Архивы: 5К


Воскресенье, МАРТА 12 На закате парк в Лас-Вегасе
ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Январь 24, 2017) Флойд Мэйуэзер-младший. Фонд (TFMJF) is proud to announce their 3й Annual Fight-4-Fitness 5K Race, 2K Walk, Дети Fun Run, and Community Day taking place Sunday, Март 12 в Sunset Park в Лас-Вегасе. This event is intended to support the movement toward more active and healthy lifestyles, while forming community alliances where awareness and empowerment serve as the nucleus for an improved quality of life.
В этом году, Флойд Мэйуэзер-младший. Фонд, plans to unite runners and families within the Las Vegas community and surrounding communities in an eventful day filled with events geared toward the whole family. The festivities will start off with a 5K race and 2K walk, the Kids Fun Run will follow, and Community Day to commence the event. Дети, возраст 12 и под, can take part in a fun-filled scavenger hunt before the Kids Fun Run (one half mile run). The races are followed by an awards ceremony honoring the top 5K Race participants in each age category.
Fight-4-Fitness will also feature great healthy food options, vendors, merchandise booths, photo-booths, встретить & greet with the Mayweather Promotions stable of fighters, live performances, physical activities geared toward fitness and fun, PLUS MORE!
For more information and to stay connected, follow us on social media: @TFMJF on Twitter,@TFMJF on Instagram, иFacebook: www.Facebook.com/TFMJF
The full race day schedule is listed below:
  • 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. -5K Race, 2K Walk, Kids scavenger hunt
  • 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.Дети Fun Run & Церемония награждения
  • 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.День сообщество
Registration for these activities can be completed at www.tfmjf.org/events. Full registration dates and fees are listed below:
  • January 24th-Январь 31улица: $30 5K/$25 2K/$15 Kids Fun Run/$20 Community Day
  • February 1st- Февраль 28й: $35 5K/ $30 2K/ $15 Kids Fun Run/ $20 День сообщество
  • Март 1улица– Март 12й: $40 5K/ $35 2K/ $20 Kids Fun Run/ $25 День сообщество
  • Day of event: $65 5K/ $60 2K/ $25 Kids Fun Run/ $30 День сообщество
Online registration is open through Март 10й.