Ritratti mill-tim Guerrero


GILROY, BĦAL (Ġunju 15, 2015) -Dan passat IS-SIBT u Il-Ħadd eroj Hometown, Robert “Il Ghost” Warrior hosted the first inaugural fundraiser for the BFC (Nifs Għal CALEY) Fondazzjoni fi Uesugi Farms Park qara fil San Martin, BĦAL. Known for being a community leader, Robert Guerrero donat 100K lill-organizzazzjoni mhux għall-profitt, tgħin lill-fondazzjoni, li jagħti gidjien morda kronikament bil-xewqa tal-għażla tagħhom, li kick off-ewwel avveniment tagħhom.


Tfal ta 'kull età attendew l-avveniment BFC u l-ewwel riċevitur tagħhom, 13-sena qodma Maria Fajardo, li rċevew trapjant tal-pulmun doppja, was granted her wish to attend an Oakland Raiders game with her donor family. Together they will receive VIP tickets and field passes to a Raiders home game in 2015.


“Dan kien jum speċjali ħafna għal kulħadd involut mal-Fondazzjoni BFC,” qal Robert Guerrero. “We’ve all worked really hard to get this non-profit organization off the ground and I wanted to show my gratitude by donating to the cause. It brings me great pleasure to see these kids get a wish of their choosing. CALEY Camarillo was dear to my heart and her love and legacy will live on through her foundation. The first event was a great success and many more will follow. I want to thank all the board members, voluntiera, sponsors, u kulħadd li attendew biex issir din żmien mill-isbaħ.”

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