Tag Архив: A.J. Rivera

Боксът спаси живота на двудивизионния световен шампион "Ел Гало" Хосе Антонио Ривера

Колорадо Спрингс, Скут. (Юни 4, 2020) - Както много боксьори, две разделение световен шампион "El Gallo" Хосе Антонио Ривера кредитира бокса за спасяването на живота му.

„Абсолютно,Ривера се съгласи. „След като майка ми почина, когато аз бях 10 възраст, Отказах се от живота и вземането на решения отразява това: да се мотаете с грешна тълпа, включително членове на бандата, консумация на алкохол на възраст между 10 и 15. Определено вървях в грешната посока.

„Никога не съм мислил, че имам бъдеще, докато не започнах да се бокс. Трудно е да се каже какво бих правил, ако никога не бях боксирал, но между другото живеех, Вероятно вече щях да съм в затвора или мъртъв. "

Роден във Филаделфия, Ривера е живял в Пуерто Рико и Спрингфийлд, MA, преди той да се премести в Уорчестър, MA, където срещна човек, който помогна да промени живота му, Carlos Garcia, който отговаряше за специална програма по бокс в Worcester Boys & Girls Club.

Ривера беше започнал да се боксира на възраст от 14 ½ в мазе с приятеля си, Феликс Лопес.  Беше се влюбил в бокса, след като го гледашеRoberto Duran разстроен„Захар“ Рей Леонард в първата им битка. Младият американец от Пуерто Рико специално използва своя любителски бокс опит, за да се подготви за професионалните редици. Гарсия, който е в Националната зала на славата на златните ръкавици, постави го в мач за начинаещи само след една аматьорска битка, за да изведе Ривера на бързата писта, защото разбираше, че Ривера мечтае да стане световен шампион като професионалист. Ривера завърши с 35-15 любителски запис, подчертано с представяне с бронзов медал на PAL Nationals.

„Никога не съм имал големи аматьорски стремежи, но, разбира се, Исках да спечеля всяка битка, в която се състезавах,- каза Ривера. „Веднъж не се класирах за олимпийските изпитания, моят план беше да стана професионалист. Не знаех доколко аматьорите ще ме подготвят за успешен професионален боксьор. Радвам се, че слушах моите треньори, иначе щях да стана професионалист по-рано, защото щях да се разочаровам от политиката на аматьорите. Мразех да губя, но мразех да губя още повече, когато знаех, че е трябвало да спечеля. След три години заедно (с Гарсия) в аматьорите и натрупване на богат опит от пътуване из цяла Нова Англия, страната и дори воюване в Канада, Видях всички видове стилове и талантливи боксьори, които ми помогнаха като професионалист. Карлос е като бащина фигура за мен и по време на всички наши тренировки и пътувания, той винаги беше в главата ми, изграждайки ме да стана добър боксьор, но и да ми помогне да стана по-добър човек. "

На November 7, 1992, Ривера направи своя професионален дебют, нокаутираФрансиско Мерцедес във втория кръг. Той продължи да спечели първия си 23 професионални пристъпи, включително титлата в полусредна категория на щата Масачузетс през 1995. Първата му професионална загуба беше от ветерана боец ​​от ФиладелфияУили Уайз (20-3-4), който спечели спорно 10-рундово решение за разделяне в казино Foxwoods Resort в Кънектикът. Ривера беше доказал, че е повече от перспектива при първата си загуба, загуба на близко решение (98-95, 94-97, 94-96) на противник, който разстрои мексиканската иконаЖулио Сезар Чавес (102-3-2) само три години по-късно.

Показва същата устойчивост, която остана с Ривера през цялата му кариера, две битки по-късно Ривера спряЖилберто Флорес в два кръга за превземане на Международната боксова организация (IBO) световно първенство в полусредна категория. Ривера удължи новата си серия от победи до седем, преди да губят двубои. Четири битки по-късно, въпреки че, Ривера регистрира първото си изявление победа в 2001, нокаутираФранки Рандал (55-10-1) в 10тата кръг, за да запази своята Северноамериканска боксова асоциация (Също) корона в първата си защита.

Сега популяризиран от легендарния Дон Кинг, Ривера пътува през Атлантическия океан през септември 2003 до Германия, където малко американци успяха да спечелят. Ривера доказа рано, че има предвид бизнес, отпадане преди непобеденМишел Трабант във втория кръг по пътя към спечелване на решение с мнозинство от 12 кръга за свободната Световна боксова асоциация (WBA).  Неговото управление, обаче, не продължи дълго. В първата си защита, Ривера загуби 12-рундово разделено решение у дома в Уорчестър от претендентаLuis Колазо (24-1)

Ривера се повиши с една категория в тегло за следващата си битка, показвайки устойчивостта, която е основна по време на кариерата му за следващата му битка, също у дома, срещу Световния шампион на WBA за юноши в средна категорияАлександро Гарсия (25-1).

В следващата си битка и първа защита на третата си световна титла, Ривера беше спрян за първи път в професионалната си кариера, от нов шампионТравис Симс (24-0), и след това беше нокаутиран отДаниел Сантос (24-0) в осми кръг от техния елиминатор за титлата в средно тегло на WBA за юноши.

Ривера се пенсионира в 2008 само за да се завърне в 2001, след което се оттегли отново, докато се завърна за две битки в Уорчестър, за да завърши професионалната си кариера 50 битки, последното идване на възраст 46.

„Опитът на Хосе в САЩ по бокс го превърна в човек с характер, какъвто е днес, в и извън ринга,"ЗаявиКрис tofflemire, Директор на възпитаниците на САЩ по бокс. „Той пое по-малко пътувания път за световен шампион, и по този начин той показа своята твърдост и постоянство, което го направи чудесен пример за днешните американски боксьори. "

САЩ Асоциация на завършилите Бокс

Създаден за шампион през целия живот, взаимноизгодни отношения между САЩ Бокс и неговите възпитаници, –боксьори, служители, треньори и феновете на бокса — Асоциацията на завършилите свързва поколения шампиони, вдъхновяваща и предаваме на бъдещите шампиони по бокс САЩ бокса, в и извън ринга.

Асоциацията на завършилите боксови САЩ е отворена за всеки, който има любов към бокса и биха искали да останете във връзка с аматьорски бокс. Членовете получават достъп до широк спектър от специални събития домакин от Асоциацията на възпитаниците, включително годишния САЩ боксови Алумни Асоциация Залата на славата рецепция.

За да се присъедините Асоциацията на завършилите, просто да се регистрират вalumni@usaboxing.org за $40.00 на година членски внос. Нови членове ще получат фланелка, ключодържател и електронен портфейл.

Ривера беше истински работещ световен шампион. Малко световни шампиони също са имали работа на пълен работен ден по време на управлението на титлата си. Ривера използва времето за почивка, както и лични и болнични дни, когато отиде на тренировъчен лагер за някои от големите си битки.

„Винаги съм имал добра работна етика," той обясни. „Когато се преместих в Уорчестър в 16 възраст, Живеех сам: училище, работа, и след това към Момчетата & Клуб за момичета, който да тренира. Запазих същата трудова етика, в която бях 19 когато се превърнах в професионалист. Станах баща в 20, така че осигуряването на семейството ми беше от съществено значение. Въпреки че беше трудно, Знаех, че боксът няма да продължи вечно, и имах късмета да намеря добра работа, работеща за съдебните съдилища на Общността на Масачузетс. Правеше дълги дни, когато тренирах, особено когато се борих или защитавах световното си първенство. В края, въпреки че, запазването на работата ми беше най-доброто решение, което можех да взема за мен и семейството ми. "

Rivera. който беше асоцииран съдебен служител в продължение на години и повиши миналата година до помощник главен съдебен служител, все още се занимава с бокс. Той и най-големият му син, A.J. Rivera, притежавате и управлявате компания за промоция на бокс, Rivera Промоции Развлечения, да даде възможност на младите бойци в неговия район да се бият по-често и у дома. Хосе от време на време се отбива при момчетата & Клуб за момичета, за да посети бившите му треньори, Гарсия иРоки Гонсалес, да подкрепят младите си таланти. Отива и при своя приятелКендрик БолФитнес зала, Лагер бъди прав, да дадете на младите бойци няколко съвета и да поддържате форма (не за поредното завръщане).

Хосе Антонио Ривера ще бъде най-известен със своята твърдост и решителност, което го доведе до различен живот, включително три световни първенства и прекрасен живот, на който никога не би се радвал.



Кикотене: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

ЗА САЩ Бокс:  Мисията на САЩ Бокс е да се даде възможност на спортисти и треньори на Съединените щати ", за да се постигне трайно конкурентно превъзходство, развият характер, подкрепа на спорта на бокса, и да насърчава и развива олимпийския боксов стил в Съединените щати. Отговорността на САЩ Бокс е не само да произвеждаме олимпийското злато, но също така контролира и управлява всеки аспект на аматьорски бокс в Съединените щати.

3-време, 2-division world champion Jose Antonio Rivera returns with a bang KO winner in his first fight in 7 години

Featuring the return of 3-time, 2-разделение световен шампион
Петък, Август 17, 2018
The Palladium, Worcester, Massachusetts
Официалните резултати
THE CHAMP IS BACK: referee Bob Benoit (L) and Jose Antonio Rivera

WORCESTER, Маса. (Август 19, 2018) – Seven years after his last fight, “Гало” Хосе Антонио Ривера returned to the ring in grand fashion last night (Събота) хедлайнери “Homecoming, presented by Granite Chin Promotions in association with Rivera Promotions Entertainment, на паладий в Worcester, Massachusetts.




The 45-year-old Rivera (42-6-1, 25 Нокаута), 35 pounds lighter than he was in February when he started training, packed the house in his hometown, fully entertained his supportive fans. Трикратният, two-division world champion Rivera pressured LarrySlomoshun: Ковач (10-38-1, 7 Нокаута) from the opening bell and he never let up.




It took a few rounds for Rivera to wear off the rust, but he fed Smith a steady diet of body shots, gradually breaking down his opponent, as he won round after round on points. Twice in the sixth round it looked like Smith was done, but the tough Texan showed a lot of heart to survive.




Накрая, Rivera closed the show in the seventh round, when Smith broke his hand in the fifth round and was unable to continue, kneeling in his corner, obviously in pain.




I’ve always been tough,” Rivera said after the fight, “but I was a little rusty. He tested me early but, once he saw I wasn’t going anywhere and knew he was in for a fight. I started warming up in the fourth round. I was always a 12-round fighter. I didn’t know he broke his hand until after the fight. Чувствам се страхотно. We gave a good fight to the fans who have always supported me.




I give myself a C+ tonight. I’m going to talk with my family, but I’m thinking about one more fight, to make it 50 for his pro career).”




Хосе Антонио Ривера (R) had a successful comeback fight




В съвместно черта събитието, Worcester super middleweight Кендрик Бол, Jr. (10-1-2, 7 Нокаута) demolished Фабиански “El Lobo” Валдес (2-4), flooring him with a right uppercut and soon after finished him with a vicious body shot for a technical-knockout victory in the opening round. The popular Ball was fighting at home for the first time as a professional




The rematch between Worcester junior middleweight Khiary Грей (16-4, 12 Нокаута) и Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-34, 4 Нокаута) ended in the same fashion as their first encounter did three years ago. Also fighting at home for the first time, Gray blasted out his game opponent, cracking him with a picture-perfect, left-fight combination that put Fernandez on his back. Fernandez beat the count, but referee Bob Benoit спряно действието.



Southbridge, MA junior middleweight Wilfredo “на Sucaro” езически (5-0, 3 Нокаута) остана непобеден, using a relentless body attack to drop EngelbertoGuarura” Валенцуела (11-15, 3 Нокаута) три пъти, the last ending the fight midway through the third round.




Springfield, MA junior lightweight Joshua Orta (1-0, 1 KO) turned in an impressive pro debut in a barn-burner that ended when (1-8-1, 1 KO), от Уорчестър, was unable to continue fighting after the third round.




Worcester welterweight Eslih Owuso (1-0) pitched a shutout in his pro debut, decking veteran Bryan “Тухлата” Abraham (6-31-2, 6 Нокаута) два пъти във втория кръг, на път за единодушно решение победа.




In the opening bout of the night, 45-годишният Jose Angel “KO” Ortiz (5-14-1, 2 Нокаута) спадна Patrick Leal (0-5) 10-seconds into the fight, once more later in the opening round, and stopped him in the second. Oritz, fighting out of Springfield, MA by way of Puerto Rico, was fighting for the first time in five years, and he registered his first victory in seven.

Официалните резултати по-долу:


Официалните резултати


Основно събитие – MIDDLEWEIGHTS

Хосе Антонио Ривера (42-6-1, 25 Нокаута), Worcester, MA

WTKO 7 (1:07)

Larry Smith (10-38-1, 7 Нокаута), Далас, Texas





Кендрик Бол, Jr. (10-1-2, 7 Нокаута), Worcester, MA

WTKO1 (2:21)

Fabian Valdez (2-4, 0 Нокаута), Cananea Sonora, Мексико





Jose Angel Ortiz (5-13-1, 2 Нокаута), Springfield, MA

WTKO2 (1:03)

Patrick Leal (0-5), Сомървил, MA.





Khiary Грей (16-4, 12 Нокаута), Worcester, MA

WTKO1 (2:27)

Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-34, 4 Нокаута), Brockton, MA




Wilfredo Pagan (5-0, 3 Нокаута), Southbridge, MA

WTKO3 (1:29)

Engelberto Valenzuela (11-15, 3 Нокаута), Agua Prieta, Мексико





Eslih Owusu (1-0), Worcester, MA

WDEC4 (40-34, 40-35, 40-36)

Bryan Abraham (6-31-2, 6 Нокаута), Скънектади, NY






Joshua Orta 1-0, 1 KO), Springfield, MA

WTKO3 (3:00)

Edwin Rosado (1-8-1, 1 KO), Worcester, MA





Event sponsors included Lundgren Honda, Elm Wealth Group, Atty. Мария М. Rivera-Cotto Championsofhealth@USANA.com, Chieftain Liquors, Centro Las America, Baystate Savings

Bank, Pamela Laporte Realty, Worcester Vocero, ChrisFIT Xperience and Grille 57.




A portion of the proceeds was donated to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.


Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChinPromotions

Кикотене: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_, @Granite_Chin

Нов “Homecoming” opponent for headliner “Гало” Хосе Антонио Ривера

Featuring the return of 3-time, 2-разделение световен шампион
Петък, Август 17, 2018
The Palladium, Worcester, Massachusetts
Този петък night at The Palladium in Worcester, MA

WORCESTER, Маса. (Август 15, 2018) – Трикратният, две разделение световен шампион “Гало” Jose Rivera has a new opponent for his comeback fight this Friday night in “Homecoming”, presented by Granite Chin Promotions (ДКП) in association with Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), на паладий в Worcester, Massachusetts.




The 45-year-old Rivera (41-6-1, 24 Нокаута), who was matched against Рубен “Modern Day WarriorGalvan, didn’t find out until yesterday (Вторник) that Galvan had broken a finger the night before. Texas veteran LarrySlomoshun” Ковач (10-37-1, 7 Нокаута) is the late replacement for Rivera in the eight-round main event.




I am not a fan of late changes,” Rivera said, “but at this point it’s either that or no fight, and I’ve trained too hard not to fight.




Rivera last fought in 2011, taking an eight-round decision over Paul Mpendo, at Mohegan Sun Arena in Connecticut.




The name of the event is “Homecoming” because five fighters in action are from Worcester, including three who’ve never fought there before as professionals.




Супер средна категория Кендрик Бол, Jr. (9-1-2, 6 Нокаута) и младши среднотежка Khiary Грей(15-4, 11 Нокаута), both promoted by CES Boxing, will be fighting at home in Worcester as pros for the first time in a pair of six-round bouts. Ball faces Mexican FabianEl Lobo” Валдес (2-3) в съпътстващото събитие, while Gray (15-4, 11 Нокаута) лица Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-33, 4 Нокаута), of Brockton, MA, in a rematch of a fight won by Gray.




Also scheduled to fight on the undercard in four-round bouts are Southbridge, MA полусредна категория Wilfredo “на Sucaro” езически (4-0, 2 Нокаута) срещу. EngelbertoGuarura” Валенцуела (11-14, 3 Нокаута), Springfield’s (MA) pro-debuting featherweight Joshua Orta срещу. Worcester’s Edwin Rosado (1-7-1, 1 KO), Worcester’s pro-debuting welterweight Eslih Owusu.срещу. Bryan “Тухлата” Abraham (6-30-2, 6 Нокаута) и Springfield, MA полусредна категория Jose Angel “KO” Ortiz (4-13-1, 1 KO) срещу. Somerville’s (MA) Patrick Leal (0-4).




Всички битки и бойци са обект на промяна.




Билети, на цена $75.00 (ринга) и $45.00 (общо признание), са в продажба и на разположение за закупуване на www.ThePalladium.net или офис Palladium кутия (само общо признание), или като се свържете с Хосе Ривера (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) или някоя от бойците.




Вратите отварят в 6 p.m. И, Първият мач 7 p.m. И.




Event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, Elm Wealth Group, Atty. Мария М. Ривера-Кото,Championsofhealth.USANA.com, Chieftain Liquors, Centro Las America, Baystate Savings Bank, Pamela Laporte Realty, Worcester Vocero, ChrisFIT Xperience and Grille 57 (hosting the official weigh in and after party).




A portion of the proceeds will go to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.



Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChin Promotions

Кикотене: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_, @Granite_Chin

“Гало” Хосе Антонио Ривера “Homecoming” Open Workout Photo Gallery

Featuring the return of 3-time, 2-разделение световен шампион
Петък, Август 17, 2018
The Palladium, Worcester, Massachusetts
“Гало” Хосе Антонио Ривера
“Homecoming” Open Workout
Photo Gallery
The Champ се завръща – Хосе Антонио Ривера
Photo Gallery belowall pictures courtesy of Cristian Nunez
WORCESTER, Маса. (Август 9, 2018) — Трикратният, две разделение световен шампион “Гало” Jose Rivera held an open workout yesterday at Camp Get Right in Worcester, MA, in preparation for his comeback fight Август 17, хедлайнер “Homecoming, presented by Granite Chin Promotions (ДКП) in association with Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), на паладий в Worcester, Massachusetts.
Rivera (41-6-1, 24 Нокаута) headlines against Рубен “Modern Day WarriorGalvan (27-26-4, 10 Нокаута) в основното събитие от осем кръга.
The name of the event is “Homecoming” because five fighters in action are from Worcester, including three who’ve never fought there before as professionals: Кендрик Бол, Jr. (9-1-2, 6 Нокаута), младши среднотежка Khiary Грей (15-4, 11 Нокаута) and pro-debuting Eslih Owusu.
Топка, Jr. and Owusu, along with nearby Southbridge’s Wilfredo “El Sacaro” езически and Worcester’s Edwin Rosado, joined Rivera at last night’s open workout.
Билети, на цена $75.00 (ринга) и $45.00 (общо признание), са в продажба и на разположение за закупуване на www.ThePalladium.net или офис Palladium кутия (само общо признание), или като се свържете с Хосе Ривера (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) или някоя от бойците.
Вратите отварят в 6 p.m. И, Първият мач 7 p.m. И.
Event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, Elm Wealth Group, Atty. Мария М. Ривера-Кото, Championsofhealth.USANA.com, Chieftain Liquors, Centro Las America, Baystate Savings Bank, Pamela Laporte Realty, Worcester Vocero, ChrisFIT Xperience and Grille 57 (hosting the official weigh in and after party).
A portion of the proceeds will go to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.
Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChin Promotions
Кикотене: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera, @Granite_Chin

(L-R) — Co-promoter Chuck Shearns & Хосе Антонио Ривера

Jose Antonio Rivera with Kendrick Ball, Jr. being interviewed in background

Хосе Антонио Ривера

Хосе Антонио Ривера
Кендрик Бол, Jr.
Кендрик Бол, Jr.
Кендрик Бол, Jr.

“Гало” Jose Antonio Rivera to headline “Homecoming”

The Champ се завръща!
Август 17 на паладий в Worcester, MA
“Гало” Jose Antonio Rivera hitting the pads with his trainer Sean Fitzgerald


WORCESTER, Маса. (Юли 31, 2018) – A dozen years after he captured his third world title in two different weight classes, seven since his last fight, “Гало” Jose Rivera returns to the ring August 17 хедлайнери “Homecoming”, presented by Granite Chin Promotions (ДКП) in association with Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), на паладий в Worcester, Massachusetts.




The 45-year-old Rivera (41-6-1, 24 Нокаута) has already lost more than 30 паунда, now within four pounds of his contracted weight, since he started training earlier this year. He will headline against Рубен “Modern Day WarriorGalvan (27-26-4, 10 Нокаута) в основното събитие от осем кръга.




В 1997, Rivera captured the International Boxing Organization (IBO) World welterweight title, спиране Жилберто Флорес във втория кръг. Six years later, he traveled to Germany to take on undefeated, родния град на любимата Мишел Трабант (38-0) for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) World Welterweight Championship, in which Rivera won a 12-round decision and the belt.




In front of nearly 10,000 hometown fans in Worcester, Rivera capped his boxing career by winning a 12-round unanimous decision in 2006 over defending champion Алехандро Гарсия(25-1) for the WBA World super welterweight title.




The idea to return to the ring started with my son. A.J., and I talking about chasing history,” Ривера е обяснено. “We are not able to put that together right now (A.J. was born with Spina Bifida and he was unable to secure medical clearance in time for the Aug. 17тата show.), but because of my hard work these last six months, I felt that it was only fitting to continue with my fight.




Granite Chin Promotions has been very instrumental to make sure that this show is put together in the most professional manner possible. I won’t think our promotional company (Jos and A.J. own and operate RPE Promotions Entertainment) would have been able to pull this off. All the negotiations had to be done and me training the only way I know how, at a championship level, would have been too much for us to handle.




Гранит Чин Промоции’ co-promoter Chuck Shearns добави, “When Jose and I started talking about his ring return, I was the last person to think he was crazy. We were friends during his championship days and I know how incredibly committed and disciplined Jose is. Борих се в 49 възраст, not to compare myself to the level Jose has been on, but I know that it can be done. What everyone should know is how well Jose has taken care of himself during his thirties and into his forties. Did I ever think that Chris (Traietti, GCP co-promoter) and I would be co-promoting Jose’s comeback? Do Not, but I’m happy to be involved and I will support him as far as he wants to take this. He’s been training like he’s 25 and Jose’s going to surprise some people.




During Rivera’s title reigns, unlike other world champions, he also held a full-time job as a court officer in the Massachusetts Trial Court, a position in Worcester that he still holds 17 years later. Between working and training, never mind his family responsibilities, Jose somehow manages to balance everything in his extremely busy life.




Let’s just say it makes for a busy schedule,” Rivera remarked. “I am committed to taking care of my family and will do whatever it takes. I usually run before work and train after work. Starting early and finishing late makes for busy days, but the job needs to get done. Точно сега, I’m in the middle of the hardest period of training. The week of the fight is more about preparing mentally and making weight. There’s nothing you can do the week of the fight to help you get into better shape.




Rivera isn’t under any illusions that his comeback will lead to another major world title. The plan is for him to have two more fights to reach a total of 50 като про, but he’s taking things one fight at a time, and he still hopes his next fight, tentatively slated for later this year, will be on the same card as his son’s pro debut.




Rivera last fought in 2011, taking an eight-round decision over Paul Mpendo, at Mohegan Sun Arena in Connecticut. The battle-tested Galvan, his Aug. 17тата opponent from Indiana, has fought other world champions, Включително Zab Юда, Жулио Сезар Чавес, Jr., Хорхе Паес и Paul Spadafora.




I hear he comes to fight and that he likes to fool around a bit to try and get into his opponent’s head,” Rivera added. I’ve concentrated on me, my timing and focus on the game plan




Training for this fight has been more mental than anything else. I have been able to reach peak performance at 45 training like I did in my prime. The most important thing is that, working with my trainer Sean Fitzgerald, I’ve been focused on making sure my timing gets better since it’s been seven years since I last fought.




“И, разбира се, it’s always a great feeling to box in front of my hometown fans. Their support is always appreciated.




The name of the event is “Homecoming” because six fighters in action are from Worcester, including three who’ve never fought there before as professionals.




В средна Кендрик Бол, Jr. (9-1-2, 6 Нокаута) и младши среднотежка Khiary Грей (15-4, 11 Нокаута), both promoted by CES Boxing, will be fighting at home in Worcester as pros for the first time in a pair of six-round bouts. Ball meets Димитър Walker (8-21-2, 4 Нокаута) в съпътстващото събитие, while Gray (15-4, 11 Нокаута) лица Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-33, 4 Нокаута), of Brockton, MA, in a rematch of a fight won by Gray.




Also scheduled to fight on the undercard in four-round bouts are Springfield, MA полусредна категория Jose Angel “KO” Ortiz (4-13-1, 1 KO) срещу. Сет Basler (0-8) and pro-debuting featherweight Joshua Orta срещу. Worcester’s Edwin Rosado (1-7-1, 1 KO), Southbridge, MA полусредна категория Wilfredo “на Sucaro” езически (4-0, 2 Нокаута) срещу. TBA, and Worcester’s pro-debuting welterweight Eslih Owusu.срещу. Bryan “Тухлата” Abraham (6-30-2, 6 Нокаута).




Всички битки и бойци са обект на промяна.




Билети, на цена $75.00 (ринга) и $45.00 (общо признание), са в продажба и на разположение за закупуване на www.ThePalladium.net или офис Palladium кутия (само общо признание), или като се свържете с Хосе Ривера (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) или някоя от бойците.




Вратите отварят в 6 p.m. И, Първият мач 7 p.m. И.




Event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, Elm Wealth Group, Atty. Мария М. Ривера-Кото,Championsofhealth.USANA.com, Chieftain Liquors, Centro Las America, Baystate Savings Bank, Pamela Laporte Realty, Worcester Vocero, ChrisFIT Xperience and Grille 57 (hosting the official weigh in and after party).




A portion of the proceeds will go to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.



Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChin Promotions

Кикотене: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_, @Granite_Chin

3-време, 2-division World Champion “Гало” Jose Antonio Rivera Returns to ring for first time in 7 years on “Homecoming” карта

Featuring the return of 3-time, 2-разделение световен шампион
Петък, Август 17, 2018
The Palladium, Worcester, Massachusetts
Father-son Jose Antonio & A.J. Rivera
Making History
World champion’s return & son’s pro debut
Август 17 на паладий в Worcester, MA

(L-R) Edwin Rosado, Josh Orta, Eslih Owusu, Кендрик Бол, Jr., Джими Бърчфийлд, Khiary Грей, Хосе Антонио Ривера, A.J. Rivera, Chuck Shearns, Jose Angel Ortiz and Wilfredo Pagan

WORCESTER, Маса. (Юли 19, 2018) – Гранит Чин Промоции (ДКП) and Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE) hosted a press conference yesterday at The Ballot Box in Worcester, Massachusetts, to make a major announcement, as well as introduce local fighters on the August 17татаpro boxing card at The Palladium in Worcester.




Трикратният, две разделение световен шампион “Гало” Хосе Антонио Ривера (41-6-1, 24 Нокаута) is making his return in theMaking History” Main Event, in large part because he wanted to fight on the same card as his son, A.J. Rivera, who was to become the first pro boxer who was born with Spina Bifida. A.J., who is a rising matchmaker in New England, was unable to get medically cleared in time and he will not be fighting Aug. 17.




The event has been renamed, “Homecoming”, because six of the competing fighters, including Jose Antonio Rivera, live in Worcester.




“За съжаление,” announced promoter Chuck Shearns, who co-promotes Granite Chin Promotions with Крис Траети, “A.J. isn’t fighting on this show because he couldn’t get medically cleared in time.




I trained hard and was within five or six pounds of my contract weight,” a disappointed A.J. Ривера е обяснено. “I passed all of the medical tests except for the CATSCAN. I fought the doctor a little and said I wanted a second opinion. Those results won’t be in time, so I can’t fight on this card.




The reason I’m coming back was to make history with my son,” Jose Antonio Rivera added. “We had talked about it a long time but, за съжаление, it wasn’t meant to be for A.J. for this card. He’s already part of history already as the only fighter born with Spina Bifida who fought as an amateur. I feel bad, but everything happens for a reason and as a father, my son’s safety always comes first. He will continue to be an important part of our team to make our company a success. People are thrown curveballs in life like this and we’ve regrouped to turn this into a positive. We’re still fighting for the cause (Spina Bifida).”




Сега 45 възраст, Rivera has already lost more than 30 паунда, and he is within eight of his contracted weight for his eight-round fight against Рубен “Modern Day WarriorGalvan (27-26-4, 10 Нокаута).




В 1997, Rivera captured the International Boxing Organization (IBO) World welterweight title, спиране Жилберто Флорес във втория кръг. Six years later, he traveled to Germany to take on undefeated, родния град на любимата Мишел Трабант (38-0) for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) World Welterweight Championship, in which Rivera won a 12-round decision and the belt.




Две битки по-късно, in front of nearly 10,000 hometown fans in Worcester, Rivera won a 12-round unanimous decision in 2006 over defending champion Алехандро Гарсия (25-1) for the WBA World super welterweight title.




В средна Кендрик Бол, Jr. (9-1-2, 6 Нокаута) и младши среднотежка Khiary Грей (15-4, 11 Нокаута), both promoted by CES Boxing, will be making their pro debuts at home in Worcester. Ball faces an opponent to be determined in the six-round co-featured event, while Gray (15-4, 11 Нокаута) отговаря Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-33, 4 Нокаута), of Brockton, MA, also in a six rounder.




Undefeated light heavyweight prospect Ричард “Попай Моряка” Rivera (8-0, 7 Нокаута), fighting out of Hartford, CT, is slated to fight in a six-round bout vs. TBA, as well as his stable mate, two-time New England Golden Gloves champion “Избраният” Шарад Колиър (1-0, 1 KO), who takes on his Mexican opponent, Emmanuel “PolloValadez (5-4, 4 Нокаута), в четири кръг мач.




Also scheduled to fight on the undercard in four-round bouts are Springfield, MA полусредна категория Jose Angel “KO” Ortiz Jose Angel “KO” Ortiz (4-13-1, 1 KO) срещу. Сет Basler (0-8) and pro-debuting featherweight Joshua Orta срещу. Worcester’s Edwin Rosado (1-7-1, 1 KO), Southbridge, MA полусредна категория Wilfredo “на Sucaro” езически (4-0, 2 Нокаута) срещу. TBA, Worcester lightweight Francisco Irizarry (4-0, 2 Нокаута) срещу. TBA, Worcester’s pro-debuting lightweight Eslih Owusu.срещу. Мексикански EngelbertoGuarura” Валенцуела (11-14 (3 Нокаута).




Всички битки и бойци са обект на промяна.




Билети, на цена $75.00 (ринга) и $45.00 (общо признание), са в продажба и на разположение за закупуване на www.ThePalladium.net или офис Palladium кутия (само общо признание), или като се свържете с Хосе Ривера (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) или някоя от бойците.




Вратите отварят в 6 p.m. И, Първият мач 7 p.m. И.




Event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, Elm Wealth Group, Atty. Мария М. Ривера-Кото, Championsofhealth@USANA.com, Chieftain Liquors, Centro Las America, Baystate Savings Bank, Pamela Laporte Realty, Worcester Vocero, ChrisFIT Xperience and Grille 57 (hosting the official weigh in and after party).




A portion of the proceeds will go to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.



Пресконференция ЦИТАТИ


Joe Antonio Rivera: “I want to thank everybody for coming. Tomorrow is four weeks to the weigh in. It’s an important date because fighting is easy, making weight isn’t. I want to thank Granite Chin Promotions




Four Worcester fighters (Топка, Сив, Irizarry and Owusu) on this card have never fought here. It’s huge having Kendrick and Khiary on this card and I’d like to thank CES Boxing for allowing them to fight here. I’m proud of Kendrick and Khiary and excited to have them fighting on this show. Chuck and Granite Chin are running this show, I’m only focused on my opponent.




I’m excited to have an opponent who is coming to fight. He’s my third opponent, but that’s part of boxing. Аз тренирам усилено, passed my medicals, and it’s like I’m hungry again. I haven’t fought in years, but I’ve taken good care of my body. I didn’t visualize doing this at 45. I’ve also heard that, after August 17тата, there’s a possibility of a title for me by the end of this year.


Chuck Shearns (GCP co-promoter): “I’m honored to be involved in this show. Jose and I have been friends for years. Months ago, this all started with a text conversation (Chuck, Jose and A.J.). A week later, it started getting serious, and then we had Jose and A.J. fighting on this card. За съжаление, A.J. isn’t fighting on this card, but the show will go on.


Джими Бърчфийлд (CES promoter): “What’s important is that Jose Antonio Rivera is fighting on this card and that’s why I’m allowing ‘Pepper’ (Топка) and Khiary to fight on this card. I’ve had a good relationship with Chuck and I’ve known Jose and A.J., who worked for me, for a long time. Nothing was happening in Worcester boxing for years, until Jose and A.J. started promoting here, but Worcester has always been a good fight town. All the fighters here will be proud of your victory. Това е красиво! They’ve been around him and know what he’s accomplished in life. Jose has never abused his body, he’s taken good care of himself.




“We (CES Бокс) had an event scheduled August 17тата at Twin River (Lincoln, RI), but we moved from that date, and now everything is focused August 17тата on Worcester. How could I not have my Worcester fighters on Jose Rivera’s comeback card? ‘Pepperand Khiary really wanted to fight on this card. These kids (fighters seated at head table) look up to Jose for what he’s done and in life and his comeback is a really big story. I know what ‘Pepperand Khiary are going to do and I know what Jose is going to do because he’s a veteran. I believe this will be a sell out!”


Кендрик Бол, Jr.:I want to thank my promoter, Джими Бърчфийлд, for giving me the okay to fight on this card. I also want to thank Granite Chin Promotions and Rivera Promotions Entertainment. I’ve waited for this a long time. This fight will give me a chance to redeem myself and show why I’m the next great middleweight to come out of Worcester. I’m ready to get it on.


Khiary Грей:I want to thank Rivera Promotions Entertainment, CES Boxing and Granite Chin Promotions for giving me a chance to fight at home for the first time. This is a rematch for me. I stopped him in the first round, but there was some controversy. I know he’s coming to fight.


Eslih Owusi:I just graduated from high school and I wasn’t going to turn pro until after that. Fighting as a pro will be much more exciting than in the amateurs.


Jose Angel Ortiz: “Аз съм много развълнуван. I haven’t fought in two years. I was supposed to return before, but things didn’t work out. I never left boxing because I’m in the gym all the time working out or training other fighters. Jose and I are both in our forties. We’re going to show everybody that we can still fight.


Edwin Rosado:I will try and put on the best show I can.


Joshua Orta:I’m very happy about my first pro fight. I’ve dreamed of this day. Everybody is going to see an exciting card. I love this sport and always train hard.



Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChin Promotions

Кикотене: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_, @Granite_Chin

Father-son Jose Antonio & A.J. Rivera “Making HistoryWorld champion’s return & son’s pro debut

Featuring the return of 3-time, 2-разделение световен шампион
Събота, Август 17, 2018
The Palladium, Worcester, Massachusetts
Август 17 на паладий в Worcester, MA
(L-R): A.J. and Jose Antonio Rivera


WORCESTER, Маса. (Юни 20, 2018) — This past Father’s Day was considerably different for three-time, две разделение световен шампион “Гало” Хосе Антонио Ривера and his pro-debuting son, A.J. Rivera, because they will beMaking History,” presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment and Granite Chin Promotions, Август 17 at The Palladium.




Rivera and his son, съответно, are the promoter and matchmaker for Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), which will co-promoteMaking Historywith Granite Chin Promotions (ДКП).




We are excited to be teaming up with GCP for this historic boxing event,” Jose commented. “We have had the pleasure of working with Chris (Traietti) and Chuck (Shearns) in the past. We are grateful that they are able to work with us again to make sure we put together a great boxing event.




The Riveras will become the first world-champion father-son combination to fight on a pro show that is promoted by their company. More significantly, A.J. will become the first pro boxer to be born with Spina Bifida.




Сега 45 възраст, Rivera is making his second comeback, but this time it’s solely to fight on the same card as his son. Due to a variety of reasons, “Гало” retired from the ring in 2008, but he came back in 2011 for two fights, both victories, before hanging up his gloves again.




В 1997, Rivera captured the International Boxing Organization (IBO) World welterweight title, спиране Жилберто Флорес във втория кръг. Six years later, he traveled to Germany to take on undefeated, родния град на любимата Мишел Трабант (38-0) for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) World Welterweight Championship, in which Rivera won a 12-round decision and the belt.




Две битки по-късно, in front of nearly 10,000 hometown fans in Worcester, Rivera won a 12-round unanimous decision over defending champion Алехандро Гарсия (25-1) for the WBA World super welterweight title.




I am boxing at 45 years old because of this great opportunity that has arisen for my son and I,” Jose explained. “Boxing on the same card with my son is going to be exciting and, even more so, because we will be a part of history! I am fortunate to be healthy, физически, and I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for not having any brain issues from my prior years of boxing. I’ve lost 20 паунда, so far, and need to lose 12 more to make the 160-pound weight class.




I am not sure how the night of the fight is going to go. I play it in my head over and over about how I would like it to go, но в края на краищата, I’m confident we will both be ready for tough fights because of the hard work we’re both putting in at the gym.




Fan response has been good, positive and supportive of what we both are doing and attempting to accomplish. To look back at the day I was told my son was going to be born with Spina Bifida, preparing myself mentally for the worse, и сега 25 years later here we are close to fulfilling his childhood dream. Това е невероятно! I feel blessed to share this moment with my son. I am also happy that we can do this in front of our family, приятели & fans in our City of Worcester, where my son was born, and I was raised since I moved there when I was 16.




On Aug. 17, Rivera will face battle-tested middleweight Ryan “Опасно” Davis (24-19, 9 Нокаута), fighting out of East Saint Louis, Illinois, в основното събитие от осем кръга. Davis has been in with the iron, including six-time, две разделение световен шампион Zab Юда, former International Boxing Federation (IBF) световен шампион Ishe Smith, two-time world title challenger and 2004 US Olympian Vances Martirosyan, претендент за световната титла Jonathan Reid, reigning International Boxing Association (IBA) world junior middleweight champion Марк DeLuca, plus other notables such as Rob Брант, Микаел Zewski, Carlos Bojorquez и Dominik Britsch.





Twenty-five-year-old A.J. will fight an opponent to be determined in a four-round welterweight match. He is a graduate of Johnson & Wales with a major in sports management, who has quickly become one of the most respected matchmakers in New England.




A.J. grew-up in a gym, watching his father train, and he also fought as an amateur boxer. “I’ve always wanted to fight as a pro and what better way than to make my pro debut on the same card headlined by my pops,” Rivera said. “This is a one and done, I’m not going to box as a career and, hopefully I will leave the ring on August 17тата and retire undefeated. I plan to make matchmaking a career. I can stay in the sport I’ve always loved and matchmake for our company and for other promoters.




I was born with Spina Bifida. A layer of skin covered a hole in my back, preventing water from getting in, which would have damaged my system and left me paralyzed, unable to speak and with a shunt in my head to drain fluid. The doctors told my parents that, if I survived, I’d only live to be 19, in a wheelchair and a little autistic. I had surgery the next day and my pops kept hope. As I got older, I played basketball, футбол, baseball and boxed. I was inactive for seven years when I went away to school and started matchmaking.




In addition to sacrificing to make weight, instead of having a Father’s Day cookout, he watched what he ate and, разбира се, workout with his father in the gym to prepare for his pro debut.





I wasn’t able to celebrate my 25тата anniversary on June 2 всеки,” A.J. добави. “I plan to celebrate my birthday and Father’s Day when I step out of the ring on August 17тата. След това, I’ll go back to focusing on my craft and become a full-time matchmaker.




Red-hot Richard “Попай Моряка” Rivera (8-0, 7 Нокаута), fighting out of Hartford, CT, will be showcased in the eight-round co-featured event. Rivera is the reigning UBF All Americans light heavyweight and ABF International cruiserweight champion.




Schedule to fight on the undercard in separate bouts are Worcester junior middleweight Khiary Грей (15-4, 11 Нокаута), promoted by CES Boxing, Данбъри, CT junior welterweight Omar “Звярът” Бордой, Jr. (6-0, 2 Нокаута), Springfield, MA полусредна категория Jose Angel “KO” Ortiz (4-13-1, 1 KO) and pro-debuting featherweight Joshua Orta, Southbridge, MA полусредна категория Wilfredo “на Sucaro” езически (4-0, 2 Нокаута), Worcester lightweight Francisco Irizarry (4-0, 2 Нокаута) and pro-debuting lightweight Eslih Owusu.




Opponents will soon be announced. Всички битки и бойци са обект на промяна.




Билети, на цена $75.00 (ринга) и $45.00 (общо признание), са в продажба и на разположение за закупуване на www.ThePalladium.net или офис Palladium кутия (само общо признание), или като се свържете с Хосе Ривера (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) или някоя от бойците.




Вратите отварят в 6 p.m. И, Първият мач 7 p.m. И.




Event sponsors include Lundgren Hondo, Atty. Мария М. Ривера-Кото, Узана, Chieftain Liquors and ChrisFIT Xperience.




A portion of the proceeds will go to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.


Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChin Promotions

Кикотене: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_, @Granite_Chin

Former national amateur champion Bobby Harris III breaking out of shadow cast by his father with a little help from his friends

Октомври 28 в Уорчестър, MA
(L-R) – front: Bobby Harris III holding Bobby Harris IV and A.J. Rivera; rear: Bobby Harris and Jose Antonio Rivera
WORCESTER, Маса. (Октомври 2, 2017) – Local prospect Полицай “BH3” Harris III is ready to breakout of the shadows cast by his father, retired pro boxer Боби Харис, стартиране Събота нощ, Октомври 28, in the fourth and final 2017 installment of the popular professional boxing series, “Бъдещето на Нова Англия”, в DCU център (Exhibition Hall) в Уорчестър, Massachusetts.
New England’s Future 4is presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), which is owned and operated by retired three-time, две разделение световен шампион Хосе Антонио Ривера и синът му, Anthonee (A.J.) Rivera.
“BH3” and A.J. grew-up together in gyms as sons of pro fighters. They had dreams of making it in boxing, which has come to fruition with “BH3” изгряващото перспективата, A.J. the president and matchmaker for RPE. Понякога, въпреки че, what’s transpired may be somewhat surreal for both young men.
I grew up in boxing,” Bobby Harris III explained. “My father always brought me to the gym and his fights. My uncle, Adam Harris, was also a pro boxer. My father and Jose were super close, me and A.J. grew-up as brothers. The same blood couldn’t make us any closer. It’s me and AJ. My first amateur fight was when I was 13. A.J. used to run and workout with me. I’d go to his house after school and sleep over on weekends. We planned our lives together in boxing; my job is to fight and A.J. promotes and makes matches.
I remember growing up with Bobby as my brother,” A.J. добави. “We did everything together: ran, обучени, sparred and pushed each other to our greatest limits. He’s grown so much over the years. His natural ability, mixed with years of experience, and Bobby growing into a man will surely lead to him being world champion one day. I’m truly proud and excited to see our childhood plan unfold.
“BH3” only had about 40 amateur matches but the large majority were at the national level. He is a two-time national amateur champion, including a gold-medal performance in the USA National Championships, and as a member of Team USA, he was rated No. 1 в U.S, и Не. 2 в света.
The 21-year-old decided to turn pro earlier this year, rather than wait for a shot at the Olympics, after discussing his options with his father, as well as Jose and A.J. Rivera, plus his head trainer, Роки Гонсалес. Worcester boxers such as Jermaine Ortiz и Ървин Гонзалес turning pro, along with the arrival of now 8-month-old Bobby Harris IV, were key factors in his decision to become a professional boxer. “I didn’t want to waste another year,” Bobby admitted. “Turning pro now will get me into rankings earlier. The time was right
Bobby’s father was a 4-time national amateur champion as a super heavyweight who compiled a 20-2-1 (13 Нокаута) pro record between 1993 и 1999. Днес, he is an important member of his son’s corner, but he did leave a shadow cast over his son, especially across New England.
People will always compare me with my dad, в пръстена, но, as good as he was, it’s a great honor to be his son,” Bobby Harris III remarked. “It’s been nothing but good for me. He trained with fighters like (Oscar) De La Hoya, (Shane) Mosley, (Евандър) Холифийлд and so many other great fighters. We are different, въпреки че. and now I’m establishing my own identity. The sport has changed so much since he fought. Back then it was mostly two guys beating each other up, not as much of a performance. I like to put on a good performance and have people say, ‘He’s cool, and when does he fight again. My dad has told me how different boxing is today compared to when he fought. Сега, marketing is so important for fighters, and a lot of exposure is through social media.
My father was a heavyweight, I’m going to go down to 154 (младши среднотежка. He is so much bigger, taller and heavier than I am, so fighting in different weight classes separates us. I’m a different style fighter, твърде. I’m more active than him. So that people don’t confuse us when talking, I came up with ‘BH3as my persona. We are different in and out of the ring.
I have known Little Bobby (as I call him) since he was born,” Jose Rivera noted. “He calls me, Tio (uncle) Jose, and I love him like a member of my family. I am happy and proud to see little Bobby go after his dreams and goals his way and on his terms. I wouldn’t want it any other way. My son, A.J., and I are happy that we can use our RPE company to be able to help little Bobby pursue his dreams and goals. Worcester – and soon enough the rest of the worldwill know it’s BH3 Time!”
“BH3” turned pro this past Юни 10, in his Worcester hometown, taking a four-round unanimous decision (40-36 X 3) over an awkward opponent, Родриго Алмейда, who seemed more interested in survival, often frustrating “BH3” with his constant holding.
I’m happy with the way that fight went because I learned so much,” Bobby commented. “I was so excited with all the hype about my pro debut, and I was into the crowd trying for the knockout. I learned that I need to take my time, have fun, throw combinations and that the knockout will come. Dad liked to jab, I like to hit and run likeЗахар’ Лъч (Leonard). My first pro fight wasn’t really me. I’m the matador but I can fight like a bull if the opportunity comes to me. I can change things around but I forgot to have fun in my pro debut.
“BH3” plans to breakout from his father’s shadow in his Oct. 28тата fight against New Yorker Troy OmerKO Artist” художник (3-7-1, 2 Нокаута), contested at a 164-pound catchweight, в четири кръг мач на.
Former WBU Americans and IBU North American cruiserweight champion VinnieAmerican NightmareCarita (16-1-1, 15 Нокаута), fighting out of Pembroke (MA), will face an opponent to be determined in the eight-round main event.
Former UFC heavyweight title challenger Gabriel “NapaoGonzaga will make his pro boxing debut in a four-round match against Washington D.C. тежка категория Alando Pugh (1-10-1, 1 KO).
The “New England’s Future 4undercard features many of the best and most popular N.E. бойци, включително и 2016 N.E. Golden Gloves шампион Антъни Laureano (4-0, 2 Нокаута), a promising welterweight from East Hartford (CT), who faces Clifton Rashad Thames (3-2-1), of Oklahoma City, в шест кръг мач.
Other undercard fights, all four-rounders, включва 2014 N.E. Golden Gloves шампион AdrianTonka” Sosa (4-0, 3 Нокаута), биете от близката Lawrence (MA), срещу. veteran Norwalk (CT) борец от полусредна категория Shakha Moore (12-23-3, 2 Нокаута), New Haven (CT) Edwin Soto (10-2-2, 4 Нокаута) срещу. Anthony Everett (1-6). на Лорънс, at a 150-pounds catch-weight, three-time USA Boxing Nationals champion Елвис Фигероа (2-0, 1 KO), на New Haven (CT), срещу. Anthony Bowman (11-63-2, 3 Нокаута). Ричард “Попай Моряка” Rivera (3-0, 2 Нокаута), of Hartford (CT), срещу. Hansen Castillo (0-2), at a 180-pounds catch-weight, Southbridge (MA) младши полусредна категория Wilfredo “на Sucaro” езически (2-0) срещу. Oscar Diaz (0-12), of Hartford, and Danbury (CT) младши полусредна категория Омар Bordoy, Jr. (2-0) срещу. Alan Beeman (0-15), of Providence.
Всички битки и бойци са обект на промяна.
Билети, на цена $75.00 (ринга) и $45.00 (общо признание), are on sale and available to purchase at the DCU Center box office, www.dcu.centerworcester.com, by contacting Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera
(anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) или някоя от бойците
Вратите отварят в 6:30 p.m., Първият мач 7:00 p.m. И.
Спонсори включват Лундгрен Honda, Championsofhealth.usna.com, and American Pyramids.
Part of the proceeds will go to Worcester Latino Dollars For Scholars.
Кикотене: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_