Tag Archives: Abner Mares

Dvoligaški svjetski prvak Michael Spinks potvrđen za šesti godišnji Expo Box Fan, Tijekom vikenda Cinco de Mayo, Subota svibnja 2, U Las Vegasu

Okvir Fan Expo – najveći događaj ljubitelja boksa održan u SAD-u –

Ultimativno iskustvo ljubitelja boksa

Ulaznice u prodaji sada na EventBrite

Za Immediate Release

Las Vegas (Veljača 20, 2020) – Dvoligaški svjetski prvak Michael Spinks potvrdio je da će se pojaviti na šestom godišnjem Box Fan Expou u subotu, Svibanj 2, 2020, u paviljonu Cox u Las Vegasu iz 10 a.m. za 5 poslije podne.

Spinks će održati Meet & Pozdravite se sa svojim obožavateljima na njegovom štandu tijekom navijačkog događaja održanog tijekom vikenda Cinco De Mayo.

Box Fan Expo je godišnji navijački događaj koji se podudara s nekim sportovima’ legendaran, klasične borbe u Las Vegasu, uključujući Mayweather vs.. Maidana II, Mayweather vs. Berto, Canelo vs. Chavez mlađi, Canelo vs. GGG II, i Canelo vs.. Jacobs. Usredotočen u dugogodišnji dom boksa – Las Vegas – ovogodišnji Expo obvezan je za obožavatelje borbi koji dolaze za ovaj legendarni vikend, s desecima profesionalnih boraca, promotori, i tvrtke uključene u boksačku industriju. Expo je najveći i jedini Boxing Fan Expo održan u Sjedinjenim Državama. http://boxfanexpo.com– @BoxFanExpo

Ulaznice za Fan Box Expo su dostupni online na:

Spinks će se pojaviti drugi put u ovoj godini’ Expo i potpisat će rukavice, fotografije, osobni predmeti i suveniri. Spinks će također imati robu na prodaji na njegovom štandu, a obožavatelji će također imati priliku fotografirati se s ovom boksačkom legendom također poznatom kao “Jinx.”

O Michaelu Spinksu
Spinks je dvoligaški svjetski prvak, držeći neprikosnoveni naslov u poluteškoj kategoriji od 1983 za 1985, i linearni naslov u teškoj kategoriji iz 1985 za 1988. Primljen je u Međunarodnu boksačku kuću slavnih godine 1994. Kao amater osvojio je zlatnu medalju u srednjoj kategoriji na 1976 Ljetne olimpijske igre.

Spinks je brat bivšeg svjetskog prvaka u teškoj kategoriji Leona Spinksa, i ujak Cory Spinks, bivši prvak u poluteškoj i lakoj srednjoj kategoriji.
Spinks je u prvom prošao bez poraza 31 profesionalne borbe, pobijedivši takve protivnike kao što je Dwight Muhammad Qawi, Eddie Mustafa Muhamed, Marvin Johnson i Eddie Davis na putu su da postanu neprikosnoveni prvak u poluteškoj kategoriji. Nakon deset uspješnih obrana naslova, Spinks je prešao u tešku kategoriju, i kao underdog pobijedio davno vladajućeg IBF prvaka u teškoj kategoriji Larryja Holmesa; u tome, Spinks je postao prvi vladajući svjetski prvak u poluteškoj kategoriji koji je osvojio naslov u teškoj kategoriji. Spinks jedini poraz u profesionalnoj karijeri došao je u ruke Mikea Tysona u lipnju 27, 1988. Međunarodna organizacija za istraživanje boksa i BoxRec Spinks svrstavaju među deset najvećih lakih teškaša svih vremena.

O Box Fan Expo-u
Box Fan Expo vrhunski je događaj za ljubitelje boksa, što omogućava navijačima da upoznaju zvijezde boksa koje predstavljaju prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost sporta. Uz potpisane autograme, susresti se i pozdraviti sa sadašnjim i bivšim svjetskim prvacima u boksu, roba ograničene naklade za prodaju, darivanja i još mnogo toga, ovo je krajnji događaj za ljubitelje sporta.

Prošle boksačke zvijezde koje su sudjelovale uključuju: Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Sugar Ray Leonard, Julio Cesar Chavez, Juan Manuel Marquez, Tommy Hearns, Roy Jones Jr., Marco Antonio Barrera, Erik Morales, Andre Ward, Mikey Garcia, Markos Maidana, Devin Haney, David Benavidez, Errol Spence Jr, Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Abner Mares, James Toney, Jessie Vargas, Vinny Paz, Mia St.John, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris, Riddick Bowe, Earnie brijači aparati, Michael & Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Claressa Shields, Teofimo Lopez, Brandon Rios, Jorge Linares, i još mnogo toga.

Izlagači uključuju promotore boksa, zupčanik, odjeća, oprema, energetska pića, dodaci proizvodima, radiodifuzni mediji, sankcioniranje tijela, i druge tvrtke koje svoju marku prikazuju obožavateljima i boksačkoj industriji u cjelini.

Tijekom sljedećih nekoliko mjeseci prije Događaja, tjedno će se objavljivati ​​brojne zvijezde koje će se pojaviti na Boxing Expou.

Ulaznice za Box Fan Expo dostupne su na Eventbriteu –

izvještaj tony penecale-a Box Fan Expo Ringside

Po: Tony Penecale

Kratki uvodni video ovdje:


Prošlog vikenda obračun naslova u srednjoj kategoriji između Canela Alvareza i Daniela Jacobsa također je predstavljao godišnji Box Fan Expo, održanoj u kongresnom centru u Las Vegasu. Iznenađujuće suvenire i izložene amaterske bokserske akcije upotpunile su niz bivših i sadašnjih boraca svjetskog prvaka dostupnih za brzi susret i pozdrave.

Kao cjeloživotni ljubitelj boksa, bila je šteta što sam imao samo malo više od dva sata na događaju prije nego što sam se vratio u T-Mobile Arenu na početak dvoboja podkarta. Vrijeme koje sam mogao provesti bilo je posve ugodno. Cijene su bile prihvatljive za upoznavanje ovih fist legendi i nekoliko trenutaka za razgovor i fotografiranje. Prosječno $20 -$25 cijena za foto opciju bila je znatno niža od one koja bi se izgubila u kasinu u jednom okretanju ruleta.

James Toney bio je tamo u odijelu, dokazujući da čak može i karirano izgledati stilski. Za tipa poznatog po mračnoj prirodi, bio je vrlo susretljiv i spomenuo je da će u lipnju biti u Philadelphiji na emisiji uživo 7 i nada se da će me tamo vidjeti.

U sljedećem štandu bio je emiter Kuće slavnih Al Berstein, s kojim sam imao privilegiju intervjuirati 2011. Kad su mi rekli da se divim njegovom otmjenom radu i da sam obožavatelj još od njegovih dana s Barryjem Tompkinsom u ESPN-ovim borbama u četvrtak navečer, bio je skroman i zahvalan.

Red za susret s Royem Jonesom Jr.. bio dug, ali vrijedan čekanja. Dok je vremena za razgovor s Royem bilo kratko, Mogao sam spomenuti kakva mi je čast bila upoznati jednog od najvećih izvođača moje generacije i kako sam sjedio samo nekoliko metara od njega kad je bio na setu Creed II.

Dok je linija za susret s legendarnim Sugar Rayem Leonardom bila izuzetno duga, moglo se vidjeti da je istinski uživao, bljesnuvši osmijehom od milijun dolara i radeći svoju poznatu fotografiju s fanovima podignutu šakama. Nažalost, s vremenom sve kraćim, Nisam imao priliku upoznati jednog od svojih najdražih boraca u odrastanju. Najradije bih mu pokazala fotografiju kad sam imala četiri godine, zamahujući na boksačkoj vreći Sugar Ray Leonard koja mi je dana.

Nekoliko metara dalje bio je jedan od najpoznatijih suparnika Sugar Raya, veliki Thomas "Hitman" Hearns. Dok je Hitman pokazivao usporavanje kako stari, još uvijek se pokazuje kao impozantna figura, ali sada taj zastrašujući odsjaj zamjenjuje toplim osmijehom.

Tomasu Hearnsu također se pridružio trenutni prvak IBF-a u super perolakoj kategoriji Tevin Farmer, kolega Philadelphian, koga sam imao priliku gledati kako raste iz 7-4-1 kalfa boksač do a 29-4-1 svjetski prvak.

Moj posjet ne bi bio potpun bez zaustavljanja da vidim "Pazmanijskog vraga" Vinnyja Paza, uvijek jedan od mojih omiljenih boraca u akciji i karizmatičnih ličnosti. Umjesto rukovanja, pozdravio me s velikim zagrljajem i izrazio razočaranje što mi se otac nije pridružio na izložbi.

U kratkom vremenskom okviru, bilo je nemoguće upoznati sve tamošnje velike borce, uključujući Michaela Spinksa, Riddick Bowe, Errol Spence, Anthony Dirrell, i Earnie Shavers. S obzirom da je vikend Cinco de Mayo, redovi za neke meksičke legende omotani oko poda kongresnog centra. Mikey Garcia, Marco Antonio Barerra, Erik Morales, i Juan Manuel Marquez pokazali su se izuzetno popularnima. Ali ništa u usporedbi s tutnjavom pro-meksičke gomile kad je predstavljen veliki Julio Cesar Chavez.

Prisustvovati ovom događaju bio je ostvaren san i mogao sam samo poželjeti da imam više vremena za provesti na događaju. Sve je bilo tako profesionalno odrađeno, a prisutni nisu bili ugodni.

Svaka čast Okvir Fan Expo za tako izuzetan događaj.

Poslušajte našu epizodu radio emisije od početka ovog tjedna za Tonyjev uvid “Tornado” Penecale o ovom događaju.

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Box Fan Expo vrhunski je doživljaj navijača koji ljubiteljima boksa pruža priliku da upoznaju i pozdrave vrhunske borce, aktualni i bivši svjetski prvaci, boksajući poznate osobe i ljude iz industrije u bliskom osobnom okruženju.

Ulaznice u prodaji sada na EventBrite

Za immediate release

Las Vegas (Svibanj 1, 2019) – Ikona boksa &Osmostruki svjetski prvak Thomas Hearns potvrdio je da će se pojaviti, imati štand i održati sastanak i pozdrav sa svojim obožavateljima na petom godišnjem Box Fan Expou u subotu svibnja 4, 2019 u kongresnom centru u Las Vegasu. Expo je otvoren od 10 a.m. za 5 uvečer, tijekom vikenda Cinco De Mayo. Boxing Expo također će se podudarati s dugo očekivanom borbom između Canela Alvareza i Dannyja Jacobsa, koji će se održati kasnije te večeri u T-Mobile Areni.

Ulaznice za Box Fan Expo dostupne su na Eventbriteu – http://boxfanexpo.eventbrite.com/

Hearns će se ove godine pojaviti na 4. mjestu’ Expo i potpisat će rukavice, fotografije,osobne stvari, a također imaju i robu za prodaju za obožavatelje. Ljubitelji boksa također će imati priliku fotografirati se s ovom boksačkom legendom koja je poznata i kao “Hitman”.

Hearns se pridružio Royu Jonesu Jr., Mayweather Promotions, Anthony Dirrell, WBA, Julio Cesar Chavez, Riddick Bowe, Mikey Garcia, Errol Spence Jr., Marco Antonio Barrera, Mia St,Jovan, Juan Manuel Marquez, Vinny Paz, Devin Haney, Earnie brijači aparati, Al Bernstein, Michael Spinks, WBC, Erik Morales, James Toney i Jessie Vargas kao rana predanost ovogodišnjem Box Fan Expou, s još boksačkih zvijezda koje će biti najavljene.

O Thomasu Hearnsu
Hearns više slavno poznat kao “Hitman”, postao je prvi boksač u povijesti koji je osvojio svjetske naslove u četiri divizije. On će također postati prvi borac u povijesti koji je osvojio pet svjetska naslova u pet različitih divizija. Hearns je proglašen borcem godine u časopisu Ring 1980 a 1984 te je najpoznatiji po svojim borbama s Ray Leonard Sugar, Marvin Hagler i Roberto Duran. On je primljen u boks Hall of Fame u 2012.

O Box Fan Expo-u
Box Fan Expo vrhunski je događaj za ljubitelje boksa, što obožavateljima omogućuje susretanje i dočekivanje boksačkih superzvijezda današnjice, aktualni i bivši svjetski prvaci, legende sporta i druge boksačke slavne osobe. Obožavatelji mogu očekivati ​​razne interakcije poput autograma i foto sesija, FaceOff sa svojim omiljenim boksačima, slike sa Ring Card Girls, DJ glazba uživo, šansa za osvajanje nagrada, kupujte robu i suvenire iz različitih štandova Izlagači, “SVE ISPOD JEDNOG KROVA“. Nećete htjeti propustiti ovaj Expo koji morate posjetiti!

Box Fan Expo postigao je veliki uspjeh kod obožavatelja i ljudi iz boksačke industrije. Mnoge boksačke zvijezde prisustvovale su posljednja četiri Exposa poput Floyda Mayweathera, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones Jr., Andre Ward, Mikey Garcia, Markos Maidana, Juan Manuel Marquez, Erik Morales, Errol Spence Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Juda, James Toney, Jessie Vargas, Vinny Patience, Mia St.John, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie brijači aparati, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abner Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios i mnogi drugi…

Izlagači uključuju: promotori boksa, zupčanik, odjeća, oprema, energetska pića, dodaci proizvodima, radiodifuzni mediji, sankcioniranje tijela, and other companies who wish to participate will once again have a chance to showcase their brand to fans and the boxing industry.

Ulaznice za Fan Box Expo su dostupni online na:

Throughout the next several days leading up to the event, there will be more updates on the many stars that will commit their appearance at the Boxing Expo. And for anyone in the Boxing industry or other Exhibitors (non-industry), who would like to be involved and reserve a Booth, contact Box Fan Expo:

Telephone number: (514) 572-7222 or Las Vegas Number (702) 997-1927

Za sve upite molimo pošaljite email: boxfanexpo@gmail.com

For More information on Box Fan Expo visit: http://www.boxfanexpo.com

Follow Box Fan Expo on Twitter and Instagram: @BoxFanExpo

Follow Box Fan Expo on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/BoxFanExpo


Box Fan Expo vrhunski je doživljaj navijača koji ljubiteljima boksa pruža priliku da upoznaju i pozdrave vrhunske borce, aktualni i bivši svjetski prvaci, boksajući poznate osobe i ljude iz industrije u bliskom osobnom okruženju.

Ulaznice u prodaji sada na EventBrite

Za immediate release

Las Vegas (Kolovoz 29, 2019) – Boxing’s Four-Time World Champion Abner Mares has confirmed that he will appear and hold a meet and greet with his fans at the fifth annual Box Fan Expo on Saturday May 4, 2019 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.The Expo is open from 10 a.m. za 5 uvečer, during Cinco De Mayo weekend.The Boxing Expo will also coincide with the highly anticipated fight between Canelo Alvarez vs Danny Jacobs, koji će se održati kasnije te večeri u T-Mobile Areni.

Ulaznice za Box Fan Expo dostupne su na Eventbriteu – http://boxfanexpo.eventbrite.com/

Mares will make his third appearance at this yearsExpo, where he will be selling his own branded Team Mares merchandise, signing gloves and taking photos with fans. Mares is a commentator on Telemundo’sBoxeo Telemundoseries and a co-host of FOX and FS1’sInside PBC Boxing.

Mares joins Roy Jones Jr., Mayweather Promotions, Anthony Dirrell, WBA, Julio Cesar Chavez, Riddick Bowe, Mikey Garcia, Errol Spence Jr., Marco Antonio Barrera, Juan Manuel Marquez, Vinny Paz, Devin Haney, Earnie brijači aparati, Al Bernstein, Michael Spinks, WBC, Erik Morales, James Toney i Jessie Vargas kao rana predanost ovogodišnjem Box Fan Expou, s još boksačkih zvijezda koje će biti najavljene.

About Abner Mares
Mares was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico and immigrated to the U.S. u dobi od 7. Having been raised in both Los Angeles and Mexico. Mares is a Mexican-American professional boxer who formerly held the WBA (Redovito) Featherweight Championship Title. Mares is a four-time world champion in three weight classes. Some of Mares most notable and exciting fights were against top level fighters, such as Vic Darchinyan, Josip Agbeko, Anselmo Moreno, Daniel Ponce De Leon, Jhonny Gonzalez, Leo Santa Cruz and Jesus Cuellar from whom he won the WBA title on December 10 th, 2016. He is presently the co-host of FOX and FS1Inside PBC Boxingand Telemundo’sBoxeo Telemundo.

O Box Fan Expo-u
Box Fan Expo vrhunski je događaj za ljubitelje boksa, što obožavateljima omogućuje susretanje i dočekivanje boksačkih superzvijezda današnjice, aktualni i bivši svjetski prvaci, legende sporta i druge boksačke slavne osobe. Obožavatelji mogu očekivati ​​razne interakcije poput autograma i foto sesija, FaceOff sa svojim omiljenim boksačima, slike sa Ring Card Girls, DJ glazba uživo, šansa za osvajanje nagrada, kupujte robu i suvenire iz različitih štandova Izlagači, “SVE ISPOD JEDNOG KROVA“. Nećete htjeti propustiti ovaj Expo koji morate posjetiti!

Box Fan Expo postigao je veliki uspjeh kod obožavatelja i ljudi iz boksačke industrije. Mnoge boksačke zvijezde prisustvovale su posljednja četiri Exposa poput Floyda Mayweathera, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones Jr., Andre Ward, Mikey Garcia, Markos Maidana, Juan Manuel Marquez, Erik Morales, Errol Spence Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Juda, James Toney, Jessie Vargas, Vinny Patience, Mia St.John, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie brijači aparati, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abner Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios i mnogi drugi…

Izlagači uključuju: promotori boksa, zupčanik, odjeća, oprema, energetska pića, dodaci proizvodima, radiodifuzni mediji, sankcioniranje tijela, and other companies who wish to participate will once again have a chance to showcase their brand to fans and the boxing industry.

Ulaznice za Fan Box Expo su dostupni online na:

Throughout the next several days leading up to the event, there will be more updates on the many stars that will commit their appearance at the Boxing Expo. And for anyone in the Boxing industry or other Exhibitors (non-industry), who would like to be involved and reserve a Booth, contact Box Fan Expo:

Telephone number: (514) 572-7222 or Las Vegas Number (702) 997-1927

Za sve upite molimo pošaljite email: boxfanexpo@gmail.com

For More information on Box Fan Expo visit: http://www.boxfanexpo.com

Follow Box Fan Expo on Twitter and Instagram: @BoxFanExpo

Follow Box Fan Expo on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/BoxFanExpo


Mario Barrios Remains Undefeated With Fourth-Round TKO Of Richard Zamora

Javier Fortuna Scores Unanimous Decision Against Sharif Bogere In Telecast Opener

Watch The Encore Presentation Monday At 10 P.M. ET / PT

Kliknite OVDJE for Photos; Kredit: Dave Mandel/SHOWTIME

Kliknite OVDJE for Photos; Kredit: Sean Michael Ham/Mayweather Promotions

CARSON, Kalifornija, (Veljača 9, 2019) – Gervonta Davis defended his WBA Super Featherweight World Championship with a thrilling first-round TKO of former world champion Hugo Ruiz before a sellout crowd of 8,048 at Dignity Health Sports Park Saturday non SHOWTIME.
Knockdown video highlight: https://s.sho.com/2URYn8t

Baltimore’s Davis (21-0, 20 Kos) recorded his eighth career first-round knockout as referee Jack Reiss called off the fight with one second remaining in the first round following a devastating sweeping right hook by Davis connected cleanly and sent Ruiz (39-5, 32 Kos) down to his knees.

Davis, who entered the ring to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”, wasted little time showing why he is one of boxing rising super stars with his impressive fourth win in a world title fight. The 24-year-old Davis is the youngest U.S.-born world titlist in boxing and was headlining for the first time.

With his promoter Floyd Mayweather looking on, Davis made quick work of his late-replacement opponent. “I knew it was coming,"Rekao je. “I wanted to go more rounds, but I knew if I got him out of there early I could fight again sooner. When I touched the jab I saw his arm was in front of his face so if I threw a hook or uppercut it was right in line.”

Davis, who has now stopped his last 12 protivnici, connected on 50 posto svojih energetskih udaraca, just under the 51 percent power accuracy he logged in his last four fights.

The late substitute 32-year-old Ruiz was fighting for the second time in three weeks as he replaced the injured Abner Mares. Ruiz was used to being on the other side of first-round knockouts having recorded 18 of his own during his career.

As soon as he started landing punches, I could feel them,” Ruiz said. “I have a lot of first round knock outs, today was my turn to lose in the first round. It happens in boxing.”

Next up for Davis could be the winner of the March 2 Ricardo Nunez-Edner Cherry WBA Eliminator on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center. “We could do that,” Davis said. “At the end of the day I’m a fighter. I’m a fighter and I have a great team. One of the best in the sport. I believe in my team and whatever they line up, Ja sam spreman.

Davis told SHOWTIME reporter Jim Gray he’s ready for a sweet homecoming for his next fight. “Yes, gospodine. We’re coming to Baltimore. We’re going home, baby.”

U suradnji značajke, Mario Barrios (23-0, 14 Kos) knocked out his seventh consecutive opponent as the 23-year-old from San Antonio stopped Mexico’s Richard Zamora (15-3, 10 Kos). Zastoj je došao na 2:16 in round four as referee Ray Corona waved off the fight after a barrage of Barrios punches landed cleanly and dazed the game Zamora.

With noted trained Virgil Hunter in his corner, the accurate Barrios landed a staggering 59 posto svojih energetskih udaraca, uključujući 37 od 58 (64 posto) in the fourth and final round.

“He wasn’t an easy target at all,” said Barrios, who sparred with Amir Khan and Devin Haney in training camp and is the WBA’s No. 1 ranked fighter at 140 funti. We just used everything we worked on in camp to find my range.”

On je dodao: “It was an amazing fight. I tip my hat to Zamora – he’s a hell of a warrior. I wish him nothing but the best for the rest of his career. Like he said at the press conference, he wanted a war and I brought it to him. Total respect to him.”

Zamora was making his United States debut. “I came to fight,"Rekao je. “I didn’t come to lay down. I thought I still could have fought more. I don’t want to criticize the referee. He did what he had to do.”

Barrios said he’s ready for the next big step-up in his career. “That’s up to my managerial team,"Rekao je. “Whenever they feel I’m ready I’ll fight for a world title. Any one of them. I am knocking down the door for a world title right now.”

U TV prijenos otvarač, Javier Fortuna (34-2-1, 23 Kos) won a unanimous decision against Sharif Bogere (32-2, 20 Kos) u 10-okrugli lagane borbe. All three judges scored the fight 96-93 in favor of Fortuna.

The southpaw Fortuna, of Braintree, Misa, by way of the Dominican Republic, knocked down Bogere in the sixth round, the same round Bogere suffered a nasty cut above his right eye after an accidental head clash.

The knockdown occurred after a powerful left uppercut by Fortuna dazed Bogere, who appeared to be pushed down and touched his glove on the canvas. Referee Edward Collantes scored it a knockdown, giving Fortuna the 10-8 krug.

"(The knock down) was correct,”Rekao je Fortuna, who said he would love a future shot against Davis. “I saw his eyes were a little glossy and his legs buckled a bit. When I saw that he was cut, the game plan changed again and we had to work again to attack the cut.”

Originally from Uganda but now living in Las Vegas, Bogere gave himself a seven out of 10 grade. “I think I won the fight,"Rekao je. “Even the knockdown was bull. He kept coming at me with the head. He kept trying to head butt me. The challenge was that there was blood in my eye. The first couple of rounds I was boxing him easily.”

Na pola puta trenutku borbe, Fortuna began pulling away winning rounds six, seven and eight on SHOWTIME Steve Farhood’s unofficial scorecard as Bogere continued to fade, although coming back to win round nine on Farhood’s card.

In the power punch category, Fortuna connected on 89 od 310 punches for 29 percent while Bogere landed 59 od 317 for just 19 posto. Bogere was riding a 13-fight winning streak over the past six years coming into the fight.

“What I want right now is a contract so I can fight Gervonta Davis wherever. Lomachenko, any of them,”Rekao je Fortuna, who had a No Decision against Adrian Granados last June on SHOWTIME after falling out of the ring in the fourth round suffering a head and neck injury.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN featured two live undercard fights on social media platforms leading into the televised tripleheader. Former world title challenger Erickson Lubin (20-1, 15 Kos) knocked down Ishe Smith (29-11, 12 Kos) a total of four times before the fight was stopped at the end of round three in a scheduled 10-round super welterweight bout. Undefeated super lightweight Juan Heraldez (16-0, 10 Kos) stopped Eddie Ramirez (17-3, 11 Kos) in round seven of a scheduled 10-round fight.

Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer hosted SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. Versatile combat sportscaster Mauro Ranallo called the action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the telecast team – Emmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray, boxing historian Steve Farhood as unofficial ringside scorer, and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. Alejandro Luna and former world champion Raul Marquez hosted the telecast in Spanish, available via Secondary Audio Programming (SAP). The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was David Dinkins Jr., with Bob Dunphy directing.

Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader will replay on Monday at 10 poslije podne. ET / PT na SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports a www.premierboxingchampions.com pratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions i @Swanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions and Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


Super Featherweight Champion Davis Joined by Promoter Floyd Mayweather Ahead of Title Defense Against Former Champion Ruiz This Saturday Live on SHOWTIME®From Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Kalif. and Presented By Premier Boxing Champions

Kliknite OVDJE for Photos from Dave Mandel/SHOWTIME

Kliknite OVDJE for Photos from Sean Michael Ham
/Mayweather Promotions

LOS ANGELES (Veljača 7, 2019) – WBA Super Featherweight World Champion Gervonta Davis i bivši svjetski prvak Hugo Ruiz went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference before they go toe-to-toe this Saturday night in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® from Dignity Health Sports Park, formerly StubHub Center, u Carson, Kalif. i predstavio Premier Boks prvaka.

Also facing off on Thursday were fighters who will enter the ring live on SHOWTIME in televised undercard attractions. Neporažen super lagani Mario Barrios will be facing Mexico’s Richard Zamora, while former world champion Javier Fortuna will step in against lightweight contender Sharif Bogere as part of live SHOWTIME action kicking off at 10 poslije podne. ET / 7 poslije podne. PT.

Događaj promoviraju Mayweather Promotions, TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing and tickets are sale now and can be purchased at AXS.com.

Davis was joined on-stage by his promoter, legendary boxer and Mayweather Promotions President Floyd Mayweather. Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday at the Westin Los Angeles Airport before Saturday night’s event:


I’m so excited to come back strong in 2019. This is the year that could put me over the top and put me at the highest level.

The opponent change didn’t really affect me. In the amateurs we fought four or five times a week so we always had different opponents. I had been sparring someone taller than me in training camp anyway. I think a fighter should be ready and able to adapt to anything that is in front of him in the ring. I’m ready and I hope Ruiz is too.

“Trening kamp je super. I’m ready for Saturday night. We planned on fighting Abner Mares, but he had an injury and we hope to still get him down the line if everything is okay with his health.

Hugo Ruiz is a great opponent. He’s going to come to fight on Saturday night. He’s been telling the media he’s going to knock me out, so I hope we get an action packed fight for the fans. I’m glad Ruiz is coming for the knockout. We owe it to the fans and I’m praying that he comes ready to give them a great show.

I feel like I’m the fighter that can be the next big star. I’m working towards it. I’m just a kid soaking it all in right now. U subotu navečer, I hope everyone is ready, because it’s going to be action.

Ruiz’s record speaks for itself. I’ve watched him and he has some pop. He’s accurate and I’m ready for it. I don’t think I’ll have any ring rust. I’ve worked with a lot of great fighters in the gym. I’m just excited to get back in the ring.

I want to give my fans all over the world a great show. Everyone tuning in is going to see a great performance. Hopefully Hugo will live up to his word, because I’m going to live up to mine.


I’m very happy to have this opportunity. Idem ostaviti sve što je u ringu. I have a lot of faith in my boxing skills. I trust and believe that there is going to be a new world champion on Saturday night.

I’m in rhythm and in shape. I’ve been very active leading into and since my last fight. Davis is a tremendous champion, ali on ne me zastrašiti. I’ll be ready for him come Saturday night.

This is a great opportunity to fight a southpaw, as I had originally been training for a lefty before my opponent changed in my last fight. I also fought a southpaw in November. I’ve been training with a lot of lefties for a while. I’m more than ready for this opportunity.

Davis is a strong champion and I know this is a big opportunity for me to fight someone of his caliber. I’m ready mentally and physically for the greatest opportunity that has been given to me.

At 130-pounds I feel more power than ever and I will demonstrate that on Saturday night. This is a big challenge for me. This is the opportunity that I’ve been waiting for throughout my 12-year career. I don’t plan on wasting it.


This is a huge opportunity and I’m very excited for it. I’m looking forward to going out there and putting on a great show for the boxing fans.

I’m ready and I’m prepared to take full advantage of this chance to make a statement on Saturday night. I want any one of the champions in this division, but I’m not looking past Zamora. I just know that the work that I put in will pay off.

I have big things on the horizon and Zamora is in my way. I’m focused and ready to make this a great night. If he wants a war, I’ll give him a war.


I’m very happy and thankful to be in this fight. This is the opportunity I’ve been looking for. I’m ready to compete and I’m not going to let this opportunity pass me by.

This is definitely a big step for me in my U.S. debi. If I can get a win over Mario Barrios, then I would be able to reach a lot of dreams that I have.

I come well prepared and I’m expecting a war. I’m going to be ready to go and battle until the end. You’ll see that I’m going to leave it all in the ring.


I’m going to give the best that I have in the ring. I’m going against a good boxer with a good record, but it doesn’t matter what obstacles are in front of me. I’m going to come through with a big win on Saturday night.

We have a new team and a new trainer that is going to give the fans the best Javier Fortuna possible on Saturday.

A victory against Sharif Bogere is very important for me and a stepping stone to where I want to get. It’s going to be a difficult fight, but I’m ready to make this a very tough night for him.


We are going to make this a great fight on Saturday. Fortuna is a good fighter and tough guy. I expect him to bring a lot of fireworks. I’m prepared for it and I have the game plan to win.

Every day is a tough test in life. This is going to be just another fight. I’m prepared and I have a great team behind me. I’m coming on Saturday night for what belongs to me.

Fortuna has a big name and is a step up for me. This win will put me up there toward the top and I’ll be prepared for whatever challenge comes after that.

Floyd Mayweather, Predsjednik Mayweather Promocije

It’s great to be here with so many young talented fighters. I could remember 23 years ago when I was in that same position. When you’re in this position you have to take advantage of it. Opportunities like this come once in a lifetime. You must go out there and give it your all.

I want to see these fighters become great and become stars. The records that I’ve set were made to be broken.

I remember when Gervonta Davis first came to my gym. He worked hard and believed in himself. Sometimes we did two-a-days. If we didn’t think the job was done right, we’d come back and correct it. We continue to strive every day to be the best we possibly can be. Gervonta works extremely hard, but he can’t take anything for granted in this fight.

I think Hugo Ruiz is more dangerous opponent than Abner Mares. Abner is a tremendous fighter, but Ruiz is very tough and he has good knockout power. This is a great matchup and the kind that people want to see. It’s all about putting on great shows and Saturday will be another blockbuster.

LEONARD ELLERBE, CEO Mayweather Promocije

We have a great event this Saturday night with great fights from top to bottom of this card. This is going to be a great night of boxing.

Gervonta Davis has reached goals beyond just the boxing ring. I know the impact that Gervonta has on the youth all around the world. Kada je u pitanju uzbuđenje, explosiveness and knockout power, this is something new that the fans are getting a chance to witness.

At the young age of 24, fans have come to know Gervonta for his punching power. But he’s also a very skilled boxer. This is one of the things that he’ll be able to showcase moving forward in a number of big fights he’s going to have.

We know he has a tough challenge in front of him. Anytime you have a last minute replacement who’s an excellent fighter, it’s a big challenge. Ruiz is an aggressive fighter and we expect nothing but a great fight.

Gervonta Davis has the full arsenal. Po mom mišljenju, he’s the most exciting fighter and the biggest puncher in the entire sport. It takes more than knockout power and I think you’ll see an array of his skillset.

SAMPSON LEWKOWICZ, Predsjednik Sampson boksu

It really is an honor for me to be involved in this great show. These are going to be three great fights. Hugo Ruiz had been training for a southpaw before an opponent switch led to him fighting a right hander last fight. After a few more weeks leading into this fight, Ruiz is 100 percent ready for this challenge.

“Vjeruj mi, this is going to be a rough fight. I believe that Davis will have his hands full with Hugo Ruiz. Ruiz comes from a family of fighters and he is a true Mexican warrior who will leave it all in the ring on Saturday.

# # #
Gervonta Davis vs. Hugo Ruiz pits the WBA Super Featherweight World ChampionDavis against the former world champion Ruiz in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on Saturday, Veljača 9 from Dignity Health Sports Park, formerly StubHub Center, u Carson, California and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING coverage begins at 10 poslije podne. ET / 7 poslije podne. PT and features undefeated super lightweight Mario Barrios taking on Mexico’s Richard Zamora and former world champion Javier Fortuna battling lightweight contender Sharif Bogere.

Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports awww.premierboxingchampions.com pratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions i @Swanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions and Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


Unbeaten Super Lightweight Barrios Takes on Mexico’s
Richard Zamora Live on SHOWTIME® This Saturday From
Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Kalif. & Presented By
Premier Boks prvaka

Kliknite OVDJE for Photos from Brett Ostrowski/Team Barrios

OAKLAND, Kalif. (Veljača 4, 2019) – Undefeated super lightweight contender Mario Barrios will look to continue his push toward a world title shot when he faces Mexico’s Richard Zamora (19-2, 12 Kos) live on SHOWTIME this Saturday, Veljača 9 from Dignity Health Sports Park, formerly StubHub Center, u Carson, Kalif, i predstavio Premier Boks prvaka.

The three-fight SHOWTIME telecast begins live at 10 poslije podne. ET / 7 poslije podne. PT and is headlined by super featherweight world champion Gervonta Davis defending his title against former world champion Hugo Ruiz.

The 23-year-old from San Antonio can increase his knockout streak to seven on February 9, all since he moved up to 140-pounds. Here is what Barrios (22-0, 14 Kos) had to say about his upcoming matchup and more from training camp in Oakland, Kalifornija:

On his matchup with Richard Zamora:

Zamora is my toughest opponent to date in my opinion. He’s won his last five fights, so I know he’s coming into this fight with a lot of confidence. He has power in both hands and he’s very tough. But I’m going into this fight with a lot of confidence myself. This is going to be a war and one I’m looking forward to. I have no doubt in my mind that I’m going to come out on top.

On his recent training camp:

Camp started back home with my dad Martin and he really got me ready before I left for California. I’ve spent the last six weeks training in the Bay Area with Virgil Hunter. I’ve also been training with Victor Conte and Remi Korchemny at the SNAC facility. Sada, my body is in the best shape of my life. I got good sparring with Devin Haney and a few other top-level fighters. All the hard work is almost done. We have one week left and then its fight week. Virgil and I are working great together and I’m ready to go.

On fighting in the co-main event on SHOWTIME:

I’m very excited to be fighting on SHOWTIME on a big card once again, this time in the co-main event. I’m going to bring a lot of excitement to those watching on TV. My style is fan-friendly and everyone tuning in is going to see the next superstar in boxing. I’m going to take full advantage of this opportunity fighting on the big stage.

On when he’ll be fighting for a world title:

I’m currently ranked No. 1 u WBA, so I know a world title shot is very close. Sada, my main focus is defeating Zamora. I must get past this fight and then it’s time to face all the top guys in the super lightweight division. I’m looking to be in a world title fight sometime this year.

# # #

Gervonta Davis vs. Hugo Ruiz pits the WBA Super Featherweight World ChampionDavis against the former world champion Ruiz in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on Saturday, Veljača 9 from Dignity Health Sports Park, formerly StubHub Center, u Carson, California and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING coverage begins at 10 poslije podne. ET / 7 poslije podne. PT and features undefeated super lightweight Mario Barrios taking on Mexico’s Richard Zamora and former world champion Javier Fortuna battling lightweight contender Sharif Bogere.

Događaj promoviraju Mayweather Promotions, TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing and tickets are sale now and can be purchased at AXS.com.

Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports awww.premierboxingchampions.com pratiti na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions i @Swanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions and Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

Three-Division, Four-Time World Champion Abner Mares Sustains Injury; Forced To Withdraw From Match Against WBA Super Featherweight World Champion Gervonta DavisDavis Now Set To Take on Former World Champion Hugo Ruiz in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Main Event Saturday, Veljača 9

LOS ANGELES (Siječanj 30, 2019) -Three-division, four-time champion Abner Mares has been forced to pull out of the WBA Super Featherweight title match against two-time super featherweight champion Gervonta Davis on Saturday, Veljača 9 after suffering an injury while training.

Davis will now defend against former world championHugo Ruizin the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, s početkom u pokrivenost 10 poslije podne. ET / 7 poslije podne. PT from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, California and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Ruiz is an all-action brawler who previously picked up a world title at super bantamweight in 2015 and most recently defeated Alberto Guevara in January on the Pacquiao vs. Broner PPV event in a featherweight fight. Ruiz, tko je vlasnik 18 first round knockouts, floored Guevara in the opening minute and cruised to a near-shutout decision victory.

He had originally been slotted for an interim title shot against Jhack Tepora in January before Tepora missed weight, but will now have his chance to fight for a belt against one of the most-feared punchers at 130-pounds on February 9. The 30-year-old from Sinaloa, Mexico stands at five feet, nine inches tall, nearly four inches taller than Davis, and has won three straight fights leading up to this fight.

I trained for three months to fight a southpaw when I fought in January,” said Ruiz. “When the opponent changed, it was hard to adjust in 24 vrijeme. After the fight I immediately went back to the gym, because you never know what’s going to happen in boxing. Ja sam 100 percent ready to knockout Gervonta Davis.

Hugo Ruiz has another opportunity to fight for a world title because he’s demonstrated that he’s devoted to boxing and his career,” rekao je Sampson Lewkowicz, Ruiz’s Promoter. “He went right back to the gym after his last fight. He’s ready for another great opportunity to be a world champion and he’s going to take advantage of that opportunity.

Mares injured his right elbow during sparring at the Robert Garcia Boxing Gym in Riverside, Kalif. Mares said he had experienced soreness in his elbow following the past two fights, but nothing that had ever given him nor his team concern.

I’m not going to sugarcoat this. I’m disappointed and devastated that I’ve injured my right elbow in sparring,” Mares said. “This is something that I haven’t had happen to me during my career and the feeling is just horrible. I will be going to see my doctor about this and am prepared to follow whatever recommendations and rehab that gets me back into the ring. I’m healthy, not afraid of doing the work and I will be back. This is a temporary setback. Don’t count me out.

Boxing is a sport of brains, passion and physical punishment,” Navedene Mares’ trainer Robert Garcia. “When you’re in the ring sparring with talented, top-class sparring partners, the chances of injuries are very high. That was the situation in this case. He was sparring top young fighters and he injured his elbow. He cannot fight like that, especially in a fight against Davis.

Majke, who has engaged in numerous memorable fights throughout his storied career, was seeking to move up in weight and looking to capture his fifth world title in a fourth weight class.

The event is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing.

For more information visitwww.SHO.com/Sports a www.premierboxingchampions.com follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions i @Swanson_Comm ili postanite fan na Facebook-u www.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions and Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. ڪ�ɑP?


Box Fan Expo vrhunski je doživljaj navijača koji ljubiteljima boksa pruža priliku da upoznaju i pozdrave vrhunske borce, aktualni i bivši svjetski prvaci, boksajući poznate osobe i ljude iz industrije u bliskom osobnom okruženju.
Ulaznice u prodaji od sada na EventBrite

Las Vegas (Srpanj 5, 2018) – Bivša WBC ženska prvakinja Mia St. Jovan AKA
“Knockout” je potvrdio da će se ona pojaviti, imati kabinu i održati Meet & Pozdravite sa svojim obožavateljima na Kongresni centar u Las Vegasu za četvrti godišnji Okvir Fan Expo na Subota rujna 15, 2018 iz 10ujutro do 17 sati, tijekom vikenda za neovisnost Meksika. Boxing Expo također će se podudarati s dugo očekivanim revanšem između Saula ‘Canela’ Alvarez vs Gennady ‘GGG’ Golovkin, koji će se održati kasnije te večeri.




St.John će se još jednom pojaviti na ovogodišnjem Expu gdje će imati robu koju će prodati svojim obožavateljima, kao i fotografije, potpisi i memorabilije.




St. Ivan je jedan od najvažnijih i najpoznatijih žena ukrašenih profesionalnih boksača svih vremena. Ona je bivša WBC, IFBA i IBA svjetski prvak koji je popularnost stekao pojavljujući se na nekim od najvećih donje karte u povijesti boksa koje je vodio Oscar De La Hoya. Ona je također pojavio na naslovnici Playboya, a pojavio se na mnogim popularne talk showa u cijelom svijetu. Na vrhu toga, St. Ivan je učinio bezbroj dobrotvorni rad, stvarajući neprofitnih “Znanje je moć” Temelj, koji pomaže latino-dominantne škole u SAD-a. St. Ivan i majka, Maria Rosales, posjetite škola naglasiti važnost obitelji, obrazovanje, samo-osnaživanje i glasuju. Posjet http://miastjohnfoundation.org/ za više informacija.




Pridružuje se St.John, Jessie Vargas, Erik Morales i Fernando Vargas među ranim obvezama na ovogodišnjem Box Fan Expou.

O Box Fan Expo-u
Box Fan Expo postigao je veliki uspjeh kod obožavatelja i ljudi iz boksačke industrije. Mnoge boksačke zvijezde prisustvovale su posljednja tri Exposa poput Floyda Mayweathera, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones Jr., Markos Maidana, Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Juda, James Toney, Vinny Patience, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie brijači aparati, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abner Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios i mnogi drugi…




Izlagači kao što su boks prijenosnika, odjeća, nova oprema, energetska pića, alkohol, dodaci proizvodima, radiodifuzni mediji, tijela koja sankcioniraju i druge tvrtke koje žele sudjelovati ponovno će imati priliku predstaviti svoju marku obožavateljima, mediji i boksačka industrija.


Ulaznice za Fan Box Expo su dostupni online na:





Box Fan Expo vrhunski je događaj za ljubitelje boksa, što omogućava obožavateljima da upoznaju i pozdrave boksačke superzvijezde današnjice, aktualni i bivši svjetski prvaci, Legende sporta i druge boksačke slavne osobe na svom štandu. Na stranici, obožavatelji će iskusiti različite aktivnosti od Autograph Sessionsa, Foto sesije, FaceOff sa svojim omiljenim boksačima, kao i priliku za kupnju robe i suvenira iz njihovog štanda, plus još toliko… nećete htjeti propustiti ovaj Expo koji morate posjetiti!




Box Fan Expo također će imati vrhunske boksačke organizacije, promotori, prstenaste djevojke, poznati treneri i komentatori kao i tvrtke za boksersku opremu “SVE ISPOD JEDNOG KROVA”.




Tijekom sljedećih nekoliko mjeseci prije Događaja, tjedno će se objavljivati ​​brojne zvijezde koje će se pojaviti na Boxing Expou. And for anyone in the Boxing industry or other Exhibitors (non-industry), who would like to be involved and reserve a Booth, contact Box Fan Expo:




Telephone number: (514) 572-7222 or Las Vegas Number (702) 997-1927




Za sve upite molimo pošaljite email: boxfanexpo@gmail.com




Više informacija o Box Fan Expo dostupan je na: http://www.boxfanexpo.com




Možete pratiti Box Fan Expo na Twitter na: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo




i na Facebook-u: https://www.facebook.com/BoxFanExpo


Box Fan Expo vrhunski je doživljaj navijača koji ljubiteljima boksa pruža priliku da upoznaju i pozdrave vrhunske borce, aktualni i bivši svjetski prvaci, boksajući poznate osobe i ljude iz industrije u bliskom osobnom okruženju.
Ulaznice u prodaji od sada na EventBrite

Las Vegas (Srpanj 3, 2018) – Trostruki svjetski prvak Jessie Vargas je potvrdio da će se pojaviti i održati sastanak & Pozdravite se sa svojim obožavateljima na Kongresni centar u Las Vegasu za četvrti godišnji Okvir Fan Expo na Subota rujna 15, 2018 iz 10 AM TO 5 PM, tijekom vikenda za neovisnost Meksika. Boxing Expo također će se podudarati s dugo očekivanim revanšem između Saula ‘Canela’ Alvarez vs Gennady ‘GGG’ Golovkin, koji će se održati kasnije te večeri.




Vargas će se još jednom pojaviti na ovogodišnjem Expu gdje će potpisati rukavice, fotografije i robu na štandu Box Fan Expo izloga 11 AM do 1 PM. Ljubitelji boksa također će imati izvrsnu priliku za fotografiranje s ovom boksačkom zvijezdom. Vargas je upravo izašao iz spektakularnog nastupa u mega borbi koja je rezultirala neriješenim rezultatom protiv Adriena Bronera prošlog travnja u Barclays Center u Brooklynu, Njujork.




Vargas je meksički američki profesionalni boksač koji je bivši svjetski prvak u dvije težine, nakon održavanja WBA (Redovito) i IBO super lagani naslovi u 2014 i WBO naslov u poluteškoj kategoriji u 2016.




Vargas se pridružuje Eriku Moralesu i Fernandu Vargasu među ranim obvezama na ovogodišnjem Box Fan Expou.

O Box Fan Expo-u
Box Fan Expo postigao je veliki uspjeh kod obožavatelja i ljudi iz boksačke industrije. Mnoge boksačke zvijezde prisustvovale su posljednja tri Exposa poput Floyda Mayweathera, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones Jr., Markos Maidana, Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Juda, James Toney, Vinny Patience, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie brijači aparati, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abner Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios i mnogi drugi…




Izlagači kao što su boks prijenosnika, odjeća, nova oprema, energetska pića, alkohol, dodaci proizvodima, radiodifuzni mediji, tijela koja sankcioniraju i druge tvrtke koje žele sudjelovati ponovno će imati priliku predstaviti svoju marku obožavateljima, mediji i boksačka industrija.


Ulaznice za Fan Box Expo su dostupni online na:





Box Fan Expo vrhunski je događaj za ljubitelje boksa, što omogućava obožavateljima da upoznaju i pozdrave boksačke superzvijezde današnjice, aktualni i bivši svjetski prvaci, Legende sporta i druge boksačke slavne osobe na svom štandu. Na stranici, obožavatelji će iskusiti različite aktivnosti od Autograph Sessionsa, Foto sesije, FaceOff sa svojim omiljenim boksačima, kao i priliku za kupnju robe i suvenira iz njihovog štanda, plus još toliko… nećete htjeti propustiti ovaj Expo koji morate posjetiti!




Box Fan Expo također će imati vrhunske boksačke organizacije, promotori, prstenaste djevojke, poznati treneri i komentatori kao i tvrtke za boksersku opremu “SVE ISPOD JEDNOG KROVA”.




Tijekom sljedećih nekoliko mjeseci prije Događaja, tjedno će se objavljivati ​​brojne zvijezde koje će se pojaviti na Boxing Expou. And for anyone in the Boxing industry or other Exhibitors (non-industry), who would like to be involved and reserve a Booth, contact Box Fan Expo:




Telephone number: (514) 572-7222 or Las Vegas Number (702) 997-1927




Za sve upite molimo pošaljite email: boxfanexpo@gmail.com




Više informacija o Box Fan Expo dostupan je na: http://www.boxfanexpo.com




Možete pratiti Box Fan Expo na Twitter na: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo




i na Facebook-u: https://www.facebook.com/BoxFanExpo