Champions de boxe Premier cadeaux: 12 Rounds with Junior Middleweight World Title Challenger Julian Williams

(Crédit photo: Leo Wilson / Premier Champions de boxe)
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Born and raised in the boxing-rich city of Philadelphia, Williams has proven throughout his rise up the 154-pound ranks that he can beat you with his brains as much as his brawn. How else do you explain the 26-year-old’s current streak of nine straight fights without so much as losing a single round?
More than just a skilled boxer, Williams is also a true student of the sweet science, à la fois dans et hors de l'anneau. En fait, “J Rocher” has such deep respect for his sport’s history that one gets the sense he’s spent as much time researching the legends of the game as he has how to perfect a three-punch combination.
Speaking of history, Julian Williams (22-0-1, 14 KOs) will be looking to make some of his own Décembre 10 when he challenges 154-pound champion Jermall Charlo at the Galen Center on the campus of USC in Los Angeles (AFFICHER L'HEURE, 10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT).
During a recent break from training for his first world title fight, Williams chatted with us about the man he believes is the greatest fighter in history, the importance of the jab, his mad culinary skills and the top item on his bucket list (hint: He’s on the verge of crossing it off).
Do you have a boxing hero?
I respect Muhammad Ali as a modern hero in history for the things he stood for-not just for what did in boxing. Me, Ali’s boxing [accomplishments] are relative and a smaller part of his legacy compared to what stood for outside of the ring.
Muhammad Ali’s true greatness was represented by what he did for the world and the stands he took more than his fights.
De tous les boxeurs de l'histoire, qui voulez-vous que vous auriez pu combattre, et comment aurait joué le combat sur?
I don’t want to give you a result, but I would say Sugar Ray Robinson, because in my opinion, he is the best fighter who ever lived. And I would want to see how I would stand up against the best fighter ever to wear a pair of gloves.
Sugar Ray Robinson had everything-great punch selection, the skills, the jab, the speed. He was a tremendous fighter. I’ve never seen anybody as good before or since.
This was during a time when guys were fighting with six-ounce horsehair gloves two or three times a month. They were doing that against the best competition. Je veux dire, he would fight Jake LaMotta and Kid Gavilan in 15-round fights. They just don’t build men like that no more. It doesn’t happen.
Sugar Ray Robinson would bring out the best in me and give me a great gauge about how good I actually am. I would never disrespect Sugar Ray Robinson by saying I would beat him. I respect the legends. I would just like to see how good I would do against those types of guys.
Terminer cette phrase: Sinon pour la boxe, Je serais …
probably just finishing up college, paying back student loans and being miserable. I would probably be a major in business administration.
Ce qui est le plus grand malentendu à propos de boxeurs du public?
That we’re all stupid.
Ce qui est le plus dur que vous avez jamais été touché, et comment vous les avez-vous avec elle?
Vous savez quoi, I’m not trying to sound cocky or anything, but I don’t remember. I’ve had some tough fights, but I don’t really recall an opponent who has really hurt me like that.
It’s never been where I was like, “Oh my God, he punches so hard,” ou “He hit me so hard, I couldn’t get myself together.I’ve never experienced that. I’m not saying that it can’t happen; I’m just saying that it hasn’t happened.
Excluding yourself, who’s the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world today?
It’s close, because I don’t think anyone has taken the lead for now. I would probably say Andre Ward, but at the same time he’s had so much time off.
You’ve got guys like Sergey Kovalev out there who have been dismantling everybody, and then you’ve got guys like Guillermo Rigondeaux who is probably the best fighter in the world, but he’s never gotten the opportunity to prove it on the big stage.
Then you’ve got Floyd Mayweather Jr., who I think is the clear-cut best fighter in the world when he’s active. But he’s retired.
It’s just hard to pick one. I couldn’t pick one. I would be able to pick one at the beginning of the next year.
What kind of food is the toughest to give up while training for a fight?
I like pasta and red meat. I don’t eat too much red meat when I’m training, because it’s too hard to cut. I like steak and lamb and pasta. I just like all pasta in general.
Speaking of training, what’s your favorite exercise?
I don’t really have any. I hate them all. I just do them because I have to do them.
Qu'en est-il un coup de poing favori pour jeter?
It depends on who I’m fighting, but I would definitely have to say the jab, because the jab sets everything up. That’s usually my range finder, and I can usually control the fight with the jab. I pretty much use it in every fight to good effect.
Avez-vous un film de boxe préféré?
Taureau furieux. I liked Rocheux, également. I mostly liked all of the Rocheux films.
Qui est le seul artiste sur votre playlist qui surprendrait les fans de combat?
Teddy Pendergrass. I grew up with my mother and father liking his music.
Would you rather run over a linebacker or juke him out of his shoes?
That depends on who it is. If it’s [retired Baltimore Ravens legend] Ray Lewis, I would have to juke him. Because I don’t want to be hit by him.
Terminer cette phrase: Les gens seraient surpris de savoir que …
I’m an amazing cook. I can cook a lot of things-pretty much anything.
Si vous pouviez changer une chose dans le monde, Qu'est ce que ça serait?
Race relations. The world would be a better place if everybody didn’t see so much color.
What’s on your life’s bucket list?
I want to be a world champion, which I can accomplish in my next fight by beating Jermall Charlo. This is what I’ve been working so hard for my entire life.
I don’t have a bucket-list wish to go skydiving before it’s all over or go to Japan or anything. It’s simple: I’ve been working half of my life to become a world champion, and that’s the most important thing on my bucket list.
“12 Avec rounds …” est publié mercredi à
Next week: 154-pound champion Jermall Charlo.
This article was originally published on the Premier Boxing Champions website


Samedi, Novembre 19TH AT 10:00 AM
OMS: LEONARD Ellerbe, PDG de Promotions Mayweather
FIGHTERS: Ishe Smith, Andrew Tabiti, Kevin Newman, Maurice Lee,
plus more!
QUOI: Cette saison des fêtes, Le Floyd Mayweather Jr. Fondation et Promotions Mayweather invite local families in our community to join us for our Thanksgiving turkey giveaway.
Our mission is to help provide a proper meal to families for Thanksgiving who may be experiencing tough times during the holidays. Each year we put together an initiative to give back to families around Thanksgiving, and this year we decided to put together a Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway.The giveaway is designed to bring families together for a morning of joyous giving, and help to alleviate the worry and stress that families may endure, due to little or no resources. This year we will provide 100 turkeys to those in attendance. We encourage as many families to join us and we recommend early arrival, to ensure you receive a turkey. We will be joined by some of the Mayweather Promotions boxing stars who will be in attendance to assist with the turkey giveaway and meet with families.
QUAND: Samedi, Novembre 19e
10:00 a.m. PTEvent Begins
OÙ: Mayweather Boxing Club
4020 Schiff Dr.
Las Vegas, Nevada 89103
Suivre: Le Floyd Mayweather Jr. Foundation for updates and additional information, visite:, Suivre sur Twitter: @tfmjf, Facebook: at, Instagram au: and Shots: @tfmjf.

Badou Jack contre. Citations de la conférence de presse James DeGale & Photos

(Crédit photo: Promotions Tom Casino / Mayweather)
Unification du championnat du monde des super-moyens Samedi, Janvier 14 du centre Barclays à Brooklyn & En direct sur Showtime
Avec Jose Pedraza, champion du monde junior léger
Combattre la prétendante invaincue Gervonta Davis
Cliquez ICI pour les photos de Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME®
Cliquez ICI pour les photos de Tom Casino / Promotions Mayweather
BROOKLYN (Novembre 16, 2016) – Une conférence de presse étoilée a eu lieu mercredi au Barclays Center de Brooklyn, comme Floyd Mayweather, avec plusieurs boxe à New York “ambassadeurs,” a signifié le retour de la boxe à New York en annonçant le combat d'unification du championnat du monde des super-moyens avec Badou Jack contre James DeGale qui aura lieu Samedi, Janvier 14 au Barclays Center de Brooklyn et en direct AFFICHER L'HEURE®.
Également annoncé mercredi et présenté sur le Showtime Championship Boxing télédiffusion est championne du monde junior des poids légers invaincue Jose “Sniper” Pedraza affronter un concurrent montant invaincu Gervonta “Le One” Davis.
Les billets pour l'événement en direct, qui est promu par Mayweather Promotions et DiBella Entertainment, commence à $25. Les billets sont disponibles à partir de ce Vendredi, Novembre. 18 à 10 a.m. et peuvent être achetés en ligne en visitant, ou en appelant 1-800-745-3000. Les billets sont également disponibles à la Billetterie du American Express au Barclays Center. Les rabais de groupe sont disponibles en téléphonant 844-BKLYN-GP.
La conférence de presse a marqué le retour de la boxe à New York pour la première fois depuis une mesure d'assurance controversée instituée par le gouvernement de l'État de New York.. Les participants étaient sur place pour discuter du double titre passionnant sur Janvier 14 et célébrant le retour tant attendu de la boxe dans la Grosse Pomme.
Voici ce que les participants avaient à dire mercredi:
“Je pense que ce sera un combat passionnant. Je vais tout donner et il va tout donner. C'est un combat plus important que tout ce dont nous avons fait partie. Il va l'augmenter et moi aussi.
“Maintenant c'est moi et DeGale. Tous les autres combats sont du passé. Nous avons eu des résultats différents contre les mêmes combattants. Mais rien de tout cela n'a d'importance, il est temps de se battre.
“Un vrai champion peut prendre une perte et rebondir. Cela montre quel genre de personne vous êtes. J'ai prouvé que j'étais mentalement dur.
“La boxe n'est pas morte. Il est là pour rester. Il y a de très bons combats à venir. Probablement encore plus l'année prochaine.
“Je viens de Suède, un pays qui n'a pas de boxe. Maintenant je suis ici en tête d'affiche à New York pour un combat d'unification. le ciel est la limite. Je reste toujours humble et n'oublie jamais d'où je viens.
“Ce que les gens pensent la nuit du combat n’importe pas. DeGale est définitivement l'un des meilleurs gars de la division. C'est un guerrier de la route. Il vient ici et combat les gars dans leur arrière-cour. Il mérite beaucoup de crédit. C'est pourquoi ce combat est si grand. Nous voulons tous les deux être géniaux.
“J'aime être l'opprimé. Si je suis l'opprimé dans ce combat, alors c'est parfait pour moi. Il n'y aura aucune excuse quand je le battrai.
“J'essaie juste de rester humble victoire après victoire et de continuer à espérer des choses plus grandes et meilleures. Après ce combat, viens me parler de qui est le meilleur de la division.
“Je ne veux me comparer à personne d’autre mais j’ai passé quelques bonnes années. Maintenant, nous travaillons pour avoir deux années encore meilleures.
“J'ai fait une erreur et j'ai été pris dans ma perte. J'ai pu rebondir et cela a fait de moi un meilleur combattant. C'était définitivement une bénédiction déguisée. Les gens me négligent encore à cause de ça. Je regarde ça comme une bonne chose.
“Tout arrive pour une raison. Je suis très chanceux d’être ici à Brooklyn. C'est ma deuxième maison en Amérique. Je me suis entraîné au Gleason’s Gym à 2009 et maintenant je suis en tête d'affiche au Barclays Center. C'est incroyable.”
James DeGale
“C'est ici. Le grand. Le meilleur combat le meilleur. Numéro un contre numéro deux. Badou Jack est un très bon combattant. Il ne fait rien de spectaculaire, mais c’est un combattant de compétition.
“J'ai ce facteur X. J'ai perdu avant et je ne vais plus perdre. Je suis venu trop loin dans ma vie pour perdre cette opportunité.
“Sur Janvier 14, Brooklyn va se régaler. Vous ne voudrez pas manquer celui-ci. Assurez-vous d'avoir vos billets.
“Mon peuple à Londres ne peut pas attendre que je me batte à la maison. Ça arrive. Mais d'abord je veux prendre le relais en Amérique.
“New York est l'une de mes villes préférées. C’est une ville de boxe. J'ai regardé Santa Cruz vs. Frampton et c'était une mauvaise atmosphère. J'ai hâte d'y être.
“Je suis très confiant en mes capacités. Je crois que je suis le meilleur de la division et l’un des meilleurs au monde. J'attends ce combat depuis longtemps et je suis prêt à y entrer.
“Je pense que dans les trois derniers combats, j'ai tout montré. Je n'ai pas reçu le respect que je mérite. J'ai battu tout le monde mis devant moi. C'est ce que j'aime faire.
“Je suis un super poids moyen naturel. Je veux être dans des combats où les gens pensent que je vais perdre. Je vais défier n'importe qui.
“Moi et Badou Jack sommes deux combattants différents. Je pense que je vais le battre largement sur les tableaux de bord ou l’arrêter.”
Jose Pedraza
“Je suis reconnaissant à tout le monde ici et à mes gens de New York qui, je le sais, me soutiendront la nuit du combat.
“Je m'attends à ce que ce soit un combat très excitant. Je vais être prêt pour tout ce que Davis apportera sur le ring. Je vais m'occuper des affaires.
“Je suis très privilégié d’aider à cette cause et d’aider à pousser la boxe à New York. Je vais représenter mon peuple sur Janvier 14 et je suis très fier de l'opportunité.
“Si Davis dit qu'il doit être tué pour être battu, alors il va devoir descendre.
“Je suis invaincu et je resterai invaincu après Janvier 14. Je sais que Davis est un enfant fort, mais il n'est pas à mon niveau. Je cherche à dominer ce combat.
“Se battre au Barclays Center est vraiment un rêve devenu réalité. Je sais que j'aurai beaucoup de soutien de la part des fans de boxe portoricains et je vais m'entraîner dur pour jouer pour eux.
“Je suis désolé que Davis ait signé pour Mayweather, parce que quand j'enlève son record invaincu, Je vais avoir l’impression de battre Mayweather.”
“Ça fait du bien de se battre à Brooklyn pour la première fois. Je n’ai jamais combattu à New York et c’est formidable. Beaucoup de fans de ma ville viendront ici pour le combat.
“Pedraza est un adversaire coriace. Nous allons travailler dur dans le camp et être prêts à nous battre Janvier 14.
“Ma ville natale me soutient depuis toutes ces années. Sur Janvier 14, Je reçois mon coup. C'est incroyable. Je sais que Pedraza est un grand combattant. Les gens diront qu'il a plus d'expérience. Mais j'avais 206 gagne chez les amateurs et beaucoup de titres.
“Il n'y a rien que Pedraza puisse apporter sur le ring que je n'ai jamais vu auparavant. J'ai été testé au combat à l'intérieur du ring et à l'extérieur du ring.
“Il va devoir me tuer pour conserver son titre. Je rentre à la maison un champion. Il n'y a aucun doute là-dessus.
“Sur le papier, c'est certainement ma tâche la plus difficile. Nous sommes tous les deux de grands combattants. J'espère qu'il s'entraîne dur parce que je m'entraîne pour le combat de ma vie.
“Je vais voler la vedette sur Janvier 14. Je vais sortir Pedraza de là et ensuite travailler pour unifier la division contre les autres champions.”
Floyd Mayweather, Président de Promotions Mayweather
“Nous sommes de retour. Dans quelle autre meilleure ville être, que New York City? C'était toujours un de mes rêves de se battre à New York. Je suis heureux de pouvoir envoyer des combattants pour donner aux fans ce qu’ils veulent voir. New York est le meilleur endroit pour la boxe.
“Pendant des années et des années, ces combattants ont travaillé si dur et ont consacré leur vie pour arriver à ce point. Je suis reconnaissant à tous ceux qui nous soutiennent et soutiennent notre mouvement.
“La seule chose que nous allons faire est de continuer à construire ces combattants et d’aider ces combattants à atteindre les plus hauts sommets.. Tant de gens m'ont aidé à arriver à ce point, où je peux redonner à ces jeunes combattants.
“Lou DiBella est un gars avec qui j'aime travailler. Le business de la boxe consiste à travailler ensemble. Leonard travaille dur jour après jour pour mettre ces combattants dans la meilleure position, et je fais de même. Il s'agit de travailler pour amener ces combattants au niveau supérieur.
“Nous sommes ici à New York et nous voulons amener la boxe à New York. C'est l'un des hauts lieux de la boxe. Tout l'État m'a embrassé tout au long de ma carrière.
“Je suis très fier de Badou Jack. C’est un gars qui se porte comme un gentleman. C'est ce que fait un vrai champion. Il est très respectueux, humble et reconnaissant.
“Badou Jack est un travailleur acharné et il est très reconnaissant. Je me souviens de la position dans laquelle il était. Il est toujours très reconnaissant et humble maintenant qu’il occupe une excellente position dans sa vie et sa carrière.
“Je suis juste heureux de pouvoir mettre les combattants dans une bonne position. Ils doivent alors profiter de la position dans laquelle je les ai placés.
“Nous voulons continuer à faire des combats dans cette arène et amener la boxe de championnat à New York. Nous voulons vous offrir encore et encore de superbes spectacles.”
LEONARD Ellerbe, PDG de Promotions Mayweather
“C'est une formidable plateforme. Venir à New York est quelque chose que Floyd préconise. Il voulait organiser un grand événement ici et venir Janvier 14 c'est ce que les fans vont obtenir. Nous avons une bonne nuit de combats de haut en bas.
“C'est tout pour Badou. C’est pourquoi vous les attachez quand vous êtes enfant. C'est l'occasion d'être le meilleur. Il est le meilleur joueur de 168 livres au monde et plus Janvier 14 il aura cette plate-forme pour le faire.
“Quand il s'agit d'unification, vous ne voyez pas trop de champions unifiés. Le meilleur combat, le meilleur, c'est de quoi il s'agit. DeGale est médaillée d'or olympique et championne du monde. Il a combattu de très bons combattants. Badou fera sa troisième défense de titre et il n'y a pas de meilleur adversaire que DeGale.
“Quand deux gars se rencontrent et veulent déterminer qui est le meilleur, avec tout en ligne, Voilà toute l'histoire.
“Les fans peuvent s'attendre à voir les promotions Mayweather retourner à Las Vegas avec deux champions du monde. L'un sera un champion unifié et l'autre sera le nouveau champion du monde des super poids plume.
“C'est une belle avancée pour Gervonta. C'est ça la vie, intensifier et prendre des risques. C’est pourquoi vous vous lancez dans le sport. Il aura son arsenal complet exposé le soir du combat.”
DiBella LOU, Président de DiBella Entertainment
“Les fans devraient sortir et acheter leurs billets une fois qu'ils seront mis en vente. Il va y avoir un spectacle ici Janvier 14. Nous avons des avocats et des assureurs et nous paierons ce qui doit être payé.
“Cette annonce ne représente pas seulement une annonce de combat, mais un appel à l'action à tous les fans de boxe. La boxe a besoin de votre aide à New York. Nous devons changer ou abroger cette loi qui nous a vraiment fermés. Même si nous pouvons obtenir une assurance très chère pour Janvier 14, les petits promoteurs et les petits combats et la boxe populaire sont au point mort.
“Venez voir cette incroyable carte de combat sur Janvier 14. Jack contre. DeGale est aussi bon que possible. Jose Pedraza est le seul champion de Porto Rico et il défend contre Gervonta Davis. C'est un grand combat. Le undercard sera également génial.
“Il représente également la boxe essayant de reprendre sa place légitime. Nous ne sommes pas assis en arrière 2017 et de laisser notre industrie s'arrêter. Nous allons de l'avant et annonçons Janvier 14. Mais nous avons besoin de l’aide de tous pour apporter les changements nécessaires pour permettre à notre sport de prospérer à nouveau dans cet espace..
“J'ai promu Badou au début de sa carrière et c'est un combattant formidable. Il fait tout bien. Il est actif sur le ring et il fait de bons combats, et DeGale aussi. Il s'avance et se bat. Ces deux gars vont se jeter. Ceci est un événement principal convivial pour les fans. Avec une énorme importance.
“Le combat d'ouverture met en vedette le seul champion de Porto Rico, se battre devant l'immense communauté portoricaine de New York. Gervonta Davis vient tout droit de Baltimore et c'est un combat à ne pas manquer.”
BRETT YORMARK, PDG de Brooklyn Sports & Divertissement
“Nous voulons renforcer notre engagement envers la boxe. Pas seulement du point de vue du Barclays Center, mais du point de vue de l'État. La boxe est très importante pour l'histoire ici à New York et nous voulons que cela continue. Nous voulons prendre une position de leader alors que le sport continue de croître et de prospérer sur le marché.
“Nous sommes devenus l'un des meilleurs sites de boxe au pays. Nous attendons avec impatience un succès 2017. Ce combat en particulier est très important pour nous. Nous n’avons pas organisé de championnat ici depuis juillet. La participation de Floyd apporte également une toute autre dynamique et nous sommes ravis de voir un formidable undercard rempli de Brooklynites.
“Floyd est venu plusieurs fois au Barclays Center et nous sommes ravis qu'il soit de retour. C’est un plaisir d’accueillir Badou Jack et James DeGale à Brooklyn et je suis convaincu que vous aimerez la foule de Brooklyn.
“Il n'y a pas eu d'événement majeur de boxe au Barclays Center depuis le Juillet 30 Santa Cruz vs. Frampton card et nous sommes fiers de prendre les devants pour ramener la boxe à New York. Nous sommes ravis que Janvier 14 sera la première grande carte de boxe à New York en 2017. Nous nous engageons plus que jamais à apporter la boxe au Barclays Center.
“C’est une période très excitante pour le bâtiment, pour le sport et ce devrait être une soirée électrique pour le sport.”
STEPHEN ESPINOZA, Vice-président exécutif & Directeur Général, Sports Showtime
“Cette carte est unique, haute qualité et spécial. Vous ne voyez pas de cartes comme celle-ci tous les jours. Ces quatre combattants ont fait un combiné 14 apparitions sur SHOWTIME. Nous sommes très fiers de ces quatre combattants.
“Pour créer et organiser des événements spéciaux, il faut un engagement. Lorsque vous êtes engagé pour une cause, des choses spéciales se produisent. Nous avons fait des choses spéciales avec Mayweather Promotions et nous avons maintenant cette superbe carte à venir.
“Les quatre jeunes hommes sur la scène aujourd'hui sont parmi les athlètes les plus talentueux et les plus accomplis du sport. C'est le meilleur de ce sport. Ils s'engagent à affronter d'autres athlètes accomplis. Nous avons quatre de ces combattants ici sur la partie télévisée et nous devons les saluer.
“New York a une histoire formidable dans le domaine de la boxe. Il a accueilli les plus grands combats de l'histoire du sport. Le Barclays Center est devenu le plus grand et le plus agressif partisan de la boxe sur la côte est. Nous sommes optimistes qu'il n'y aura pas de retard pour arriver à Janvier 14.
“Aucun réseau n'est aussi engagé ou aussi passionné par la boxe que SHOWTIME. Les plus gros et les meilleurs combats sont sur SHOWTIME. Aucun autre réseau ne diffuse des combats comme ceux-ci. Top cinq contre cinq premiers et champion contre champion. Il n'y a pas de meilleure façon de lancer la boxe en 2017 qu'avec cette superbe carte au Barclays Center.”
ERIC ADAMS, Président de l'arrondissement de Brooklyn
“C'est maintenant l'appel à l'action. Nous avons été témoins de ce qui se passe lorsque l'appel à l'action n'est pas personnifié et mobilisé. Trop de gens adoptent des lois et se concentrent sur le papier sur lequel ils sont écrits, au lieu des personnes qui en sont touchées. Il est clair que l'état de New York est l'Empire State où nous construisons des empires au lieu de les détruire et nous détruisons l'empire de la boxe à New York..
“Si nous ne faisons rien au sujet de cette loi, alors ces combattants n'auront plus l'aspiration à se battre dans l'état qu'ils aiment. Ça ne peut pas arriver. Les New-Yorkais ne suivent pas l'ordre du jour, nous menons l'agenda. Nous devons le faire pour nous assurer que cela est fait correctement.
“Nous allons nous mobiliser et aller dans la bonne direction tout en protégeant les combattants. Nous ne voulons pas éliminer la boxe dans l’État de New York. Ça ne peut pas arriver.
“Cela va être une excellente opportunité pour ces combattants et pour Brooklyn et nous sommes reconnaissants à l'équipe de Barclays d'avoir mis ces combattants sur cette grande scène.”
# # #
BROOKLYN BOXE ™ programmation la plate-forme de Barclays Center est présenté par l'AARP. Pour plus d'informations, visitez suivez sur Twitter @BadouJack, @ JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, et @Swanson_Comm ou devenez fan sur Facebook à,, Cet événement est sponsorisé par Corona Extra, La bière la plus fine.

Badou Jack & James DeGale rencontre samedi dans la confrontation de l'unification du championnat du monde des super-moyens, Janvier 14 Du Barclays Center à Brooklyn en direct sur SHOWTIME

Champion du monde poids léger junior Jose Pedraza
Combats l'étoile montante invaincue Gervonta Davis dans
Billets en vente Vendredi à 10 a.m. ET!
BROOKLYN (Novembre 16, 2016) – WBC des super-moyens champion du monde Badou Jack (20-1-2, 12 KOs) et Champion du Monde IBF Super Moyens James DeGale (23-1, 14 KOs)chercheront à revendiquer leur titre de meilleur combattant de 168 livres au monde lorsqu'ils se rencontreront lors d'un affrontement d'unification du titre sur Samedi, Janvier 14 du Barclays Center à Brooklyn et en direct sur SHOWTIME alors que la boxe revient à New York pour la première fois dans cinq mois.
La télédiffusion SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING mettra également en vedette le champion du monde junior des poids légers invaincu Jose “Sniper” Pedraza (22-0, 12 KOs) défendre son titre contre les promotions Mayweather prometteuses’ candidat invaincu Gervonta “Le One” Davis (16-0, 15 KOs).
“Je m'attends à un combat très dur de James DeGale,” a déclaré Jack. “Mais je suis très confiant que je vais gagner le combat et devenir le champion unifié. C'est une étape incroyable d'être au Barclays Center et sur SHOWTIME et je vais en profiter pleinement. Je suis prêt à faire ma marque comme le meilleur de la division.”
“Je suis si heureux que ce combat soit enfin fait,” a déclaré DeGale. “C'est le meilleur combat le meilleur. Ce est ce que la boxe est tout au sujet. Badou Jack est un très bon combattant et il est sous-estimé. Je vais devoir être 100 pour cent sur mon jeu pour le battre, mais je suis convaincu que je livrerai en janvier 14. J'ai déjà réalisé mon rêve de devenir champion du monde et il est maintenant temps de m'unifier.”
“Davis est un grand jeune combattant avec un bilan impressionnant,” Saïd Pedraza. “C'est un combattant complet et je suis très heureux de combattre un challenger de son calibre. Cependant, Je sens que Davis a été protégé, alors je prévois de vraiment me montrer dans ce combat et de faire de mon mieux. Vaincre Davis sera un bon début pour 2017, un an j'aimerais unifier ma division. Je suis ravi d'être de retour sur SHOWTIME et j'ai hâte d'organiser un grand spectacle pour tous ceux qui sont présents au Barclays Center.”
“Je suis ravi d'avoir l'opportunité de combattre un champion du monde invaincu respecté comme Jose Pedraza,” a déclaré Davis. “Je suis également prêt à montrer au monde de la boxe ce que je suis capable de faire. La boxe recherche sa prochaine star et je crois que c'est moi. Sur Janvier 14, J'ai l'intention de montrer quoi de plus 200 amateur gagne et 12 années d'entraînement avec l'entraîneur Calvin Ford ressemblent à. Baltimore, nous sommes ici. Brooklyn, Je suis prêt à briller pour toi. Jose Pedraza, sois prêt. Je viens te botter un **.”
Mayweather Promotions is pleased to have the opportunity to bring this huge event to Brooklyn and Barclays Center,” dit Floyd Mayweather, Président de Promotions Mayweather. “Badou Jack versus James DeGale is one of the best match-ups in the sport. It’s the best fighting the best. I believe that Badou Jack has what it takes to be a unified world champion. I’m also excited to see Gervonta Davis fight for his first world title. He has the skills to be a fighter who carries the sport. He has a tough, undefeated world champion in front of him and I am looking forward to seeing him perform on Janvier 14. These are two evenly-matched fights that will bring a lot of explosive action to the ring on fight night, you don’t want to miss it.
Les billets pour l'événement en direct, qui est promu par Mayweather Promotions et DiBella Entertainment, commence à $25. Tickets are available starting Vendredi, Novembre. 18 à 10 a.m. et peuvent être achetés en ligne en visitant, ou en appelant 1-800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Les rabais de groupe sont disponibles en téléphonant 844-BKLYN-GP.
Both Jack and DeGale retained their titles on SHOWTIME in April. Jack kept his belt via a controversial split draw against Lucian Bute, a match in which many thought Jack had prevailed, while DeGale defeated mandatory challenger Rogelio Medina. Both fighters were sharp; each landed over 60 percent of his respective power punches to set up this showdown for the top spot in the super middleweight division.
We’re looking forward to bringing our first boxing event to Barclays Center in Brooklyn on Janvier 14, when Badou Jack will face James DeGale in a world title unification bout live on SHOWTIME,” a déclaré Leonard Ellerbe, PDG de Promotions Mayweather. “Badou has a tremendous work ethic and ability to stay focused and this has helped him get to where he is now in his career. He’s prepared to keep putting the hard work in to stay on top. Every time he was counted out, it just made him work harder. He’s proof that if you stay focused and dedicated to your craft, you can reach your dreams. I’m also eager to see Mayweather Promotionsown Gervonta Davis in his first world title fight. We believe there is a bright future ahead for that young man and this could be the first step on his way to a truly special career.
Boxing will return to New York in 2017 with a tremendous card at Barclays Center on Janvier 14 featuring two high caliber championship contests,” a déclaré Lou DiBella, Président de DiBella Entertainment. “With Badou Jack and James DeGale facing off, you have champion versus champion, the best fighting the best in what promises to be an action-packed battle in a super middleweight unification. Puerto Rico’s only world champion, undefeated Jose Pedraza, will defend his junior lightweight title against a hungry, heavy-handed challenger in Gervonta Davis.
“Jack contre. DeGale is a terrific start to 2017,” dit Brett Yormark, PDG de Brooklyn Sports & Divertissement. “I want to thank Floyd Mayweather for making this fight happen and to Lou DiBella for his continued support of BROOKLYN BOXING. In our fifth year at Barclays Center, we are committed to boxing more than ever before.
“En 2016, SHOWTIME delivered more high-quality, competitive fights than any other network and 2017 sera pas différent. We’re thrilled to kick off the year with a true ’50/50unification fight between two world champions in the prime of their career,” a déclaré Stephen Espinoza, Vice-président exécutif et directeur général, Sports Showtime. “Badou Jack contre. James DeGale is boxing at its besta matchup between the No. 1 – et n. 2-ranked boxers in the divisionthe right fight happening at the right time. And the Jose Pedraza-Gervonta Davis co-feature, which features two of boxing’s rising stars, could have been a main event on its own. There is no better way to begin the year, as well as our tremendous run of four separate SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING presentations over a seven-week span.
Jack, who fights out of Las Vegas by way of Stockholm, Suède, captured the WBC 168-pound crown with a 12-round majority decision over previously unbeaten defending champion Anthony Dirrelllast Avril 24. A former amateur standout who represented Gambia in the 2008 Jeux olympiques, Jack retained his belt against former world title challenger George Groves last Sept. 12 on the undercard of Floyd Mayweather’s final fight. Jack was an underdog against both Dirrell and Groves before retaining his title. Le 6-pieds-1, 33-year-old won four in a row leading up to his controversial draw against Bute in April.
DeGale won the vacant IBF belt in his U.S. debut last May by dropping Andre Dirrell twice on his way to a unanimous decision. Le 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist from London then successfully defended it last November in a thrilling shootout with the hometown favorite and former titlist Bute. Le âgé de 30 ans, who’s only blemish came in a majority decision in his 11e bout against the then-unbeaten Groves, will make his fourth consecutive start outside his native England as he looks to become a global power and a unified champion at 168 livres.
The switch-hitting Puerto Rican Olympian Pedraza backed up his “Le Sniper” moniker against Andrey Klimov, picking apart the Russian with superior speed and accuracy on his way to a world title win last June. Pedraza earned a shot at the title in his previous bout with a career-best victory over former world title challenger Michael Farenas. The 27-year-old then went on to defend his title successfully against Edner Cherry last October and most recently against Stephen Smith in April. This fight marks the fourth consecutive time that Pedraza has fought on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.
A highly regarded prospect that won the 2012 Championnat national Gants, le 22-year-old Davis recorded five victories inside of the distance in 2015. The Baltimore native, who Floyd Mayweather has calledthe next big star in boxing,” kept his momentum going into 2016 as he recorded a sixth-round stoppage of Guillermo Avila in April and a first round knockout of Mario Macias in June. Davis enters his first world title showdown with seven straight victories by stoppage.
# # #
BROOKLYN BOXE ™ programmation la plate-forme de Barclays Center est présenté par l'AARP. Pour plus d'informations, visitez suivez sur Twitter @BadouJack, @ JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, et @Swanson_Comm ou devenez fan sur Facebook à,, Cet événement est sponsorisé par Corona Extra, La bière la plus fine.




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Crédit photo: Roc Nation Sports / Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos

Las Vegas, Nevada (Novembre 15, 2016) – NABO Junior Welterweight Champion Maurice “Mighty Mo” Hooker(21-0-2, 16 KOs) and Two-Time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa “T-Rex” Shields participated in a media workout in Las Vegas, NV on Monday, Novembre. 14, ahead of their undercard appearances on Kovalev-Ward “Pound For Pound” taking place Samedi, Novembre. 19 at T-Mobile Arena.


Shields, who will be making her professional debut against American rival Franchon Crews, will be featured on the freeview telecast beginning at 7:00 p.m. ET/4:00 p.m. PT on the Pay-Per-View events channel prior to the official telecast, and through livestreaming on HBO Boxing’s YouTube channel.


Talonneur, who will be defending his NABO title against veteran Darleys Perez (33-2-1, 21 KOs), will be featured during the televised undercard leading up to the main event on HBO Pay-Per-View® beginning at 9:00 p.m. ET/6:00 p.m. PT.


Both fighters put on a display of mitt work, heavy bag, speed bag and shadow boxing for the media in attendance. Below is what the rising stars had to say during the media workout:


Maurice Hooker, NABO Junior Welterweight Champion:

“Kovalev-Ward is a special event. I’m going to do what I do best and hopefully, steal the crowd. The crowd is going to love me…they love knockouts, and that is what I am ready to give them.


“Aaron Pryor is one of the best. He brought a lot of knockouts. He was a great fighter whom a lot of people dodged. Like him, I’m coming into this fight with people dodging me. They are afraid because they don’t know what I can do. This fight means a lot…an opportunity to show them who I am. I am going to bring the knockout just like ‘The Hawk’ would.”


“I want to stay busy. I want to fight Ricky Burns and Eduard Troyanovsky and win ‘em belts. Shout out to my big bro Terrance Crawford. He’s doing his thing. Avec optimisme, he gets a fight with Pacquiao, move up and let me take over.


“My prediction for Samedi is a knockout. I love KO. I am always going for the knockout. With every punch that I throw, even the jab, I am going to try to take Darleys Perez’s head off.”


Claressa Shields, Two-Time Olympic Gold Medalist:

“I’ll have been in camp for seven weeks. Je suis surexcité. I’m ready to take on this new task of being a professional fighter and ultimately, winning a belt.

“When deciding to go pro, I thought about my legacy—I didn’t want to disappear for four years, and win another gold medal but have people not know my name or what I look like or how I box.

“Expect to see a really good fight, a very skilled fight from me, ce samedi. The world is going to see a level of boxing that no woman boxer has ever showed before. I’m a smart fighter. I’m an entertaining fighter. I throw everything well and have great combinations.

“Franchon Crews and I have sparred and boxed before in huge tournaments. She’s coming into this fight fully prepared and I’ve been training for a KO. Chez les amateurs, my overall record was 77-1 but I’ve never KO’d anyone. Maintenant, we have smaller gloves, no headgear and I’m way stronger than I’ve ever been. This is a different kind of pro debut. This should actually be a World Championship fight between me and Franchon Crews but somehow, she took it for a pro debut.

"Je adore la boxe. That’s why I commit my time and body. I look forward to fighting in front of all the fight fans. I have friends, famille, fans from all over flying into Vegas just to see me fight, so hopefully I can pack the house before the main event.”


Follow Maurice “Mighty Mo” Hooker on Twitter @mightymohooker, Instagram @mauricemightymohooker and Facebook:


Follow Claressa Shields on Twitter @ClaressaShields, Instagram @ClaressaShields, and


Kovalev vs. Quartier “Pound For Pound”, a 12-round mega-fight for the WBO/IBF/WBA light heavyweight title at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, is presented by Main Events, Roc Nation Sports, Krusher Promotions and Andre Ward Promotions and is sponsored by the MGM Grand Hotel & Casino, Corona Extra, Zappos and JetLux. The championship event will be produced and distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View® beginning at 9:00 p.m. ET/6:00 p.m. PT. Tickets are available on and the T-Mobile Arena box office.


Follow the conversation using #KovalevWard. FOLLOW US: @KrusherKovalev @SergeyKovalev_Official /thekrusher / kovalboxer @AndreWard @AndreSogWard /AndreSogWard @Événements principaux @Événements principaux /MainEventsBoxing / MEBoxingSeries @RocNation @RocNation / Roc Nation / Roc Nation HBOboxing HBOboxing / HBOboxing / HBOsports @MGMGrand @MGMGrand /MGMGrand @TMobileArena @TMobileArena /TMobileArena  


Giving back: Baltimore Boxing raises $10,000 to help locals combat medical bills

Baltimore, MD (Novembre 15, 2016) – Jake Smith’s Baltimore Boxing Promotions is proud to announce they’ve raised $10,000 for two area residents with large medical bills associated with extended hospital stays.

To ensure funds were raised through multiple channels, Smith donated a large number of tickets (which the families resold and kept 100% of the money) while running a 50/50 raffle and silent auction on fight night at Michael’s Eighth Avenue.

Sur Septembre 15, Baltimore Boxing’s “Fight for Vince” card raised funds for Vincent Veazey, a longtime trainer and mentor at the Baltimore Boxing Club. Veazey, who was already fighting Parkinson’s disease, suffered a heart attack earlier this year that required triple bypass surgery. Vince and his family were left with massive medical bills following his hospitalization and still needed enough money for day to day expenses.

Jeudi, November 10’s card assisted the family of Nicholas Tasker, an 8-year-old Arbutus, MD resident battling a rare form of abdomen cancer. Tasker is still hospitalized but made it to Michael’s Eighth to receive the “Mike Dietrich American Dream Awardduring an emotional ceremony for his courageous fight against cancer.

“I’ve been in boxing for most of my life as a fighter, entraîneur, promoter and gym owner and these last few events were the most emotional for me,"Dit Jake Smith. “The community and our fans have been incredible in purchasing tickets while participating in the silent auctions and 50/50 raffles to help those in need. As a lifelong Baltimore resident, it is my duty to give back to the community. Seeing firsthand what the sport of boxing can do to help others in need is a feeling no other.”

Baltimore Boxing’s next card is scheduled for Décembre 8 and more information will be available shortly.

Residents, groups and organizations of the Baltimore area interested in receiving assistance through Baltimore Boxing fight cards are encouraged to email with detailed information.



SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIE (Novembre 15, 2016) – Before the cage door closes ce samedi au Centre de SAP à San Jose, the main and co-main event fighters from "Bellator 165: Chandler vs. Henderson "participated in a media conference call. If you weren’t on the line, you can listen to it ici, or read a couple of the quotes below.


"Bellator 165: Chandler vs. Henderson " features current champion Michael Chandler (15-3) contre Benson Henderson (24-6) dans le rôle de tête d'affiche, while co-main event action will have undefeated British phenom Michael "Venom" la page (11-0) and California’s own Fernando Gonzalez (25-13) duke it out in a welterweight thriller. Bay Area’s own Keri Melendez makes her professional MMA debut, as does Kevin Ferguson Jr. better known as Kimbo Slice Jr.


The event airs LIVE and FREE at 9 p.m. ET/8 p.m. CT on Spike and completes three consecutive weeks of championship fights on the Viacom-owned network. Tickets for the event remain on sale and can be purchased at, as well as SAP Center Box Office and Ticketmaster.


Q: For Benson…Is there any extra motivation to prove yourself in this fight after the way the last fight ended?

Benson Henderson: I would say that there’s not a whole lot of extra motivation this fight. I’m a pretty highly self-motivated individual. I want to win all of my fights. I don’t need any extra incentives. I want to have my hand raised in every single fight.

Q: This is your second title fight in Bellator. Is there anything you learned from the first go-around that you’re bringing into this fight?

Benson Henderson: I don’t know if there’s anything that I learned from the last title fight, just being more comfortable inside the Bellator cage and getting used to the walkout and finding my rhythm.

Q: You’re fighting for the title now. Do you think of yourself as a lightweight? Is this where you intend to stay or is another trip to welterweight a possibility in the future?

Benson Henderson: I wouldn’t say that I think of myself as a lightweight necessarily. Pour moi, ce est 155 lbs. ou 170 lbs., just wherever the more interesting and fun matchups are. Mais, first things first, Je dois prendre soin des affaires Samedi nuit.

Q: You mentioned fun and interesting fights. Is the title something you think about as well? The story line of the week is a two-division champion in the other promotion. Is that a dream that you have for yourself in your career or do you just want to stay and be the most dominate lightweight champion that you can be?

Benson Henderson: I’m going to go get this belt at 155 lbs., but after that I wouldn’t say that belts offer a whole lot of extra incentive. Obviously belts are great and the meaning behind the belt is that you are the best in the planet and that means a lot to say that you are the best at that weight class, but I don’t fight necessarily just for the belt. You do want the belt, but right now all I’m concentrating on is four days from now and a man named Michael Chandler.

Q: For Michael…Have you ever thought about trying for another belt? I know it’s early in your title reign, but has that ever crossed your mind? Et, if you did go for another belt, would it be for welterweight or featherweight?

Michael Chandler: I haven’t put a lot of thought into it. Pour moi, I’m just looking for the biggest fight I can get. I know there’s no way I could make 145 lbs., since I walk around at about 190 lbs., between fights. Si, I’m not interested in losing the muscle mass that I’ve worked so hard to build. Si quoi que ce soit, I would jump up to 170 lbs., but right now I’m focused on my fight ce samedi night and I’m excited to get out there and perform.

Q: Why is Henderson an important opponent for your career?

Michael Chandler: Every opponent is important. Every single time we fight, we’re putting ourselves, our livelihood, our records, and our reputation on the line. It just so happens for me, I get an opportunity to fight a guy who’s been a champion and has done some great things in the sport. But luckily, it’s the right time for me and the wrong time for him. I’m extremely excited to go out there and make a statement with this fight Samedi nuit. He’s definitely a great, willing opponent, but I’m excited to go out there and get the finish.

Q: For MVP…Obviously, it’s been a fantastic year for you in Bellator, especially your performance in London. Have you got your finger on the pulse of pop culture right now and is there something out there that you’re drawing inspiration from that you’re looking to utilize in some entertainment factor on fight night?

MVP: Ouais, I’m always socially aware, but I have to get the job done first and that’s the most important thing.

Q: At the moment, fighting at multiple weight classes and fighting in multiple divisions seems to be the rage right now and I know in the past you’ve mentioned the possibility of dropping down to 155 lbs., is that something that you’re still interested in?

MVP: At the moment, ne pas. Maintenant, I’m just focused on fighting in the welterweight division.

Q: If you can record a win over Fernando Gonzalez, how many more fights and how many more wins do you think before you are in that title picture and fighting for a title shot?

MVP: That’s not really my main concern. I just go out there and entertain and I’ll keep doing that until I end up in the position I’m supposed to be in.

Q: For Michael Chandler…With you watching Benson from a far for a long time, what did you think of him as his career progressed?

Michael Chandler: Benson’s had a phenomenal career. A l'époque, he was the UFC champion and I was the Bellator champion. He was ranked number one and I was ranked number three in the world and it was always that “what if” matchup. What if these two guys could fight…and now we finally get to see. He’s continued to impress. He’s continued to win. Great careers and great legacies can’t be had without great opponents. I look at Benson Henderson as exactly that, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to step into that cage Samedi night and lose this belt. I’ve trained my tail off, I’ve gone through some of the toughest hardships that anyone can go through in this sport…losing three fights in a row, coming back, and believing that no matter what, my next big breakthrough is right around the corner. I never once thought about quitting, where I think a lot of people in that situation would. Where I’ve been and where I am now, I’m confident and I’m excited to just go out there and put it all on the line against one of the best in the world and one of the biggest names in the sport. This is a great opportunity on Spike TV, en direct et gratuitement.

Q: For Fernando…question regarding the video packages that Michael Page has produced and released this year, most recently during Halloween. Did you watch them and what was your reaction to the video packages?

Fernando Gonzalez: I watched both of the videos and thought it was kind of funny, especially the last one. Bad choice of food products I guess. He’s basically eating balls and drinking milk, while cupping and savoring the taste. Si, I don’t know if I should take that as a call out, but I think the victory alone will be enough for me.

Q: With Michael (Page) on the line right now, does Fernando have any sort of message for him leading up to the fight?

Fernando Gonzalez: It’s the same message that I gave before. Just show up. I respect the fighter, but after this he’ll congratulate me and thank me for making him a better fighter. Il est difficile, but he hasn’t been tested and I’m going to give him his first loss.

Q: Michael do you have a response to that?

MVP: I’m allergic to bullshit, so there’s no point in responding.

Q: For Benson Henderson…In the title eliminator fight in Anaheim, you had a calm and deliberate demeanor throughout that fight and before we could really see you explode, Pitbull was taken away with an injury. Are you going to look to set a faster pace with Chandler, or are we going to see a more measured response?

Benson Henderson: On verra comment ça se passe. It’s hard to dictate and say exactly what I’m going to do. If I was an NFL coach, I would not be one of those coaches that has the first 15 plays of the game scripted out and no matter what happens, we’re sticking to these 15 plays. Pour moi, I have to feel it out and go with the flow. Mais, for me I don’t think this is going to be a slow pace fight. I’m expecting this to be one of the most high paced, action-packed fights you’ve seen in the Bellator cage.


Complete "Bellator 165: Chandler vs. Henderson” Main Card:

Léger Monde Titre Main Event: Michael Chandler (15-3) vs. Benson Henderson (24-6)

Welters Co-Main Event: Michael Page (11-0) vs. Fernando Gonzalez (25-13)

Bout de fonction poids lourd léger: Linton Vassell (16-5) vs. Francis Carmont (25-11)

Bout de fonctionnalités léger: Adam Piccolot (8-0) vs. Brandon Girtz (14-4)

Bout de fonctionnalités poids mouche: Keri-Anne Taylor-Melendez (Début) vs. Sheila Padilla (2-0)


Complete Preliminary Card:

Welters préliminaire Bout: Kevin Ferguson Jr. (Début) vs. Aaron Hamilton (0-2)

Bout léger préliminaire: Banques Carrington (5-0) vs. Jake Roberts (7-0)

Bout moyen préliminaire: Diego Herzog (3-2) vs. Nick Pica (5-0)

Bout préliminaire des poids coq: Jérémie Monaghan (9-5) vs. Vince Murdock (8-2)

Welters préliminaire Bout: James Terry (17-9) vs. Justin Baesman (19-10-1)

Bout préliminaire des poids coq: Alvin Cacdac (16-12) vs. Steve Ramirez (5-1)

Bout léger préliminaire: J.J. Okanovich (2-1) vs. Luis Vargas (Début)

Poids plume préliminaire Bout: Victor Jones (0-2) vs. Beau Hamilton (1-7)

Bout léger préliminaire: Hugo Lujan (0-1) vs. Cesar Gonzalez (Début)

Welterweight “VOW” Preliminary Bout: Dominic Sumner (Début) vs. Justin Roswell (1-0)

Welters préliminaire Bout: Danasabe Mohammed (5-0) vs. Dwight Grant (6-1)

Masselotte préliminaire Bout: Sarah D’Alelio (10-6) vs. Jaimelene Nievera (4-1)

Undefeated Prospects Sonny Fredrickson & Tyler McCreary Added to Kovalev-Ward Undercard

Toledo, Ohio (Novembre 14, 2016) – Undefeated fighters super lightweight Fiston “Pretty Boi” Fredrickson (14-0, 9 KO) et plume Tyler “Golden Child” McCreary (11-0, 6 KO) will see action on Novembre 19, as part of the highly-anticipated Light Heavyweight Unification showdown between Sergey Kovalev and Andre Ward at the T-Mobile Arena en Las Vegas, Nevada.

Fredrickson and McCreary, both natives of Toledo, Ohio, will both perform on their biggest stage to date. The two will be featured on the Kovalev-Ward freeview telecast which begins at 7:00 p.m. ET/4:00 p.m. PT on the Pay-Per-View events channel prior to the official telecast, and to be announced cable, Satellite, and telco channels. The freeview will also be available through livestreaming on HBO Boxing’s YouTube channel.

Fredrickson will fight Gabriel Duluc (11-1, 2 KO) while McCreary will battle Vincent Jennings (5-2-1, 4 KO).

I’m thrilled that my fight will be offered to fans as part of the freeview telecast,” said Frederickson. “I have been on previous Andre Ward cards, but this one will be especially meaningful since it’s also my first fight in Las Vegas.

Fredrickson, who is looking to make a big statement in front of a large crowd and packed media contingent, also added, “I have fought in front of a lot of people before and hopefully, this leads television fights and big opportunities. I want to thank my promoter Roc Nation Sports for allowing me the opportunity to shine on this incredible stage, my team at Victory Sports & Entertainment and also to Andre Ward for all his help and guidance. This is a big steppingstone for me and in 2017, I expect to move up in the rankings and take my career to the next level.

McCreary, who is also eager about the opportunity, déclaré, “This is a big opportunity for me and I wanted to thank my team and my promoter Roc Nation Sports. I have been training hard and am excited to showcase my skills on this big stage. I am ready to show everyone that I can to rise to the occasion. It’s also exciting for me to fight on Andre Ward’s undercard. He and I have become friends since we met last year at the Cotto-Canelo fight, and he has become a mentor to me, so I am very thankful to be on this fight card.

We are very excited to have both Sonny Frederickson and Tyler McCreary fight on, arguably, the biggest card of the year,” said Rick Torres, Président de la Victoire Sport & Divertissement. “We know that the Kovalev-Ward fight will produce a great battle and look forward to two of our young guns getting the fireworks started earlier in the evening. Both have been training very hard for this and are looking forward to putting on great fights as they take the next steps in their careers. Fans at home, especially those in Toledo, who tune in early can see both on the freeview telecast. All of this couldn’t be possible without Roc Nation Sports and we’re very appreciative of the commitment and confidence they have shown in Sonny Frederickson and Tyler McCreary.

Fondé en 2013 by President Rick Torres and Chief Operating Officer Michael Leanardi, Victory Sport & Entertainment est une société de gestion d'athlètes avec des bureaux à New York et à Las Vegas.

Undefeated World Champion Danny Garcia Earns Victory in Hometown Via Seventh Round Stoppage of Samuel Vargas in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Saturday Night from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia

Victory Sets Up Welterweight World Championship Unification Bout Between Garcia and Keith Thurman on Mars 4
Rising Star Jarrett Hurd Remains Unbeaten with Sixth-Round Stoppage of Former Title Challenger Jo Jo Dan
Former World Champion Javier Fortuna Recovers from Knockdown to Beat Previously Undefeated Omar Douglas by Unanimous Decision
Cliquez ICI pour les photos de Ryan Hafey /
Premier Champions de boxe – (Photos à ajouter prochainement)
PHILADELPHIA (Novembre 13, 2016) – Undefeated world champion Danny “Rapide” Garcia (33-0, 19 KOs)put on a show for fans in his hometown Saturday night as he dropped and stopped Colombia’s Samuel Vargas (25-3-1, 13 KOs)on his way to a seventh round TKO victory in the main event of Premier Champions de boxe sur Épi from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia.
The dominant performance by Garcia officially setup a welterweight world championship unification showdown in March against Keith “Une Fois” Thurman, who was in attendance as part of Spike’s broadcasting crew. The two welterweight world champions met in the middle of the ring after the conclusion of the bout and began to set the stage for their explosive showdown.
I just had to tell Keith that he’s next,” a déclaré Garcia. “I’m going to beat him down. There’s not much more to say. Keith is going to get what he asked for and now he’s going to face a big dog.
You have two big punchers meeting on Mars 4,” Saïd Thurman. “I don’t see how the fight can go 12 tours. I see myself as the best competition that Danny has ever faced.
Garcia was sharp offensively and defensively Samedi nuit, making Vargas miss often and countering with powerful shots. He started slow but late in the second round, Garcia delivered an overhand right hand that sent Vargas tumbling to the canvas.
I felt a little rusty,” a déclaré Garcia. “But I started putting my punches together well and came out with the victory. The overhand right knocked him down. It was just a well-timed shot.
I got beat up in there,” Saïd Vargas. “It takes a lot of courage to come to North Philadelphia and fight the champ. Il était tout simplement pas ma nuit.”
Vargas continued to come forward and work, but Garcia was entirely in control, making Vargas swing at air while delivering shots of his own that kept him in command. Dans le septième round, Garcia began to unload with a series of big shots that hurt Vargas on the ropes. This eventually prompted referee Gary Rosato to stop the fight 2:17 dans la ronde.
It was great to give back to my fans in Philadelphia,” a déclaré Garcia. “It was a long time coming. I’m just happy I was able to give Philly a great night. I’m a Philly champion and it was great to see guys like Allen Iverson and Meek Mill out here supporting. Most importantly it felt great to give back to those in need in my city.
Danny is a great fighter and a great person for his city,” Saïd Vargas.
With the Mars 4 unification fight now set, boxing fans can look forward to seeing two of the best fighters in the sport put their undefeated records and world titles on the line.
Danny can talk whatever he wants and Angel Garcia can say whatever he wants,” Saïd Thurman. “They can talk smack all day. Danny is real flat-footed. I believe I’ll be able to be on the outside, see the wide punches and counter punch. They said he wanted the tune-up, now he’s ready to see me.
“Sur Mars 4, fans can expect what they always get from me,” a déclaré Garcia. “It’s going to be fireworks. I’m a Philly champion. I have the heart of a champion and I’m coming to win and unify titles.
The co-main event of the evening saw undefeated rising star Jarrett Hurd (19-0, 13 KOs) stop former title challenger Jo Jo Dan (35-4, 18 KOs)in the sixth-round of their super welterweight battle.
The smaller Dan sought to smother Hurd from the beginning and negate the previously unbeaten fighter’s advantage in reach and height. Hurd was unable to get full power behind his punches, while Dan tried to hit Hurd with short punches, mainly to the body.
We knew he was a crafty southpaw,” Saïd Hurd. “We wanted to take our time because we didn’t know how he would come out. We felt him out at first.
The weight was a big difference,” said Dan. “I took the fight on short notice and I’m a 147-pound fighter. He was too strong for me ce soir.”
Things began to open up for Hurd in round two as he began to tee off on the head of Dan, including a thudding left that caused Dan’s nose to bleed. Hurd continued to pummel Dan, mixing in looping shots to the body with his devastating array of hooks and uppercuts.
My defense was a little off because being prepared for a right hander,” Saïd Hurd. “We fixed that in the last round and got the stoppage.
The damage continued into the sixth round as Dan kept coming forward but was consistently met with hard shots from Hurd. The fight was finally called at 1:08 into the sixth round, on the advice of Dan’s corner.
He was wobbly and shaky,” Saïd Hurd. “I probably would have taken him out in the next round. There are a lot of great fighters in this division and whoever I can get in there with next, I’ll be ready for.
“Il est un dur à cuire,” said Dan. “I gave him some tough shots and I took some good shots. At the end of the day this is boxing. I couldn’t do enough to get the win.
The opening bout of the telecast saw former world champion Javier Fortuna (31-1-1, 22 KOs) survive an early knockdown to come back and earn a unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Omar Douglas (17-1, 12 KOs) in their 10-round lightweight match.
Douglas got off to the better start, connecting with a straight left hand late in the first round that buckled the knees of Fortuna and sent him to the canvas.
He got me cold in the first round,” dit Fortuna. “I wasn’t surprised that he came out sharp. I worked very hard to come back.
The left hand was there for me so I took it,” a déclaré Douglas. “I knocked him down based on reflexes.
Fortuna recovered nicely however, and used his movement and combination punching to fluster the less experienced Douglas. Fighting primarily out of the southpaw stance, Fortuna used his jab and followed up with flurries that score consistently.
Every time that I was aggressive, I tried to follow it up with more punches,” dit Fortuna.
Douglas tried to be patient and counter, but too often it led to the fighters getting tangled up instead of inflicting damage.
He was grabbing me, but that’s the game” a déclaré Douglas. “That’s the game I signed up for.
The final round saw Fortuna come out strong in an attempt to close the show with emphasis.
I knew in the final round that I had to finish it well to make sure there were no questions,” dit Fortuna.
The former champion connected at will on Douglas for much of the round, staggering him near the ropes with successive hooks. Douglas stayed on his feet but was unable to mount enough offense as all three judges gave the final round to Fortuna. À la fin, the judges scored the bout 96-93 deux fois et 95-94 pour Fortuna.
“J'ai l'impression d'avoir gagné le combat. The decision was absurd. He held me the whole fight,” a déclaré Douglas.
I felt like I won just about every round after the first,” dit Fortuna. “I want a rematch with Jason Sosa next. That’s a very big fight for me.
# # #
PBC on Spike was promoted by DSG Promotions and King’s Promotions.
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Jermall Charlo vs. Julian Williams Media Conference Call Transcript

Richard Schaefer
Merci beaucoup. And thank you to all the media to be on today’s call. Je suis vraiment excité. My first boxing conference call after almost three years out of the sport. Si, I’m really excited to be at it again.
And what better way to do it than with a double header like this? It’s rare enough to have a match up like Jesus Cuellar versus Abner Mares, which has fight of the year written all over it.
But to have Jermall Charlo versus Julian Williams which is another fight of the year candidateI can tell you that right now. To have two fight of the year candidates, it’s like today’s day and age almost unheard of. Et ainsi, it really is a very special treat.
I want to thank first and foremost the fighters for agreeing to these great up match-ups. I want to thank SHOWTIME for the commitment to the sport, to showcase fights like that. Stephen Espinoza goes out there and wants to put together competitive match-ups. And I think he is doing an absolutely terrific job.
But before we begin, I just want to make a brief comment. The sport of boxing lost a great friend yesterday, Todd Harlib, who could be seen in countless fighter’s quarters including Jermall Charlo, who is on the phone with us today.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends and the whole boxing community at this time. Si, I’m very sorry about having to report this.
This fight here which we’re discussing today is without any question one of the best fights which can be made in the sport, irrespective of weight class. It is a fight which was really demanded by fight fans and by media.
A lot of people wondered if it was ever going to happen? And here it is. C'est ici, one of the most talked about fights, one of the most asked for fights to be seen live on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on December 10th as part of this terrific double header with Cuellar and Mares.
The fight is in association with Premier Boxing Champions live from the Galen Center at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles which is a terrific new state-of-the-art arena where the basketball and volleyball teams of the university play as well. It has hosted a fight there as well before with the heavyweight title fight with Bermane Stiverne and Chris Arreola.
Si, if you live in and around the Los Angeles area or somewhere in Southern California, S'il vous plaît, make sure you come out and be part of this terrific doubleheader. Tickets are available and are starting at as little as $35.00. Fantastic seats for $35.00
Pour acheter des billets, S'il vous plaît, aller à
It is a pleasure now to introduce to you our co-promoter. This fight is a co-promotion between Ringstar Sports and TGB Promotions. Tom Brown is very familiar with the arena there at the Galen Center. He was the one who put together the fight with Stiverne and Arreola back in the days. And so it’s a pleasure now to turn it over to Tom Brown to make a few comments.
Tom Brown
Bien, merci beaucoup, Richard. I just want to say that TGB Promotions is thrilled to be partnered once again with Stephen Espinoza and the great team at SHOWTIME along with Richard Schaefer and Ringstar Sports.
I’m also happy to back on the beautiful campus of the University of Southern California at the Galen Center.
The idea of championship fight between Charlo and Julian Williams isas Richard just mentionedis a can’t miss match-up between two of the best junior middleweights in the world.
Si, cette, along with the main eventthe WBA Featherweight Championship fight between Cuellar and Mares makes it a can’t miss night. And like Richard said, two possible fight of the year candidate fights.
Richard and I are working out putting together an action packed under card which will be announced very soon. Si, we’re looking forward to a great night on December 10th at a great venue with even greater fights. Merci beaucoup.
R. Schaefer
Merci beaucoup, Tom. Now the next man I’m going to introduce is a good friend of mine. We have known each other for a long time. And we put together some of the biggest fights in the past. Retour à 2013 when we were on fire.
Everybody recognized SHOWTIME as the leader in the sport of boxing. And that is because of Stephen Espinoza. Stephen is first and foremost a fan. And he likes to sit there and see great match ups. And that’s exactly what you’re getting here.
Si, we as fight fans. We as members from the media being promoters or whatever, we can really benefit from Stephen’s passion of putting together these amazing fights.
Si, it’s a pleasure for me to introduce to you nowI know his title is Executive Vice President in charge of Sports but I’m calling him the President of SHOWTIME Sports. I alwaysand I always did that. Remember?
Stephen Espinoza
Oui, vous avez raison. Since the first day I had this job. Merci, Richard. We’re thrilled to be working with Richard and Ringstar and Tom Brown and TGB once again. And a special welcome Richard, who we are happy to see back in the sport. Not just because he’s my friend but because he is one of the standup guys in the sport. Very professional and a straight shooter. It’s something that this sport can use more of.
Si, the combination of Tom and Richard is two straight arrowsas straight as they come. And I’m thrilled to be working with both of them.
This year SHOWTIME really has continued to deliver the biggest and best fights. And I think there’s really no question that we’ve had the strongest lineup of the best and most significant match ups of any network in boxing.
2016 so far has included two fight of the year contenders, a KO of the year contender. Fight after fight of top ten opponent versus top ten.
And as we wrap 2016 and go into 2017, we are definitely looking to keep that momentum going. We recently announced seven great match ups – 14 haut 10 fighters taking on each otherin six world title fights.
And we could go on and on about the numbers. Three fights which are number one versus number two in the division. But among the pleasures of doing that is getting to make fights like this one.
Ever since Floyd retired, going on a little more than a year ago, there’s one question that personally I get and all of us here at SHOWTIME get consistently.
And that’s, vous savez, who’s the next star? Who’s the next super star? Who’s going to be carrying the sport going forward. And the good thing about this sport of boxing is that that gets determined in the ring. I can’t tell you.
Even if I were to pick two or there that I thought would develop that way, lookthey’ve got to perform in the ring. But it’s fights like this one. Aimer, Jermall Charlo versus Julian Williams, that determine who are the next stars.
We’ve got two young fighters in the peaks of their career. One world champion who’s established himself as really one of the future stars of the sport. And taking on one of the toughest contenders in any division in Williams.
We’re very proud of both of these fighters. They both been home grown here on SHOWTIME. Jermall has fought with us five times before. Julian has been on SHOWTIME seven times. Si, we’re proud that both of the role that SHOWTIME has played in both their careers.
Mais plus important encore, we’re proud that these guys stepped up to take this kind of fight. Jermall Charlo was seen as one of the most exciting, jeune, champions in the sport. He’s defended that title successfully, built a fan base in his hometown of Houston, and really looks to really take over the division and elevate to the star echelon of the sport.
Julian Williams has been a guy that people have quietly identified as one of the rising stars for quite some time. I know he’s been patiently waitingand sometimes not so patiently waitingfor his shot. And so I know he’ll be ready.
I think it’s somewhat fitting that this fight is taking on December 10th, a week before the very legendary Philadelphia world champion Bernard Hopkins retires. Philly fighters are a long tradition. And it takes a lot of work and a special kind of individual to be called a Philly fighter. Just fighting in Philly doesn’t make you a Philly fighter. And I know Julian is poised to carry that title of Philly fighter very proudly and actively for many years to come.
Si, of all the fights that we’ve announced. And there’s a lot of quality fights. Ce combat – the Charlo-Williams fightis one of the ones that I’m most excited about. Two young guys at the peaks of their career really battling to determine who could be controlling this division for a long time to come.
This will help determine who are the future stars of our sport. Richard?
R. Schaefer
Merci beaucoup, Stephen, very well said. And for me, we all know they are terrific fighters. They’re both are undefeated. I’ve known themboth of them – pendant longtemps. I’ve been involved with many of their fights.
They are terrific young men outside of the ring as well. And just as good as it gets inside of the ring. Si, they’re reallyboth of themthey carry the total package. And you’re right, Stephen, he has patience and sometimes not so patiently been waiting.
It is a pleasure for me now to introduce to you Julian Williams, who is trained by Stephen Edwards. He’s the number one ranked contender by the IBF in the Junior Middleweight division. And he secured his top ranking after stopping Marcello Matano in the 7th round in March.
He’s undefeated with a record of 22-0-1, 14 KO, Julian Williams.
Julian Williams
Hé, how’s everybody doing? First I want to send my thoughts prayers out to Todd Harlib and his whole family and loved ones. He was a great guy. He was a great cut man and even better guy. And I consider him as a friend. I think it’s a sad time right now, si, I just want to do that first of all.
Training’s been going really well. We’ve got a really good team and lots of good sparring. We have a really good camp so far. I think this is a really, really good fight. I think it was a fight that hardcore boxing fans needed to see.
It’s a fight that had to happen. I commend Charlo for stepping up and being a true champion. And I want to show the world what I already know. I’m extremely motivated. And I know Jermall is motivated too.
Si, I think you guys are going to see a real shoot-out. He’s got all the tools and skills. And I’ve got all the tools and skills. And you’re going to see who comes out on top on this night.
And I’m 100% sure it’ll be me.
R. Schaefer
. Now Jermall Charlo and his brothers, bien, I’ve known them since their first fight. And what a journey it has been.
Today he is the undefeated IBF Junior Middleweight World Champion. He’s training with Ronnie Shields. One of the most legendary trainers out of Houston, Texas.
He won his title by stopping Cornelius Bundrage in the third-round last September. And has defended his belt already twice including a unanimous decision victory over formervery game world championAustin Trout in May.
And it’s a pleasure now for me to introduce to you again, somebody I’ve introduced before many times. The IBF Junior Middleweight World Champion, Jermall Charlo.
Jermall Charlo
Merci, Richard. Like Julian said, Todd was my man. And I want to give his family and everyone that’s close to Todd my prayers and my condolences.
I hear Julian talk about he’s 100% prêt. And he’s 100% sure he’s going to win this fight. But I’ve heard that before. I’m ready for the stakes. I’m ready for this level. Sorry the fight took so long. It wasn’t necessarily up to me. But I think everything happens for a reason. And it’s perfect timing and I can’t wait to get in there and show the world what I’m actually made of against a guy that’s so highly confident about the things that I do.
R. Schaefer
Bien. I agree with you. Things do happen for a reason. I’m very happy that I’m the one who has the honor to promote this fight and this entire card. I know it’s going to be toe-to-toe battles with the two of you.
And I know with Cueller and Mares as well. They say styles make fights. I think those styles of those four fighters are perfectly done. And I just can’t wait for December 10th at the Galen Center and live on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.
We are going to open it now to the media for questions for any of the participants on the call.
Jermall, I know that you had to have a procedure that you did voluntarily on your eye. Can you give me any details about that? What exactly was the issue? Was it just a matter of, comme, you’re as blind as a bat? Or was there something else that was going on there?
J. Charlo
It wasn’t necessarily voluntarily. I pretty much had some vision problems up to my last fight in Las Vegas.
I fought the fight. I adjusted myself to be able to fight unclear. So now I got the procedure done. Oui, the fight was supposed to happen in October. And I wanted it then. But it was just for me to be able to clear the medical exam. Less stress now to go ahead and go 20/20 and I’m ready now.
Like I said everything happens for a reason. And crystal clear vision is one of the things that helps me make the fight easier.
And which eye was it, au fait, Jermall?
J. Charlo
Both eyes.
Both of them? Bien, and now you feel like a new person?
J. Charlo
Je suis 110%, crystal clear, Je suis bon. Je suis prêt.
How much better will that make you? That you can now see clearly. I mean your fighting skills are one thing. But now you can see the target, évidemment, much better it sounds like. I mean do you think that will make you a much better, precise fighter?
J. Charlo
It gives me a lot more confidence. Bien sûr, it’s something important and I probably had to get it. I haven’t fought with crystal clear vision my whole life.
So now I’m even more motivated motivated. I’m eager to get in there to see what the new person is like.
Did you think about having this earlier in your career?
J. Charlo
Oui, I always wanted it. I always wanted it. But I’m a superstitious guy. Si, I like to keep things, the way I always wanted. It’s just something I feel like it’s going to take me to the next level.
Some people suggested maybe he would vacate the title and go up to middleweight to not fight you. When all that was happening and you were sitting there as a mandatory for himwhat was your personal feeling about what was going on?
J. Williams
I didn’t really know about the medical situation until about mid-September.
I actually thought that he would fight. And not think about the notion that he would vacate. The fact that he kept complaining about weight the previous fights. If the fight was being delayed, people are going to start saying this is how boxing is.
But I didn’t think that he wasI thought that he was putting the fight off for whatever reason. Mais comme je disais, at the time I didn’t know what the reason was.
All that is under the bridge. It doesn’t even matter anymore. The fight is December 10th. You know what I mean. He said he’s going to bring his A game. He’s got 20/20 vision. j'avais 20/20 vision my whole life. Now we’re even.
Si, there will be no excuses.
When you found out that it was finally done and it was good to go. And SHOWTIME was going to announce it and the fight was on. What was your feeling? Was it relief? Was it excitement?
J. Williams
I just felt like I wanted to get to work. The whole process has made me practice my patience.
I wasn’t overly excited because I knew I would fight for the world title my next fight with someone. I was more so like let’s look at the work. I want to start training camp immediately and get myself ready to win.
Was there any frustration that you guys were not in the main event? And that you’re in a co-feature. Or did you kind of understand because Abner Mares is Southern California. And that’s the reason why you guys are put in the co-feature.
J. Charlo
Richard Schaefer is a good promoter. He has a lot of experience in the game. I’m not worried about being the opening or the main event or any of that.
Bien sûr, I’m tired of being in second place. I feel like Kevin Durant. But it’s not in the sense of, comme, nothing I can do about it.
And then Julian, same question for you. Is there any surprise that you guys were put in the co-feature and not the main event?
J. Williams
Pour être honnête avec toi, I didn’t really even think about it. I just want to get in the ring and put some gloves on so we can get this thing going.
I think everything happens for a reason. Abner Mares is a really good fighter. He’s like a three division champion. He earned his stripes.
Si, évidemment, we’ve got more work to do before we can headline the card. Si, I didn’t think about it and on top on of that I never thought about.
R. Schaefer
The fact is you’re absolutely right. Each one of those events could be a main event. And in any other network would be a main event. Some other networks would probably even make it a pay-per-view.
Si, that’s how good this card is. It could have very easily brrn Charlo-Williams is the main event if it would have been in Philly. It would have been. If it would have been in Houston, it would have been.
It’s in LA in Southern California. Si, that’s why we have Cuellar and Mares. This is about creating excitement. It’s about the fans and so on. All four of those guys are just terrific champions. That’s what they are. Terrific people. It doesn’t really impact one way or the other.
S. Espinoza
And I’ll add from the network perspective, one of the things that we were grateful for in working with fighters like these and promotors like Tom and Richard is, what we want to put together as far as blockbuster events, we don’t have those ego problems.
Richard is absolutely right. Not every network programs this way. But what we’re trying to dowe as a group of fighters, promoteurs, gestionnaires, is show off the best this sport has to offer.
Si, we’re really over delivering on each card. This clearly could’ve been a main event in Houston or Philly or anywhere else. But the idea was, this was going to be a slate of A++ level fights top to bottom.
And that requires the commitment of everybody. And people realizing it’s about not having ego. And just realizing that rising tide lifts all boats.
Jermall, where do you think Julian Williams rates as an opponent?
J. Charlo
We’re both on the way up to the top level. He’s definitely one of my best opponents up to this date. He’s hungry as me. I’m not necessarily worried about any of the things he said about being as hungry as he is to be fighting me. I was that guy too. Being ready to fight K9 and waiting and waiting.
He’s my toughest opponent. And I’m ready for it.
Tell us about taking this fight. And why it’s important to you.
J. Charlo
Every fight is a hard fight. Every fight I have to come out and give my best and be on my A-game. So it’s a good fight to me technically. This is the Roy Jones and Bernard Hopkins back in middleweight type of fight. We’re going to get down and get ready. I’m ready for it.
This part of our legacy is everything that I’ve wanted, growing up as a young fighter, young champion. Seeing these great fights being broadcast on SHOWTIME. And it’s, comme, now is my turn. And I have to deliver everything that I’ve always wanted. And that is something I’ve been waiting for.
And it just so happens it has to be Julian Williams. And like I said we both came up the hard route. Ce n'était pas, comme, as easy as I give my hand off to my challenger being one of the best in the world. And that’s kind of what I want to be classified as.
Julien, également, you’ve been very vocal about this fight. Tell us why you’re so confident you’re going to be able to win this fight.
J. Williams
I’m confident because of what I can do.
I’m confident because I want to be the junior middleweight champion of the world. I think Jermall’s a good fighter. But he doesn’t recognize the scene before. He’s engaged, fort, and fast. I just want to make sure we have no excuses about weight and that kind of talk.
J. Charlo
No weight problem. There’s no weight problem. Get that out of your mind. There’s no weight problem. I’ll tell you everybody knows.
You had talked about Todd Harlib earlier. Can you elaborate on what he meant to you? And the confidence he brought to you as a cutman?
J. Charlo
Todd taught me a lot. He meant a lot to me also. Ronnie Shields and Todd elaborated about how long they’d been around the boxing game and seen the same things they’re seeing now.
Todd, meant a lot. Just spoke to him, comme, a couple of days ago because he sent me a few guys to work with. I know he had went over to Russia and caught a little bug. But I didn’t think it would be nothing. I prayed for him. And hoped he got better.
It’s like I said, it just happened to be something that, I can’t control. Si, I just have to keep fighting. And hope that my next cut man is just as good as Todd. I’ve even been across the ring and looked at Todd working on another guy. And he came talked to me and let me know that it was just all business. And Jermall, just stay focused. Don’t worry about anybody.
I’m just putting the fight in God’s hands. And hoping that I never have to need the urgency to need Todd again.
I spoke to Ronnie, he said that you told him that this fight is going to be a little more special because you’re going to possibly dedicate this fight to him. Is that going to take any form representing his name on your robe or your trunks or anything like that?
J. Charlo
Oui, I’m dedicating this fight to Todd. Actually once we map everything out. But I want to keep talking about it.
I dedicate this fight to Todd. He’s a real close friend of mine. And it’s just unfortunate for me to have to get in the locker room and not have Todd helping me out and everything like that. So of course, I feel some sadness about him not being here. But I know he’s in good hands. So that’s the main thing.
Is this fight right here the first one that really will test you and perhaps take you to the next level and start to light that fuse for you?
J. Williams
Oui, certainement, vraiment, défénétivement. Certainement. Whenever you’ve got a 50/50 lutte, two guys 26-years-old both in the prime of their careers. It’s going to be a test for both fighters.
It’s rare we see two fighters get in the ring in this type of fight. So I think it’s definitely the first step in building my legacy.
Richard, what does this fight represent in the scheme of this division which is a stacked division and these two fighters in particular?
R. Schaefer
I think you have two of the best fighters in their division fighting in this particular fight. And so this is an extremely significant fight for the division. And these are twosomebody said beforethese are two young undefeated and confident fighters who dare to be great.
At this point in their career fighting each other they dare to be great. And that is. These kinds of fights will separate one from the other. And I think the sky is the limit here for within that division and potentially other divisions.
But that’s how you build a champion into a star and then a super star. These kinds of fights, vous savez, these kinds of meaningful fights. And in order for that to happen, you need to have two fighters who are willing to challenge themselves.
And as I said, dare to be great.
Jermall, what weaknesses do you see in Julian Williams that you plan to exploit on fight night?
J. Charlo
Nothing, he’s a strong guy. Whatever you all want to say about him. He’s good, old-school fighter. I’m tired of hearing questions about what he’s done or what he does.
I’m a champion for a reason. I’m staying champion. I don’t plan on moving. I don’t plan on none of that stuff that you all talked about. Je suis bon.
What do you consider your biggest advantage going into this fight?
J. Charlo
That I’m not supposed to go and be in some superstar. Regardez. It’s a business. I’m betting and fighting for everything that boxing has to offer.
And my advantage is being focused and humble and strong-minded like I’ve always been.
Pour les deux combattants, how important is building a new chapter in your career? And maybe a new idol in boxing.
J. Williams
Oh, it’s an extremely big fight. I think whoever wins this fight is going to be considered the best junior middleweight in the world. I think whoever wins the fight will have the most significant win in the junior middleweight division.
I think since Canelo was basically says he’s not fighting in this division. Whoever wins the fight is going to be king of the division.
Si, I think it’s extremely, extremely important.
J. Charlo
Very big fight, very important fight for me, clinch the division. Ça va être un bon combat, une. I’m ready to just give everything I have. It’s going to be a good fight for me. And it’s going to be a good fight for Julian. We both hit it big and we both need to give the fans what they want to see. Si, it’s that time.
Richard, how important for you was what this first event with Ringstar Sports would be? And for Stephen, how important was having these great fights for Showtime this year?
S. Espinoza
Bien, from the SHOWTIME perspective, our goal is to provide spectacular fights every month or more often if we can. Sometimes dues to scheduling or injuries or things, there are some gaps in our schedule.
But once we came back, we wanted to end the year strong. And really, send a message about our commitment to the sport. Si, with the help of the promotors, the managers, and most importantly the fighters, we’re able to put together a slate that is stronger than anything we’ve seen again in recent boxing programming schedule. It really is all without the use of pay-per-view. And it’s all top guy versus top guy.
It’s something that is very special to us. We’re very proud of. And we’re looking to continue it throughout all of 2017.
R. Schaefer
Bien, and for me, I think my reputation speaks for itself. I like to put together big events, significant fights, and that’s what I’ve always done.
And this right here is no exception to come back and together promote a card which consists without any question of two potential Fight of the Year candidates. Two barn burners in one night is a dream come true.
And to do that for my hometown. To do it from the University of Southern California, USC, Galen Center the newest indoor venue in Los Angeles. And the university where two of my sons go to school. It’s a very special night for me.
And it’s a very special night as well because Charlo and Williams and Mares and CuellarI have known these young men for a long time. So really it’s niceit’s like a coming home or coming back.
Since this was the last question, Je comprends, I’d like to thank you all. But I want to make one comment. Oui, they both have 20/20 vision. But let there be no question about it. The name of this card is 50/50. And you know why it’s 50/50.
Because these two fights are 50/50 combats. Et ainsi, may the better man win that night. En tant que fan, Je suis surexcité. I can’t wait for December 10th. Se il vous plaît, S'il vous plaît, make it out to Galen Center. Pour $35.00 you can watch two of the best fights of the year in one night at the Galen Center. Or if you can’t make it there. Then make sure you turn in on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING at 10:00 pm ET/7:00 h PT. I’m looking forward to see you all during fight week. And thank you very much.
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