Del Valle on bout with De La Hoya: “Expect fireworks”


巴亚蒙, PR (八月 23, 2016) – Super bantamweight contender Luis “Orlandito” Del Valle is not one to waste time in the squared circle.

Currently the International Boxing Federation’s #8 排名竞争者, Del Valle scored 16 他 22 victories by knockout including nine within the first three rounds. Known for bringing the heat to his foes from the opening bell, Del Valle is accustom to partaking in exciting fights and most recently dropped hard-hitting Thomas Snow twice en route to a unanimous decision victory.

九月 17, Del Valle faces unbeaten and highly touted Diego De La Hoya in a ten round contest. The bout opens up the Saul Alvarez-Liam Smith pay per view telecast from AT&阿灵顿T球场, TX. It is also renewing boxing’s oldest rivalry as Del Valle represents Puerto Rico while De La Hoya fights out of Mexico. The nephew of boxing legend Oscar De La Hoya, Diego’s 15-0 同 9 胜淘汰赛. 在五月, he battered previously unbeaten Rocco Santomaruo en route to a 7 回合暂停.

峪, who is seven years De La Hoya’s senior, serves as a notable step up in class. Del Valle respects De La Hoya’s ability and believes it will be a classic Puerto Rico vs Mexico type battle while it lasts before his experience ultimately powers him to victory.

“The fans can expect fireworks on the 17,” Del Valle said of his upcoming showdown with De La Hoya. “We’re both warriors and know that something bigger will follow if we win in a high profile fight like this. He is a good young fighter that has talent but I’m battle tested. I’ve fought former world champions and learned from my past bouts where I was matched tough. My experience will be a key for me in this fight. I can’t wait to put on a show for boxing fans all over the world!”

世界系列的秋冬季发布 2016 NBC和NBCSN上的“超级时间表”

四个新的现场活动日期开始 前所未有的, 三小时NBCSN电讯
堪萨斯城的WSOF33比赛, CAN. ON 十月 7

从麦迪逊广场花园 十二月 31

LAS VEGAS (八月 23, 2016) –继7月观看率最高的现场直播活动之后 30, 世界系列的战斗 ( 今天宣布,它将新日期与其余四个日期挂钩 2016 事件, 从前所未有的开始, 三个小时, 住NBCSN转播 (11 P.M. ET / 8时三十分. PT) WSOF33的: Gaethje VS. 来自堪萨斯城的Dugulubov, 五月. 上 星期五, 十月. 7, 以及最近宣布的WSOF36大型活动在纽约麦迪逊广场花园剧院举行 星期六, 十二月. 31, 住在NBC.

WSOF34和WSOF35, 两者都将在NBCSN上直播, will take place on 星期六, 十一月. 12 在Loveland的百威活动中心, 膝部. 在丹佛之外, 并 星期六, 十二月. 3 在埃弗里特的XFINITY Arena, 洗. 这两个战斗卡各自的主赛事和共同赛事也将很快揭晓。.

“我们很高兴进入迄今为止最繁忙的一年的秋季, 并附有完整的直播电视节目时间表,这将使我们将世界搏击大赛品牌MMA动作带入全新的, 主要媒体市场; 产生三个小时, 有史以来第一次现场表演; 然后在除夕夜从麦迪逊广场花园剧院地点返回NBC广播电视,“说世界系列战斗首席执行官 卡洛斯·席尔瓦.

世界系列格斗总统 父亲酋长 声明, “我们有专为MMA粉丝准备的, 一些惊人的, 世界冠军争夺战以及其他星光熠熠的比赛, 我认为最近的四个事件 2016 将坚定地为联盟标志性的一年指明一个惊叹号。”

此外, 世界冠军大赛系列将播出两个小时的WSOF32重播: 莫拉斯vs. 希尔二号 星期六, 七. 24. 在埃弗里特XFINITY竞技场举行的WSOF32世界冠军双打比赛, 洗. garnered over 250,000 7月在NBCSN上进行现场观看 30, 节目的即时重播又吸引了 107,000 观众.

WSOF33将在堪萨斯城纪念礼堂举行,世界轻量化运动将成为头条新闻 (155 英镑) 冠军对决之间不败, 卫冕主销 贾斯汀的“亮点”Gaethje (16-0) 萨福德的, 亚利桑那州. 和强硬, 第一竞争者 奥兹Dugulubgov (8-2) 里奇伍德, N.J.

在WSOF33的共同比赛中, 黑子星 路易斯·布希(Buiz)Firmino(19-6) Joao Pessoa的, 帕拉伊巴, 巴西将与前世界冠军挑战者和首个世界八人大赛冠军系列对抗,打出六连胜, 布赖恩·福斯特 (25-9) 萨里索的, 俄克拉何马州.


罗伯斯 vs. 克拉吉特十字路口之战九月头条新闻. 9日 “Knockout Night at the D”

LAS VEGAS (八月 22, 2016) – 不败圣地亚哥前景 伊曼纽尔 “叛变” 罗伯斯 发生在加拿大的次中量级冠军 史蒂夫 “The Dragon” Claggett 在两个十字路口斗争 在周五 夜晚, 九月 9, 在返回 “Knockout Night at the D,” 晾干 (11 P.M. AND / 8 P.M. PT) 住在 CBS体育网从室外 拉斯韦加斯市中心活动中心 (DLVEC).
该 “Knockout Night at the D” 系列, presented by 对D拉斯维加斯 和DLVEC, 由罗伊·琼斯JR推广. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions. 名人堂播音员 吉姆 “J.R.” 罗斯铝伯恩斯坦 将调用所有的动作从CBS体育网马戏团.
罗伯斯 vs. Claggett, 促进了协会与Bobby d礼物, 是空置北美拳击协会10轮的主要事件 (还) – 美国初中量级冠军.
七. 9日 必须是在已经赞扬了最具爆炸性的顶部至底部卡的潜力 2016 “Knockout Night at the D” 系列, 其一贯展示 明天的星在竞争激烈, 引人注目的巅峰对决.
“Knockout Night at the D’ 在拉斯维加斯市中心的真正确立了自己作为拳击迷在社区和超越盛会,” 说 Derek Stevens, 所有者兼首席执行官d拉斯维加斯和DLVEC的. “从家乡重打者最多和未来的业余战士, 这一系列下半年将带来令人难忘, 动感十足的节目,不能错过。”
前世界拳击理事会 (WBC) 拉丁裔超轻量级冠军, 以及ASA 2008 国家PAL金牌得主. 罗伯斯 (15-0-1, 5 科斯) 需要在全国电视上令人印象深刻的胜利,以推进到初中量级划分的一个新的水平. 左撇子赢得了他最后的 11 打架,因为他 2012 与借鉴 7-0

“我很高兴能再次展示自己的技能作为一个罗伊·琼斯JR的主要事件. 拳击促销卡,” 罗伯斯说,. “我的两个发起人, RJJ & 鲍比·d, 都呈现我这样一个令人难以置信的机会,为区域NABA冠军腰带打. 我的对手是他的生命的拳击课. 我知道Claggett将是一个强有力的竞争者,并带来了动力冲表. 他将是充满挑战, 我做过的最艰难的对手,迄今面对我的拳击生涯, 但我已经准备好展示我的对手和他的团队的技能,这将帮助我捕捉称号,并把它带回家来RJJ和我的团队.
“这显示了罗伊·琼斯JR我优越的拳击技能的荣誉. 在CBS体育网和我受宠若惊拉斯维加斯接受了我这样张开双臂. 战胜Claggett会把我在地图上的竞争者顶140磅炮的世界,如 (阿德里安) Broner, (特伦斯)克劳福德 & (胜利者) 邮政.
这位27岁的Claggett (23-4-1, 16 科斯) 需要通过多数决定,从有争议的10轮输给超生 克里斯·范·希尔登 在他的最后一战今年四月, 也是在DLVEC, 重振他的职业生涯. Claggett是冒险通过,以便在下降一个重量级别挑战初中量级罗伯斯.
(照片由汤姆·多诺霍 / the D

“这场斗争意味着我的一切!,” Claggett解释. 这是我职业生涯中创造或打破战斗,我有机会在重新进入拳击世界 140 英镑, 这是我认为我应该已经在一小会儿前战斗重量. 我的第一次新教练 – 一个新的团队 – 我期待着球迷展示新的战斗机. 一场胜利将戳我的名字作为一个真正的世界冠军争夺者. 我明白我的立场,我知道我在“B’ 侧, 但我一直在这个位置上很多次. 我在拳击运动了很多的经验,它终于都走到一起,我. 这将是我最好的斗争. 我的重点和培训将展示搏击之夜.

“我的对手是强大的战士. 罗伯斯是一个尖锐的拳击手,他在这项运动一个很好的历史,以及. 他是一名左撇子,并带来了良好的记录. 向罗伯斯团队致以崇高敬意, 但我已经准备好为我的生命而战, 这就是这项运动的意义所在. 希望我能带上我所拥有的一切并穿上‘10’’ 为球迷而战。”
不败前景之间的八轮比赛正在展开激烈的交火 罗兰 “斑鸠” 加尔萨 (9-0, 6 科斯) 和 Neeco “名册” Macias (12-0, 6 科斯), 谁将为空缺的 WBC 投掷球 – 美国超次中量级冠军.
两位年轻的次中量级选手将在首场四回合电视比赛中展开较量, 当地人的最爱 Jeremy “J-Flash” Nichols (5-0, 2 科斯) 和德克萨斯州 史蒂夫贝尔蒙特 (2-0), 不败前景之间的另一场罕见对决.
同样计划参加底牌比赛的还有不败的乌干达轻量级选手伊斯梅尔 “夏普射手” Muwenda (17-0, 11 科斯), 明尼阿波利斯外的战斗, 在8轮比赛中. TBA. 在4轮比赛中, 20-岁 青少年 轻量级 Randy Moreno (3-0, 2 科斯), 拉斯维加斯, 将与即将公布的拉斯维加斯少年蝇量级对手进行比赛 滨海拉米雷斯 (1-0) 满足新泽西州的 雷切尔 “黑寡妇” Sazoff (0-1).
门票, 售价 $99.99 VIP ringside, $49.99 马戏团, $24.99 和 $14.99 一般取 (坐在), are on sale at Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
门开处 5:00 P.M. PT with the opening bout scheduled at 6:15 P.M. PT.
该 “Knockout Night at the D” series was developed in partnership with DLVEC and Neon Star Media.
CBS Sports Network is available across the country through local cable, 视频和电信供应商,并通过卫星上的DirecTV频道 221 和Dish Network频道 158. 欲了解更多信息, 包括一个完整的节目时间表,以及如何让CBS体育网, 到
叽叽喳喳: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJrBoxing
Instagram的: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJrBoxing
Follow these fighters on Twitter: @SDragonClaggett, @Jflashgang, @SteveTheBoxer, @IMuwendo, @RandyMoreno

GH3 Promotions signs undefeated Welterweight Kenneth Sims Jr.

纳特利, 新泽西州 (八月 22, 2016)GH3 Promotions is proud to announce the signing of undefeated junior welterweight prospect, Kenneth Sims Jr. to promotional contract.

GH3 Promotions will co-promote Sims with Antonio Leonard Productions.
Sims of Chicago is perfect as a professional, as he sports a record of 7-0 有两个击倒.
Sims was a highly acclaimed amateur, who amassed over 200 fights who became a 2-time National PAL Champion, Sims Jr. was also the 2013 USA National Champion, a Silver Gloves Champion, a Junior Olympic Bronze Medalist, a 3-time Ringside World Champion and a 2012 Olympic Trials Semifinalist.
Sims turned professional on March 7, 2014 with a win over Corey Mudrew and has racked up six wins since, with the latest being a six -round unanimous decision over Tavorus Teague on March 11, 2016 在塔斯廷, 加利福尼亚州.
Sims will be back in action on September 15th as part of the televised undercard that will feature Thomas LaManna and Dusty Hernandez-Harrison from Philadelphia on the CBS Sports Network.
This is another key signing for us,”说GH3促销CEO, 维托Mielnicki. “Kenneth is another young and talented fighter who fits in with the blueprint we have set up for our athletes. 年轻, good amateur career and guys who are looking to fight often and are willing to step up. I am happy to be partnering with Antonio Leonard Productions and working with Kenneth’s manager James Prince and I will be looking to work with them more in the future with other fighters.
I am excited to be back boxing and getting back to work,” said Sims. “I am looking forward to being on television. This fight will get me the exposure and people who will know me.
Like other GH3 Promotions fighters, look for Sims to be fighting regularly. That is a schedule that Sims will relish.
I am looking forward to staying busy. I had only two fights last year and staying busy will help me make my way up the ladder to winning championships.
在刚 22 岁, Sims has a good attitude and wants carve out an identity, not only in the boxing world, but be known in his hometown.
I am trying to make a name for myself and do the best and do something for my city..
Sims is known for his boxing ability, who likes to work the body.
It has been seven months since I fought and I am ready to put on a show. Philly is a great fight town and I am so excited to fight there.
Said Sims father, Kenneth Sims Sr., “I am so happy to get back to doing what we love to do. We are happy GH3 Promotions picked us up, and those who didin’t will regret it. 上 九月 15, business will be taken care of.
Sims co-promoter Antonio Leonard has been by his side since he turned professional and had his eye on an emerging talent since his amateur days.
I have always felt that Kenneth was a tremendous fighter. He has been in Colorado Springs helping with the U.S. 国奥队. The sparring sessions with him and (2016 Silver Medal winner) Shakur Stevenson were amazing.
He has the potential to be a great star. He is a grounded kid and with the help of Vito Mielnicki and GH3 Promotions, there is a good chance he could fight for a world title.
Sims has been the main sparring partner at different times for the sport’s two biggest names and has performed well and gained incredible experience by working with Floyd Mayweather as he prepared for Andre Berto and with Manny Pacquiao as he was getting ready for Mayweather.
模拟人生’ talent was recognized in a big way in those camps.
We are very excited to be with Vito and GH3 Promotions,” said Sims uncle and adviser Ed Burns. “Vito is committed to take Kenneth to the next level. With continued hard work and commitment, we all believe that he will be a world champion. That was echoed by Freddie Roach after Kenneth sparred with Pacquiao for a month.

Sims is managed by James Prince.

Sims will be part of the televised undercard that will also include GH3 Promotions super middleweight Jerry Odom & bantamweight LeRoy Davilla.
GH3促销信息特色中量级安东尼·道格拉斯, 超中量级的杰里奥多姆 & 罗纳德·埃利斯, 不败超轻量级亚当·洛佩兹以及Boxcino 2015 JR. 中量级冠军约翰·汤普森, 小, 不败重量级的肯尼斯·西姆斯小, Jerrell哈里斯, 阿图罗·特鲁希略 & 基南·史密斯, Lightweight O’Shaquie Foster, JR. Lightweight O’Shaquie Foster, 轻量级的布伦特Venagas & LeRoy Davilla to the GH3 Promotions stable.

周二,不败的卡里姆·马丁 (Kareem Martin) 在 FS1 上与曾经击败过的大卫·格雷顿 (David Grayton) 进行次中量级超级拳击冠军对决 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Tuesday, 八月 23 从伯利恒金沙伯利恒活动中心出发, 霸.

伯利恒, PA. (八月 22, 2016) – 次中量级不败 卡里姆·马丁 (8-0-1, 3 科斯) 将面临一次挨打 大卫·格雷顿 (14-1, 10 科斯) 在八轮比赛中 总理拳击冠军 脚趾-脚趾- 周二 在FS1和 拳击冠军 福克斯Deportes体育场周二, 八月 23 从伯利恒金沙伯利恒活动中心出发, 霸.
电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT 并以不败前景为标题 迦勒 “甜蜜的手” 厂 与强硬的哥伦比亚人较量 胡安·德·安吉尔. 额外的电视报道将看到不败的轻重量级前景 卡洛斯·康戈拉 罗纳德·米克森 在八轮较量.
门票现场活动, 这是由国王的促销推广, 售价为 $108, $83 和 $58, 不包括适用的服务费和税收,现已公开发售. 门票可在 要通过电话特玛在充电(800) 745-3000.
新泽西州将采取额外行动 卡洛斯·罗萨里奥 与墨西哥作战 塞萨尔·加西亚 在六轮轻量级比赛和局部重量级比赛中 埃里克·纽厄尔 在与俄亥俄州的六回合对决中 韦斯利普雷特.
《纽约客》为这场战斗之夜画上了圆满的句号 尤里克·马梅多夫(Yurik Mamedov) 在与费城队的四回合次中量级比赛中 安东尼·艾伦 和新泽西州的 Daquan Johnson 在与亚特兰大的四回合次中量级比赛中 史蒂芬·巴斯.
一个年轻人, 来自华盛顿的新锐战士, 哥伦比亚特区, 马丁转为职业球员 2014 作为职业选手还没有输过. 这位 20 岁的选手去年赢得了四场胜利,并在 2016. 他将与华盛顿特区的一位同胞较量. 格雷顿本地人, 在六月输给不败的布莱恩特·佩雷拉后,他希望能反弹. 这位29岁的选手此前保持不败,并于今年1月战胜丹尼尔·苏扎·桑托斯.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @ FS1, @TheSBEC, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上, SBEC. 可在亮点上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

不败的新星小埃罗尔·斯宾塞. 在布鲁克林康尼岛浮桥的福特圆形剧场举行的 NBC 顶级拳击冠军主赛事中,伦纳德·邦杜在第六轮比赛中获得轰动一击

Heather Hardy 在 NBCSN 的激动人心的冲突中击败了 Shelly Vincent
(磁带延迟 NBCSN 覆盖开始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT)
点击 这里 来自瑞安格林/总理拳击冠军的照片
点击 这里 对于照片从埃德·迪勒/ DiBella娱乐
点击 这里 对于小斯宾塞. 中国人民银行 Youtube 页面的亮点
布鲁克林 (八月 21, 2016) – 不败的后起之秀 埃罗尔 “真相” 斯彭斯JR. (21-0-, 18 科斯) 他在第六轮以雷霆般的方式击败了强硬的意大利竞争者,离世界冠军又近了一步 伦纳德 “狮子” 外套 (33-2-2, 12 科斯) 周日下午的主要活动 总理拳击冠军 (PBC)NBC 来自布鲁克林康尼岛浮桥的福特圆形剧场.
随着淘汰赛, 斯彭斯JR. 成为不败次中量级的强制性挑战者 凯尔布鲁克 并表示愿意与布鲁克一起踏上擂台.
“我绝对想在凯尔布鲁克和他的头衔上投篮,” 斯彭斯说JR. “接下来我要他. 如果他腾空或被剥夺,那么我将为他的空缺头衔而战. 我已经支付了会费。”
在紧随美国之后的黄金地段. 里约奥运会男篮夺金, 达拉斯本地人耐心地开始, 用稳定的刺戳测量他的对手. 本杜准备战斗并试图让小斯宾塞变得困难. 通过转换姿势并从尴尬的角度进攻.
“我在第一轮和第二轮有点动摇,” 斯彭斯说JR. “他很尴尬,我试着去感受他。”
斯彭斯JR. 随着回合的进行并开始与左勾拳和勾拳相连接,他开始增强他的力量. 第四轮过后, Bundu回到他的角落,右眼开始出现肿胀.
“一旦我能够抓住他的节奏并弄清楚他, 我知道我有他,” 斯彭斯说JR. “我知道他很坚强, 但他从来没有伤害过我. 他在转换和跳进跳出,我花了一点时间来适应。”
随着战斗进入第六场,他的强力拳头的统治力开始削弱本杜. 在看似击倒后, 这被裁判约翰尼卡拉斯裁定为失误, 斯彭斯JR. quickly pounced on Bundu and trapped him in the corner.
He certainly lived up to the hype,” said Bundu, who was taken to the hospital for evaluation after the fight. “Errol was more precise than Keith Thurman. Errol threw more punches and was fresh in every round.
It didn’t take long for Spence Jr. to take advantage as he hit Bundu with a hard left uppercut and followed with a crushing right hook that put Bundu on the mat for good and forced the referee to stop the fight at 2:06 of the sixth-round.
I really tried to get up but I couldn’t,” said Bundu, who had never been stopped before. “I am okay though. I feel good.
斯彭斯JR. won every round on all three judgescards and landed a staggering 64 他的权力拳%的, per Compubox.
I think this performance showed once again that I am one of the top fighters at 147-pounds,” 斯彭斯说JR.
在 NBCSN 播出的磁带延迟动作中 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT, 令人兴奋的羽量级竞争者 克劳迪奥 “矩阵” 马雷罗 (21-1, 15 科斯) 在多米尼加共和国本土同胞的第四轮技术淘汰赛中取得了优势 路易斯·伊诺霍萨 (28-10, 17 科斯).
“这就是冠军的表现,” 马雷罗说. “他们做得很聪明,他们很快就找出了他们的对手. 不管他的记录如何, 你必须弄清楚,然后去完成。”
Marrero 从一开始就处于控制之中, 在第一节开始时用右手将日野约萨放在垫子上. Hinojosa试图通过主要投掷强力拳来保持自己的战斗力. 然而, 是马雷罗在那个部门要敏锐得多, 着陆 60 他的权力拳%,降至 24 来自日诺霍萨的百分比.
在第四轮中,马雷罗的力量和风格被证明是太过分了,因为他在第四轮击倒日诺霍萨的路上持续击败日诺霍萨。. 最后的弹幕和击倒迫使裁判 Danny Schiavone 在 2:55 该轮.
“我很高兴日野约萨勇敢地参加了这场战斗,” 马雷罗说. “我会打任何人. 我不在乎通知有多短.
“我已经忍受了输给耶稣奎利亚尔的比赛,我觉得我又回到了羽量级竞争者的顶端. 冠军一直在逃避我,所以我会继续努力,直到我成为强制性的并且可以获得另一个冠军头衔。”
在弗林特的同一天, Michigan’s Claressa盾 她连续第二次为美国赢得奥运会金牌, 与布鲁克林的拳击比赛一样,女子拳击获得了另一个伟大的平台 石南属 “热火” 哈迪 (18-0, 4 科斯) 赢得了先前不败的多数决定 雪莉 “Shelito之路” 文森特 (18-1, 1 KO) 在他们10轮的较量.
“这绝对是女子拳击的胜利,” 哈迪说. “我们始终保持着良好的节奏,球迷们一直都在投入。”
动作从一开始就没有停止, 文森特早早冲进来,经常想拉近她和高个子哈代之间的距离. 哈代是更灵活的战士,因为她在环上盘旋,寻找合适的距离来攻击普罗维登斯本地人.
“每次她挤我, 她会得到更多的拳头,” 哈迪说. “我想在外面继续战斗,当我这样做时,我取得了很大的成功。”
长期的竞争对手能够辜负他们的对决所引起的炒作. 行动是不间断的,似乎没有一个女人能够在记分卡上建立一个很大的领先优势.
哈代的动作让她可以为进攻创造更多角度,因为她用上手的权利改变了她的进攻, 刺戳和钩子. 文森特一直在反击, 尤其是她的左手,取得了很大的成功.
拳击数据反映了哈迪投掷时战斗的激动人心的性质 752 雪莉投掷时出拳 678 穿过 10 两分钟的回合. 当她连接上时,哈代在出拳方面具有优势 251 拳相比, 194 为文森特.
“我以为我以令人信服的方式赢得了这场战斗,” 哈迪说. “在整场战斗中,她只真正抓住了我几次. 我知道我必须有战术才能赢得战斗. 从我腰间的腰带来看, 我会给我的表现打10分。”
力量拳是战斗的关键, 与两名战斗人员联合起来 955 投掷的力量拳. 当她降落时,哈代最大的优势就在这个部门 50 她的力量射击百分比 34 来自文森特的百分比.
到底, 法官以数十人的票数裁定该回合为哈代的多数决定。 99-91, 97-93 和 95-95. 文森特认为她已经做了足够多的事情来赢得这场比赛,并在赛后表达了她对评委分数的不满
“我绝对认为我赢了这场战斗,” 文森特说. “我挺身而出,我获得了更大的投篮机会. 每个人都看到了战斗.
“我整晚都被头撞. 我来到这里,每个人都告诉我我会被抢劫. 我会参加复赛,但我不遵守这些规则. 我要她到普罗维登斯来。”
# # #
NBC 和 NBCSN 上的 PBC 由 Corona 赞助, 最好的啤酒, 由 DiBella Entertainment 推广并由 BROOKLYN BOXING™ 呈现.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 万维网, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing,ErrolSpenceJr, LouDiBella, NBCSports, @BarclaysCenter和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝在, 万维网, 万维网万维网 可在亮点

Perrella giving back to Fort Myers with Goodfella’s Great Students

Perrella signing contract.jpg
迈尔斯堡, FL (八月 21, 2016) – Unbeaten welterweight knockout artist Bryant “Goodfella” Perrella and Team Perrella are proud to announce they’ll give back to Fort Myers through an initiative called “Goodfella’s Great Students.”
Created by Perrella, “Goodfella’s Great Students” provides an additional incentive for students to excel in the classroom. Each month, Perrella and head trainer Michael Nowling will dedicate time to standout students selected by school administration. The selected pupils will receive personal invites and get transported to and from Syndicate Boxing Club, where they’ll participate in a fun workout run by Perrella and Nowling. 目前,, Coronado High School is signed up for the free program and multiple schools have expressed serious interest in joining.
I’ve been in the Fort Myers area my entire life,” said Perrella, who has an outstanding record of 14-0 同 13 胜淘汰赛. “I love it here and grew tremendously not just as a fighter but as a man. For everything Fort Myers has done for me, rewarding hard working students is the least I could do. The program we’ve created is a great way to assist the community and local schools. 最重要的, it’s another reason to be an academic superstar. I’m wholeheartedly looking forward to meeting and spending time with these students each month.”
Coronado’s principal Joelle Lyman is thrilled about the program and personally invited Perrella to introduce himself to her students 星期五, 八月 26.
The staff and students at Coronado High School are elated to be given the opportunity to work with Bryant Perrella,” said Lyman. “Student participants will be able to see, first hand, the results of hard work and dedication. 先生. Perrella will be opening doors for our students that would have otherwise remained closed. It is our hope that, as these students move through this mentorship experience, they will benefit from the successes that will surely follow as they are encouraged to work hard, reach physical and personal goals, and use these valuable skills and lessons in their lives after graduation.”
佩雷拉, who knocked out David Grayton in June, is scheduled to return to the ring in the near future. Formal details will be available shortly.


Mason Menard KOs Bahomir Mamadjonov, Antonio Nieves and Alejandro Santiago Fight To A Split Draw & Bakhtiyar Eyubov Wins By Split Decision Against Karim Mayfield


赶在重播上 星期一, 八月. 22 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime EXTREME

Click On Le Link Below To Watch Menard’s Ninth-Round KO


点击 这里 对于照片; 信贷: 罗西Cohe /欣欣

罗切斯特, 纽约州. (八月. 20, 2016) – Undefeated heavyweight prospect 贾雷尔“大宝贝”米勒 won by third-round TKO over veteran Fred Kassi in the 的ShoBox: 新一代 主要事件, 星期五, 住在 开演时间 from Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, 纽约州.


Following a cagey first round that favored Kassi (18-5-1, 10 科斯), Brooklynite Miller (18-0-1, 16 科斯), turned up the body work and pressure in rounds two and three. After landing 36-of-57 power shots in the third and racking up 30 connects to the body, Kassi retired on the stool between rounds, citing a hand injury. Miller landed an impressive 57 percent of his power shots for the fight and limited Kassi to 22 percent of his hooks, crosses and uppercuts.


Kassi said after the fight that his right hand was injured in the second and pushed through the pain for one more round before giving in.


6英尺-4-, Miller viciously attacked the body and delivered some big rights and combinations. Kassi had some moments where he out-boxed his opponent, but Miller’s power and size—a possible 50+-pound advantage—was the deciding factor. 凭借这场胜利, “Big Baby” ups his winning streak to 14 直的.


“I knew it would take some time to get going 今晚. I was thinking maybe three or four rounds to warm up and get going. But in the second round, I got my wind and I knew I hurt him,” said Miller, who is ranked among the top 10 heavyweights in three of the four sanctioning bodies. “My legs came alive and I touched his body and his head. I knew I was going to get the stoppage.


“I think he could have continued, 虽然. He just didn’t want to. That’s why I take my hat off to Deontay Wilder. I still want to break his jaw, but he finished his fight with a broken hand. That’s what champions do. Kassi didn’t want to continue.


“Let’s talk about all these heavyweights. 泰森怒, he doesn’t want this work. He’s always complaining. He’s always sick or something. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. 怀尔德, every five minutes he breaks another finger. 看, it’s just a matter of time before these guys are going to have to put up or shut up. Anthony Joshua, that’s going to be a mega fight. I am just begging for him to call my name.”


Kassi said, “I must have hurt my hand in the first round because in the second, every time I hit him I felt a shock. I wanted to keep going but he’s a big guy and I couldn’t use my hand. When you fight a guy that is 50 pounds heavier than you are, you need all the weapons.”

“The size difference and the strength difference was so enormous,” said SHOWTIME Boxing’s veteran analyst Steve Farhood. “Once Miller started rolling, it was clear that Kassi had no answers. Kassi had been nimble and he slid off the ropes a few times in round one. That was gone in round 2. 所以, perhaps in some people’s eyes, this win is cheapened by the injury, but to me it was clear that Big Baby was on his way to doing what more advanced heavyweights like Dominic Breazeale and Chris Arreola couldn’t do, and that’s stop Fred Kassi.

“底线, Jarrell Miller’s stock went up 今晚. He faced his toughest test and he passed it.”

在合作的主要事件, promising Louisiana lightweight “Rock Hard Mighty” Mason Menard scored a brutal knockout at 2:26 of the ninth-round over battled-tested巴哈mamadjonov, winning the WBO NABO Lightweight belt. 视频精彩场面:


Both Menard and Mamadjonov were facing their most dangerous foe to date. Mamadjonov (18-3, 11 科斯), showed great ring generalship successfully keeping Menard’s output down for the first six rounds, but Menard (32-1, 24 科斯) dramatically turned the fight around with body shots that produced two knockdowns in the seventh. A slow eighth-round followed but the ninth brought another series of power shots leading to the third and final knockdown, prompting referee Steve Smoger to intervene and halt the contest.

At the time of the stoppage Menard, who out-landed Mamadjonov 10-0 in the bout’s final 26 秒, was ahead by two points on two scorecards and four points on the third.

“我感觉好极了, but it was a B-level performance from me,” said Menard who is coming from a knockout-of-the-year candidate, “I could have done better. My opponent was an awkward fighter and we got him with two weeks’ notice.

“I knew if I kept putting the pressure, slowly he would fade and I would take him out in the later rounds and that’s exactly how it happened. He was hurting to the body. I knew after the first couple rounds he was breathing really heavy, so the game plan was to start touching him to the body. It was affecting him greatly.

“I’m definitely excited to get my second SHOWTIME knockout and I got some rounds under my belt. It’s been years since I went that many rounds, so it was good to know I can go that long and still finish strong.”

“I don’t really know what went wrong,” said Mamadjonov, who is known for his high boxing IQ. “It was short notice and I think I lost too much weight.

“I didn’t feel his punches, but he caught me with some good body shots. I was fighting evenly with him until the weight loss caught up to me and I got tired.

“I feel ok now. 我很好. I am disappointed but I’m fine. 我会回来的。”

NABO Bantamweight Champion 安东尼奥·涅韦斯, 克利夫兰, Ohio and Tijuana’s 亚历杭德罗·圣地亚哥 battled to a 10-round split draw (96-94 雪, 96-94 Santiago and 95-95) in the second fight of the 的ShoBox quadrupleheader.

雪, (16-0-2, 8 科斯), remains undefeated, but Santiago’s (11-2-2, 3 科斯) boxing ability clearly caught him off guard. The first five rounds featured brisk long-range boxing that was incredibly even. 圣地亚哥, a late-sub for Nikolay Potapov, appeared to pull away in rounds 6-10 as he out-landed Nieves 129-86 整体和 100-61 在电源拳.

Winning the late rounds was not enough for Santiago, who was stepping up in weight and opposition. Judge Don Ackerman had Nieves ahead 96-94 while Eric Marlinski had it 96-94 for Santiago. Pasquale Procopio’s 95-95 card proved pivotal. Given Santiago’s second-half surge, the Mexican visitor was unlucky not to get the win.

“I thought it was close, but I think I pulled it out,” said Nieves. “I should have gotten the victory by maybe one or two points. But the judges see what they saw, 你知道?

“I do not feel I put on the impressive performance I was hoping to. I wasn’t at my best. 他 (圣地亚哥) was a little awkward and my right hand was hurting a little bit, but I really don’t know why I wasn’t letting my hands go like I usually do.

“I learned I have to stick to my game plan and keep using my jab. I didn’t use it like I usually do. I need to just do what I do and not worry about what my opponent is doing.

“I don’t think nerves had anything to do with it, even though it was the biggest fight of my career. I was just letting him get off first. I should have followed my game plan, rather than react to what he was doing. I give myself a C for my performance 今晚.”

圣地亚哥, who came as a late replacement and was clearly the underdog, also felt he won the fight.

“It was close, 但我认为我赢得了这场战斗. I was always sure I’d beat him and I did. I landed more punches,” said Santiago. “I thought Nieves would be stronger than he was in there.

“I usually fight at super flyweight. I was coming up in weight to do this. It was an opportunity to open more doors for me and I took it. And I think that’s what I did今晚.”

在转播的开幕回合, 次中量级不败 巴赫蒂亚尔Eyubov布鲁克林, 纽约州, by way of Kazakhstan won a close 10-round split decision—that could have gone either way—against veteran Karim Mayfield of San Francisco, 加利福尼亚州. (95-94 twice for Eyubov and 95-94 for Mayfield).

Yeyubov (11-0, 10 科斯), who had never been past the third round, was taken to uncharted waters by the more experienced Mayfield (19-4-1, 11 科斯). Mayfield extended Eyubov far longer than any other opponent and despite out-landing the adoptive Brooklynite in each of the final four rounds (110-80 整体和 87-66 动力) Eyubov escaped with a split decision. It was a learning victory for Eyubov and a disheartening loss for Mayfield, who averaged 69 punches per round to Eyubov’s 52.

“I felt it was close, but I did everything I wanted to do and I feel I won nearly every round,” said Eyubov. “I was surprised by Mayfield, especially how hard his head is. He is a real man.

“My lip is a little swollen but that’s because of headbutts. Mayfield fought dirty in there. But I’m happy with the decision. I learned that I can go 10 回合如果我要. 我可以去 12. I was still strong at the end of the fight.

梅菲尔德, who was clearly disappointed with the result, felt he won the fight.

“It was a good fight and he’s a tough fighter for sure, but I landed the harder shots and kept active. 他是个硬汉, 别误会我的意思, but I certainly won that fight,” said Mayfield. “I feel I performed well. There’s always more work you can do, but for the most part I feel I did good. People thought for some odd reason the fight wouldn’t even go the distance, which is ludicrous. I won the fight though.

“It was part of my game plan to frustrate him and I feel I did that. I executed my plan well. 当然, there was more I could have done. I could have thrown more punches, but I did well.

“They made it seem like he punched like hell, but I guess all punches feel hard to me, so if you’re a hard puncher or a light puncher, it’s still a punch and I don’t want to get punched. I got hit but I was never stunned or anything like that.

“I would love a rematch.”

Eyubov responded, “I don’t know if I would fight him again. I will think about it.”

的ShoBox: 新一代 will re-air on 星期一, 八月. 22 在 10 P.M. AND/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ANYTIME beginning Saturday, 八月. 20.


巴里·汤普金斯 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 丰富的高根 生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.


The event was promoted by Salita Promotions in association with Greg Cohen Promotions.

希瑟·哈代, 雪莉文森特, 约瑟夫·威廉姆斯, 朱利安·索萨 & Chordale Booker 媒体锻炼行情 & 照片

哈代vs. 文森特在周日 NBCSN 行动的顶级拳击冠军中亮相, 八月 21 从福特圆形剧场在
9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT
点击 这里 来自 Ed Diller/DiBella Entertainment/ 的照片
布鲁克林 (八月 19, 2016) – 不败的斗士和长期的对手 石南属 “热火” 哈迪 雪莉 “Shelito之路” 文森特 周五在布鲁克林的格里森健身房举行了媒体锻炼,他们即将在周日进行期待已久的对决, 八月 21 来自布鲁克林康尼岛浮桥的福特圆形剧场.
周五也出席并参加比赛 上周日的 undercard 是当地的三个潜在客户: 重量级 约瑟夫·威廉姆斯 (9-0, 7 科斯), 次中量级 朱利安·索萨 (5-0-1, 2 科斯) 和次中量级 Chordale布克 (2-0, 2 科斯).
PBC 对 NBCSN 的报道始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT. NBC 报道的实时 PBC 始于 5 P.M. AND/2 P.M. PT和特点不败的后起之秀 埃罗尔 “真相” 斯彭斯JR. 承担一次挨打的竞争者 伦纳德 “狮子” 外套 在次中量级世界冠军消除.
门票现场活动, 由 DiBella Entertainment 推广并由 BROOKLYN BOXING™ 呈现, 开始 $35 与现已公开发售. 门票可在网上通过访问购买 www.ticketmaster.com用于圆形剧场coney岛..
“这是在电视上迈出的一大步. 这不是梯子的顶部. 还有空间,但我真的很兴奋, 很高兴和自豪地站在这个舞台上. 它证明了你所要做的就是超级坚定, 张开嘴,好事就会发生.
“很多人都在等这个. 她说了很多话,我对她很安静. 我的粉丝知道我会在擂台上讲话, 所以这肯定有很多兴奋.
“我将比以往任何时候都在离家更近的地方战斗. 很荣幸能够代表布鲁克林参加康尼岛圆形剧场的首场演出.
“当我陪练, 我不想过多地关注我的对手. 我只想变得更好. 我们进行了非常多样化的陪练. 如果我提高我的技术, 没有人能打败我,这就是事实.
“你可以随心所欲地准备, 但我不喜欢过度计划. 我们会进去并在第一轮中找出她. 我们已经完成了我们需要做的工作.
“很多人批评了我和雪莉的一些对手, 但老实说,我们一直着眼于保存我们的记录并确保这场斗争在电视上发生. 这场战斗与我的胜利无关, 但这是为了给女拳击手展示机会. 赢, 丢失或画, 我们都为其他女性打开了大门,这才是最重要的.
“这场斗争意味着我的一切!. 这是为了我所代表的一切. 我从无到有. 我已经说出了我的过去,这样走过类似道路的人就会知道努力工作和奉献精神是可能的. 我在这里是因为我想要一些如此糟糕的东西,我不会让任何人告诉我我不能拥有它.
“我为一切努力奋斗,它激励我继续前进. 这只是一步. 在我结束职业生涯之前,我还想打开更多的门.
“我想请大家去拳击诊所 这个星期天. 雪莉要从我这里得到免费的拳击课 这个星期天. 没有多少人可以说他们明白了。”
“这场战斗将是不间断的行动. 不要眨眼。”
“她是一个忙碌的战士. 我比她小, 但力量冲击来自你的腿. 没关系. 我和高个子女孩打过架,我也和小个子女孩打过架,这是一回事, 我赢了. 我没有胜利离开的唯一方法就是如果我被抢劫了.
“我一直在努力. 比平时更难. 我跑了, 骑自行车, 游了好几英里,为此做准备. 我们不遗余力地为此做好准备.
“我不会寻找淘汰赛. 如果来了, 它来了. 我在寻找胜利. 我想攻击她的身体. 它在我身边.
“终于快到战斗的时候了感觉真好. 这场战斗来得正是时候. 这是一个很好的机会. 我们都为此努力. 我不会放弃希瑟为这项运动所做的一切, 但我很高兴获得胜利.
“我爱纽约. 在这里总是很棒,我希望我赢了之后能在这里打得更多.
“当我年轻的时候,我试图找到一种方法来发泄我的愤怒,结果这对我来说是一种释放. 最终,这项运动改变了我的一生,这样我就可以帮助像我一样的人.
“这对我们的运动来说非常棒,我希望它能给即将参加这项运动的小女孩们带来希望. 我赢了, 但我们的运动将是真正的赢家. 为所有在我之前但没有得到这个机会的女孩而战是一种荣幸.
“训练营非常好. 我感觉很强壮,我准备好上场了 星期日. 我很敏锐,真的准备好战斗了.
“我是一名多才多艺的战士,所以我准备好应对任何事情. 在第一轮的早期,我会弄清楚他并开始打破他.
“场地看起来像一个令人惊叹的战斗场所. 如果你来看我, 早点到. 你不想错过它.
“我想继续努力争取一个标题. 我想打到超中量级,我会每天继续努力,争取获得世界冠军.
“我和小埃罗尔·斯宾塞. 有一些历史. 我是 2012 国奥队替补, 所以我一直在关注他的职业生涯,我支持他. 这对拳击来说将是一个美好的夜晚,因为我绝对希望他能表演.
“我的教练观察了我的对手. 我已经准备好适应任何事情. 我信任我的团队,他们告诉我如何进攻. 我很坚强,准备战斗。”
“我很荣幸再次获得一张大牌, 有机会展示我的技能. 我必须通过努力工作并且那天晚上看起来非常好来表达我的感激之情.
“作为这个场地的第一个拳击表演意味着我是历史的一部分. 我必须确保我的表演令人难忘.
This was the best training camp I’ve ever had and I can’t wait to display the hard work that I’ve put in the gym.
The fan support I have means a lot. It’s really nice to have all my friends and family together and able to see me do what I love to do. There’s no better feeling than that.
My opponent is a very aggressive fighter. The first couple of rounds we’re going to try to work the body. As we go to the later rounds, I’m going to take the knockout if it presents itself. But I’m happy to put on a beautiful boxing clinic.
Sparring has been really good for this fight. I’ve been going hard. I don’t take it easy on anyone during sparring because I need to be ready to fight.
“参与这种战斗真的很棒. 尤其是次中量级,主要赛事是冠军淘汰者. 我仰望 Errol 有一段时间了. 他是一个我试图从 Errol 那里得到不同东西的人,因为我们都是左撇子.
“我希望每个人都早点到那里. 我有力量,我正在寻找淘汰赛.
“在布鲁克林的球迷面前战斗意味着一切. 我真的很兴奋. 我的家人和朋友来自布鲁克林, 特别是Flatbush,我期待得到很多支持.
“我很高兴第一次在家乡成为职业拳击手. 更好的是它在一个新的场地. 这对我来说会很重要,而且我会永远记得。”
中国人民银行在NBC被电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 万维网, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing,ErrolSpenceJr, LouDiBella, NBCSports, @BarclaysCenter和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝在, 万维网, 万维网万维网 可在亮点


Tickets On Sale Today at 10:00 A.M. PT!
LOS ANGELES (八月 19, 2016) – NABA Lightweight Champion 彼得 “扎尔” 彼得罗夫 (37-4-2, 17 科斯) of Ryazan, Russia will face off with 迈克尔· “The Artist” 佩雷斯 (24-1-2, 11 科斯) for the WBA Lightweight World Title Eliminator on 九月 30. The new 12-round main event, which is set to replace formerly announced headliner AndrewEl ChangoCancio who is now fighting against JosephJojo” 迪亚兹, JR. on the Canelo vs. Smith pay-per-view undercard on 九月 17, will kick off the fall season of fights at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino and broadcast live nationally on Estrella TV’s Boxeo Estelar.

Michael Perez is an experienced fighter,” said Petr Petrov. “He is one of my tougher challenges, but I feel that my experience in being in bigger fights has me prepared. This is for the mandatory challenger in the WBA Lightweight World Championship and I know this will be a good fight. 在一天结束时, it will be about who is prepared the best and may the best man win.

This is another step up in my career to becoming a world champion,” said Michael Perez. “I am very excited for this fight and I feel very motivated. 我一直在等待这样的战斗, to be challenged at such a high caliber keeps me focused and motivated. Petr is a tough guy and that has been what has carried him to where he is today, but I am smart fighter and will be prepared to box when I want to and brawl when I want to. The skills I have and the plan we have to execute are what will determine the victory for this fight. Both Petr and I know what’s at stake here, the winner of our fight will be the mandatory for the winner of the world championship unification fight between Jorge Linares and Anthony Crolla. I am ready for the challenge.

This is a big opportunity for Petr, which is well deserved,” said Arthur R. Pelullo, President and CEO of Banner Promotions. “他知道, 以胜利, he will become the mandatory challenger for the WBA Lightweight World Championship and we know that he is a championship level fighter and we expect a great performance on 九月 30.”

Michael Perez has been a very exciting fighter to watch rise through the ranks in the lightweight divisionone of the hottest weight classes in boxing right now. If he wins as the title eliminator for the WBA Lightweight World Championship, he knows all eyes will be on him,” 说霍亚, 金童推广公司董事长兼首席执行官. “We also know Petrov as an experienced and destructive fighter who won’t go down without an all-out brawl. The pressure is on and this hotly anticipated fight will determine who the next emerging lightweight star of the sport will be.

Tickets for the event go on sale today at 10:00 A.M. PT and are priced at $45, $35, 和 $25. They can be purchased at the Fantasy Springs Box Office, 通过调用 (800) 827-2946 或在网上

同 37 victories under his belt, current NABA Lightweight Champion Petr “扎尔” Petrov holds an impressive boxing resume including being the winner of ESPN’s 2014 Boxcino赛. 在四月份 2015 Petrov took on former world champion GamalielPlatanoDiaz winning the NABO and NABA Lightweight Titles via unanimous decision. 五月 6, 2016 Petrov defeated MarvinCachorrroQuintero via sixth round technical knockout in a historic event that saw the newly built Toshiba Plaza in Las Vegas, host its first boxing match. Petrov is ready at his shot at a world title and will do what it takes to win on 九月 30.

Ready to make 2016 the biggest year of his career, 纽瓦克, New Jersey’s MichaelThe ArtistPerez is on the verge of a world title shot, as he is ranked number two by WBO and three by the WBA. Following 2015 victories against former WBA Lightweight World Champion, 米格尔 “AguaceritoAcosta and LuisChespiSanchez that netted him the NABO Lightweight Title and extended his unbeaten streak to nine. The exciting 26-year-old was last seen in the ring vanquishing the experienced MartinEl BrochasHonorio in March of 2016. Now with the biggest opportunity in his career, Perez is ready to take the next step and defeat Petr Petrov to get a mandatory shot at the winner of the WBC and WBA Lightweight World Championship unification bout between Jorge Linares and Anthony Corolla.

Petr Petrov vs. Michael Perez is a 12-round fight for the WBA Lightweight World Title Eliminator presented by Golden Boy Promotions in association with Banner Promotions and sponsored byCerveza Tecate, BORN BOLD.The Boxeo Estelar broadcast will air live on Estrella TV at 10:00 P.M. AND/7:00 P.M. PT. 该卡也将在EstrellaTV.com并通过LBI媒体的YouTube串流直播, 公司的Fenomeno影城. The Ring TV live stream will begin at approximately 5:30 P.M. PT through 7:00 P.M.


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