Ring 8 January Meeting Review

ABOUT RING 8: Ring 8 dadi tambahan kawolu saka apa iki banjur dikenal minangka Veteran National Petinju Amérika Sarékat Association – Empu, RING 8 – lan dina semboyan organisasi kang tetep: Boxers Ngewangi Petinju Amérika Sarékat.
RING 8 wis kebak setya ndhukung wong kurang Begja ing masyarakat boxing sing uga mbutuhake pitulungan ing syarat-syarat mbayar sewa, medical expenses, utawa apa wae justifiable perlu.
Pindhah ing baris www.Ring8ny.com kanggo katrangan luwih bab RING 8, klompok paling gedhé saka sawijining jinis ing Amerika Serikat karo luwih saka 350 anggota. Iuran anggota taunan mung $30.00 lan saben anggota wis anduweni hak nedha bengi prasmanan ing RING 8 rapat-rapat saben wulan, kalebu Juli lan Agustus. Kabeh boxers aktif, amatir lan profesional, karo lisensi boxing saiki utawa buku sing anduweni menyang RING tambahan 8 anggota tahunan. Tamu ring 8 anggota olèh ing biaya mung $7.00 per person..
NEW YORK (Januari 23, 2017) – Boxing journalist Steve Farhood was the special guest speaker at last Tuesday night’s Ring 8 monthly meeting held at O’Neill’s Restaurant in Maspeth, New York.
Farhood is being inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame this June. The popular Brooklynite, is the former editor-and-chief of The Ring and KO Magazine, in addition to being a veteran television commentator, including his current role for Showtime’s ShoBox: Ing New Generation since its inception in 2001. Ing 2002, he received the prestigious Sam Taub Award from the Boxing Writers Association of America (BWAA) for Excellence in Broadcasting Journalism.
The members of Ring 8 enjoyed what Steve Farhood had to say,” Ring 8 presiden Jack Hirsch ngandika. “He enlightened them about facets of the boxing business many were unaware of.
(L-R) – New Ring 8 president Jack Hirsch, guest speaker Steve Farhood and outgoing Ring 8 presiden Bob Duffy
(Photo courtesy of Stanley Janousek)
Farhood and Duffy are inductees in the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF), which is sponsored by Ring 8, while Hirsch is past president of the BWAA.

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