Qabda Il Fuq Replay It-tnejn, Frar. 23 Fil 10 p.m. U/PT


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Kreditu Amanda Kwok / SHOWTIME®


PITTSBURGH, PA. (Frar. 21, 2015) - Sammy Vasquez jitqiegħdu fuq juru għal fannijiet Hometown tiegħu fil Pittsburgh, rebbieħa 10-round deċiżjoni unanima near-shutout (99-91 darbtejn, 100-90) fuq Emmanuel Lartey fil-każ prinċipali ta ' ShoBox: Il-Ġenerazzjoni Ġdida nhar il-Ġimgħa, Frar. 20 minn Konslu Enerġija Center.


Vasquez (18-0, 13 Kos) daħal fil-bout jfittxu tiegħu 10th eliminatorja konsekuttivi kontra opponent li ma ġewx knocked stabbiliti qabel u kien fil-ċirku ma 'żewġ Istati Uniti. Olimpi. The military veteran wasn’t able to finish Lartey (17-3, 8 Kos, 1 NC), iżda li kien biss dwar l-unika ħaġa li ma tmurx mod tiegħu prestazzjoni sewwa impressjonanti li huwa żbarkat 50 mija ta 'shots enerġija tiegħu.


Vasquez beda bil-mod u kienet kapaċi li jtellgħu shots tiegħu fir-rawnds kmieni, but he accelerated the tempo in the second half of the fight as Lartey appeared to slow down. The hometown favorite did his best work with Lartey against the ropes and landed at will in the middle rounds. Lartey seemed like he was ready to quit on his stool after the eighth, imma hu kompla u Vasquez naqas produzzjoni tiegħu fl-aħħar żewġ rawnds u cruised għall-rebħa.


"Jiena ħsibt li kien se tistabbilixxi għal xi ftit drabi, iżda huwa mdendla fil hemm,” Vasquez said. “The jab was going well, but I made a couple of mistakes because I started feeling comfortable. I knew he was hurt after the eighth and my corner told me to step off the gas a little bit and pick my punches more instead of just storming him.


“I thought he was going to quit a couple times on his stool. He’s a tough guy – no one could knock him out. I ma setax lanqas. "


Lartey niżel tielet ġlieda tiegħu għal prospett top wara telf ta 'deċiżjonijiet għall- Errol Spence Jr.u Felix Diaz.


"Sammy huwa ġellied iebsa,” Lartey said. “He’s really strong. I għamlet l-almu tiegħi, iżda kien ftit wisq tajbin. "


Wara l-ġlieda, ShoBox announcer Steve Farhood fallew pjan logħba impressjonanti Vasquez ta.


"Kienet prestazzjoni ferm ikkontrollat ​​u intelliġenti mill Vasquez, aċċellerazzjoni bħala l-rawnds mexa, jiddomina kull rawnd u jikkontrolla l-azzjoni jekk boxing, jattakkaw jew pinning Lartey kontra l-ħbula,” Farhood said. “He showed a lot and he deserves the reputation he has as being one of the top young American welterweights.”


Craig Baker knocked out Humberto Savigne fi mqalleb istordament, irfinar tal-ewwel dilettanti Kuban witta t-triq ma 'TKO jenfasizzaw rukkell fil 1:58 tat-tieni rawnd.


Savigne (12-2, 9 Kos, 1 NC), li kellhom vantaġġ daqs enormi u kien l-ġlied qawwi iffavorit, landed a series of right hands in the first and looked like he could make it a quick night against the undefeated-yet-untested Baker. But the Texan fought like an opponent who had nothing to lose against Savigne, veteran b'esperjenza ma 'aktar minn 400 bouts dilettanti taħt ċinturin tiegħu.


Baker (16-0, 12 Kos) żbarkati shots deċenti ftit fl-ewwel u ħareġ tisreġ fit-tieni, throwing a high volume of punches with Savigne against the ropes. Fighting in a small ring, Savigne had nowhere to go and continually ate shots on a suspect chin before falling face forward to the canvas. Savigne got up, imma hu waqgħet fil-ħbula u kienet b'mod ċar fuq saqajh, jisforzaw il-referee biex jitwaqqaf it-konkors fil 1:58.


"I iweġġgħu lilu fl-ewwel rawnd u I tista 'tgħid li geddum tiegħu kien dgħajjef, I tista 'tgħid li I seta' jkompli lilu,” Baker said. “In the second, I biss smelled demm u kont naf li kelli biex imorru għax-xogħol, I kellhom biex jintemm lilu.


"Ħadd tatni ċans sejrin fid, but I was the undefeated fighter and he wasn’t. I worked too hard to come here and lose. I just have to keep working. You haven’t seen the last of me – this is a life changing moment.”


Il Savigne 36-il sena qodma kien ixxukkjat kjarament wara l-ġlieda.


"Hu kien l-tonight raġel aħjar,” Savigne said. “I wasn’t expecting him to be as tough as he was. I made a huge mistake in taking him lightly. This is something that I’ll learn from. Now I’ll go back to the drawing board. I’ll go back to the gym – I’ll keep working hard and I’ll be back.


"Fl-ewwel rawnd, Baker hit me fuq in-naħa tal-widna u I mitlufa ekwilibriju. I kien kompletament sturdut. He hurt me with that shot. Huwa kien il-bniedem aħjar tonight. "


Claudio MARRERO rebaħ rebħa deċiżjoni unanima jiddomina fuq Orlando RIZO fil-bout ftuħ tal-telecast. MARRERO (18-1, 13 Kos) kkontrollati l-bout mill-bidunett, iħabbtu RIZO (18-6, 11 Kos) isfel erba drabi en route għat rebħa konvinċenti skorja 78-71, 78-70, 80-68.


MARRERO kien l-ġlied aktar aggressiva u effettiva, inżul 43 mija ta 'puntelli enerġija u 39 mija tal puntelli totali tiegħu.


"I kien qed jipprova twaqqaf l-shots kbar so I tista 'tispiċċa bil-lejl,” Marrero said. “It got away from me at times, iżda kienet preparazzjoni tajba għat-teħid dak il-pass għal xi sparatura fil titolu dinja.


“I’m not disappointed I didn’t knock him out. I underestimated his tenacity to get back up and stay in the fight and I need to work on my discipline so that doesn’t happen again. I feel that I’m ready for a shot at a title whenever I get an opportunity.”


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Dwar ShoBox: Il-Ġenerazzjoni Ġdida
Mill-bidu tagħha fl-Lulju 2001, l boxing serje SHOWTIME kritiku milqugħin, ShoBox: Il-Ġenerazzjoni Ġdida talent żagħżugħ għandha tidher mqabbla iebsa. Il ShoBox filosofija huwa li televize eċċitanti, logħbiet kompetittivi filwaqt li jipprovdu bażi ppruvata l-prospetti huma lesti folla pjaċir u determinati li jiġġieldu għal titlu dinja. Uħud mill-lista dejjem jikber ta 'l- 58 ġellieda li jkunu dehru fuq ShoBox u avvanzati biex jaħżnu titoli dinja jinkludi: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Ċad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams u aktar.


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