Provodnikov nyiar pamales kanyeri dina 2016 Provodnikov inferno hayang retakan sejen di “Nu paehan seuneu” Bradley

Siberia, Rusia (Nopember 12, 2015)– Sanggeus kinerja dominan nya katukang ieuSaptu sabot dieureunkeun saméméhna undefeated Yesus Álvarez Rodriguez, urut jawara junior welterweight WBO, Ruslan Provodnikov geus siap keur badag 2016 manéhna nargétkeun pejuang pangalusna di welterweight junior & welterweight.
Di luhureun daptar nya jawara WBO Welterweight, Timoteus Bradley.
Provodnikov dieureunkeun Rodriguez di 4 rounds dina acara utama di 7th Edition Monte Carlo-tinju Bonanza Night of Champions jeung keur néangan lauk pangbadagna ka ngagoreng manéhna embarks dina taun anyar.

Fight ieu perjalanan maiden-Na jeung palatih anyar Joel Diaz.

“Ieu meunang nu hadé pikeun kuring. Kuring ngarasa percaya diri jeung pertahanan mah geus ngarasa leuwih alus. Saha atuh anu di camp saterusna hal bakal datang babarengan pikeun kuring jeung latihan Joel sacara. Tujuan mah taun saterusna nyaéta pikeun ngabales dengdem karugian mah Lucas Matthysse, Mauricio Herrera, Timoteus Bradley jeung Chris Algieri!”, Said Provodnikov.

Said Diaz, “Ieu perang pikeun meunangkeun manéhna deui sanggeus gelut tangguh. We had a strategy of working on defense and body punches. He did a little more of that then he did in previous fights. It will take a couple of fights to get him to where I want.
“Sanggeus tarung cenah manéhna hayang redeem karugian pikeun Matthysse, Bradley jeung Herrera. Abdi resep éta, jeung aya lawan séjénna kayaning Danny Garcia. That would be a great fight because they are both heavy hitters.
Tapi Bradley aya di luhur daptar salaku rematch tina 2013 Ngalawan tina Taun jeung bakal gelut paling desirable pikeun fans tinju.
Bradley, anu dilatih pikeun dua dekade dina Diaz, ogé meunang dina dinten saptu manéhna dieureunkeun Brandon Rek di 9 rounds dina hidayah ti palatih anyar Teddy Atlas.
“Teddy nyaeta motivator gede, sarta manéhna brings loba énergi pikeun juru.”
Salah sahiji moments memorable ti Saptu sacara Bradley – Patepungan Rek ieu Atlas tirade berjiwa mana manéhna ngabandingkeun Bradley ka nu paehan seuneu a.
“Nah lamun Bradley nyaéta nu paehan seuneu a, geus Ruslan nu brings inferno ka tarung. If they rematch it would be a tough fight. After the first fight, everybody weruh yén Bradley ieu scarred ti bout nu. Bradley was damaged and in a rematch, nu naon Bradley bakal pamikiran ngeunaan, sarta manéhna teu bisa fokus bakal. Ruslan would take the initiative and knock him out
“Ruslan kokotéténgan gede. The collaboration between Ruslan and Joel Diaz is going well,” ceuk Provodnikov sacara promoter Artie Pelullo.
“Win ieu susunan sagalana up for a big 2016. He indicated to me that he wants to avenge his losses and also seek the biggest fights. I think he is in prime position to do just that. I expect to have him in a big fight in the first quarter of 2016. “

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