Champ Will Brooks (155) vs. Dave Jansen (154.6)

Champ Will Brooks (155) vs. Dave Jansen (154.6)

“Jien se noħroġ hemm u nnaqqas lil Dave Jansen. Jien ser inpejjep. Jien se niddejjaq lilu.” – Will Brooks

“It-tarf mentali tiegħi se jkun ewlieni u jien negħleb lil Will nhar il-Ġimgħa lejl. Dejjem emmint li hija mentalità qabel il-fiżiċità, u hija l-mentalità tiegħi li se twassalni għat-titlu dinji. Se jkun ukoll minħabba l-esperjenza tiegħi, determinazzjoni u fokus tal-lejżer. Dawn l-affarijiet kollha qegħdin biss jispiċċaw fil-maltempata perfetta.” – Dave Jansen

Ritratti addizzjonali disponibbli hawn / kreditu lil Bellator MMA / Eric Coleman


IRVINE. Calif. – April 9, 2015 - 25 ta 'l- 26 ġellieda jikkompetu fuq l il-ġimgħa "Bellator: Brooks vs. Jansen "ħa l-miżien u laqat b'suċċess il-piżijiet immirati tagħhom Il-Ħamis wara nofsinhar fil-lukanda Radisson fi Newport Beach, Calif. Il-biljett MMA f'munzelli joħroġ miċ-Ċentru tal-Avvenimenti Bren f'Irvine, Calif., għada, jixxandar LIVE u B'XEJN fuq Spike fi 9 p.m. U.


“Bellator: Brooks vs. Jansen” huwa intitolat minn ġlieda bejn iċ-Ċampjin tad-Dinja tal-Ħfief Bellator Will Brooks (15-1) u Dave Jansen (20-2). "Ill Will" rebaħ sitt bouts konsekuttivi, filwaqt li "The Fugitive" ġabar seba 'rebħiet dritti tiegħu stess.


L-avveniment fih ukoll ir-ritorn ta 'stilla sportiva b'ħafna ġlied Joe Schilling (2-3), li jiffaċċja l-Brażiljan jispikka Rafael Carvalho (10-1) f'avveniment ko-prinċipali ta 'piż medju.


“Bellator: Brooks vs. Jansen” – Il-ġimgħa, April 10, Bren Avvenimenti Center, Irvine, Calif.

Joe Schilling (185.6) vs. Rafael Carvalho (185.8)

Joe Schilling (185.6) vs. Rafael Carvalho (185.8)

Marcin Miżmuma (155.8) vs. Alexander Tiger Sarnavskiy (155)

Marcin Miżmuma (155.8) vs. Alexander “Tiger” Sarnavskiy (155)

Alexander Volkov (243) vs. Tony Johnson (264)

Alexander Volkov (243) vs. Tony Johnson (264)

Fabricio Warrior (145.8) vs. John Teixeira (145.2)

Fabricio Warrior (145.8) vs. John Teixeira (145.2)

Joey Beltran (184) vs. Brian Rogers (186)

Joey Beltran (184) vs. Brian Rogers (186)

You Awad (155.4) vs. Rob Sinclair (155.2)

You Awad (155.4) vs. Rob Sinclair (155.2)

A.J. McKee (144) vs. Mark Bonilla (147)

A.J. McKee (144) vs. Mark Bonilla (146

Jonathan Santa Maria (125) vs. Steve Ramírez (126)

Jonathan Santa Maria (125) vs. Steve Ramírez (126)

Chris Herrera (186) vs. Luc Bondole (185.6)

Chris Herrera (186) vs. Luc Bondole (185.6)

Ċad George (136) vs. Mark Vorgeas (135.6)

Cléber Luciano (150) vs. Aaron Miller (150)

Jay Bogan (147.4) vs. Justin Governale (146)

Jay Bogan (146.6) vs. Justin Governale (146)

Aaron Miller (150) vs. Cléber Luciano (150)

Ċad George (136) vs. Mark Vorgeas (135.6)

M 1 Isfida 56 piżijiet & ritratti minn Moska

M 1 Isfida 56: Vasilevsky vs. Emeev 2




M-1 Challenge champion tal-piż medju Vyacheslav Vasilevsky



M-1 Challenge champion featherweight Ivan, Ivan “Dan huwa l-” BUCHINGER





Agħfas Emeev & Vyacheslav Vasilevsky


M-1 CHALLENGE Middleweight kampjonat – 5 X 5

Vyacheslav VASILEVSKY (26-2-0), Champion, Russja 184 ¾ lbs. (83.9 kg)

RAMASAN EMEEV (11-3-0), Challenger, Russja 185 lbs. (84 kg)


Aliyar Sarkerov & Ivan BUCHINGER

M-1 CHALLENGE featherweight kampjonat – 5 X 5

IVAN “Dan huwa l-” BUCHINGER (28-4-0), Champion, Slovakkja 145 lbs. (65.8 kg)

ALIYAR “Tiger” SARKEROV (12-4-0), Challenger, Russja 147 lbs. (66.9 kg)


Ante Delija & Konstantin Gluhov


Heavyweights – 3 X 5

KONSTANTIN “Lacplesis” GLUHOV (28-15-0), Il-Latvja 253 lbs. (115 kg)

Fid-dawl ta ' “Problemi bil-Mixi” DELIJA (12-2-0), Kroazja 251 lbs. (113.9 kg)


Kristijan Silver & Valery Myasnikov

Heavyweights DAWL – 3 X 5

VALERY “Il-Martell Russu” MYASNIKOIl (8-1-0), Russja 184 lbs. (83.6 kg)

CHRISTIAN “Klitschko” SILVER (8-1-0), Kroazja 184 lbs. (83.6 kg)


Niko kaushansky & NJavier Fuentas

Lightweights – 3 X 5

JAVIER FUENTES (5-0-0), Spanja 158 lbs. (71.9 kg)

ĦADD “Kat” KAUSHANSKY (6-1-0), Russja 157 ½ £. (71.6 kg)





EVGENIY Bedenko (6-1-0), Russja 164 ½ £. (74. kg)
IVAN VASILIEV (11-2-0), Russja 166 lbs. (75.5 kg)


Lightweights – 3 X 5

JOEL ALVAREZ GONZALEZ (4-0-0), Spanja 154 ½ £. (70.2 kg)
ALI ABDULKHALIKOV (2-0-0), Russja 154 ½ £. (70.3 kg)


Lightweights – 3 X 5

RAKHMAN MALHAZHIEV (3-1-0), Russja 154 ½ £. (70.3 kg)

ALEXEY “Assenjament” Makhno (8-3-0), Russja 154 ½ £. (70.2 kg)



GEVORG CHARCHYAN (1-0-0), Russja 177 lbs. (80.3 kg)

ABUKAR YANDIEV (2-0-0), Russja 184 ½ £. (83.9 kg)



GADZHI GADZHIEV (4-2-0), Russja 186 lbs. (84.6 kg)

YURI YURCHENKO (1-1-0), Russja 170 ½ £. (77.5 kg)



ZALIMBEK OMAROV (3-1-1), Russja 143 ½ £. (65.2 kg)

ARTIOM LOBANOV (2-1-0), Russja 143 lbs. (65 kg)



MICHAL WIENCEK (4-2-0), Polonja 169 ½ £. (77.0 kg)

RUSTAM GADZHIEV (4-2-0), Russja 169 lbs. (76.9 kg)


X'INHU: M 1 Isfida 56: Vasilevsky vs. Emeev 2

META: Il-ġimgħa, April 10, 2015

1:15 p.m. (New York City), 9:15 p.m. (Moska)


FEJN: Moska, Russja 1:30


Promotur: M-1 Globali



M 1 Isfida 56 se tkun trasmessa live minn Moska f'definizzjoni għolja fuq www.M1Global.TV. Telespettaturi se tkun kapaċi li tara l-ġlied billi jidħlu fuq biex jirreġistraw fuq www.M1Global.TV.Telespettaturi se tkun kapaċi li tara l-ġlied preliminari u karta ewlenija billi jidħlu fuq biex jirreġistraw fuq www.M1Global.TV. Fannijiet jistgħu wkoll watch kollha ta 'l-azzjoni fuq il-kompjuters tagħhom, kif ukoll fuq Andriod u Apple smart phones u pilloli. Il biljett kollu ser jixxandru wkoll live, jibda 2:00 p.m. U, fuq Network Ġlieda via Optimum TV Cablevision ta, Komunikazzjonijiet Grande, Shentel Cable u Armstrong Cable fil-U.S., nazzjon fil-Kanada, u fuq mezzi roku madwar l-Amerika, u globalment f'aktar minn 30 pajjiżi madwar l-Ewropa, Afrika u l-Lvant Nofsani.

Avvenimenti li ġejjin: M 1 Isfida 57, Mejju 2, 2015 fl Orenburg, Russja.






Twitter & Instagram:

@ M1Global


@ M1GlobalNews





Camp Notes/Photos: Bryant Jennings Looking To End Klitschko’s Reign

Photo Kreditu, Edward Jackson / Team Jennings


HOUSTON, TX (April 9, 2015)Productions Shaw Gary undefeated heavyweight contender, Bryant “By-Sa” Jennings (19-0, 10 Kos), is entering the final weeks of training camp in preparation for his upcoming battle with Wladimir Klitschko (63-3, 53 Kos). Jennings, who hails from Philadelphia, is looking to end Klitschko’s reign on the heavyweight division.


Klitschko vs. Jennings, a 12-round bout for Wladimir’s WBA, WBO, IBF and IBO World heavyweight titles, se ssir fil “Il Dinja Famuż Ħafna Arena”, Madison Square Garden, fuq April 25, 2015. The event will be televised Live on HBO Dinja tal-Futbol Boxing® li tibda fl 10:00 p.m. U/PT in the United States and RTL in Germany.


On training in Houston, Texas…

It’s really nice to get away from home and all the distractions that come with training in Philly. I’m able to focus on nothing but boxing out here in Houston. I got my whole team out here and were grinding away.


On his upcoming matchup with Wladimir Klitschko

This is the top of the mountain when it comes to heavyweight boxing. You can’t get any higher then fighting Klitschko. Ma 'dak being said, I’m ready to end Klitschko’s reign as heavyweight champion. He’s been defeated before and he can be defeated again. I’m confident I have the athleticism and skills to come out on top and bring those belts back home to America.


On fighting at Madison Square Garden….

Everyone knows The Garden is filled with deep roots in boxing history. I’m looking to make my own history with a victory on April 25. This will be my third consecutive fight there and I feel my fan base has grown with each outing. I’m know Philly will be representing and I’m excited about that. I’m counting down the days and I’m very grateful to my promoters, Gary Shaw, Antonio Leonard, as well as my managerJames Prince for making this fight a reality.


On the possibility of becoming the next great American heavyweight champion

A victory against Klitschko will certainly bring back glory to the American heavyweight. Klitschko has reigned supreme for so many years, so it will be a huge accomplishment to bring home the titles. Dethroning Klitschko will open up many doors for my career and I see myself relishing in the moment.

Ippreżentat minn Promozzjonijiet K2 u Klitschko Grupp ta 'Tmexxija f'assoċjazzjoni ma ' Productions Shaw Gary, biljetti pprezzati għal $1000, $600, $300, $200 u $100 jistgħu jiġu mixtrija permezz tal-Uffiċċju Madison Square Garden Kaxxa, www.TheGarden.com u www.Ticketmaster.com.



ShoBox: The New Generation Tripleheader LIVE TONIGHT on SHOWTIME®

From Aviator Sports and Events Center in Brooklyn, N.Y..


Ikklikkja HERE Biex Download Ritratti

Kreditu: Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME


KOLLHA AĊĊESS: Chavez, With Unparalleled Access To Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. and Sr.

Premieres Immediately Following Friday’s ShoBox


NEW YORK (April 9, 2015) - Brooklyn nattivi, unbeaten Frank "Notorji" Galarza jintiżnu-f'mill 154 pounds and Belgium’s Sheldon "Il-Closer" Moore imkejjel 153 ¼ pounds during Thursday’s official weigh-in for the main event of this Friday’s ShoBox: Il-Ġenerazzjoni Ġdida, jgħixu fuq SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ET / PT, ittardjat fuq il-Kosta tal-Punent).


Galarza (16-0-2, 10 Kos), meqjus minn ħafna bħala "Il Rocky Brooklyn," and Moore (13-2-1, 9 Kos) will square off in the eight-round super welterweight headliner of the televised tripleheader from theSports Aviator u Avvenimenti Center fi Brooklyn, N.Y..


Undefeated middleweight power-ippanċjar Ievgen "Il-Lion Ukraina" Khytrov (9-0, 9 Kos) tipped l-iskali fi 161 ½ pounds and fellow unbeaten Aaron "metall tqil" coley (9-0-1, 6 Kos), tal Hayward, Calif., imkejjel 160 ½ pounds for their eight-round middleweight bout.


Fil-ġlieda ftuħ tal-telecast, blue-chip prospett middleweight super Sergiy "Il-Technician" Derevyanchenko (4-0, 3 Kos / World Series tal Boxing: 23-1, 7 Kos) will take on once-beatenAlan “Amenaza/Threat” Campa (13-1, 1 NC, 9 Kos) in an eight-round super middleweight match. Derevyanchenko, of Ukraine and now training in Brooklyn with Khytrov, imkejjel 163 ¼ pounds while Mexico’s Campa weighed-in at 165 liri.


Biljetti għall-avveniment, promossa mill DiBella Entertainment f'assoċjazzjoni ma Promozzjonijiet Ġlieda Inc. and New Legend Boxing are on sale and priced at $100, $70 u $35. Biljetti jistgħu jinxtraw billi ċċempel DiBella Entertainment fi (212) 947-2577. Bibien miftuħa fi 6:15 p.m. U, bl-ewwel bout skedata għall 6:45 p.m. U.


Hawn dak li l-ġellieda kellhom jgħidu qabel Ħamis iżen-in:



“We had some great sparring with guys like Daniel Jacobs, Sadam Ali, Khytrov. They always give me top tough work. That’s top competition right there. Fighting guys like that builds my confidence. If I can hang in there with them then I can hang with anyone. They’re going to help to bring me to another level. I feed off their energy.


“Moore is an aggressive fighter, but I’m a come-forward guy, wisq. I jistgħu jkunu aggressivi, but smart aggressive. Not just aggressive to punch and throw punches wildly. It’s more being smart, using my defense, my offense and countering when he makes mistakes.


“I try not to think about fighting in the main event in Brooklyn, but it helps and it definitely motivates me. I tfisser, it doesn’t get any better than that – fighting in my home in the main event.


“It’s my backyard, so I have to put on a show. It doesn’t give me jitters because I’ve fought in my home before, but the main event is different. I just need to do my job.


"Għalija, it’s will and skill. I bring my skill level to the next level. How bad do I want it? Am I going to perform well enough to move to the next level and face those top contenders?


“I want to face the top prospects so I can earn a spot as a contender. But I need to get through this guy first.”



“The main reason why I came all the way to the United States is because here is where boxing is at its best. I’m really excited about this opportunity. Being on SHOWTIME as a main event is huge for me.


“It’s not going to be easy, I’m fighting a guy from Brooklyn in Brooklyn in his back yard. But I’ve been in this situation before, I’ve fought abroad many times before and I’m not intimidated. It’s another day at the office for me.


“This is it for me, there’s no turning back. Għandi biex tirbaħ. I just don’t see myself losing tomorrow.


“I’ve seen a couple Galarza videos on YouTube. He was more of a brawler at the beginning of his career. Issa, he’s a more disciplined boxer. That can backfire sometimes, something to watch out.


“You’ll see fireworks and excitement. I’m not going to look for the knockout. I think it’s a bad strategy to do that. If it comes, it comes. I’ll be looking to win, no matter what. This is a very big fight for me, so it’ll be all about winning, impressing and being at my best.”



“The atmosphere training in Big Bear was amazing. It was one of the best training camps I’ve had. I’ve never been through a camp in the amateurs like that.


“I had a chance to meet Gennady (Golovkin) in Big Bear and we spoke and actually became pretty close. We talked about training regime, stuff athletes talk about. I loved it there.


“The adjustment from amateurs to pros has been fine. The only difference is handling the different rounds and realizing that you have to pace yourself for these eight, 10, 12 round fights.


“The best time to knock a guy out is in the first two rounds when they aren’t warmed up yet. I tried against (Jorge) Melendez but I couldn’t get him out. I just realized I needed to pace myself for the other six rounds and work the body. It was nice to get those rounds and experience against a tough fighter.


“I know he (Coley) is a pretty hard-hitting southpaw. I assume that he won’t come forward, but maybe he’ll surprise me. He has a few knockouts, but I’m going to watch him, learn and adapt.


“I faced southpaws in the amateurs. His style won’t give me any issues. I could even switch to a southpaw stance if I need to.


“Personally, health allowing, I think I should be a contender by the end of 2015. But I put all my trust into my team. They know best. My job is just to train and prepare for everything they put in front of me.


“Yes, 100 percent I’d like to face Gennady. To be the best you have to fight the best. And right now I consider him to be the best 160 pound fighter in the world.”



“Fighting on TV for me is a big deal. When I was little, my father used to throw fight parties to watch big fights and tomorrow he’s throwing one for me. That alone makes me so proud. I’ll have my own viewing party. I’m fighting on national television, fuq Showtime. That’s such of big deal for me. This is my breakout. This is the sign I’m made it.


“I stay in shape all year round, but for the past two months I’ve been taking it to the extreme. Training hard, sparring even harder.


“I’ve been working very hard. I’ve sparred with world champions and I’ve been doing well. I think this is my time to step up and show everybody how good I am.


“I’m predicting there will be a stoppage in the later rounds.”


“The competition I faced in the WSB was, for the most part, the best fighters in the world. S'issa, the guys I’ve faced in the pros don’t have that resume, that skill level. So I think I’ve fought in more than just four pro fights.


“I’m working hard in the gym to make the transition from amateur to pro. I’m taking it step-by-step. I don’t want to jump the gun or make a mistake too fast. I’m looking forward to increasing my level of opposition gradually.


“I’ve seen some of his (Campa) tissielet. In some fights he boxes different than in other fights. We’ll see what he does in the ring and adjust accordingly. But I don’t think he can bring anything that I haven’t seen before. But he’s a Mexican fighter so we know he won’t give up.


“I’m going to show what I’m worth. I’ve been preparing for this my whole life. Now is my chance to build my fan base and show what I can do in the ring.”


“This is my first fight in the U.S., and I’m planning to take full advantage of this opportunity.


“My training was intense, a lot of running, especially in the mountains. I worked on my conditioning and my speed. I’m at the best shape I’ve ever been.


“When I found out about my opponent, I watched video on him and I know I’m better than him. I think my main advantages are age and speed. My opponent is 29, Jien 23. I’m younger and quicker and I’m not about to make it easy for him.


“I’m going to read him in the early rounds and, if I feel he’s not hurting me, I’ll go the distance.


“This fight is a huge step-up for me. I see it as key fight. I feel it might be a make or break for me. We’ll see, I might get a chance to deliver a knockout and that might spark some attention in the boxing world.”


# # #


Barry Tompkins se sejħa tal- ShoBox azzjoni minn ringside ma Farhood u eks champion tad-dinja Raul Marquez jservu bħala analisti esperti. Il-produttur eżekuttiv huwa Gordon Hall ma Richard Gaughanproduzzjoni u Rick Phillips direzzjoni.


Dwar ShoBox: Il-Ġenerazzjoni Ġdida
Mill-bidu tagħha fl-Lulju 2001, l boxing serje SHOWTIME kritiku milqugħin, ShoBox: Il-Ġenerazzjoni Ġdida talent żagħżugħ għandha tidher mqabbla iebsa. Il ShoBox filosofija huwa li televize eċċitanti, logħbiet kompetittivi filwaqt li jipprovdu bażi ppruvata l-prospetti huma lesti folla pjaċir u determinati li jiġġieldu għal titlu dinja. Uħud mill-lista dejjem jikber ta 'l- 59 ġellieda li jkunu dehru fuq ShoBox u avvanzati biex jaħżnu titoli dinja jinkludi: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Ċad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams u aktar.


Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti

Photo Kreditu: Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment

BROOKLYN (April 9, 2015) – As Sibt fight night rapidly approaches, ġellieda jikkompetu fuq Sibt Premier Boxing Champions fuq NBC night of fights held a final press conference Thursday at the Edison Ballroom fi New York City.


PBC on NBC main event bouts at Barclays Center feature undefeated superstar Danny “Swift” Garcia (29-0, 17 Kos) jiffaċċjaw Lamont Peterson (33-2-1, 17 Kos) and the middleweight championship bout between “Irlandiż” Andy Lee (34-2, 24 Kos) u undefeated Peter “Ċikkulata Kid” Quillin (31-0, 22 Kos). It-tieni pagament ta 'PBC fuq NBC jibda fil 8:30 p.m. U.


Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li huwa promoss permezz DiBella Entertainment, huma pprezzati għal $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 u $50, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, u huma fuq now.Tickets bejgħ huma disponibbli fuq www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.comu fl-Uffiċċju Box American Express fi Barclays Center. Biex ħlas bis-telefon, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000. Għall-biljetti tal-grupp, jekk jogħġbok ċempel 800-GRUPP-BK.


Here are what the fighters had to say at Thursday’s press conference:




I’ve been working on fighting hard, but also smart. I’m going to go in there and dictate the pace and I’m always looking for the knockout. If I can’t knock him out then I’ll be ready to go 12 rawnds.


It’s always hard making weight, but I’m on weight now. Right now I’m growing into my prime and my body is getting bigger and it’ll be time soon for me to go up in weight.


I’m looking at this as a very big fight. So I’m going in there mentally and physically ready. He’s coming to fight and I’m coming to fight. IS-SIBT is going to be about who can make the right adjustments.


I love Brooklyn. This is my fourth fight here and I’ve heard that the tickets for this fight are selling faster than any other fight they’ve held here. So I must be doing something right in Brooklyn. The atmosphere is great at Barclays Center.


I’ve always felt that I’m one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in the world. I’ve won a lot of big fights with a lot of great fighters, and my goal is just continue winning one fight at a time.



Danny’s talk makes no difference to me. I think I’m even more confident than him and I’ll get the victory IS-SIBT night and that will be that.


The stakes are high. This can definitely push me to the next level in this boxing game. I’ve been at the top for a while but there’s a difference between being at the top and being an elite fighter. I think this will solidify me as an elite fighter.


I looked at a few of Danny’s fights but nothing really stood out to me. I know Danny is a counterpuncher, that’s what he does. We’ve come up with a game plan to stop that.


I’m a different person than the other guys Danny has fought. I’m a different person with a different style. I trust myself to make adjustments in the ring.


This fight will be different than either of our fights with Matthysse. It’s two different fights and styles make fights. There will be different results. I had to prepare for Danny Garcia and Danny Garcia had to prepare for me.


There’s no pressure fighting on this big card, but I know what it brings. This brings more exposure and I want to use that exposure in the right way. I know I’m looked up to as a role model and I just want to use this exposure.


This will put a big spotlight on boxing and I’m happy to be a part of it.


“Jien lest għall-ġlieda kontra, I’ve prepared well and I’m ready to put on a show.


Andy LEE


I’m eager to fight and ready to go. I’m feeling very dangerous right now.


My ring generalship is one thing, but overall I feel like I have a good idea of what I want to do in the ring. Peter has an idea too, but it’s more moment to moment for him, which can be good as well, when you improvise. I’m more of a guy who will set you up and work to a plan.


Coming back and winning a fight really strengthens your resolve. You know in your mind that at any time, you have a chance of winning. I never plan to be behind but it happens. This time I plan to lead from the front.


Peter is offensive, which leaves openings. He might be cautious for a while because both of us know that we might pay the price of being offensive. Eventually we’ll exchange and it will be explosive one way of the other.


I’m a southpaw puncher who can box and I’ve never been in a dull fight. I have a ‘never say dieattitude and I’m not someone who is just going to go out there and play it safe. I’ll risk it all to win.


My confidence is very high. I’m the champion of the world and there’s no higher station than that in boxing. I’m the champion and he’ll have to come and take my title.




Everyone tune in on April 11 because we’re going to do more than just try to take that belt, we’re going to take that belt because that’s what we do.


Andy is the champion of the world but this is the second time I’ve been the challenger to a world champion. I’ve been here before. I know he’s a newly crowned champion so I have nothing bad to say about him.


Andy’s greatest strength is that he lost twice and was able to come back and make himself look very good.


This is a totally different caliber fight than either of us has had. I’m not any of those fighters that he’s faced. I can’t go in there and try to fight like a Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.


I’m only concerned about working hard, which I’ve done every day leading up to this fight. So I have no concerns at all.


I’m motivated period. My heart is built on motivation in all things. Talking to media, being on NBC, fighting for the belt and being a positive person. I’m thankful that every day I can put out a positive story about myself.

Lou DIBELLA, President tal DiBella Entertainment


We have a great night of boxing from beginning to end, you will be hearing a lot more from these young fighters.


If you want to see everything, get there to Barclays Center at 5 p.m.


We’re very thrilled that this is going to be televised in primetime on NBC. PBC fuq NBC. It has a nice ring to it.


The first main event of the evening features Andy Lee, middleweight champion and the fighting pride of Limerick. He is a warrior, he’s at the most confident point of his career and he’s going to need to be because he’s fighting an undefeated champion.


Peter Quillin makes Brooklyn his home. It’s his third fight at Barclays Center and he has a perfect record of 31-0. He’s going to try to take Andy’s belt, iżda mhux se jkun faċli.


The bout that will close the show is one of the most eagerly anticipated bouts in all of boxing. Lamont Peterson is noted for being one of the most technically sound boxers in the game and he has an outstanding record to a back it up.


Danny Garcia really embodies what it means to be a Philadelphia fighter. He’s a tough guy with an undefeated record. He’s going to look to keep that record perfect against Lamont Peterson.


Jon MILLER, President, Programmazzjoni, NBC Sports & NBCSN


On behalf of NBC Sports we’re thrilled to be a part of this and to be in our own backyard. We couldn’t pick a better venue than Barclays Center. The card put together is spectacular. There are great fights once again and we’re excited about the progress that this new property has taken for us.


I think one of the most unique things about din is-Sibt night is that it’s going to make history in television because three of the most venerable and outstanding sports television personalities will be working together for the first time as Al Michaels will be our host, Marv Albert will be doing play-by-play and for the first time ever they will be joined by Bob Costas.


These three iconic figures have worked Olympics and Super Bowls but it’s the first time they’ve ever worked together on one event and that is a tribute to what the entire has put together in delivering this great card.


BRETT YORMARK, CEO ta Barclays Center


Din is-Sibt marks a historic moment for Barclays Center as we host our 11thprofessional boxing event and our first Premier Boxing Champions event.


When you combine the talent in the ring, the production of the show and the iconic broadcasting team of Al Michael, Bob Costas and Marv Albert plus boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard this will be one of the best fight nights that New York has hosted in decades.


Signifying the magnitude of the event, tickets have sold faster than at any other boxing show Barclays Center has hosted.


At Barclays Center, we have not only served as a launch pad for many local boxerscareers, but have relished in the role of becoming the home for Champions.

GCP Signs Fighting Serrano Sisters to Exclusive Promotional Contracts

Greg Cohen ta Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen, in association with David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, proudly announces the signing of Brooklyn via Puerto Rico’s fighting Serrano sisters, Amanda and Cindy to exclusive promotional contracts.

The heavily decorated family duo made boxing history in 2013 when both sisters held Universal Boxing Federation titles in the same super featherweight division.

26-year-old southpaw Amanda “Il Deal Real” Serrano (23-1-1, 18 Kos) is a former Staten Island amateur champion, New York City Golden Gloves amateur champion, and Empire State amateur champion. She turned professional in 2009 and has already won the NABF Featherweight, Universal Boxing Federation World Featherweight, Women’s International Boxing Association World Featherweight, IBF World Super Featherweight, Universal Boxing Federation Inter­Continental Super Featherweight, and WBO World Lightweight Championships.

Older sister, Cindy “Checkmate” Serrano (22-5-3, 10 Kos), fought to a draw for the Women’s International Boxing Association World Featherweight Championship in 2005 and has gone on to win the Women’s International Boxing Association International Lightweight, Universal Boxing Federation Super Featherweight International and Universal Boxing Federation Super Featherweight World Championships. The 32-year-old orthodox fighter turned professional in 2003 after winning the 2003 Empire State Games Tournament as an amateur. Cindy Serrano was unbeaten in her first 16 bouts as a professional.

Both Serrano sisters are currently ranked in world’s top ten at super featherweight: Amanda is #1 and Cindy is #8 and both work with dedicated, no nonsense trainer Jordan Maldonado, who has been a key catalyst to their success.

These are two of the best female fighters to ever lace up the gloves,” said a happy Greg Cohen. “I am honored to be working with them and we’ve got big plans for them. They are a history-making fighting family and both sisters still have plenty of fight left in them. This is a huge acquisition for my company.

I’ve been working with Jordan and the girls for years. These are two of the toughest women in pro boxing today. I am very excited to see them involved with GCP!” said David Schuster.

“Bellator MMA: Halsey vs. Grove” karta preliminari tieħu forma ma 'Jesse Juarez vs.. Ricky Rainey, Joe Taimanglo vs.. Antonio Duarte, u Jordan Parsons-Julio Cesar Neves Jr..



SANTA MONICA, Calif. (April 9, 2015) - Karta preliminari mgħobbija b’talent għal May’s “Bellator MMA: Halsey vs. Grove” avveniment qed jibda jieħu l-forma biż-żieda ta 'welterweights Jesse Juarez (22-9) vs. Ricky “L-sniper” Rainey (10-3), bantamweights Joe “Il-Juggernaut” Taimanglo (20-6-1) vs. Anthony “Tigra” Duarte (18-5) u featherweight Ġordan “Boy Pretty” Parsons (10-1) vs. Julio Cesar “Ftit Bat” Neves Jr.. (30-0).


Iż-żidiet il-ġodda jikkumplimentaw il-karta ewlenija ta 'erba' bout għal “Bellator MMA: Halsey vs. Grove,” li jinkludi Champion tad-Dinja tal-Piż Medju Bellator MMA mhux megħlub Brandon “Bull” Halsey (8-0) kontra scrapper ħawajjan towering Kendall “Il Spyder” Grove (21-14), eks Champion tad-Dinja tal-Bellator MMA Eduardo “Dudu” Dantas (16-4) vs. Mike “Il Marine” Richman (18-5), heavyweights dawl Virgil “Rezdog” Zwicker (13-4-1) vs. “Razor” Razak Al-Hassan (12-4) u welterweights Fernando “Il Maniac MENIFEE” Gonzalez (23-13) vs. “Curtious” Curtis Millander (7-1).


“Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” sseħħ fuq Il-ġimgħa, Mejju 15, fi Pechanga Resort & Casino fil Temecula, Calif. Il-karta ewlenija tal-lejl tixxandar live fuq Spike TV fi 9 p.m. U (6 p.m. PT ħin lokali), filwaqt bouts preliminari nixxiegħa fuq Spike.com.


Biljetti għall “Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove,” li tibda fi ftit $50, huma bħalissa fuq bejgħ fi Pechanga.com u l-Resort Pechanga & Uffiċċju kaxxa Casino.


Bibien għal “Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” miftuħa 3:30 p.m. PT ħin lokali, u l-ewwel konkors iseħħ 30 minuti wara. Bouts addizzjonali se jitħabbru dalwaqt.


Juarez, tal f'Torrance, Calif., huwa veteran ta ’seba’ darbiet Bellator MMA li l-ġranet tiegħu mal-kumpanija jmorru lura għat-tieni wirja tal-promozzjoni. Ir-raġel ta ’33 sena ilu jiġġieled professjonalment minn dakinhar 2006 iżda bħalissa qed igawdi waħda mill-aqwa ġirjiet tal-karriera tiegħu 5-1 fis-sitt dehriet tal-passat tiegħu, ġirja li tinkludi lil Bellator MMA jirbaħ fuq Ron Keslar, Joe Williams u Jordan Smith.


Rainey, ta 'Gastonia, N.C., jiġġieled għar-raba 'darba taħt il-bandalora Bellator MMA. It-tliet ġlied ta ’Rainator’s Bellator MMA intemmu fl-ewwel rawnd, hekk kif huwa parentesi jirbaħ it-TKO fuq Johnny Cisneros u Andy Murad madwar telfa kontra l-aqwa kontendent Michael “Velenu” Page. Sebgħa minn Rainey’s 10 ir-rebħiet fil-karriera waslu sal-aħħar, inklużi sitta bi eliminatorja.


Veteran tal-Bellator MMA għal ħames darbiet, Taimanglo malajr stabbilixxa lilu nnifsu bħala wieħed mill-aqwa esportazzjonijiet ta 'ġlied ta' Guam. Żagħżugħ ta ’30 sena skrappjat, Taimanglo qatt ma jonqos milli jiddeverti. Huwa ġġieled l-aktar reċenti f'Settembru, skorja rebħa ta ’deċiżjoni fuq Michael Parker.


Ġlieda professjonalment minn dakinhar 2006, Duarte ġej minn Tijuana, Messiku. Huwa jagħmel id-debutt tiegħu fil-Bellator MMA fuq il-qawwa ta 'rebħiet ta' sottomissjoni back-to-back fuq Marco Beristain u Ed West. Ħmistax minn Duarte 18 rebħiet fil-karriera jiġu permezz ta 'waqfien, Inklużi 11 bit-tapout.


Il-Parsons ta ’24 sena, ta 'Fargo, N.D., huwa membru tal-famuża Alliance MMA ta ’California. Ġlieda professjonalment, Parsons stabbilixxa ruħu bħala wieħed mill-aqwa prospetti fid-dinja wara li rebaħ 10 tal-ewwel tiegħu 11 tissielet professjonali, inklużi tlieta minn eliminatorja u tnejn permezz ta 'sottomissjoni. Parsons għamel id-debutt tiegħu fil-Bellator MMA f'April 2014, skorja rebħa eliminatorja fuq Tim Bazer erba 'sekondi biss fit-tieni rawnd.


Il-Brażiljan Neves Jr.. ġabret marka tal-karriera inkredibbli ta ' 30-0 minkejja li huwa ġust 20 snin qodma. Kompetizzjoni professjonalment peress 2011, meta kien biss 17 snin qodma, Neves Jr.. diġà għandu par ta 'rebħiet Bellator MMA minn TKO, hekk kif waqqa 'Poppies Martinez fl-ewwel rawnd ta' Settembru 2014 partita u spiċċa Josh Arocho fit-tieni rawnd ta ’April 2014 konkors.


“Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” - Il-ġimgħa, Mejju 15, Pechanga Resort & Casino, Temecula, Calif.

Main Card (9 p.m. U)


Bellator Middleweight Titolu Ġlieda: Champ Brandon Halsey (8-0) vs. Kendall Grove (21-14)

Bellator Dehru Ġlieda Bantamweight: Eduardo Dantas (16-4) vs. Mike Richman (18-5)

Bellator Dehru Ġlieda Light Heavyweight: Virgil Zwicker (13-4-1) vs. Razak Al-Hassan (12-4)

Bellator Dehru Ġlieda welterweight: Fernando Gonzalez (23-13) vs. Curtis Millender (7-1)


Card preliminari (7 p.m. U)


Ġlieda Bellator welterweight Prelim: Jesse Juarez (22-9) vs. Ricky Rainey (10-3)

Ġlieda Bellator Bantamweight Prelim: Joe Taimanglo (20-6-1) vs. Antonio Duarte (18-5)

Ġlieda Bellator featherweight Prelim: Jordan Parsons (10-1) vs. Julio Cesar Neves Jr.. (30-0)

Hogan vs. Brunson Now for NABA-US Championship

“Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network” Main Event Now Being Contested for NABA-US Junior Middleweight Championship

The 10-round main event for the debut of “Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network” between Ireland’s WBA #12- u IBF # 11 rated “Uragan” Dennis Hogan and Tyrone “Young Gun” Brunson, has been upgraded to a contest for the World Boxing Association’s NABA-US Super Welterweight Championship.

Presented by Greg Cohen Promotions in association with Adam Wilcock’s Fight Card Promotions and produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, Hogan vs. Brunson will top a night of world-class boxing broadcast live on CBS Sports Network from the Grand Casino Hinckley in Hinckley, Minnesota.

Fil-10-round televiżiva ko-karatteristika, Dinja Kanada ratata u malajr jogħlew ħfief star Tony “Lightning” Luis (19-2, 7 Kos) will have his first fight since winning the WBC Continental Americas Championship. He will face Memphis, Tennessee, veteran Ira Terry (26-13, 16 Kos).

Fil-opener televiżżiv tmien round, undefeated San Pawl, Minnesota, middleweight Rob “Prosit” Brant (14-0, 8 Kos) will face Miami via Colombia’s Dionisio “Mister eliminatorja” Miranda (22-10-2, 19 Kos).

Biljetti għall “Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network” tibda fil $35 u jista 'jkun mixtrija fl-Hinckley Box Office Grand Casino minn 8 am biex 10 pm (1-800-GRAND21) jew fi ħwienet kollha Ticketmaster, jew online fuqwww.ticketmaster.com.


Il xandira live ta “Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network” se jibda fi 10:00 PM, U. Fuq lejl ġlieda, il-bibien se tiftaħ fi 6 pm u l-azzjoni tibda fi 7 pm. Il-Grand Casino Hinckley tinsab fil 777 Lady Awguri Drive fl Hinckley, Minnesota. Għal aktar informazzjoni, żjara www.grandcasinomn.com jew sejħa 800-472-6321.

Chazz Witherspoon takes on Galen Brown on Saturday, April 18 fi GPG Avveniment Center fl PENNSAUKEN, New Jersey Plus undefeated Matthew Gonzalez, Vidal Rivera, Obafemi Bakari, Courtney Blocker, Erick kitt & Malik Hawkins

Għal Rilaxx immedjat
PENNSAUKEN, NJ (April 9, 2015)-Nhar is-Sibt lejl, April 18 fil- GPG Avveniment Center (Preċedentement il-Inn Woodbine) fil PENNSAUKEN, New Jersey. Fil-avveniment prinċipali, konkorrent heavyweight Chazz Witherpsoon will be in action when he takes on Galen Brown in a bout scheduled for 10-rounds.
L-ispettaklu huwa promoss permezz Promotions Silver Mgħarfa Witherspoon tal.
Witherspoon (32-3, 24 Tal-KO) tal Paulsboro qrib, New Jersey stabbilixxa ruħu bħala wieħed mill-Heavyweights Amerikana top bħala l-St. Graduate Università Joseph rebaħ l-ewwel tlieta u għoxrin bouts tiegħu ma jirbaħ fuq l-jħobb ta 'Michael Alexander (11-0), Talmadge Griffis (24-6-3), Jonathan Haggler (18-1) qabel isofri 1 telfa tiegħu għall-futur żewġ time isfidant titolu dinja Chris Arreola via iskwalifika kontroversjali.
Witherspoon marru fuq biex tirbaħ tliet tirbaħ ringiela li kienet enfasizzata minn waqfien rawnd 8 divertenti matul Adam “Il Donkey Swamp” Richards (21-1). Dan ġlieda kien ivvota Ring Magazine 2008 Ġlieda Heavyweight tas-Sena. Witherspoon Mbagħad naqset ġlieda għall-ġejjieni żewġ time isfidant titolu dinja Tony Thompson.
Witherspoon marru fuq li score knockouts 4 konsekuttivi li kienu jinkludu l-qerda 3 round devastanti fuq Tyson Cobb (14-2).
Witherspoon mbagħad ħa fuq prospett undefeated Seth Mitchell dwar April 28, 2012 fi bout fejn Witherspoon kien Mitchell ħażin iweġġgħu f'diversi okkażjonijiet qabel Mitchell daħal bogħod ma 'l-rebħa.
Fl għandha aħħar bout, Witherspoon stopped Cory Phelps in two rounds at the GPG Event onJannar 24.
Brown (43-29-1, 25 Tal-KO) ta 'San. Joseph, Missouri has been in with many of the top fighters from the Super Middleweight through the Heavyweight divisions.
He has wins over Richard Carmack (12-1), Dominique Alexander (13-2-1), Craig Schrimpf (8-1), Rick Camlin (33-4), Luis Pena (8-2) & Maurice Brantley (23-5).
Il 33 il sena qodma daru professjonali fl 2001 and has faced world champion Robert Steiglitz & Hasim Rahman as well as world title challengers Brian Minto, Mariusz Wach & Fres Oquendo.
Brown is coming off of a 4-round unanimous decision over John Turlington on March 28 fil St. Joseph, Missouri.
Li jidhru fuq il-undercard fil bouts 4 round se jkun:
Vidal Rivera (1-0, 1 KO) tal Camden, NJ jieħu fuq Tyron Stewart (0-1) fi kunflitt bantamweight super.
Obafemi Bakari (2-0) tal Staten Island, NY se ġlieda debuting pro Andrew Osborne fil jr. ġlieda middleweight.
Matthew Gonzalez (2-0) tal Vineland,NJ se tieħu fuq Joseph McDonald (0-1) tal Concord, NC fil jr. ġlieda middleweight.
Courtney Blocker (4-0, 4 Tal-KO) tal Pensacola, FL will take on pro debuting Jamal Saunders fil jr. bout welterweight.
Erick kitt (5-0, 2 Tal-KO) tal Pensacola, FL se tara azzjoni fil jr. middleweight bout against Rick Graham (2-5-2, 1 KO) ta 'Detroit, MY.
Malik Hawkins (2-0, 2 Tal-KO) ta 'Baltimore, MD se jieħdu sehem jr. welterweight bout against pro debuting Darius Jackson.
Andrew Puerifoy (0-1) of Sicklerville, NJ will fight in a cruiserweight against Antuwan Taylor (0-2) ta 'Cincinnati, OH.
Rocco Salimbene tal PENNSAUKEN, NJ se jagħmel id-debutt pro tiegħu fil-ġlieda ħfief
Tickets for the great evening of championship boxing $80 għall ringside, $60 for select u $40 għad-Dħul Ġenerali u jistgħu jinxtraw billi ċċempel 856 472 0443 jew 609 938 1755 jew permezz ta 'email fuq info@silverspoonpromotions.com
Se jkun hemm wara parti fil-GPG Avveniment Center.
Il GPG Avveniment Center tinsab fil 1443 Rotta 73 fil PENNSAUKEN.


Bronco Billy Wright's 500 Mile Trek for Cures Mission


LAS VEGAS, NV (April 8, 2015) – 50-year heavyweight contender (WBC #17),Bronco Billy Wright (47-4, 38 Kos), will embark on an incredible 500 mile trek from Las Vegas, through the Grand Canyon, and into the Phoenix, Arizona area. Intitolat Trek for Cures,” Bronco Billy’s goal is to raise $50,000 to continue the fight to find a cure for cancer. B'żieda, he wants to send a message to the boxing world, more specifically the heavyweight division. The trek will consist of walking, running and bike riding. To help Bronco Billy reach his goal, please IKKLIKKJA HERE.


On April 8th I begin a 500 mile Run, Walk and Ride to kick off training camp and to raise money for some charities. This Trek is important to me for many reasons and I am grateful for the support of my family, my team, my friends and all of my supporters. This Trek will last approximately two weeks where we will run, walk and ride from Las Vegas, to the Grand Canyon, and then down to the Phoenix area where we will begin fight camp and training for my upcoming fights. Anyone may join me for any part of the trek. Just contact us and we will schedule where you may join the trek. Any support you give is greatly appreciated. I want everyone to know that I am extremely committed to becoming Heavyweight Champion of the World and this is one of many steps I will be taking to show you. Għal darb'oħra, thank you for your support. I am grateful.” – Bronco Billy Wright

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