kos), udarajući Bertovo tijelo iz neposredne blizine. Duboka pukotina otvorila se preko Porterovog lijevog oka od slučajnog udarca glavom u drugom, a drugi mu se otvorio nad desnim okom samo dvije runde kasnije. Činilo se da Porterova stalna agresivnost i učinkovit rad na tijelu frustriraju Berta, koji se borio da se drži izvan konopa.


Neobičan niz događaja odvijao se u uvodnoj minuti devete runde. S nesigurnim Bertom na nogama nakon još jednog sukoba glava, Porter je nasrnuo i podmetnuo bivšeg prvaka lijevom kukom za njegov drugi nokdaun u borbi. Berto je ustao, ali Porter se nastavio povezivati ​​s Bertom protiv konopa i sudac Mark Nelson mahnuo je s natjecanja 1:31. U vrijeme prekida, Porter je nadvisio Berta 60-12 tijekom posljednja dva kruga.


“Moram očistiti kundake,- rekao je Porter. “Pokušali smo iskoristiti cijeli prsten, ali ponekad se u žaru bitke događaju stvari. Ja sam borac i g. Berto je također borac, ti udarci glavom bili smo samo nas dvoje koji smo ulazili i borili se.


“Mislila sam da sam se pametno borila večeras. Mislio sam da sam dobro odabrao udarce. There were times where I smothered my shots, but there were also times where I smothered him. He has a dangerous uppercut but we had a great game plan. This was a just very hard fought battle by both of us and I’m blessed to get the victory.”


Nakon borbe, Berto admitted that Porter’s aggressiveness and the accidental headbutts frustrated him.


“I have to give him credit, but he’s a rough fighter,” Berto said. “He has great skills but, istovremeno, he was trying to be rough and trying to handle me anyway he could. I got a lot of headbutts, and he did too. Shawn’ is a tough competitor. We had a good competitive fight until the headbutts got to be a little too much for me. But I thought it was a really good fight before that.”


Nakon borbe, SHOWTIME Sportski novinar Jim Gray pitao je Thurmana, koji je bio u krugu eliminatora, ako bi Porteru odobrio revanš.


“Njegov je tim bio uporan u vezi revanša i sada se izborio za to,”Rekao je Thurman. “Moramo samo sjesti i razgovarati o tome. On je gladan, vidite način na koji se bori, to bi mogla biti opet sjajna borba «.


Odgovorio je Porter: "Bio sam ovdje gore poželjevši da on kaže da - to je borba koju želim sljedeću."


Jermell Charlo obranio svoje WBC Svjetsko prvenstvo u poluteškoj kategoriji dominantno, poraznim nokautom u šestoj rundi obveznog izazivača Charles Hatley u glavnom događaju SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXA.


Charlo (29-0, 14 Kos) spustio oštriji hitac s zvona za otvaranje, pomoću oštrog lijevog udarca za postavljanje izuzetno učinkovite ravne desne. Šarlo iz Houstona, mlađi blizanac neporaženog bivšeg prvaka od 154 kilograma Jermalla, pod Hatley (26-2-1, 18 Kos) sredinom trećeg s udžbenikom lijevo-desno kombinacijom koja je zapanjila njegovog kolegu Teksašanina.


Upečatljiva preciznost Charla nastavila se u četvrtom i petom, prije navale udaraca i savršeno tempirane desne strane do brade poslao je Hatleyja licem prema naprijed da padne na platno. Sudac Harvey Dock nije oklijevao i odmah je odmahnuo rukom :36 s Hatleyem hladnim na platnu.


Točnost Charlovog uboda je govorila - spustio je svoj udarac na a 31 postotak isječka za postavljanje njegovih snimaka snage, koji su se povezali na impresivnom 52 posto. Sveukupno, Charlo je sletio 42 posto njegovih ukupnih udaraca u gotovo šest punih rundi borbe nagrada.


“Upotrijebio sam taj udarac za postavljanje desne ruke,”Rekao je Charlo. “I knew Charles Hatley goes down and he gets back up – he’s a warrior – and I knew I had to get in there and be a lion.


Hatley was moving around a lot. He was trying to engage and I tried to tell him to come fight. When he finally got in there, that’s when I got him out. I’m the champ so I have to continue to fight my mandatory. They got a guy named Jarret Hurd that took my brother’s title – we could unify.”


Amanda Serrano became the first women and the first Puerto Rican to win world titles in five weight divisions with an eighth-round TKO of Dahiana Santana to capture the vacant WBO Women’s Bantamweight World Championship in the featured bout of SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME.


Serrano (32-1-1, 24 Kos) bio agresor sa zvona za otvaranje, krećući se naprijed i precizno napadajući kao Santana (35-9, 14 Kos) podržao i jeo stalnu prehranu kontra udaraca. Santani je u četvrtom oduzet bod za klinčenje, i imao je vidljive rubove iznad oba oka nakon sedmog.


Serrano se spajao gotovo 3-1 omjer snage udaraca kad je sudac Benjy Esteves uskočio da zaustavi borbu 1:14 osmog kruga.


“Znači mi sve. Toliko smo radili. Trudili smo se za ovaj trenutak,”Rekao je Serrano. “Biti svjetski prvak s pet divizija nevjerojatno je. Biti prva žena i prva Portorikanka je nevjerojatno.


“Tako sam ponosan što sam Portorikanac. Ponosan sam što sam SHOWTIME borac. Baš sam sretna zbog ovog trenutka. Samo da budem svjetski prvak s pet divizija, Danas bih mogao u mirovinu i to bi bio najsretniji trenutak u mom životu. Tek počinjem. Nadam se da sam se vratio. "


U uvodnoj borbi SHOWTIME BOXING-a na SHO EXTREME, Jose Miguel Borrego (12-0, 11 Kos) nokautirao igru John Delperdang (10-3, 9 Kos) na 2:07 sedme u zakazanom osmokružnom velter kategoriji.


Borrego, koji je sletio svoj aperkat po volji tijekom cijele borbe, sletio 229 pucanja snage na više od 50 postotak isječka u akciji prepunoj akcije.


U subotu događaj promovirala DiBella Entertainment.


Televizija SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOX ponovno će se emitirati Ponedjeljak, Travanj 24 na 10 poslije podne. I/PT o Showtime EXTREME. U subotu SHOWTIME BOX na TV SHO EXTREME emitirat će se u utorak, Travanj 25 na 10 poslije podne. ET / PT na SHOWTIME EXTREME. Obje emisije bit će dostupne u SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® i SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.



Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter bio je eliminator WBC-a u poluteškoj kategoriji među bivšim svjetskim prvakom od 147 kilograma. U dvoboju od 12 rundi naslovljeno je SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOX, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, Subota travnja 22 iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™. U suradnji-glavni događaj, neporaženi svjetski prvak u poluteškoj kategoriji Jermell Charlo borio se s najbolje ocijenjenim izazivačem Charlesom Hatleyem, s početkom u televiziji pokrivenost 9:30 poslije podne. I / 6:30 poslije podne. PT.


# # #

Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports pratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ISwanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC je sponzoriran od strane Corona, najbolje pivo.


Kliknite OVDJE Za fotografije; Kreditna Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO Boks® Uživo na 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT

WBC Welterweight Eliminator – 12 Krugovi

Andre Berto – 146 ½ Pounds

Shawn Porter – 147 Funti

Sudac: Mark Nelson; Judges: Don Ackerman (NY), Pasquale Procopio (Kanada), Robin Taylor (NY)

WBC Super Welterweight World Championship – 12 Krugovi

Jermell Charlo – 153 ½ Pounds

Charles Hatley – 153 ¼ Pounds

Sudac: Harvey Dock; Judges: Larry Hazzard Jr. (New Jersey), Frank Lombardi (Konektikat), Eric Marlinski (NY)

SHOWTIME boks na sho EXTREME® Uživo na 7:30 poslije podne. I/PT

Vacant WBO Bantamweight World Championship

Amanda Serrano – 118 ¼ Pounds

Dahiana Santana – 122 ¼ Pounds

Sudac: Benjy Esteves; Judges: Ivan McKaie (NY), Tony Paolillo (NY), Waleska Roldan (NY)

Vacant title only at stake for Serrano

Welterweight Bout – 8 Krugovi

Jose Miguel Borrego – 141 ¾ Pounds

John Delperdang – 142 ½ Pounds

Sudac: Eric Dali; Judges: Anthony Lundy (New Jersey), Tony Paolillo (NY), Waleska Roldan (NY)


Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter is a WBC Welterweight World Title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, Subota travnja 22 iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™. U suradnji-glavni događaj, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley, s početkom u televiziji pokrivenost 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT.

Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter Press Conference Quotes & Fotografije

Former World Champions Meet in Welterweight World Title Eliminator That Headlines a Premier Boxing Champions Event,Subota, Travanj 22 iz Barclays Center u Brooklynu &
Uživo na Showtime
Kliknite OVDJE za Fotografije iz Amanda Westcott / Showtime
Kliknite OVDJE za Fotografije iz Ed Diller / DiBella Zabava
BROOKLYN (Travanj 20, 2017) – Bivši svjetski prvaci Ostali Berto a Shawn Porter went face-to-face Četvrtak two days before they enter the ring for a world title eliminator showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, ovo Subota, Travanj 22 iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™.
Super velter svjetski prvak Jermell Charlo and top rated contender Charley Hatley and their camps exchanged heated words during Četvrtak press conference prior to their co-main event matchup live on SHOWTIME at 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT.
Također u pohađanje Četvrtak and headlining SHOWTIME EXTREME action were four-time world champion Amanda Serrano looks to become the first female fighter and first Puerto Rican to win titles in five weight classes when she fights Dahiana Santana for a vacant 118-pound title. Coverage begins at 7:30 poslije podne. I/PT with unbeaten prospect Jose Miguel Borrego battling California’s John Delperdang.
Ulaznice za događaj uživo, koji se promovira DiBella Entertainment, započeti u $50 (ne uključujući primjenjive naknade) te su na prodaju sada. Ulaznice se mogu kupiti i online posjetom www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ili pozivom 1-800-745-3000. Ulaznice su također dostupne na American Express Box Office na Barclays Center. Grupni popusti su dostupni pozivom 844-BKLYN-GP.
Evo što su sudionici imali za reći Četvrtak:
I started my career in New York and it feels great to be back here in New York. This is going to be a fantastic night of fights. I go a long way back with a lot these fighters up here. It’s tremendous to see these fighters still dialed-in and at this level. I’m the old vet in the group now.
I’m still on top of my game. That’s something that’s hard to do. Imali smo ogromnu kamp. One of the best I’ve had in years. I was focused the whole time.
I’m looking forward to putting those straps on just like they never left. I respect Shawn and his dad, ali sada, they’re in the way.
I’m going to show you what it is to go through adversity in life and make it to the top again. Subota noć, we’re going to make it happen.
When it’s time for the fight, Andre Berto and I are going to put on a show. I’ve seen this man get hit, I’ve seen him get put down and he got up. I know he can be hurt and I know he can be stopped, He’s a man just like me. He’s ready, but not as ready as me. You don’t want to miss it u subotu noć.
The number one thing for me is to win this fight and show Keith Thurman that I’m ready for the rematch. There is nothing allowed but positive energy. We’re almost there. I’m definitely excited.
Andre Berto is dangerous if you allow him to be. We do everything we can to make sure that doesn’t happen. I have no doubt in my mind that we won’t be in any danger u subotu noć.
We saw during the Floyd fight that footwork can work against Andre Berto. Against Josesito Lopez we saw that you can box Berto, but you need to get out of the pocket. Against Victor Ortiz we saw that he got put down by Victor. The difference between Victor Ortiz and myself is that I’m a fighter who never stops. I’m coming after you.
The jab will be a key to this fight. I can throw my jab a lot of different ways. You’ll see me using my jab a lot in this fight.
Some people thought Garcia-Thurman lacked action, but I’m not worried about that for this one. I don’t condone boos. That’s just how I fight.
I’m glad to finally have this opportunity. Prošlo je dugo vremena dolazi. My coach has already scripted the way he wants this fight to go. I have to make it happen.
I’m excited to announce that my brother Jermall will be working my corner. I’m really pumped to have him in there with me as my chief second for the first time.
I don’t know what’s been happening with Charles Hatley’s team. But we’re here and we’re not going anywhere. I’ll never run from anybody.
This is one of the best camps I’ve had in my life. I had some training in Los Angeles and then in Dallas with Derrick James. We’ve stepped it up in training working every day with Errol Spence.
My brother and I aren’t getting the respect we deserve in this game. We’re still trying to prove a point and it’ll start u subotu with this fight.
This is the strongest and the fastest I’ve ever been. Hatley’s going to do what he’s got to do. We’ve got our team and I’m happy that my team is in this position.
There’s a new sheriff in town. I’m thankful to everyone who got me this opportunity and made this happen. Now it’s party time. I’ve been working for this fight my whole life, not just for months.
I’ve wanted Jermell for three years. There’s no other fight in boxing that I want more than this. We had a long camp and we never stopped working. I’m going to bring the best out of him and become the new champion.
There’s nothing he can do to stop me from leaving the ring with that belt. I know I have all the skills. We’ve worked hard and I believe I have what it takes to beat Charlo and take his belt home.
I’m going to give the fans a great show and give them something to remember. Once I clean Charlo off of the ground, I’ll get that respect.
I’m extremely blessed to be in this position. I’m thankful to my whole team for getting me prepared and where I am right now. I trained really hard for this fight. Being a five-division world champion is a great accomplishment. I’m so ready for it.
We struggled a little bit for this fight because it was for history. I left it in the ring every day. I want to be known as one of the best female fighters and one of the best Puerto Rican fighters in the history of the sport.
I think our styles are going to match up well for the fans. I always want to leave the fans with something to talk about. Being in my hometown, it’s even more motivation to go put on a performance that everyone remembers.
I’m glad that Santana took the challenge. It’s going to be a great war as long as it lasts. I had a war with Yazmin Rivas in January but I’m planning on making this an easier and quicker this time around.
I know that I’m going against a really good fighter who is a four-division champion. I’ve been training very hard to win this bantamweight title.
I’ve trained very hard physically and mentally for this fight and I feel ready for a victory. I know that with the work we did in training, that I’ll be ready for anything Serrano brings into the ring.
I’m thankful to SHOWTIME for airing a women’s fight and u subotu we will give you a war at Barclays Center.
I’m very glad to have this opportunity. We’ve prepared very well and I know that me and my team are ready.
I originally prepared for one opponent and now I’m facing someone I’m very familiar with so I think I will still be able to put on an explosive performance.
I’m really happy to be a part of this fight. I’m coming to win and I’m coming for the knockout. I know that a win puts me on a different level.
Training camp has been incredible. We stayed ready this whole time and when the call came, we were ready to jump on it.
To be able to come back to the Barclays Center for a second time is an honor. Training camp was great and I’ve stayed in the gym. I’m ready to get back in there.
There was no bigger stage than the Olympics in my eyes. Without Andre Berto, I would not be standing here as a 2016 Olympian and in the position I’m in as a pro.
I hope everyone comes out for a great night. I’m going to put on a show and I know that all these other fighters are going to do the same.
LOU DIBELLA, Predsjednik DiBella Entertainment
This is going to be another sensational show at Barclays Center. SHOWTIME is really on a roll and they just came out with another slate of great shows. I’m proud to work with them on this fight.
This main event doesn’t need a lot of hype. Two of the best guys in the division fighting to get in there with Keith Thurman and prove who the man is. Shawn almost succeeded against Keith in a fight he thought he won. Berto is a champion and there is no quit in him. This is going to be a war in the ring u subotu noć.
Barclays Center has become the capital of New York boxing and one of the best boxing venues in the country. That is not by accident, but by design. Brett Yormark is not only doing good fights, but a series of good fights. He’s making sure there is a constant flow of good boxing coming into the building. Brooklyn Boxing is something with a great deal of momentum and Subota night is another great example of what Brooklyn Boxing is.
STEPHEN Espinoza, Executive VP & General Manager, Showtime Sport
This is another great Barclays Center event and another night of championship level boxing on SHOWTIME. That’s what we have been doing all year, that’s what Barclays Center does and that’s what Lou DiBella does.
Borrego and Delperdang are making their television debuts, which is a big milestone in their career. Amanda Serrano is fighting to make history. No one has done what she’s trying to do. Charles Hatley is fighting for a world title, which is something he’s spent his whole career trying to do. But Jermell Charlo is driven just as much. He’s spent his career getting here and he is driven to hold onto his title.
Berto and Porter have never been in a boring fight. They’re fighting to get back to the top of the mountain. There is plenty at stake. You may be tempted to overlook this card, but this will be one of the strongest cards of the year, and you shouldn’t miss it.
# # #
Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter is a WBC welterweight world title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO Boks, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, Subota travnja 22

iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™. U suradnji-glavni događaj, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley, s početkom u televiziji pokrivenost 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT.

Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports pratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ISwanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC je sponzoriran od strane Corona, najbolje pivo.


“Never count me out. I always come back.” – Andre Berto

Click On The Link Below To Watch The SHOWTIME Sports® Feature

YOUTUBE: http://s.sho.com/2osOLjX

Former welterweight world champions Andre Berto and Shawn Porter meet in a “must win” crossroads fight ove subote, živjeti Showtime (9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT) iz Barclays Center u Brooklynu. The winner in the WBC 147-pound eliminator earns a mandatory shot at unified welterweight champ Keith Thurman while U subotu loser, as Berto explains in this SHOWTIME Sports video feature, could “disappear into the darkness.”

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® TV prijenos počinje u 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT as undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley. Four-time world champion Amanda Serrano aims for a record-setting fifth world title when she faces former champ Dahiana Santana for the vacant WBO Bantamweight World Championship in the featured bout of SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME® na 7:30 poslije podne. I/PT.

Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter Media Workout Quotes & Fotografije

Former World Champions Meet in Welterweight World Title Eliminator That Headlines a Premier Boxing Champions Event,Subota, Travanj 22 iz Barclays Center u Brooklynu & Uživo na Showtime
Kliknite OVDJE za Fotografije iz Amanda Westcott / Showtime
Kliknite OVDJE za Fotografije iz Ed Diller / DiBella Zabava
BROOKLYN (Travanj 19, 2017) – Bivši velter svjetski prvaci Ostali Bertoa Shawn Porter began fight week activities Srijeda as they hosted a media workout at the famed Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn in advance of their world title eliminator showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, ovo Subota, Travanj 22 iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™.
Televised coverage on SHOWTIME begins at 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT and features super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo, who was in attendance atU srijedu vježbati,defending his belt against top rated challenger Charles Hatley.
SHOWTIME EXTREME action begins at 7:30 poslije podne. I/PT as four-time world champion Amanda Serrano looks to become the first female fighter and first Puerto Rican to win titles in five weight classes when she fights Dahiana Santana for a vacant 118-pound title.
Ulaznice za događaj uživo, koji se promovira DiBella Entertainment, započeti u $50 (ne uključujući primjenjive naknade) te su na prodaju sada. Ulaznice se mogu kupiti i online posjetom www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ili pozivom 1-800-745-3000. Ulaznice su također dostupne na American Express Box Office na Barclays Center. Grupni popusti su dostupni pozivom 844-BKLYN-GP.
Rounding out the group of fights participating in U srijedu workout were undefeated local prospects Julian Sosa a Richardson Hitchins, koji će se natjecati u odvojenim borbama u subotu noć.
Evo što su borci imali za reći Srijeda from Gleason’s Gym:
This is what we work hard to get to. All the weeks that we put into training camp have been tremendous. As athletes, we spend a lot of time trying to fine tune our craft for a reason. We’re looking to see the harvest u subotu noć.
I really had a tremendous training camp. I tried to stay away from everything else as much as I can. I’m dialed-in right now.
You’re always going to have people with you and against you in this sport. Our job is to work hard and do the best we can in the ring and give the fans a great show.
My focus right now is on this fight night u subotu. Everything that comes after it will take care of itself. I just have to make sure all my energy is used towards getting this win.
There are a lot of great world champions out in camp with me and we all work hard and feed off of each other.
I’ve been ready waiting for the call for a big fight and this came together and I couldn’t be happier. To će biti velika noć.
I took a little bit from his fight with Keith [Thurman]. We’ve seen the tape and we’ll try to use it logically. We’re focused and ready to go to work.
The fans here are real. The energy is always great. There’s so much history in this gym and in this city. It’s always an honor to be a part of it.
We prepared for everything. We’re prepared for 12 kola. We’re prepared to throw the right punches to slow him down and knock him down. We’re prepared to outbox him or to be aggressive and take the fight to him.
“Ovo je vrlo važna borba za mene. I’ve watched Berto since the amateurs and on into the pros. I’ve seen him do it all. I’ve seen the best of his career and the worst. I’m going to do what it takes to end up on the right side of this.
People have definitely seen a great deal of my talent in the last fight with Thurman. People know what I can do in the ring but I’m always working on taking it to another level.
I don’t feel pressure to make this an exciting fight. I love that people are looking forward to watching me fight. When I do what I do, people know that it’s going to be exciting. I never have to worry about that part.
I was at the Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia and I thought that it could have been me that night. But I’ve reminded myself that my time is coming and this is the first step towards that.
I’m going to let Keith Thurman know that I’m coming for him. I’m going to make sure that he knows that I want him. I’m going to do everything I can to get that fight after I get past this one.
There are some things I have in my arsenal that the world hasn’t seen yet. I’m going to show everyone a little bit more than last time.
“Spreman sam otići 12 kola. I’m excited about this fight. I’ve picked up a lot of things in training and I’m ready to shine.
I want to make a statement with a knockout, but if it doesn’t happen, I’m ready to do what I have to do. I can’t put too much pressure on myself, I just have to take care of business.
From growing up in the boxing world, I’ve had to slowly realize how big of a stage I have. I try to help out young fighters on how to get to this point.
Charles Hatley is a good fighter. He comes with pressure and he likes fighting. He’s got a good style and he can bob and weave and be slick.
I’m excited about fighting in Brooklyn for the first time. Everyone knows the fans in New York are great because they’re real and they know their stuff. I’m hoping to give them something to remember.
I’ve studied this sport a lot. My size is going to have a big effect on him. My size is going to wear on him as we get to the later rounds. I’ve experienced a lot of things in the world of boxing.
Training camp went very well. We added a few things to camp based off of the last fight. I felt like there were a few flaws that I needed to correct. We had extra strength and conditioning, more miles on the road and some sparring with more advanced competitors. I can’t wait until fight night.
Having guys like Richardson Hitchins and Jonathan Alonso in the gym with me is great. They’re hungry fighters just like me. It gives me motivation, but we’re also competing. We all want to do better than each other. I love the atmosphere.
Being able to perform at Barclays Center in my hometown in Brooklyn is really humbling. This is a great platform for me. All I can do to show my appreciation is train really hard and when fight night comes, I just have to shine.
My first fight was more than a dream come true. But I’m looking to steal the show every time I’m in the ring. This is going to be another special performance. I’m going to put on a show.
I’ve had a great training camp. I didn’t really take any time off after my last fight. Osjećam se jaka. I’m grateful that my team has me busy and I’m ready to keep going.
It feels good to be fighting in front of my hometown fans once again. I love seeing everybody come out and support me. To će biti velika borba u subotu noć.
I grew up with guys like Julian so having them in my professional camp is great. We’ve been doing this forever and just motivating each other to get better. We have fun every day in the gym.
# # #
Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter is a WBC welterweight world title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO Boks, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, Subota travnja 22 iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™. U suradnji-glavni događaj, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley, s početkom u televiziji pokrivenost 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT.
Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports pratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ISwanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC je sponzoriran od strane Corona, najbolje pivo.

Four-Division World Champion Amanda Serrano Seeks Record Fifth World Title Against Former World Champion Dahiana Santana in Vacant Bantamweight World Title Matchup Live on SHOWTIME EXTREME® Saturday, Travanj 22

Više! Undefeated Super Lightweight Prospect Jose Miguel Borrego Battles California’s John Delperdang in SHOWTIME EXTREME Action Beginning at 7:30 poslije podne. I/PT Live from Barclays Center in Brooklyn
BROOKLYN (Travanj 19, 2017) – Four-time world champion Amanda “Real Deal” Serrano will look for a record-setting fifth world title when she battles former world champion Dahiana Santana for the vacant WBO Bantamweight World Championship on Subota, Travanj 22 in the featured bout of SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™.
Televised coverage on SHOWTIME EXTREME begins at 7:30 poslije podne. I/PT with an eight-round showdown between unbeaten 140-pound prospect Jose Miguel Borrego(11-0, 10 Kos) and California’s John Delperdang (10-2, 9 Kos). Delperdang replaces Jonathan Alonso, who withdrew from the bout because of a rib injury. Coverage continues at 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT o Showtime® headlined by the WBC welterweight world title eliminator between Ostali Berto a Shawn Porter.
Unbeaten top heavyweight contender Luis Ortiz was originally scheduled to faceDerric Rossy in an undercard attraction, but was forced to withdraw after injuring his hand in training.
The 28-year-old Serrano (31-1-1, 23 Kos) can become the first female and the first Puerto Rican fighter in history to win world titles in five weight classes. Standing in her way is the former featherweight champion Santana (35-8, 14 Kos) iz Santo Domingo, Dominikanska Republika.
I’m really excited about this fight because this is the first time I haven’t had to call someone out, Santana has been calling me out for some time,” Said Serrano. “I’ve been in training since my last fight, just like I always am. I’m constantly learning and trying to improve and maintain my skills. Santana is the best female boxer from the Dominican Republic and she’s won fights all over the world. Na kraju, I think my pressure is going to be too much. I’m not planning on letting this fight go the distance.
I got the offer for this fight about a month and a half ago and I have been training hard ever since,” said Santana. “I’m a technical fighter, but I have different styles and I can adapt to my opponent. I know Amanda very well and I’ve seen her fight many times. I’m going to come and put on a great show and leave everything I have in the ring.
Ulaznice za događaj uživo, koji se promovira DiBella Entertainment, započeti u $50 (ne uključujući primjenjive naknade) te su na prodaju sada. Ulaznice se mogu kupiti i online posjetom www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ili pozivom 1-800-745-3000. Ulaznice su također dostupne na American Express Box Office na Barclays Center. Grupni popusti su dostupni pozivom 844-BKLYN-GP.
Raised in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, Serrano gravitated toward boxing from watching her older sister Cindy, also a professional fighter. She picked the sport up quickly, gomilanje 9-1 record during a brief amateur career in which she won the New York Golden Gloves title in 2008. The 28-year-old would go on to fight all over the world, seizing her first world title in 2011 when she defeated Kimberly Connor to grab a super featherweight belt. U 2014, she went to Argentina and defeated Maria Elena Maderna to become a world champion at lightweight. Her world title climb continued in 2016 as she stopped Olivia Gerula in the first round to capture her featherweight championship and followed that up with a victory over Alexandra Lazar to add a super bantamweight title to her collection. She most recently put on a show at Barclays Center in January when she defeated two-division champion Yazmin Rivas by unanimous decision.
Pro budući 2002, Santana won a world title in 2011 with a victory over Stacey Reile before defending her belt successfully three times. She picked up an interim featherweight title in 2014 to cap a seven-fight win streak that spanned from 2011 za 2014. U 2016 she traveled to Finland to challenge Eva Wahlstrom for her super featherweight title, ultimately losing a decision. Santana has fought in six countries throughout her career and will be making her second U.S. start on April 22.
Na samo 19-godina-star, Borrego will look to establish himself as a prospect on the path toward stardom when he takes on the toughest opponent of his career on Travanj 22. Hailing from Aguascalientes, Mexico Borrego turned pro in 2015 after an amateur career that included a gold medal at the 2013 Mexican National Olympiad. He racked up three victories before a busy 2016 saw him score seven knockout victories, including his last outing, a stoppage of Tomas Mendez in round one. Borrego had previously trained at Freddie Roach’s gym when training in the U.S., but held training camp up in the Bronx leading up to Travanj 22.
Fighting out of Escondido, Kalifornija, Delperdang most recently went 12-rounds with former title challenger Hank Lundy after winning his previous four fights, uključujući tri strane nokaut. The 24-year-old defeated previously unbeaten Oscar Mejia last September and his only other defeat came via a narrow majority decision to then unbeaten Rickey Edwards. Nakon okretanja pro u 2014, Delperdang won his first six pro bouts, sve po nokaut.
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Andre Berto vs.. Shawn Porter is a WBC welterweight world title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO Boks, predstavio Premier Boks prvaka, Subota travnja 22 iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™. U suradnji-glavni događaj, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley, s početkom u televiziji pokrivenost 9:30 poslije podne. I/6:30 poslije podne. PT.
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