Lewiston, Mejn (Ožujak 14, 2016) - New England Borbe (NEF), Američki broj jedan regionalni borba promocija, održat će svoj sljedeći događaj, “NEF 22: Svi putevi vode OVDJE” na Subota, Travanj 23, 2016 na Androscoggin banke Colisée u Lewiston, Mejn. Borbena karta sadržavat će mješavinu mješovitih borilačkih vještina (MMA) i profesionalni boksački dvoboji. Ranije danas, NEF je najavio dodavanje amaterskog lakog okršaja MMA dijelu “NEF 22” Borba kartice. Jeremy Tyler (4-3) održat će se na Corey Suđenje (1-2) u borbi težine od 150 funti.


Na 23. travnja, navršit će se 19 mjeseci od posljednjeg pojavljivanja Jeremyja Tylera u NEF MMA kavezu. U rujnu 2014, Tyler, član tima Irish u Breweru, Mejn, izgubio od Matta Denninga (2-1) putem podnošenja u drugom krugu. Bio je to prikladan završetak kao i svih Tylerovih sedam prethodnih okršaja, bilo pobjeda ili poraza, su završili s podnošenjem. Posljednja Tylerova pobjeda došla je u veljači 2014 s prigušivačem trokuta u drugom krugu Corey Hinkley (2-4). Na “NEF 22,” Tyler će pokušati izboriti svoju prvu pobjedu nakon više od dvije godine.


“Sretna sam što imam priliku vratiti se u NEF kavez,” rekao je Tyler. “Uložio sam puno vremena u poboljšanje svojih vještina. Osjećam se nevjerojatno ulazeći u ovu borbu s Cory Trial. Na 23. travnja, svi će vidjeti da sam se vratio.”


Kao Tyler, Najnovija pobjeda Cory Trial u NEF kavezu bila je nad Corey Hinkley. Bio je to zapanjujući nokaut u prvoj rundi (KO) koji je bio finalist u glasanju za NEF “KO godine” u 2015. Bila je to ujedno i najbrža pobjeda u kavezu NEF-a, takt u samo sedam sekundi. Suđenje se ne natječe od rujna 2015 poraz od Rafaela Velada (3-0) jer je njegovao nekoliko ozljeda. Trening iz nemilosrdnog MMA-a & Boks od Benton, Mejn, Suđenje predviđa još jedan završetak KO u “NEF 22.”


“Prvo, Želim zahvaliti NEF-u što mi je pružio ovu priliku i zahvaliti Jeremyju što se borio,” rekao Suđenje. “Zadnjih nekoliko mjeseci suočavam se s nekoliko ozljeda i dalo mi je vremena da razmislim i ispravim svoju igru ​​i u ovoj će borbi svi vidjeti da sam se vratio! Imao sam posla s nekoliko ozljeda koje su dovele do moje posljednje borbe, ali pojavio sam se jer se volim boriti. Sad sam zdrav, trenirajte s najboljim timom i vidjet ćete najbolju Cory koju ste vidjeli. Ova borba neće ići na suce – Dolazim po nokaut! Ovo je borba koju nećete željeti propustiti!”


Sljedeći događaj New England se bori ', "NEF 22: Svi putevi vode OVDJE,"Odvija Subota, Travanj 23, 2016 na Androscoggin banke Colisée u Lewiston, Mejn. Ulaznice za “NEF 22” počinju tek u $25 te su na prodaju sada ili pozivom na Colisée box office u 207.783.2009 x 525. Za više informacija o događaju i boriti kartica ažuriranja, posjetite web promocije je u Dodatno, možete gledati video na Nef, pratite ih na twitterunefights i pridružite službenu Facebook grupu "New England bori."


ULAZNICE u prodaji

Glavni događaj Svjetskog prvenstva u srednjoj kategoriji:
David Podružnica (Prvak) vs. Clifford Starkovih (Izazivač)

Svjetsko prvenstvo u poluteškoj kategoriji, glavni događaj:
Jon Fitch (Izazivač) vs. Joao Zeferino (Izazivač)


Vinny Magalhães vs. Jake Heun
Abu Azaitar vs.. Danny davis jr.

LAS VEGAS (Ožujak 14, 2016) -World Serija borbe ( najavio je danas da će svoj očekivani povratak u Las Vegas ostvariti sa zvjezdicama, Svjetsko prvenstvo mješovitih borilačkih vještina (MMA) doubleheader događaj u Hard Rock Hotel & Casino na Subota, Travanj 2, živjeti na NBCSN (11 poslije podne. I/8 poslije podne. PT), naslovljen srednjom kategorijom (185 funti) borba za naslov između vladajućeg kralja David Podružnica (17-3) a Clifford Starkovih (13-2).

Po cijeni od $29, ulaznice za WSOF30: Podružnica vs. Starkovih, su dostupni za online kupnju na i

U suradnji-glavni događaj, superstar Jon Fitch (27-7-1, 1 NC) sudarit će se s nedavnom Svjetskom serijom borbe jedne noći, osam-man turnir Drugoplasirani Joao "Brazilska samuraj" Zeferino (20-7) s upražnjenom Svjetskom serijom borbe u poluteškoj kategoriji (170 funti) prvenstvo na kocki.

U drugoj akciji na četveroboj, živjeti NBCSN TV prijenos, slanje stručnjak Vinny "Pezao" Magalhães (13-7) će otpočeti borbu s Jake "Honey medvjed" Heun(9-4) u poluteškoj (205 funti) borba, dok je World Series of Fighting pridošlica i knockout umjetnika Abu "Gladijator" Azaitar (11-1-1) će se baciti dolje sa Danny "Dee1" Davis, Jr. (11-10-1) u velter.

Kompletna WSOF30 preliminarna karta bit će uskoro objavljena.

David Podružnica vs. Clifford Starkovih

6-noga-1, 34-godišnja podružnica Brooklyna, NY. ušao u povijest u svom posljednjem startu na WSOF23 u rujnu 18, 2015 kad je zarezao prvu rundu (2:21) podnošenje (stražnji goli gušiti) pobjeda nad Teddy Nositelj postati prvi Svjetski niz borbenih prvaka u poluteškoj kategoriji u povijesti kao i prvi ikad dvoligaški prvak u promocijskoj povijesti.

Štićenik MMA-e i brazilske Jiu-Jitsu legende Renzo Gracie, Branch će tražiti svoju osmu uzastopnu pobjedu.

Također 34 godina, 5-metarskih Zvijezda Tempe, Arizona. zaradio šut u Branchovom naslovu u srednjoj kategoriji nakon tri uzastopne pobjede u kavezu Svjetske serije za borbu protiv deseterokuta. U svom posljednjem naporu na WSOF23, Starks pruži Krasimir Mladenov prvi poraz u bugarskoj hrvačkoj istaknutoj karijeri jednoglasnom odlukom.

Starks vozi niz od pet borbi koji je započeo s dvije uzastopne pobjede pod promocijom Bellatora.

Jon Fitch vs. Joao Zeferino

Bivši svjetski vrh 10 rangirani natjecatelj koji se tijekom svoje 14-godišnje profesionalne karijere suočio i pobijedio kolekciju suparničkih ikona, 6-noga, 38-godišnji Fitch iz Fort Waynea, U. zaradio jednoglasnu odluku u svom posljednjem pojavljivanju, preko kolege ostvarene superzvijezde Yushin Okami na WSOF24 u listopadu 17, 2015.

Podrijetlom iz Florianopolisa, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 5-noga-11, 30-godine Zeferino koji se bori iz Middletowna, NY. je zarezao 15 njegov 20 karijera pobjeda na način dostave. Zeferino je pokazao vrhunsku fizičku i mentalnu žilavost u svom posljednjem pojavljivanju u kavezu, idući u bitku tri puta u jednoj noći u jednoj noći, osam čovjek lagan (155 funti) turnir na WSOF25 u studenom 20, 2015.

Nakon pobjede nad obojicom Brian Foster a Jorge Patino putem podnošenja udice za petu u prvom krugu akcije u četvrtfinalnoj i polufinalnoj fazi turnira, odnosno, Zeferino se ponovno suočio s Fosterom, koji se u fazu prvenstva plasirao kao „sretni gubitnik,”, Ali pretrpio je drugi krug (4:51) KO (punches) od ruke Fostera u aferi štagalj.

Vinny Magalhães vs. Jake Heun

Magalhaes iz Las Vegasa preko Rio de Janeira, Brazil, svoj će drugi start započeti promocijom Svjetske serije borbe nakon što je izveo zapanjujući, Prvi krug (1:08) podnošenje (kneebar) hrvanja stilist Matt "Hammer" Hamill na WSOF24.

A 6-noga-3, 31-godišnji svjetski prvak u grapplingu, Magalhaes je tvrdio 11 njegov 13 career MMA wins by way of submission and is looking for his fourth consecutive victory.

Heun of Coconut Creek, Florida. is seeking his third straight win after edging out a split decision over Clinton Williams na WSOF26 prosinca 18, 2015.

A member of South Florida-based American Top Team, 6-noga-2, 28-year old Heun has claimed 6 njegov 9 professional wins by way of (T)KO ili podnesak.

Abu Azaitar vs.. Danny Davis, Jr.

The number one ranked middleweight (185 funti) in Germany and the number five ranked middleweight in Poland, 5-noga-11, 30-year-old Azaitar of Cologne, Germany will enter the World Series of Fighting decagon cage for the first time at 170 funti, after tearing through the ranks of competitors in Europe over the last seven years.

Do danas, the heavy-handed Azaitar has notched 7 njegov 11 karijera pobjeda putem (T)KO. His lone defeat came in 2012, and he has since remained unbeaten in his last 8 počinje.

Davis, Jr. of Las Vegas will look to rebound from two consecutive losses – a split decision defeat at the hands of Matthew Frincu at WSOF23, and a unanimous decision loss to Abubakar Nurmagomedov at WSOF26.

Prior to the matchup with Frincu, 6-noga-2, 33-godišnji Davis, Jr. had run to five straight wins, three of which were World Series of Fighting contests.

Prsten trenera Tommyja Gallaghera 8 Gost govornik u utorak navečer

NEW YORK (Ožujak 12, 2016) – Veteran boksački trener Tommy Gallagher bit će gostujući govornik Ringa 8 u utorak navečer (More. 15) mjesečni sastanak, s početkom u 7 poslije podne. I, u O'Neill's Restaurant, Nalazite se na 64-21 53rd Drive u Maspethu, Njujork.

Na proslavu sv. Patrika, irski jelovnik sadržavat će kukuruznu govedinu & Kupus, kao i Shepard's Pie.
“Svi su Irci za sv. Patrika,” Prsten 8 predsjednik Bob Duffy rekla. “Prikladno je samo da je naš gost govornik i Irac, Tommy Gallagher. U prošlosti je sve to radio u boksu 40 godina. Tommy je bio veliki dio Ringa 8 već dugo vremena i poznat je kao dobar pripovjedač.”
Najpoznatiji, možda, za njegovu ulogu u Natjecateljice reality televizijske serije, prošle godine Gallagher je uvršten u Kuću slavnih boksa u državi New York, koju sponzorira Ring 8. Osim što je trener, bio je promotor i vlasnik/operater teretane.
Gallagher je bio uključen u karijere boksača kao npr Doug DeWitt, Vito Antuofermo, Donny Lalonde, Lou Savarese a Sergej Kobožev, među više uglednika.

An Open FU to UFC President DanaEffing” White!


Po: Bogati Bergeron

Those who know me personally would all say I am a mellow individual, until you seriously cross me, poput, for instance, if you become the subject of an investigative report I’m working on, ili sue me for $25 milijuna. Sometimes I may take things like that as a sign you might not want me to really find out who you are and what you do behind closed doors to screw hard working people over.

This week, a certain individual who won’t even let me follow him in Twitter ( pissed me off to the point where I could only think of one thing to do. Because I’m officially blacklisted in every possible way by the UFC brass, and have even had restraining orders placed against my directly contacting the Fertittas and ANY UFC fighter, my best option is to publish a drastic diatribe here I am just going to call myOPEN FUto DanaEffing” White.

I’m sure Mr. White will not take my calls or subject himself to a one on one interview with me. Tako, I will have to settle for a written FUand a multi-tiered and multi-purpose FU.

FU, DanaEffing” White… for many, many reasonstoo many for one small blog post to do justice, but let’s just say Most of all FU….

For what you THINK you know about Holly Holm

Ej, Dana, you wanna talk about youreffingreality showLooking For a Fight????” I was actually looking for a fight when I watched that old realityshit show when you were supposed to box Tito Ortiz, but HE magically backed out at the last minute.

Sada, you, DANAEFFINGWHITE, are telling Holly Holm about a decision YOU think she didn’t think through enough??? And now you act like someone pissed in your Wheaties because you have two upset wins at UFC 196 to work around and figure out how to make sense of somehow.

Booeffinghoo, buddy.

Welcome to how things don’t go as planned sometimes in the fight business, you ungrateful prick.

Do you wanna be aneffing” Organizator, Danaeffing” White???

Holly Holm Was the Bantamweight Champion of the UFC when she allowed HER Manager (not Danaeffing” White) to negotiate the Tate fight on her behalf, and she knew (and her long-time manager knew, previše) what she was doing and what she wanted. And guesseffingwhat, Dana? She wanted to fight.

Žao nam, DanaEffing” White, but Holly didn’t want to sit on aneffingsideline waiting for Ronda Rousey to finish hereffingROADHOUSE REMAKE!

Holly wanted to go to workbut unfortunately she has to work for a boss who has no idea what it’s like to step into HER office and handle HER daily workload with such tenacity, razred, dignity and grace.

And I think maybe she looks back a bit differently than you do, Dana, with noeffingregrets whatsoever for putting her absolute all into that fight and just plain getting caught in her one area of weakness in a battle where she likely would have won a three-round fight. Maybe if YOU were a fighter, Dana, you might get that whole concept. Maybe losing in this case only makes her better, jači, and more durable as a career mixed martial artist. Who gives a damn if it makes her less marketable in your eyes? What do you really know, u svakom slučaju?

UNLIKE YOU, DanaEffing” White, Holly actually respects Miesha Tate and thought it would be a challenge to fight her. Da, she lost, but damn, she was absolutely correct about it being a challenge. I think the fight will go down as one of the greatest battles in female MMA history.

Sada, why don’t you open youreffingeyes, Dana, watch the fight again, and quit bitching about what should have happened in that cage you never fought in yourself.

Be grateful you have a champion you just paid $92,000 in fight pay (before bonuses) to take your organization’s belt from the girl you WANTED TO WIN (and paid $500,000 just to be there). It may not be what you expected, but the anxiety you feel about it is what you DESERVE to feel for being such a douchebag to the fighters who built the UFC.

My biggest questions on this subject for Dana are: Why are you such a biased, crooked asshole who can’t bother to give Miesha the time of day FOR ALL HER HARD WORK? Why can’t you give credit where it is dueon both sides of that fight? Why can’t you shut theeffup about what you think Holly or her management should have or could have waited for?

It’s not your place to look back with 20/20 hindsight and act like Holly and her manager should have gone all Nostradamus on this fight when you obviously didn’t see this shit coming, ili, you dome-headed dimwit.

Fighters “effing” borba, Dana. That’s what theyeffingdo, which you should know, since I am pretty sure you used to be aneffingmanager of MMA fighters yourself. Da, that was many moons ago, but how could you forget?

Fighters don’t sit on their asses on corporate jets and stand at podiums in front of the press all day to earn theeffingpaltry paychecks your organization pays out to most of them. Most fighters simply cannot afford to wait around for shit to happen or for someoneworthyenough in your eyes to step up and fight them.

Some fighters need to feed their kids. All of them need to pay their bills and for everything else involved with training camps, daily living expenses, travel and whatever costs medical insurance doesn’t cover when they have to address nagging injuries. Your shitty Reebok deal made it virtually impossible to get any other outside sponsors to help pay for anything like that stuff for many fighters, Dana.

Welcome to selling out and forgetting where you came from, Dana. You used to care more about fighters. Now you act like fighting in a cage is just like doing any other 9-5 posao. It’s not. To je “effinghard work.

Tako, da, Holly chose to fight instead of waiting for Rousey to be ready for the rematch. And you think she needs your opinion now that everything didn’t work out as planned for you both?

FU, Dana.

She hurts a lot worse than you, and I can guaran-effing-tee that.

Oh…a…uostalom…fighters are way more responsible for the growth and success of the UFC/Zuffa organization than you ever have been. And that’s real talk, you rich bitch with a stick up your ass because you were never good enough in your life to ever have your own official fight.

Tako, get over the God complex and learn to respect ALL of your fighters, not just the ones you want to see win because you might think you can work with them better or you think they will move the organization in a better direction. Respect the effort, the sacrifice and the pain ALL your fighters go through each and every day to get where they get. That belt you put on Miesha’s waist was EARNED, and don’t you ever think it iseffingcool to call the fact that Holly Holm had the guts to face Miesha Tatea mistake.

It rings hollow, especially when I would consider that handing you a microphone to talk about MMA at all was THE greatest mistake the sport ever made, razdoblje! Anyone who would try to knock a former champion down a peg that way in his own organization does not deserve to be recognized as that organization’s president.

You have no clue what it’s really like to fight, and your criticism of Holly Holm tells me you can never possibly understand the mindset that led her to take the Tate fight and not wait an idle year for RondaeffingRousey to be ready to appear at one of your precious shows.

Tako, FU Dana White for treating your former champ like she’s an idiot who doesn’t know how to control her own career without you butting your stupid, bald head into it. Holly’s fine without your advice, and she trusts her manager, which might be something you’re not familiar with, but for other people it is actually a reality of doing business with legitimate people.


FU, Dana for being a piss-poor ambassador for the sport, disrespecting fighters who bleed (and sometimes suffer lifelong injuries) for you and the sport, and totally underestimating and failing to grasp what it really takes to actually be a professional fighter who actually competes against other fighters

Do you remember the days when you had to settle for being a lowly boxercise instructor because your boxing trainer Boston slapped you too hard in the ear once? You never had a single competitive fight in your life, Danaeffing” White, and that’s a DOCUMENTED FACT!

Do you ever even look back at those days before the silver-spoon-fed Fertittas helped you claw your greedy, selfish, egotistical ass into the position of OFFICIAL UFC MOUTHPIECE?

Do you remember those hairy days when you blew through $40 million of Fertitta funds to perpetrate theZuffa Mythwhile claiming credit for the UFC brass singlehandedly legitimizing the sport and getting it regulated all by youreffingselves? As if not a single FIGHTER nor any other industry professional who pioneered MMA before you dipped your greedy little paws into it had anything to do with it?

Your Mom remembers thosecoulda been a contender” dana, Dana..when you thought you might be able to have an actual fight with another human being. Your own mother remembers even though you and one of your sleazy friends tried to silence her, BASH HER ONLINE, and even blacklist her BOOK, previše.

Do you remember the days when even Floyd Mayweather, Jr. thought you were cool, back when your daily driver was aneffingHonda, Dana? Floyd Remembers. He knew you long before you could afford to blow a normal person’s yearly pay on a single hand of poker.

You’re in a different place now, Danaeffing” White, and it’s a delusional place. Like on the distant planet you live on, people actually believe YOU really, pošteno, trulyeffingknow what it’s ACTUALLY like to be aneffingfighter? Do you actually believe YOU somehow could ever REALLY know that feeling?


Znate what A FIGHTER is, don’t you, Dana? A fighter is a man or woman who has the courage to willingly step into unarmed combat against another actual man or woman instead of just criticizing up and down the guys and girls who do have the guts to actually stand across from another human being while knowing and internalizing that the accepted goal is to physically destroy each other.

A fighter, in more simple terms, je “one who fights.And let’s be clear about oneeffingthing, Danaeffing” White, I know fighters, a YOU are no fighter.

You are nothing like a fighter, Danaeffing” White, and you nevereffing” bit će. You are too weak, both physically and mentally. Until we see you go through a six-week training camp and then get into the cage against someone and kick his ass, we shouldn’t have to listen to one damncoulda,” “shoulda,” ili “wouldaout of your cornfed mouth about what you think of any particular fighter’s performance or decision making process. Those people have the guts to do what you will NEVER do yourself, and you ought to respect that.

FU Dana WhiteFor not recognizing Real Fighters Like Miesha Tate and Nate Diaz who keep at it no matter what and NEVER seem to earn your ULTIMATE RESPECT….

Nate Diaz stepped up to fight Conor McGregor for a reason. He had nothing to lose, and he wasn’t intimidated one bit. He famoulsy went on television with Fox Sports 1 on a split screen with Conor before that welterweight fight and quipped that his nemesis had already been choked out before, “by two lames.Diaz also had the perfect instinct to add humourously that McGregor’s choke losses happened, “like a week ago.

Diaz beat Conor in the shit-talk game long before he ever slapped him down and slipped that choke around his neck in the cage. The media created by that freakshow fight might have stopped the unchecked rise of your big, bold, six-headed dragon champion, but it created a new monster at the same time. And he’s a Reebok-hating, scowling, swearing, Stockton-slapping Mother-F$#king BEAST who doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about what he does or says.

You might think Diaz and his attitude arebad for business,” but I think his victory was the best thing that could ever happen to all you smug punks running the UFC. It just proves once and for all that you do not control the MMA universe.

Nate Diaz went without respect and credit for being an MMA pioneer and a good UFC soldier for far too long. The bitterness brewed and boiled within him, and I loved every second of him letting it pour out in post-fight interviews after he choked the shit out of Conor until the Irish bloke tapped theeffout and left Dana White drooling in a stupor at the thought of having to congratulate a man who’s become more of a mortal enemy than a member of the bigteam.

More power to Nate and all the crazy, abrasive, in-your-face Diaz brother types out there in the UFC who will fight DanaeffingWhite’s flamboyant fire with even more bravado and brash talk of their own. They can always say, “I learned it by watching you, Baldfather!”

As for Miesha Tate, she deserves true respect and admiration for being champ now after picking herself off the mat twice in the face of grueling losses to Rousey. Kudos to Tate for continuing her career and relentlessly focusing on getting by that Rousey armbar once and for all.

Though Miesha never did solve that Rousey submission dilemma, trying at all costs to get another crack at the belt paid dividends at UFC 196. Her never quit attitude led her to an opportunity of a lifetime, and she capitalized on it. Sada, Dana, you actually have to pay this young lady what most of her fans would say she was worth a long time ago.

And now you simply have to treat Tate with a bit of reverence and appreciation for once in your ungrateful life, Danaeffing” White. I know it must pain you so much to give this young lady the credit she’s worked so incredibly hard for, because maybe she touched a nerve when she called you out in the past for being the true clueless and disrespectful prick you really are. She was right, and you were wrong about how great she really is at fighting. Then again, weren’t you also WRONG about women fighting in the cage, razdoblje?

Tako, you DON’T wanna be a fighter, G.. White? Then step aside and let the people who DO wanna be fighters go to battle for you so you can ride around the world on your jet and act like you know what theeffyou’re talking about when you stand in front of a microphone to describe the sport’s true athletes and what they do to make a living in mixed martial arts.

The line from Dana that most stands out to me as comblete BS in this whole debacle is this one:

“He’s an old boxing guy who thinks he’s smart and he isn’t,” White said of Fresquez [Holm’s Manager]. “I feel bad for Holly because I don’t know if she really knows what she lost.”

I have only two moreeffingquestions for you Danaeffing” White…

1.) What makes you think you are really in anyeffingposition to EVER know or understand what Holly Holm lost the other night? Aside from a few bad poker hands and tons of respect, the only thing you ever lost is your mind.

2.) Doesn’t your backhanded quote about Holm’s manager describe your own shitty character a whole lot better than that of Mr. Fresquez?

I…just in case after reading all this anyone STILL needs yet another reason to have beef with the Baldfather:

GH3 Promotions signs Bantamweight LeRoy Davila

Za immediate release

Nutley, Nju Džerzi (Ožujak 11, 2016)GH3 Promotions is pleased to announce the signing of Bantamweight prospect LeRoy Davila to an exclusive promotional contract.

Davila, 27 years-old of New Brunswick, New Jersey is the latest prospect o sign with Vito Mielnicki’s growing promotional stable.
“Borio sam se na 108 pounds as an amateur but I will turn pro 118. I had 60 amaterske borbe,” said Davila.
I feel I fit in with GH3 Promotions. I know a couple of their fighters personally and they are cool guys. Hopefully I will turn pro in June. I am here to make a statement. I am a counter puncher but I can fight any style.
Rekao GH3 Promocije Vito Mielnicki, “I am very happy to have signed Leroy. He is a very talented fighter who I have watched very closely over the past couple of years. Being that he is from New Jersey, I have watched him grow as a fighter and I believe that he will be a contender in the Bantamweight division.
Davila is managed by Pete Festa (AR3 Management)
Leroy Davila
Leroy Davila
GH3 Promocije ima neporaženi srednjoj Antoine Douglas, Super srednjoj Jerry Odom & Ronald Ellis, neporaženi super Bantamweight Adam Lopez kao Boxcino 2015 Jr. Srednjoj prvak John Thompson, Jr., neporaženi velter je Hector Frometa, Jerrell Harris & Keenan Smith, , Jr. Lightweight O’Shaquie Foster & Super srednjoj Andrew Hernandez da GH3 Promocije stabilna.


SANTA MONICA, KAO ŠTO. (Ožujak 11, 2016) – Broadcast details for Bellator’s groundbreaking, inauguralan, international event have been finalized. "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Campos " a "Bellator Kickboxing: Torino " will both emanate from the Pala Alpitour in Torino, Italija na Travanj 16, but be broadcast separately.

"Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Campos " airs on SPIKE Subota, Travanj 16 na 10 poslije podne. I/PT, while the debut of "Bellator Kickboxing: Torino " will be televised Petak, Travanj 22 na 11:00 poslije podne. I/PT, immediately following the broadcast of "Bellator 153: Koreshkov vs. Henderson " na Spike.

For more information on the card, you can view the most recent event press release by klikom ovdje, ili posjet


Cijela "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Campos”Borba kartica:

Bellator MMA Lagan Main Event: Patricky Freire (15-7) vs. Derek Polja (16-6)

Bellator MMA Poluteškoj Co-Main Event: Alessio Sakara (17-11) vs. Brian Rogers (12-8)

Bellator MMA Pero Značajka Bout: A.J. McKee (3-0) vs. Danilo Belluardo (5-1)

Bellator MMA Flyweight Značajka Bout: Anastasia Yankova (2-0) vs. Pink anđeo (Debi)

Bellator MMA Pero Značajka Bout: Daniele Miceli (2-0) vs. Daniele Scatizzi (6-2)

Updated “Bellator Kickboxing: Torino”Borba kartica:

Bellator Kickboxing Srednjoj Main Event: Melvin Manhoef (49-12) vs. Alexandru Negrea (8-2)

Bellator Kickboxing 165-Funta Značajka Bout: Mustapha Haida (37-3-3) vs. Karim Ghajji (95-12)

Bellator Kickboxing Velter kategorija značajka Bout: Raymond Daniels (10-3) vs. TBA

Bellator Kickboxing Flyweight Značajka Bout: Denise Kielholtz (43-2) vs. TBA

Bellator Kickboxing Bantamweight značajka Bout: Kevin Ross (30-9) vs. TBA


LAS VEGAS – “Knockout Night at the D,” the boxing fight card to feature headliners Zab Judah vs. Josh Torres at the Downtown Las Vegas Događanja Centar (DLVEC), has been cancelled for Subota, Ožujak 12.
Derek Stevens, CEO of D Las Vegasu and DLVEC, rekla, “Prošlu noć, I received multiple calls from the Nevada Athletic Commission regarding eligibility concerns. After our discussions, it became apparent the fight card could not move forward. Although I’m disappointed with the situation, I appreciate the phone calls and look forward to working with the Nevada Athletic Commission on future boxing events at the DLVEC.
Prošle godine, DLVEC launched several successful boxing events, with Stevens leading the charge to bring outdoor boxing back to Las Vegas.
All ticket purchases will be reimbursed. Credit card transactions will be automatically refunded and cash refunds will be issued at their point of purchase.
O Downtown Las Vegasu Događanja Centar
Smješten na uglu Treće St. i Carson Ave. preko puta D Las Vegasu, Downtown Las Vegas Događanja Centar može primiti do 11,000 gosti i ima state-of-the-art pozornicu, Zvuk i rasvjeta. Open-air dizajn poziva na turiste i domaće stanovništvo i nudi savršeno mjesto za koncerte, konvencija i drugih velikih događaja. Prihvaćanje nesputano duh Downtown Las Vegasu, novi mjesto igra domaćin line-up kustos događanja, uključujući premijera koncerata, hrana festivala i više. Mjesto je također prvi zabavni Arena u Las Vegasu prihvatiti bitcoin kao valutu. Za više informacija, posjet ili pratite na Facebook, Instagram i Twitter na DLVEC.


Naslov: L-R (back row): Bute; Bregunica, Utičnica, DeGale, Russell Jr., Majke, Selby, Provodnikov, Quellar, Pedraza.

L-R (front row): Joshua, Thurman, Wilder, Nositi, Povetkin.


NEW YORK (Ožujak 11, 2016)—SHOWTIME Sports u petak announced seven live boxing telecasts over a 12-week span, a stacked lineup featuring nine world championship fights and 14 overall matches in boxing’s deepest and most exciting divisions.


The full slate of programming is free to SHOWTIME subscribers, and the presentation on CBS is the first Prime Time boxing event on CBS television network in decades.


Stephen Espinoza, Izvršni dopredsjednik & General Manager of SHOWTIME Sports, also announced a summer blockbuster in the making.


“This is an incredibly exciting time in boxing, a time for emerging stars to make their mark, and for established champions to break through to the next level,” Espinoza said.


“This schedule features high level matchups with champions taking on the highest-rated contenders available, and top-ranked challengers facing one another. We are thrilled and grateful to the promoters and the fighters themselves who have worked with us these last few weeks to put together such an impressive lineup for SHOWTIME Boxing. It has to be one of the best we’ve ever assembled.


“We have seven live telecasts over a 12-week span that runs the gamut of our SHOWTIME boxing series. It includes nine world title fights, and that doesn’t count a great fight that’s just coming together today, as both Leo Santa Cruz and Carl Frampton have now agreed to a championship matchup to be scheduled for late summer.


“All of these events are free to SHOWTIME subscribers, a Lipanj 25 event is the first Prime Time boxing presentation on CBS television network in decades.


“Again, thanks to the fighters and promoters for not only making these great matches a reality, but for their cooperation in today’s major announcement.”

See below for details on the events that Espinoza, and the principals involved, are in the process of finalizing. Additional details on each individual event will be announced in the coming days.



Main Event: Charles Martin (23-0-1, 21 Kos) vs. Anthony Joshua (15-0, 15 Kos) – IBF Heavyweight World Title Championship

Co-feature: Lee Selby (22-1, 8 Kos) vs. Eric Hunter (21-3, 11 Kos) – IBF Featherweight Championship

Start Time: TBD

Mjesto održavanja: The O2 – London

Organizator: Warriors Boks & Matchroom Sport


Petak, Travanj 15 - ShoBox: Nova generacija

Main Event: Nikolaj Potapov (14-0, 6 Kos) vs. Stephon Mladi (14-0-2, 6 Kos) – 10-Rd Bantamweight Bout

Start Time: 10 poslije podne. I/PT

Mjesto održavanja: Turning Stone Casino – Verona, NY

Organizator: Salita Promocije

  • Four-fight telecast featuring at least six undefeated fighters.



Main Event: Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 Kos) vs. Patrick Hyland (31-1, 15 Kos) – WBC Featherweight World Championship

Co-Značajka: Jose Pedraza (21-0, 12 Kos) vs. Stephen Smith (23-1, 13 Kos) – IBF Super Featherweight World Championship

Start Time: 11 poslije podne. I/8 poslije podne. PT

Mjesto održavanja: Fox Theatre at Foxwoods Resort Casino

Organizator: DiBella Zabava

  • Featherweight world title fights in consecutive weeks.
  • Gary Russell Jr. returns to make his first title defense
  • Crucial Super Featherweight bout between defending champ Jose Pedraza and No. 1 challenger Stephen Smith.



Main Event: Badou Jack (20-1-1, 12 Kos) vs. Lucian Bute (32-3, 25 Kos) – WBC Super Middleweight Championship

Co-Značajka: James DeGale (22-1, 14 Kos) vs. Rogelio Medina (35-6, 29 Kos) – IBF Super Middleweight World Championship

Start Time: 10 poslije podne. I/7 poslije podne. PT

Mjesto održavanja: TBD

Organizator: Mayweather Promotions

  • Former champ Bute, fresh off a great fight against DeGale, steps in to replace the injured Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.
  • Medina is the IBF’s mandated challenger for DeGale.
  • The winners will meet in an immediate unification.



Main Event: Deontay Wilder (36-0, 35 Kos) vs. Alexander Povetkin (30-1, 22 Kos) – WBC Heavyweight World Championship

Start Time: TBD

Mjesto održavanja: TBD



Main Event: Ruslan Provodnikov (25-4, 18 Kos) vs. John Molina Jr.. (28-6, 23 Kos) – 12-Rd Super Lightweight Bout

Start Time: 9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT

Mjesto održavanja: Turning Stone Casino – Verona, NY

Organizator: Banner Promocije

  • Induction Weekend for International Boxing Hall of Fame.
  • Main event features two fighters involved in Fights of Year


Subota, Lipanj 25 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS Presented by PBC

Main Event: Keith Thurman (26-0, 1 ND, 22 Kos) vs. Shawn Porter (26-1-1, 16 Kos) – WBA Welterweight World Championship

Co-Značajka: Isus Cuellar (28-1, 21 Kos) vs. Abner Mares (29-2-1, 15 Kos) – WBA (reg.) Featherweight World Championship

Start Time: TBD

Mjesto održavanja: TBD

Organizator: DiBella Zabava

  • Thurman cleared to resume training after minor injury
  • Three-division world champ Mares to now face Jesus Cuellar for featherweight title



Main Event: Leo Santa Cruz (32-0-1, 18 Kos) vs. Carl Frampton (22-0, 14 Kos) – WBA (super) Featherweight World Championship

  • Frampton the unified 122-pound titlist, will move up to face Santa Cruz for the WBA (super) Featherweight World Championship

Undefeated Prospect Mario Barrios Battles Mexico’s Erick Daniel Martinez & Unbeaten Sergiy Derevyanchenko Takes On Mike Guy On Tuesday, Ožujak 15 On PBC TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS On FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES On FOX Deportes

Coverage Begins At 9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT
From Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino In
Nice, Kalifornija
NICE, CALIF. (Ožujak 11, 2016) – Exciting undefeated prospect Mario Barrios (14-0, 8 Kos) will take on Mexico’s Erick Daniel Martinez (11-4-1, 5 Kos) in an eight-round super featherweight bout on Tuesday, Ožujak 15 na Premier Boks prvaka (PBC)TOE do pete utorkom na FS1 i Boks prvaka on FOX Deportes from Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino in Nice, Kalif.
Barrios vs. Martinez serves as the new co-main event after the previously announced matchup between Tugstsogt Nyambayar and Rafael Vazquez was cancelled. Televiziji pokrivenost počet će u 9 poslije podne. I/6 poslije podne. PT with unbeaten Ukrainian Sergiy Derevyanchenko (7-0, 5 Kos) squaring-off against Mike Guy (8-1-1, 4 Kos) in an eight round super middleweight affair. The main event of the evening features a 10-round super lightweight showdown between Sergey Lipinets (8-0, 6 Kos)a Levan Ghvamichava (16-1-1, 12 Kos).
Ulaznice za događaj uživo, koji se promovira TGB Promocije, započeti u $20 te su na prodaju sada. To purchase tickets call the players club at (707) 262-4000.
Further action features 23-year-old Los Angeles-native Kevin Watts (10-0, 3 Kos) against Poland’s Michal Chudecki (11-1-1, 3 Kos) in super lightweight action and unbeaten Cuban and brother of world champion Rances Barthelemy, Leduan Bartolomej (8-0, 4 Kos) uzimajući u Meksiko a Pedro Melo (16-11-2, 7 Kos) u pero borbe.
A tall featherweight at over six feet, the 20-year-old Barrios picked up seven victories in a jam-packed 2015 in which he stopped five opponents inside the distance, including a and uppercut left hook combo that ended the night of Manuel Vides in December. The San Antonio-native turned pro in 2013 and is on the fast track towards a world title shot as he makes his 2016 debi. He will take on Martinez out of Tijuana, Meksiko. The 24-year-old was unbeaten in his first 12 pro borbe.
A highly decorated amateur who represented his native Ukraine in the 2008 Olimpijske igre, Derevyanchenko now lives and trains in Brooklyn. The unbeaten 30-year-old defeated a slew of experienced contenders in 2015 with wins over Elvin Ayala, Alan Campa |, Vladine Biosse and a thrilling third-round stoppage of Jessie Nicklow. He will take on the once-beaten Guy out of Sacramento who enters this bout on a three-fight win streak.
Za više informacija: posjet, / stranica,, Pratite na TwitteruPremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions @FS1, FOXDeportes ISwanson_Comm i postanite fan na Facebook-u, PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona, najbolje pivo.


#1 Boxing Series on Television Showing Rapid Audience Growth and Engagement: Over 10 million Boxing Fans Reached Weekly
Ožujak 12 Porter vs. Tyner 12 Round Exhibition to be seen Exclusively via Facebook Live on PBC’s Facebook Page
LAS VEGAS – OŽUJAK 11, 2016 – Premier Boks prvaka (PBC), the #1 boxing series on broadcast TV and cable created by Haymon Boxing, is finding a successful way to grow and engage a digital generation of boxing fans with Facebook and Facebook Live. Facebook released a case study, crediting PBC with providing and creating a new home for a video savvy audience.
“Premier Boks prvaka’ innovative, data-driven content strategy has allowed them to connect more boxing fans with the content they love, by taking fans deep into the sport,” said Patrick Chapman, Facebook Sports Partnerships. “That comprehensive approach is driving exciting growth metrics across the boarda sure sign that fans like what they’re seeing.
Providing a fan-first, behind-the-scenes home featuring highlight and training videos, the PBC page has cultivated an active audience bookended by a millennial generation and Boomer audience. S 70% of the PBC Facebook fans between 18-44, the series has found that it is providing and generating an audience that mirrors if not beats audience deliveries of traditional television and cable media.
We’ve found that not only have we grown a digital audience via Facebook, but also we’ve increased tune-in for our PBC broadcasts through our Facebook promotions,” said Alex Balfour, Chief Digital Officer, HAYMON Boks. “Since starting our postings we have seen support escalate for the authentic fan experience. Views rise for the purity of the sport and performance in the ring, regardless of if the fighter is well known, a main event name or a fighter on the undercard. We know our PBC digital fans care about good fights and good fighters, and support watching and learning about results from the matches as well as training.
U 2015, PBC on Facebook mirrored the strong PBC broadcast/cable audience deliveries, reaching a weekly audience of up to 10 million people. PBC began to post regular highlights on Facebook in the last quarter of 2015 s više od 8 million complete views of its 30-second view highlight video clips, which are posted immediately following the broadcast. The most popular highlight video was the Rujan 26 Wilder vs. Duphaus fight, a Listopad 16 Fonfara vs Cleverly fight on Spike sparked highest level of engagement. For more insights visit the report.
PBC is currently using Facebook Live to add another level of engagement to its audience.
Na Subota, Ožujak 12, PBC will broadcast an exclusive 12 round exhibition match featuring Porter meeting Lanardo Tyner via Facebook Live on PBC’s Facebook page. Held live at 7 poslije podne. PST from Porter’s Hy-Performance Center in Las Vegas, a Facebook Live Q&A with Porter and fans will follow the exhibition. Past PBC Facebook Live events have included behind-the-scenes training camp video, including one that reached almost 250k people with former three-division World Champion boxer Abner Mares. PBC had a reach of over 200k people participating in its innovative fighter-first live Q&A with Porter on Veljača 1.
As a new brand offering programming across a variety of networks at many different times of day and days of the week, PBC’s challenge was to reach as many of the estimated 36M avid boxing fans in the U.S. as possible and to raise awareness among the estimated 100M casual boxing fans in the U.S.
Source: Nielsen L+SD 12/29/14-11/12/15 Boxing on all broadcast & cable including pay cable. Facebook
About Premier Boxing Champions:
“Premier Boks prvaka” is a live boxing series created for television by Haymon Boxing. In its first season, PBC delivered over 85 million total viewers, prema Nielsen.

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