标记档案: AIBA

中美. hope Jahmal Harvey defeated the reigning AIBA World Champion in the featherweight division

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(L-R) 贾马尔·哈维 & Mirazizbek Mirzakhailov

贝尔格莱德, Serbia – October 29, 2021 – The United States’ teenage hope Jahmal Harvey delivered the upset performance of in the afternoon session of the fourth day at the AIBA World Boxing Championships in Belgrade, 塞尔维亚. Harvey eliminated Uzbekistan’s defending AIBA World Champion Mirazizbek Mirzakhalilov to reach the 1/8 最后.

Harvey will turn 19 later this year, but the US boxer proved that he is a fantastic talent in boxing. He had some difficulties in the first round in his opening bout, but he managed to beat Belgium’s Vasile Usturoi in a hectic fight. Harvey’s Irish coach Billy Walsh prepared the strategy for his second contest against Mirzakhalilov, reigning AIBA World Champion and Asian Games winner.

The Uzbek boxer is one of the top stars of the AIBA World Boxing Championships. but his US rival surprised him with his effective counter-punching and top level of footwork. Harvey exceeded all of the expectations in this featherweight (57公斤) bout and eliminated the defending champion.

“我对自己有信心, my skills and on my coaches today,哈维说, “and I knew that I could make it. The first round was very important, and I gave in everything to take the lead on the scorecards to follow my own strategy. I have the physical condition to keep in the same level until the very end. The atmosphere is impressive in this event, and I am happy that part of it.”

2016 奥运会银牌得主SHAKHRAM GIYASOV抵达美国. 开始职业生涯

LAS VEGAS, NV (十二月 18, 2017) – 乌兹别克斯坦超级巨星和 2016 奥运会银牌得主, 沙赫拉姆·吉亚索夫, 已经登陆美国, 并将定居在拉斯维加斯, NV, 开始他的职业生涯. 作为一个专业, 吉亚索夫将参加次中量级比赛, 他是一个耸人听闻的业余爱好者.
在年龄 24, Giyasov 身高 5 英尺 9 英寸″, 是过去十年进入职业行列的最有天赋的拳击手之一. 去年夏天在汉堡, 德国, 右手吉亚索夫夺金 (次中量级) 在 2017 国际拳击协会 (AIBA) 世锦赛. 吉亚索夫在决赛中战胜古巴队 罗尼尔·伊格莱西亚斯, 该 2012 奥运会金牌得主, 出乎意料, 因为乌兹别克斯坦是 #1 种子进入比赛. Shakhram被他的同龄人评为锦标赛最佳拳击手, 胜利 56% AIBA 在线投票.
“我已抵达美国,并计划将自己确立为乌兹别克斯坦的下一个伟大冠军,” 沙赫拉姆·吉亚索夫说. “我的目标是征服次中量级并成为体重冠军. 我把目标定得很高,因为我相信自己和我周围的团队. 我们将一起登上顶峰。”
吉亚索夫, 谁是家乡乌兹别克斯坦的巨星, 由管理 鲁斯兰·胡西诺夫, 与世界上一些最好的业余拳击手有联系的国际体育经纪人. 他将 Giyasov 带到拉斯维加斯璀璨灯光下的理由很简单, 在职业拳击的圣地建立自己的品牌.
“我们对将 Shakhram Giyasov 带到拉斯维加斯的决定感到非常满意,” 鲁斯兰·库西诺夫说. “每个人都认为拉斯维加斯是拳击的圣地,这是我们想要建立基础的地方. 我有很大的计划让 Giyasov 在美国成为超级明星, 就像回到家乡一样,他的受欢迎程度是不可否认的。”
训练吉亚索夫, 会是 贾斯汀·甘伯, 谁指导不败世界排名竞争者的角落, 迦勒 “甜蜜的手” 厂 (16-0, 10 科斯). Gamber 相信 Giyasov 可以跳上通往世界冠军的快车道.
“在今天的拳击比赛中, 你有很多业余血统很高的拳击手, 在他们之前为世界冠军而战 15 亲斗争,” 贾斯汀甘伯表示. “我相信 Giyasov 符合这种模式. 我可以看到他在职业生涯早期为世界冠军而战。”