
其. 麥凱恩兌現

等級 2019 儀式這個星期五 在掘金酒店 & 賭場在查爾斯湖, 路易斯安那州

科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十二月 11, 2019) - 參議員約翰·麥凱恩 將呈現追授終身成就獎,他的不懈努力,以保護拳手,並在掘金酒店在接待名人堂的美國拳擊校友會館中一個特殊的儀式提升運動這個星期五晚上 & 賭場在查爾斯湖, 路易斯安那州.

該HOF接收在同期舉辦與正在進行 2020 中美. 奧運代表隊選拔賽拳擊和 2019 在查爾斯湖文娛中心全國錦標賽. 奧運選拔賽的決賽將在週日舉行, 十二月. 15, 在掘金酒店在 & 賭場. 廣播名人堂大廳鋁伯恩斯坦 從欣欣體育將作為活動的司儀第三年連續.

美國拳擊校友會第三HOF類還包括三枚奧運金牌,獎牌得主, “大”喬治·福爾曼馬克布雷蘭“斯莫'”喬·弗雷澤, 還有傳奇教練阿爾·米切爾 和雷·羅傑斯.

已故森. 麥凱恩盒裝在中美. 海軍學院, 其中5'7“輕量級比賽三年誰據說總是上前無畏的拳擊手, 從來沒有倒擋。在他的最後一年, 他所管理的營拳擊隊一大隊冠軍.

“我們的家人認為我們的父親會欣然接受這個獎是一個非常高的榮譽,“女兒梅根·麥凱恩 代表麥凱恩家族的說. “勇氣, 需要步入環的性格和行動是他感覺特別強烈.

“他學拳,通過許多生活經驗教訓, 包括健身價值, 紀律, 個人績效的培訓和工作作為一個團隊的一部分。針對反對派跑起來義和團,他們不知道如何進攻或防禦, 但他們弄清楚和了解自己, 以及過程中的發展耐力“。

“麥凱恩參議員是一位真正的盟友體育, 其親自了解那些誰進入環所需要的勇氣與冒險,“說ÇHRIS tofflemire, 美國拳擊校友會執行董事。在他從政, 美國拳擊連通他的辦公室無數次的合作努力,以保障奧運風格的未來的一部分, 業餘拳擊, 和麥凱恩會毫不猶豫地提供給我們的運動員做的更多。對於這一點,許多其他原因, 美國拳擊校友會期待著這個週末紀念他的遺產“。

已確認的特邀嘉賓包括: 1988 奧運金牌得主安德魯·梅納德, 年的三次全國AAU教練 (1972-76-77) 喬·克拉夫, 1984 奧運金牌得主弗蘭克 泰特和他的兄弟托馬斯, 1972 奧林匹亞蒂姆·德門特, 2002 全國金手套冠軍Jaidon Codringtion, 1980 奧運會預選賽傑基·比爾德, 1981 青少年奧運會格倫Modicue, 四全國冠軍埃里克·凱利, 1988 東方奧運會預選賽冠軍約翰·斯卡利奧比鬍子馬克·蘭頓 而斯蒂芬斯兄弟 - 唐納德安東尼 和傑里.


創建於冠軍終身, 美國拳擊和校友之間的互利關係, –拳擊手, 官員, 教練和拳擊迷 — 校友會連冠軍的代, 鼓舞人心,回饋美國拳擊的未來拳擊冠軍, 進出環.

美國拳擊校友會是開放的人誰愛拳擊,想留在業餘拳擊連接。成員由校友會授予訪問各種特別活動的主機, 包括名人堂接待的美國拳擊校友會館.

加入校友會, 只需在登記alumni@usaboxing.org 為一個 $40.00 每年的會員費。新成員將獲得T卹, 鑰匙扣和電子錢包.

類 2017: 該憲章類是為首穆罕默德·阿里 和霍利菲爾德, 除了老牌教練羅斯福桑德斯 和湯姆·庫爾特.

類 2018: 中美. 奧運代表隊的選手和世界 (專業的) 冠軍羅伊·瓊斯, JR., 沃德 和Claressa盾, 教練的還有前美國拳擊全國總監伊曼紐爾管家 和美國老將拳擊官員湯姆·克利.



嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing

關於美國拳擊:  美國拳擊的使命是要使美國的運動員和教練員,以實現持續的競爭優勢, 個性發展, 支持拳擊運動, 並促進和在美國長大奧運風拳。美國拳擊的責任是不僅要生產奧運金牌, 同時也監督和管理在美國業餘拳擊的每一個方面。

八斗JACK拉斯維加斯的媒體訓練QUOTES & 照片

兩科世界冠軍傑克面孔WBA輕重量級冠軍帕斯卡爾在合作的主要事件直播在Showtime週六, 十二月 28 從國營農場球館亞特蘭大

點擊 這裡 從肖恩·邁克爾火腿圖片/


LAS VEGAS (十二月 10, 2019) – 雙師世界冠軍 八斗傑克 展示了他的能力和預覽在拉斯維加斯媒體鍛煉他即將到來的冠軍之爭週二為他準備採取WBA輕重量級冠軍 讓·帕斯卡爾 星期六, 十二月 28 住在Showtime從獲獎的國營農場球館在亞特蘭大的總理拳擊冠軍賽.

精彩表演拳擊錦標賽® 在開始 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT,由拳擊最熱門的景點Gervonta“坦克”戴維斯因為他需要統一的前世界冠軍Yuriorkis Gamboa的的WBA輕量級冠軍標題.

門票活動, 這是由梅威瑟促銷推廣, GTD促銷和TGB促銷, 有售,並可以通過Ticketmaster.com.

傑克打環,當他準備面對帕斯卡在爭取成為三冠王,並在輕重量級的捕捉到他的第二個冠軍梅威瑟拳擊俱樂部跟媒體. 這裡是訓練學員有什麼週二說:


“精神上我比我去過. 我餓了,我覺得像我一樣爭取標題我第一次. 我總是餓, 但我真的很興奮這場鬥爭.

“有時損失讓你更好. 我的第一次虧損是個意外, 和我成為更好,因為它. 到馬庫斯·布朗損失, 它不是最公平的損失, 但它使我飢餓甚至. 我要去那裡走出去,不管贏得了戰鬥什麼.

“人們已經寫帕斯卡爾過幾次,他總是回來. 他是一個倒退戰士,誰知道肯定怎麼打. 他帶來了它的每一次. 他有更多的里程比我, 但我不能忽視像他這樣的傢伙.

“我已經準備好盡一切可能贏得戰鬥. 我覺得 100% 物理. 切割三月被清除, 我們已經比那. 我已經準備好身體和這個陣營已經證明,我和我的整個團隊.

“Pascal和我對打前,但它是很久以前的陪練是不是一個真正的戰鬥方式不同. 我爭取更大的穿孔機, 但是,你必須尊重環人的力量. 任何事情都有可能發生. 您可以通過某人被逮住誰不是一個打孔機.

“我知道我還有很多給這項運動. 我覺得我還年輕,我的年齡. 從虧損的戰鬥和反彈之間的斷裂,使我比以往任何時候都更有動力. 我已經準備好去的,給我的職業生涯的最佳表現。“


“八斗有一個關於他的光芒, 就像舊八斗. 他看起來超高速環和一切正是我們希望看到.

“八斗傑克再次顯示出時間和時間,他要爭取最好的,他不會退縮,無論面臨的挑戰是什麼. 我們從來沒有好好想一想它和一個挫折是不會從具有這種心態阻止他.

“八斗是誰總是使用自己的平台,讓世界更好地為那些不幸的戰鬥機. 他做了奇妙的事,是真的比一個拳擊冠軍這麼多. 這是一種榮譽,與他的工作,總是很高興看他表演。“

# # #


戴維斯VS. 甘博亞會看到兩個時間超羽量級冠軍Gervonta“坦克'戴維斯, 梅威瑟促銷“頂後起之秀和拳擊最熱門的景點, 因為他需要統一的前世界冠軍Yuriorkis Gamboa的的WBA輕量級冠軍住在Showtime週六, 十二月 28 在獲獎的國營農場球館位於亞特蘭大的總理拳擊冠軍賽.

在特殊的節日精彩表演拳擊錦標賽® 電視節目開始在 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT和功能WBA輕重量級冠軍讓·帕斯卡爾在合作的主要事件作戰兩科狀元八斗傑克.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.SHO.com/sports,

在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成為在Facebook上的風扇 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


住在NESN從萬通中心在斯普林菲爾德, 嘛


波士頓 (十二月 9, 2019) — 在已經公佈了激烈的新英格蘭集中陳列宣傳tripleheader, 哈特福德的 里奇“大力水手MAN”RIVERA (15-0, 12 KO的), 和. 哈特福德的 “ACTION”安東尼勞雷亞諾 (12-0, 4 KO的) 和丹伯里的 OMAR“野獸”博羅伊島 (9-1, 3 KO的), 星拳擊高興地展示當地的斯普林菲爾德球迷最愛 DERRICK WHITLEY二ANGEL巴斯克斯, 誰願意照這個星期五晚上, 在單獨的較量

門票於“新英格蘭爆炸,“通過展示喬DeGuardia之星拳擊, 米高梅斯普林菲爾德贊助, 從萬通中心在開始 $40.00 (不包括設備費用和便利性收費) 和發售這裡 在萬通中心售票處。 “新英格蘭爆炸”將播出住在一為新英格蘭體育網 (NESN), 開始 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT。作為波士頓熊和波士頓紅襪隊的主場, NESN可全國體育訂閱的基礎上.

惠特利, 誰滿足JERMAINE科利 (3-8, 1 KO) 在6輪的回合, 是斯普林菲爾德的拳擊皇室的直系後裔。他的父親/頭教練是原國家質量德里克冠軍惠特利, 和他的叔叔/助理教練, 達林惠特利, 也是一個受歡迎的區域職業拳擊手. 惠特利兄弟是一對雙胞胎.

“是興奮的,“德里克II談到在斯普林菲爾德在主場作戰。 “我在拳擊比賽中把我父親的名字開始了。我有很多不辜負, 但我比他有一點不同. 我有我自己的粉絲群, 這是很酷, 而且他們有輸贏. 沒有發生過很多拳擊在這裡,因為競技場的封閉, 但米高梅大酒店帶來了拳擊回到斯普林菲爾德。這將是我在這裡的第三次戰鬥。


巴斯克斯 (0-1), 波多黎各的本地, 面孔LEANDRO SILVA (1-3) 在4輪比賽.

“我感覺好極了, 像拳王阿里,“激發巴斯克斯說,大約在主場作戰。 “這太棒了。斯普林菲爾德是我鎮! 我很自豪。我在波多黎各長大, 但我在這裡住7年. 我希望把我的家鄉一個偉大的演出。“

在6輪較量在undercard也爭取是哈特福德量級JEFFREY TORRES (5-0, 3 科斯) VS. 布羅克, MA老將ANTONIO FERNANDEZ (9-39-4, 3 科斯).

信息: 東哈特福德超輕量級 “ACTION”安東尼勞雷亞諾 (12-0, 4 KO的), 返回家中的8輪對傾斜 ANGEL“AZTEC WARRIOR”埃爾南德斯 (17-14-2, 11 KO的), 哈特福德重量級 里奇“大力水手MAN”RIVERA (15-0, 12 KO的) 面對弗吉尼亞重量級 “強大”JOE JONES (11-1, 8 KO的), 而丹伯里超輕量級 OMAR“野獸”博羅伊島 (9-1, 3 KO的) 都柏林會見, 愛爾蘭的不敗 “SLICK”VICTOR拉貝 (8-0, 2 KO的). 在undercard將是當地的斯普林菲爾德的最愛, DERRICK“壞小子”WHITLEY二 (6-1-1), 前美國馬薩諸塞州的超中量級冠軍的兒子, 德里克惠特利老, 以及 ANGEL巴斯克斯 (0-1).

十二月 13 “新英格蘭爆”門票

門票開始 $40.00 (不包括設備費用和便利性收費) 並在銷售中這裡 和萬通中心售票處.

觀看現場直播的ON NESN
NESN星拳擊晚上的, “新英格蘭爆炸”,由米高梅斯普林菲爾德贊助將直播視頻首次在新英格蘭體育網 (NESN), 開始在晚上9點ET / 6PM PT. 波士頓棕熊隊和波士頓紅襪隊的主場, NESN可全國體育訂閱的基礎上。 NESN是看在新英格蘭地區的拳擊明星的“新英格蘭爆炸”的唯一途徑 (除外費爾菲爾德縣, CT。) 

對於那些在NESN地區的足跡之外, 你可以趕上通過行動FITE.TV. FITE, 在戰鬥體育的數字發行的全球領導者將進行視頻直播該事件的www.FITE.TV 網站, 適用於iOS FITE移動應用, Android的, 和亞馬遜火的外資電信渠道, Android的, 蘋果電視, 和Roku公司一個PPV的基礎上。該外資電信PPV將在流 “新英格蘭爆炸,” 並且可用於剛$14.99.  預購“新英格蘭爆”這裡.

門開處 6 P.M. AND, 第一回合 7:30 P.M. ET和NESN廣播開始於 9 P.M. AND.


Pro-Am Series to commence with Trenton’s Mike Hilton in the Main Event


特倫頓, 新澤西州 (十二月 10, 2019) – 上週六晚, January 25th, Silver Bow will stage the Inaugural ChampBox Series event at the CURE Insurance Arena in Trenton, 新澤西州.

The ChampBox series is designed to showcase the top professional and amateur boxers in the New Jersey area.

It’s an honor to start the ChampBox series in my home state of New Jersey,” said Bill Halkias of Silver Bow. “We have an abundance of Professional and Amateur fighters for the series, and it will provide opportunities for many fighters.

Partnering up with the CURE Insurance Arena is important, as it’s a 1st class facility, and located in the capital city of Trenton.

Headlining the event will be undefeated cruiserweight Mike Hilton.
Hilton of Trenton is a former National Golden Gloves champion, who currently has a record of 9-0 七擊倒.

該 33 year-old Hilton will be making the 3rd appearance in his hometown, and he is coming off a 3rd round technical decision over Hector Perez on March 10, 2018 在大西洋城.

Appearing on the card will be Ian Green (12-2, 9 科斯) 帕特森, 新澤西州.

Green has wins over undefeated foes Khiary Gray (13-0) and Andy Mejias (15-0). Green will be looking to get back in the win column following dropping a fight to Kemahl Russell on September 9, 2017 in Queens, 紐約.

Also in action will be Glennwood Lattimer (1-0) of Philandelphia in a junior middleweight fight.

Highlighting the amateur portion of the card will be locals, Zaire Gross, Kevin Alexander and Jabbar Abercrombie.

拳擊的這個特殊的夜晚門票 $25, $39, $59, $79 and the 1st two rows are $99. Tickets can be purchased at the following link:CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS:本次活動是由閃存技術的IT和Cyber​​Secuirty因為贊助 1992. www.flashtech.com


即時發布: 波特蘭, 緬因 (十二月 10, 2019) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) 將舉行下一次混合武術 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 42: 毀滅交響曲,” 週六, 二月 8, 2020 美林禮堂在波特蘭。今天早些時候, NEF announced the addition of a professional catchweight fight to the card.內特“背包”鮑徹 將他的專業首演反對“Sleepy” Norman Fox (0-1) 在130磅重的鬥爭.

2019 was a banner year for Boucher. He finished his amateur career with a stellar 6-3 record and captured NEF’s amateur flyweight title at “NEF 41” last month in what would be his final amateur fight. Boucher has won his last four fights in a row – all by first round rear-naked choke submission. Shortly after his title victory, Boucher engaged in a heated exchange on Facebook with Fox who challenged Boucher to enter the pro ranks to fight him. Boucher was quick to accept the challenge. He currently represents Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) 路易斯頓的, 緬因.

“I closed out 2019 by doing exactly what I said I was going to do,” stated Boucher.  “I went 3-0 and won the New England Fights Amateur Flyweight Title. I planned on taking time off to focus on my unborn child’s arrival. 然而, Norman had quite a mouthful to say and asked for the fight. 所以, I did what fighters do and took the fight immediately. Norman is in for a long night on February 8th. I hope for his sake that he fully prepares for this. The way I see it, I was given a gift to kick off my pro career. Thank you to Cure Cannabis and the rest of my loyal sponsors and supporters for helping me get to this point in my career—I look forward to the next level with all of you.”

Norman Fox returns to the NEF cage after a four year hiatus from competition. He was last seen at “NEF 21” in February 2016 in a losing effort in his professional debut. Fox went 4-2 作為一個業餘, finishing his opponents in all four of his wins. Fox is currently a member of First Class MMA based in Brunswick, 緬因.

Nate is one-dimensional,” declared Fox.  “All he can do is wrestle. If he doesn’t immediately shoot for a takedown, he will as soon as my hands touch his face. I’m dangerous everywhere. If he does get the fight to the ground, he will regret it.

The catchweight bout joins an already star-studded lineup on the professional portion of the card. Previously announced for “NEF 42” is a five-round professional lightweight title fight between former NEF champion and World Series of Fighting veteran布魯斯“漂亮男孩”Boyington (17-11) WEC和UFC和老將喬希“福祿克”Grispi(14-5).  Another lightweight fight announced for “NEF 42” will feature two Maine fan-favorites as reigning NEF Professional Featherweight Champion喬希“勾上”哈維(7-0-1) 把他的不敗紀錄逆勢而行傑西“海盜”埃里克森 (9-8) in a non-title encounter. And Bellator veteran多米尼克“Domnation”瓊斯 (2-3) 和卡爾·蘭斯頓 (0-4) will square off in a professional featherweight contest.

新英格蘭戰鬥’ 未來混合武術事件, “NEF 42: 毀滅交響曲,” 將於週六, 二月 8, 2020 美林禮堂在波特蘭, 緬因. 門票現已公開發售,在www.PortTix.com.

Stars from Boxing & Football Turning Out in Force For Kiyan Prince Foundation Charity Boxing Event ‘Jabbing Not Stabbing’ on 21st December

Football and Boxing Stars, such as Harry Redknapp, Peter Crouch, Peter Odemwingie, Les Ferdinand and Jimmy Bullard from Football and WBO Inter-Continental Champion Anthony Yarde and WBF International & European Champion Tommy Jacobs from Professional Boxing have pledged their support for the Kiyan Prince Foundation (KPF) Charity event that takes place at the London Irish Centre in Camden in London on Saturday 21st December

The above named stars plus many more will be attending the Charity Boxing event to raise funds for the Kiyan Prince Foundation (KPF), which is hosted by former WBO & IBF Inter-Continental and MBC International Champion and KPF founder Dr Mark Prince OBE.

The event will feature five amateur contests, featuring local boxers and one professional bout, featuring Robert Duran, son of legendary Panamanian four division World Champion Roberto Duran.

In addition to the boxing action Slim the Comedian will entertain the crowd with a set and well as a memorabilia auction (Football and Boxing)

門票, 售價30英鎊 (標準坐姿) and £40 (馬戲團) for ‘Jabbing not Stabbing’ that takes place at the London Irish Centre, Camden Square, 卡姆登, London NW1 9XB on Saturday 21st December 2019 are now available on-line atwww.tkoboxoffice.com


About The Kiyan Prince Foundation:

The Kiyan Prince Foundation was established in 2008 in memory of Kiyan Prince, Dr Prince’s fifteen-year-old son and a talented footballer who was stabbed in the heart, whilst trying to break up a fight, outside his school gates. This devastating tragedy marked the beginning of a journey which has not only transformed Dr Prince’s life but also equipped him with the knowledge and skills to support families and help prevent similar cases. In this process, he has had to defeat two of life’s toughest challenges – anger and revenge, find the strength to forgive and the commitment to substitute anger with positive life skills.

About Kiyan Prince:

Kiyan Prince was the first son born to Mark Prince and Tracy Cumberbatch on 25th November 1990.

He was an outgoing and well loved young man who got along with everybody. Teachers, fellow pupils, Queens Park Rangers football team… in fact anyone who came into contact with Kiyan counted it a privilege to have done so.

5月18日 2006 Kiyan’s life came to a tragic, untimely and unnecessary end. The loving nature, by which he was known, was what made him step in and defend his friend who was being picked on by another youth.

The incident took place outside the gates of his school, the London Academy, located in Edgware North London. Kiyan attempted to resolve the situation in the most peaceable way by directly challenging the aggressor.

The ‘killer’, 16 year old Hannad Hasan, felt that Kiyan had disrespected him because he stood up to him. He then turned and callously killed Kiyan – plunging a knife straight into his chest. Kiyan died of a single, but fatal, stab wound to his heart.

Kiyan, who played for Queens Park Rangers Under-16’s football team. He was dubbed ‘The Bullet’ because of his speed and he was hailed as the next Wayne Rooney… tipped to play for England.

Kiyan was a beautiful, thoughtful, kind and considerate young man. . How he lived was reflected in the way he died… in probably the last words he ever spoke…

Even though he must have been very scared and in pain… in dying he still represented the life he lived. His heart was so full of love and empathy for others. In his final minutes his thoughts were, 即使這樣,, still of others. As he lay bleeding he told his friends: “if these are my last words… tell my Mum I love her.”

About Mark Prince:

Dr Mark Prince is CEO and Founder of the Kiyan Prince Foundation, a charity borne out of pain, suffering and grief. Through a series of personal challenges (無家可歸, drugs and alcohol abuse and criminal activity); triumphs and tragedy, the then known Mark Prince, developed a burning desire to support young people embroiled in a downward spiral of urban violence. The devastating tragedy of his son’s murder in 2006 further confirmed the importance of early intervention in a young person’s life in order to prevent what often seems like an inevitable journey into despair.

Education and Sport:

A significant part of the foundation’s work is to target school aged children and young people from primary through to secondary and tertiary education, through mentoring, life skills and training programmes. Being a professional boxer achieving titles such as the IBF and WBO Inter-continental Light-heavy weight Championship by (1997) and fighting for a world title in 1998, Dr Prince has invaluable skills and experiences that help in the development and transformation of young people’s lives for good. His autobiography The Prince of Peace written by Dr Prince and Paul Zanon is already a best seller.


The Kiyan Prince Foundation is a project that has seen Dr Prince collaborate with a range of notable individuals, organisations, 傳媒, government officials and celebrities to shine a light on the socio-economic issues impacting on young people and families nationally. He has been involved in the creation and the was the feature of the ITV documentary, “Put the Knives and Guns Down” screened on ITV London Tonight Special; panel member for The News of The World’s “Save Our Streets” campaign; keynote speaker at Metropolitan Police Operation Trident Program; and guest speaker at conferences such as, the NBCPA National Black Crown Prosecutors Association Annual Conference and the National Governor Prison Association Annual Conference.

Recognition and Vision:

In recognition of the significant contribution to the community and fight against knife crime, Dr Prince has received several well-deserved awards e.g. The Children’s Champion Award from Prime Minister Gordon Brown; an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Excel University; and recently in the Queen’s New Year Honours list (2019) to receive an OBE.

It is the foundation’s vision to obtain funding/raise the revenue to deliver#inspiringfuturechampions a campaign which involves delivering powerful messages to every school in London first, with inspirational speakers who are high level influencers amongst young people together with Dr Prince sharing with them how to utilise their strength of will, recognise their potential, individuality, purpose, how to value themselves, come back from adversity and the power of self-belief, which when understood all leads to young people steering clear of guns and knives which is a problem of the mind and not of the knife.

The Freeman Juggernaut Rolls OnStops O’Reilly in Four

Liverpool’s unbeaten Middleweight prospect Martin Freeman made an emphatic statement on Saturday night, with his fourth round stoppage victory over Will O’Reilly at the Jubilee Sports Bank in his home city.

該 26 year old Liverpudlian exuded class throughout the contest, even when being forced onto the back foot by the ever moving forward all out attack tactics employed by O’Reilly, Freeman just adapted his tactics to counter and control the contest in sensational fashion.

The Liverpudlian’s power was the defining factor of the contest, especially in the fourth, when a massive right from Freeman shook O’Reilly to the core, forcing the Mancunian battler to stagger back onto the ropes and cover up just as the contest approached the minute mark of the round.

In an instant Freeman stepped forward and let rip with a scintillating bombardment of massive lefts and rights, O’Reilly covered up and absorbed the first couple of shots on the gloves and arm, but Freeman’s power and precise placement ensured that the Liverpudlian’s Exocets began to power their way through the Mancunian’s guard with little resistance, after a couple of particularly venomous head shots referee Chris Kelly stepped in and stopped the contest on the one minute and two second mark of the fourth round.

Following the fight Freeman said;

I am really pleased with my performance from Saturday night.

“Yes it was a tough fight and my opponent not only took some of my best shots but he also gave some good punches too!

“I’m definitely glad I got some good rounds in too as I won my last two fights in the first round.”

Freeman’s gym mate Lee Cooper was also on the card and secured a shut out points victory over Kyle McNicholas.

Both Freeman and Cooper will be back in action on the next Kyle Gallagher promoted Victory Fight Club event at the Jubilee Sports Bank on 28th March 2020.



住在NESN從萬通中心在斯普林菲爾德, 嘛


波士頓 (十二月 9, 2019) — Unlike most boxing prospects, lightweight prospectOMAR“野獸”博羅伊島 (9-1, 3 科斯) is always willing to take risks, even fighting undefeated opponents, instead of simply padding his record.

博羅伊島, fighting out of Danbury, CT, meets undefeated Irish sensation“SLICK”VICTOR拉貝 (8-0, 2 科斯) 上月 13 in an 8-round bout on a stacked “New England Explosion” card, at MassMutual Center in Springfield, 馬薩諸塞州.

“新英格蘭爆炸,“通過展示喬DeGuardia之星拳擊 and sponsored by MGM Springfield, will air live from Mass MutualCenter in a first for New England Sports Network (NESN), 開始 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT. As the home of the Boston Bruins and Boston Red Sox, NESN可全國體育訂閱的基礎上.

“I fought an undefeated fighter before and it was cool to give him (3-0 Terell Bostic) his first loss,” the 24-year-old Bordoy said. “An undefeated record could be padded. Rabei is a good fighter and I expect a very good fight. He’s a good fighter who is good defensively. He’ll want to be fighting on the outside because he’s 5’ 9” and I’m 5’ 5”. But he’s coming down in weight and we’re fighting at my natural fighting weight (135 磅。)  I’ve fought taller opponents before. It looks like he has a little power. We’re both stepping up.

“I’m excited to be fighting on live television for the first time. I’m a kid who came from nothing and now I’m fighting on TV. I’ve fought in pre-recorded fights before, but this will be my first on live television. It makes everything even more exciting. I’m glad to be fighting on this NESN platform.”

Bordoy has won two in a row since losing a disputed 6-round split decision last April to Romain Tomas (7-2). 

“I didn’t get into boxing to go undefeated,” remarked Bordoy, who will be fighting in his first scheduled 8-rounder. “Only a few fighters have ever retired undefeated. A loss doesn’t bother most greats. It’s part of my developmental stage. I’d rather suffer a loss early in my career than later. I certainly don’t feel like a defeated fighter going into this fight. I learned a lot about myself and what to do better from that loss.”

Cutting weight for this fight, Bordoy didn’t really enjoy Thanksgiving. In fact, he ate alone because it was too difficult dieting and eating with others. So, he had brown rice and baked chicken.

“是啊,” he added. “I didn’t get to eat much. I’m going to splurge this fight. And I’ll get an early Christmas present when my hand is raised at the end of the fight.”


Bordoy will hold an open workout Tuesday, 十二月. 10, 間 6:30-8:30 P.M. ET at Danbury Champs Gym in Danbury, CT to promote his Dec. 13 fight. Dambury Champs Gym is located at 128 和. Liberty St., 丹伯里, CT. The public is welcome.

Two other Nutmeg state prospects are also fighting in 8-round bouts on “New England Explosion”, Hartford super lightweight“ACTION”安東尼勞雷亞諾 (12-0, 4 科斯) 與ANGEL“AZTEC WARRIOR”埃爾南德斯 (17-14-2, 11 科斯), and Hartford cruiserweight里奇“大力水手MAN”RIVERA (15-0, 12 KOs vs.“強大”JOE JONES (11-1, 8 科斯), live on NESN.

觀看現場直播的ON NESN
NESN星拳擊晚上的, “New England Explosion” sponsored by MGM Springfield will air live for the first on New England Sports Network (NESN), 開始在晚上9點ET / 6PM PT. 波士頓棕熊隊和波士頓紅襪隊的主場, NESN可全國體育訂閱的基礎上。 NESN是看在新英格蘭地區的拳擊明星的“新英格蘭爆炸”的唯一途徑 (除外費爾菲爾德縣, CT。) 

對於那些在NESN地區的足跡之外, 你可以趕上通過行動FITE.TV. FITE, 在戰鬥體育的數字發行的全球領導者將進行視頻直播該事件的www.FITE.TV 網站, 適用於iOS FITE移動應用, Android的, 和亞馬遜火的外資電信渠道, Android的, 蘋果電視, 和Roku公司一個PPV的基礎上。該外資電信PPV將在流 “新英格蘭爆炸,” 並且可用於剛$14.99.  Check availability in your area by going to theFITE.tv 網站.

門票價格在開始 $40.00 (不包括設備費用和便利性收費) 而在銷售現在HTTPS://bit.ly/33kRNv4 和萬通中心售票處, as well as through Hartford Boxing Promotions (860.840.6244 / 519.1505).

門開處 6:30 P.M. AND, 第一回合 7:30 P.M. ET和NESN廣播開始於 9 P.M. 和。,

Top Middleweight Contender Hugo Centeno Jr. Battles Juan Macías Montiel in Main Event of FS1 PBC Fight Night & 在客場顏色FOX星期六, 十二月 21 豐田競技場在安大略省, 加利福尼亞州

更多! 2016 中美. 奧運選手卡洛斯·巴爾德拉斯(Karlos Balderas) & Unbeaten Prospect Raymond Guajardo Compete in Separate Fights in Action Beginning at
6 P.M. AND /下午3時. PT

ONTARIO, 加利福尼亞州. (十二月 9, 2019) – Top middleweight contender 雨果 “老闆” 森特諾JR. will battle Mexico’s Juan Macías Montiel in a 10-round clash that headlines FS1 PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes Saturday, 十二月 21 豐田競技場在安大略省, 加利福尼亞州.

The FS1 telecast begins at 6 P.M. AND /下午3時. PT and will feature 2016 中美. 奧林匹亞卡洛斯Balderas 承擔墨西哥 René Téllez Giron in an eight-round lightweight duel and unbeaten prospect 雷蒙德·瓜哈爾多 battling New Orleans-native Donnis Reed 在超中量級回合.

FS1 PBC Fight Night precedes the FOX PBC Fight Night broadcast headlined by the highly anticipated rematch between WBC Super Welterweight Champion 托尼·哈里森 和前世界冠軍 Jermell夏洛茨維爾 with coverage beginning on FOX and FOX Deportes at 8 p.m./5 p.m. PT.

門票活動, 這是由獅子只有促銷和TGB促銷推廣, 現已公開發售,並可在豐田體育場票房和Ticketmaster.com購買.

Fighting out of his hometown of Oxnard, 加利福尼亞州, 守望者 (27-3, 14 科斯) will look to bounce back after he lost a close decision to Willie Monroe Jr. on FS1 in June. The 28-year-old had won three out of four fights heading into the Monroe fight, including a highlight-reel knockout of then unbeaten Immanuwel Aleem on FS1 in August 2017. He will step into the ring for the third time in 2019 上月 21, having also defeated Oscar Cortes in February.

The 25-year-old Montiel (21-4-1, 21 科斯) has fought professionally since 2009 and most recently stopped longtime contender Marcos Reyes in February by fourth-round TKO. 代表洛斯莫奇斯, 錫那羅亞, 墨西哥, Montiel will make his U.S. debut on December 21, in a career that has seen him knockout then unbeaten Ivan Montero and drop a 2017 contest to eventual world champion Jaime Munguia.

One of the most highly regarded prospects from the 2016 中美. 奧運隊, Balderas (9-0, 8 科斯) returns for an eight-round lightweight affair to close out 2019. The 23-year-old from Santa Maria, California has won his last five fights by stoppage, 包括三 2019. His most recent outing saw him stop Robert Frankel in July. He will be opposed by the 20-year-old Giron (13-1, 7 科斯), who fights out of Queretaro, Mexico and is looking to rebound from a decision loss to unbeaten Michel Rivera in June.

Guajardo (4-0, 3 科斯) turned pro one week after his 19 birthday this March and kicked off his career with a second-round knockout of Leonardo Mendez in his hometown of San Antonio, 得克薩斯州. Guajardo will enter the ring on December 21 in a four or six-round contest seeking his fifth win of 2019. He most recently defeated Brian Urday by first-round knockout in October and will be opposed by the 34-year-old Reed (3-4, 2 科斯) as he steps into the ring for his third fight of 2019.

# # #

觀眾可以即時串流中國人民銀行顯示了FOX體育和FOX NOW應用程式或FOXSports.com. 此外, 所有的程序都可以在FOX體育的SiriusXM頻道 83 衛星收音機和在SiriusXM應用.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的粉絲 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


克里斯·尤班克JR. Earns Interim WBA Middleweight Title After Matt Korobov Suffers 2ND Round Injury

Ryosuke Iwasa Wins Vacant Interim IBF Junior Featherweight Title with TKO Over Marlon Tapales

觀看演示喝采週一 10:05 P.M. ET / PT在

點擊 這裡 for Photos from Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME

點擊 這裡 從利奧威爾遜Jr./Premier拳擊冠軍照片

布魯克林 (十二月 8, 2019) – 不敗的WBC中量級世界冠軍Jermall夏洛茨維爾 (30-0, 22 科斯) successfully defended his title for the second time, stopping highly-ranked Irish contender 丹尼斯·霍根 (28-3-1, 7 科斯) with a showstopping one-punch knockout in the seventh round Saturday night live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, 布魯克林拳擊™的家, 由總理拳擊冠軍呈現事件.


Houston’s Charlo, one of the most exciting young champions in the sport, delivered on his promise that he would close the show in spectacular fashion after going the distance in his previous two bouts. 在 :28 of round number seven, Charlo set Hogan up by feinting on the jab before connecting on a ferocious left hook to Hogan’s nose that sent him falling against the ropes. The 34-year-old Hogan, who was moving up after most recently challenging for the title at 154 英鎊, rose to his feet before the ten count, but referee Charlie Fitch waived off the bout.

When Hogan was dropped in the seventh round, it was the third time in his career that he had been down and the second time during the fight. 在第三輪, a vicious left uppercut from Charlo just 12 seconds into the frame sent Hogan rolling backwards onto the canvas, but the Irishman rose quickly and acrobatically to his feet.

Despite throwing far fewer punches, Charlo had the more effective and efficient attack. Charlo landed 86 的 266 punches he threw (32%) while Hogan landed just 71 的 418 punches he threw (17%). Despite Hogan landing on 61 相比於權力拳 57 for Charlo, Hogan was unable to hurt Charlo, while Charlo’s trademark power resulted in another highlight reel stoppage.

I made it through 2019 and we’re going to 2020 同 20/20 vision,” said Charlo in the ring following the fight. “Shout out to Dennis Hogan for giving me real competition and for coming up to fight me.Of course my power prevailed tonight.

We’ve been working on that (the uppercut). I try to take him out with every punch and we work hard for it. He got up and he fought like a champion. Ronnie (希爾茲) told me to cut him off. I just threw the shot and I made sure I threw it right on the money.

The middleweight division is wide open. I’m the WBC Champion. I’m going to enjoy this and spend time with my team. I’m here to fight whoever. You have to make the right decisions and do it at the right time. That’s what it’s all about.

I wanted to keep going but the decision was fair enough by the referee,” said Hogan. “I didn’t see the punch coming on the second knockdown. I was trying to keep boxing him but then all of a sudden I was on the ground and the fight was over.

I’m looking forward to spending the Christmas holiday with my family, taking a month off, and then we’ll work on what’s next for me.

在協調功能回合, 克里斯·尤班克JR.的 (29-2, 22 科斯) long-awaited United States debut ended in frustrating fashion as his opponent, 馬特·科羅博夫 (28-3-1, 14 科斯), suffered a bout-ending injury at just :34 第二輪. Because it was ruled a self-inflicted injury, the result was officially declared a TKO victory for Eubank, who picked up the Interim WBA Middleweight Title.

科羅博夫, a top contender in the middleweight division, injured his left shoulder after throwing a punch that failed to land. After consulting with the ringside doctor, it was deemed that he would be unable to continue.

I felt like I was about to get my swagger on,” Eubank told SHOWTIME reporter Jim Gray following the stoppage. “He just turned around and stopped. I was going to go jump on him. I guess something happened with his shoulder. There’s nothing to take from the fight. I threw like three or four punches. I was just warming up.

In the buildup to the fight, 尤班克, the son of British boxing legend and former two-division world champion Chris Eubank Sr., repeatedly said that there would be a new contender in the stacked middleweight division. Despite not getting a chance to introduce himself to the American audience in the way he envisioned, Eubank is looking ahead to a busy 2020.

I’m the winner, I’m going to move forward and challenger for these belts,” said Eubank. “This wasn’t my dream. My dream was to come here to America and make a statement. Now that I’ve landed and I settled with the new promotional team, I feel I can get the ball rolling for an active 2020. It’s a shame it had to start like this, but it is what it is.

I was trying to throw the left hand straight, and I just felt the muscle immediately, like I pulled it,” said Korobov. “It was a lot of pain right away. I couldn’t fight with just one arm, especially being a southpaw.

In a battle of former world champions to open the telecast, Japan’s 岩佐涼介 (27-3, 17 科斯) knocked out the Philippines馬龍Tapales (33-3, 16 科斯) with a devastating straight left-hand at 1:09 的 11 圓. 同贏, Iwasa earned the vacant Interim IBF World Junior Featherweight Title.

Iwasa, who held a six-and-a-half-inch reach advantage, was more consistent throughout the entirety of the bout, stringing together multi-punch combinations. The decisive moment of the 12-round fight came in the penultimate round, when Tapales was caught with a counter left-hand that connected flush on his chin and put him sprawled on the canvas. Tapales beat the count, rising after eight seconds, but referee Shada Murdaugh waved the fight off.

在停止時, Iwasa led on all three scorecards (97-92, 95-94, 97-92). While Tapales was more accurate throughout the night, Iwasa was busier and landed 163 total punches compared to 148 for Tapales and held a 125-99 advantage in power punches landed. 在第三輪, Tapales was dropped to a knee after an accidental clash of heads. The clash, which was incorrectly ruled a knockdown, caused severe swelling under Tapalesright eye and swung a would-be 10-9 round in his favor to a 10-8 round in Iwasa’s favor.

I knew that I had him hurt in the 11 round and I was ready for the finish if the referee had let him keep fighting,” said the 29-year-old Iwasa. “It was a tough fight but I trained really hard for this performance. My height and reach was definitely an advantage. I was able to put my punches together well. He never hurt me but he was still difficult and I had to focus to figure him out.

We’re ready for anyone next. I’m going to keep working hard to become a world champion again next year.

On Saturday’s telecast it was announced that former two-division world champion Danny Garcia would return to the ring on Saturday, 一月 25 住在Showtime巴克萊中心. During an interview with SHOWTIME Sports host Brian Custer, Garcia discussed his anticipated return to the ring.

“一月 25, I’m back at Barclays Center, my home away from home,” Garcia said. “It’s a great atmosphere. Every time I’m here, I get the jitters, so I just can’t wait to be back. I’ve been in the gym for a month. I’m already ready. I don’t know who my opponent is, but whoever they put in front of me, 我已經準備好得到它.

“首先, 感謝上帝 (埃羅爾) Spence is doing good. I hear that he’s recovering well. I was really looking forward to fighting him but maybe he could be next after January 25. 吃豆人 (帕奎奧) or Spence, that’s who we want. 2020 is going to be a big year for me.

Prior to the telecast on SHOWTIME, SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN streamed live on the SHOWTIME 體育 YouTube 頻道欣欣拳擊Facebook頁面 and saw 羅納德·埃利斯 (17-1-2, 11 科斯) win a majority decision over 伊曼紐爾·阿利姆 (18-2-2, 11 科斯) in their 10-round super middleweight fight.

The back and forth affair saw both men grab the momentum of the fight at different points, but it was Ellisactivity and ability to box effectively from the outside that gave him the edge. While one judge had the fight 95-95, he was overruled by two scores of 98-92 和 97-93 for Ellis.

The opening streaming bout saw 路易莎Hawton (10-2, 5 科斯) retain her Interim WBC Atomweight Championship by unanimous decision in an all-action rematch against洛林·比利亞洛沃斯 (4-3, 2 科斯).

Hawton came back after being dropped by a powerful left hook from Villalobos in the sixth round. Hawton was saved by the bell in the round and finished the fight strong, punctuating the action getting the best of several exchanges in the late rounds to win by the score of 95-94 在所有這三個卡.

Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader will replay on Monday at 10:05 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME.

行業領先的製作團隊和劇組宣布交付的所有景點, sounds and drama from Barclays Center. 資深廣播人布賴恩·卡斯特主持電視節目, 多才多藝的格鬥運動的聲音毛羅·拉納洛稱為動作馬戲團一起名人堂分析師阿爾伯恩斯坦和前雙師世界冠軍馬里納吉. 名人堂的三殿殺進欣欣轉播團隊 – 艾美獎®獲獎的記者吉姆·格雷, 非官方馬戲團射手史蒂夫Farhood和世界著名的環播音員麥儂JR. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was David Dinkins, JR. 和主任鮑勃·鄧菲.

# # #

查洛VS. Hogan saw WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo defend his title against highly-ranked contender Dennis Hogan live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, 布魯克林拳擊™的家, 由總理拳擊冠軍呈現事件.

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast began at 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT and featured middleweight star Chris Eubank, JR. and top contender Matt Korobov squaring off for the Interim WBA Middleweight Title plus former world champions clashed when the PhilippinesMarlon Tapales and Japan’s Ryosuke Iwasa met for the Interim IBF Super Bantamweight Title. The event was promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成為在Facebook上的風扇 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


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