Mkango Mtima Zimbabwe Maseŵera a nkhonya Project amadwala inanso kovuta

New York, NY, March 26, 2015-Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya munapanga’ gallant effort to resuscitate professional boxing in Zimbabwe may have been dealt a fatal blow. The Zimbabwe Boxing Board’s unexplained failure to act on a request by the company for permission to stage a boxing tournament in Harare may be the final straw that broke the camel’s back on the company’s “Gerizimu Project.


Mu December a 2014, Lion Heart’s Board of Directors met and resolved to have one final go developing Boxing in Zimbabwe by exploring the possibility of promoting a quarterly boxing series in Harare starting in April 2015. Zotsatira zake, kampaniyo anaganiza kutumiza ake CFO, Edward Mendy, kuti Zimbabwe tasked limodzi lokha cholinga-kufufuza kuthekera kwa kuchititsa ndi nkhonya ya mpikisanowu ku Harare kunyamulidwa pa April 16 kapena April 23, 2015 molumikizana ndi Gerizimu a 35th wodzilamulira Tsiku chikondwerero, or other date as feasible. Ancillary to same, Mendy anali tasked ndi zotsatirazi: (1) kutsimikizira tsiku, (2) malo bwaloli, (3) book Zim boxers to feature in the Main Event, ndi / kapena Co-waukulu chochitika, ndipo (4) otetezeka bolodi chilolezo mwamantha chochitikacho.


The Main mwambo zimanena kuti zichitike May 2015 inaugural event was slated to feature Former Two Time British Champion and Two Time Commonwealth Champion Danny Williams (46-18) kutenga KuBulawayo a Thamsanqa Dube (12-3), a former WBA Pan-African Champion. In the Co-Main Event, Namibian ndi kale World Ngwazi Harry Simon (30-0) was selected to take on an opponent to be announced. The Undercard was to be highlighted by a special feature boutWBC Africa Welterweight Charles Manyuchi (15-2) anali kuteteza ake udindo pa nyumba nthaka kwa nthawi yoyamba konse kapena kuchita nkhondo mlingo (linayenera kuvomerezedwa ake Zambian kulimbikitsa Chris Malunga ndi anzake). Manyuchi is currently the most internationally recognized Zimbabwean Boxer and has been plying his trade in neighboring Zambia since 2012 for lack of options at home. The event would have been broadcasted live on ZTV and streamed live worldwide on the Internet. Komanso, chochitikacho akanakhala rebroadcasted pa anachedwa maziko kudzera dera masewera njira mu USA, amene kufika pa 165 Miliyoni American chingwe m'nyumba (zoposa 100 Miliyoni wapadera m'nyumba) ntchito Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya munapanga’ established contractual relationships. Kuwonjezera, mwambowu anali ndandanda kuti syndicated regionally komanso misika, padziko lonse monga zotheka.


Kupititsa patsogolo kampani Zimbabwe zokhumba, Mendy anasiya New York kwa Harare pa February 26, 2015 on exploratory mission. He was received warmly by Zimbabweans of walks of life and spent a very enjoyable and productive ten days in Zimbabwe, visiting various cities and meeting with people. Lion Heart was able to achieve all of the stated goals except the last one, m'chitetezo ZBB kuthandiza zimanena kuti zichitike chochitika, ngakhale msonkhano woyamba inakonzedwa pa Mendy a kutsogoza anali Board. Mwatsoka, osati chiyani Zimbabwe Maseŵera a nkhonya Board osati kupereka requisite Nodi, icho sichikanakhoza ngakhale msonkhano boma msonkhano wa Board kulandira Mendy kapena gome Mkango Mtima zolinga. Mpaka pano, ndi milungu itatu, Lion Heart has not received any correspondence from the Board on its application to host an event in May. The only information it has received relative to the event is from media reports, chakuti bungwe amafunika nthawi yambiri dala.


Chifukwa cha ZBB a sanali Kuyankha, Lion Heart regrettably has decided to put its Zim Project on hold indefinitely. Says Lion Heart Event Coodinator Sporty Smith, “We have no choice but to put our Zim Project on hold since the ZBB has failed to afford us the smallest of professional courtesy. We can understand a Board’s refusal to sanction an event it does not like it. A failure by a Board to reply, kukakumana deadlines izo akufuna ndipo mwinamwake amalephera communcate, Komabe, is unheard of. Not only was the board frosty in its welcome of Edward Mendy, it would not even convene a meeting of the board even though advance arrangements were made with it. Komanso, the Board would not even give us the courtesy of a response despite numerous follow-up inquiries. What is most shocking about the whole thing, ndi ZBB anachita (kapena inactions), ndiye kuti si lofanana ndi ZBB wakhala chinavomerezedwa kwenikweni nkhonya zochitika zake panopa akuti, zaka zitatu mawu amene amatha mu December, kapena aliyense nkhonya zochitika inakonzedwa pa kalendala. Ngakhalenso kuti aliyense ochirikiza ena kuposa Mkango Mtima kugogoda pa Board pamakomo kapena kuyesera kulimbikitsa nkhonya zochitika Zimbabwe. Choncho, Tikagwirizana nzeru anapatsidwa kwambiri manja awiri ndi unabashed changu chathu ntchito ayi analandira kuchokera boxers, ophunzitsa, ena a nkhonya ammudzi, atolankhani, tourism and other government officials as well as ordinary Zimbabweans. Basically we have a Boxing Board that has seen no boxing events in its current term, koma sakuchita pa yokha yeniyeni nkhonya chochitika tabled lisanayambe, ndi akufuna yaikulu ya mpikisanowu ndi padziko lonse lapansi anazindikira chiyambi pa.”


Mkango Mtima akuyesetsa adzatithandize pa masewera nkhonya ku Zimbabwe, ndi “Gerizimu Project,” wakhala wachita pa zaka khumi. In addition to sponsoring various tournaments in Zimbabwe over the last decade, Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya chuma ndi eni akewo kuti anayesa kuthandiza pasadakhale ntchito zambiri Zimbabwe boxers, kuphatikizapo ndiye undefeated Thamsanqa Dube ndi Isimaele Kuckocha, ndi ukulipirira iwo kupititsa patsogolo maphunziro awo ndi ntchito mu USA. Komabe, ngakhale zimene amakhulupirira kuti kwambiri khama, Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya munapanga wakhala kwambiri yochepa chabe ndi Gerizimu Project ndipo ali wamng'ono kapena kanthu kusonyeza zake Herculean pofuna kuthandiza patsogolo Maseŵera a nkhonya ku Zimbabwe.


Nkhonya osiyanasiyana ku Zimbabwe kuti Mkango Mtima yokonzedwa chiyani kukwaniritsa kufunika Zotsatira za chuma. Komanso, zosiyanasiyana m'dera ochirikiza ndi Zimbabwe abwenzi (ena kuposa Gilbert Munetsi) that Lion Heart Boxing Productions had contracted with over the years had turned out to be unreliable and unproductive. Many of local promoters and partners promised much and delivered little. Komanso, the Zimbabwe Boxing Board would not approve the signing of any of the fighters that Lion Heart had interest in the 2000’s. Ambiri posachedwapa, Mkango Mtima anavomera kuthandiza ing'onoing'ono kulimbikitsa, Delta Force Zokwezedwa, with an event he planned by securing the event’s purse money and depositing same with the Boxing Board. The local Promoter, Komabe, was unable to organize the event to the Board’s satisfaction. After that experience, Mkango Mtima potsiriza anatsimikiza 2014 to give up on its Zim Project. Komabe, Mkango Mtima anali kukhulupirira mwa Chit Town zochokera wolemba ndi kale ZBB Board M'Bungwe Gilbert Munetsi angapitirize ake Gerizimu amayesetsa ndi kupitiriza kugwira ntchito pa Gerizimu Project.


Anati kampani CFO Edward Mendy, “Kunena zowona, equal credit for our perseverance on the Zim Project should go to Gilbert Munetsi and I. But for our continued pleading and my obstinacy in the face of adversity, Mkango Mtima akanati yaitali kutsazikana ake foray ku Zimbabwe masewerawa.”


Added Mendy, “Pambuyo pa zaka khumi ntchito osaphula wathu Gerizimu Project, yathu kupanda bwino pofuna kulemba zosiyanasiyana Gerizimu boxers kubweretsa ku USA mu 2004-2005, ndi fiasco ndi Cox Chigwana mu 2013 ndipo athu aposachedwapa zinalephereka pofuna kuthandiza Clyde Musonda ndi Delta Maseŵera a nkhonya chuma chawo mwambo malo mu 2013-14, ife amangowerenga adzayang'anizana Zimbabwe sangakhale ife. Our trials and tribulations in Zimbabwe are well-documented, covered in great part by the Zim media and well-known to members of the current Board. While I am not one to give up easily, I learnt a long time ago that there is really no sound business reason for force a promotion in a jurisdiction with an unfriendly board. This is very unfortunate considering the scale of the proposed May event, umatha jumpstart Maseŵera a nkhonya ku Zimbabwe ndi kutumikira monga galimoto kuti zisathe Sports Tourism, achangu ena okhudzidwa ndi lalikulu kuchuluka kwa ntchito kale mu Project Gerizimu.”


About Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya Zokwezedwa (ndi kulimbikitsa)

Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya chuma ndi padziko lonse Maseŵera a nkhonya kulimbikitsa ndi Sports Entertainment Company zochokera mu US. Kampani unakhazikitsidwa mu 2001 n'cholinga potipatsa pamwamba khalidwe zochitika ndi apamwamba zosangalatsa mtengo ndi walimbikitsa nkhonya zochitika pa anayi m'makontinenti. Kampani mwamsanga ndalama mbiri monga sewerolo mwambambande ndewu ndipo kuwalemekeza zake wosakondera womenya nkhondo ndi kudzipereka kwa ozimitsa’ ufulu.


Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya munapanga wakhala monga mmodzi wa mizati kwa makampani udindo wapadera chidwi kuthandiza kukhala ndi masewera a nkhonya ku Africa. Zimenezi zinachititsa chidwi izo kulimbikitsa nkhonya ku Zimbabwe ndi theka la dazeni Africa, onse ndi osiyana bwino.


Zambiri Zamalumikizidwe

Kuti mudziwe zambiri za Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya munapanga, Ltd., Thursday Night ndewu @ Yas Island, kapena Thursday Night ndewu zino, chonde kuitana Edward B. Mendy, Chief Financial Officer, pa +973-650-9721 kapena kulemba kwa iye kapena 11 Eric Thamangitsa, Kinnelon, NJ 07405.


Las Vegas (March 26, 2015) – Waukuru usiku ndewu zinapanga WBC Featherweight World Ngwazi Jhonny Gonzalez (57-8, 48 Ko)kumbuyo udindo motsutsana amalemekezabe contender Gary Russell Jr. (25-1, 14 Ko) ndi pamwamba 154 lapaundi khama Jermell Charlo (25-0, 11 Ko) ndipo Vanes Martirosyan (35-1-1, 21 Ko) squaring offwill kuti supplemented ndi mokwanira usiku wa undercard ndewu zinapanga kalasi yoyamba omenyana mu amphamvu matchups.


Adzafike oyambirira ndi musaphonye miniti a ntchito monga zitseko pa The Pearl pa The Pearl pa palmu Casino Amachita lotsegula nthawi 2 p.m. PT ndi woyamba nkhondo kuyamba chabe patapita mphindi.


Matikiti yamoyo chochitika ali wogulira pa $200, $100, $75, $50, ndipo $25, masiku ano

chindapusa ali pa malonda tsopano. Matikiti akhoza kugulidwa ndi kuitana pa Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000kapena kuwonekera PANO. Matikiti nawonso likupezeka pa Intaneti pa


Gonzalez vs. Russell ndi Charlo vs. Martirosyan akudzitukumula moyo pa Showtime® pa 10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT.


Zosangalatsa undercard zimaonetsa Jermell m'bale, Jermall Charlo (20-0, 16 Ko),kuyang'ana kukhala undefeated mbiri akafikitsadi polimbana ndi dziko lamphamvu Michael Finney (12-2-1, 10 Ko) mu 10 chonse wapamwamba welterweight bout.


Komanso mu kuchitapo ndi J'Leon Chikondi (18-1, 10 Ko), amene akubwerera kwa mphete pambuyo mavuto yoyamba imfa ndi adzayang'ana kubwerera ku Nkhata ndime motsutsana zosangalatsa msirikali wakale Scott Sigmon (24-6-1, 13 Ko) mu 10 zipolopolo za wapamwamba middleweight kanthu.


Winanso wosangalatsa undefeated womenya, Ronald Gavril (11-0, 9 Ko), adzakhala mpikisano 8 chonse wapamwamba middleweight bout.


Anaumba dziko udindo Challenger The Cesar (26-2, 17 Ko)imasankha 2015 kuwonekera koyamba kugulu pamene mabwalo pa motsutsa achinyamata ndi wolimba Cesar Juarez (15-3, 13 Ko) mu bantamweight bout abalewo anakonza zoti 8 zipolopolo.


Zambiri undercard kanthu, undefeated chiyembekezo Thomas Hill (2-0) adzayang'ana kukhala wangwiro akatswiri umboni motsutsa Yeremiya Page (2-1, 2 Ko) mu 4 chonse wapamwamba welterweight bout.


Atazunguliridwa kunja Usiku nkhondo odziwa wapamwamba lightweights pakati Levan Ghvamichava (13-1-1, 10 Ko) ndipo Derrick Findley (21-14-1, 13 Ko) kupikisana pa 6 chonse bout.


Amalemekezabe ndi undefeated,24 wazaka Jermall Charlo ndi primed kwa dziko udindo mwayi pamodzi ndi m'bale wake. Iye anakhalabe undefeated mu 2014 ndi lalikulu kugonjetsa Hector Munoz, Norberto Gonzalez ndi Lenny Bottai. The Houston-mbadwa chidzathandiza 23 wazaka Finney kuchokera Opelka, Alabama, kuyang'ana kusangalatsa kamodzinso.


A pamwamba contender amene anali pa mphembenu pa dziko udindo nkhondo pamaso mavuto ake yoyamba pankhondo, 27 wazaka Chikondi amafunitsitsa kubwerera mu pamphuno ndi mmbuyo mu Nkhata ndime pa March 28. Pang'ono kugonjetsedwa, Chikondi kuvala chidwi nkhonya anasonyeza akamapita akamakambirana pa Marco Antonio Periban mu May 2014. Iye akutenga pa 28 wazaka nkhondo anayesedwa brawler ku Bedford, Virginia a Sigmon yemwe wakhala ndi pamwamba omenyana kuphatikizapo Kelly Pavlik wake ntchito.


Wina womenya anabadwa kunja kwa U.S. koma tsopano akumenyana kuchokera Las Vegas, Romania wobadwaGavril ndi knockout zojambulajambula ndi undefeated mbiri kuti agwirizane. 28 wazaka adzayesa wake wachisanu molunjika knockout mu mzere.


A watumikira contender akumenyana kuchokera Puerto Rico, Izi potsiriza yoyamba dziko udindo mfuti Dec. 2013 koma anataya akamakambirana kuti Leo Santa Cruz. Iye bounced mmbuyo ndi kugonjetsa Alex Rangel mu 2014 ndipo tsopano 29 wazaka zimatengera pa mnyamata brawler mu 23 wazaka Juarez kuchokera Mexico City.


An undefeated chiyembekezo amene anapanga ovomereza kuwonekera koyamba kugulu mu Aug. 2014, 20 wazaka Hill adzayang'ana kwa kuthamanga kudutsa pa otsutsa March 28. The Milwaukee-mbadwa ayang'anizana 21 wazaka Page kuchokera Wichita, Kansas.


Yoyamba nkhondo usiku uli wotsimikiza kuti abweretse makombola awiri odziwa omenyera nkhondo icho mu wapamwamba opepuka kugawanikana. Poyamba kuchokera Poti, Georgia koma tsopano akumenyana kuchokera Hayward, Calif., Ghvamichava akuyang'ana kuti wake wachitatu chigonjetso mu mzere. 29 wazaka adzakhala ndi nkhondo anayesedwa womenya ataima mu njira yake mu 30 wazaka Findley kuchokera Chicago.


Gonzalez vs. Russell chikuchitika pa The Pearl pa palmu Casino Amachita ku Las Vegas ndi ofalitsa pa Showtime (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT). Mu Co-waukulu chochitika, Jermell Charlo zimatengera pa Vanes Martirosyan mu wapamwamba welterweight kanthu. The Showtime Championship nkhonya telecast Komanso likupezeka Spanish kudzera yachiwiri audio mapulogalamu (Kuyamwa).


Kuti mudziwe zambiri, Ulendo, kutsatira pa Twitter paSHOSports, jhonnygbox, mrgaryrusselljr, TwinCharlo, LouDiBella NdiPearlAtPalms, kutsatira kukambirana ntchito #GonzalezRussell, kukhala zimakupiza on Facebook kapena pitani pa Showtime Maseŵera a nkhonya Blog paHTTP://

Koroma: Kumathandiza GH3 Zokwezedwa

Nutley, NJ(March 26, 2015)— Pa March 13, Vito Mielnicki a GH3 Zokwezedwa anali zimapangika usiku atatu a zotsatsira kampani pamwamba omenyana, undefeated middleweight Antoine Douglas, wapamwamba middleweight Jerry Odom ndi undefeated wapamwamba bantamweight Adam Lopez onse yagoletsa knockout kupambana pa ShoBox: The New Generation ku Westbury, New York.
Usiku anali chochokera mwa zambiri m'ntchito anaika mwa Mielnicki ndi nyumba khola.
Munthu wina amene anapanga zonse zotheka anali Kay Koroma.
Koroma ndi nkhonya munthu ku Washington, D.C. m'deralo amene Mielnicki Tera kukhala masomphenya ake kampani.
“Ndinayamba kampani, GH3 Zokwezedwa pamene ine anasaina Antoine Douglas & John Thompson ku Atlantic City. Kay ndi Antoine mlangizi wa ndipo kuyambira pamenepo ife tiyenera kulankhula ndi kuika ndondomeko ya kuyenda mmene kumanga kampani kwambiri achinyamata omenyana. Chifukwa cha ubwenzi wathu, anathandiza nafe kusainira Jerry Odom,” anati Mielnicki.
Pakati Douglas ndi Thompson, ankamenyana khumi ndi zisanu ndi zitatu zina M'chaka choyamba pansi pa GH3 zotsatsira mbendera.
“Ine anakhulupirira iye ndi tili azilemekezana ndi wodalirika mnzake. Iye mphatso ndipo anathamangitsidwa ngati ndekha.”
“Yathu masomphenya kuti amange khola la thoroughbred omenyana kwambiri ankachita masewera pedigrees”
Mielnicki ndi Koroma akupeza sitepe yotsatira kukhala omenyana ku chiyembekezo kwa dziko akatswiri.
“Kay akumanga msasa ku Northern Virginia. Iwo adzakupatsani wathu omenyana lalikulu maziko ndi nyumba ndi zonse zofunika kwa womenya kukhala bwino preperation kwa ndewu. Ichi chidzakhala wathunthu msasa m'mlengalenga.”
Kuwonjezera Douglas mlangizi, Koroma akuphunzitsa John Thompson ake April 10bout ndi undefeated Stanyslav Skorokhod kuti adzakhala semifinal bout mu Boxcino 2015 jr. middleweight mpikisanowu ku Betelehemu, PA kuti adzachitiridwa pa ESPN 2.
“Kay alibe kufuna malo apamwamba kapena ngongole koma yathandiza kwambiri wokondedwa ndi GH3. Chifukwa cha masomphenya tikuyesetsa ndi pamwamba Amateurs Shakur Stevenson, Zibowo zam'mano Roberson, Troy Isley ndi Danny Gonzalez & Hans Perez. Izi ndi m'badwo wotsatira ndi Kay thandizo, adzakhala kupita ku msasa mwachiyembekezo izo adzawapatsa yabwino mwayi kukhala Olympians. Kay adzakhala wotsatira pamwamba mphunzitsi mu bizinesi. Iye ndi chete pamaso pa mkuntho. Ife kwambiri kugwirizana mu ankachita masewera tithe kuzungulira dziko.”
“Tili ndi pamwamba ankachita masewera ndi ovomereza khola ndi ife amene akukonzekera kulemba ena atsopano pamwamba luntha ndi tidzatha kuwerenga pa CBS Sports Network zino kuti ife partnered ndi Greg Cohen Zokwezedwa pa. Tikuganiza kuti tikhoza kukhala ndi kubwereketsa wina aliyense kuti akuonetsa wathu luntha ndi kuyendayenda omenyana pa mayendedwe kuti ife asamukira Antoine, Jerry ndi John Thompson. Amalimbana zambiri ndipo limasonyeza awo zisudzo.”
Mielnicki amakhulupirira kuti ndi chaka kuti omenyana adzapita ku chiyembekezo kuti khama ndi achinyamata chiyembekezo kukhala nyenyezi za tsogolo.
“2015 adzakhala wamkulu breakout chaka ife. Ine ndikufuna kuthokoza Kay, Dennis Porter ndi Ronald Simms ku Alexandria, Virginia nkhonya masewero olimbitsa zabwino zokhulupirira ana kampani amene akukula pa kudya mokhulupirika.”
Oscar Bonilla ake GH3 kuwonekera koyamba kugulu pa April 2 mu Connecticut; John Thompson akadzabweranso April 10 mu Boxcino 2015 jr. middleweight mpikisanowu pa ESPN 2; Adam Lopez angabwera pa mphete pa April 17 monga mbali ya CBS Sports Network khadi ndi kuyembekezera Antoine Douglas ndi Jerry Odom kubwerera mu May.
GH3 Zokwezedwa zimaonetsa undefeated Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super Middleweight a Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, undefeated Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez komanso Jr. Middleweight John Thompson, Jr., undefeated Welterweight Jerrell Harris,undefeated Super Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, undefeated opepuka Oscar Bonilla ndi Kuwala Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell kwa GH3 Zokwezedwa khola.

Chazz Witherspoon mmbuyo mu kuchitapo Loweruka, April 18 pa GPG Kadamsanayu Center ku Pennsauken, New Jersey

Kuphatikiza undefeated Mateyu Gonzalez, Vidal Rivera, Obafemi Bakari, Courtney Blocker, Erick Kitt, Malik Hawkins ndi Antoine AIkens
Pakuti Zichitike Kumasulidwa

Pennsauken, NJ (March 25, 2015)-Lachiwelu usiku, April 18 pa GPG Kadamsanayu Center (Kale Woodbine alendo) mu Pennsauken, New Jersey. Kwenikweni chochitika, heavyweight contender Chazz Witherpsoon adzakhala mu kuchitapo.
The bwanji zimathandiza ndi Witherspoon a Silver supuni Zokwezedwa.
Witherspoon (32-3, 24 KO a) zoyandikana Paulsboro, New Jersey anakhazikitsa kuti ndi mmodzi wa pamwamba American Heavyweights monga St. Joseph a University maphunziro anapambana wake woyamba makumi atatu mwauchidakwa ndi yapambana pa amakonda wa Michael Alexander (11-0), Talmadge Griffis (24-6-3), Jonathan Haggler (18-1) pamaso mavuto ake 1st kugonjetsedwa kwa m'tsogolo ziwiri nthawi dziko udindo Challenger Chris Arreola kudzera maganizo disqualification.

Witherspoon anapitiriza kupambana atatu kupambana mzere umene inali ndi kusangalatsa 8 kuzungulira stoppage pa Adam “Chithaphwi Bulu” Richards (21-1). Nkhondoyo inali anavotera mphete Magazine a 2008 Heavyweight Nkhondo pa Chaka. Witherspoon ndiye ankasiya nkhondo m'tsogolo ziwiri nthawi dziko udindo Challenger Tony Thompson.

Witherspoon anapitiriza mphambu 4-zotsatizana knockouts zimene zinaphatikizapo inawononga 3 chonse chiwonongeko pa Tyson Cobb (14-2).

Witherspoon anatenga pa undefeated chiyembekezo Seti Mitchell pa April 28, 2012 mu podwala kumene Witherspoon anali Mitchell kuvulala mu zingapo pamaso Mitchell anafika kutali ndi chigonjetso.
Mu ali otsiriza bout, Witherspoon anasiya Cory Phelps awiri zipolopolo pa GPC Kadamsanayu paJanuary 24.
Kuwonekera pa undercard mu 4 chonse ayi adzakhala:
Vidal Rivera (1-0, 1 KO) wa Camden, NJ zimatengera pa Tyron Stewart (0-1) mu wapamwamba bantamweight zipolowe.
Obafemi Bakari (2-0) cha Staten Island, NY asamenyana ovomereza debuting Andrew Osborne mu jr. middleweight nkhondo.
Mateyu Gonzalez (2-0) wa Vineland,NJ chidzathandiza Joseph McDonald (0-1) wa Concord, NC mu jr. middleweight nkhondo.
Courtney Blocker (4-0, 4 KO a) wa Pensacola, Ku- chidzathandiza mdani dzina mu jr. welterweight bout.
Paris Chisholm wa Baltimore adzakhala kuchititsa ovomereza kuwonekera koyamba kugulu mu welterweight bout.
Erick Kitt (5-0, 2 KO a) wa Pensacola, Ku- adzaona kanthu mu jr. middleweight bout.
Malik Hawkins (2-0, 2 KO a) wa Baltimore, MD adzatenga nawo jr. welterweight bout.
Andrew Pureifoy la Philadelphia asamenyana mu cruiserweight nkhondo.
Antoine Aikens (9-0, 1 KO) a , NJ adzathandiza wapamwamba middleweight bout.
Rocco Salimbene wa Pennsauken, NJ ake ovomereza kuwonekera koyamba kugulu mu opepuka nkhondo
Tickets for the great evening of championship boxing $80 chifukwa Ringside, $60 for select ndipo $40 chifukwa General Kuloŵa pakhomo ndipo zikhoza kugulidwa powatchula 856 472 0443 kapena 609 938 1755 kapena imelo pa
Padzakhala pambuyo pa chipani GPG Kadamsanayu Center.
The GPG Kadamsanayu Center ili ku 1443 Wopita 73 mu Pennsauken.

VANES MARTIROSYAN VS. JERMELL Charlo & Gary RUSSELL JR. Msonkhano kuitana mawu olembedwa

Kelly Swanson

Zikomo, woyendetsa. Zikomo, aliyense, for calling in. We have a great call this morning and this afternoon actually here on the East Coast to talk about the March 28 Showtime amasonyeza, Championship nkhonya Show, zinapanga Jhonny Gonzalez, Gary Russell, Jr. and Jermell Charlo against Vanes Martirosyan. We have all the fighters joining us today on the call. We will start with Jermell and Vanes. Koma, tisanatchule omenyana, Ndikufuna kuti atchule Chris DeBlasio, Vice President of Communications for SHOWTIME Sports to fill you in a little bit about the fight. Chris?

Chris DeBlasio

Zikomo kwambiri, Kelly. I just want to take a quick moment to thank the fighters for being on this call, tikukuthokozani atolankhani kukhala pano, ndipo mungoti m'malo mwa Stephen Espinoza, ndi EVP ndi General ka kwa Showtime Sports, Tonsefe pa Showtime, Ndife osangalala kubwerera mu izo ndi zabwino moyo Showtime Championship nkhonya chochitika izi Loweruka. As you may have seen in the boxing press, kunali pafupi masabata awiri apitawo kuti analengeza Kuwonjezera latsopano nsanja wotchedwa Showtime Maseŵera a nkhonya mayiko. Yoyamba nkhondo adzakhala izi Loweruka, March 28; it’s an international fight on the SHOWTIME network live to our subscribers. Choncho, yoyamba Mwachitsanzo ndi zabwino njira yamba wathu Loweruka March 28 nkhonya Kuphunzira, ndipo amene adza ndi Kell Brook motsutsana Jo Jo Dan IBF Welterweight World Championship nkhondo kuti chikuchitika mu Sheffield, England. SHOWTIME is going to carry that fight live at 6:15 Kum'mawa, 3:15Pacific. Kenako, tikatenge yopuma pa madzulo maola ndiyeno moyo pa 10 p.m neri./7 p.m. PT Showtime Championship nkhonya chochitika ndi Jermell Charlo, Vanes Martirosyan, Jhonny Gonzalez and Gary Russell. Choncho, ndi mtundu wa awiri- mbali nsanja lachiwelu ndi atatu moyo ndewu kubwera kwa inu, which we’re really excited about. And we appreciate the opportunity to be in business with the guys on the phone here today. Choncho, popanda zina zowonjezera, let’s get it started. We welcome you guys.


Kelly Swanson

Chabwino. And one quick note — kapena m'malo, atolankhani, mmodzi mwamsanga cholemba — takambirana anatumiza Nkhondo Mlungu Media Ndandanda, kotero chonde zimenezo wanu inboxes, and it will give you the details of what is going on this week for the fight. Zikomo. Chabwino, let’s go ahead and open it up. Kwenikweni, let me go ahead and introduce the two guys that are on the call right now. They want to say a couple words. Choyamba, we have Vanes Martirosyan. He’s a world-ranked 154 pound contender. Vanes, mukufuna kunena banja mawu, amatiuza mmene maphunziro ati nanga inu kukonzekera nkhondo?

Vanes Martirosyan

Maphunziro ati chachikulu, everything is going good. We can’t wait to fight. Mukudziwa, Ine ndikutsimikiza aliyense limati pamaso iwo kulimbana, but we really are ready to go. We just can’t wait to go.

Kelly Swanson

Chabwino, kwakukulu. Zikomo kwambiri. And where are you training?

The. Martirosyan

I’m training here in California at Main Event Sports Club. There’s been a couple of locations we’ve been training, koma akuluakulu wakhala Main Kadamsanayu Sports Club, amene atolankhani adzakhala lero.

K. Swanson

Tsopano, I’m going to move to Jermell Charlo. He’s an undefeated super welterweight contender. Jermell why don’t you tell us a little bit about what’s happening in your training camp and how you’re feeling heading into the fight.

Jermell Charlo

Training’s been great. Every time I step in the ring, nthawi iliyonse ine kukonzekera nkhondo, I feel like just there’s never been a time where I repeat myself or do something the same. I’ve been learning from all my past mistakes. Every win I’m still learning from. Choncho, training camp has been good. Trainer Ronnie Shields, Danny Arnold. Ndinatsegula wanga masewero olimbitsa, so I get a little late night extra hours in when I want to. Ndipo, I want to fight with my twin brother. We’re pushing to fight. I can’t wait to fight. Just like Vanes, ali ndi njala, iye ali wokonzeka. I’m I’m ready.


Popeza anu onse maudindo, monga ankaona ngati pamwamba 10 khama mu 154 mapaundi kulemera kalasi, mu malingaliro anu, inuyo mumaona izi ndi kuwonongedwa nkhondo? Vanes, Kodi maganizo anu za?

The. Martirosyan

I think every fight right now at this point in my career and Jermell’s career should be considered a title fight. It is — Ndiyesa — an eliminator fight. I’m looking at this as a championship fight. Jermell is tougher than any of the champions, kotero kuti ine, ichi ndi Championship nkhondo, and that’s what we got ready for. And it should be an eliminator fight. I don’t know if it is or not, koma ndi momwe ife tikutenga monga, ndipo ife kumutenga ngati dziko udindo nkhondo.


Jermell, maganizo anu pa – ndi boma eliminator kapena de A facto wina?

J. Charlo

Same thing with me. I feel that this is a tough fight. Every fight is a fight for my life. And I step in the ring and make sure that I fight with that on the back of my mind. Vanes is a great fighter — anakulira naye. I know what I bring to the table. And this fight is a fight for manhood, ndi nkhondo kusonyeza amene weniweni tycoon la masewera ali 154 pound weight division. There’s a lot at stake, kotero zoposa udindo nkhondo kwa ine.


Jermell, Kodi uyenera kunena kuti anakulira naye pang'ono?

J. Charlo

Eya, Ndinakulira naye, ziwiri kapena zitatu ndi Vanes, mukudziwa, ndi banja lake, anthu ake, mukudziwa? Choncho, Ndikudziwa — tikudziwa mzake bwino.


Kodi anyamata konse sparred ndi mzake?

J. Charlo

Eya, ife sparred ndi mzake kangapo.


Mochuluka motani, munganene? And how long ago?

J. Charlo

I can’t really say how often. I know it was back when we were a little bit younger. I was younger, adakali wamng'ono kukula mwa munthu. Choncho, pompano, Ine n'komwe za momwe zinaliri, zimene zinali za, kapena mmene maphunziro pamene tinali kuphunzitsa pamodzi. Sanali ngakhale 19 — Ndinali 17, 16, 17, 18, Ndikutanthauza, those ages. Here, timakumana mnzake chifukwa ife tonse pamwamba, and that’s what happens when you’re in the same division. Never had anything personal or different to say about him. It’s just work.


Vanes, inu mumadana ndi njira zanu maulendo mphete naye?

The. Martirosyan

Eya, I remember when we used to train. It was good training. We were always in competition — ine, him and his brother. We used to go running at Memorial Park every day, and we’d try to see who’d finish the lap first. It was always competition between usrunning and training or what-not. But it was nothing but love and I respect him, bambo ake, ndi mphunzitsi, Ronnie zishango. They’ve been good people to me. Koma Loweruka usiku, iye adzakhala mdani wanga mu mphete. Pakadali pano, kunja kwa mphete, Ine ulemu aliyense. Once we step in the ring, ndi zosiyana kotheratu nkhani.


Your fight that took place in October was a big win for you against Willie Nelson. You harnessed a lot of the emotion going into that fight because it had taken place just after your promoter Dan Goossen had passed away and you had his brother Joe in your corner. It was a lot of heavy emotion that night, and you really came through in a big way that night. Is it gonna be difficult in any way to sort of get that same emotion behind you?

The. Martirosyan

Osa, chifukwa pa nkhondo, ife anachita kuyiwala za zinthu zambiri. Dan passed away. We were all sad, and we didn’t know what to do. And we actually thought — 'Tiyenera kulimbana’ kapena sindikudziwa ngati Joe (Goossen a) going to be there. I didn’t know what was going on. There was too much emotion going into that fight. We kind of got away from the fight a little bit. But we used it as motivation for our fight. This fight to me is big. Pamene ine anataya kuti Andrade, Sindinkafuna mwatsatane mu mphete 100 peresenti, ndipo pamene ndinafika kunyumba — Mukafika pa woluza, ndi zoipa kumverera. Ine sindingakhoze kuyang'ana mkazi wanga, my kids. I feel like I let them down. Choncho, pompano, Ine ndiri chabe mu mumalowedwe kumene ine kulibwino kufa kuona kuti kachiwiri.


Mutati nkhondoyi, N'zoonekeratu, inu mukanakhala mu udindo waukulu dziko udindo nkhondo. Kodi inu omasuka ndi kuyembekezera mmodzi wa anthu, lodziwa anthu omenyera nkhondo yekha mwina kawiri pa chaka, kapena mungafune kukhala yogwira ndi patenga ndewu pakati pawo?

J. Charlo

Mukudziwa, kuwina nkhondo imeneyi kwa ine — a world title would be ideal. A world title is important. I want to fight for a world title. I want the world title. That’s every boxer’s dream and envision whenever they’re young. Kulimbana kwa dziko udindo nkhani ndi zonse izi zowonjezera zinthu, koma ngati ine ndiri pano kumangira dzina langa ndi kumanga wanga chikuni, ndicho yofunika. Kukhala m'banja dzina lonse World Council Maseŵera a nkhonya, chirichonse. Chofunika kwa ine.

The. Martirosyan

Nkhondoyi, nkhondoyi — Ine ndinganene monga kwambiri kwa akatswiri amene ali akatswiri pompano wathu kulemera kalasi, ambiri a iwo kuthamanga pakamwa pawo, starting with Andrade. A fight like this for me and Jermell, chotero lalikulu nkhondo ine, mukudziwa, but it’s not only for us. Ndikutanthauza, it’s for the fans. The fans are in, and it’s great. Ndikutanthauza, you rarely get to see contenders like me and Jermell wanting to step up and fight each other. Mukudziwa, Nthawi zambiri, anthu kudzuka ku masanjidwe ngati ndife, they just want to just talk a lot of bad stuff about the champions to get the world title fight. Koma, mukudziwa, inu kawirikawiri kupeza kuona khama ngati kuti, mukudziwa, Osa. 1 ndipo No. 2 fighting each other when, you know they really want to fight each other and they both said yes to the fight. Choncho, ndi lalikulu nkhondo, koma ine ndikumverera ngati, mukudziwa, ife tonse adza kukhala — ife adza kuyesetsa, ndipo ine ndikumverera ngati mafani ndi adza ndi opambana chifukwa nkhondoyi.

K Swanson

Chabwino, kwakukulu. You guys, Ine ndikuganiza izo zinali wanu wotsiriza funso, and so we appreciate you taking the time out of your training. And Vanes, we look forward to seeing you later for your open workout. Ndipo, Jermell, tiona inu Las Vegas mtsogolomo sabata ino.

J. Charlo

No problem. See you, anyamata.

The. Martirosyan – Zikomo. Take care.

Kelly Swanson

Ife kusinthana kuitana kwa Gary Russell, Jr.

K. Swanson

Gary Russell, Jr. adzakhala akukumana Jhonny Gonzalez kwa Gonzalez a 126 mapaundi udindo, the WBC Featherweight World Championship. Gary, ngati mukufuna amatiuza pang'ono za mmene maphunziro ati, anu kuyembekezera kuti azikangana Jhonny Gonzalez dziko lino mutu ndi zimene mukuganiza za lonse nkhondo ambiri?

Gary Russell Jr.

Tinali lalikulu maphunziro msasa. Chirichonse wakhala wangwiro, palibe zifukwa, no cutting corners. We’re 120 percent ready for this fight. We can’t wait be able to call ourself the new WBC World Champion.

K. Swanson

Kodi inu muchita kanthu mu msasa pokonzekera izi ndizo zosiyana anu ena ndewu?

G. Russell Jr.

Osa, we’re not doing anything that’s different in preparation for any of the fights. I think the only difference is, malinga ndi nkhondo, you want to prepare depending on the opponent that you’re competing against. Choncho, Ine ndikuganiza yekha kusiyana ndi kusiyana sparring. Inu mukufuna kuti abweretsemo anyamata kuti ndi ofanana kalembedwe kuti amene ndi inu adza kuti kupikisana motsutsana ndi zina. That’s the only change that we’ve made so far. Kuwonjezera kuti — zofunika chikhazikitso, mphete generalship, dzanja liwiro, punching mphamvu, mphamvu zowongolera, zonse izo ali yemweyo.


Gndipo, Munali munadabwa wina kuwombera pa udindo?

G. Russell, Jr.

Osa, Ine sindiri anadabwa. Ine ndiri yemweyo Al Haymon Zokwezedwa, basi Al Haymon ambiri pankhani kuti. Iye manenjala wanga, ndipo ife tikudziwa kuti iye anachita chilichonse chimene angathe kuyesera kuti zinthu zichitike kwa ife, and give us another shot at a world title. I’m extremely grateful and thankful for this opportunity.


Pamene nkhondo polimbana Lomachenko wina wa maudindo, Kodi ndi chirichonse kuchokera kugonjetsedwa? Kaya ndi zinachitikira, kapena kukhala pa muyezo wa siteji mumapereka kwa yotsatira iyi Championship mwayi?

G. Russell Jr.

Kumene. One of the main things that we took out of it is, ngati izo si anaswa, don’t fix it. In that particular fight with Lomachenko, we did a lot of things completely different in that fight that we normally wouldn’t do. We brought other people in. We let other people take the reigns and be in control of our conditioning. Ife taona zotsatira za kuti ndi mphamvu ya izo. Timaona kuti zomvetsa zosavuta, kuposa. So we’re back on pace. We have the same team around us that have been here from the beginning of my career all the way up until now. Ife anali ndi gulu kumbuyo zoyenda. Ndife okonzeka, ife maganizo, ife anatsimikiza, ife lotengeka ndi ife kungoyang'ana kupereka uthenga amasonyeza.


Kodi mukuona Gonzalez monga bwino womenya kuposa Lomachenko, kapena pang'ono ndi kukhala osatetezeka womenya kuposa Lomachenko kapena ofanana? Kodi inu okwana ziwirizo udindo zopalira?

G. Russell Jr.

Iwo ziwiri zosiyana kwambiri omenyana. Lomachenko has a little bit more hand speed than Jhonny Gonzalez. Gonzalez is more of a puncher. Jhonny Gonzalez is more of a dangerous fighter than Lomachenko just because of his punching ability and just him being a seasoned professional, being able to get all these rounds in as a professional. Lomachenko definitely is a good fighter. We take every fight serious. Inu mutenge palibe mwachibwanabwana. Mosakayika anati, o, ili ndi zoopsa nkhondo kutenga ndi Jhonny Gonzalez, koma ife kumva ngati zimene ife tikubweretsa kwa tebulo adzakhala amphamvu mapeto.


Kodi makamaka kodi kusintha kukonzekera Lomachenko kuti mukadayamba osati?

G. Russell, Jr.

We brought someone in for our strength and conditioning. We’ve known our strength and conditioning was completely different. Even when it came to the way that we cut weight, it was different. Leading up to the fight, tinali ku malo anthunzi otulutsirako thukuta kwa ziwiri zapitazi, maybe three days leading all the way up into the fight. That’s what my strength and conditioning coach wanted me to do.

Aliyense amene anaona kuti nkhondo, kaya Lomachenko kapena wina aliyense, aona kusiyana wanga punching luso, kupirira kwanga, wanga liwiro, basi ine monga munthu. Anthu ankadziwa kuti sanali Gary Russell, Jr. kuti iwo anawona yapita 24 fights.And that was some of the things that came up in the Lomachenko fight. I was completely tired and fatigued in the first round, mukudziwa?


About Jhonny Gonzalez — Yesunso ndi munthu amene ndi buku puncher, Iye saopa kuima ndi malonda. Kodi nkhondo ntchito wanu mwayi ngati iye nkhondo lililonse Gonzalez nkhondo mu malingaliro anu?

G. Russell, Jr.

Ine sindikuganiza kuti iye ati athe kulimbana ndi, kenanso, wanga liwiro. I think we’ll be able to do it with my speed. He’s always been slow in the speed. Even though he’s been a puncher, a lot of punchers have to really sit to actually apply these punches efficiently. I think he lacks the ring generalship as far as the footwork goes that he would need — phazi quickness. Ndipo kwambiri wake akatemera pang'ono lonse. Choncho, Ine ndidzakhala pafupi outpunch iye ndi kutha nkhonya iye pakati pa akatemera.


Kodi mukuganiza za chisankho mu Lomachenko nkhondo?

G. Russell Jr.

I didn’t think anything of it. The only thing that registered in my mind was the fact that I didn’t have the ability to perform the way that I normally would have. I never really looked at a decision. I never looked at how the referee was going about the fight or any of these things. The only thing that came to my mind was the fact that I just lost my first professional fight, Ine ndi mtundu wa anaona chimene ine anataya — chinali chifukwa chakuti sindinali kuchita zimene zinachitika kuti ine Mwachibadwa.


Choncho, mukuona kuti anataya nkhondo Ndiyeno?

G. Russell Jr.

Ndithudi. I’d definitely say that I lost the fight.


Inu anakhudza Al Haymon m'mbuyomo. Kodi mungafotokoze zimene zimakhudza ali anu ntchito? And we’ve all seen the moves that he’s been making. How is that gonna help you moving forward?

G. Russell, Jr.

Ine ndikumverera ngati kuti motowo pansi pa oyang'anira ndi ochirikiza. Pali ntchito yothandizana. Inu akhoza kukuwuzani wanu bwana wanu kapena kulimbikitsa, 'Hei, ichi wanga masewera ndondomeko, this is what it is that I want to accomplish this year.I wanted to at least be able to contend for a world title. I want to have maybe four fights this year, mwinamwake asanu ndewu chaka chino, ndi zina. Anu bwana ndi kulimbikitsa, kumene iwo pa, they should be able to meet you halfway with their game plan. If you want to have six fights within a year, etc., your manager and promoter should be able to get it done for you. We feel as though that Al Haymon is very efficient in doing exactly what it is that we want from him. Ndi ndani ukudziwa, Ndikuganiza.


Wakuti mu nkhondoyi, mumamva ngati muli kupereka zina khalidwe la nkhondo kwenikweni kupanga mafani ikukhudzana inu ndi kukupangani inu banja dzina? Now that there’s so many platforms for boxing, mumamva ngati pali anawonjezera mavuto kuvala chosangalatsa nkhondo, kapena mumamva ngati mungathe basi, methodically nkhonya ndi kupeza mafani kuyambira?

G. Russell Jr.

Ine moona mtima samaona ngati kuti tili kuchita cholakwa chilichonse mwa wamba. Inu kuona mmene Gary Russell, Jr. kuti inu mwaziwona yapita 24 ndewu — dzanja liwiro, punching luso, mphete generalship ndi zina. ,Ambiri ozimitsa kusatanganidwa mu kukomeza, ndipo amaona ngati kuti kuchita zinthu pang'ono kuwina mafani pa, ndi zina. That’s never one of my things. I’m always to be exciting without being reckless. And I’m going to do what it is that I’m comfortable doing.

K. Swanson

Chabwino, Gary, zikomo kwambiri chifukwa zilipo kuyankha mafunso amenewa, ndipo ife tikuyamikira inu chopatula nthawi mwanu ataweruka, ndipo ife kudzaona inu nkhondo imeneyi Loweruka, March 28, pa Pearl pa palmu Casino Amachita ku Las Vegas ndi moyo Showtime Championship nkhonya. Zikomo, Gary.

* * *

Matikiti yamoyo chochitika ali wogulira pa $200, $100, $75, $50, ndipo $25, masiku ano

chindapusa ali pa malonda tsopano. Matikiti akhoza kugulidwa ndi kuitana pa Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000 kapena kuwonekera PANO. Matikiti nawonso likupezeka pa Intaneti pa


Gonzalez vs. Russell chikuchitika pa The Pearl pa palmu Casino Amachita ku Las Vegas ndi ofalitsa pa Showtime (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT). Mu Co-waukulu chochitika, Jermell Charlo zimatengera pa Vanes Martirosyan mu wapamwamba welterweight kanthu. The Showtime Championship nkhonya telecast Komanso likupezeka Spanish kudzera yachiwiri audio mapulogalamu (Kuyamwa).


Kuti mudziwe zambiri, Ulendo, kutsatira pa Twitter paSHOSports, jhonnygbox, mrgaryrusselljr, TwinCharlo, LouDiBella NdiPearlAtPalms, kutsatira kukambirana ntchito #GonzalezRussell, kukhala zimakupiza on Facebook pa kapena pitani pa Showtime Maseŵera a nkhonya Blog pa HTTP://

Zimakupiza Favorite Ahmed Elbiali Akubwerera Izi Thursday pa ESPN Friday Night Kumenyana

Aigupto kuwala heavyweight slugger Ahmed Elbiali (9-0, 9 Ko) adzabwerera ku bwino nthaka ili Thursday, March 26: akumenyana ndi ESPN Friday Night ndewu-televised undercard bout, nthawiyi, isanu ndi rounder motsutsana England a Mike Stafford (13-2, 3 Ko).


Wapadera Thursday usiku magazini ya ESPN Friday Night Kumenyana, kuperekedwa ndi kuŵala kwa m'mlengalenga Kuwonjezera ndi ESPN Deportes’ Night ndewu kuperekedwa ndi kuŵala kwa m'mlengalenga Kuwonjezera pa 9 p.m. AND pa ESPN2 ndi ESPN Deportes, adzakhala headlined ndi 10-rounder zinapanga undefeated welterweight Fredrick “General Okunka” Lawson (23-0, 20 Ko) kutenga olimbika punching Miami kumuika Breidis Prescott (27-6, 20 Ko).


Mu 10 chonse opepuka Co-Mbali, undefeated kale IBF Super Featherweight Ngwazi Rances “Mwana kuphulika” Barthelemy (21-0, 1 ND, 12 Ko) chidzathandiza Angino Perezi (18-6, 16 Ko).


Matikiti “Night Kumenyana,” ali pa malonda tsopano kudzera Tikiti Force (,, ndi pa Hialeah Park Casino khola.


Ichi chidzakhala wachinayi ESPN maonekedwe kwa Elbiali, ndipo iye anapanga ambiri a iwo, kugoletsa yowononga knockouts onse anai. A former Egyptian champion now residing in Miami, Elbiali akunena kuti sindikhala kubwera mu nkhondo ndi kupereka KO monga chachikulu malingaliro mu maganizo ake.


Inu anali wamkulu knockouts pa ESPN mpweya, Kodi mukukonza kupulumutsa wina izi Thursday?


Ine ndikungopita kuyesera kuchita ndimakhoza bwino ndipo ndi kutuluka ndi kutenga Nkhata. Ngati KO amabwera, kuti sizodabwitsa chifukwa chimene ine kuphunzitsa kwa.


Kuyankhula kwa ine za mwayi inu anali kuwalira FNF. Inu akhale amtundu awo amapita kwa knockout pa televised undercard.


Inde! Izo zakhala zodabwitsa mwayi ndi mwayi athe kuwonetsa luntha langa pa ESPN. Monga katswiri, Ndinamvetsetsa kuti ndi za mwawo anthu ndi mafani. Nkhonya ndi wokongola masewera ndi bizinesi. Ndikakhala pa siteji ndine yoimba.


Kodi inu mukuzindikira inu kugunda kwambiri kuposa omenyana?


Kaya, Ine konse ndinaganiza akumenya mwamphamvu ndipo ine ndikadali sindikuganiza kuti konse. Wanga yaikulu pa msasa ndi kuphunzitsa thupi langa kugunda kwambiri ndipo sindikutha kugunda. Pamene ili nthawi kulimbana, Ine Tangoganizirani kulola manja anga apite chotenga ntchito.


Kodi posachedwapa mpaka inu maphunziro kuti FNF chachikulu chochitika mlingo?


Ine ndikuyembekeza, mozindikira, ndi chaka chamawa. Kumene ine ayenera kudzera aliyense nkhondo ndi kuyang'ana katswiri aliyense wa iwo. Ine sindimakonda kufika pa mutu wanga. Zonsezi kale maloto amene ine ndikukhala ndi ine nditenga izo dera lirilonse.


Pomaliza kundiuza ine chimene inu mukudziwa za uyu iwe kumenyana, Mike Stafford.


Ine ndikudziwa kuti iye ndi British womenya kuti akubwera ndi zambiri ovomereza zinachitikira. Ine ndikungopita kupita ndi kuchita zimene ndimachita bwino ndipo ndicho Bokosi.

# # #

About Ankhondo Maseŵera a nkhonya

Anapezerapo mu 2003, Ankhondo Maseŵera a nkhonya ukugwira pansi losavuta nzeru zingadzetse yabwino boxers m'dzikoli kulimbana mafani, agwirizane nawo mpikisano mwauchidakwa, ndipo pochita zimenezi thandizo womwenso ndi masewera a nkhonya kwa mbadwo watsopano.


Ndi mndandanda wa bwino Samalani-Per-View kumaonekera ndi odzaza nyumba yake ngongole, Ankhondo a malonda chitsanzo akuchita zodabwitsa mu masewera kuti anali chokumana kufunika kwa luso ndi mphamvu kuti kampani kubweretsa ku gome.


Pankhani nsumbu Komabe, ndi zotsatsira kampani yekha ngati omenyana ndi zolimbana imapititsa. Ankhondo Maseŵera a nkhonya analanditsa zonse amadzibisa, ndi chabwino mwauchidakwa monga Lara-Molina, Cayo-Peterson, Abraham-Miranda ine ndi II, Miranda-Pavlik, Miranda-Green, Ibragimov-Briggs, Ibragimov-Klitschko, Urango-Hatton, Urango-Bailey, Cayo-Maidana ndi Ibragimov-Holyfield.


Kuti mudziwe zambiri pa Ankhondo Maseŵera a nkhonya, akuchezera webusaiti pa





NEW YORK MZINDA (March 25, 2015) – The undefeated Port “World mwana” Kodi ndipo mofulumira -punching Francisco “Share” Santana amakumana wosokonezeka “The World lotchuka kwambiri la chi”, Madison lalikulu Garden pa Anakhala. April 25 monga Co-Mbali kuti “Ngwazi MBABWERERA”, Dziko Heavyweight Championship pakati yamphamvu heavyweight ngwazi Vladimir KlitschkInu ndi pamwamba oveteredwa Challenger Bryant Jennings. The doubleheader adzakhala televised moyo padziko HBO World Championship Maseŵera a nkhonya kuyambira 10:00 p.m. AND/PT.


Uyambe Golden Boy Zokwezedwa ndipo Gary Shaw munapanga, 10 chonse welterweight chiwonetsero awiri a masewera a kukwera nyenyezi adzakupatsani mafani chosangalatsa usiku wa nkhonya pamene kutsegula telecast pamaso kwambiri tinkayembekeza heavyweight chachikulu chochitika.


Patsogolo matikiti kuti “Ngwazi MBABWERERA” Mwina Nagula mwa Madison lalikulu Garden Box Office pa and through Ticketmaster, (, telefoni 1-800-435-5000.)


“Ine ndiri okondwa kulimbana m'nyumba mwanga m'chigawo cha New York ndi ku Madison lalikulu Garden,” anati Brooklyn, New York a Sadam Ali. “Mafala Akutoma omenyana mu masewera apanga awo chizindikiro pa bwaloli; Muhummad Ali, Joe Lewis, Oscar De La Hoya, Bernard Hopkins and I’m ready to be part of that history. Francisco is a tough fighter and I’m ready to take him on and with the help of my promoter Golden Boy Promotions move forward to becoming a world champion.


“Ine ndalama wanga udindo ine chifukwa ine anamenyana ndi kumenya omenyana amene anali undefeated,” anati Francisco Santana wa Santa Barbara, California. “Nothing has come easy to me on the way up. Fighting stiff opposition is what prepares a fighter for the next level and I’ll be ready for anything Sadam Ali brings. My promoter Gary Shaw told me if I kept winning he would get me a big fight, and here we are getting ready to fight one of the best young contenders in the world. A win against Ali will sky rocket my career and that’s exactly what I plan to do.


“Akubwera kuchokera chosangalatsa machesi kuti anamuona knockout ndi kale undefeated womenya, Sadam tsopano akuyang'ana kutenga lotsatira, yofunika sitepe ya welterweight makwerero,” anati Oscar De La Hoya, Woyambitsa ndi mutsogoleli wa Golden Boy Zokwezedwa. “Ndi mphezi mwamsanga manja, oona knockout mphamvu ndi njala kukhala wopambana mu kugawanikana, ndi 'World mwana’ ndi ayenera-kuona zonse mafani.”


“Francisco Santana ndi wankhondo amene grinded njira yake pa masanjidwe ndipo ndalama zimenezi polimbana Ali pa HBO,” anati Gary Shaw. “This is a feel good story about a kid who fought his way to the big stage and bright lights of Broadway. Those bright lights are now shining on his career. I’ve always said, womenya amene ali ndi njala ndi choopsa, and Santana is famished. He wants to win this fight and show the world he’s worthy of a world title shot. I believe Santana is the underdog in the public’s eye, koma iye adzachitanso kupusitsa anthu chachikulu Nkhata pa April 25.”


“Ndife osangalala kuwonjezera izi zosangalatsa Co-Mbali imeneyi wapadera headlined ndi World Heavyweight Championship pakati Wladimir Klitschko ndi Bryant Jennings,” anati Tom Loeffler wa K2 Zokwezedwa. “The matchup awiriwa kukwera nyenyezi ayenera kupereka kwa kwambiri kutsegula nkhondo ku HBO telecast.”


Anaumba 2008 U.S. Olympian, Port “World mwana” Kodi (21-0, 13 Ko) has been on the fast track to success in boxing since his professional debut in 2009. The undefeated fighter impressed critics and fans early on, mumalamulira ake onse otsutsa, kuphatikizapo Michael Clark amene anamenya kudzera knockout mu woyamba wozungulira pa April 2014 to gain the WBO NABO Welterweight Title. In August of the same year, Ali anagonjetsa Jeremy Bryan kudzera kugawanika chisankho kupeza WBO yapakati-Continental Welterweight Title. In his most recent bout and the most notable to date of Ali’s career, iye anakumana Juan Carlos Abregu kugogoda iye pansi wa chisanu ndi chinayi kuzungulira Kopambana ndi luso knockout la chisanu ndi chinayi kuzungulira kupereka Abregu wake wachiwiri ntchito imfa.


Undefeated popeza 2012, Francisco “Share” Santana (22-3-1, 1 KO) has solidified himself as one of the brightest and most dangerous stars in the welterweight division. His victories against former undefeated prospect Eddie Gomez and veteran Joachim Alcine, have propelled him to the top of the weight class. Santana’s most recent wins came by way of knockout. In August of 2014, Francisco anasiya Luis Alfredo Lugo wachisanu kuzungulira, Pambuyo zikusonyeza woyamba wozungulira knockout wina undefeated chiyembekezo Kendal Mena, a bout that took place in January of 2015. Santana is ready to add another win to his record when he faces Sadam Ali on April 25.


Sadam Ali vs. Francisco Santana ndi 10 chonse welterweight bout kuperekedwa ndi Golden Boy Zokwezedwa ndi Gary Shaw. The World HBO Championship Maseŵera a nkhonya telecast umayamba 10:00 p.m. AND/PT.


Wladimir Klitschko vesi. Bryant Jennings ataperekedwa ndi K2 Zokwezedwa ndi Gary Shaw Zokwezedwa limodzi ndi Madison lalikulu Garden.


Kuti mudziwe zambiri, Ulendo,,, kutsatira pa Twitter paGoldenBoyBoxing, GaryShawBoxing NdiHBOBoxing, kukhala zimakupiza on Facebook pa Golden Boy Facebook Page, Gray Shaw munapanga Facebook Page, ndi kudzacheza nafe InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing ndiHBOboxing.

McRae kukumana unbeaten Charles Martin kwa NABO Title pa Klitschko-Jennings undercard!


Laurel, MD (March 25, 2015) – Heavyweight hopeful Dwayne “Big Ticket” McRae will have the opportunity to move up the rankings when he battles unbeaten and highly touted NABO champion Charles Martin in a ten round championship match Loweruka, April 25 pa Madison lalikulu Garden.

The bout chikuchitika isanachitike kwambiri tinkayembekeza dziko heavyweight udindo ndewu logwirizana ngwazi Wladimir Klitshcko ndi undefeated contender Bryant Jennings. Matikiti zilipo pa kapena powatchula 866-858-0008.

Kuwakokera ku Laurel, MD, McRae ali olimba 15-3 akatswiri ledger ndi 8 yapambana ndi knockout. Kulimbana pansi pa Mastermind Maseŵera a nkhonya mbendera, McRae ndi unbeaten ake otsiriza asanu ndi wataya kamodzi mu zaka zisanu. Ngakhale kuti ambiri a ake ndewu zachitika mu Maryland, Washington, DC ndi Virginia, 34 wazaka anali lobbying kwa bout motsutsana ndi zapamwamba mdani.

Ankamuona ngati mmodzi wa America a kwambiri ndi yachangu kukwera heavyweights, Martin imeneyi ikusonyeza 20-0-1 ndi 18 knockouts. Anabadwira ku St. Louis, MO ndi zochokera mu Los Angeles, MONGA, Martin a asiya msewu atatu kale unbeaten adani mu Vincent Thompson (13-0), Glendy Hernandez (10-0) ndi Alexander Flores (14-0), kukatseka pambuyo pake kukhala NABO ngwazi. Iye ali ndi kubwera kwachiwiri knockout pa kale dziko ankachita masewera ngwazi Joey Dawejko, amene kuyambira yagoletsa asanu molunjika kupambana.

"Ichi ndi mwayi wawukulu ntchito yanga,"Anati McRae. "Mu maso anga, Ndimadanso undefeated popeza anga onse chisankho zomvetsa anali maganizo ndi ena nkhondo inaima chosalungama, wanga udindo tiyenera kukhala ofanana ndi ake. "

McRae ndi chikhulupiriro kuti nkhondoyi ati naye kuti uone mlingo potengera zimene iye anawona wa Martin, ndi WBO a #4 ndipo IBF a #6 ndipo lili pa nambala contender.

"Iye yabwino womenya koma sindinaone chirichonse zikusonyeza. Ine ndikudziwa chomwe ine ndingakhoze kuchita mmenemo ndipo ndizo zofunika kwambiri kuposa kukhala ndi ukumu 0 kumapeto kwa mbiri yanga. Pamene awiri omenyera mu mphete mosasamala yemwe akuyenera kukhala wotsatira lalikulu womenya kapena ayi, chirichonse zingachitike ndi izi wanga nthawi kusonyeza aliyense chimene ine moona zopangidwa!"

The McRae-Martin bout angaoneke monga mbali ya mayiko telecast. Mudziwe zambiri adzatsatira.

Showtime SPORTS® asankha FOR A Network BWINO ZISANU NDI ZINAYI 2015 Masewera EMMY® mphoto

NEW YORK (March 24, 2015) - Lachiwiri, The National Academy of TV Tirhana & Sciences (Kirimu) analengeza nominees kwa 36THPachaka Sports Emmy Mphotho.


Showtime Sports analandira Intaneti bwino naini Sports Emmy linapereka kusankhidwa kwa umafunika Intaneti’ masewera mapulogalamu mu 2014, anatsindika ndi nods kwa Apadera Mabuku Series ndi lapadera kwambiri lolembedwa Sports Kuphunzira, onse mphoto-kuwina Showtime zakuti "ONSE kupeza".


Onse, ndi umafunika Intaneti analandira anayi kusankhidwa kwa mkati mwa NFL, zitatu kuti "ONSE kupeza" ndi awiri kuti "60 MPHINDI masewera", wophunzira-yopanga CBS News. Mkati mwa NFL, wophunzira-yopanga ndi CBS Sports ndi NFL mafilimu analandira atatu kusankhidwa kwa kwambiri nkhani za Super Bowl XLIX.


Lathunthu mndandanda wa siyana zimene Showtime Sports anali asankha:


  • Chapadera lolembedwa maseŵera Kuphunzira — ONSE kupeza: Epilogue: Mayweather vs. Canelo
  • Chapadera Sports Mabuku Series - ONSE kupeza
  • Chapadera Long Fomu Mukusintha - ONSE kupeza: Epilogue: Mayweather vs. Maidana II
  • Chapadera Short Mbali - "mkati mwa NFL": The Final kusokelera
  • Chapadera Chojambulira Ntchito - "mkati mwa NFL": Super Bowl XLIX Nyengo 7 Final
  • Chapadera Long Fomu Mukusintha - "Mkati mwa NFL": Super Bowl XLIX
  • Chapadera Post-Buku Audio / Sound - "mkati mwa NFL": Super Bowl XLIX Nyengo 7 Final
  • Chapadera Sports utolankhani - "60 MPHINDI masewera":Phil Ivey
  • The Dick Schaap Apadera Kulemba linapereka - "60 MPHINDI masewera": Onse akuda


Showtime Sports mphoto ziwiri Sports Emmy Mphotho pa 2014 miyambo kwa Best lolembedwa maseŵera Kuphunzira kwa "ONSE kupeza: Epilogue: Mayweather vs. Canelo ndi lapadera kwambiri Long Mbali kwa 60 MPHINDI masewera Mbali Great Falls. Popeza 2009, Showtime Sports wakhala anapambana 10 Sports Emmy Mphotho.


Wopambana wa 36th Sports Emmy Mphotho adzakhala analengeza padziko Lachiwiri, Mulole 5 pa Sports Emmy mwambo wopereka mphoto zosiyanasiyana pa Frederick P. Rose Hall ku New York City.

New York State Maseŵera a nkhonya Hall Omveka kupatsidwa ulemu chakudya matikiti kugulitsa mofulumira

Sunday, April 26 pa Russo a On The Bay, Howard Beach, NY

NEW YORK (Sea. 24, 2015) – Matikiti akugulitsa mofulumira chifukwa chachinayi pachaka New York State Maseŵera a nkhonya Hall Omveka (NYSBHOF) kupatsidwa ulemu chakudya, yokonzedwa ndi mphete 8, Sunday madzulo (12:30-5:30 p.m. AND), April 26, pa Russo a On The Bay mu Howard Beach, New York.


NYSBHOF Maphunziro a 2015




WBC juniyo welterweight ngwazi & Vietnam msirikali wakale Saul Mamby Bronx/Brooklyn

WBA juniyo middleweight udindo Challenger Joey Giambra Buffalo

1961 National Golden Magolovesi ngwazi Johnny Persol Brooklyn

Ziwiri nthawi dziko welterweight udindo Challenger Harold Weston New York City

WBO middleweight ngwazi Lonnie Bradley Harlem


World kuwala heavyweight ngwazi Paul Berlenbach Astoria

“Uncrowned” dziko welterweight ngwazi Billy Graham Manhattan’s Eastside

2-Time World flyweight ngwazi Frankie Genaro New York City

World middleweight & welterweight ngwazi Tommy Ryan Redwood/Syracuse

World kuwala heavyweight ngwazi Jimmy Slattery Buffalo




NYSBHOF & Mphete 8 pulezidenti Bob Duffy Manhattan/Massapequa Park

Mtolankhani Mike Katz              

Mphunzitsi Tommy Gallagher Howard Beach

Kulimbikitsa / cutman Bob Miller Albany

Gleason a Gym mwini Bruce Silverglade Brooklyn


Mphunzitsi Charley Goldman Brooklyn

MSG matchmaker Harry Markson Kingston

Kulimbikitsa Cedric Kushner              

MSG matchmaker Jimmy Johnson New York City

Mtolankhani Damon Runyon              

Bwana / matchmaker Al Weill New York City


Comments kwa zaka 2015 NYSBHOF inductees:


Bruce SILVERGLADE: “Ndagoma amasangalala amatengedwa kupita NYSBHOF. Ndi mwayi waukulu kuti anazindikira ndipo anaika ndi wodabwitsa gulu la anthu. Ine nthawizonse chidwi ndi ulemu kwa Hall ya Famers. Tsopano, Ine ndine mmodzi wa iwo. Ine ndikukuthokozani mkazi wanga kwa nthawizonse akundipangitsa kuti ndipange kukwaniritsa pang'ono kwambiri.”


Tommy GALLAGHER: “Iyi ndi njira kuthetsa wanga nkhonya ntchito. Ine kokha zimenezi wina 2-3 Zaka, Ine kumenya. Izi ndi zodabwitsa ulemu koma, Chofunika kwambiri, Ine sindifuna kuti ngati izo sizinali zazikulu zonse omenyana omwe ndalandira ine kuno. Ine ndikanangokhala wina munthu popanda A-mbali anyamata. Ndinali masewero olimbitsa thupi kuti 30 zaka anatha kukumana zinthu zambiri ana kuphunzitsa. Ine ndinali wamkulu ntchito.”


Bob Miller: “Ndi bwino kumpoto anthu sanaiwale masewerawa. Ife sitiri kuti chodziwika bwino ndi Ndasangalala anafika kwa winawake m'dera limeneli. Izi zikutanthauza kwambiri kwa ine ndi banja langa, kuphatikizapo onse a ana anga adzakhala kumeneko. Izi mwina yapadera yanga. Kupeza amatengedwa ndi nsonga. Ine ndiri, osangalala kuti mukuganiza kuti ndine woyenera izo. Ndikuona zambiri anyamata kupita ku achita kwambiri chifukwa nkhonya. Ndine wokondwa kwambiri kuti kupita NYSBHOF mu m'kalasi lomwelo monga Bob Duffy. Ife takhala mabwenzi abwino nthawi yaitali, akubwerera pamene anali ndi ntchito. Ine kwenikweni picitike.”


JOEY GIAMBRA: “Choyamba, I want to thank my son, Joey Jr., zonse wandichitira. I would like to thank Bob Duffy for all of his hard work and devotion to our beloved sport, Mphete 8, wa New York State Maseŵera a nkhonya Hall Omveka, Henry Hascup. Rick Farris, ndi WBC ndi ena ambiri. Ine ndine kwambiri akalandira ndi kuchepetsedwa kuti amatengedwa kupita New York State Maseŵera a nkhonya Hall Omveka. Ine sindikanakhoza kukhala osangalala ndi dzina langa pamodzi zina zabwino kwambiri boxers anabadwiramo ndiponso umene anakuliramo lalikulu m'chigawo cha New York. Pamene ambiri kuti mukudziwa, wopambana mu masewera anabwera kuchokera ku New York! What a tremendous honor and recognition this is for me and my family.


The 2015 inductees anasankhidwa ndi NYSBHOF nominating m'Komiti: Jack Hirsch, Steve Farhood, Bobby Cassidy, Jr., Don Majeski, Henry Hascup, Ron McNair ndi Neil Terens.


Aliyense inductee adzalandira mwambo m'njira lamba zikutanthauza ake kupatsidwa ulemu mu NYSBHOF. Onse NYSBHOF plaques ali pachionetsero ku New York State maseŵera Commission.


Onse boxers anafunika kukhala anafooka kwa zaka zitatu, kuti tikhale kulandira NYSBHOF kupatsidwa ulemu, ndipo onse inductees ayenera kukhala ku New York State kwa kwambiri gawo lawo nkhonya ntchito.


Maphunziro a 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Carlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emile Griffith, “Shuga” Ray Robinson, Gene Tunney, Benny Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Steve Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Nat Fleischer, Bill Gallo ndi Arthur Mercante, SR.


Maphunziro a 2013: Jack Dempsey, Johnny Dundee, Sandy Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey woponya mivi uja, Iran Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Junior Jones, James “Bwanawe” McGirt, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Bob Arum, Shelly Finkel, Tony Graziano, Larry Malonda, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard ndi Don Dunphy.

Maphunziro a 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Juan LaPorte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafa Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr., Lou Ambers, Jack Britton, Terry McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Steve Farhood, Gene Moore, Angelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Ti D'Amato, William Muldoon ndi Tom O'Rourke.


Matikiti ndi wogulira pa $125.00 pa wamkulundi $50.00 ana (pansi 16), ndipo zikuphatikizapo wathunthu brunch ndi malo omwera ora pa ankalowa, kuyambira pa 12:30 Madzulo/AND, komanso chakudya (chachikulu nthiti, nsomba kapena nkhuku) ndipo bala yotsegula tsiku lonse.


Matikiti zilipo kugula powatchula NYSBHOF / mphete 8 pulezidenti Bob Duffy pa516.313.2304. Malonda kwa NYSBHOF pulogalamu zilipo, kuyambira $50.00 kuti $250.00, mwa kulankhula ndi Duffy.


Pitani pamzere pakuti zina zokhudza New York State Maseŵera a nkhonya Hall Omveka.

ZOKHUDZA mphete 8: Unakhazikitsidwa mu 1954 ndi wakale prizefighter, Jack Grebelsky, Mphete 8 anakhala ndi chitatu wochirikiza zimene anali kudziŵika kuti National msirikali wakale Boxers Association – Choncho, Mphete 8 – ndipo lero bungwe la Mwambi Zatsala: Boxers Kuthandiza Boxers.


Mphete 8 kwathunthu anachita kuti ntchito zochepa mwayi anthu nkhonya dera amene amafuna thandizo pa mawu ndalama lendi, zachipatala ndalama, kapena chirichonse zolondola kufunika.


Pitani pa mzere Kuti mudziwe zambiri za mphete 8, yaikulu kwambiri gulu la mtundu wake mu United States ndi zoposa 350 mamembala. Pachaka umembala amafuna yekha $30.00 ndipo aliyense amafunika ndi Zodzigawira chakudya pa mphete 8 pamwezi misonkhano, kupatulapo July ndi August. Onse yogwira boxers, ankachita masewera ndi akatswiri, kulandira ndi kuyamikira mphete 8 pachaka umembala. Alendo a mphete 8 mamembala Masukani ku mtengo wa okha $7.00 pa munthu.

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