Unbeaten Knockout Artist Jonathan Guzman Takes On Mexican Brawler Daniel Rosas in Title Eliminator Friday, Април 29 On Premier Boxing Champions On Spike Live from the Taj Mahal Casino & Hotel in Atlantic City

Више! Top Prospects Eddie Ramirez, Тит Вилијамс & Local Favorites Featured On Loaded Undercard
Атлантиц Цити, Њ (Април 25, 2016) – Undefeated knockout artist Џонатан Гузман(20-0, 20 КОс) will battle Mexico’s Daniel Rosas (20-2, 12 КОс) in a 12-round super bantamweight title eliminator in the opening bout of Премиер Бокс шампиона (ПБЦ) о Шиљак у петак, Април 29 from the Taj Mahal Casino and Hotel in Atlantic City.
Телевизијски покривеност почиње у 9 п.м. И/8 п.м. CT and features the return of the Dirrell brothers as Други “Васкрслог” Диррелл (24-2, 16 КОс) takes on Minnesota’s Калеб “Златан” Труак (26-2-2, 6 КОс) док Антоније “Пас” Диррелл (28-1-1, 22 КОс) battles Australia’s Блејк Цапарелло (22-1-1, 6 КОс) in a pair of 10-round super middleweight bouts. Guzman and Rosas will fight for the number two contender spot for the world title currently held by Carl Frampton.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише краљевих Промоције, се по цени од $100, $75 и $50, су доступни на свим Тицкетмастер местима и да су на продају сада.
A trio of exciting prospects highlight the undercard action as unbeaten New York Golden Gloves champion Тит Вилијамс takes on Indiana’s ДеВаине Мудрост in a six-round featherweight bout, unbeaten 23-year-old Еди Рамирез enters the ring in an eight-round super lightweight contest and Brooklyn’s Цхордале Букер battles Virginia’s Rogue Zapata in a four-round super welterweight fight.
Addition bouts features New Jersey talent including welterweight Антхони Иоунг of Atlantic City against Јуан Родригуез in a six-round battle, Little Egg Harbor’s Брендан Барретт in a four-round heavyweight bout against Аландо Пугх, Toms River’s Хафиз Монтгомери против колега без пораза Darnell Pierce in a four-round cruiserweight affair and Atlantic City’s Chris Thomas преузимајући Jessie Singletary in a four-round middleweight fight.
Rounding out the action is unbeaten heavyweight Luther Smith in a four-round battle withSolomon Maye, Antonio Magruder in a six-round super lightweight contest againstВиктор Васкес and the pro debut of Абрахам Нова као он се суочава Weusi Johnson in a four-round super lightweight bout.
An unbeaten fighter out of the Dominican Republic and now training in Massachusetts, Guzman is nearing a world title fight thanks to his extreme power and ability to stop opponents. The 26-year-old has won all of his fight by knockout and since making his U.S. деби у 2014 he has stopped Ernesto Guerrero, Juan Guzman, Christian Esquivel and most recently Danny Aquino.
An experienced 26-year-old who has fought professionally since 2007, Rosas came up just short in his last title opportunity, when he dropped a decision to Alejandro Hernandez in 2014. Rosas has won his last three fights in a row since then and the Mexico City-native will look to make a splash in his U.S. debut on April 29.
Фоллов он Твиттер@ПремиерБокинг, @АндреДиррелл, @БлакеЦапарелло, АнтхониДиррелл, ГолденЦалебТ, СпикеТВ, СпикеСпортс, @KingsBoxing_and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокингЦхампионс.
Најзанимљивији делови доступни за уградњу ввв.иоутубе.цом/премиербокингцхампионс. ПБЦ на Спике је спонзорисан од стране Цорона Ектра, финест pivo.


Левистон, Мејн (Април 23, 2016) - Нев Енгланд Фигхтс (НЕФ), Број један регионални борба промоција Америке, held its most recent event, “НЕФ 22: Сви путеви воде овде,” Saturday night at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, Мејн. Више од 3,000 fight fans were on hand for the event, making it one of the largest crowds ever to witness an NEF event.


On the boxing portion of the card, Брендон “Тхе Цаннон” Бобица (11-1-1) fought to a majority draw in a six-round contest with James Lester (10-9-1). Many of Berry’s supporters in attendance felt that he won the fight, but two of the judges had it even on the scorecards.


The headliner of the amateur MMA card saw Калеб Хала (7-3) captured the vacant amateur featherweight title with a second-round submission of Erik Nelson (2-3). On the professional side of the MMA card, Девин Пауел (6-1) took home the lightweight championship by defeating Џеси Ериксон (6-5) in the first round via technical knockout.


The full results from Lewiston, Мејн:



Brandon Berry fought James Lester to a majority draw



Devin Powell def. Jesse Erickson via TKO, круг 1 (Powell wins lightweight title)

Мајк Хансен деф. Jesse Baughman via arm triangle, круг 1

Џош Харви деф. Matt Denning via triangle choke, круг 1

Левис деф инча. Zenon Herrera via armbar, круг 1

Аарон Лејси деф. Derek Shorey via D’Arce Choke, круг 1




Glenn Kasabian def. Matt Marshall via TKO, круг 1

Tom Burgess def. Alex Payson via KO, круг 2

Ryan Daley def. Jake Denham via TKO, круг 2

Брице Бамфорд Деф. Joe Krech via TKO, круг 1

Калеб сала Деф. Erik Nelson via D’arce Choke, круг 2 (Hall wins featherweight title)

Ник Гулливер деф. Dave Smith via TKO, круг 1

Цори Суђење деф. Angelo Rizzitello via split decision

Ras Hylton def. Matt Glover via KO, круг 2

Angela Young def. Hannah Sparrell via unanimous decision


Нев Енгланд бори "следећи догађај, "НЕФ 23: CAGE THE CAPE," одвија Субота, Мај 14, 2016 at the Hyannis Youth and Community Center in Hyannis, Масачусетс. Улазнице су у продаји сада наввв.НевЕнгландФигхтс.цом.


NEF returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, Маине о Јун 18, 2016 са “НЕФ 24: THE PROMISED LAND.Tickets for “NEF 24” start at just $25 и су на продају сада у ввв.ТхеЦолисее.цом или позивом на бок оффице Цолисее на207.783.2009 к 525.


For more information on the events and fight card updates, посетите сајт промоцији је у ввв.НевЕнгландФигхтс.цом. Додатно, можете гледати видео записе на НЕФ ввв.иоутубе.цом/НЕФММА, пратите их на Твиттер@нефигхтс и придружите званичну Фацебоок групу "Нев Енгланд борби."


О Нове Енглеске Бои


Нев Енгланд Фигхтс ("НЕФ") је борба настани промоције компанија. Мисија НЕФ је да створи најквалитетније догађаје за Маине бораца и фанове подједнако. Извршни тим НЕФ има велико искуство у борби спортски менаџмент, Производња догађаји, односи са медијима, маркетинг, правни и оглашавање.



Complete Fight Night Photos Here

TORINO, ИТАЛИЈА. (Април 22, 2016) – Italy’s largest indoor arena, The Pala Alpitour was packed with over 13,000 fans for the historic, инаугуралан “Беллатор Кицкбокинг: Torino догађај. The kickoff event was one for the ages with fierce competitors making a name for themselves with their world-class kickboxing on display. The card aired tonight on SPIKE through a delayed broadcast following "Беллатор 153: Корешков против. Henderson.”

Мелвин Манхоеф (37-13) was upset by Milan’s Alexandru Negrea (9-2) via decision in the evening’s main event. Negrea, also known as “The Volcano,” erupted in the second round, scoring a knockdown that forced an eight-count for Manhoef. The closely contested bout resulted in a decision victory for the Romanian-born fighter (30-25, 29-26, 29-26).

Mustapha Haida (40-5-2) и Karim Ghajji (96-12) battled it out for five hard-fought, exciting rounds of action for the ISKA and Bellator Kickboxing World Titles. At the culmination of the bout, France’s Ghajji emerged victorious with the scorecards reading (50-44, 50-44, 46-48).

Los Angeles native Раимонд Даниелс (11-3) has a knack for producing highlight-reel finishes, and he was back at it again during the “Беллатор Кицкбокинг: Torino” event, flooring Francesco Moricca (15-3-1) with a spinning heel liver kick just 30 seconds into round one.

Here is the answer to a future trivia question: Veronica Vernocchi (31-7-1) was the first fighter to ever step into a Bellator Kickboxing ring. Денисе Киелхолтз (44-2), међутим, was all business from the very beginning. The Dutch striker made her historic walk to the ring to Rihanna’s hit song, “B*tch Better Have my Money,” and she fought as though her opponent showed up with empty pockets, winning a decision victory (30-27, 30-27, 28-29). Са победом, Kielholtz became the first fighter to have their hand raised in a Bellator Kickboxing contest.


About Bellator:

Беллатор ММА је водећи мешовите организација Мартиал Артс карактерише много од најбољих бораца на свету. Под руководством ветерана борба промотора Сцотт Цокер, Беллатор је доступан готово 500 милиона домова у преко широм света 140 Земље. У Сједињеним Америчким Државама, Беллатор се може видети на Спике, Лидер телевизија ВМА. Беллатор ММА се састоји од извршног тима који укључује врхунске професионалце у индустрији телевизијске продукције, догађај уживо Оркестрација, развојни борац / односи, венуе набавке, Стварање спонзорство / развој, Међународни лиценцирање, маркетинг, оглашавање, публицитет и провизија односи. Беллатор је заснован на Санта Моница, Калифорнија и власништву забава гиганта Виацом, дом за забаву премијер светских брендова који повезују са публиком кроз занимљив материјал широм телевизији, филм, Онлине и мобилне платформе.


О Спике:

Шиљак доступан је у 98.7 милион домова и је и Вивацома Медиа Нетворкс. Јединица Виацом (НАСДАК: ВИА, ВИАБ), Виацом Медиа Нетворкс је један од водећих светских креатора програма и садржаја на свим медијских платформи. Spike’s Internet address is www.spike.com and for up-to-the-minute and archival press information and photographs, посетите сајт за новинаре Спике је на http://www.spike.com/press. Пратите нас на Твиттер спикетвпр за најновије у Бреакинг Невс исправке, иза-сцене информације и фотографије.


About Oktagon:

Carlo Di Blasi created Oktagon in 1996. At its beginning the show was dedicated to free fight, the name that was given initially to MMA (Микед Мартиал Артс). Other disciplines such as Kickboxing, Muay Thai and Savate were gradually added from the early 2000’s onwards. During the last 20 years Oktagon has reached a huge popularity, both in Italy and abroad, creating many superstars in the process including Bellator welterweight Paul Daley as well as The Petrosyan brothers (Ђорђа и Армен), Робин ван Роосмален, Валентајн Оверим, Рико Верхоевен Левин Артем.



Complete Fight Photos Here

УНЦАСВИЛЛЕ, ЦОНН. (Април 22, 2016) — While many will be surprised by the news that Андреј Корешков (19-1) поражен Бенсон Хендерсон (23-6) у главном случају “Беллатор 153: Корешков против. Хендерсон,” the Russian champion made it clear following the bout that he intended to win each and every round inside the cage at the Mohegan Sun Arena у петак ноћ, and according to the judges scoring the bout at cage side, he did exactly that (50-45, 50-45, 50-45).

Over the course of 25 записник, Хендерсон, a longtime lightweight competitor, had difficulty closing the distance of the larger “Спартанац,” and sustaining damage in the process. “Smoothwas unable to secure takedowns and was upset with his performance, making it clear that he hopes for a quick return to the Bellator MMA cage; whether it’s at 170 or 155-pounds.

“Спартанац” makes his first successful defense of the title he took from Доуглас Лима in this very arena last year, and has his sights set on fighting one of the main contenders that the Scott Coker-led currently promotion has on its welterweight roster. In addition to the victory, Koreshkov also takes home the newly designed Bellator championship belt.

Patricio “Pitbull” Freire’s Showcases Nasty Guillotine in Co-Main Event

Патрицио "Питбулл" Фреире (25-3) went all-in with a beautiful guillotine choke 4:09 into the second round of his co-main event fight, forcing Хенри Цорралес (12-3) да Тап Оут. Since making his Bellator MMA debut back in April of 2010, “Питбулл” has now collected 13 victories with the promotion, including wins in eight of his last nine bouts. It has been a great week for the “Pitbull” brothers, after older brother ПАТРИК “Питбулл” came out victorious in the main event of "Беллатор 152: Freire vs. Souza” last Saturday in Torino, Италија. The loss is only Corrales’ third of his career, two of which have now come via guillotine choke.

“Cyborg” Santos Spoils Ward’s Hometown Reunion With First Round Win

In his Bellator MMA debut, Евангелиста "Циборг" Сантос (21-16) defeated New London’s own Бреннан Вард (13-4) with an ankle lock submission just 30 seconds into the opening round. The victory is Santos’ fourth career win in 30 seconds or less and 16тх first round finish. The former Strikeforce competitor has now strung together back-to-back wins and has left an impressive first impression for Bellator fans, aside from the ones in attendance at Mohegan Sun Arena. For Ward, the loss puts an end to a promising streak of four consecutive wins, all of which came in his dominant 2015 кампања.


Primus Squeaks Past “Toninho Furia” In Catchweight Marathon

Брент Примус (7-0) remained undefeated with a split decision victory over "Тонинхо Фуриа" (27-6) о Петак taking home scores of (28-29, 29-28, 29-28). The Portland, Oregon native connected on several heavy blows and two pivotal takedowns leading him to his seventh career win. The three-round thriller was just Primus’ second fight that went past the first round and was left to the judgesdiscretion.

“MVP” Makes Quick Work Of Holloway In Explosive Opening Bout

During the opening contest at "Беллатор 153: Корешков против. Хендерсон," Мајкл "Веном" Страница (10-0) завршен Јеремие Холловаи (7-2) with multiple hammerfists and an impressive toe hold submission at 2:15 in the opening round of action. The 28-year-old British phenom, “MVP,” remains undefeated after recording his tenth career win and sixth victory under the Bellator MMA banner. “Venom” now directs his attention to a return home when he meets Fernando Gonzalez on July 16 у "Беллатор 158: London.”

Прелиминарни резултати Цард:

Дјамил Чан (12-2) поражен рицхард Патисхноцк (6-4) преко нокаутом (ударци) у 3:09 округлог једног

Крис Хонеицутт (7-1) поражен Мет Сецор (7-3) једногласна одлука (30-25, 30-27 к2)

Мајк Зицхелле (8-4) поражен јое Кронин (2-4) субмиссион (позади-Накед Цхоке) у 1:25 округлог једног

Матт Бессетте (18-7) поражен кеитх Ричардсон (14-7) ТКО (исећи) у 3:14 рунде два

Цхрис Фостер (9-4) поражен Vovka Clay (3-1) једногласна одлука (29-28 3к)

Сем Ватфорд (2-0) поражен Декан Ханцоцк (2-1) субмиссион (Армбар) у 1:24 округлог једног

тим Карон (4-0) поражен јустин Самтер (0-1) ТКО (ударци) у 3:38 рунде два

Блер Тугман (8-6) поражен Јаи Перин (2-2) преко Сплита одлуке (30-27, 27-30, 29-28)



САНТА МОНИКА, Цалиф. (Април 22, 2016) – A heavyweight showdown between Bellator MMA’s high profile free agent acquisition мат Митрионе (9-5) и Carl “Badwater” Seumanutafa (10-6) will serve as the co-main event of "Беллатор: Динамит 2" о Јун 24, at Scottrade Center in St. Луис.

The bout joins a main card that features a catchweight main event between “Rampage” Џексон (36-11) и Сатоши Ишии (14-5-1) in Jackson’s first fight for the Scott Coker-led promotion since 2014. Additional MMA and kickboxing contests will be announced shortly.

Улазнице за "Беллатор: Dynamite 2,” која се крећу од само $30, are onsale now at Ticketmaster.com and the Ford Box Office at Scottrade Center. Врата за случај отвореном у 5 п.м. ЦТ Локално време, и Прво такмичење се одвија један сат после.

"Беллатор: Dynamite 2” емитује уживо и бесплатно на Спике у 9 п.м. И/8 п.м. ЦТ, док прелиминарни напади ће стреам уживо Беллатор.цом и Беллатор за мобилне уређаје.

Exactly like the groundbreaking inaugural “Dynamite” event this past September in San Jose, both a mixed martial arts cage and kickboxing ring will cover the floor at Scottrade Center, giving fans in attendance the opportunity to see both iterations of combat sports on the same night.

Matt Mitrione originally took his talents to the football gridiron, signing as an undrafted free agent with the New York Giants in 2002. After brief stints with the San Francisco 49ers and Minnesota Vikings, Mitrione entered the MMA cage and hasn’t looked back since. The 14-time UFC veteran began his professional career with victories in his first five fights, four of which came by way of knockout. Known as one of the top finishers in the sport, the 37-year-old Indianapolis native recently finished his run with his former employer, making the decision to test free agency. Mitrione will now look to duplicate the success that he found throughout his career, when he makes his much-anticipated Bellator MMA debut against Seumanutafa on Јун 24.

На само 26 година, Carl “Badwater” Seumanutafa will face the stiffest test of his career when he takes take center stage at the Scottrade Center in St. Луис. Similar to Mitrione, all but one of his wins has come by way of knockout, including five first-round finishes. Looking to continue building momentum in the heavyweight division, the former Strikeforce competitor was victorious in his Bellator debut, when he finished Јави Аиала with a vicious second round TKO at “Беллатор 148: Далеи вс. Ухрицх. " A native of San Francisco, Seumanutafa has been competing professionally since 2007, making his pro debut at only 18-years-old.

Ажурирано "Беллатор: Dynamite 2” Fight Card:

Беллатор ММА 215 лб. Маин Евент: Куинтон "Рампаге" Јацксон (36-11) вс. Сатоши Ишии (14-5-1)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Co-Main Event: мат Митрионе (9-5) вс. Carl Seumanutafa (10-6)


Прелиминарни картица:

Беллатор ВМА Велтервеигхт боут Прелиминарни: Кевин Енгел (5-0) вс. Цхел Ервин-Дејвис (3-1)

Беллатор ВМА Хеавивеигхт Прелиминарни Боут: Јордан Ховард (9-3) vs Justin Robbins (14-17-1)

Беллатор ВМА Велтервеигхт боут Прелиминарни: Јоакуин Буцклеи (5-0) vs Chris Heatherly (9-3-1)

Bellator MMA 130-pound Preliminary Bout: Michelle Royer (1-0) vs Katy Collins (3-1)

Bellator MMA 180-pound Preliminary Bout: Brad Jones (5-4) vs Clay Mitchell (1-2)

Беллатор ВМА Лигхтвеигхт Прелиминарни Боут: Jason Christeson (1-0) vs Jarrod Thomas (0-0)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Lee Burns (2-0) вс. Byron Stevens (0-0)

Беллатор Кицкбокинг Preliminary Bout: Elmir Kulosman (3-0) вс. Darryl Cobb (2-1)

Беллатор Кицкбокинг Preliminary Bout: Tara Walker (4-3-1) вс. Mimi Kutzin (3-2)



САНТА МОНИКА, Калиф. (Април 22, 2016) – The recently announced international tentpole event, "Беллатор 158: Лондон," now features two additional mouth-watering matchups during the event’s main card, са данашњим додатак Мајкл "Веном" Страница (10-0) наспрам Фернандо Гонзалес (25-13) in a welterweight bout at The O2 in London. “MVP” is fresh off a first-round submission during the main card of "Беллатор 153: Корешков против. хендерсон " вечерас and now sets his sights on impressing in his home country.

Додатно, the stacked main card now also features a light heavyweight pairing between Linton “The Swarm” Vassell (16-5) и Francis “Limitless” Carmont (24-11). The two new contests join an event that already features Кимбо Слице (6-2) преузимајући Јамес Тхомпсон (20-16) и Јосх Косцхецк (17-10) против Павле "Семтекс" Дејли (38-13-2). Додатни такмичења ће бити објављен ускоро.

In the United Kingdom, the event will be broadcast free on SPIKE UK and Channel 5, while in America the card will air FREE on SPIKE. Exact broadcast details for "Беллатор 158: London” will be revealed in the near future. Tickets for the event are on sale now and start at only £40.00. They are available at TheO2.co.uk or The O2 Box Office.

As was showcased вечерас у "Беллатор 153: Корешков против. Хендерсон," mixed martial arts fans and pundits alike would be hard-pressed to find a striker — or submission specialistas dynamic as Page. Other than his win against Јеремие Холловаи, look no further than his previous outings against Charlie Ontiveros, or his 65-second knockout of Rudy Bears for explosive examples. Али, now “Venom” looks to strike against Gonzalez, who is no stranger to being the underdog when he enters the Bellator MMA fray. A proud son of London, Енглеска, the 29-year-old Page has only reached the judges’ scorecards once in his nine professional outings. “MVP” will enter the cage at The O2 in London with an unblemished record, hometown support and momentum, all on his side.

Гонзалез, a 32-year-old Menifee, Калиф. is looking to build upon his split decision victory over Гилберт Смит у "Беллатор 151: Ворен вс. Цалдвелл” and add to his impressive five-fight winning streak. A veteran of the Scott Coker-founded Strikeforce promotion, as well as World Extreme Cagefighting, Gonzalez has been competing professionally since 2003 and was originally slated to fight “MVP” in March, but the fight fell through when the Englishman withdrew due to injury. Сада, Gonzalez looks to solidify himself as the No. 1 contender to the crown at 170-pounds and prove that he truly is the stiffest test Page has faced in his 10-fight career.

Vassell is fresh off of a victory over Bellator’s Емануел Њутон in a bout that went the distance at the record-shattering event that was"Беллатор 149: Шамрок против. Грејси. " Vassell has now won 11 од његова последња 13 fights and will be chomping at the bit to get back in the cage in front of his hometown fans. Vassell joins Thompson, Daley and Page on a card that features a strong contingent of British talent as the card continues to grow.

Hailing from Paris, Француска, the 34-year-old Carmont will enter the cage for the first time in 2016 and fourth under the Bellator MMA umbrella. In his most recent appearance, at the tournament-style "Беллатор ММА: Динамите 1, " Carmont replaced an injured Мухаммед "Кинг Мо" Лауал, who was forced to drop out after suffering a rib injury earlier in the event. After winning his first bout of the evening, “Limitless” surrendered a loss to Пхил Давис in the final round of the tournament-style contest. Сада, “Limitless” looks to upset the hometown faithful during the main card of "Беллатор 158: London.”

Упдатед “Беллатор 158: Лондон” Фигхт Цард:

Беллатор ВМА Хеавивеигхт Маин Евент-: Кимбо Слице 6-2) вс. Јамес Тхомпсон (20-16)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Co-Main Event: Јосх Косцхецк (17-10) вс. Паул Далеи (38-13-2)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Bout: Мицхаел Паге (10-0) вс. Фернандо Гонзалес (25-13)

Bellator MMA Light Heavyweight Bout: Линтон Васселл (16-5) вс. Френсис Цармонт (24-11)

2012 У.С. Олимпијски & 154-Такмичар за фунту Террелл Гаусха преузима мексички Орландо Лора у узбудљивој битци испод карте

Више! Непоражени тешкаш, Гералд Васхингтон, наставља
Бивши изазивач наслова Еддие Цхамберс
Непоражени лаки тешкаш Давид Бенавидез Фацес
Тешко ударајући Пхиллип Јацксон
Субота, Април 30 Од Стубхуб центру у Царсон, Калиф.
ЦАРСОН, Цалиф. (Април 22, 2016) – Надолазећи кандидат и 2012 У.С. Олимпијски Террелл Гаусха (17-0, 8 КОс) преузима Мексику Орландо Лора (30-6-2, 19 КОс) у афери супер полутешкаш у 10 рунди која истиче акцију ундерцард у СтубХуб Центер у Царсону, Калиф. о Субота, Април 30.
Додатно, претешка категорија Џералд “Црна Петао” Вашингтон (16-0-1, 11 КОс) и “Брзо” Еддие Цхамберс (42-4, 23 КОс) састаће се у двобоју од 10 рунди, док ће непоражени уметник који нокаут расте Давид “Црвена застава” Бенавидез (13-0, 12 КОс) бори се тешко погађајући Пхиллип Јацксон (16-2, 15 КОс) у осам рунди лагане тешке акције.
у априлу 30 догађај садржи ПБЦ на ФОКС и ФОКС Депортес троструки заглавље насловљен дуго очекиваним реванш мечем у полутешкој категорији “Вициоус” Виктор Ортиз и Други “Беаст” Берто. Телевизијски покривеност почиње у 8 п.м. И/5 п.м. ПТ са лаганим обрачуном непоражених Хорхе Лара и бивши вишеструки светски првак Фернандо “Цоцхулито” Монтиел уследило је надметање између тешких лаких тешкаша Едвин “Ла Бомба” Родригез и Тома “Највиши ауторитет” Виллиамс Јр.
Даље акције подземне карте представљају родом из Лос Ангелеса Манни Роблес Јр. (9-0, 4 КОс) у перолакој борби против Мексика Едуардо Рафаел Рејес (6-6, 5 КОс), 26-годишњи Авениров брат, Адаме “Спееди” Мајке (14-1-2, 3 КОс) преузимајући Фениксов Јесус Агуинага (4-3) у мечу од шест рунди у лакој категорији и Мексику Луис Белло (6-4, 2 КОс) против у шест кругова у супер лакој конкуренцији.
Заокруживање акције је родом из Лос Ангелеса Ентони Флорес (10-0, 6 КОс) у отпаду од шест рунди у полутешкој категорији и 28-годишњак Дардан Зенунај (11-1, 9 КОс) Косова у афери од шест рунди лаке категорије.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише ТГБ Промоције, се по цени од $209, $105, $53, и $27, Плус примењују порез, таксе и наплату за, су на продају сада и доступни су за куповину онлине на АКСС.цом.
Пре почетка телевизијских борби, за власнике улазница изван СтубХуб Центра биће одржан званични Фан Фест. Догађаји почињу у 2:30 п.м. ПТ и поседује Цорона Беер Гарден, камиони за храну, музика из бенда Металацхи и потписивање аутограма са популарним борцима као што је Лео Санта Цруз, Абнер Марес, Схавн Портер и још много тога.
Рођен и одрастао у Кливленду, Гаусхавас одликован аматера који су освојили златне медаље у САД. Натионал Цхампионсхипс ин 2009 и 2012 и представља САД као део 2012 Олимпијски тим. 28-годишњи је непоражен од окреће про у 2012. У 2015 зарадио је победе над Норбертом Гонзалесом, Луис Граједа, Елиезер Гонзалез и Саид Ел Харрак. Изазваће га мексички ветеран Лора са Синалое.
Двосмерна играча (чврсто крај и одбрамбена крај) на Универзитету Јужне Калифорније, Вашингтон провео време са Сеаттле Сеахавкс и Буффало Биллс праксе одреда о његовом неконвенционалном путу који га је довео до бокс. 33-годишњи такође радио у морнарици као механичар хеликоптера пре одласка на УСЦ, а нису добили свој почетак у професионалној бокса до 2012. Борба из Валлејоа, Калифорнија, још увек није изгубио у свом најновијем подухвату након борбе за нерешен резултат са Амиром Мансоуром у октобру и победе над Јасоном Гаверном у марту прошле године.
Представљајући изванредан борбени град Филаделфију, Цхамберс улази у ову борбу у низу од шест победа, укључујући прекиде у својој две последње борбе Дориана Дарцх-а и Галена Бровна. Ветеран у тешкој категорији изазвао је Владимира Кличка 2010 за светску титулу у тешкој категорији и поседује победе над Деррицом Россијем, Доминицк Гуинн, Цалвин Броцк и Алекандер Димитренко током његове дуге каријере.
Млађи брат непораженог Јосеа Бенавидеза, Давид је створио савршен 13 побеђује у 13 почиње са само 19 година. Борба против Феникса, Бенавидез је зауставио четири победе 2015 и отпочео свој 2016 нокаутом Кевина Цоббса у јануару. Враћа се да преузме њујоршки производ Јацксон, који у ову борбу улази победник 13 од његова последња 14 такмичења.
За више информација посетите ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом ввв.ТГБПромотионс.цом, хттп://ввв.фокспортс.цом/Пресспасс / страница ифокдепортес.цом фоллов он Твиттер@ПремиерБокинг, @ВициоусОртиз, АндреБерто,@ЛаБомбаБокинг, ТопДоггЈр, ФОКССПОРТС, @ФОКСДепортес И@Свансон_Цомм и постати фан на Фацебоок уввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокинг, ввв.фацебоок.цом/фокспортс иввв.фацебоок.цом/фокдепортес. Пратите разговор помоћу #ПБЦонФОКС. ПБЦ на ФОКС је спонзорисан од стране Цорона, финест pivo.

The FNU Combat Sports Show: Is McGregor Retirement Threat Proof UFC Brass is Out of Touch With Their Most Popular Stars?


Левистон, Мејн (Април 22, 2016) – During the years 2003-2006, Matt Glover (1-0) био the player from Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine that you did не want to end up facing from the other side of the pigskin. Standing over six feet tall and weighing 250-pounds, the nightmarish middle linebacker helped to build Mountain Valley (MV) into a modern day football dynasty by punishing ball carriers for four decorated years and leading MV to two state championships in the process. He bench pressed over 400 pounds in the weight room and was hell on wheels on the field making him a powerful two-way double-threat player on both offense and defense. His reputation is legendary in the River Valley area of Western Maine as a feared and respected athlete.


After graduating from Mountain Valley in 2007, Glover left football behind to go to work. He married his longtime girlfriend, Lindsey, and had a son. They bought a home together. Throughout the summer and fall seasons, he traveled the agricultural fair circuit in Maine with his pulling horses, a family tradition he had been brought up in from an early age.


“My family has been competing in horse pulling since I was a kid,” Glover explained. “It takes up a lot of time and it keeps my dad young. I get up early every morning to exercise my horse teams before I go into work at night. Between my dad, my wife and I, we have 11 draft horses. We bale our own hay for all of them. I love backing them up to the drag and watching them dig.”


But despite the fullness of his life, the call of competition still beckoned to him and left him with a sense of longing. “I would have killed to have had that same feeling again,” Glover recalled. “And then I stepped into the cage.”


У рано 2015, Matt’s younger brother, Ryan—another Mountain Valley football standout—made his mixed martial arts (ММА) debut at “NEF 16.” Ryan swarmed his opponent in his first fight and stopped him in a blistering 12 секунде. Matt was in attendance that night and found his curiosity piqued at the prospect of competing in a different kind of contact sport.


Later in 2015, Ryan competed for the inaugural NEF Amateur Heavyweight Championship. He dropped a decision that night to current title holder, Billy “Bigfoot” Leahy (3-1). После победе, the trash talk quickly escalated between Leahy and members of Berserkers MMA, based out of Rumford and led by head coaches Gary Dolloff and Mike Hansen (3-3). “When Billy Leahy called out all of the guys at Berserkers after he beat my brother, then it was game-on,” recalled Matt.


Matt began training closely with members of the Berserkers coaching staff, including Hansen and others, who he credits for his accelerated learning curve in the sport. Додатно, Matt sparred extensively with brother Ryan, who was preparing for a fight of his own on the same night that Matt was scheduled to make his MMA debut. “My brother and I are not like other brothers,” Matt explained. “We go into the gym and beat the hell out of each other and then ride home in the same truck—that’s just how we have always been. Push, push, push—everything is competition with us. From the first one to get to the next hay bale in the hay field to the first one to get to the supper table—it’s just how we operate.”


“Matt’s a real competitive person,” his wife, Lindsey, confirmed. “Everything is a competition with him. I knew that cagefighting would feed that competitive hunger that he feels all the time when he’s not pulling his horses.”


Matt officially made his MMA debut back in February at “NEF 21: THE IMMORTALS” against durable veteran Gravin Guillen (2-5). Matt exceeded debut expectations by finishing Guillen in just 1:30 of the first round by technical knockout (ТКО). When the ref cleared the scene, Guillen’s face showed the effects of Glover’s record-breaking exploits in the weight room. Glover’s Rumford fans that were in attendance in heavy numbers that night, voiced their approval in thunderous applause. “At first, I had butterflies,” Glover remembered, “but once I heard all the people cheering, all it did was pump me up. I was ready to fight. Победили или изгубили, I knew they had my back and more.”


This weekend, Glover is poised to make his second appearance in the NEF cage when he takes on 6’6” Ras Hylton (1-0) from rival gym, Прва класа ВМА. Hylton made his debut on the same night as Glover and, like his challenger this weekend, made quick work of his opponent by earning a TKO victory at 1:21 првог кола.


Berserkers MMA Founder and Head Coach, Мајк Хансен, predicts a dominant night for Glover. “Matt happens to be much stronger than he even appears, which is incredible if you have ever seen him,” Hansen stated. “A guy of his size normally struggles with agility, but Matt doesn’t. He is a super athlete and easy to coach. Matt improves daily and will be a juggernaut in the heavyweight amateur division.


“Ras is used to being the bigger guy in all of his fights. That will not be the case on Saturday night. Matt will put his hands on Hylton in a way he’s never been touched before. I don’t see Ras walking away from this fight with his hand held high. He should consider it a win if he can walk away at all when Matt’s done with him.”


Going into Субота ноћ, Glover feels well prepared to continue building on his success in the sport of MMA that he started to create back in February. If his athletic history is any indicator, he should be confident in the future. “I’m ready for this fight,” Glover stated. “In this fight, I’m more relaxed because my brother’s not fighting and I can just focus on my fight… After that first win, I knew I was hooked because there’s no better feeling.”


“When people first started speaking to Matt about competing in MMA, I was completely against it 110%,” Lindsey stated. “But after watching him train so hard with the guys in the gym and seeing that he has the same passion for that as he does for his horse pulling, I felt more at ease and decided that if this was something he wanted to pursue, I would support him in any way that I possibly could.


“The Glover brothers fighting in MMA is a big thing for Rumford,” Lindsey stated in closing. “Every time it’s getting close to fight night, this town comes alive. No matter where he goes within the sport, this town and his family support him.”


Нев Енгланд бори "следећи догађај, "НЕФ 22: Сви путеви воде овде,” takes place this Субота, Април 23, 2016 на Андросцоггин банке Цолисее у Левистону, Мејн. Tickets for “NEF 22” start at just $25 и су на продају сада у ввв.ТхеЦолисее.цом или позивом на бок оффице Цолисее на 207.783.2009 к 525. За више информација о новостима догађаја и ФИГХТ ЦАРД, посетите сајт промоцији је у ввв.НевЕнгландФигхтс.цом. Додатно, можете гледати видео записе на НЕФ ввв.иоутубе.цом/НЕФММА, пратите их на Твиттер@нефигхтс и придружите званичну Фацебоок групу "Нев Енгланд борби."

Weimer makes its a perfect 10 with win over Figueroa

Tony Jeter, Steve Weimer and Team Weimer

York, Пен. (Април 22, 2016)Back on April 9, Steve Weimer came back from a 39-month layoff with a four round unanimous decision over 73-fight veteran, Joseph Figueroa in Springfield, Вирџинија.

Са победом, Weimer raised his perfect mark to 10-0 and the middleweight prospect from York, Pennsylvania is primed and ready to keep the momentum going.
He was a tough guy, but I boxed him,” Weimer said of Figueroa. “I used my length and range to set up the right hand to score a knockdown in the first round. After the layoff, it was good to shake the rust off.
I kept my composure and fought my fight. I did exactly what I wanted to do. It was the perfect comeback fight.
There won’t be anymore long layoffs for Weimer as he is already preparing for his next outing, which is scheduled to take place on June 4th у Спрингфиелд.
I am already back in the gym for June 4th. There are a few guys they are talking to and I am just preparing for whoever takes the fight.
The fight was also a new beginning for Weimer as it was his first bout under the promotional banner of Jeter Promotions.
Being my first fight under Jeter Promotions, it went really well. Tony Jeter is a smart guy and a good promoter. He focuses on me and I know he will get me the fights that I need to get me to where I need to be,” рекао 26 year-old Weimer.
Said Jeter Promotions CEO, Tony Jeter, “Steve wants to fight anybody. He has the confidence to go along with his talent. I know if we bring him along the right way, he can do big things. The sky is the limit for him. He has all the intangibles that a promoter looks for that go along with his ability. He is every marketable and he can fight and I am just so excited to what the future has in store for Steve.

Најбоља Борба Вести на Мрежи!

билтен Покреће га : КСИЗСцриптс.цом