Karét Cocogkeun bakal Ciri balikna populér atlét

Lewiston, Maine (Pebruari 12, 2015) - Gelut New England (NEF), Amérika sacara jumlah-hiji promotion fight regional, mulih deui ka Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine dina April 11, 2015 jeung dicampur-bela diri-seni seventeenth anak (MMA) kajadian. Saméméhna ayeuna, the company announced the addition of a professional catchweight bout to the fight card. “Shatterproof 2.0” Saderek Shorey (1-1) bakal minuhan balik John “Kelas Kahiji” Ray (2-6) dina “cocog karét” dina beurat fight 150-kilogram.


Shorey meunang pasamoan pamungkas antara dua di “NEF XIV” last September via first-round submission. He gained revenge for a submission loss suffered at the hands of Raio when the pair had fought as amateurs two years earlier. Nu “NEF XIV” bout ieu diwanohkeun salaku cocog geus pangsiun pikeun Raio anu geus megatkeun pikeun lengkah jauh ti kompetisi aktip bade difokuskeun kulawarga jeung gym-Na Kahiji Kelas MMA di Topsham, Maine. Raio says that he has now found the balance in his life to return to the NEF MMA cage.


“Kuring pensiunan ti pajoang September panungtungan alatan kuring hayang dibalanjakeun deui ka waktu jeung kulawarga mah,” Ngadawuh Ray. “They were really supportive during my career and I owed it to them. I have found a balance with my new job at BIW. I am able to train, spend time with my family and operate my gym each day. I love MMA and never stopped training. I was not happy with the way my last fight ended and when the opportunity to compete against Derek Shorey again presented itself, Kuring teu bisa ngahurungkeun eta turun. The idea to fight Derek came from a post on FB that Ben Raven made on Matt Denning’s page a few months ago. Derek seemed interested in a rubber match. Sanggeus meunang pangrojong ti kulawarga mah, Kuring ngahubungi Matt Petersen jeung manéhna nu loyog jeung urang ka luhur.”


The two previous bouts between Shorey and Raio had been agreed to at the featherweight limit of 145-pounds. Shorey feels he will have an advantage due to the 150-pound catchweight where he will have to cut very little or even no weight at all.


I’m excited to fight John again,” exclaimed Shorey. “There’s almost no weight to cut for a fight at 150, so I’ll be fighting him at full strength, and ultimately as the best version of myself that I’ve ever known. I’m very confident that I will be in the best shape of my life, jeung alatan kajadian pribadi anyar, I think I’m a little colder now than I’ve ever been. Training at Young’s MMA in Bangor as often as I can, keur indung single ayeuna, oge bakal drastis ningkatkeun mah game, in every aspect of the sport. John is a really good wrestler and a lot stronger than me, but no one has ever seen what I know I’m capable of, jeung kuring pasti pikeun ngarobah éta.”

Kajadian MMA saterusna NEF sacara, “NEF XVII,” ieu dijadwalkeun pikeun nyokot tempat diApril 11, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Bruce “Geulis Boy” Boyington (10-7) bakal membela nu Ibing Lightweight NEF MMA ngalawan jumlah-hiji contender Jamie Harrison (5-1). Salaku tambahan, Jarod “Menit Tukang” Lawton (4-1) meets Dennis Olson (12-7) dina kontes welterweight. Tiket pikeun “NEF XVII” mimitian jam saukur $25 jeung nu diobral ayeuna diwww.TheColisee.com atawa ku nelepon Nu Colisee kotak kantor di207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal kajadian jeung fight apdet kartu, mangga buka website kampanye nu aya di www.NewEnglandFights.com. Salaku tambahan, Anjeun bisa lalajo video NEF di www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, turutan éta kontak dina Twitternefights jeung ngiluan gugus Facebook resmi "New England gelut."


Ngeunaan gelut New England


Gelut New England ("NEF") nyaéta gelut pausahaan kajadian promosi. Misi NEF nyaéta pikeun nyieun kajadian kualitas nu pangluhurna pikeun pejuang Maine sarta fans sapuk. Tim eksekutif NEF sacara miboga pangalaman éksténsif dina ngokolakeun olahraga tempur, produksi kajadian, Hubungan média, pamasaran, hukum jeung pariwara.

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