Lewiston, Maine (Oktober 4, 2016) – Gelut New England (NEF) presents its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 26: SUPREMACY,” dina dinten saptu, Nopember 19 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. Saméméhna ayeuna, NEF executives announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the fight card. Josh Kawah Kamojang (4-8) bakal mawa kana“Shatterproof 2.0” Saderek Shorey (4-7) dina beurat fight tina 145-kilogram.


Parker is the head of Ruthless MMA & Boxing based in Benton, Maine. A regular in the NEF MMA cage during the early days of the promotion, Parker has spent the last several years competing in the boxing ring. He battled Elias Leland to a draw last November in a boxing bout at “NEF XX.” Parker predicts a finish in his long-awaited return to cage competition.


I want to thank NEF for the opportunity and Derek for taking the fight,” Said Kawah Kamojang. “Kuring gumbira pikeun meunangkeun deui dina kandang. I feel like I have a lot to prove. I will show up this time and I will finish this fightdon’t miss it!”


Saderek Shorey, founder of the Shatterproof Combat Club at the Outlet in Dexter, Maine, is coming off a huge win in Rhode Island just over a week ago. It was the spark Shorey had been looking for after dropping his last four in a row in the NEF cage. Admittedly, Shorey is filled with both fear and excitement coming into the fight with Parker.


This is a fight that has scared the crap out of me in the past,” declared Shorey. “Manéhna mangrupakeun gedé, strong 145er that has good movement and boxing. Standing and trading could end horribly for either of us. His strength may be enough to keep my slams in check and I’m not a jits expert, so he can probably power out of whatever I throw at him. It’s a puzzle I’m both excited and terrified to tackle.


The opening bell on Saturday, Nopember 19 diatur pikeun 7 p.m. Tiket mimitian jam $25 jeung sadia di atawa ku nelepon kotak kantor Colisee di 207.783.2009, extension 525.


Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal kajadian jeung fight apdet kartu, mangga buka website kampanye nu aya di Salaku tambahan, Anjeun bisa lalajo video NEF di, follow them on Twitter @nefightsand join the official Facebook group “Gelut New England."


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